Nell'ambito delle attività didattiche dei corsi di Politica Economica e Finanza Internazionale & Economics of Financial Markets (LM-56) – la prof. Elena G. Popkova --Doctor of Science (Economics), Professor, Leading researcher of the Chair of Management Theories and Business Technologies, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow; President of the Institute of Scientific Communications, Volgograd, Russia - terrà da lunedì 21 a mercoledì 23 ottobre, presso il Dipartimento di Economia, un ciclo di lezioni sui seguenti argomenti:
1. Paths to the Development of Social Entrepreneurship in Russia and Central Asian Countries: Standardization vs. Deregulation;
2. Social Entrepreneurship in Russia and Asia: Further Development Trends and Prospects;
3. Human Capital and AI in Industry 4.0. Convergence and Divergence in Social Entrepreneurship in Russia.