#riPartiamo con Erasmus rivolto agli studenti interessati alla partecipazione al Bando Erasmus mobilità studio Call 2021
#riPartiamo con Erasmus
for students interested in participating in the Erasmus study mobility Call 2021.
During the webinars operational information will be provided for the preparation of applications and the testimonies of some students who are carrying out (or who have already done) an international mobility experience will be heard.
For participating in the event it is necessary to register on the Microsoft Teams Platform for one of the scheduled events by Tuesday 30 March at 13:00.
It is preferable to register for the event organized for the Department to which the course of study you are enrolled belongs to.
In the registration form it will be possible to indicate a question that will be answered during the webinar.
Below are the dates, times and the link for registering for webinars
#riPartiamo con Erasmus - Dipartimenti di Scienze Politiche e Giuridiche, Giurisprudenza ed Economia
Wednesday 31 March from 11:30 to 12:30
Departments of Political and Legal Sciences, Law and Economics.
To register, fill out the form available at the following link: