The commitment of the University of Messina for Quality Assurance (QA) is formally expressed by the University Quality Policy established by the Government Bodies, in accordance with the contents of paragraph 1 of art. 3 of the Statute of the University of Messina.
The most recent document (University Quality Policy) was approved by the Academic Senate and the Board of Directors on June 12, 2018.
This Policy constitutes the main point of reference for the action of the Quality Control, established on March 5, 2013 (Rectoral Decree no. 661/2013) and since January 2015 included among the administrative bodies of the University (modification of the Statute with Rectoral Decree no. 3429 of December 30, 2014, published on the Official General Series n.8 of January 12, 2015).
In order to effectively implement the Policy established by the Government Bodies, the Quality Control has drawn up the University Quality Assurance System (QAS), approved by the Academic Senate and the Board of Directors in the sessions of April 08, 2020, identifying actors, roles, tasks and documentary activities necessary to verify the correct planning and management of the System at the level of Teaching, Research and Third Mission.
The quality policy and the University Quality Assurance System are listed at the following link: https://www.unime.it/it/ateneo/valutazione-qualita/presidio-qualita/politica-la-qualit%C3%A0
In the University of Messina, the Evaluation Committee and the Quality Committee are present.
The Evaluation Committee (http://www.unime.it/it/ateneo/valutazione-e-qualita/nucleo-valutazione) is a University administration board that, according to the art. 20 of the University Statute, "in relation to the University's development objectives and with regard to own parameters, by taking also into account the indications of the general management bodies as well as indicators of the territorial context, has the task of verifying the productivity of the overall management, of the public resources employed inside the University and, in particular, in regard of the resulting productivity of teaching and of research, the adequacy of the available resources and the tasks of the single structures, as well as the impartiality and good performance of the administrative action" .
The Quality Committee (http://www.unime.it/it/ateneo/valutazione-qualita/presidio-qualita/presidio-della-qualità) is the internal board of the University with the function of defining and proposing the system of assurance and of self-evaluation/evaluation of the quality of the University study programs (three-year degree, master's degree, research doctorate, master's degree, etc.); supervising the application of the system in each course of study, monitoring the results of the learning processes and making them available for the purposes of assurance and self-evaluation/internal quality evaluation, promoting the culture of quality.
In the Department of Biomedical and Dental Sciences and Morpho-functional Image, the Peer Professors Students Commission is present.
The Commission is equally composed by professors and students with the task of annual monitoring the educational offer and the quality of teaching, identifying course quality indicators for the evaluation of results and formulating opinions on the activation and suppression of courses of study. It must edit the annual report with data regarding each course of study.
The Referent, in the person of prof. Riccardo Ientile (ientile@unime.it), supervises the self-assessment processes envisaged for the Degree Course and for the Department and interfaces with the Quality Control.
In the Degree Course Council, in line with art. 17 bis of the Teaching Regulations and with the guidelines for the "Operating Regulations of the Teaching-Pedagogical Planning Technical Commission (TTC)" approved during the 135th Permanent Conference of the Presidents of the Single Cycle Degree Courses in Medicine and Surgery, the TTC is established with the following purposes: provide pedagogical support for organizational decisions, prepare the organization and planning of teaching activities, organize and implement quality assurance processes within the course of studies, promote teaching-pedagogical updating activities for teachers. In particular, this Commission assumes the responsibilities and performs the functions set out in the Quality Assurance System approved by the Academic Senate and the Board of Directors in the sessions of April 08, 2020.
The Commission is composed of: Giuseppe Santoro (Coordinator of the Degree Course), Ernesto Amato (Professor of the Degree Course), Concetta Crisafulli (Professor of the Degree Course), Rocco Bruno (Professor of the Degree Course), Abdul Raouf Mastan Sheick Abdullah (Student Representative within the Degree Course Council), Massimo Brigandì (Technical-administrative staff).
Referent for Guidance and Tutoring: Prof. Giacomo Fiumara: giacomo.fiumara@unime.it
Tutors: Each year a tutor will be assigned to each new student chosen among the teachers of the Degree Course. The tutor will have the task of following the student throughout his/her training programme, to guide, assist, motivate and actively participate in the learning process, in order to remove obstacles to a profitable attendance to courses, through initiatives that are congruent with the needs and attitudes of individuals.
Referent for International Mobility: Prof. Aguennouz M'Hammed (aguenoz.mhommed@unime.it)
Students can express their opinion on the quality of teaching through the compilation of a questionnaire (whose format is identical at national level) with the aim of ensuring an analytical assessment of the critical issues and of making suggestions for improvement.
For the protection of the rights of students, the Ombudsman of Students, PhD and Postgraduates students is established in order to carry on any initiative useful to remove and to sanction irregularities, deficiencies, malfunctions, delays and possible abuses towards the students (http://www.unime.it/it/ateneo/organi/garante-degli-studenti).