Seminario: "How the pandemic and an economic downturn changed the online grocery industry"

Martedì 20 dicembre 2022 alle ore 16:15, presso l'Aula 5 del Dipartimento di Economia, si terrà il Seminario "How the pandemic and an economic downturn changed the online grocery industry" del dott. Salvatore Avveduto, Head of Corporate Strategy, dell'impresa Everli. 
L'iniziativa rientra nell'ambito del corso di International Marketing tenuto dalla prof.ssa La Rocca, nel CdL Consulenza e Gestione d'Impresa / Business Consulting and Management (curriculum International Management).

Tuesday, December 20, 2022 at 16:15, in Aula 5 of the Department of Economics, will be held the Seminar "How the pandemic and an economic downturn changed the online grocery industry" by Dr. Salvatore Avveduto, Head of Corporate Strategy, Everli company.  
The initiative is part of the International Marketing course, Prof. La Rocca, Master Degree in Business Consulting and Management (curriculum International Management).

Martedì, Dicembre 20, 2022
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