Students interested in enrolling in the LM-55/92 (Cognitive Sciences and Communication Theories) multidisciplinary degree course must have in-depth knowledge of cognitive processes, the methodology of empirical sciences, and adequate notions of neuroscience and of philosophical, semiotic, communicative, pedagogical knowledge, as well as anthropological, linguistic, IT and socio-political fields.
Enrolment in the course requires a three-year degree in the following classes: L-05 (Philosophy), L-19 (Education and training sciences), L-20 (Communication sciences), L-24 (Psychological sciences and techniques), L-15 (Cultural tourism), L-03 D.A.M.S., L-39 (Social service sciences), L-31 (Computer sciences and technologies) and equivalent, or another three-year degree obtained in Italy that ensures the acquisition of at least 30 CFU in the following scientific-disciplinary sectors: Linguistics (L-LIN/01), Education Sciences (M-PED), Philosophy (M-FIL), Psychology and Neurosciences (M-PSI), Social Sciences (SPS), Computer Sciences and Computer Engineering (INF, ING-INF), or another degree obtained abroad, recognised as suitable. As this is an international course given in English, certification of a level of competence equal to at least B1 is required as an entry qualification.
The verification of the student's preparation is carried out prior to enrolment in accordance with the procedures indicated in the course regulations.