At national and international level, the main employment opportunities of the graduate in Medicine and Surgery, after enrollment in the register, are represented by practicing in:
- Public and private health companies and hospitals;
- Private medical practices;
- Health and humanitarian Organizations.
The Degree is also a prerequisite for admission to the:
- Specialization Schools in Medicine, Surgery and Clinical Services;
- Specific Training Courses in General Medicine.
Finally, the graduate can continue his studies in Master's Degree, PhD and undertake work in the field of basic, translational and clinical research.
Parere delle parti sociali
During the establishment phase, the Representatives of the Organizations representative of the production of goods and services and of the professions expressed a favorable opinion on the establishment of the International Degree Course in Medicine and Surgery. They stated that the proposed institution, in addition to being consistent with the needs of the international health sector, (offering employment opportunities of graduates and the possible further training in specialization schools and research doctorates), is also an opportunity for the Messina area and its economic-productive capacity. It also is ableto contribute to increased internationalization of the University and create network synergies with health centers in other countries.
In the last consultation (08/02/2021) the Representatives of the Organizations representative of the production of goods and services and of the professions confirmed the validity and importance of the training project as well as their continuous availability for updating and periodic revision of the program for improvement purposes.