

Profilo: Professori Associati




    Francesco Pira was born in San Cataldo (CL) on August 9, 1965. He graduated in Sociology from the University of Studies 'G. d'Annunzio' of Chieti-Pescara. He is Associate Professor in "Sociology of Cultural and Communicative Processes" (SSD SPS/08) at the University of Messina. In his research he has explored different aspects of the sociology of communication with a focus on techniques of political and public communication, social communication. Since 1999 he began to study the interactions between children, adolescents and new technologies and has published several essays and volumes dedicated to the evolution of these communication dynamics related to the development of new media and technological platforms. Currently his main area of research is focused on the dynamics generated by social media and the new models of social relations related to them. Among his publications: Figli delle App. Le nuove generazioni digital popolari e social dipendenti, (FrancoAngeli 2021); La Net comunicazione politica. Partiti movimenti e cittadini-elettori nell’era dei social network (Franco Angeli, 2011); come coautore (con A. Altinier) Giornalismi. La difficile convivenza con Fake News e Misiformation (, 2018); (con A. Cava) Social Gossip. Dalla chiacchiera di cortile al web pettegolezzo (Aracne Editore, 2016); (con A. Canzano, A. Pocecco, N. Vasta, V. Pistolozzi) Come dire qualcosa di sinistra. Da  Blair a Obama dalla terza via al presidente Youtube (Franco Angeli, 2009); (con V. Marrali) Infanzia media e nuove tecnologie: strumenti paure e certezze (FrancoAngeli 2007).
    Academic responsabilities:
    Dean's Delegate for Communication and Director of the Master's Degree in "Expert in Digital Communication for Public Administration and Business."  
    He is Coordinator and Scientific Responsible for Italy of the OIR Project - Erasmus + (Open Innovative Resources) funded by the European Union, which brings together the Universities of Lublin (Poland), Oviedo (Spain) and Messina. He has been an Erasmus Visiting Fellow at Yerevan State University (Armenia) and is a Visiting Marie Curie Staff Member at the Center for Social Science, Tiblisi (Georgia), as part of the SHADOW Project (MSCA-RISE call H2020-MSCA-RISE-2017.
    He is a member of the Board of Lecturers of the Doctoral Program in Legal Sciences of the Department of Law, University of Messina. He collaborates as Lecturer of the Corporate Communication Course of the Baccalaureate in Advertising and Marketing of the Salesian University Institute of Venice and Verona aggregated with the Salesian Pontifical University. He is trainer of the Summer School "Economic social and cultural rights of migrant children in the European Union" organized within the Jean Monnet module - MARS- by the Scuola Superiore S.Anna of Pisa.
    Coordination and participation in research projects:
    Project Coordinator for the University of Messina of the ERASMUS Project: ACTION 2 STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIPS KA226 PARTNERSHIPS FOR DIGITAL EDUCATION READINESS AGREEMENT: ERASMUS+ Grant Agreement: 2020-1-PL01-KA226-HE-096059 Uniwersytet Marie Curie Skłodowskiej w Lublinie, University of Messina, Universidad de Oviedo.
    Participation in MSCA-RISE project SHADOW (Project Number: 778188): An exploration of the nature of informal economies and shadow practices in the former USSR region. Coordinated by Dr. Abel Polese, Senior Research Fellow Institute for International Conflict Resolution and Reconstruction, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Dublin City University, Ireland
    Interdisciplinary Research Group. Sports Law Laboratory. Scientific leaders: Prof. Francesco Rende; Prof. Francesco Pira. The project involves an in-depth study of the most current issues in Sports Law according to an interdisciplinary perspective with legal, sociological and economic insights
    Participation in the working group interdisciplinary research project entitled: Cybercondria and Fake News, components: Prof. Maria Rosaria Anna Muscatello, Prof. Carmela Mento. Results will flow into volume entitled: Technomediated Intelligences: A Guide to Survival in a World Of Bits.
    Institutional Communication (SPS/08), 6 CFU, in the bachelor's degree program in Information Science, Public Communication and Journalistic Techniques.
    Theory and techniques of journalistic language (SPS/08), 6 CFU, in the bachelor's degree program in Information Science, Public Communication and Journalistic Techniques.
    Digital journalism and integrated communication (SPS/08) 9 CFU, In the master's degree program in Methods and Languages of Journalism.
    Member of the Board of Lecturers of the Doctoral Program in Legal Sciences of the Department of Law, University of Messina (Accredited Doctoral Program) Oct. 1-Oct. 2021. Cycle XXXVII.
    Deputy Editor of the Applied Sociological Theory -Book Series of the L'Harmattan Publishing House (Paris-Turin)Member of the Editorial Board of the journal Humanities Online journal of History, Geography, Anthropology, Sociology - University of Messina Online journal of History, Geography, Anthropology, Sociology
    Publishing activities and scientific collaborations:
    Aggregate member of the Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti, founded in Messina August 8, 1729.
    Member of the Committee of Reviewers of the journal "Media Education - Studies, Research and Good Practices"
    Referee of the international scientific journal "Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska. Sectio J, Pedagogy-Psychology" published by the Marie Curie University of Lublin in Poland.
    Referee of the scientific journal Probacjia
    Component of the Observatory "Internet and Vulnerable Subjects" of Corecom Sicilia (from
    May 2020 to present)
    President of the National Observatory Fake News Confassociazioni. (from June 2020 to present)
    Member of the Steering Committee.of the Community Foundation, (appointment January 2022)
    Component of the Permanent Regional Technical Table of Integrated Communication for Health with advisory and support functions to the activities to be put in place by the Special Office of Communication for Health. Region of Sicily Department of Health DA no. 1209/2020
    Member of the Expert Committee of the Reserch and Education Center of Security University of Wroclaw. (Struktura Centrum - Centrum Studiów i Edukacji na Rzecz Bezpieczeństwa ( (since 12/2020)
    Member of the Scientific Committee of the National Observatory on Digital Communication PA Social (from March 2019 to present.

    Selected publications
    Figli delle App. Le nuove generazioni digital popolari e social dipendenti, collana di Sociologia, FrancoAngeli (2021)
    A. Altinier, F. Pira, GIORNALISMI – La difficile convivenza con Fake News e Misiformation,, (2018)
    A. Cava., F. Pira, Social Gossip. Dalla chiacchiera di cortile al web pettegolezzo, Aracne Editore, 2016
    A. Altinier, F. Pira, Comunicazione d’impresa e pubblica,, 2014
    S. Benfante Picogna, F. Pira, Ricerca sulla percezione della disabilità nelle scuole della provincia di Caltanisetta,, 2014
    S. Gamberini, F. Pira, La polizia locale e la comunicazione sul web, Maggioli Editore, 2013
    La Net comunicazione politica. Partiti movimenti e cittadini-elettori nell’era dei social network, collana di Scienze della Comunicazione, Franco Angeli, Milano, 2012.
    Scientific articles:
    Le nuove generazioni social – dipendenti, 52-67, Sociologie Vol. II, n° 1 (2021) - ISSN Online 2724-6078,
    La crisi del modello della produzione culturale: la vetrinizzazione esasperata = The crisis of the cultural production model: the exasperated vitrinization. 247-268. H-ermes, J. Comm. 20 (2021), 247-268, ISSN 2284-0753, DOI 10.1285/i22840753n20p247
    Salzano, G., Passanisi, S., Pira, F. et al. Quarantine due to the COVID-19 pandemic from the perspective of adolescents: the crucial role of technology. Ital J Pediatr 47, 40 (2021).
    Pira, F., & Centorrino, M. (2021). La pérdida de prestigio del periodismo en Italia. Barataria. Revista Castellano-Manchega De Ciencias Sociales, (28), 16-35.
    Las Elecciones Europeas de 2019 y las fake news, pp 67-83  in Revista Barataria, número 26, noviembre de 2019 ISSN: 1575-0825 DOI.ORG/10.20932/barataria.v0i26.510
    To beat Fake news with a responsible journalism, pp 11-19, REVISTA COMUNICAÇÃO E SOCIEDADE, ISSN:2519-7339 vol. 7Dalla TV ai Social Network l'Allunaggio virale 50 anni dopo. pp.100-106. In STRINGHE - ISSN:2038-5927 Rivista STRINGHE, 2019
    La nuova vita della Media Education. Le metamorfosi della media Education di fronte alla digitalizzazione dei codici nell’era della convergenza tecnologica. Pp 236-251. In Media Education DOI: 10.14605/med921804. ISSN: 2038-3002 vol. 9 (2), 2018.
    The aesthetics of pity. Italian media representation of migrants and emotional audience, Cava A, Parito M, Pira F., pp 49-81.  In Working Papers Series, Vol. 2018  of the ICSR Mediterranean Knowledge ISSN 2464-9538 DOI: 10.26409/2018WPSMK03
    The perception of security in the communities, the narration through media and social media focus on migration phenomenon in Italy Nella rivista scientifica internazionale ACTA UNIVERSITATIS WRATISLAVIENSIS N. 3805. Wroclaw University Poland (pp 313-324), Wroclaw Poland, 2017
    La non comunicazione di crisi, quando il giornalismo riscopre l’autorevolezza, M. Centorrino, F. Pira,pp 333-350 nella rivista scientifica di comunicazione e scienze sociali Comunicazione Puntodoc n.16 07/2017.
    Essay in volumes:
    Digital journalism(s), misinformation, fake news, pp  15 -37. In Estudos Contemporâneos em Jornalismo – Coletanea 9 (a cura di) Juarez Ferraz De Maia Rosana Maria Ribeiro Borges Salvio Juliano Peixoto Farias, Goiânia : Cegraf UFG, 2021, ISBN: 978-85-495-0479-1
    Fake News Interference on Media and Social Media. DOI:10.3726/b17162. pp.239-254. In Media, Migrants and Human Rights. In the Evolution of the European Scenario of Refugees’ and Asylum Seekers’ Instances (a cura di) La Rocca G., Di Maria R., Frezza G. – Berlin, Peter Lang. 2020, ISBN:9783631826843
    The challenge of collective intelligence in the era of disinformation pp 81-102, (a cura di) Truda G., Cimagalli F. Cultural Changes, Communication, Knowledge, Gutenberg Editore, Salerno, 2019
    De la Post-verdad a la desinformacion. La mutation en el sistema de los medios. Pp 387-402. In Comprender el presente, Imaginar el Futuro. Nuevas y Viejas brechas sociales, 2018 – ISBN 9788898138326
    Comunicacion ambiental en la era de las redes sociales: Italia – Espana, dos casos comparados. Pp 39-48. In Sociologia y el Sur de Europa. Italia y Espana ante el cambio climatico y el fenomeno migratorio, 2018 ISBN 9788491803713
    Facebook e i social: nuovi luoghi di sperimentazione dell’identita di genere (Parte sesta: La questione gender oggi: spunti sul dibattito attuale pp 349-362) in (a cura di) Gensabella Furnaro M. Identità di genere e differenza sessuale. Percorsi di studio (collana Bios, Ethos e Polis), Rubettino, Bologna (2017) ISBN 9788849852882


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