Rosa Angela


Profilo: Professori Ordinari



Department of Economy, University of Messina, Via dei Verdi, 75, 98122,
Messina (Italy)
 +39-090-6766032 +39-348-1766999
            Google Scholar:
            Linkedln: https: //

   Sex female | Date of birth 28/08/1963 | Nationality Italian
(from 2014 – to 2021)     
(from 2017 – to today)
        (from 2009 – to 2014)
            (from 2009 – to  2014)
             (from 2005 – to 2009)
             (from 2002 – to 2005)
             (from 2002 – to 2005)
              (from 1999 – to 2002)
Full Professor of General Psychology at the Department of Experimental and Clinical Medicine
University of Messina
Scientific director of the Airett Center for Research and Innovation
 Italian Airett Association, Verona
Associate Professor of General psychology. In the 2019, Coordinator at the faculty of Psychological Science and Techniques
University of Messina
Coordinator at the faculty of Psychological Science and Technique of the University of Messina, non-continuously.
Associate Professor of General Psychology
Catholic University of Sacred Heart, Milano
Contract professor of Empowerment Psychology, and Clinical psychology, Catholic University of Sacred Heart, Piacenza.
Contract professor of Statistics and Methodology for Social and Biological Sciences
 Department of Medicine, University of Milan.
Contract professor of General Psychology
Catholic University of Sacred Heart, Milano.


Associated Fellow Certificate in Rational Emotive Therapy,
 I.R.E.T. Center of Verona, from the Institute for Rational Emotive Therapy di New York (prof. A. Ellis).
Advanced Certificate in Rational Emotive Therapy,
I.R.E.T. Verona, October 2000, (from the Institute for Rational Emotive Therapy, New York) (prof. A. Ellis).
Primary Certificate in Rational Emotive Therapy,
I.R.E.T. Verona, March 1999, (Institute for Rational Emotive Therapy, New York) (prof. A. Ellis).
Ph.D. in Experimental Psychology
Faculty of Medicine of the University of Milan and of the Faculty of Letters and Philosophy of the University of Pavia  
Certificate in Structural Cognitive Modifiability
Bar Ilan University and l'Hadassah-Viso Canada
Research Institute, Jerusalem (Israel), 29 June – 31 July 1992
Visiting Ph.D. student
Polytechnic South West University of Plymouth, Regno Unito, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Psychology (23 agosto-4 ottobre 1991).
Specialisation Degree in Psychology
specialized with honors
University of Milano, Italy
Master Degree in Philosophy
graduated with honours
University of Messina, Italy

Mother tongue Italian
Listening Reading Spoken interaction Spoken production  
English advanced advanced advanced advanced advanced
  English – B2
French          advanced advanced advanced advanced advanced
  French – B2

Languages: inglese, francese, italiano; comprensione tedesco
Job-related skills She mainly works in the area of automatic and controlled processes of attention. She is currently doing research on various aspects of cognition in gifted individuals, Autism, Rett Syndrome and ADHD. The main focus is on empowerment of logic, attention and working memory processes.
She follows experimental studies in logical reasoning, attention, entropy and cognitive empowerment, applications of cognitive issues in the field of teaching, learning, and school instruction, assessment and empowerment training of thinking skills, information technologies and cognitive processes.
  • high level of expertise in statistical analysis, SPSS, R, eye tracking technology
  • registered under the Professional register of Psychologist for the Lombardy region (n. OPL 21899)
  • Editorial responsibilities for:  Member of the editorial board of the following journals: Frontiers in Psychology, International Journal of Psychology and Psychoanalysis, Disturbi di attenzione e iperattività. Rivista trimestrale   .    .   Erickson editore, Journal of Disability and Research, Monthly Review of .  .    .  Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health
  • Peer reviews for: Frontiers in Psychology, Sport Sciences for Health, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Journal of Visualized Experiments, Applied Neuropsychology: Child, Brain Sciences (2) Journal of Clinical Medicine (2) Applied Neuropsychology: Adult, SpringerPlus, Journal of Cognitive Enhancement, International Journal of Psychology, Research in Developmental Disabilities, Nordic Journal of Psychiatry, Psychological Reports, European Journal of Paediatric Neurology, Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, Developmental Neuropsychology, Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, Brain and Cognition, Electronic Journal of Applied Statistical Analysis, Clinical Medicine Insights: Pediatrics, JSM Pediatrics and Child Health
Grants and contracts:
              Telerehabilitation, counseling and training in Rett Syndrome.” Global  .             Grant n. GG1640522 from Rotary Foundation 2018
Eye Traying and Rett syndrome. Fondazione Vodafone, 2016- 2018
Cognitive empowerment, schools in the Lombardy district hospitals of each region of Italy 1990-2000.
Television in school learning, schools in the Lombardy district 1990-2000.



    DATE OF BIRTH: August 28, 1963
    NATIONALITY: Italian
    Department of Economy
    University of Messina
    Via dei Verdi, 75, 98122
    Messina (Italy)
    Phone: +39-090-6766032
    Ph.D. in Experimental Psychology, 1992 (Rome) 
    Specialisation Degree in Psychology, 1989 (Milan, Italy) 
    Master’s Degree in Philosophy, 1986 (Messina, Italy) 
    Certificate in Structural Cognitive Modifiability, Bar Ilan University and l'Hadassah-Viso Canada
    Research Institute, Jerusalem (Israel), 29 June – 31 July 1992.
    Primary Certificate Rational Emotive Therapy, at I.R.E.T. Verona, March 1999, (Institute for Rational Emotive Therapy, New York) (prof. A. Ellis).
    Advanced Certificate, in Rational Emotive Therapy, at I.R.E.T. Verona, October 2000, (from the Institute for Rational Emotive Therapy, New York) (prof. A. Ellis).
    Associated Fellow Certificate, Rational Emotive Therapy, at I.R.E.T. Verona, May 2001, (from the Institute for Rational Emotive Therapy, New York) (prof. A. Ellis).
    2018 - Rosa Angela Fabio PhD is full professor of General Psychology at the Department of Clinical & Experimental Medicine, University of Messina.
    2014-2018 - Full Professor of General Psychology at the Department of Cognitive Science and Education, University of Messina. 
    2009-2014 – Associate Professor of General Psychology at the Department of Cognitive Science and Education, University of Messina.
    2009-2014 – non-continuously, coordinator at the faculty of Psychological Science and Technique of the University of Messina.
    2005-2009 - Associate professor of General Psychology at the Catholic University of Sacred Heart, Milan. 
    2002-2005 -  Contract professor of Empowerment Psychology, and Clinical psychology, Catholic University of Sacred Heart, Piacenza.
    2002-2005 -  Contract professor of Methodology and Statistics for Psychology, University of Milan.
    1999-2002 - Contract professor of General Psychology, Catholic University of Sacred Heart, Milano.
    • Cognitive empowerment courses, in various schools and hospitals principally in the Lombardy district, and many Italian towns, 1990-2000   
    • Television in school learning courses, schools of the Lombardy district, 1990-2000
    1. Disturbi di attenzione e iperattività. Rivista trimestrale, Erickson editore
    2. International Journals of Scientific Research Publisher
    3. International Journal of Psychology and Psychoanalysis
    4.  “Imparare”. Rivista bimestrale. ISU editore
    5. Associazione italiana Rett
    6. Associazione Italiana Potenziamento Cognitivo
    7. Associazione italiana AIRIPA
    8. Member of the permanent scientific committee of "Giù le Mani dai 
      Bambini", European campaign of paediatric pharmacovigilance.
    9. Course of Specialization in Cognitive Psychotherapy, Istituto "Gabriele Buccola" School of Cognitive Psychotherapy (I.G.B. s.r.l.)
    10. Editorial Board member for the International Journal of Psychology and Psychoanalysis
    • Head of the Cognitive Empowerment Association, Milan, 2000-present day.
    • Member of the Italian Association of Psychology, Experimental Section, Rome, 2000-present day
    RA Fabio mainly works in the area of automatic and controlled processes of attention. She is currently carrying out research on various aspects of cognition in gifted, Rett Syndrome and ADHD children. The main focus is on empowerment of logic, attention and working memory processes.
    She follows experimental studies in: Logical reasoning, Attention, Entropy and Cognitive Empowerment; Applications of cognitive issues in the field of teaching, learning, and school instruction; Assessment and empowerment training of thinking skills; Information technologies and cognitive processes.
    Rosa Angela Fabio is the author of more than 400 international and national publications including several books.


I dati visualizzati nella sezione sono recuperati dalla Procedura Gestione Carriere e Stipendi del Personale (CSA), dalla Procedura Gestione Studenti (ESSE3), da Iris e dal Sito Docenti MIUR.

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