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ALGERI Carmelo 


I) Personal information 

Nome: Carmelo 

Cognome: Algeri 

Ciclo di dottorato: XXXIII Ciclo (Economics) 

-Personal website: none 
-Current occupation: Adjunct professor at the Department of Cognitive Science, Education and Cultural Studies, course “Psychometric Statistics for Social Sciences (M-PSI/03– in Italian)”. 


II) Education within the Ph.D. 
-Dissertation title: Four Essays on Spatial Dependence Effects of Local Banks 
-Tutor (and eventual co-tutor): Tindara ABBATE, Antonio Fabio FORGIONE. Co–Supervisor: Prof. Massimo MUCCIARDI 
-Participation in courses/summer or winter school: 

Spatial Data Course, Prof. Federico BELOTTI (University of Rome Tor Vergata); 

Summer School Advanced Panel Econometrics: Theory and Applications. 
-Area (whether Economic, Business or Statistics): Economia degli Intermediari Finanziari (13/B4- SECP-P/11) 
III) Other information 
-Research interests: Banking and Finance; Spatial Econometrics; Panel Data; Financial Economics; Risk Management and Insurance; Applied Economics. 
-Grants, Awards: Ph.D. Scholarship from University of Messina and Catania 
-Publications: Algeri, C., Forgione, A., & Mucciardi, M. (2021). Spatial dependence in small cooperative bank risk behavior and its effects on bank competitiveness and smes. Appl Stochastic Models Bus Ind., 1–17. 
-Presentation of papers at conferences or congress: 

Algeri, C. (September 11, 2020). Spatial dependence and the technical efficiency of local banks. evidence from a spatial, two–stage bootstrap analysis, Adeimf Summer Conference. 

Algeri, C. (September 11, 2021). Spatial patterns and local banks’ tax behavior: An empirical analysis in Italy, Adeimf Summer Conference. 

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