Giuseppe Santoro
To be enroled in the Single Cycle Degree Course in Medicine and Surgery in English, an Italian secondary school diploma or foreign qualification certified as equivalent is required.
In addition, the applicant is required to have: a) knowledge of the cultural prerequisites as defined by the Ministerial Decree concerning the procedures regulating the admission test and reported in the annual admission call; b) knowledge of the English language as mother tongue or evidence of English knowledge certified at least at level B2 (Common European Framework of Reference of languages - CEFR).
a) Knowledge is considered to be held in full through admission to the Degree Program by achieving a score equal to or higher than the threshold defined by the annual Ministerial Decree concerning the modalities and contents of the admission tests for the degree programs with access programmed at national level. In the event that the Ministerial Decree does not determine the above threshold for admission, the Degree Program will indicate the minimum threshold beyond which the possession of the expected cultural prerequisites has to be verified. If the performed test at national level highlights deficiencies in Biology, Chemistry and Physics, evaluated with a score of less than 25% of the maximum score for each discipline, or students have not reached the minimum threshold, then the Degree Program will assign additional learning requirements (ALRs) to be satisfied in the first year of the course.
b) Knowledge of English is automatically recognized to native speakers. Non-native English students are required to have their knowledge of English language certified at least at level B2 of the CEFR. The scientific and technical terms used in the course access test (International Medical Admission Test - IMAT) are considered higher than the B2 level of knowledge required to students aiming at admission to the international Degree Program in Medicine and Surgery.
Finally, students who are not native Italian speakers and have no basic level of knowledge at the time of admission to the Degree Program must attend Italian language courses in order to reach a minimum level of B1 (CEFR). This is in order to guarantee productive learning during the professional activities at the patient's bedside. Italian language courses are offered from the first year of the course by the CLAM, or equivalent Organization, and will be aimed at assisting the students to achieve a minimum B1 (CEFR) level.
Admission to the Single Cycle Degree Course in Medicine and Surgery is defined at the national level by Law n. 264 of 2.8.1999, and subsequent amendments and integrations. The number of eligible students for admission, the date of the admission test, the content and procedures for the selection are determined annually by the decree of the Ministry of University and Research (MUR) and are reported in the admission call.
The number of eligible students is based on national planning and the availability of resources in terms of staff, educational and clinical facilities as declared by each University. The IMAT, which is conducted by the Cambridge Assessment Admissions Testing Organization, is carried out at the same time in all Italian Universities that provide a course of study in Medicine and Surgery in English as well as in some locations abroad.
ALRs concern basic knowledge of: chemistry, molecular and cellular biology, medical physics. ALRs are intended to be fulfilled by attending specific courses and passing the exams of: Chemistry (The Living Matter), Molecular and Cellular Biology, Medical Physics (Medical Physics, Statistics and Bioinformatics).
The Single cycle degree Course in Medicine and Surgery of the University of Messina - named University of Messina International Medical School (UniMe-IMS) - aims at training medical doctors with multidisciplinary theoretical-practical and methodological knowledge and professional, decision-making and operational autonomy for health promotion, prevention and the treatment of diseases in Italy as well as within international contexts; it also provides the methodological foundations of scientific research and the methodological and cultural bases for lifelong learning.
The Course of Study lasts six years which include altogether 360 European Credit Transfer System (ECTS), in accordance to current Italian and European legislation. At least 60 ECTS are to be acquired through training activities aimed at the maturation of specific professional skills. The professional activities are essentially carried out in the Operative Units of the "G. Martino" University Hospital in Messina, where care and assistance to the patient are combined with teaching and scientific research, and in the studios of the General Practitioners.
During the first two preclinical years the Course provides the harmonious and progressive acquisition of knowledge provided by basic sciences, which is preparatory to the acquisition of clinical skills through the study of the characterizing disciplines, the development of professional activities and the preparation of the thesis, which all together occupy the remaining period of study. The students can also personalize their study plan with elective didactic activities in fields of their own interest which allow for total acquisition of 8 ECTS (seminars, monographic courses, participation in conferences and congresses, clinical and research internships in Italy and abroad, etc.). It is possible to carry out training periods abroad at partner Universities both in Europe and outside the EU. The Course ends with the discussion of the thesis which is worth of 18 ECTS. Pursuant to article 102, paragraph 1, of law decree no. 18/2020, the final exam of the Single Cycle Medicine and Surgery Degrees relating to the LM-41 class in Medicine and Surgery has the value of a state exam enabling the exercise of the profession of Medical Doctor, after passing the practical-evaluation traineeship governed by the Decree of the Minister of Education, University and Research 9 May 2018, n. 58. The graduate may also, after a public exam, access the Specialization Schools, the Specific Training Courses in General Medicine, or continue his/her studies in Second Level Master's Programs and PhD programs.
The official language of the Course for lessons, practical activities and exams is Englih (minimum level of knowledge required for access: B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference of languages (CEFR) In order to guarantee productive learning during professional activities at the patient's bed, Italian language courses are organized, in the first two years, at the University Linguistic Center (CLAM), or equivalent Organization, which will attest the achievement of the minimum level of knowledge required: B1 (CEFR).
At national and international level, the main employment opportunities of the graduate in Medicine and Surgery, after enrollment in the register, are represented by practicing in:
- Public and private health companies and hospitals;
- Private medical practices;
- Health and humanitarian Organizations.
The Degree is also a prerequisite for admission to the:
- Specialization Schools in Medicine, Surgery and Clinical Services;
- Specific Training Courses in General Medicine.
Finally, the graduate can continue his studies in Master's Degree, PhD and undertake work in the field of basic, translational and clinical research.