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Cooperation Agreements are documents that define UniME relationships with other Universities and Higher Education Institutions of other Countries. Agreements rule mobility and/or research activities, financial arrangements as well as the duration of the cooperation.
The establishment of a cooperation agreement may be proposed either by an academic or a foreign University or Higher Education Institution. A preliminary Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), may be signed before the adoption of a formal cooperation agreement.
Types of Agreements
- Framework cooperation agreement: it is a Convention in which the Parties express their willingness to cooperate in the future on the basis of procedures that will be defined in future Additional protocols.
- Specific Agreement: it is a Convention concerning a particular scientific sector. As a general rule, the text sets up a specific engagement of the Parties for the implementation of cooperation activities (ex. international mobility). The text of the agreement may be drafted on the basis of the request of the applicant. Among these agreeements, the Agreement for Double/MultipleDegree Programmme is worth mentioning.
- Additional Protocol: it is an additional document used in a Framework cooperation agreement adopted in order to regulate specific matters such as academic and/or student mobility (outside the framework of the EU-funded Erasmus+ programme). The text of the agreement may be drafted on the basis of the request of the applicant.
Adoption procedure of a Cooperation Agreement consists of the following steps:
- Applicant must agree with the text of the Agreement with the foreign Partner on the basis of the UniME template;
- Applicant must submit the specific form “istanza avvio procedura” through the Titulus system to the International Education and Cooperatioin Unit.
In case of adoption of a Specific Agreement/Additional Protocol:
- Applicant must submit the specific form “istanza avvio procedura” through the Titulus system to the International Education and Cooperatioin Unit;
- Applicant must attach the copy of the text of the Agreement and the resolution adopted by the Council of the proponent structure to the "istanza avvio procedura".
Please find hereby attached the List of all UniME cooperation agreements.
For further information
International Education and Cooperation Unit -
Mrs Francesca Scribano