Lecture series of Prof. Istvan Kekses

On 10 May 2022 at 10.00 a.m. at the Department of Cognitive Science, Psychology, Pedagogy and Cultural Studies the inaugural seminar of the lecture series of Prof. Istvan Kecskes, distinguished professor of Albany University of New York, will be held.
Prof. Kecskes is the President of the Pragmatics Association of America, Director of the journal 'Intercultural Pragmatics', editor of a pragmatics series with Mouton de Gruyter, co-director with Prof. Alessandro Capone of the journal Pragmatics and Philosophy for Mouton De Gruyter.  He is also associate editor for the series Perspectives in pragmatics, philosophy, psychology, Springer. Visiting professor at countless foreign universities.
For each meeting, students will be awarded 0.25 CFU. Interested students can go directly to the Department in Via Concezione, Messina, where the calendar of meetings is attached.

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