

Profilo: Professori Ordinari



Cognome:                              Pollicino
Nome:                                    Teresa 
Codice Fiscale:                      PLLTRS64L60F359B                                                         
Luogo e Data di Nascita:     Monforte S. Giorgio  (Messina), Italia – 20 luglio1964.
Residenza:                             Viale Principe Umberto 71, 98122 Messina
                                                Tel: 090-6406195, email: tpollicino@unime.it        
Stato Civile:                          Coniugata
Nazionalità:                            Italiana                     

Carriera accademica e professionale

Dal 2021 ad oggi - Professore di I fascia nel Settore concorsuale 06/A2- Settore Scientifico Disciplinare MED/04 (Patologia Generale), Dipartimento di Patologia Umana dell’Adulto e dell’Età Evolutiva “Gaetano Barresi”, Università di Messina.
Dal 2021 ad oggi - Responsabile dell’U.O.S.D Gestione Centralizzata dei Laboratori- AOU G. Martino di Messina.
2015 - 2020 Professore di II fascia nel Settore concorsuale 06/A2- Settore Scientifico Disciplinare MED/04 (Patologia Generale), Dipartimento di Patologia Umana dell’Adulto e dell’Età Evolutiva “Gaetano Barresi”, Università di Messina.
Dal 2003 ad oggi – Responsabile del Laboratorio di Epatologia Molecolare, Dipartimento di Patologia Umana dell’Adulto e dell’Età Evolutiva “Gaetano Barresi”, Università di Messina.
2003 - 2015 Ricercatore Universitario, settore scientifico disciplinare MED46 (Scienze Tecniche di Medicina e di Laboratorio) presso l’Università di Messina.
 2001 - Specializzazione in Medicina Interna (con lode), Università di Messina.
 1998 - 2003 Ricercatore Universitario, settore scientifico disciplinare MED09 (Medicina Interna) presso l’Università di Messina. 
1994 - Specializzazione in Ematologia Generale (con lode), Università di Messina.
1990 -  Laurea in Medicina e Chirurgia (con lode), Università di Messina.
Attività di Ricerca presso Istituti di Ricerca Nazionali ed Internazionali
settembre 2015- dicembre 2016        
“Senior Research Scientist” presso l’Hepatic Pathogenesis Section (direttore: Prof. P. Farci), Laboratory of Infectious Diseases, NIAID, NIH, Bethesda, MD, USA
aprile 2002 - settembre 2003
“Visiting scientist” presso il Laboratorio di Espressione Genica (direttore: Prof. M. Levrero), Centro di Ricerca Sperimentale, Istituto Regina Elena di Roma, Italia
marzo 1996 - ottobre 1998
 “Research fellow” presso il Laboratorio dell'Unité de Recombinaison et Expression Génétique (direttore: Prof. M.A. Buendia), Dipartement des Retrovirus, Institut Pasteur, Paris, Francia
maggio 1993 - luglio 1993
“visiting scientist” presso il Dipartimento di Virologia (direttore: Prof. H. Will) del "Heinrich-Pette-Institut" dell'Università di Amburgo, Germania.
febbraio 1991 - luglio 1992
“visiting scientist” presso l'Unità di Immunoregolazione Molecolare del Laboratorio di Immunologia (direttore: Prof. A. Mantovani) dell'Istituto Mario Negri di Milano, Italia.
 Partecipazione come relatore, anche su invito, a Congressi e Workshop Internazionali
  • Lettura su invito all’International Liver Congress 23-26 June 2021, Virtual Meeting #ILC2021.
Pollicino T: “”
  • Lettura su invito all’ICE-HBV International Coalition to Eliminate HBV
Hepatitis B Virus Serum Biomarkers, Virtual Workshop-October 2020
Pollicino T: “”
  • Lettura su invito all’International Liver Congress 15-19 April 2020, London, UK.
Pollicino T: “Challenging the definition of cure: Occult infection vs. functional cure”
  • Lettura su invito all’EASL Conference on Translational Research in Viral Hepatitis: Addressing the Gaps for Cure. Athens, Greece, 23-25 January 2020.
      Pollicino T:  “The HDV life cycle and virus-induced pathogenesis”
  • Lettura su invito all’ HEP DART 2019: Frontiers in Drug Development for Hepatology. Kauai, Hawaii, December 08-12, 2019
      Pollicino T:  “HBV occult infection”
  • Lettura su invito al Viral Hepatitis Prevention Board Technical meeting. The impact of viral hepatitis treatment and vaccination non-responders and occult hepatitis on public health. Vilnius, Lithuania, 25-26 April 2019
     Pollicino T: “Occult hepatitis B virus and hepatocellular carcinoma
  • Lettura su invito Update on Biology and Clinical Impact of Occult Hepatitis B Virus Infection. Taormina, Italy, October 1-2, 2018
          Pollicino T: “Current approaches to detect occult HBV infection”
  • Lettura su invito a “the Immunology and Infectious Disease group”, Division of BioMedical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Health Sciences Centre, Memorial University, St. John’s, NL Canada, September 11, 2017.
           Pollicino T: “Molecular basis of  occult hepatitis B virus infection”
  • Lettura su invito alla "17a Réunion du Réseau National Hépatitis- Les Séminaires de Recherche de l'ANRS" UICP, Paris 2-3 Mars 2017, France"
           Pollicino T: "Virus-Host Interplay in the Pathogenesis of HDV-Related Liver Disease"
  • Molecular Characterization of Hepatocellular Carcinoma with HBV/HDV Coinfection.
                 Pollicino T, Diaz G, Long Z, Engle RE, Melis M, Tice A, Zamboni F, Farci P.
The 2016 International Meeting of the Molecular Biology of Hepatitis B     Viruses. Seoul, Korea; September 21-24, 2016
  • Lettura su invito e Session Chair al " The 2015 International Meeting on Molecular Biology of Hepatitis B Viruses. Nauheim, Germany, 4-8 October, 2015"
            Pollicino T: “Occult hepatitis B, reactivation and HCC”
  • Lettura su invito al "6th International Tehran Hepatitis Conference (THC6) hosted by Iran Hepatitis Network. Teheran, Iran - May 27-29, 2015."
            Pollicino T: “Pathogenesis of OBI”
  • Lettura su invito al "Congreso International en Medicina de Hospitales Civiles de Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico. Session - Genomic Medicine II: Viral Hepatitis and Hepatocellular Carcinoma. Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico - February 25, 2015."
            Pollicino T: “Molecular bases of occult hepatitis B virus infection”
  • Lettura su invito al "3rd International Workshop "Innovation in HIV and Viral Hepatitis – Beyond viral undetectability: new frontiers and strategies". Milan, Italy - January 26-27, 2015."
            Pollicino T: "HBV why the virus becomes chronic?"
  • Lettura su invito a "The 11th Japanese Society of Hepatitis Single Topic Conference. “Hepatitis B: Recent Progress in Basic and Clinical Research.” Hiroshima, Japan - November 20-21, 2014."
           Pollicino T: “Occult HBV Infection and HCC”
  • Lettura su invito a "The 2nd International conference on Occult HBV infection (OBI). Guanzhou, China – October 10th -11th 2014."
            Pollicino T: “Mechanisms responsible for OBI”
  • Lettura su invito al "6th International Congress of Internal Medicine of Central Greece. Larissa, Greece, March, 27-29 2014."
            Pollicino T: "Immunopathogenesis of Delta hepatitis"
  • Lettura su invito a "Women in Hepatology – Modena, Italy, May 29-30, 2013."
            Pollicino T: “Occult HBV: a never –ending story?”
  •  “The 63rd Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Study of the Liver. Boston, Massachusetts, USA; November 9-13, 2012”
Comparison of trascription/replication capacity and response to interferon-alpha treatment among HBV genomes of different genotype
            Restuccia A, Lanza M, Raimondo G, Pollicino T
  • Comparison of replication activity and response to interferon-alpha treatment among HBV genomes of different genotype
            Lanza M, Restuccia A , Raimondo G, Pollicino T
           The International Meeting of the Molecular Biology of Hepatitis B Viruses.   Oxford, UK; September 22-25, 2012
  • Lettura su invito on the 14th December 2012 in the Section of Hepatology and Gastroenterology, Imperial College London, UK
           Pollicino T: “Epigenetic Regulation of cccDNA function in Hepatitis B    virus infection.”
  • Epigenetic control of HBV transcription/replication in HDV/HBV replicating liver cells.
            Pollicino T, Raffa G, Niro G, Raimondo G,
The International Meeting of the Molecular Biology of Hepatitis B Viruses.    Lake Buena Vista, Florida, USA; October 9-12, 2011
  • Lettura su invito e Session Chair at the International Workshop on HBV cccDNA 29th March 2011 RKI, Berlin, Germany
           Pollicino T: “Regulation of hepatitis B virus replication by histone     modifications”
  • Infection with HBV preS/S variants is highly prevalent and influences amount of circulating HBsAg independently of serum HBV DNA levels and response to interferon therapy in chronic hepatitis B
            Restuccia A, Amaddeo G Raffa G, Alibrandi A, Cutroneo G, Favaloro A,   Maimone S, Squadrito G, Raimondo G, Pollicino T.
The International Meeting of the Molecular Biology of Hepatitis B Viruses. Taipei, Taiwan; October 9-13, 2010
  • Intrahepatic HDV RNA, HBV DNA and HBV RNAs Quantifications Reveal Suppression of HBV-pregenome RNA Production with Maintenance of preS/S Transcription in HDV/HBV co-Infected patients.
            Pollicino T, Raffa G, Santantonio T, Gaeta GB, Iannello G, Alibrandi A,   Squadrito G, Cacciola I, Calvi C, Colucci G, Levrero M, Raimondo G.
Monothematic Conference of the European Association for the Study of the Liver (EASL): Delta Hepatitis. Istambul, Turkey; September 24-26, 2010
  • Lettura su invito al "Basic School of Hepatology, Course 5: Hepatitis B and C, Molecular Virology and Antiviral Targets" organizzato dall' "European Association for the Study of the Liver” (EASL); Lousanne, Switzerland; 25-27 February, 2010.
                Pollicino T: “Molecular Basis of occult HBV infection”
  • Hepatitis B virus induces interleukin-8 (IL-8) production in hepatocytes and IL-8 in turn inhibits interferon-alpha antiviral activity
            Restuccia A, Bellinghieri L, Raffa G, Teti D, Raimondo G, Pollicino T.
The International Meeting of the Molecular Biology of Hepatitis B Viruses. Tours, France. August 30 - September 2, 2009
  • Lettura su invito e Chair al “Workshop: Occult Hepadnavirus Infection” nell’ambito del” The 2007 International Meeting: “The Molecular Biology of Hepatitis B viruses”. September 16-20, 2007, Rome, Italy"
 Pollicino T: “Definition, Prevalence and Diagnosis of Occult HBV   infection”
  • Real-Time PCR Quantification of Total HBV DNA and cccDNA in HBsAg-positive Patients with and without HDV Infection and in Patients with Occult HBV Infection
           Pollicino T, Raffa G, Santantonio T, Squadrito G, Milella M, Colucci G, Calvi C, Cacciola I, Levrero M, Raimondo G
                The International Meeting of the Molecular Biology of Hepatitis B viruses.    Rome, Italy. September 16-20, 2007
  • Characterization and Functional Analyses of Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) Isolated from Liver Tissue of Patients with Occult HBV Infection.
            Pollicino T, Raffa G, Costantino L, Lisa A, Squadrito G, Levrero M,  Raimondo G.
           The 12th International Symposium on Viral Hepatitis and Liver Disease. Paris, France; July 1 -5, 2006
  • Occult HBV isolates from liver tissue of HBsAg-negative patients show a    wide range of sequence divergence and normally replicate in vitro
Pollicino T. Raffa G, Costantino L, Saitta C, Squadrito , Levrero M, Raimondo G.
The International Meeting of the Molecular Biology of Hepatitis B Viruses. Woods Hole, Massachusetts, USA; October 24 -27, 2004
  • HBx and the cellular acetyltransferase PCAF are co-recruited in vivo onto the HBV cccDNA minichromosome to regulate viral transcription/replication
Pollicino T, Belloni L, Di Padova M, Raffa G, Squadrito G, Fanciulli M, Raimondo G, Levrero M.
The International Meeting of the Molecular Biology of Hepatitis B Viruses. Woods Hole, Massachusetts, USA; October 24 -27, 2004
  • HBV Genomes From Liver Tissue of Patients With Occult HBV Infection Show Wide Range of Sequence Divergence and Normally Replicate in Vitro
Pollicino T, Raffa G, Costantino L, Saitta C, Squadrito G, Levrero M, Raimondo G
The 39th Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of the Liver (EASL)" Berlin, Germany; April 14 - 18, 2004
  • HBV replication is regulated in vivo through the acetylation status of cccDNA-bound H3 and H4 histones and is modulated by class I deacetylases inhibitors.
 Pollicino T, Pediconi N, Raffa G, Squadrito G, Raimondo G, Levrero M
55th Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases. 28 October 2003
  • HBV maintains its pro-oncogenic properties in case of occult infection.
Pollicino T, Squadrito G, Cacciola I, Craxì A, Farinati F, Missale G, Smedile A, Tiribelli C, Villa E, Raimondo G
The International Meeting of the Molecular Biology of Hepatitis B Viruses. Bergamo, Italy; September 7-10, 2003
  • HBV Replication is Regulated in Vivo Through the Acetylation Status of cccDNA-Bound H3 and H4 Histones and is Modulated by Class I Deacetylases inhibitors
Pollicino T, Pediconi N, Raffa G, Squadrito G, Raimondo G, Levrero M.
The International Meeting of the Molecular Biology of Hepatitis B Viruses. Bergamo, Italy; September 7-10, 2003
  • HBx/PCAF acetyltransferase complex recruitment onto the HBV cccDNA minichromosome activates viral transcription and replication
Pollicino T, Di Padova M, Raffa G, Squadrito G, Fanciulli M, Raimondo G, Levrero M.
The International Meeting of the Molecular Biology of Hepatitis B Viruses. Bergamo, Italy; September 7-10, 2003
  • Class I Deacetylase Inhibitors Affect HBV Replication By Modulating the Acetylation Status of cccDNA-bound H3 and H4 Histones
Pollicino T, Pediconi N, Raffa G, Squadrito G, Raimondo G, Levrero M.
The 38th Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of the Liver (EASL). Geneva, Switzerland; 29  March, 2003
  • Occult Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) is Highly Prevalent and May Persist in cccDNA Forms in Tumor and Non-Tumor Tissues of HBV Serologically Negative Patients with Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Pollicino T, Cerenzia G, Squadrito G, Cacciola I, Raffa G, Craxì A, Farinati F, Missale G, Smedile A, Tiribelli C, Villa E, Raimondo G
The 54nd Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Study of the Liver (AASLD). Boston, Massachusetts, USA. November 2-5, 2002
  • Pro-apoptotic effect of the hepatitis B virus HBX protein in liver cells: analysis of the molecular mechanisms.
Pollicino T, Terradillos O, Lecoeur H, Gougeon ML, Tiollais P, Buendia MA
The 49th Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases (AASLD). Chicago, Illinois, USA November 6 - 10, 1998
  • p53-independent apoptotic effects of the hepatitis B virus HBX protein.
Pollicino T., Terradillos O., Tripodi M., Tiollais P., Buendia M. A.
The 1997 International Meeting of the Molecular Biology of Hepatitis B Viruses.   Paris, France; September 16-19, 1997
  • High prevalence of preS2-defective hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection in patients with type B fulminant hepatitis
Pollicino T, Zanetti A R, Smedile A, Petit M A, Campo S, Tanzi E, Raimondo G.
The 9th International Symposium on Viral Hepatitis and Liver Disease Rome, Italy;  April 21-25, 1996.
Selezione delle letture su invito a Congressi Nazionali
  • Lettura su invito al “22° Simposio annuale ELAS-Italia, Ligand Assay 2016” Bologna, 21-23 novembre 2016
Pollicino T : “Nuovi test per il monitoraggio dei pazienti HBV positivi”
  • Lettura su invito al 7° National Congress ICAR 2015, Italian Conference on AIDS and Retroviruses - Riccione, Italy- May 17-19, 2015.
Pollicino T: “The importance of genotype in HBV, HCV and HDV”.
  • Lettura su invito al "42° SIM Congress – Italian Society of Microbiology - Turin, Italy September 28 - October 1, 2014."
Pollicino T: “Genetica e oncogenesi di HBV: un virus unico con caratteristiche uniche”
  • Lettura su invito al "4th AISF post-Meeting Course “Unmet Clinical Needs in Hepatology- New and Upcoming diagnostic Tools.” Rome, Italy, February 26th, 2011."
Pollicino T: “Molecular tools for the NUCs non Response in chronic HBV infection”
  • Lettura su invito e componente della Faculty della RIUNIONE MONOTEMATICA A.I.S.F. 2009: Giardini Naxos, 7-9 maggio 2009
Pollicino T: “Epatocarcinoma HBV-relato: eziologia, meccanismi molecolari e nuovi approcci diagnostico-terapeutici”
Organizzazione di convegni scientifici di interesse  nazionale ed internazionale
  • Organizzatrice del "2018 International Meeting on the Molecular Biology of the Hepatitis B Viruses" 3-7 Ottobre 2018, Taormina, Italy.
  • Organizzatrice del Corso di Aggiornamento "MALATTIA DA VIRUS DELL’EPATITE B" su incarico dell'Associazione Italiana per lo Studio del Fegato (AISF) e della Società Italiana di Gastroenterologia (SIGE) nell'ambito del Programma Nazionale di Educazione e Competenza Continua. 11-13 Febbraio 2010, Chianciano Terme (SI), Italy.
  • Co-Organizzatrice dell' "Occult hepatitis B virus infection: biology and clinical impact”. The Taormina International Expert Meeting. March 7 - 8, 2008, Taormina, Italy"
  • Organizzatrice del “10th AISF Pre-Meeting Course on Management of HBV-related liver disease” per conto dell’Associazione Italiana per lo Studio del Fegato (AISF) February 20-22, 2008, Roma, Italy.
  • Organizzatrice del “Workshop: Occult Hepadnavirus Infection” per conto di “The 2007 International Meeting: The Molecular Biology of Hepatitis B viruses”. September 16-20, 2007, Rome, Italy"
            Responsabilita' scientifica per progetti di ricerca internazionali e nazionali, ammessi al finanziamento sulla base di bandi competitivi che prevedano la revisione tra pari
  • Co-Principal Investigator progetto di ricerca finalizzata RF-2016-02362422” Development of an italian clinical/diagnostic network focused on the prevention and managment of virologic failures in hepatitis C virus (HCV) patients treated with direct antivirals agents (DAAs) (Finanziamento totale pari a Euro 450.000,00; finanziamento dell’unità di ricerca pari a Euro 282.275,00)
  • Responsabile scientifico del progetto di ricerca: "Caratterizzazione Virologico-molecolare e studio dell'immunità innata in soggetti con infezione occulta da HBV che vanno incontro a riattivazione virale". Il Progetto ha ottenuto un finanziamento da Gilead Science nell’ambito del Fellowship Program 2015 (finanziamento di 20.000 Euro)
  • Responsabile scientifico del progetto di ricerca: “L'epatite B occulta: studio dei meccanismi molecolari implicati nella soppressione della replicazione dell'HBV e negli eventi di riattivazione” messo a bando da Gilead Science nell’ambito del Fellowship Program 2012 (Identificativo Progetto: 8a508d9d89; finanziamento di 40.000 Euro)
  • Responsabile scientifico del progetto di ricerca: ” Analisi Molecolare di HBV isolati da soggetti vaccinati contro l’epatite B 15 -18 anni fa e che hanno sviluppato infezione da HBV” che nell’ambito dei Programmi di Ricerca Scientifica di Rilevante Interesse Nazionale (PRIN 2008) ha ottenuto dal MIUR un cofinanziamento di 32.700 Euro.
  • Responsabile scientifico del progetto di ricerca: ” Studio dell'infezione occulta da virus dell'epatite B e di altri fattori potenzialmente implicati nell'evoluzione della malattia epatica da virus C e nella risposta al trattamento antivirale in una casistica della Sicilia Orientale e della Calabria” che nell'ambito dei Programmi di Ricerca Scientifica di Rilevante Interesse Nazionale (PRIN 2005) ha ottenuto un finanziamento di Euro 71.100
Premi e riconoscimenti per l’attività di ricerca svolta e formale attribuzione di incarichi di ricerca (fellowship) presso qualificati Istituti di Ricerca Nazionali ed Internazionali.
  • Premio: "en honor a su notable trayectoria y aportes académicos en tan importante ambito de las ciencias de la salud" from University of Guadalajara and Civil Hospital of Guadalajara, Mexico, during the "XVII Congreso Internacional Avances en Medicina, Hospital Civil de Guadalajara, Mexico, February 26, 2015"
  • "Prize for the best 2006 Italian publication in Hepatology" from the Italian Association for the Study of the Liver (AISF) and Italian Hepatology Foundation (FADE): "Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) maintains its pro-oncogenic properties in case of occult HBV infection.
Pollicino T., Squadrito G., Cerenzia G., Cacciola I., Raffa G., Craxì A., Farinati F., Missale G., Smedile A., Tiribelli C., Villa E., Raimondo G. Gastroenterology 2004; 126:102–110".
  • “Prize for best oral presentation” at the 38th Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of the Liver (EASL). Geneva, Switzerland, July 3 – 6, 2003 for the study “Class I Deacetylases Inhibitors Affect HBV Replication by Modulating the Acetylation Status of cccDNA-Bound H3 and H4 Histones”.
Pollicino T, Pediconi N, Raffa G, Squadrito G, Raimondo G, Levrero M.
  • Incarico di attività di ricerca, dal 2015 al 2016, da parte della prof. P Farci presso l'"Hepatic Pathogenesis Section, Laboratory of Infectious Diseases, NIAID, NIH, Bethesda, MD, USA
  • Incarico di attività di ricerca, dal 01-07-1998 al 30-09-1998, da parte dell'’"Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale” (INSERM) Paris, France
  • Attribuzione fellowship da parte della " Foudation Pour La Recherche Medicale" Paris, France, per svolgere attività di ricerca, dal 08-03-1998 al 07-06-1998, presso Institut Pasteur - Unité Recombinaison et Expression Genetique, Paris, France
  • Attribuzione fellowship da parte della " Foudation Pour La Recherche Medicale" Paris, France, per svolgere attività di ricerca, dal 08-03-1997 al 07-03-1998, presso Institut Pasteur- Unité Recombinaison et Expression Genetique, Paris, France 
  • Attribuzione fellowship da parte della Fondazione Bonino-Pulejo di Messina per svolgere attività di ricerca, dal 01-01-1991 al 30-06-1992, presso Istituto di Ricerche Farmacologiche "Mario Negri" di Milano, Italia
Attività di referee o reviewer per Società Scientifiche, riviste internazionali ad alto impatto scientifico e per “grant application” da parte di istituzioni internazionali
Svolge attività di reviewer per la valutazione degli abstract inviati al
  • Congresso annuale "International Meeting on the Molecular Biology of Hepatitis B Viruses"
  • Meeting annuale del "European Association for the Study of the Liver (EASL)" e
  • Meeting annuali del "Associazione Italiana per lo Studio del Fegato (AISF)".
  • Svolge attività di reviewer per le seguenti riviste scientifiche internazionali:
  • Journal of Hepatology                                (Impact factor 2021:   25.083)
  • Gut                                                               (                "                   23.059)
  • Gastroenterology                                        (                “                   22.682)
  • Hepatology                                                  (                "                    17.425)
  • BMC Medicine                                            (                "                     8.775)
  • British Journal of Cancer                           (               "                    7.640)
  • Clinical Microbiology and Infection          (               "                     7.622)
  • International Journal of Cancer                (               "                    7.396)
  • Plos Genetics                                                (                "                    5.917)
  • Liver International                                      (                "                    5.828)
  • Journal of Immunology                              (                "                    5.422)
  • Journal of Virology                                     (                "                    4.501)
  • Digestive and Liver Disease                        (                "                    4.088)
  • Viruses                                                          (                "                     3.816)
  • Vaccine                                                         (                "                     3.641)
  • PloS One                                                       (                 "                    3.240)
Ha svolto attività di reviewer per grant application su invito da parte delle seguenti “granting institution”: 
  • Food and Health Bureau, the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, the People’s Republic of China (2012)
  • Canadian Liver Foundation (CLF), Markam, Ontario, Canada  (2015)
Invito formale a scrivere Reviews o Editorials per riviste scientifiche internazionali di riconosciuto prestigio e capitoli libri editi a livello internazionale.
  • Invito a scrivere un Editorial  da parte degli Editors di Gastroenterology  (Proff. T.Jake Liang, Richard M. Peek, Douglas A. Corle) per l’articolo “Inhibition of Viral Replication Reduces Transcriptionally Active Distinct Hepatitis B Virus Integrations with Implications on Host Gene Dysregulation”
Pollicino T: The Impact of Nucleos(t)ide Analogs on Heoatitis B Virus DNA Integration: Hype or Reality?” Gastroenterology, in press
  • Lettera ufficiale dal Prof Fabien Zoulim - Associate Editor della rivista scientifica Journal of Hepatology - in cui si menziona l’invito ad essere autrice di una review  dal titolo “cccDNA function in HBV replication” :
Control of cccDNA function in hepatitis B virus infection.
Levrero M, Pollicino T, Petersen J, Belloni L, Raimondo G, Dandri M
Journal of  Hepatology 2009;51:581-592. doi: 10.1016/j.jhep.2009.05.022.
  • Invito a scrivere un articolo dal titolo “Occult Hepatitis B infection” per la sezione speciale “Hepatology Snapshot” da parte del Prof Didier Samuel Editor-in-Chief di Journal of Hepatology:
Occult hepatitis B infection. Pollicino T, Raimondo G.Journal of Hepatology 2014; 61:688-689. doi: 10.1016/j.jhep.2014.04.036
  • Invito a scrivere una review dal titolo “Occult hepatitis B virus and hepatocellular carcinomada parte di Lian-Sheng Ma Presidente ed Editor-in-Chief  della rivista World Journal of Gastroenterology:
Occult hepatitis B virus and hepatocellular carcinoma. Pollicino T, Saitta C.World Journal of Gastroenterology 2014; 20:5951-5961 doi: 10.3748/wjg.v20.i20.5951.
  • Invito a scrivere un Editoriale dal titolo “Could inhibiting IL-8 enhance HBV interferon-alpha treatment?” da parte dell’Editorial Team di Future Virology:
                        Could inhibiting IL-8 enhance HBV interferon-alpha treatment? Pollicino T,        Koumbi Lemonica J Future Virology, 2014; 9: 1015-1017
  • Invito a scrivere un capitolo dal titolo “Detection of HDV RNA in the Liver” da parte del Prof. Mario Rizzetto coordinatore di un’edizione intitolata “Hepatitis D – Methods and Protocols” nella serie “Methods in Molecular Biology”, pubblicata da Springer-Nature.
Attività Didattica
Svolge le seguenti attività didattiche presso l'Università degli Studi di Messina
  • Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Medicina e Chirurgia:
- Titolare dell’insegnamento di Patologia Generale (2 CFU) dall’aa 2016/2017 a tutt’oggi
- Titolare dell'Insegnamento di Scienze Tecniche di Medicina e di Laboratorio (1 CFU) nell’ambito del Corso Integrato di Medicina di Laboratorio (dall'anno accademico 2003/2004 all’a.a. 2014/2015).
- Titolare dell'Insegnamento di Scienze Tecniche di Medicina e di Laboratorio  nell’ambito del Corso Integrato di Fisiopatologia delle Malattie Umane II (dall'a.a. 2003/2004 all’a.a. 2010/2011)
- Titolare dell’insegnamento di Endocrinologia nell’ambito del Corso Integrato di Fisiopatologia delle Malattie Umane II (per l’a.a. 2014/2015)
  • Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Medicine and Surgery)
- Titolare dell’insegnamento di Mechanisms of Disease: Physiopathology (4 CFU, a.a. 2019/2020)
  • Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Odontoiatria e Protesi Dentaria
- Titolare dell’insegnamento di Patologia Generale dall’a.a. 2016/2017 a tutt’oggi (2 CFU, a.a. 2016/2017; 3 CFU, a.a. 2017/2018, 7 CFU a.a. 2019/2020)
  • Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Biotecnologie per la Salute:
- Titolare  dell’insegnamento  di  “Diagnostica Molecolare delle Patologie Epatiche”
(5 CFU) nell’ambito del Corso Integrato di Diagnostica Molecolare Microbiologica (dall'a.a. 2016/2017 a tutt'oggi)
- Incarico d’insegnamento di “Diagnostica Molecolare Virologica” (5 CFU) nell’ambito del Corso Integrato di Tecniche di Diagnostica Microbiologica e Virologica dall’a.a. 2008/2009 all’a.a. 2014/2015
  • Corso di Laurea in Ortottica ed Assistenza Oftalmologica
- Incarico dell’insegnamento di Patologia Generale (2 CFU) dall’a.a. 2016/2017 a tutt’oggi
  • Corso di Laurea Interfacoltà in Biotecnologie (dall’anno accademico 2011/2012: Corso di Laurea in Biotecnologie )
- Titolare dell'insegnamento di “Scienze Tecniche di Medicina e di Laboratorio) (2,5 CFU) nell’ambito del Corso Integrato di Diagnostica di Patologia d'Organo (dall'a.a. 2006/2007 all'a.a. 2010/2011)
- Titolare dell'insegnamento di “Scienze Tecniche di Medicina e di Laboratorio” (3 CFU) nell’ambito del Corso Integrato di Biotecnologie applicate alla diagnostica (dall'a.a. 2011/2012 all’a.a. 2014/2015)
- Titolare dell'insegnamento “Laboratorio di Virologia e Biologia Molecolare” (relativamente ai crediti a scelta dello studente) per  l’a.a. 2013/2014 e l’a.a. 2014/2015
  • Scuole di Specializzazione
- Chirurgia Generale: Insegnamento di Patologia Clinica
- Medicina Interna: Insegnamento di Patologia Molecolare
- Medicina Interna: Insegnamento di Genetica Medica (dall’a.a. 1999 all’a.a. 2017)
- Nefrologia: Insegnamento di Scienze Tecniche di Medicina e di Laboratorio (dall’a.a. 2012/2013 all’a.a. 2014/2015)
- Allergologia e Immunologia: Insegnamento di Medicina di Laboratorio
- Microbiologia e Virologia: Insegnamento di Scienze Tecniche di Medicina e di Laboratorio (dall’a.a. 2012/2013 all’a.a. 2014/2015)
Partecipazione al collegio dei docenti nell'ambito di dottorati di ricerca
          Membro esterno del “Thesis Monitoring Committee of BMIC Doctoral School” Université de Lyon e Tutor  della studentessa PATURE Alexia dal 2019 ad oggi
Membro con attività di tutor del Collegio dei Docenti del Dottorato di Ricerca “International PhD Translational Molecular Medicine and Surgery, XXXV° cycle” (dall’a.a. 2019/2020 ad oggi)
Membro con attività di tutor del collegio dei docenti del dottorato di ricerca "BIOTECNOLOGIE MEDICHE E CHIRURGICHE" dell’ Università degli Studi di MESSINA (dal XXIX al XXXIV Ciclo, dall’a.a. 2013/2014 a tutt’oggi).
Membro con attività di tutor del collegio dei docenti del dottorato di ricerca "BIOTECNOLOGIE MICROBICHE E DELLA PROLIFERAZIONE CELLULARE" dell’Università degli Studi di MESSINA (Ciclo XXIII, XXIV, XXVI e XXVII, dall’a.a. 2008/2009 all’a.a. 2011/2012)
Membro con attività di tutor del collegio dei docenti del dottorato di ricerca "EPATOGASTROENTEROLOGIA CLINICA E BIOMOLECOLARE DELL'ETA' EVOLUTIVA ED ADULTA" dell’Università degli Studi di MESSINA (XXVI Ciclo, a.a. 2010/2011).
Attività di docenza in Master Unniversitari di II livello
  • Docente dell'insegnamento "Elementi di Patologia Clinica" nell'ambito del Master Universitario di II Livello in “Compounding Farmaceutico: qualità e sicurezza”, Università degli Studi di Messina, a.a. 2012/2013.
  • Docente dell'insegnamento "Biotecnologie Molecolari nella Patologia Umana” nell'ambito del Master Universitario di II livello in “Biotecnologie Avanzate per la Salute e le Scienze della “, Università degli Sudi di Messina, a.a. 2010/2011.
Adesione ad altre società di valenza culturale
  • Membro dell’ “European Association for the Study of the Liver” (EASL) (dal 1993)
  • Membro dell’Associazione Italiana  Studio Fegato (AISF) (dal 1994)
  • Membro del Comitato Direttivo dell’Associazione Italiana per lo Studio del Fegato (AISF) (dal 2006 al 2009)
  • Membro del Consiglio Direttivo della Fondazione Italiana per la Ricerca in Epatologia (FIRE) (dal 2009 al 2012)
  • Membro del Scientific Advisory Council for the HBV meeting (dal 2016 al 2019)
Attività Assistenziale
Dal 2021 ad oggi - Responsabile del Laboratorio di Diagnostica Molecolare dell’UOSD Gestione Centralizzata dei Laboratori. Il Laboratorio, da marzo 2021, fa parte della Rete Italiana dei Sequenziamenti SARS-CoV-2 (coordinata dall’Istituto Superiore della Sanità) ed è Centro di Riferimento regionale per la Diagnostica delle Varianti SARS-CoV-2
Nel Laboratoriodi diagnostica Molecolare sono state ottimizzate ed introdotte nella diagnostica indagini molecolari ultraspecialistiche, quali:
- Ricerca, mediante tecnica di nested-PCR, dell’RNA del virus dell’epatite Delta (HDV)
- Analisi dei livelli sierici di HDV RNA mediante metodica di quantizzazione in real-time PCR
- Ricerca dell’RNA del virus dell’epatite E (HEV) mediante tecnica di nested-PCR
- Ricerca di forme varianti del virus dell’epatite B (HBV) resistenti ai farmaci antivirali
analoghi nucleos(t)idici mediante metodica di sequenziamento genico di Sanger
- ricerca di forme varianti del virus dell’epatite C (HCV) resistenti ai farmaci antivirali
inibitori dell’attività delle proteine NS3/4A, NS5A ed NS5B di HCV mediante metodica di sequenziamento genico di Sanger
- Analisi dell’infezione occulta da HBV mediante metodica di nested-PCR e southern blotting
  • Componente del gruppo collaborativo internazionale per lo sviluppo del primo controllo di qualità per la quantizzazione in real-time PCR dei livelli sierici di HDV RNA, coordinato dal prof Emmanuel Gordien, Unité de Virologie Avicenne - Laboratoire associé au CNR des Hépatites B, C et Delta - Laboratoire De Bacteriologie, Virologie –Hygiene, Bobigny, France
  • Componente del GRT Validation Board dell’HCV Virology Italian Resistance Network Study group: Vironet C che sta effettuando lo studio nazionale per la validazione e la standardizzazione dell’approccio diagnostico per l’analisi delle resistenze dell’HCV ai farmaci antivirali ad attività diretta (DAAs)
Cariche istituzionali   
Dal 2006 al 2009 è stata componente del Comitato Direttivo dell’Associazione Italiana per lo Studio del Fegato (AISF).
Dal 2009 al 2012 è stata componente del Consiglio Direttivo della Fondazione Italiana per la Ricerca in Epatologia (FIRE).
Scopus Author ID ORCID ID ResearcherID
6603740953 0000-0001-6602-3035 K-5790-2016

Citation secondo Scopus   
            h-index: 39   
            Numero  totale di citazioni: 6.903
  1. Cacciola I, Pitrone C, Franzè MS, Mazzeo C, Muscianisi M, Porcari S, Pintabona G, Morace C, Basile G, Cucinotta E, Pollicino T, Raimondo G. Ann Hepatol. 2022 Jan;27 Suppl 1:100578. doi: 10.1016/j.aohep.2021.100578.
  2. Pollicino T, Caminiti G.Viruses. 2021;13:368. doi: 10.3390/v13030368.
  3.  Resistance analysis and treatment outcomes in hepatitis C virus genotype 3-infected patients within the Italian network VIRONET-C.Di Maio VC, Barbaliscia S, Teti E, Fiorentino G, Milana M, Paolucci S, Pollicino T, Morsica G, Starace M, Bruzzone B, Gennari W, Micheli V, Yu La Rosa K, Foroghi L, Calvaruso V, Lenci I, Polilli E, Babudieri S, Aghemo A, Raimondo G, Sarmati L, Coppola N, Pasquazzi C, Baldanti F, Parruti G, Perno CF, Angelico M, Craxì A, Andreoni M, Ceccherini-Silberstein F; HCV Virology Italian Resistance Network Group (Vironet C).Liver Int. 2021 . doi: 10.1111/liv.14797. Online ahead of print.
  4. Human hepatitis B virus negatively impacts the protective immune cross-talk between natural killer and dendritic cells.De Pasquale C, Campana S, Barberi C, Sidoti Migliore G, Oliveri D, Lanza M, Musolino C, Raimondo G, Ferrone S, Pollicino T, Ferlazzo G.Hepatology. 2021 . doi: 10.1002/hep.31725. Online ahead of print.
  5. Occult hepatitis B infection and hepatocellular carcinoma: Epidemiology, virology, hepatocarcinogenesis and clinical significance.Mak LY, Wong DK, Pollicino T, Raimondo G, Hollinger FB, Yuen MF.J Hepatol. 2020 Oct;73(4):952-964. doi: 10.1016/j.jhep.2020.05.042.
  6. Occult hepatitis B virus infection predicts non-alcoholic steatohepatitis in severely obese individuals from Italy.Raimondo G, Saitta C, Lombardo D, Giraudi PJ, Rosso N, Ieni A, Lazzara S, Palmisano S, Bonazza D, Alibrandi A, Navarra G, Tiribelli C, Pollicino T.Liver Int. 2020;40:1601-1609. doi: 10.1111/liv.14473.
  7. Frequency of somatic mutations in TERT promoter, TP53 and CTNNB1 genes in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma from Southern Italy. Lombardo D, Saitta C, Giosa D, Di Tocco FC, Musolino C, Caminiti G, Chines V, Franzè MS, Alibrandi A, Navarra G, Raimondo G, Pollicino T.Oncol Lett. 2020;19:2368-2374. doi: 10.3892/ol.2020.1133
  8. Obesity and liver cancer. Saitta C, Pollicino T, Raimondo G.Annals of Hepatology 2019  Nov - Dec;18(6):810-815. doi:10.1016/j.aohep.2019.07.004 
  9. Free episomal and integrated HBV DNA in HBsAg-negative patients with intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma. Pollicino T, Musolino C, Saitta C, Tripodi G, Lanza M, Raffa G, Tocco FCD, Raggi C, Bragazzi MC, Barbera A, Navarra G, Invernizzi P, Alvaro D, Raimondo G. Oncotarget 2019;11;10(39):3931-3938. doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.27002
  10. Update of the statements on biology and clinical impact of occult hepatitis B virus infection. Raimondo G, Locarnini S, Pollicino T, Levrero M, Zoulim F, Lok AS; Taormina Workshop on Occult HBV Infection Faculty Members. Journal of Hepatology 2019;71(2):397-408. doi: 10.1016/j.jhep.2019.03.034.
  11. Behaviour of occult HBV infection in HCV-infected patients under treatment with direct-acting antivirals. Musolino C, Cacciola I, Tripodi G, Lombardo D, Raffa G, Alibrandi A, Squadrito G, Raimondo G, Pollicino T. Antiviral Therapy 2019;24(3):187-192. doi: 10.3851/IMP3288.
  12. Role of humoral immunity against hepatitis B virus core antigen in the pathogenesis of acute liver failure.  Chen Z, Diaz G, Pollicino T, Zhao H, Engle RE, Schuck P, Shen CH, Zamboni F, Long Z, Kabat J, De Battista D, Bock KW, Moore IN, Wollenberg K, Soto C, Govindarajan S, Kwong PD, Kleiner DE, Purcell RH, Farci P. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2018;115(48):E11369-E11378. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1809028115.
  13. NS3 Variability in Hepatitis C Virus Genotype 1A Isolates from Liver Tissue and Serum Samples of Treatment-Naïve Patients with Chronic Hepatitis C.  D'Aliberti D, Cacciola I, Musolino C, Raffa G, Filomia R, Alibrandi A, Benfatto S, Beninati C, Saitta C, Giosa D, Romeo O, Raimondo G, Pollicino TIntervirology 2018;61(1):1-8. doi: 10.1159/000489307.
  14. Integration of hepatitis B virus DNA in chronically infected patients assessed by Alu-PCR. Larsson SB, Tripodi G, Raimondo G, Saitta C, Norkrans G, Pollicino T, Lindh M. Journal of Medical Virology 2018:1568-1575. doi: 10.1002/jmv.25227.
  15. Infection with hepatitis C virus depends on TACSTD2, a regulator of claudin-1 and occludin highly downregulated in hepatocellular carcinoma. Sekhar V*, Pollicino T*, Diaz G, Engle RE, Alayli F, Melis M, Kabat J, Tice A, Pomerenke A, Altan-Bonnet N, Zamboni F, Lusso P, Emerson SU, Farci P. PLoS Pathog. 2018;14(3):e1006916. doi: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1006916. eCollection 2018 Mar. (*Co-first authorship)
  16. Flavocoxid exerts a potent antiviral effect against hepatitis B virus. Pollicino T, Musolino C, Irrera N, Bitto A, Lombardo D, Timmoneri M, Minutoli L, Raimondo G, Squadrito G, Squadrito F, Altavilla D. Inflamm Res. 2018;67:89-103. doi: 10.1007/s00011-017-1099-2.
  17. Frequent NS5A and multiclass resistance in almost all HCV genotypes at DAA failures: What are the chances for second-line regimens? Di Maio VC, Cento V, Aragri M, Paolucci S, Pollicino T, Coppola N, Bruzzone B, Ghisetti V, Zazzi M, Brunetto M, Bertoli A, Barbaliscia S, Galli S, Gennari W, Baldanti F, Raimondo G, Perno CF, Ceccherini-Silberstein F; HCV Virology Italian Resistance Network (VIRONET-C). Journal ofHepatology. 2018;68:597-600. doi: 10.1016/j.jhep.2017.09.008
  18. Proliferation of primary human hepatocytes and prevention of hepatitis B virus reinfection efficiently deplete nuclear cccDNA in vivo. Allweiss L, Volz T, Giersch K, Kah J, Raffa G, Petersen J, Lohse AW, Beninati C, Pollicino T, Urban S, Lütgehetmann M, Dandri M. Gut. 2018;67:542-552. doi: 10.1136/gutjnl-2016-312162.                                    
  19. PIVKA-II is a useful tool for diagnostic characterization of ultrasound-detected liver nodules in cirrhotic patients.Saitta C, Raffa G, Alibrandi A, Brancatelli S, Lombardo D, Tripodi G, Raimondo G, Pollicino T. Medicine (Baltimore). 2017;96(26):e7266. doi:10.1097/MD.0000000000007266
  20. Both interferon alpha and lambda can reduce all intrahepatic HDV infection markers in HBV/HDV infected humanized mice. Giersch K, Homs M, Volz T, Helbig M, Allweiss L, Lohse AW, Petersen J, Buti M, Pollicino T, Sureau C, Dandri M, Lütgehetmann M. Science Reports 2017;7:3757. doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-03946-9
  21. A combination of different diagnostic tools allows identification of inactive hepatitis B virus carriers at a single time point evaluation. Maimone S, Caccamo G, Squadrito G, Alibrandi A, Saffioti F, Spinella R, Raffa G, Pollicino T, Raimondo G. Liver International 2017; 37:362-368. doi: 10.1111/liv.13246.            
  22. Women in Hepatology Group; Italian Association for the Study of the Liver (AISF). Digestive and Liver Disease 2016;48:860-8. doi: 10.1016/j.dld.2016.04.009
  23. Hepatitis B virus basal core promoter mutations show lower replication fitness associated with cccDNA acetylation status. Koumbi L, Pollicino T, Raimondo G, Stampoulis D, Khakoo S, Karayiannis P. Virus Research. 2016;220:150-60. doi: 10.1016/j.virusres.2016.04.022.
  24. Villa E, Critelli R, Lei B, Marzocchi G, Cammà C, Giannelli G, Pontisso P, Cabibbo G, Enea M, Colopi S, Caporali C, Pollicino T, Milosa F, Karampatou A, Todesca P, Bertolini E, Maccio L, Martinez-Chantar ML, Turola E, Del Buono M, De Maria N, Ballestri S, Schepis F, Loria P, Enrico Gerunda G, Losi L, Cillo U. Gut. 2016. 65:861-869 doi: 10.1136/gutjnl-2014-308483              
  25. Saitta C, Lanza M,Bertuccio A, Lazzara S,Navarra G, Raimondo G, Pollicino TCancer Genetics 2015; 208:513-516.   doi: 10.1016/j.cancergen.2015.07.002
  26. Hepatitis B virus (HBV) DNA integration in patients with occult HBV infection and hepatocellular carcinoma. Saitta C, Tripodi G, Barbera A, Bertuccio A, Smedile A, Ciancio A, Sangiovanni A, Navarra G, Raimondo G, Pollicino T. Liver International. 2015, 35:2311-2317. doi: 10.1111/liv.12807.           
  27. Romanò L, Paladini S, Galli C, Raimondo G, Pollicino T, Zanetti AR. Human Vaccines and Immunotherapeutics. 2015; 11:53-57. doi: 10.4161/hv.34306
  28. Maimone S, Tripodi G, Musolino C, Cacciola I, Pollicino T, Raimondo G. Antiviral Therapy 2015; 20:245-247. doi: 10.3851/IMP2844.
  29. Occult hepatitis B infection. Pollicino T, Raimondo G. Journal of Hepatology. 2014; 61:688-689. doi: 10.1016/j.jhep.2014.04.036
  30. Occult hepatitis B virus and hepatocellular carcinoma. Pollicino T, Saitta C. World Journal of Gastroenterology 2014; 20:5951-5961 doi: 10.3748/wjg.v20.i20.5951.
  31. Hepatitis B virus PreS/S gene variants: pathobiology and clinical implications. Pollicino T, Cacciola I, Saffioti F, Raimondo G. Journal of Hepatology 2014;61:408-417. doi: 10.1016/j.jhep.2014.04.041    
  32. Pollicino T, Bellinghieri L, Restuccia A, Raffa G, Musolino C, Alibrandi A, Teti D, Raimondo G.  Virology. 2013; 444:317-28. doi: 10.1016/j.virol.2013.06.028
  1. Impact of occult hepatitis B infection on the outcome of chronic hepatitis C
Squadrito G, Cacciola I, Alibrandi A, Pollicino T, Raimondo G.
Journal of Hepatology 2013;59:696-700. doi: 10.1016/j.jhep.2013.05.043
  1. NS3 genetic variability in HCV genotype-1b isolates from liver specimens and blood samples of treatment-naive patients with chronic hepatitis C.
    Maimone S, Musolino C, Squadrito G, Raffa G, Pollicino T, Raimondo G.
    Antiviral Therapy 2013;18:131-134. doi: 10.3851/IMP2326.
  1. Risk of occult hepatitis B virus infection reactivation in patients with solid tumours undergoing chemotherapy.
    Saitta C, Musolino C, Marabello G, Martino D, Leonardi MS, Pollicino T, Altavilla G, Raimondo G.
    Digestive and Liver Disease. 2013;45:683-686. doi: 10.1016/j.dld.2013.01.022
  1.  Occult hepatitis B virus and the risk for chronic liver disease: a meta-analysis.
    Covolo L, Pollicino T, Raimondo G, Donato F.
    Digestive and Liver Disease 2013;45:238-244. doi: 10.1016/j.dld.2012.09.021
  1.  Hepatitis B virus DNA integration in tumour tissue of a non-cirrhotic HFE-haemochromatosis patient with hepatocellular carcinoma.
    Pollicino T,Vegetti A, Saitta C, Ferrara F, Corradini E,Raffa G,Pietrangelo A, Raimondo G.
Journal of Hepatology 2013;58:190-193. doi: 10.1016/j.jhep.2012.09.005
  1. Occult hepatitis B virus infection.
    Raimondo G, Caccamo G, Filomia R, Pollicino T.
    Seminars in Immunopathology 2013;35:39-52. doi:10.1007/s00281-012-0327-7.
  1. Impact of hepatitis B virus (HBV) preS/S genomic variability on HBV surface antigen and HBV DNA serum levels.
    Pollicino T, Amaddeo G, Restuccia A, Raffa G, Alibrandi A, Cutroneo G, Favaloro A, Maimone S, Squadrito G, Raimondo G.
    Hepatology. 2012;56:434-443 doi: 10.1002/hep.25592.                            
  1. Transcriptional regulation of miR-224 upregulated in human HCCs by NFκB inflammatory pathways.
    Scisciani C, Vossio S, Guerrieri F, Schinzari V, De Iaco R, D'Onorio de Meo P, Cervello M, Montalto G, Pollicino T, Raimondo G, Levrero M, Pediconi N.
    Journal of Hepatology 2012;56:855-861 doi: 10.1016/j.jhep.2011.11.017     
  1. IFN-α inhibits HBV transcription and replication in cell culture and in humanized mice by targeting the epigenetic regulation of the nuclear cccDNA minichromosome.
    Belloni L, Allweiss L, Guerrieri F, Pediconi N, Volz T, Pollicino T, Petersen J, Raimondo G, Dandri M, Levrero M.
    Journal of Clinical Investigation. 2012;122:529-537. doi: 10.1172/JCI58847
  1. Hepatitis E virus infection as a cause of acute hepatitis in south Italy.
    Cacciola I, Messineo F, Cacopardo B, Di Marco V, Galli C, Squadrito G, Musolino C, Saitta C, Pollicino T, Raimondo G.
    Digestive and Liver Disease 2011;43:996-1000 doi: 10.1016/j.dld.2011.07.017.
  1.  Hepatocellular carcinoma: the point of view of the hepatitis B virus.
    Pollicino T, Saitta C, Raimondo G. 
    Carcinogenesis. 2011; 32:1122-1132. doi: 10.1093/carcin/bgr108
  1. Occult hepatitis B virus infection and hepatocellular carcinoma development in patients with chronic hepatitis C.
    Raimondo G, Pollicino T, Levrero M, Craxì A.
            Hepatology. 2011;54:373-4. doi: 10.1002/hep.24379                                
  1. Replicative and transcriptional activities of hepatitis B virus in patients coinfected with hepatitis B and hepatitis delta viruses.
    Pollicino T, Raffa G, Santantonio T, Gaeta GB, Iannello G, Alibrandi A, Squadrito G, Cacciola I, Calvi C, Colucci G, Levrero M, Raimondo G. 
    Journal of Virology. 2011; 85:432-439. doi: 10.1128/JVI.01609-10.      
  1.  Targeting hepatitis B virus-infected cells with a T-cell receptor-like antibody.
    Sastry KS, Too CT, Kaur K, Gehring AJ, Low L, Javiad A, Pollicino T, Li L, Kennedy PT, Lopatin U, Macary PA, Bertoletti A.
Journal of Virology. 2011; 85:1935-1942 doi: 10.1128/JVI.01990-10                                                                                                                                                 
  1.  Treatment of chronic hepatitis B: Update of the recommendations from the 2007 Italian Workshop.
    Carosi G, Rizzetto M, Alberti A, Cariti G, Colombo M, Craxì A, Filice G, Levrero M, Mazzotta F, Pastore G, Piccinino F, Prati D, Raimondo G, Sagnelli E, Toti M, Brunetto M, Bruno R, Di Marco V, Ferrari C, Gaeta GB, Lampertico P, Marzano A, Pollicino T, Puoti M, Santantonio T, Smedile A.
    Digestive and Liver Disease. 2011;43:259-265 doi: 10.1016/j.dld.2010.10.014.
  1. A 2010 update on occult hepatitis B infection.
    Raimondo G, Pollicino T, Romanò L, Zanetti AR.
    Pathologie-Biologie 2010;58:254-257. doi: 10.1016/j.patbio.2010.02.003
  1. Practice guidelines for the treatment of hepatitis C: recommendations from an AISF/SIMIT/SIMAST Expert Opinion Meeting.
    Italian Association for the Study of the Liver; Italian Society of Infectious, Tropical Diseases; Italian Society for the Study of Sexually Transmitted Diseases.
    Prati D, Gasbarrini A, Mazzotta F, Sagnelli E, Carosi G, Abrescia N, Alberti A, Ambu S, Andreone P, Andriulli A, Angelico M, Antonucci GF, Ascione A, Belli LS, Bruno R, Bruno S, Burra P, Cammà C, Caporaso N, Cariti G, Cillo U, Coppola N, Craxì A, De Luca A, De Martin E, Di Marco V, Fagiuoli S, Ferrari C, Gaeta GB, Galli M, Grieco A, Grossi P, Licata A, Maida I, Mangia A, Marino N, Maserati R, Missale G, Mondelli M, Nasta P, Niro G, Persico M, Petrelli E, Picciotto A, Piscaglia F, Pollicino T, Prati D, Puoti C, Puoti M, Raimondo G, Rumi ...et al
Digestive and Liver Disease 2010;42:81-91 doi: 10.1016/j.dld.2009.08.001.
  1. Control of cccDNA function in hepatitis B virus infection.
    Levrero M, Pollicino T, Petersen J, Belloni L, Raimondo G, Dandri M
    Journal of Hepatology 2009;51:581-592. doi: 10.1016/j.jhep.2009.05.022.    
  1. Variability of reverse-transcriptase and overlapping s-gene in hepatitis B virus isolates from untreated and lamivudine-resistant chronic hepatitis B patients
    Pollicino T, Isgrò G, Di Stefano R, Ferraro D, Maimone S, Brancatelli S, Squadrito G, Di Marco V, Craxì A, Raimondo G.
    Antiviral Therapy, 2009;14:649-654
  1. Nuclear HBx binds the HBV minichromosome and modifies the epigenetic regulation of cccDNA function.
    Belloni L, Pollicino T, De Nicola F, Guerrieri F, Raffa G, Fanciulli M, Raimondo G, Levrero M.
    Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2009; 24;106:19975-19979. doi:10.1073/pnas.0908365106.
  1.  Statements from the Taormina expert meeting on occult hepatitis B virus infection.
    Raimondo G, Allain JP, Brunetto MR, Buendia MA, Chen DS, Colombo M, Craxì A, Donato F, Ferrari C, Gaeta GB, Gerlich WH, Levrero M, Locarnini S, Michalak T, Mondelli MU, Pawlotsky JM, Pollicino T, Prati D, Puoti M, Samuel D, Shouval D, Smedile A, Squadrito G, Trépo C, Villa E, Will H, Zanetti AR, Zoulim F.
    Journal of Hepatology 2008; 49:652-657. doi: 10.1016/j.jhep.2008.07.014
  1. The characteristics of the cell-mediated immune response identify different profiles of occult hepatitis B virus infection.
    Zerbini A, Pilli M, Boni C, Fisicaro P, Penna A, Di Vincenzo P, Giuberti T, Orlandini A, Raffa G, Pollicino T, Raimondo G, Ferrari C, Missale G.
    Gastroenterology. 2008;134:1470-1481. doi: 10.1053/j.gastro.2008.02.017.
  1.  Occult hepatitis B virus in liver tissue of individuals without hepatic disease.
    Raimondo G, Navarra G, Mondello S, Costantino L, Colloredo G, Cucinotta E, Di Vita G, Scisca C, Squadrito G, Pollicino T.
    Journal of Hepatology 2008; 48:743-746. doi: 10.1016/j.jhep.2008.01.023
  1. Occult hepatitis B virus infection.
    Raimondo G, Pollicino T, Cacciola I, Squadrito G.
    Journal of Hepatology 2007; 46:160-70                                                      
  1.  Molecular and functional analysis of occult hepatitis B virus isolates from patients with hepatocellular carcinoma.
    Pollicino T, Raffa G, Costantino L, Lisa A, Campello C, Squadrito G, Levrero M, Raimondo G.
    Hepatology. 2007; 45:277-285                                                                                                      
  1. Is there a downgrading in the alert about the hepatitis B virus infection in Italy?
    Raimondo G, Isgro G, Caccamo G, Pollicino T, Squadrito G and the Calabrian HBV Study Group.
    Digestive and Liver Disease 2007; 39:257-61                   
  1. Disease progression and liver cancer in the ferroportin disease.
    Corradini E,Ferrara F, Pollicino T,Vegetti A,Abbati GL, Losi L,Raimondo G,Pietrangelo A.
    Gut. 2007; 56:1030-2.                                                                                                                    
  2.  Analysis of occult hepatitis B virus infection in liver tissue of HIV patients with chronic hepatitis C. 
    Raffa G, Maimone S, Cargnel A, Santantonio T, Antonucci G, Massari M, Schiavini M, Caccamo G, Pollicino T, Raimondo G. 
    AIDS 2007; 21: 2171-2175
  1. Occult hepatitis B virus infection is associated with the development of hepatocellular carcinoma in chronic hepatitis C patients. 
    Squadrito G, Pollicino T, Cacciola I, Caccamo G, Villari D, La Masa T, Restuccia T, Cucinotta E, Scisca C, Magazzù D, Raimondo G. 
    Cancer, 2006; 106:1326-30.
  1. Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) replication is regulated by the acetylation status of HBV cccDNA-bound H3 and H4 histones.
    Pollicino T, Belloni L, Raffa G, Pediconi N, Squadrito G, Raimondo G, Levrero M.
Gastroenterology, 2006; 130:823-37.                                                     
  1.  What is the clinical impact of occult hepatitis B virus infection? 
    Raimondo G., Pollicino T., Squadrito G. 
    Lancet, 2005, 365: 638-640
  1. Virological profiles in hepatitis B virus inactive carriers: monthly evaluation in one-year follow up study. 
    Cacciola I, Spatari G, Pollicino T, Costantino L, Zimbaro G, Brancatelli S, Fenga C, Caccamo G, Squadrito G, Raimondo G.
    Liver International, 2005; 25:555-563.                                                     
  1.  Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) maintains its pro-oncogenic properties in case of occult HBV infection 
    Pollicino T., Squadrito G., Cerenzia G., Cacciola I., Raffa G., Craxì A., Farinati F., Missale G., Smedile A., Tiribelli C., Villa E., Raimondo G.
    Gastroenterology, 2004; 126: 102-110                                                      
  1. Non-sequencing molecular approaches to identify preS2-defective hepatitis B virus variants proved to be associated with severe liver diseases.
    Raimondo G., Costantino L., Caccamo G., Pollicino T., Squadrito G., Cacciola I., Brancatelli S.
    Journal of Hepatology, 2004, 40: 515-519.                                              
  1. TT virus has a ubiquitous diffusion in human body tissues: analyses of paired serum and tissue samples.
    Pollicino T, Raffa G, Squadrito G, Costantino L, Cacciola I, Brancatelli S, Alafaci C, Florio MG, Raimondo G.
    Journal Viral Hepatitis 2003;10: 95-102.
  1. High prevalence of non-organ-specific autoantibodies in hepatitis C virus-infected cirrhotic patients from southern Italy.
    Squadrito G, Previti M, Lenzi M, Le Rose EP, Caccamo G, Restuccia T, Di Cesare E, Pollicino T, Raimondo G. 
    Digestive Diseases and Science, 2003; 48: 349-53.
  1. Clinical Virology of hepatitis B virus infection.
    Raimondo G., Pollicino T., Squadrito G. 
    Journal of  Hepatology, 2003, 39: S26-30.                                               
  1. Virological profiles in patients with chronic hepatitis C and overt or occult HBV infection. 
    Squadrito G, Orlando ME, Pollicino T, Raffa G, Restuccia T, Cacciola I, Brancatelli S, Di Marco V, Picciotto A, Colucci G, Craxì A, Raimondo G
    American Journal of Gastroenterology, 2002; 97:1518-23.
  1. The hepatitis B virus X protein abrogates Bcl-2-mediated protection against Fas apoptosis in the liver.
    Terradillos O, de La Coste A, Pollicino T, Neuveut C, Sitterlin D, Lecoeur H, Gougeon ML, Kahn A, Buendia MA.
    Oncogene, 2002;21:377-86.
  1.  Genomic heterogeneity of Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) and outcome of perinatal HBV infection.
    Cacciola I, Cerenzia G, Pollicino T, Squadrito G, Castellaneta S, Zanetti AR, Mieli-Vergani G, Raimondo G.
    Journal of Hepatology 2002;36:426-32.                                                   
  1. Is investigation of hepatitis C virus NS5A gene heterogeneity a tool for predicting long-lasting response to interferon therapy in patients with HCV-1b chronic hepatitis?
    Squadrito G, Raffa G, Restuccia T, Pollicino T, Brancatelli S, Raimondo G.
    Journal of Viral Hepatitis, 2002; 9: 360-9.
  1. Conserved transactivating and pro-apoptotic functions of hepadnaviral X protein in ortho- and avihepadnaviruses.
    Schuster R, Hildt E, Chang SF, Terradillos O, Pollicino T, Lanford R, Gerlich WH, Will H, Schaefer S.
    Oncogene. 2002; 21: 6606-13.
  1. Analysis of Haemochromatosis gene mutations in a population from the Mediterranean Basin.
    Campo S, Restuccia T, Villari D, Raffa G, Cucinotta D, Squadrito G, Pollicino T, Raimondo G.
    Liver, 2001; 21: 233-6.
  1. Quantification of intrahepatic hepatitis B virus (HBV) DNA in patients with chronic HBV infection.
    Cacciola I, Pollicino T, Squadrito G, Cerenzia G, Villari D, de Franchis R, Santantonio T, Brancatelli S, Colucci G, Raimondo G.
    Hepatology, 2000; 31: 507-512.                                                                 
  1.  Occult hepatitis B virus infection.
    Raimondo G, Balsano C, Craxì A, Farinati F, Levrero M, Mondelli M, Pollicino T, Squadrito G, Tiribelli C. 
    Digestive and Liver Disease, 2000;32:822-6.
  1. Occult hepatitis B virus infection in patients with chronic hepatitis C liver disease.
    Cacciola I, Pollicino T, Squadrito G, Cerenzia G, Orlando ME, Raimondo G.
    New England Journal of Medicine, 1999; 341: 22-26. 29
  1.  p53-independent apoptotic effects of the hepatitis B virus HBx protein in vivo and in vitro.
    Terradillos O*, Pollicino T*, Lecoeur H, Tripodi M, Gougeon ML, Tiollais P, Buendia MA.
    Oncogene, 1998; 17 (16): 2115-23. (*Co-first authorship)
  1. Pro-apoptotic effect of the hepatitis B virus X gene.
    Pollicino T, Terradillos O, Lecoeur H, Gougeon ML, Buendia MA.
    Biomedicine Pharmacotherapy, 1998; 52: 363-8.
  1.  Outcome of liver disease and response to interferon treatment are not influenced by Hepatitis B virus core gene variability in children with chronic type B Hepatitis.
    Schepis F, Verucchi G, Pollicino T, Attard L, Brancatelli S, Longo G, Raimondo G. 
    Journal of Hepatology, 1997, 26: 765-770.                                   
  1. Pre-S2 defective hepatitis B virus infection in patients with fulminant hepatitis.
    Pollicino T, Zanetti AR, Cacciola I, Petit MA, Smedile A, Campo S, Sagliocca L, Pasquali M, Tanzi E, Longo G, Raimondo G.
    Hepatology, 1997; 26: 495-499.                                                     
  1. Evaluation of hepatitis B and C virus infections in patients with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and without liver disease. 
    Musolino C, Campo S, Pollicino T, Squadrito G, Spatari G, Raimondo G.
Haematologica, 1996, 81: 162-164.
  1. Severe outcome of hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection and lack of HBV e antigen-defective virus emergence in patients homozygous for HLA class I alleles. 
    Pollicino T, Pernice F, Campo S, Mesiti O, Misefari V, Pernice M, Raimondo G. 
    Journal of General Virology, 1996, 77: 1833-1836.
  1. Hepatitis B e antigen detection in formalin fixed liver biopsy specimens: a tool to investigate wild-type and e-minus variant HBV infection. 
    Villari D, Pollicino T, Spinella S, Russo F, Campo S, Rodinò G, Squadrito G, Longo G, Raimondo G. 
    American Journal of Clinical Patholology, 1995, 103: 136-140.            
  1. Pre-S and core gene heterogeneity in hepatitis B virus (HBV) genomes isolated from patients with long-lasting HBV infection. 
    Pollicino T, Campo S, Raimondo G. 
    Virology, 1995, 208, 672-677.                                                        
  1.  Heterogeneity of HBV genome. 
    Raimondo G, Pollicino T, Campo S, Squadrito G. 
    Ital J Gastroenterol, 1995, 27, 88-90.
  1. Type II Interleukin-1 receptor is not expressed in cultered endothelial cells and is not involved in endothelial cell activation. 
    Colotta F, Sironi M, Borrè A, Pollicino T, Bernasconi S, Boraschi D, Mantovani A.
      Blood, 1993, 81: 1347-1351                                                           
  1. Divergent effects of interleukin-10 on cytokine production by mononuclear phagocytes and endothelial cells. 
    Sironi M, Munoz C, Pollicino T, Siboni A, Sciacca FL, Bernasconi S, Vecchi A, Colotta F, Mantovani A. 
    European Journal of Immunology, 1993, 23: 2692-2695.          
  1. Regulated expression of vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 in human malignant melanoma. 
    Jonjic N, Martin-Padura I, Pollicino T, Bernasconi S, Jilek P, Bigotti A, Artarini R, Anichini A, Parmiani G, Colotta F, Dejana E, Mantovani A, Natali PG. 
    American Journal of Pathology, 1992, 141: 1323-1330.            


    Teresa Pollicino
                                        CURRICULUM VITAE
    1. Personal Details:
    Date of birth:              July 20, 1964
    Place of birth:             Monforte S. Giorgio  (Messina), Italy
    Nationality:                Italian
    Marital Status:            Married
    Fiscal Code:               PLLTRS64L60F359B
    Address:    (work)             Laboratory of Molecular Hepatology
                                              Department of Human Pathology
                                              University Hospital “G. Martino”of Messina
                                              Via Consolare Valeria 1, 98122 Messina, Italy
                                              Tel:        +39(090)2213703
                                              Mobile:  +39 3355398843
                                              e-mail:   tpollicino@unime.it;
                    (home)               Viale Principe Umberto 71, 98122, Messina, Italy
    Present appointment:      Full Professor of General Pathology, Department of Human Pathology, University of Messina, Italy
    2. Education/Qualifications:
    1990:                               Medical Doctor Degree, University of Messina, Italy
      1994:                                 Specialist in Haematology, University of Messina, Italy
      2001:                                  Specialist in Internal Medicine, University of Messina, Italy
    3. Professional History:
    1998 –2015:                  Assistant Professor of Laboratory Medicine, University of Messina, Italy.
    1991 and 1992:            Visiting scientist, Unit of Molecular Immunoregulation, “M. Negri” Institute of Milan, Italy.
    1993:                      Visiting scientist, Department of Virology, “Heinrich-Pette-Institut”, Hamburg University, Hamburg, Germany.
    1994 -  1996:                Postdoctoral fellow, Laboratory of Molecular Biology,
                                          Department of Internal Medicine, University of Messina, Italy.
    1996 -  1998:                Postdoctoral fellow, Research fellow at the “Unité de Recombinaison et   Expression Génétique – Department de Retrovirus” Institut  Pasteur,  Paris, France.
    2002 and 2003:            Visiting Scientist, Laboratory of Gene Expression, Experimental Research Center, Regina Elena Institute, Rome, Italy.
    2011 to date :               Head, Laboratory of Molecular Hepatology, Department of Human Pathology, University of Messina
    2015 and 2016 :           “Senior Research Scientist” presso l’Hepatic Pathogenesis Section, Laboratory of Infectious Diseases, NIAID, NIH, Bethesda, MD, USA
    2015 – 2020:         Associate Professor of General Pathology, Department of Human Pathology, University of Messina, Italy
    Sept. 2020 to date:         Coordinator of Advanced Diagnostics Laboratories, University Hospital
       “G. Martino” of Messina
    Jan. 2021 to date:          Full Professor of General Pathology, Department of Human Pathology, University of Messina, Italy
    4. Research Fellowships  
    1998:    ”Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale” (INSERM), France
    Field of Research : Hepatitis B virus and Hepatocellular Carcinoma
    Place : Unité de Recombinaison et  Expression Génétique – Department de Retrovirus
                  Institut  Pasteur,  Paris, France.
    1997:    "Fondation pour la Recherche Medicale  Francaise" Paris, France
    Field of Research : Hepatitis B virus X protein and Apoptosis
    Place : Unité de Recombinaison et  Expression Génétique – Department de Retrovirus
                  Institut  Pasteur,  Paris, France.
    1991:   From “Fondazione Bonino-Pulejo” Messina, Italy
    Field of Research : Molecular Immunoregulation, Inflammation and Cancer
    Place : Laboratory of Molecular Biology,  “M. Negri”  Institute of Milan, Italy.  
    5. Honors
    2015:     Prize "en honor a su notable trayectoria y aportes  académicos en tan importante ambito de las ciencias de la salud" from University of Guadalajara and Civil Hospital of Guadalajara, Mexico, during the "XVII Congreso Internacional Avances en Medicina, Hospital Civil de Guadalajara, Mexico, February 26, 2015"
    2012:       Fellowship research program prize (Gilead Science), Milan, Italy
    2006:      A.I.S.F.-FADE Prize for the best 2004 Italian publication in Hepatology [Pollicino T. et   al., Gastroenterology 2004; 126:102–110]. 
    2003:     “Prize for best oral presentation”, 38th Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of the Liver. Geneva, Switzerland, July 3 – 6, 2003 for the study “Class I Deacetylases Inhibitors Affect HBV Replication by Modulating the Acetylation Status of cccDNA-Bound H3 and H4 Histones”.
    6. Membership, Board and Academies  
    2006 – 2009:                                      Member of the Governing Board of the Italian Association for the Study of the Liver (AISF)
    2009 – 2012:                                      Member of the Executive Board of the Italian Foundation for Liver Research (FIRE)
    2016 - 2019:                                       Member of the Scientific Advisory Council for the HBV Meeting
    Febr. 2020 to date:                           Member of The Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti of Messina
    Society Memberships:                   
                                                - European Association for the Study of the Liver (EASL)
                                                               - Italian Association for the Study of the Liver (AISF)
                                                               - Italian Society of Microbiology (SIM)
                                                               - Italian Society of Pathology and Translational Medicine
    Organizer of the following scientific meetings and conferences
    1)  “Hepatitis B  Virus-related liver diseases”. Conference of the Italian  Association for the Study of the Liver (AISF) and of the Italian Society of Gastroenterology and Endoscopy. February 11-13, 2010, Chianciano, Italy.
    2)Management of HBV-related liver disease”. 10th AISF Pre-Meeting Course. February 20-22, 2008, Rome, Italy.
    3)  Occult hepatitis B virus infection: biology and clinical impact”.  The Taormina International Expert Meeting. March 7 - 8, 2008, Taormina, Italy
    4) “Workshop: Occult Hepadnavirus Infection”. The 2007 International Meeting: “The Molecular Biology of Hepatitis B viruses”.  September 16-20, 2007, Rome, Italy
    7. Academic supervision
    During her academic career Prof. Pollicino has supervised both students and scientists to obtain Biotechnology, MD and PhD degrees in their research projects leading to thesis development. This is a fundamental part of her academic commitments which can be verified through the offices of the University of Messina, Italy.
    8. Teaching activities
    As a Full Professor of General Pathology Teresa Pollicino has teaching commitments with undergraduate and graduate students in the Medicine and Surgery School (International Medical School), Medical School, Biotechnology School, and Dental School of the University of Messina, Italy. These include formal teaching and tutorials.  Dr. Pollicino also supervises trainees in Immunology and Allergology, Microbiology, Internal Medicine, Geriatric Medicine, and Nephrology and she is a key member of the student assessment board.
    Prof. Teresa Pollicino is a component of the Board of Teachers of the “International PhD Translational Molecular Medicine and Surgery Course” of Messina University.
    9.  Patients’ care commitments
    As a Head of the Laboratory of Molecular Hepatology, Teresa Pollicino coordinates the activity of 3 MScs, 1 technician, 2 PhD students, and 2 MScs with non-tenured contracts paid by research grants. The Laboratory is a leader in Southern Italy in offering new and innovative diagnostic tests for viral hepatitis. It offers a comprehensive portfolio of assays based on antigen/antibody and nucleic acid detection of hepatitis viruses that can identify and classify infection, determine viral genotype/subtype, quantitate viral replication, and evaluate the effectiveness of antiviral treatment, including the presence of pre-existing and acquired drug resistant variants. A deep knowledge base, excellent technical skills, and a uniform dedication to continuing improvement are the hallmarks of the Laboratory whose activity is also particularly concerned with devising new diagnostic approaches, including that for the quantification of Hepatitis Delta virus (HDV). Of particular note is the fact that Teresa Pollicino’s Laboratory is one of the 20 European Laboratories that are testing the first international quality control for quantification of HDV viral load.
    Dr. Pollicino is also member of the GRT Validation Board of the HCV Virology Italian Resistance Network Study group: Vironet C.
    10. Major Scientific Interests
    Teresa Pollicino’s research work is focused on molecular and translational aspects of the hepatitis viruses that are the main causative agents of acute and chronic liver diseases. In particular, her primary topics are:
    - the molecular characterization and clinical impact of occult hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection
    - the pro-oncogenic role of HBV DNA integration and of HBV proteins
    - HBV and hepatitis delta virus (HDV) co-infection
    - the impact of HBV genomic variability in the outcome of the infection and in the progression of   
      liver disease
    - the impact of HBV and hepatitis C virus (HCV) genomic variability on antiviral therapy and therapy resistance
    Dr Pollicino’s main contributions concern the exploration of the molecular mechanisms implicated in the regulation of HBV replication cycle in several clinical contexts, including chronic active hepatitis B (Pollicino T et al Gastroenterology 2006, Pollicino T et al, Hepatology 2012), occult HBV infection (Pollicino T et al Hepatology 2007), and HBV-HDV coinfection (Pollicino T et al, Journal of Virology 2011), and the molecular characterization of HBV in liver tissues from patients with occult B infection and chronic hepatitis C (Cacciola et al New England Journal of Medicine 1999) or with hepatocellular carcinoma (Pollicino T et al, Gastroenterology 2004, Pollicino T et al, Journal of Hepatology, 2013, Saitta C et al Liver Int, 2015). As a result of her work, it has been revealed that HBV transcription and replication is epigenetically regulated, and that HBV cccDNA chromatin organization correlates with HBV replication activity in the different clinical settings. Moreover, her studies have definitely confirmed that HBV may persist both as free episomal genome and integrated DNA in the liver of patients with hepatocellular carcinoma and occult HBV infection.
    Scientific Impact
    The impact of the contribution of Teresa Pollicino is testified by citation. As of January 2021 she has over 6,405 (Scopus) citations, an Impact Factor (according to scientific journal IF 2018/2019) of 782, and an H-index of 39 (Scopus).
    1. HBV-Integration Studies in the Clinic: Role in the Natural History of Infection.
                Pollicino T, Caminiti G.
    Viruses. 2021;13:368. doi: 10.3390/v13030368.
    1.  Resistance analysis and treatment outcomes in hepatitis C virus genotype 3-infected patients within the Italian network VIRONET-C.
    Di Maio VC, Barbaliscia S, Teti E, Fiorentino G, Milana M, Paolucci S, Pollicino T, Morsica G, Starace M, Bruzzone B, Gennari W, Micheli V, Yu La Rosa K, Foroghi L, Calvaruso V, Lenci I, Polilli E, Babudieri S, Aghemo A, Raimondo G, Sarmati L, Coppola N, Pasquazzi C, Baldanti F, Parruti G, Perno CF, Angelico M, Craxì A, Andreoni M, Ceccherini-Silberstein F; HCV Virology Italian Resistance Network Group (Vironet C).
    Liver Int. 2021 . doi: 10.1111/liv.14797. Online ahead of print.
    1. Human hepatitis B virus negatively impacts the protective immune cross-talk between natural killer and dendritic cells.
    De Pasquale C, Campana S, Barberi C, Sidoti Migliore G, Oliveri D, Lanza M, Musolino C, Raimondo G, Ferrone S, Pollicino T, Ferlazzo G.
    Hepatology. 2021 . doi: 10.1002/hep.31725. Online ahead of print.
    1. Occult hepatitis B infection and hepatocellular carcinoma: Epidemiology, virology, hepatocarcinogenesis and clinical significance.
    Mak LY, Wong DK, Pollicino T, Raimondo G, Hollinger FB, Yuen MF.
    J Hepatol. 2020 Oct;73(4):952-964. doi: 10.1016/j.jhep.2020.05.042.
    1. Occult hepatitis B virus infection predicts non-alcoholic steatohepatitis in severely obese individuals from Italy.
    Raimondo G, Saitta C, Lombardo D, Giraudi PJ, Rosso N, Ieni A, Lazzara S, Palmisano S, Bonazza D, Alibrandi A, Navarra G, Tiribelli C, Pollicino T.
    Liver Int. 2020;40:1601-1609. doi: 10.1111/liv.14473.
    1. Frequency of somatic mutations in TERT promoter, TP53 and CTNNB1 genes in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma from Southern Italy.
    Lombardo D, Saitta C, Giosa D, Di Tocco FC, Musolino C, Caminiti G, Chines V, Franzè MS, Alibrandi A, Navarra G, Raimondo G, Pollicino T.
    Oncol Lett. 2020;19:2368-2374. doi: 10.3892/ol.2020.11332.
    1. Obesity and liver cancer.
    Saitta C, Pollicino T, Raimondo G.
    Annals of Hepatology 2019  Nov - Dec;18(6):810-815. doi:10.1016/j.aohep.2019.07.004                 
    1. Free episomal and integrated HBV DNA in HBsAg-negative patients with intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma.
    Pollicino T, Musolino C, Saitta C, Tripodi G, Lanza M, Raffa G, Tocco FCD, Raggi C, Bragazzi MC, Barbera A, Navarra G, Invernizzi P, Alvaro D, Raimondo G.
    Oncotarget 2019;11;10(39):3931-3938. doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.27002
    1. Update of the statements on biology and clinical impact of occult hepatitis B virus infection.
    Raimondo G, Locarnini S, Pollicino T, Levrero M, Zoulim F, Lok AS; Taormina Workshop on Occult HBV Infection Faculty Members.
    Journal of Hepatology 2019;71(2):397-408. doi: 10.1016/j.jhep.2019.03.034.
    1. Behaviour of occult HBV infection in HCV-infected patients under treatment with direct-acting antivirals.
    Musolino C, Cacciola I, Tripodi G, Lombardo D, Raffa G, Alibrandi A, Squadrito G, Raimondo G, Pollicino T.
    Antiviral Therapy 2019;24(3):187-192. doi: 10.3851/IMP3288.             
    1. Role of humoral immunity against hepatitis B virus core antigen in the pathogenesis of acute liver failure.
    Chen Z, Diaz G, Pollicino T, Zhao H, Engle RE, Schuck P, Shen CH, Zamboni F, Long Z, Kabat J, De Battista D, Bock KW, Moore IN, Wollenberg K, Soto C, Govindarajan S, Kwong PD, Kleiner DE, Purcell RH, Farci P.
    Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2018;115(48):E11369-E11378. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1809028115.                                                                          
    1. NS3 Variability in Hepatitis C Virus Genotype 1A Isolates from Liver Tissue and Serum Samples of Treatment-Naïve Patients with Chronic Hepatitis C.
    D'Aliberti D, Cacciola I, Musolino C, Raffa G, Filomia R, Alibrandi A, Benfatto S, Beninati C, Saitta C, Giosa D, Romeo O, Raimondo G, Pollicino T.
    Intervirology 2018;61(1):1-8. doi: 10.1159/000489307.                           
    1. Integration of hepatitis B virus DNA in chronically infected patients assessed by Alu-PCR.
    Larsson SB, Tripodi G, Raimondo G, Saitta C, Norkrans G, Pollicino T, Lindh M.
    Journal of Medical Virology 2018:1568-1575. doi: 10.1002/jmv.25227.
    1. Infection with hepatitis C virus depends on TACSTD2, a regulator of claudin-1 and occludin highly downregulated in hepatocellular carcinoma.
    Sekhar V*, Pollicino T*, Diaz G, Engle RE, Alayli F, Melis M, Kabat J, Tice A, Pomerenke A, Altan-Bonnet N, Zamboni F, Lusso P, Emerson SU, Farci P.
    PLoS Pathog. 2018;14(3):e1006916. doi: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1006916. eCollection 2018 Mar. (*Co-first authorship)                                          
    1. Flavocoxid exerts a potent antiviral effect against hepatitis B virus.
    Pollicino T, Musolino C, Irrera N, Bitto A, Lombardo D, Timmoneri M, Minutoli L, Raimondo G, Squadrito G, Squadrito F, Altavilla D.
    Inflamm Res. 2018;67:89-103. doi: 10.1007/s00011-017-1099-2.           
    1. Frequent NS5A and multiclass resistance in almost all HCV genotypes at DAA failures: What are the chances for second-line regimens?
    Di Maio VC, Cento V, Aragri M, Paolucci S, Pollicino T, Coppola N, Bruzzone B, Ghisetti V, Zazzi M, Brunetto M, Bertoli A, Barbaliscia S, Galli S, Gennari W, Baldanti F, Raimondo G, Perno CF, Ceccherini-Silberstein F; HCV Virology Italian Resistance Network (VIRONET-C).
    Journal of Hepatology. 2018;68:597-600. doi: 10.1016/j.jhep.2017.09.008
    1. Proliferation of primary human hepatocytes and prevention of hepatitis B virus reinfection efficiently deplete nuclear cccDNA in vivo.
    Allweiss L, Volz T, Giersch K, Kah J, Raffa G, Petersen J, Lohse AW, Beninati C, Pollicino T, Urban S, Lütgehetmann M, Dandri M.
    Gut. 2018;67:542-552. doi: 10.1136/gutjnl-2016-312162.                                    
    1. PIVKA-II is a useful tool for diagnostic characterization of ultrasound-detected liver nodules in cirrhotic patients.
    Saitta C, Raffa G, Alibrandi A, Brancatelli S, Lombardo D, Tripodi G, Raimondo G, Pollicino T.
    Medicine (Baltimore). 2017;96(26):e7266. doi:10.1097/MD.0000000000007266
    1. Both interferon alpha and lambda can reduce all intrahepatic HDV infection markers in HBV/HDV infected humanized mice.
    Giersch K, Homs M, Volz T, Helbig M, Allweiss L, Lohse AW, Petersen J, Buti M, Pollicino T, Sureau C, Dandri M, Lütgehetmann M.
    Science Reports 2017;7:3757. doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-03946-9           
    1. A combination of different diagnostic tools allows identification of inactive hepatitis B virus carriers at a single time point evaluation.
    Maimone S, Caccamo G, Squadrito G, Alibrandi A, Saffioti F, Spinella R, Raffa G, Pollicino T, Raimondo G.
    Liver International 2017; 37:362-368. doi: 10.1111/liv.13246.               
    1. Hepatitis B viral replication influences the expression of natural killer cell ligands
    Koumbi L, Pollicino T, Raimondo G, Kumar N, Karayiannis P, Khakoo SI.
    Annals of Gastroenterology 2016; 29: 348-357. Doi: 10.20524/aog.2016.0036
    1. AISF position paper on liver transplantation and pregnancy: Women in Hepatology Group, Italian Association for the Study of the Liver (AISF).
    Women in Hepatology Group; Italian Association for the Study of the Liver (AISF).
    Digestive and Liver Disease 2016;48:860-8. doi: 10.1016/j.dld.2016.04.009.
    1. Hepatitis B virus basal core promoter mutations show lower replication fitness associated with cccDNA acetylation status.
    Koumbi L, Pollicino T, Raimondo G, Stampoulis D, Khakoo S, Karayiannis P.
    Virus Research. 2016;220:150-60. doi: 10.1016/j.virusres.2016.04.022.
    1. Neoangiogenesis-related genes are hallmarks of fast-growing hepatocellular carcinomas and worst survival. Results from a prospective study.
    Villa E, Critelli R, Lei B, Marzocchi G, Cammà C, Giannelli G, Pontisso P, Cabibbo G, Enea M, Colopi S, Caporali C, Pollicino T, Milosa F, Karampatou A, Todesca P, Bertolini E, Maccio L, Martinez-Chantar ML, Turola E, Del Buono M, De Maria N, Ballestri S, Schepis F, Loria P, Enrico Gerunda G, Losi L, Cillo U.
    Gut. 2016. 65:861-869 doi: 10.1136/gutjnl-2014-308483                        
    1. Evaluation of CTNNB1 and TP53 variability in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma and occult hepatitis B virus infection.
    Saitta C, Lanza M,Bertuccio A, Lazzara S,Navarra G, Raimondo G, Pollicino T.
    Cancer Genetics 2015; 208:513-516.   doi: 10.1016/j.cancergen.2015.07.002
    1. Hepatitis B virus (HBV) DNA integration in patients with occult HBV infection and hepatocellular carcinoma
    Saitta C, Tripodi G, Barbera A, Bertuccio A, Smedile A, Ciancio A, Sangiovanni A, Navarra G, Raimondo G, Pollicino T.
    Liver International. 2015, 35:2311-2317. doi: 10.1111/liv.12807.          
    1. Hepatitis B vaccination.
    Romanò L, Paladini S, Galli C, Raimondo G, Pollicino T, Zanetti AR.
    Human Vaccines and Immunotherapeutics. 2015; 11:53-57.                
    doi: 10.4161/hv.34306                                                                                
    1. Lack of the NS5B S282T mutation in HCV isolates from liver tissue of naive patients with HCV genotype-1b infection.
    Maimone S, Tripodi G, Musolino C, Cacciola I, Pollicino T, Raimondo G.
    Antiviral Therapy 2015; 20:245-247. doi: 10.3851/IMP2844.                
    1. Occult hepatitis B infection.
    Pollicino T, Raimondo G.
    Journal of Hepatology. 2014; 61:688-689. doi: 10.1016/j.jhep.2014.04.036
    1. Occult hepatitis B virus and hepatocellular carcinoma.
    Pollicino T, Saitta C.
    World Journal of Gastroenterology 2014; 20:5951-5961 doi: 10.3748/wjg.v20.i20.5951.                                                                          
    1. Hepatitis B virus PreS/S gene variants: pathobiology and clinical implications.
    Pollicino T, Cacciola I, Saffioti F, Raimondo G.
    Journal of Hepatology 2014;61:408-417. doi: 10.1016/j.jhep.2014.04.041    
    1. Hepatitis B virus (HBV) induces the expression of interleukin-8 that in turn reduces HBV sensitivity to interferon-alpha.
    Pollicino T, Bellinghieri L, Restuccia A, Raffa G, Musolino C, Alibrandi A, Teti D, Raimondo G.
                Virology. 2013; 444:317-28. doi: 10.1016/j.virol.2013.06.028                 
    1. Impact of occult hepatitis B infection on the outcome of chronic hepatitis C
    Squadrito G, Cacciola I, Alibrandi A, Pollicino T, Raimondo G.
    Journal of Hepatology 2013;59:696-700. doi: 10.1016/j.jhep.2013.05.043
    1. NS3 genetic variability in HCV genotype-1b isolates from liver specimens and blood samples of treatment-naive patients with chronic hepatitis C.
      Maimone S, Musolino C, Squadrito G, Raffa G, Pollicino T, Raimondo G.
      Antiviral Therapy 2013;18:131-134. doi: 10.3851/IMP2326.
    1. Risk of occult hepatitis B virus infection reactivation in patients with solid tumours undergoing chemotherapy.
      Saitta C, Musolino C, Marabello G, Martino D, Leonardi MS, Pollicino T, Altavilla G, Raimondo G.
      Digestive and Liver Disease. 2013;45:683-686. doi: 10.1016/j.dld.2013.01.022
    1. Occult hepatitis B virus and the risk for chronic liver disease: a meta-analysis.
      Covolo L, Pollicino T, Raimondo G, Donato F.
      Digestive and Liver Disease 2013;45:238-244. doi: 10.1016/j.dld.2012.09.021
    1.  Hepatitis B virus DNA integration in tumour tissue of a non-cirrhotic HFE-haemochromatosis patient with hepatocellular carcinoma.
      Pollicino T,Vegetti A, Saitta C, Ferrara F, Corradini E,Raffa G,Pietrangelo A, Raimondo G.
    Journal of Hepatology 2013;58:190-193. doi: 10.1016/j.jhep.2012.09.005
    1. Occult HBV infection.
      Raimondo G, Caccamo G, Filomia R, Pollicino T.
      Seminars in Immunopathology 2013;35:39-52. doi:10.1007/s00281-012-0327-7.
    1. Impact of hepatitis B virus (HBV) preS/S genomic variability on HBV surface antigen and HBV DNA serum levels.
      Pollicino T, Amaddeo G, Restuccia A, Raffa G, Alibrandi A, Cutroneo G, Favaloro A, Maimone S, Squadrito G, Raimondo G.
      Hepatology. 2012;56:434-443 doi: 10.1002/hep.25592.                            
    1. Transcriptional regulation of miR-224 upregulated in human HCCs by NFκB inflammatory pathways.
      Scisciani C, Vossio S, Guerrieri F, Schinzari V, De Iaco R, D'Onorio de Meo P, Cervello M, Montalto G, Pollicino T, Raimondo G, Levrero M, Pediconi N.
      Journal of Hepatology 2012;56:855-861 doi: 10.1016/j.jhep.2011.11.017      
    1. IFN-α inhibits HBV transcription and replication in cell culture and in humanized mice by targeting the epigenetic regulation of the nuclear cccDNA minichromosome.
      Belloni L, Allweiss L, Guerrieri F, Pediconi N, Volz T, Pollicino T, Petersen J, Raimondo G, Dandri M, Levrero M.
      Journal of Clinical Investigation. 2012;122:529-537. doi: 10.1172/JCI58847
    1. Hepatitis E virus infection as a cause of acute hepatitis in south Italy.
      Cacciola I, Messineo F, Cacopardo B, Di Marco V, Galli C, Squadrito G, Musolino C, Saitta C, Pollicino T, Raimondo G.
      Digestive and Liver Disease 2011;43:996-1000 doi: 10.1016/j.dld.2011.07.017.
    2. Hepatocellular carcinoma: the point of view of the hepatitis B virus.
      Pollicino T, Saitta C, Raimondo G. 
      Carcinogenesis. 2011; 32:1122-1132. doi: 10.1093/carcin/bgr108           
    1. Occult hepatitis B virus infection and hepatocellular carcinoma development in patients with chronic hepatitis C.
      Raimondo G, Pollicino T, Levrero M, Craxì A.
                Hepatology. 2011;54:373-4. doi: 10.1002/hep.24379                                
    1. Replicative and transcriptional activities of hepatitis B virus in patients coinfected with hepatitis B and hepatitis delta viruses.
      Pollicino T, Raffa G, Santantonio T, Gaeta GB, Iannello G, Alibrandi A, Squadrito G, Cacciola I, Calvi C, Colucci G, Levrero M, Raimondo G. 
      Journal of Virology. 2011; 85:432-439. doi: 10.1128/JVI.01609-10.      
    1. Targeting hepatitis B virus-infected cells with a T-cell receptor-like antibody.
      Sastry KS, Too CT, Kaur K, Gehring AJ, Low L, Javiad A, Pollicino T, Li L, Kennedy PT, Lopatin U, Macary PA, Bertoletti A.
    Journal of Virology. 2011; 85:1935-1942 doi: 10.1128/JVI.01990-10                                                                                                                                                  
    1. Treatment of chronic hepatitis B: Update of the recommendations from the 2007 Italian Workshop.
      Carosi G, Rizzetto M, Alberti A, Cariti G, Colombo M, Craxì A, Filice G, Levrero M, Mazzotta F, Pastore G, Piccinino F, Prati D, Raimondo G, Sagnelli E, Toti M, Brunetto M, Bruno R, Di Marco V, Ferrari C, Gaeta GB, Lampertico P, Marzano A, Pollicino T, Puoti M, Santantonio T, Smedile A.
      Digestive and Liver Disease. 2011;43:259-265 doi: 10.1016/j.dld.2010.10.014.
    1. A 2010 update on occult hepatitis B infection.
      Raimondo G, Pollicino T, Romanò L, Zanetti AR.
      Pathologie-Biologie 2010;58:254-257. doi: 10.1016/j.patbio.2010.02.003 
    1. Practice guidelines for the treatment of hepatitis C: recommendations from an AISF/SIMIT/SIMAST Expert Opinion Meeting.
      Italian Association for the Study of the Liver; Italian Society of Infectious, Tropical Diseases; Italian Society for the Study of Sexually Transmitted Diseases.
      Prati D, Gasbarrini A, Mazzotta F, Sagnelli E, Carosi G, Abrescia N, Alberti A, Ambu S, Andreone P, Andriulli A, Angelico M, Antonucci GF, Ascione A, Belli LS, Bruno R, Bruno S, Burra P, Cammà C, Caporaso N, Cariti G, Cillo U, Coppola N, Craxì A, De Luca A, De Martin E, Di Marco V, Fagiuoli S, Ferrari C, Gaeta GB, Galli M, Grieco A, Grossi P, Licata A, Maida I, Mangia A, Marino N, Maserati R, Missale G, Mondelli M, Nasta P, Niro G, Persico M, Petrelli E, Picciotto A, Piscaglia F, Pollicino T, Prati D, Puoti C, Puoti M, Raimondo G, Rumi ...et al
    Digestive and Liver Disease 2010;42:81-91 doi: 10.1016/j.dld.2009.08.001.
    1. Control of cccDNA function in hepatitis B virus infection.
      Levrero M, Pollicino T, Petersen J, Belloni L, Raimondo G, Dandri M
      Journal of Hepatology 2009;51:581-592. doi: 10.1016/j.jhep.2009.05.022.
    1. Variability of reverse-transcriptase and overlapping s-gene in hepatitis B virus isolates from untreated and lamivudine-resistant chronic hepatitis B patients
      Pollicino T, Isgrò G, Di Stefano R, Ferraro D, Maimone S, Brancatelli S, Squadrito G, Di Marco V, Craxì A, Raimondo G.
      Antiviral Therapy, 2009;14:649-654
    1. Nuclear HBx binds the HBV minichromosome and modifies the epigenetic regulation of cccDNA function.
      Belloni L, Pollicino T, De Nicola F, Guerrieri F, Raffa G, Fanciulli M, Raimondo G, Levrero M.
      Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2009; 24;106:19975-19979. doi:10.1073/pnas.0908365106.                                                                                    
    1.  Statements from the Taormina expert meeting on occult hepatitis B virus infection.
      Raimondo G, Allain JP, Brunetto MR, Buendia MA, Chen DS, Colombo M, Craxì A, Donato F, Ferrari C, Gaeta GB, Gerlich WH, Levrero M, Locarnini S, Michalak T, Mondelli MU, Pawlotsky JM, Pollicino T, Prati D, Puoti M, Samuel D, Shouval D, Smedile A, Squadrito G, Trépo C, Villa E, Will H, Zanetti AR, Zoulim F.
      Journal of Hepatology 2008; 49:652-657. doi: 10.1016/j.jhep.2008.07.014
    1. The characteristics of the cell-mediated immune response identify different profiles of occult hepatitis B virus infection.
      Zerbini A, Pilli M, Boni C, Fisicaro P, Penna A, Di Vincenzo P, Giuberti T, Orlandini A, Raffa G, Pollicino T, Raimondo G, Ferrari C, Missale G.
      Gastroenterology. 2008;134:1470-1481. doi: 10.1053/j.gastro.2008.02.017.
    1. Occult hepatitis B virus in liver tissue of individuals without hepatic disease.
      Raimondo G, Navarra G, Mondello S, Costantino L, Colloredo G, Cucinotta E, Di Vita G, Scisca C, Squadrito G, Pollicino T.
      Journal of Hepatology 2008; 48:743-746. doi: 10.1016/j.jhep.2008.01.023
    1. Occult hepatitis B virus infection.
      Raimondo G, Pollicino T, Cacciola I, Squadrito G.
      Journal of Hepatology 2007; 46:160-70
    1. Molecular and functional analysis of occult hepatitis B virus isolates from patients with hepatocellular carcinoma.
      Pollicino T, Raffa G, Costantino L, Lisa A, Campello C, Squadrito G, Levrero M, Raimondo G.
      Hepatology. 2007; 45:277-285                                                                                                       
    1. Is there a downgrading in the alert about the hepatitis B virus infection in Italy?
      Raimondo G, Isgro G, Caccamo G, Pollicino T, Squadrito G and the Calabrian HBV Study Group.
      Digestive and Liver Disease 2007; 39:257-61
    1. Disease progression and liver cancer in the ferroportin disease.
      Corradini E,Ferrara F, Pollicino T,Vegetti A,Abbati GL, Losi L,Raimondo G,Pietrangelo A.
      Gut. 2007; 56:1030-2.                                                                                                                      
    2.  Analysis of occult hepatitis B virus infection in liver tissue of HIV patients with chronic hepatitis C. 
      Raffa G, Maimone S, Cargnel A, Santantonio T, Antonucci G, Massari M, Schiavini M, Caccamo G, Pollicino T, Raimondo G. 
      AIDS 2007; 21: 2171-2175                                                                         
    1. Occult hepatitis B virus infection is associated with the development of hepatocellular carcinoma in chronic hepatitis C patients. 
      Squadrito G, Pollicino T, Cacciola I, Caccamo G, Villari D, La Masa T, Restuccia T, Cucinotta E, Scisca C, Magazzù D, Raimondo G. 
      Cancer, 2006; 106:1326-30.                                                                       
    1. Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) replication is regulated by the acetylation status of HBV cccDNA-bound H3 and H4 histones.
      Pollicino T, Belloni L, Raffa G, Pediconi N, Squadrito G, Raimondo G, Levrero M.
    Gastroenterology, 2006; 130:823-37.                                                          
    1.  What is the clinical impact of occult hepatitis B virus infection? 
      Raimondo G., Pollicino T., Squadrito G. 
      Lancet, 2005, 365: 638-640
    1. Virological profiles in hepatitis B virus inactive carriers: monthly evaluation in one-year follow up study. 
      Cacciola I, Spatari G, Pollicino T, Costantino L, Zimbaro G, Brancatelli S, Fenga C, Caccamo G, Squadrito G, Raimondo G.
      Liver International, 2005; 25:555-563.                                                    
    1. Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) maintains its pro-oncogenic properties in case of occult HBV infection 
      Pollicino T., Squadrito G., Cerenzia G., Cacciola I., Raffa G., Craxì A., Farinati F., Missale G., Smedile A., Tiribelli C., Villa E., Raimondo G.
      Gastroenterology, 2004; 126: 102-110
    1. Non-sequencing molecular approaches to identify preS2-defective hepatitis B virus variants proved to be associated with severe liver diseases.
      Raimondo G., Costantino L., Caccamo G., Pollicino T., Squadrito G., Cacciola I., Brancatelli S.
      Journal of Hepatology, 2004, 40: 515-519.                                              
    1. TT virus has a ubiquitous diffusion in human body tissues: analyses of paired serum and tissue samples.
      Pollicino T, Raffa G, Squadrito G, Costantino L, Cacciola I, Brancatelli S, Alafaci C, Florio MG, Raimondo G.
      Journal Viral Hepatitis 2003;10: 95-102.                                                
    1. High prevalence of non-organ-specific autoantibodies in hepatitis C virus-infected cirrhotic patients from southern Italy.
      Squadrito G, Previti M, Lenzi M, Le Rose EP, Caccamo G, Restuccia T, Di Cesare E, Pollicino T, Raimondo G. 
      Digestive Diseases and Science, 2003; 48: 349-53.                                  
    1. Clinical Virology of hepatitis B virus infection.
      Raimondo G., Pollicino T., Squadrito G. 
      Journal of  Hepatology, 2003, 39: S26-30.                                               
    1. Virological profiles in patients with chronic hepatitis C and overt or occult HBV infection. 
      Squadrito G, Orlando ME, Pollicino T, Raffa G, Restuccia T, Cacciola I, Brancatelli S, Di Marco V, Picciotto A, Colucci G, Craxì A, Raimondo G
      American Journal of Gastroenterology, 2002; 97:1518-23.                   
    1. The hepatitis B virus X protein abrogates Bcl-2-mediated protection against Fas apoptosis in the liver.
      Terradillos O, de La Coste A, Pollicino T, Neuveut C, Sitterlin D, Lecoeur H, Gougeon ML, Kahn A, Buendia MA.
      Oncogene, 2002;21:377-86.                                                                       
    1. Genomic heterogeneity of Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) and outcome of perinatal HBV infection.
      Cacciola I, Cerenzia G, Pollicino T, Squadrito G, Castellaneta S, Zanetti AR, Mieli-Vergani G, Raimondo G.
      Journal of Hepatology 2002;36:426-32.                                                   
    1. Is investigation of hepatitis C virus NS5A gene heterogeneity a tool for predicting long-lasting response to interferon therapy in patients with HCV-1b chronic hepatitis?
      Squadrito G, Raffa G, Restuccia T, Pollicino T, Brancatelli S, Raimondo G.
      Journal of Viral Hepatitis, 2002; 9: 360-9.
    1. Conserved transactivating and pro-apoptotic functions of hepadnaviral X protein in ortho- and avihepadnaviruses.
      Schuster R, Hildt E, Chang SF, Terradillos O, Pollicino T, Lanford R, Gerlich WH, Will H, Schaefer S.
      Oncogene. 2002; 21: 6606-13.
    1. Analysis of Haemochromatosis gene mutations in a population from the Mediterranean Basin.
      Campo S, Restuccia T, Villari D, Raffa G, Cucinotta D, Squadrito G, Pollicino T, Raimondo G.
      Liver, 2001; 21: 233-6.                                                                   
    1. Quantification of intrahepatic hepatitis B virus (HBV) DNA in patients with chronic HBV infection.
      Cacciola I, Pollicino T, Squadrito G, Cerenzia G, Villari D, de Franchis R, Santantonio T, Brancatelli S, Colucci G, Raimondo G.
      Hepatology, 2000; 31: 507-512.                                                                 
    1.  Occult hepatitis B virus infection.
      Raimondo G, Balsano C, Craxì A, Farinati F, Levrero M, Mondelli M, Pollicino T, Squadrito G, Tiribelli C. 
      Digestive and Liver Disease, 2000;32:822-6.                                           
    1. Occult hepatitis B virus infection in patients with chronic hepatitis C liver disease.
      Cacciola I, Pollicino T, Squadrito G, Cerenzia G, Orlando ME, Raimondo G.
      New England Journal of Medicine, 1999; 341: 22-26. 29
    1. p53-independent apoptotic effects of the hepatitis B virus HBx protein in vivo and in vitro.
      Terradillos O*, Pollicino T*, Lecoeur H, Tripodi M, Gougeon ML, Tiollais P, Buendia MA.
      Oncogene, 1998; 17 (16): 2115-23. (*Co-first authorship)                     
    1. Pro-apoptotic effect of the hepatitis B virus X gene.
      Pollicino T, Terradillos O, Lecoeur H, Gougeon ML, Buendia MA.
      Biomedicine Pharmacotherapy, 1998; 52: 363-8.                                   
    1. Outcome of liver disease and response to interferon treatment are not influenced by Hepatitis B virus core gene variability in children with chronic type B Hepatitis.
      Schepis F, Verucchi G, Pollicino T, Attard L, Brancatelli S, Longo G, Raimondo G. 
      Journal of Hepatology, 1997, 26: 765-770.                                               
    1. Pre-S2 defective hepatitis B virus infection in patients with fulminant hepatitis.
      Pollicino T, Zanetti AR, Cacciola I, Petit MA, Smedile A, Campo S, Sagliocca L, Pasquali M, Tanzi E, Longo G, Raimondo G.
      Hepatology, 1997; 26: 495-499.                                                     
    1. Evaluation of hepatitis B and C virus infections in patients with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and without liver disease. 
      Musolino C, Campo S, Pollicino T, Squadrito G, Spatari G, Raimondo G.
    Haematologica, 1996, 81: 162-164.                                                           
    1. Severe outcome of hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection and lack of HBV e antigen-defective virus emergence in patients homozygous for HLA class I alleles. 
      Pollicino T, Pernice F, Campo S, Mesiti O, Misefari V, Pernice M, Raimondo G. 
      Journal of General Virology, 1996, 77: 1833-1836.                                
    1. Hepatitis B e antigen detection in formalin fixed liver biopsy specimens: a tool to investigate wild-type and e-minus variant HBV infection. 
      Villari D, Pollicino T, Spinella S, Russo F, Campo S, Rodinò G, Squadrito G, Longo G, Raimondo G. 
      American Journal of Clinical Pathology, 1995, 103: 136-140.              
    1. Pre-S and core gene heterogeneity in hepatitis B virus (HBV) genomes isolated from patients with long-lasting HBV infection. 
      Pollicino T, Campo S, Raimondo G. 
      Virology, 1995, 208, 672-677.
    2. Heterogeneity of HBV genome. 
      Raimondo G, Pollicino T, Campo S, Squadrito G. 
      Italian Journal of Gastroenterology (Titled since 1997 Digestive and Liver Disease), 1995, 27, 88-90.                                                                            
    1. Type II Interleukin-1 receptor is not expressed in cultered endothelial cells and is not involved in endothelial cell activation. 
      Colotta F, Sironi M, Borrè A, Pollicino T, Bernasconi S, Boraschi D, Mantovani A.
          Blood, 1993, 81: 1347-1351                                                                                    
    1. Divergent effects of interleukin-10 on cytokine production by mononuclear phagocytes and endothelial cells. 
      Sironi M, Munoz C, Pollicino T, Siboni A, Sciacca FL, Bernasconi S, Vecchi A, Colotta F, Mantovani A. 
      European Journal of Immunology, 1993, 23: 2692-2695.                      
    1. Regulated expression of vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 in human malignant melanoma. 
      Jonjic N, Martin-Padura I, Pollicino T, Bernasconi S, Jilek P, Bigotti A, Artarini R, Anichini A, Parmiani G, Colotta F, Dejana E, Mantovani A, Natali PG. 
      American Journal of Pathology, 1992, 141: 1323-1330.                                  

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