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TOMARCHIO Salvatore Daniele
Nome: Salvatore Daniele
Cognome: Tomarchio
Ciclo di dottorato: XXXIII
I)Personal information:
Nome: Salvatore Daniele
Cognome: Tomarchio
Ciclo di dottorato: XXXIII
- Personal website: nessuno
- E-mail:
- Current occupation: Assegnista di ricerca presso l'Università degli studi di Catania
II) Education within the Ph.D:
-Dissertation title: Advances in finite mixture models:new methodologies and applications
-Tutor (and eventual co-tutor): Prof. Antonio Punzo
-Visiting student at : Department of Mathematics and Statistics, McMaster University, Hamilton (ON), Canada, dal 02/01/2019 al 28/06/2019.
-Participation in courses/summer or winter school: 1) Partecipazione alla scuola estiva “Clustering, Data Analysis and Visualization of Complex Data”, Dipartimento di Economia e Impresa dell’Università degli Studi di Catania, dal 21/05/2018 al 25/05/2018.
2) Partecipazione alla scuola estiva “Data Science”, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, McMaster University, Hamilton (ON), Canada. Dal 27/05/2019 al 31/05/2019.
-Area (whether Economic, Business or Statistics): Statistics
III) Other information
-Research interests: Finite mixture models, Matrix-variate data, Model-based clustering, Hidden Markov Models, Parsimonious Models
-Grants, Awards: "Honorable Mention" by the Classification Society of North America for the best PhD Thesis, 14/03/2021.
A) Articoli su Rivista
2021 Tomarchio S.D., McNicholas P.D. and Punzo A., Matrix Normal Cluster-Weighted Models, Journal of Classification, in press. DOI:
2020 Tomarchio S.D., Punzo A. and Bagnato L., Two new matrix-variate distributions with application in model-based clustering, Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 152, 107050. DOI:
2020 Tomarchio S.D. and Punzo A., Dichotomous unimodal compound models: Application to the distribution of insurance losses, Journal of Applied Statistics, 47 (13-15), 2328–2353. DOI:
2019 Tomarchio S.D. and Punzo A., Modelling the loss given default distribution via a family of zero-and-one inflated mixture models, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A, 182(4): 1247–1266. DOI:
B) Atti di Convegno
2021 Tomarchio S.D., Gallaugher M.P.B., Punzo A. and McNicholas P.D. Finite mixtures of regressions with random covariates using multivariate skewed distributions, In: Book of short papers - SIS 2021.ISBN: 9788891927361.
2020 Tomarchio S.D., Punzo A. and Bagnato L., A new mixture model for three-way data, In: Book of short papers - SIS 2020. ISBN: 9788891910776.
2020 Tomarchio S.D., Ingrassia S. and Melnykov V., Parsimonious matrix normal mixtures: an application to university students indicators, In: Book of Abstracts, Third international conference on Data Science & Social Research, Bari, 10-11 Dicembre 2020. ISBN: 978-886629-051-3.
-Presentation of papers at conferences or congress:
A) In sessioni invitate
Model based-clustering via mixtures of two new matrix-variate distributions, “13th International Conference of the ERCIM WG on Computational and Methodological Statistics”, Virtual Conference, 19-21 Dicembre 2020.
Finite mixtures of matrix-variate regressions with random covariates, “16th Conference of the International Federation of Classification Societies”, Thessaloniki (Grecia), 26-29 Agosto 2019.
Clustering via new parsimonious mixtures of heavy tailed distributions, "13th Scientific Meeting of the Classification and Data Analysis Group", Firenze, Settembre 9-11, 2021
B) In sessioni spontanee
Finite mixtures of regressions with random covariates using multivariate skewed distributions, “50th Scientific Meeting of the Italian Statistical Society”, Pisa(Italia), 21–25 Giugno 2021.
Parsimonious matrix normal mixtures: an application to university students indicators, “Third international conference on Data Science & Social Research”, Bari (Italia), 10–11 Dicembre 2020.
Clustering three-way data with a new mixture of Gaussian scale mixtures, “5th International Workshop: MBC 2 - Workshop on Model-Based Clustering and Classification”, Catania (Italia), 2, 4, 11, 18, 25 Settembre 2020.
The matrix-variate Gaussian Cluster-Weighted Model, “2019 Classification Society Annual Meeting”, MacEwan University, Edmonton (Canada), 19-22 Giugno 2019.
Modeling insurance losses via contaminated unimodal distributions, “49th Scientific Meeting of the Italian Statistical Society”, Università degli Studi di Palermo, Palermo (Italia), 20-22 Giugno, 2018.