Profilo: Professori Ordinari
Il Prof. Sebastiano Gangemi, in data 16/07/1992 ha conseguito la Laurea in Medicina e Chirurgia presso l'Università di Messina con la votazione di 110/110 e lode accademica.
In data 21/10/1996 ha conseguito il Diploma di Specializzazione in Allergologia e Immunologia Clinica presso la Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia dell'Università di Messina con la votazione di 50/50 e lode accademica, discutendo la tesi "Nickel ed alimenti".
Nell'Anno Accademico 1995-96 ha ricevuto il premio Lofarma per la migliore tesi di Specializzazione in Allergologia e Immunologia Clinica.
In data 13/10/1997 ha conseguito il Diploma del Corso di Perfezionamento post-Universitario in Rischi e Patologia nel Lavoro presso la Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia di Messina con la votazione di 50/50 e lode accademica, discutendo la tesi "Inquinamento atmosferico e allergopatie respiratorie".
In data 25/02/2002 ha conseguito il Dottorato di Ricerca in Medicina Sperimentale discutendo la tesi "Ruolo delle citochine nella patogenesi dell'asma bronchiale allergica".
Nel 2001 ha vinto il concorso per Ricercatore universitario in Medicina Interna (settore scientifico disciplinare MED09), e, con questa qualifica, ha preso servizio in data 25/06/2001 presso l’U.O. di Allergologia e Immunologia Clinica del Dipartimento di Patologia Umana del Policlinico Universitario di Messina, dove attualmente presta servizio.
Il 24/11/2004 è stato eletto tra i componenti della Giunta del Consiglio di Dipartimento di Patologia Umana della Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia dell’Università di Messina.
Il 13/11/2013 è stato eletto tra i componenti della Giunta del Consiglio di Dipartimento di Medicina Clinica e Sperimentale dell’Università di Messina.
Nel Dicembre 2005 ha vinto il concorso per Professore Associato in Medicina Interna (settore scientifico disciplinare MED09) (DR 30/12/05), e, con questa qualifica, ha preso servizio in data 03/02/2006 presso l’U.O.C. di Allergologia e Immunologia Clinica del Dipartimento di Patologia Umana del Policlinico Universitario di Messina,
Il 31/08/09 è stato confermato, con Decreto Rettorale, Professore Associato.
Dall’8 Maggio 2006 al 31 Dicembre 2006 è stato Responsabile dell’Ambulatorio di Allergologia presso la Divisione di Allergologia e Immunologia Clinica dell'Università di Messina.
Dal 28 Dicembre 2021 Professore Ordinario di Medicina Interna (settore scientifico disciplinare MED09) presso l’ Università degli Studi di Messina
Il 10 Novembre 2006 è stato nominato, con Decreto Rettorale, Direttore della Scuola di Specializzazione in Allergologia e Immunologia Clinica della Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia dell’Università degli Studi di Messina, incarico che tutt’ora ricopre.
Il 06 ottobre del 2009 è stato nominato, con Decreto Rettorale, nella Commissione dei tre garanti dell’Università di Messina per la durata di un biennio.
Dal 1 Novembre 2008 al 29/06/09 ha avuto l’incarico temporaneo di Direttore della U.O.C. di Allergologia e Immunologia Clinica del Policlinico Universitario di Messina.
Con delibera del 23/06/09, a decorrere dal 29/06/09 sino al 31/12/2019 ha ricoperto l’incarico gestionale di Direttore della U.O.C. di Allergologia e Immunologia Clinica.
Dal 01/01/2020 ricopre l’incarico di Direttore di U.O.S.D. a seguito di trasformazione della U.O.C. di Allergologia e Immunologia Clinica in Struttura Semplice Dipartimentale per adeguamento del Piano Aziendale sulle indicazioni previste dal D.A. 22/2019 dell' Assessorato Regionale della Salute (Regione Sicilia).
Nel 2012 ha conseguito il Diploma del Corso di Formazione Manageriale per l’accesso agli incarichi relativi alle funzioni di direttore di Struttura Complessa.
Dal 01/04/2003 al 30/09/2003 è stato in congedo per motivi di ricerca presso il laboratorio di Biologia Molecolare del Ce.S.I. (Centro di Eccellenza sull’Invecchiamento), Dipartimento di Scienze Biomediche, dell'Università G. D'Annunzio di Chieti nell'ambito di uno studio sulle modificazioni immunologiche in corso di invecchiamento
Dal 01/11/2003 al 30/10/2004 è stato nuovamente in congedo per motivi di ricerca presso il laboratorio di Biologia Molecolare del Ce.S.I. nell'ambito di uno studio sui meccanismi della risposta infiammatoria e della sua risoluzione.
Dal 14 Ottobre 2009 al 31 Dicembre 2015 ha ottenuto l’associatura presso l’IBIM (Istituto di Biomedicina e Immunologia Molecolare – CNR) del CNR.
Dall’Ottobre 2015 per un anno è stato associato presso L’ISASI (Institute of Applied Sciences and Intelligent Systems) del CNR (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche).
Dal 01 gennaio 2020 associatura IRIB (Istituto di Ricerca e Innovazione in campo Biomedico) del CNR.
E' autore di 367 lavori internazionali in lingua inglese in exstenso su riviste con impact factor;
possiede un indice H di 41 e 6047 citazioni su Scopus e un H di 49 e 8516 citazioni su Google Scholar.
Dal 2018 fa parte dei Top Italian Scientists ( .
Ha partecipato, in qualità di relatore, ad oltre 130 Congressi in Italia ed all’Estero. Organizzatore di diversi congressi Nazionali della SIAAIC e dell’AIA.
Attualmente è docente presso 2 Corsi di Laurea dell’Università di Messina (Corso di Laurea in Medicina e Chirurgia, Corso di Laurea in Scienze Motorie, Sport e Salute), 1 Dottorato di Ricerca in Translational Molecular Medicine and Surgery, ed in 3 Scuole di Specializzazione.
Dall’Anno Accademico 2001/2002 è docente presso il Corso di Laurea in Medicina e Chirurgia presso l’Università di Messina, insegnamento in Allergologia e Immunologia Clinica.
Dall’Anno Accademico 2015/2016 è docente presso il Corso di Laurea in Scienze Motorie, Sport e Salute presso l’Università di Messina, insegnamento di Principi di Medicina Applicata alle Scienze Motorie I.
Nell’Anno Accademico 2004/2005 ha fatto parte del Collegio dei Docenti del Dottorato di Ricerca in “Invecchiamento: demografia, biologia e clinica”, XX ciclo.
Dall’Anno Accademico 2010/2011 al 2012/2013 ha fatto parte del Collegio dei Docenti del Dottorato di Ricerca in “Ricerca clinica e traslazionale nella terapia in-tensiva della sindrome cardio-renale e del trapianto di rene”.
Dall’Anno Accademico 2013/2014 al 2017/2018 componente del Collegio dei Docenti del Dottorato di Ricerca in Scienze Biomediche Cliniche e Sperimentali .
Dal 12/03/2019 componente del Collegio dei Docenti del Dottorato in Translational Molecular Medicine and Surgery.
Dall'Anno Accademico 2001/2002 gli sono stati conferiti i seguenti incarichi di insegnamento presso la Scuola di Specializzazione in Allergologia e Immunologia Clinica della Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia dell’Università degli Studi di Messina:
- Diagnostica Allergologica e Immunologica “in vivo” I (I anno)
- Diagnostica Allergologica e Immunologica “in vivo” III (IV anno)
- Metodologia e Semeiotica allergologica I (I anno)
- Diagnostica allergologica e immunologica “in vivo” II (IV anno)
- Immunologia
- Immunologia
Dall'Anno Accademico 2005/2006 al 2017/2018 gli é stato conferito il seguente incarico di insegnamento presso la Scuola di Specializzazione in Ginecologia e Ostetricia della Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia dell’Università degli Studi di Messina:
- Immunologia della gravidanza
Dall'Anno Accademico 2008/209 al 2015/2016 gli é stato conferito il seguente incarico di insegnamento presso la Scuola di Specializzazione in Reumatologia della Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia dell’Università degli Studi di Messina:
- Immunologia clinica
- Immunologia clinica
Dall'Anno Accademico 2012/2013 ad oggi gli é stato conferito il seguente incarico di insegnamento presso la Scuola di Specializzazione in Pediatria della Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia dell’Università degli Studi di Messina:
- Immunologia
Dall’anno accademico 2019/20 Coordinatore del Corso Integrato in REUMATOLOGIA, ALLERGOLOGIA E IMMUNOLOGIA CLINICA del Corso di Laurea in Medicina e Chirurgia;
Dall’anno accademico 2019/20 Coordinatore del Corso Integrato in PRINCIPI DI MEDICINA APPLICATA ALLE SCIENZE MOTORIE I del Corso di Laurea in Scienze Motorie, Sport e Salute.
Dal 24 Giugno 2019, è stato nominato “Responsabile della Mobilità Internazionale del Corso di Laurea in Scienze Motorie, Sport e Salute L 22 ” a far tempo dall’Anno Accademico 2019/20. In tale veste, svolge anche il ruolo di “Responsible person at the Sending/Receiving Institution” nel Programma ERASMUS + che il CdS ha attivato con diverse Sedi Universitarie Europee.
Dall'Ottobre 2000 al Novembre 2002 è stato membro del Consiglio Direttivo Nazionale dell'AIA (Società Italiana di Aerobiologia)
Successivamente, dal Giugno 2003 ad Aprile 2006, ha ricoperto nuovamente la carica di membro del Consiglio Direttivo Nazionale dell'AIA
Da Aprile 2006 a Maggio 2009, ha ricoperto nuovamente la carica di membro del Consiglio Direttivo Nazionale dell'AIA per il triennio 2006/2009
Nell’Ottobre 2008, è stato eletto membro del Consiglio Direttivo Nazionale della SIAIC per il triennio 2008/2011.
Successivamente nel Maggio 2011 è stato rieletto nel Consiglio Direttivo Nazionale della SIAIC per il triennio 2011/2014.
Dal 2019 Membro del Direttivo Esecutivo, con la carica di Tesoriere, della Società Italiana di Allergologia, Asma e Immunologia Clinica.
Dal gennaio 2017 è Section Editor Di Clinical Molecular Allergy
Dal novembre 2019 è Section Editor della rivista Current Molecular Medicine
Dal 2020 fa parte dell’International Board della rivista Allergy and Asthma Proceedings
Nell’Anno Accademico 1995/96 vinceva il premio LOFARMA per la migliore Tesi di Specializzazione in Allergologia e Immunologia Clinica dal titolo “Nickel e alimenti”.
Nell’anno 2016 vincitore del Premio “ALATA SOLERTIA” XXXIII Edizione conferito dal Movimento Nuova Presenza “Giorgio La Pira” .
- University of Colorado Health Sciences Center - Department of Medicine, Division of Infectious Diseases – Denver – Colorado – USA
- Weizmann Institute of Science – Department of Molecular Genetics – Rehovot – Israele
- Ce.S.I. (Centro di Eccellenza sull’Invecchiamento) - Dipartimento di Scienze Biomediche – Laboratorio di Medicina Molecolare – Università “G. D’Annunzio” – Chieti
- I.N.R.C.A. (Italian National Research Center on Aging) – Ancona
- IRCCS-CSS San Giovanni Rotondo, CSS Mendel – Roma
- IBIM (Istituto di Biomedicina e Immunologia Molecolare) del CNR (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche).
- Institute of Clinical Physiology IFC, Messina Unit, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR)
- Fondazione “Stella Maris”
- Institute of Applied Sciences and Intelligent Systems (ISASI), del CNR (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche).
- IRIB – CNR (Istituto di Ricerca e Innovazione in campo Biomedico), del CNR (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche).
- Hmgb-1 in psoriasis
- Autism spectrum disorders and atopic dermatitis: a new perspective from country-based prevalence data
- Current take on systemic sclerosis patients’ vaccination recommendations
- Role of epithelium-derived cytokines in atopic dermatitis and psoriasis: Evidence and therapeutic perspectives
- The potential protective role of corticosteroid therapy in patients with asthma and COPD against COVID-19
- IL-33 genetics and epigenetics in immune-related diseases
- COVID-19 pandemic: different roles for scientific publications and funding face to epidemiological data—an European, country-based perspective
- Processionary caterpillar reactions in Southern Italy forestry workers: description of three cases
- A spotlight on lime: a review about adverse reactions and clinical manifestations due to Citrus aurantiifolia
- IL-31, itch and hematological malignancies
- The potential role of cytokine storm pathway in the clinical course of viral respiratory pandemic
- Multiple myeloma cell-derived exosomes: Implications on tumorigenesis, diagnosis, prognosis and therapeutic strategies
- Nanomedicine for immunotherapy targeting hematological malignancies: Current approaches and perspective
- Secondary Immunodeficiency in Hematological Malignancies: Focus on Multiple Myeloma and Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia
- Mental illness and amyloid: A scoping review of scientific evidence over the last 10 years (2011 to 2021)
- A machine learning application to predict early lung involvement in scleroderma: A feasibility evaluation
- Safety of medical cannabis in neuropathic chronic pain management
- Basophils and mast cells in COVID-19 pathogenesis
- Post-mastectomy pain: An updated overview on risk factors, predictors, and markers
- The COVID-19 Assessment for Survival at Admission (CASA) Index: A 12 Months Observational Study
- Involvement of alarmins in the pathogenesis and progression of multiple myeloma
- Vitamin D deficiency, osteoporosis and effect on autoimmune diseases and hematopoiesis: A review
- Sharing the same perspective. Mental disorders and central serous chorioretinopathy: A systematic review of evidence from 2010 to 2020
- Involvement of micrornas as a response to phototherapy and photodynamic therapy: A literature review
- Role of vitamin d in the clinical course of nasal polyposis
- Therapies with antioxidant potential in psoriasis, vitiligo, and lichen planus
- Hygiene hypothesis and autoimmune diseases: A narrative review of clinical evidences and mechanisms
- Central serous chorioretinopathy and personality characteristics: A systematic review of scientific evidence over the last 10 years (2010 to 2020)
- Mindfulness-based interventions for physical and psychological wellbeing in cardiovascular diseases: A systematic review and meta-analysis
- Vitamin d and folate as predictors of mmse in alzheimer’s disease: A machine learning analysis
- Epigenetic effects of benzene in hematologic neoplasms: The altered gene expression
- Latex PPE-induced reactions during the COVID-19 pandemic: gender and previous allergies as distinctive predisposing factors among healthcare workers
- Management of patients at risk of anaphylaxis after covid 19 vaccination
- The role of skin and gut microbiome and epigenetic modifications in skin-autoimmune disorders
- Reviewing the significance of vitamin d substitution in monoclonal gammopathies
- Vitamin d and microbiota: Is there a link with allergies?
- New insights into yes-associated protein signaling pathways in hematological malignancies: Diagnostic and therapeutic challenges
- Bergamottin and 5-geranyloxy-7-methoxycoumarin cooperate in the cytotoxic effect of citrus bergamia (Bergamot) essential oil in human neuroblastoma sh-sy5y cell line
- Il-33 in mental disorders
- AntagomiRs: A novel therapeutic strategy for challenging COVID-19 cytokine storm
- The PREdictor of MAlnutrition in Systemic Sclerosis (PREMASS) Score: A Combined Index to Predict 12 Months Onset of Malnutrition in Systemic Sclerosis
- Nickel sensitization influence on microbiota in allergic and non-allergic disorders: What’s up?
- Nutraceuticals against oxidative stress in autoimmune disorders
- IL-33/Vitamin D Crosstalk in Psoriasis-Associated Osteoporosis
- Alarmins, COVID-19 and comorbidities
- A flavonoid-rich extract of mandarin juice counteracts 6-ohda-induced oxidative stress in sh-sy5y cells and modulates parkinson-related genes
- Urticaria and coronavirus infection: A lesson from sars-cov-2 pandemic
- Pain biomarkers in cancer: An overview
- Oxidative stress as a key feature of autoimmune thyroiditis: An update
- Involvement of RAGE and oxidative stress in inflammatory and infectious skin diseases
- Microbiota and microRNAs in lung diseases: Mutual influence and role insights
- The impact of immunological checkpoint inhibitors and targeted therapy on chronic pruritus in cancer patients
- Antiproliferative effects of st. John’s wort, its derivatives, and other hypericum species in hematologic malignancies
- The osteoporosis/microbiota linkage: The role of miRNA
- Synergic crosstalk between inflammation, oxidative stress, and genomic alterations in BCR-ABL-negative myeloproliferative neoplasm
- S100B in heart diseases
- Atopic dermatitis severity during exposure to air pollutants and weather changes with an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) analysis
- Involvement of miR-142 and miR-155 in non-infectious complications of CVID
- Tranexamic acid adverse reactions: A brief summary for internists and emergency doctors
- Role of alarmins in the pathogenesis of systemic sclerosis
- Rich at risk: Socio-economic drivers of COVID-19 pandemic spread
- Immunopathology of SARS-CoV-2 infection: Immune cells and mediators, prognostic factors, and immune-therapeutic implications
- Cancer and sars-cov-2 infection: Diagnostic and therapeutic challenges
- Detecting collagen molecules at picogram level through electric field-induced accumulation
- Anticancer activity of rosmarinus officinalis L.: Mechanisms of action and therapeutic potentials
- Urticaria: Recommendations from the Italian Society of Allergology, Asthma and Clinical Immunology and the Italian Society of Allergological, Occupational and Environmental Dermatology
- Oxidative stress and photodynamic therapy of skin cancers: Mechanisms, challenges and promising developments
- Jellyfish anaphylaxis: A wide spectrum of sensitization routes
- Omalizumab retreatment in patients with chronic spontaneous urticaria: A systematic review of published evidence
- Neuroprotective effect of bergamot juice in 6-OHDA-induced sh-sy5y cell death, an in vitro model of parkinson’s disease
- Interactions between the micrornas and microbiota in cancer development: Roles and therapeutic opportunities
- Oxidative stress and atopic dermatitis
- Oxidative stress involvement in urticaria
- Cannabinoids, blood–brain barrier, and brain disposition
- Alarmins in osteoporosis, RAGE, IL-1, and IL-33 pathways: A literature review
- Allergic reactions to genus Morus plants: A review
- Clinico-biological implications of modified levels of cytokines in chronic lymphocytic leukemia: A possible therapeutic role
- The leukotriene receptor antagonist Montelukast can induce adverse skin reactions in asthmatic patients
- Citrus fruits and their flavonoids in inflammatory bowel disease: an overview
- Vitamin deficiency as risk factor for SARS-CoV-2 infection: Correlation with susceptibility and prognosis
- Changes in serum interleukin-8 and sRAGE levels in multiple myeloma patients
- Il-33/il-31 axis in immune-mediated and allergic diseases
- MiR-21 upregulation increases IL-8 expression and tumorigenesis program in airway epithelial cells exposed to cigarette smoke
- Interleukin-33 serum levels in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis
- Commentary: Circulatory pattern of cytokines, adipokines and bone markers in postmenopausal women with low BMD
- The ST2/interleukin-33 axis in hematologic malignancies: The IL-33 paradox
- Formaldehyde exposure and acute myeloid leukemia: A review of the literature
- Emerging role of vitamin D in autoimmune diseases: An update on evidence and therapeutic implications
- Oxidative stress involvement in psoriasis: a systematic review
- Effects of antagomiRs on different lung diseases in human, cellular, and animal models
- Citrus fruits and inflammaging: a systematic review
- Systemic nickel allergy syndrome: Tips and tricks on how to be suspected and treated
- Lymphocyte subsets and inflammatory cytokines of monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance and multiple myeloma
- Interleukin-33 involvement in nonsmall cell lung carcinomas: An update
- The Potential Role of MicroRNAs as Biomarkers in Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
- Evaluation of the AGE/sRAGE axis in patients with multiple myeloma
- Increased serum interleukin-37 (IL-37) levels correlate with oxidative stress parameters in Hashimoto’s thyroiditis
- IL33/ST2 axis in diabetic kidney disease: A literature review
- PPI adverse drugs reactions: A retrospective study
- Possible roles of il-33 in the innate-Adaptive immune crosstalk of psoriasis pathogenesis
- MicroRNA cross-involvement in autism spectrum disorders and atopic dermatitis: A literature review
- Oxidative stress markers in patients with hereditary angioedema
- Do alarmins have a potential role in autism spectrum disorders pathogenesis and progression?
- The role of oxidative stress in the biology of melanoma: A systematic review
- Oral adverse reactions due to cinnamon-flavoured chewing gums consumption
- Drug induced Kounis syndrome: Does oxidative stress play a role?
- The involvement of osmolarity in the safety of contrast media
- IL-33/s-ST2 ratio, systemic symptoms, and basophil activation in Pru p 3-sensitized allergic patients
- Lack of clear and univocal genotype-phenotype correlation in familial Mediterranean fever patients: A systematic review
- Involvement of miR-126 in autoimmune disorders
- Hymenoptera sting reactions in southern Italy forestry workers: Our experience compared to reported data
- Association between urticaria and nematode infections
- Omalizumab in elderly patients with chronic spontaneous urticaria: An Italian real-life experience
- Clinical pharmacology of citrus aurantium and citrus sinensis for the treatment of anxiety
- Sodium oxybate therapy for alcohol withdrawal syndrome and keeping of alcohol abstinence
- IL-33/IL-31 axis: A potential inflammatory pathway
- A systematic review of the association between allergic asthma and autism
- MicroRNA profiling in asthma: Potential biomarkers and therapeutic targets
- Chlorinative stress in age-related diseases: A literature review
- Interleukin 31 and skin diseases: A systematic review
- Involvement of new oxidative stress markers in chronic spontaneous urticaria
- Exposure to Anisakis extracts can induce inflammation on in vitro cultured human colonic cells
- Contact dermatitis as an adverse reaction to some topically used European herbal medicinal products – part 4: Solidago virgaurea–Vitis vinifera
- Oxidation products are increased in patients affected by non-segmental generalized vitiligo
- How gene polymorphisms can influence clinical response and toxicity following R-CHOP therapy in patients with diffuse large B cell lymphoma
- Anticancer potential of Citrus juices and their extracts: A systematic review of both preclinical and clinical studies
- A systematic review of overlapping microrna patterns in systemic sclerosis and idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
- Interleukin 31 is involved in intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy
- The soft computing-based approach to investigate allergic diseases: A systematic review
- Omalizumab for the Treatment of Chronic Idiopathic Urticaria: Systematic Review of the Literature
- Allergic diseases in the elderly: Biological characteristics and main immunological and non-immunological mechanisms
- Immature myeloid-derived suppressor cells: A bridge between inflammation and cancer (Review)
- Olfaction in autism spectrum disorders: A systematic review
- Immunosenescence in aging: Between immune cells depletion and cytokines up-regulation
- Inflammatory and Anti-Inflammatory Equilibrium, Proliferative and Antiproliferative Balance: The Role of Cytokines in Multiple Myeloma
- Association between HMGB1 and asthma: A literature review
- Involvement of microRNAs in skin disorders: A literature review
- Clinical Pharmacology of Citrus bergamia: A Systematic Review
- Different clinical allergological features of Taenia solium infestation
- Mucosal exfoliation as a selective reaction to etoricoxib
- Lethal anaphylactic reaction to intravenous gelatin in the course of surgery
- Chemopreventive agents and inhibitors of cancer hallmarks: May citrus offer new perspectives?
- Mastocytosis and systemic sclerosis: A clinical association
- Circulating advanced oxidation protein products as oxidative stress biomarkers and progression mediators in pathological conditions related to inflammation and immune dysregulation
- Neurodegenerative diseases: Might citrus flavonoids play a protective role?
- Anti-inflammatory activity of Citrus bergamia derivatives: Where do we stand?
- Unmet diagnostic needs in contact oral mucosal allergies
- Pathophysiological mechanism and therapeutic role of S100 proteins in cardiac failure: a systematic review
- IL-33 circulating serum levels are increased in patients with non-segmental generalized vitiligo
- Matrix metalloproteinases and risk stratification in patients undergoing surgical revascularisation for critical limb ischaemia
- Oxidative Stress and Advanced Glycation End Products in Hashimoto's Thyroiditis
- Reply to Fluegge: Association Between Atopic Dermatitis and Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Systematic Review
- Inflammaging and Anti-Inflammaging: The Role of Cytokines in Extreme Longevity
- Contact dermatitis as an adverse reaction to some topically used European herbal medicinal products - Part 3: Mentha × piperita - Solanum dulcamara
- Autism and social robotics: A systematic review
- NF-κB mediates the antiproliferative and proapoptotic effects of bergamot juice in HepG2 cells
- Relationship between lead exposure and mild cognitive impairment
- Association between urticaria and virus infections: A systematic review
- Fatal anaphylactic shock ceftriaxone-induced in a 4-year-old child
- Different co-sensitizations could determine different risk assessment in peach allergy? Evaluation of an anaphylactic biomarker in Pru p 3 positive patients
- Arterial stiffness as a predictor of recovery of left ventricular systolic function after acute myocardial infarction treated with primary percutaneous coronary intervention
- Association Between Atopic Dermatitis and Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Systematic Review
- Increased levels of interleukin 31 (IL-31) in osteoporosis
- Il-31 and il-33 circulating levels in allergic contact dermatitis
- IL-33/ST2 axis controls Th2/IL-31 and Th17 immune response in allergic airway diseases
- Effects of bergamot essential oil and its extractive fractions on SH-SY5Y human neuroblastoma cell growth
- Catching allergy by a simple questionnaire
- Increased serum levels of interleukin-23 circulating in patients with non-segmental generalized vitiligo
- Review of clinical pharmacology of Aloe vera L. in the treatment of psoriasis
- Oxidative stress in benign prostatic hyperplasia: A systematic review
- Contact dermatitis as an adverse reaction to some topically used European herbal medicinal products - Part 2: Echinacea purpurea-Lavandula angustifolia
- Oxidative stress markers are increased in patients with mastocytosis
- Effect of therapeutic plasma exchange on plasma levels of oxidative biomarkers in a patient with thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura
- Lymphoproliferative disease and cancer among patients with common variable immunodeficiency
- Challenge test to bisphosphonates in patients with hypersensitivity reactions to drugs
- Erythropoiesis-stimulating agents: Dose and mortality risk
- Association between HMGB1 and COPD: A systematic review
- Interleukin-10 involvement in exposure to low dose of benzene
- A quick bailout ongoing of cardiogenic shock and iatrogenic dissection of the left main coronary artery
- [Possible role of interleukin-31/33 axis in imatinib mesylate-associated skin toxicity, İmatinib mesilat ile İlişkili deri toksisitesinde İnterlökin-31/33 aksının olası rolü]
- Vitamin D deficiency in HIV infection: Not only a bone disorder
- Clinical pharmacology of melatonin in the treatment of tinnitus: A review
- Cutaneous adverse reactions to lenalidomide
- Oxidative stress markers in patients with hymenoptera venom allergy
- Pityriasis rosea of Gibert: Immunological aspects
- Different serum levels of interleukin-23 in patients affected by peripheral arterial disease
- Fatal multi-organ failure following anaphylactic shock induced by ceftriaxone
- Montelukast-induced adverse drug reactions: A review of case reports in the literature
- A survey of clinical features of allergic rhinitis in adults
- Rosmarinus officinalis L. as cause of contact dermatitis
- Allergy and risk of hematologic malignancies: Associations and mechanisms
- Increased serum interleukin-22 levels in patients with PRL-secreting and non-functioning pituitary macroadenomas
- Autism and lack of D3 vitamin: A systematic review
- Bergamot juice extract inhibits proliferation by inducing apoptosis in human colon cancer cells
- Cytokine network involvement in subjects exposed to benzene
- Flare up reaction during provocation test to glatiramer acetate in a patient with allergy to interferon beta1a
- Urticaria and bacterial infections
- Serum interleukin-22 (IL-22) is increased in the early stage of Hashimoto's thyroiditis compared to non-autoimmune thyroid disease and healthy controls
- 25-Hydroxyvitamin D, IL-31, and IL-33 in children with allergic disease of the airways
- Cigarette smoke alters IL-33 expression and release in airway epithelial cells
- Adverse reaction after administration of progesterone
- Contact dermatitis as an adverse reaction to some topically used European herbal medicinal products - Part 1: Achillea millefolium-Curcuma longa
- Systematic review of clinical trials assessing pharmacological properties of salvia species on memory, cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease
- Serum interleukin-23 (IL-23) is increased in Hashimoto's thyroiditis
- Reduction in IL-33 plasma levels might be involved in T cell dysregulation in chronic lymphocytic leukemia
- Circulating levels of interleukin-22 in dialysis patients
- Passiflora incarnata L.: Ethnopharmacology, clinical application, safety and evaluation of clinical trials
- IL-33/IL-31 axis: A new pathological mechanisms for EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitors-associated skin toxicity
- Fatal hypersensitivity reaction to an oral spray of flurbiprofen: A case report
- Chronic idiopathic urticaria and Graves' disease
- Oxidative stress in oncohematologic diseases: An update
- Attitudes and opinion about adverse drug events of women living in a city of South Italy
- Differences in the behavior of advanced glycation end products and advanced oxidation protein products in patients with allergic rhinitis
- Airborne contact dermatitis to drugs
- Decreased plasma levels of IL-33 could contribute to the altered function of Th2 lymphocytes in patients with polycythemia vera and essential thrombocythemia
- Reduced IL-33 plasma levels in multiple myeloma patients are associated with more advanced stage of disease
- Is IL-22 involved in celiac disease?
- Increased serum levels of interleukin-31 could modulate inflammatory processes in multiple sclerosis
- [The unusual association of graves' disease, chronic spontaneous urticaria, and premature ovarian failure: Report of a case and HLA haplotype characterization, A associação incomum entre doença de graves, urticária crônica idiopática e insufciência ovariana prematura: Relato de caso clínico e tipagem HLA]
- Systemic nickel allergy: Oral desensitization and possible role of cytokines interleukins 2 and 10
- Interleukin (IL)-22 serum level in hypersensitivity pneumonitis (HP) in a mushroom worker
- Interleukin 22 is increased and correlated with CD38 expression in patients with B-chronic lymphocytic leukemia
- Changes in advanced oxidation protein products, advanced glycation end products, and s-nitrosylated proteins, in patients affected by polycythemia vera and essential thrombocythemia
- Increase of novel biomarkers for oxidative stress in patients with plasma cell disorders and in multiple myeloma patients with bone lesions
- Drug-induced TINU syndrome and genetic characterization
- Evaluation of interleukin-23 plasma levels in patients with polycythemia vera and essential thrombocythemia
- Urticaria caused by dimenhydrinate
- Clinical significance of circulating interleukin-23 as a prognostic factor in breast cancer patients
- Healthy centenarians show high levels of circulating interleukin-22 (IL-22)
- Increased serum levels of advanced oxidation protein products and glycation end products in subjects exposed to low-dose benzene
- Involvement of T2677T multidrug resistance gene polymorphism in Interleukin 22 plasma concentration in B-chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients
- Interleukin-23 serum levels in patients affected by peripheral arterial disease
- Anaphylaxis caused by helminths: review of the literature.
- Ultrarush venom immunotherapy and the lipoxin a 4 inflammation resolution pathway
- Relationship between advanced oxidation protein products, advanced glycation end products, and S-nitrosylated proteins with biological risk and MDR-1 polymorphisms in patients affected by B-Chronic lymphocytic leukemia
- Increase in serum protein carbonyl groups is associated with more advanced stage of disease in multiple myeloma patients
- Carbonyl group serum levels are associated with CD38 expression in patients with B chronic lymphocytic leukemia
- Allergic contact dermatitis: Immune system involvement and distinctive clinical cases
- Role of interleukin-23 circulating levels increase in resected colorectal cancer before and after chemotherapy: Preliminary data and future perspectives
- The adhesion molecule ICAM-1 is overexpressed in patients with hymenoptera venom allergy and decreases after ultrarush venom immunotherapy
- Increase of IL-17, IL-22 and IL-23 serum levels induced by immunoglobulin infusion for Parvovirus-B associated Pure Red Cell Aplasia in a renal transplant recipient
- Urticaria and thyroid autoimmunity
- Safety and reliability of the drug tolerance test: Our experience in 739 patients
- Fatal anaphylaxis in a 15-year-old boy with Down syndrome.
- Pregnancy after azathioprine therapy for ulcerative colitis in a woman with autoimmune premature ovarian failure and Addison's disease: HLA haplotype characterization
- Sublingual immunotherapy in polysensitized patients: Effect on quality of life
- Hypersensitivity to tranexamic acid: A wide spectrum of adverse reactions
- Dermatomyositis and cutaneous metastases from breast cancer: Simultaneous development and parallel course
- Sublingual immunotherapy in children with allergic polysensitization
- Is interleukin-22 a possible indicator of chronic heart failure's progression?
- The role of dental series patch tests in oral mucosal diseases
- HLA haplotype in a patient with systemic lupus erythematosus triggered by hepatitis B vaccine
- Serum levels of carbonylated and nitrosylated proteins in mobbing victims with workplace adjustment disorders
- Fatal anaphylactic shock due to a dental impression material
- Protein carbonyl contents in cerebrospinal fluid and serum of patients affected by multiple sclerosis
- Serum levels of protein oxidation products in patients with nickel allergy
- Sublingual immunotherapy in polysensitized allergic patients with rhinitis and/or asthma: Allergist choices and treatment efficacy
- Increased serum levels of interleukin-22 in patients affected by pityriasis rosea
- Schnitzler syndrome: A new entity in allergological practice
- Bilateral cyclic cheek lesions related to premenstrual syndrome: A multifactorial pathogenesis?
- Protein contact dermatitis and allergic asthma caused by Anisakis simplex
- Fatal anaphylactic shock and Taenia Solium infestation: A possible link?
- Allergic response to a para-amino compound
- Possible link between history of hypersensitivity to a specific non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) and positive results following challenge test to alternative NSAIDs
- Serum thyroid autoantibodies in patients with idiopathic either acute or chronic urticaria
- Increased serum levels of IL-22 in patients with nickel contact dermatitis
- Development of Hashimoto's thyroiditis after subacute thyroiditis: An unusual patient
- Chlamydophila psittaci seropositivity and serum levels of soluble intercellular adhesion molecule-1 in farmers
- Pomegranate-dependent exercise-induced anaphylaxis
- Characteristics of patients with allergic polysensitization: The polismail study
- Smoking, health and ageing
- Hypersensitivity to inhibitors of gastric secretion: Our experience and review of the literature
- Intermittent and persistent allergic rhinitis and association with asthma in children
- The importance of the patch test (as a preventive method) before an orthopaedic prosthesis implantation: A case report
- [Adverse drug reactions in geriatric age, Reazioni avverse a farmaci in età geriatrica]
- Fragrances as a cause of food allergy
- Cross-reactivity between Parietaria pollen and beet
- Allergic contact dermatitis due to Zantedeschia aethiopica
- Genetics of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
- The CX3C-chemokine fractalkine (CX3CL1) is detectable in serum of patients affected by active pityriasis rosea [27]
- Serum levels of sICAM-1 in subjects affected by systemic nickel allergy syndrome
- Liver and bile ducts involvement due to sarcoidosis
- Increased protein carbonyl groups in the serum of patients affected by thalassemia major
- Allergic contact angioedema to benzoyl peroxide
- Two cases of food-dependent exercise-induced anaphylaxis
- Eosinophilic fasciitis associated with autoimmune phenomena after bone marrow transplantation: Report of two cases
- Muscle damage induced by black cohosh (Cimicifuga racemosa)
- [Correlation of spirometry with blood levels of cytokines in patients with pulmonary sarcoidosis, Validità delle prove di funzionalità respiratoria in correlazione con la determinazione di alcune citochine in pazienti con sarcoidosi polmonare]
- 'In vivo' time course of plasma myeloperoxidase levels after granulocyte colony-stimulating factor-induced stem cell mobilization
- Modification of the content of plasma protein carbonyl groups in donors after granulocyte colony stimulating factor-induced stem cell mobilization
- Cerebral vasculitis in two patients affected by Hodgkin's lymphoma
- A case of contact urticaria due to adigraf, a PVC-made material
- Age-related modifications in circulating IL-15 levels in humans
- The almond milk: A new approach to the management of cow-milk allergy/intolerance in infants
- Aging is characterized by a profound reduction in anti-inflammatory lipoxin A4 levels
- [Effects of premedication in subjects with previous adverse drug reaction submitted to general anaesthesia, Efficacia della premedicazione in soggetti con pregressa reazione avversa a farmaci sottoposti ad anestesia generale]
- Increased serum levels of CX3C-chemokine fractalkine in coeliac disease
- Modification of interleukin-15 serum levels in workers exposed to chemotherapeutic agents
- The CX3C-chemokine fractalkine (CX3CL1) is detectable in serum of patients affected by the inflammatory diseases allergic rhinitis and/or asthma
- Circulating levels of interleukin-18 in asbestos-exposed workers
- The CX3C chemokine fractalkine (CX3CL1) is detectable in serum of B cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients with lymph node involvement
- Lipid peroxidation and protein oxidation in patients affected by Hodgkin's lymphoma
- Serum levels of malondialdehyde and 4-hydroxy-2,3-nonenal in patients affected by familial chronic nail candidiasis
- Vardenafil-induced generalized urticaria
- Montelukast-induced generalized urticaria
- [Safety of levofloxacin and clarithromycin in challenge-test for antibiotics: An experience, Sicurezza di impiego della levofloxacina e della claritromicina nei test di tolleranza per antibiotici: Esperienza personale]
- Involvement of fractalkine and macrophage inflammatory protein-1 alpha in moderate-severe depression
- Contact dermatitis from a fishing rod
- Lower platelet count in healthy centenarians correlates with dispersion of the QT interval
- Allergy to red chicory (Cichorium intybus var. sylvestre)
- Serum levels of interleukin-18 in splenectomized and nonsplenectomized thalassemic patients: Preliminary considerations
- Protein carbonyl group content in patients affected by familiar chronic nail candidiasis
- Effect of levodopa on interleukin-15 and RANTES circulating levels in patients affected by Parkinson's disease
- A gene for familial isolated chronic nail candidiasis maps to chromosome 11p12-q12.1
- Increased circulating Interleukin-18 levels in centenarians with no signs of vascular disease: Another paradox of longevity?
- Physical exercise increases urinary excretion of lipoxin A4 and related compounds
- [Effect of desloratadine on interleukin-18 release in patients affected by allergic contact dermatitis, Effetto di desloratadina sul rilascio di interleuchina-18 in una popolazione di pazienti affetti da dermatite allergica da contatto]
- Latex allergy and fruit cross-reaction in subjects who are nonatopic
- Specific immunotherapy effect on interleukin-18 and CD30 serum levels in monosensitized patients with rhinitis
- Serum levels of soluble CD30 in adult patients affected by atopic dermatitis and its relation to age, duration of disease and Scoring Atopic Dermatitis index
- Malondialdehyde in benign prostate hypertrophy: A useful marker?
- Candesartan cilexetil-induced severe hepatotoxicity
- Relationship between IL-18 and sICAM-1 serum levels in patients affected by coeliac disease: Preliminary considerations
- Serum levels of interleukin-18 in subjects affected by occupational allergic contact dermatitis [4]
- [Burning mouth syndrome: The role of contact hypersensitivity, La sindrome della bocca bruciante: Ruolo dell'ipersensibilità da contatto]
- Correlation between serum retinol and α-tocopherol levels in centenarians
- Serum levels of interleukin-18 and s-ICAM-1 in patients affected by psoriasis: Preliminary considerations
- An epidemiological survey of Cupressaceae pollenosis in Italy
- Involvement of interleukin-18 in patients on maintenance haemodialysis
- Cadmium concentration in maternal and cord blood and infant birth weight: A study on healthy non-smoking women
- In vitro effect of fluticasone propionate on interleukin 8 production by monocytes obtained from patients affected by moderate-severe allergic asthma
- Interleukin-18 and CD30 serum levels in patients with moderate-severe depression
- In vitro effects of fluticasone propionate on IL-13 production by mitogen-stimulated lymphocytes
- Urinary excretion of lipoxin A4 and related compounds: Development of new extraction techniques for lipoxins
- Familial chronic nail candidiasis with ICAM-1 deficiency: A new form of chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis
- Influence of 5-fluorouracil and folinic acid on interleukin-18 production in colorectal cancer patients
- Prevention of new sensitizations in monosensitized subjects submitted to specific immunotherapy or not. A retrospective study
- Nickel allergy, a model of food cellular hypersensitivity?
- Immediate reaction to clarithromycin
- Serum levels of interleukin-18 and sICAM-1 in patients affected by breast cancer: Preliminary considerations
- Effect of fluticasone propionate on soluble CD30 release in patients with severe allergic asthma
- Allergy to gelatin
- Burning mouth syndrome due to cadmium in a denture wearer
- Aluminium allergy in a patient with occupational contact dermatitis
- Fluticasone propionate reduces serum interleukin-8 levels in asthmatic patients
- Evaluation of interleukin-18 production by in vitro differentiated monocytes from breast cancer patients
- In vitro interleukin-8 production by monocytes treated with lithium chloride from breast cancer patients
- Incidence of sensitivity to Anisakis simplex in a risk population of fishermen/fishmongers
- In vitro effect of lithium chloride on interleukin-15 production by monocytes from breast cancer patients
- Sublingual immunotherapy: A double-blind, placebo-controlled trial with Parietaria judaica extract standardized in mass units in patients with rhinoconjunctivitis, asthma, or both
- A controlled study on the effectiveness of loratadine in combination with flunisolide in the treatment of nonallergic rhinitis with eosinophilia (NARES)
- Effect of fluticasone propionate on interleukin-12 and interferon-γ production in patients affected by allergic bronchial asthma
- Interleukin-12 and interleukin-10 production by mononuclear phagocytic cells from breast cancer patients
- Urticaria from Trichomonas vaginalis infection
- Non invasive assessment of cardiac function in patients with bronchial asthma (BA) or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
- Urticaria in a tattooed patient
- Angioedema due to chironoida larvae used as fish food [10]
- Comparative study between fluticasone propionate and cetirizine in the treatment of allergic rhinitis
- Lodoxamide versus spaglumic acid: A comparative double-blind trial on patients suffering from seasonal allergic conjunctivitis induced by parietaria pollen
- [Ciprofloxacin in the treatment of exacerbations of chronic obstructive bronchopulmonary disease, La ciprofloxacina nel trattamento delle riacutizzazioni della broncopneumopatia cronica ostruttiva (BPCO)]
- Ethylene oxide allergy in dialysis patients
- Prevalence of Hymenoptera sensitivity in Italy
- New therapeutic approaches in atopic dermatitis
- The fate of specific immunotherapy
- Severe adverse reactions during specific subcutaneous immunotherapy
- Systemic contact dermatitis to copper-containing IUD
- [The role of dust mites in the determination of perpetual respiratory disease, RUOLO DEGLI ACARI DELLA POLVERE NEL DETERMINISMO DI PATOLOGIE RESPIRATORIE PERENNI]
- Hmgb-1 in psoriasis
- Autism spectrum disorders and atopic dermatitis: a new perspective from country-based prevalence data
- Current take on systemic sclerosis patients’ vaccination recommendations
- Role of epithelium-derived cytokines in atopic dermatitis and psoriasis: Evidence and therapeutic perspectives
- The potential protective role of corticosteroid therapy in patients with asthma and COPD against COVID-19
- IL-33 genetics and epigenetics in immune-related diseases
- COVID-19 pandemic: different roles for scientific publications and funding face to epidemiological data—an European, country-based perspective
- Processionary caterpillar reactions in Southern Italy forestry workers: description of three cases
- A spotlight on lime: a review about adverse reactions and clinical manifestations due to Citrus aurantiifolia
- IL-31, itch and hematological malignancies
- The potential role of cytokine storm pathway in the clinical course of viral respiratory pandemic
- Multiple myeloma cell-derived exosomes: Implications on tumorigenesis, diagnosis, prognosis and therapeutic strategies
- Nanomedicine for immunotherapy targeting hematological malignancies: Current approaches and perspective
- Secondary Immunodeficiency in Hematological Malignancies: Focus on Multiple Myeloma and Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia
- Mental illness and amyloid: A scoping review of scientific evidence over the last 10 years (2011 to 2021)
- A machine learning application to predict early lung involvement in scleroderma: A feasibility evaluation
- Safety of medical cannabis in neuropathic chronic pain management
- Basophils and mast cells in COVID-19 pathogenesis
- Post-mastectomy pain: An updated overview on risk factors, predictors, and markers
- The COVID-19 Assessment for Survival at Admission (CASA) Index: A 12 Months Observational Study
- Involvement of alarmins in the pathogenesis and progression of multiple myeloma
- Vitamin D deficiency, osteoporosis and effect on autoimmune diseases and hematopoiesis: A review
- Sharing the same perspective. Mental disorders and central serous chorioretinopathy: A systematic review of evidence from 2010 to 2020
- Involvement of micrornas as a response to phototherapy and photodynamic therapy: A literature review
- Role of vitamin d in the clinical course of nasal polyposis
- Therapies with antioxidant potential in psoriasis, vitiligo, and lichen planus
- Hygiene hypothesis and autoimmune diseases: A narrative review of clinical evidences and mechanisms
- Central serous chorioretinopathy and personality characteristics: A systematic review of scientific evidence over the last 10 years (2010 to 2020)
- Mindfulness-based interventions for physical and psychological wellbeing in cardiovascular diseases: A systematic review and meta-analysis
- Vitamin d and folate as predictors of mmse in alzheimer’s disease: A machine learning analysis
- Epigenetic effects of benzene in hematologic neoplasms: The altered gene expression
- Latex PPE-induced reactions during the COVID-19 pandemic: gender and previous allergies as distinctive predisposing factors among healthcare workers
- Management of patients at risk of anaphylaxis after covid 19 vaccination
- The role of skin and gut microbiome and epigenetic modifications in skin-autoimmune disorders
- Reviewing the significance of vitamin d substitution in monoclonal gammopathies
- Vitamin d and microbiota: Is there a link with allergies?
- New insights into yes-associated protein signaling pathways in hematological malignancies: Diagnostic and therapeutic challenges
- Bergamottin and 5-geranyloxy-7-methoxycoumarin cooperate in the cytotoxic effect of citrus bergamia (Bergamot) essential oil in human neuroblastoma sh-sy5y cell line
- Il-33 in mental disorders
- AntagomiRs: A novel therapeutic strategy for challenging COVID-19 cytokine storm
- The PREdictor of MAlnutrition in Systemic Sclerosis (PREMASS) Score: A Combined Index to Predict 12 Months Onset of Malnutrition in Systemic Sclerosis
- Nickel sensitization influence on microbiota in allergic and non-allergic disorders: What’s up?
- Nutraceuticals against oxidative stress in autoimmune disorders
- IL-33/Vitamin D Crosstalk in Psoriasis-Associated Osteoporosis
- Alarmins, COVID-19 and comorbidities
- A flavonoid-rich extract of mandarin juice counteracts 6-ohda-induced oxidative stress in sh-sy5y cells and modulates parkinson-related genes
- Urticaria and coronavirus infection: A lesson from sars-cov-2 pandemic
- Pain biomarkers in cancer: An overview
- Oxidative stress as a key feature of autoimmune thyroiditis: An update
- Involvement of RAGE and oxidative stress in inflammatory and infectious skin diseases
- Microbiota and microRNAs in lung diseases: Mutual influence and role insights
- The impact of immunological checkpoint inhibitors and targeted therapy on chronic pruritus in cancer patients
- Antiproliferative effects of st. John’s wort, its derivatives, and other hypericum species in hematologic malignancies
- The osteoporosis/microbiota linkage: The role of miRNA
- Synergic crosstalk between inflammation, oxidative stress, and genomic alterations in BCR-ABL-negative myeloproliferative neoplasm
- S100B in heart diseases
- Atopic dermatitis severity during exposure to air pollutants and weather changes with an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) analysis
- Involvement of miR-142 and miR-155 in non-infectious complications of CVID
- Tranexamic acid adverse reactions: A brief summary for internists and emergency doctors
- Role of alarmins in the pathogenesis of systemic sclerosis
- Rich at risk: Socio-economic drivers of COVID-19 pandemic spread
- Immunopathology of SARS-CoV-2 infection: Immune cells and mediators, prognostic factors, and immune-therapeutic implications
- Cancer and sars-cov-2 infection: Diagnostic and therapeutic challenges
- Detecting collagen molecules at picogram level through electric field-induced accumulation
- Anticancer activity of rosmarinus officinalis L.: Mechanisms of action and therapeutic potentials
- Urticaria: Recommendations from the Italian Society of Allergology, Asthma and Clinical Immunology and the Italian Society of Allergological, Occupational and Environmental Dermatology
- Oxidative stress and photodynamic therapy of skin cancers: Mechanisms, challenges and promising developments
- Jellyfish anaphylaxis: A wide spectrum of sensitization routes
- Omalizumab retreatment in patients with chronic spontaneous urticaria: A systematic review of published evidence
- Neuroprotective effect of bergamot juice in 6-OHDA-induced sh-sy5y cell death, an in vitro model of parkinson’s disease
- Interactions between the micrornas and microbiota in cancer development: Roles and therapeutic opportunities
- Oxidative stress and atopic dermatitis
- Oxidative stress involvement in urticaria
- Cannabinoids, blood–brain barrier, and brain disposition
- Alarmins in osteoporosis, RAGE, IL-1, and IL-33 pathways: A literature review
- Allergic reactions to genus Morus plants: A review
- Clinico-biological implications of modified levels of cytokines in chronic lymphocytic leukemia: A possible therapeutic role
- The leukotriene receptor antagonist Montelukast can induce adverse skin reactions in asthmatic patients
- Citrus fruits and their flavonoids in inflammatory bowel disease: an overview
- Vitamin deficiency as risk factor for SARS-CoV-2 infection: Correlation with susceptibility and prognosis
- Changes in serum interleukin-8 and sRAGE levels in multiple myeloma patients
- Il-33/il-31 axis in immune-mediated and allergic diseases
- MiR-21 upregulation increases IL-8 expression and tumorigenesis program in airway epithelial cells exposed to cigarette smoke
- Interleukin-33 serum levels in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis
- Commentary: Circulatory pattern of cytokines, adipokines and bone markers in postmenopausal women with low BMD
- The ST2/interleukin-33 axis in hematologic malignancies: The IL-33 paradox
- Formaldehyde exposure and acute myeloid leukemia: A review of the literature
- Emerging role of vitamin D in autoimmune diseases: An update on evidence and therapeutic implications
- Oxidative stress involvement in psoriasis: a systematic review
- Effects of antagomiRs on different lung diseases in human, cellular, and animal models
- Citrus fruits and inflammaging: a systematic review
- Systemic nickel allergy syndrome: Tips and tricks on how to be suspected and treated
- Lymphocyte subsets and inflammatory cytokines of monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance and multiple myeloma
- Interleukin-33 involvement in nonsmall cell lung carcinomas: An update
- The Potential Role of MicroRNAs as Biomarkers in Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
- Evaluation of the AGE/sRAGE axis in patients with multiple myeloma
- Increased serum interleukin-37 (IL-37) levels correlate with oxidative stress parameters in Hashimoto’s thyroiditis
- IL33/ST2 axis in diabetic kidney disease: A literature review
- PPI adverse drugs reactions: A retrospective study
- Possible roles of il-33 in the innate-Adaptive immune crosstalk of psoriasis pathogenesis
- MicroRNA cross-involvement in autism spectrum disorders and atopic dermatitis: A literature review
- Oxidative stress markers in patients with hereditary angioedema
- Do alarmins have a potential role in autism spectrum disorders pathogenesis and progression?
- The role of oxidative stress in the biology of melanoma: A systematic review
- Oral adverse reactions due to cinnamon-flavoured chewing gums consumption
- Drug induced Kounis syndrome: Does oxidative stress play a role?
- The involvement of osmolarity in the safety of contrast media
- IL-33/s-ST2 ratio, systemic symptoms, and basophil activation in Pru p 3-sensitized allergic patients
- Lack of clear and univocal genotype-phenotype correlation in familial Mediterranean fever patients: A systematic review
- Involvement of miR-126 in autoimmune disorders
- Hymenoptera sting reactions in southern Italy forestry workers: Our experience compared to reported data
- Association between urticaria and nematode infections
- Omalizumab in elderly patients with chronic spontaneous urticaria: An Italian real-life experience
- Clinical pharmacology of citrus aurantium and citrus sinensis for the treatment of anxiety
- Sodium oxybate therapy for alcohol withdrawal syndrome and keeping of alcohol abstinence
- IL-33/IL-31 axis: A potential inflammatory pathway
- A systematic review of the association between allergic asthma and autism
- MicroRNA profiling in asthma: Potential biomarkers and therapeutic targets
- Chlorinative stress in age-related diseases: A literature review
- Interleukin 31 and skin diseases: A systematic review
- Involvement of new oxidative stress markers in chronic spontaneous urticaria
- Exposure to Anisakis extracts can induce inflammation on in vitro cultured human colonic cells
- Contact dermatitis as an adverse reaction to some topically used European herbal medicinal products – part 4: Solidago virgaurea–Vitis vinifera
- Oxidation products are increased in patients affected by non-segmental generalized vitiligo
- How gene polymorphisms can influence clinical response and toxicity following R-CHOP therapy in patients with diffuse large B cell lymphoma
- Anticancer potential of Citrus juices and their extracts: A systematic review of both preclinical and clinical studies
- A systematic review of overlapping microrna patterns in systemic sclerosis and idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
- Interleukin 31 is involved in intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy
- The soft computing-based approach to investigate allergic diseases: A systematic review
- Omalizumab for the Treatment of Chronic Idiopathic Urticaria: Systematic Review of the Literature
- Allergic diseases in the elderly: Biological characteristics and main immunological and non-immunological mechanisms
- Immature myeloid-derived suppressor cells: A bridge between inflammation and cancer (Review)
- Olfaction in autism spectrum disorders: A systematic review
- Immunosenescence in aging: Between immune cells depletion and cytokines up-regulation
- Inflammatory and Anti-Inflammatory Equilibrium, Proliferative and Antiproliferative Balance: The Role of Cytokines in Multiple Myeloma
- Association between HMGB1 and asthma: A literature review
- Involvement of microRNAs in skin disorders: A literature review
- Clinical Pharmacology of Citrus bergamia: A Systematic Review
- Different clinical allergological features of Taenia solium infestation
- Mucosal exfoliation as a selective reaction to etoricoxib
- Lethal anaphylactic reaction to intravenous gelatin in the course of surgery
- Chemopreventive agents and inhibitors of cancer hallmarks: May citrus offer new perspectives?
- Mastocytosis and systemic sclerosis: A clinical association
- Circulating advanced oxidation protein products as oxidative stress biomarkers and progression mediators in pathological conditions related to inflammation and immune dysregulation
- Neurodegenerative diseases: Might citrus flavonoids play a protective role?
- Anti-inflammatory activity of Citrus bergamia derivatives: Where do we stand?
- Unmet diagnostic needs in contact oral mucosal allergies
- Pathophysiological mechanism and therapeutic role of S100 proteins in cardiac failure: a systematic review
- IL-33 circulating serum levels are increased in patients with non-segmental generalized vitiligo
- Matrix metalloproteinases and risk stratification in patients undergoing surgical revascularisation for critical limb ischaemia
- Oxidative Stress and Advanced Glycation End Products in Hashimoto's Thyroiditis
- Reply to Fluegge: Association Between Atopic Dermatitis and Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Systematic Review
- Inflammaging and Anti-Inflammaging: The Role of Cytokines in Extreme Longevity
- Contact dermatitis as an adverse reaction to some topically used European herbal medicinal products - Part 3: Mentha × piperita - Solanum dulcamara
- Autism and social robotics: A systematic review
- NF-κB mediates the antiproliferative and proapoptotic effects of bergamot juice in HepG2 cells
- Relationship between lead exposure and mild cognitive impairment
- Association between urticaria and virus infections: A systematic review
- Fatal anaphylactic shock ceftriaxone-induced in a 4-year-old child
- Different co-sensitizations could determine different risk assessment in peach allergy? Evaluation of an anaphylactic biomarker in Pru p 3 positive patients
- Arterial stiffness as a predictor of recovery of left ventricular systolic function after acute myocardial infarction treated with primary percutaneous coronary intervention
- Association Between Atopic Dermatitis and Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Systematic Review
- Increased levels of interleukin 31 (IL-31) in osteoporosis
- Il-31 and il-33 circulating levels in allergic contact dermatitis
- IL-33/ST2 axis controls Th2/IL-31 and Th17 immune response in allergic airway diseases
- Effects of bergamot essential oil and its extractive fractions on SH-SY5Y human neuroblastoma cell growth
- Catching allergy by a simple questionnaire
- Increased serum levels of interleukin-23 circulating in patients with non-segmental generalized vitiligo
- Review of clinical pharmacology of Aloe vera L. in the treatment of psoriasis
- Oxidative stress in benign prostatic hyperplasia: A systematic review
- Contact dermatitis as an adverse reaction to some topically used European herbal medicinal products - Part 2: Echinacea purpurea-Lavandula angustifolia
- Oxidative stress markers are increased in patients with mastocytosis
- Effect of therapeutic plasma exchange on plasma levels of oxidative biomarkers in a patient with thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura
- Lymphoproliferative disease and cancer among patients with common variable immunodeficiency
- Challenge test to bisphosphonates in patients with hypersensitivity reactions to drugs
- Erythropoiesis-stimulating agents: Dose and mortality risk
- Association between HMGB1 and COPD: A systematic review
- Interleukin-10 involvement in exposure to low dose of benzene
- A quick bailout ongoing of cardiogenic shock and iatrogenic dissection of the left main coronary artery
- [Possible role of interleukin-31/33 axis in imatinib mesylate-associated skin toxicity, İmatinib mesilat ile İlişkili deri toksisitesinde İnterlökin-31/33 aksının olası rolü]
- Vitamin D deficiency in HIV infection: Not only a bone disorder
- Clinical pharmacology of melatonin in the treatment of tinnitus: A review
- Cutaneous adverse reactions to lenalidomide
- Oxidative stress markers in patients with hymenoptera venom allergy
- Pityriasis rosea of Gibert: Immunological aspects
- Different serum levels of interleukin-23 in patients affected by peripheral arterial disease
- Fatal multi-organ failure following anaphylactic shock induced by ceftriaxone
- Montelukast-induced adverse drug reactions: A review of case reports in the literature
- A survey of clinical features of allergic rhinitis in adults
- Rosmarinus officinalis L. as cause of contact dermatitis
- Allergy and risk of hematologic malignancies: Associations and mechanisms
- Increased serum interleukin-22 levels in patients with PRL-secreting and non-functioning pituitary macroadenomas
- Autism and lack of D3 vitamin: A systematic review
- Bergamot juice extract inhibits proliferation by inducing apoptosis in human colon cancer cells
- Cytokine network involvement in subjects exposed to benzene
- Flare up reaction during provocation test to glatiramer acetate in a patient with allergy to interferon beta1a
- Urticaria and bacterial infections
- Serum interleukin-22 (IL-22) is increased in the early stage of Hashimoto's thyroiditis compared to non-autoimmune thyroid disease and healthy controls
- 25-Hydroxyvitamin D, IL-31, and IL-33 in children with allergic disease of the airways
- Cigarette smoke alters IL-33 expression and release in airway epithelial cells
- Adverse reaction after administration of progesterone
- Contact dermatitis as an adverse reaction to some topically used European herbal medicinal products - Part 1: Achillea millefolium-Curcuma longa
- Systematic review of clinical trials assessing pharmacological properties of salvia species on memory, cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease
- Serum interleukin-23 (IL-23) is increased in Hashimoto's thyroiditis
- Reduction in IL-33 plasma levels might be involved in T cell dysregulation in chronic lymphocytic leukemia
- Circulating levels of interleukin-22 in dialysis patients
- Passiflora incarnata L.: Ethnopharmacology, clinical application, safety and evaluation of clinical trials
- IL-33/IL-31 axis: A new pathological mechanisms for EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitors-associated skin toxicity
- Fatal hypersensitivity reaction to an oral spray of flurbiprofen: A case report
- Chronic idiopathic urticaria and Graves' disease
- Oxidative stress in oncohematologic diseases: An update
- Attitudes and opinion about adverse drug events of women living in a city of South Italy
- Differences in the behavior of advanced glycation end products and advanced oxidation protein products in patients with allergic rhinitis
- Airborne contact dermatitis to drugs
- Decreased plasma levels of IL-33 could contribute to the altered function of Th2 lymphocytes in patients with polycythemia vera and essential thrombocythemia
- Reduced IL-33 plasma levels in multiple myeloma patients are associated with more advanced stage of disease
- Is IL-22 involved in celiac disease?
- Increased serum levels of interleukin-31 could modulate inflammatory processes in multiple sclerosis
- [The unusual association of graves' disease, chronic spontaneous urticaria, and premature ovarian failure: Report of a case and HLA haplotype characterization, A associação incomum entre doença de graves, urticária crônica idiopática e insufciência ovariana prematura: Relato de caso clínico e tipagem HLA]
- Systemic nickel allergy: Oral desensitization and possible role of cytokines interleukins 2 and 10
- Interleukin (IL)-22 serum level in hypersensitivity pneumonitis (HP) in a mushroom worker
- Interleukin 22 is increased and correlated with CD38 expression in patients with B-chronic lymphocytic leukemia
- Changes in advanced oxidation protein products, advanced glycation end products, and s-nitrosylated proteins, in patients affected by polycythemia vera and essential thrombocythemia
- Increase of novel biomarkers for oxidative stress in patients with plasma cell disorders and in multiple myeloma patients with bone lesions
- Drug-induced TINU syndrome and genetic characterization
- Evaluation of interleukin-23 plasma levels in patients with polycythemia vera and essential thrombocythemia
- Urticaria caused by dimenhydrinate
- Clinical significance of circulating interleukin-23 as a prognostic factor in breast cancer patients
- Healthy centenarians show high levels of circulating interleukin-22 (IL-22)
- Increased serum levels of advanced oxidation protein products and glycation end products in subjects exposed to low-dose benzene
- Involvement of T2677T multidrug resistance gene polymorphism in Interleukin 22 plasma concentration in B-chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients
- Interleukin-23 serum levels in patients affected by peripheral arterial disease
- Anaphylaxis caused by helminths: review of the literature.
- Ultrarush venom immunotherapy and the lipoxin a 4 inflammation resolution pathway
- Relationship between advanced oxidation protein products, advanced glycation end products, and S-nitrosylated proteins with biological risk and MDR-1 polymorphisms in patients affected by B-Chronic lymphocytic leukemia
- Increase in serum protein carbonyl groups is associated with more advanced stage of disease in multiple myeloma patients
- Carbonyl group serum levels are associated with CD38 expression in patients with B chronic lymphocytic leukemia
- Allergic contact dermatitis: Immune system involvement and distinctive clinical cases
- Role of interleukin-23 circulating levels increase in resected colorectal cancer before and after chemotherapy: Preliminary data and future perspectives
- The adhesion molecule ICAM-1 is overexpressed in patients with hymenoptera venom allergy and decreases after ultrarush venom immunotherapy
- Increase of IL-17, IL-22 and IL-23 serum levels induced by immunoglobulin infusion for Parvovirus-B associated Pure Red Cell Aplasia in a renal transplant recipient
- Urticaria and thyroid autoimmunity
- Safety and reliability of the drug tolerance test: Our experience in 739 patients
- Fatal anaphylaxis in a 15-year-old boy with Down syndrome.
- Pregnancy after azathioprine therapy for ulcerative colitis in a woman with autoimmune premature ovarian failure and Addison's disease: HLA haplotype characterization
- Sublingual immunotherapy in polysensitized patients: Effect on quality of life
- Hypersensitivity to tranexamic acid: A wide spectrum of adverse reactions
- Dermatomyositis and cutaneous metastases from breast cancer: Simultaneous development and parallel course
- Sublingual immunotherapy in children with allergic polysensitization
- Is interleukin-22 a possible indicator of chronic heart failure's progression?
- The role of dental series patch tests in oral mucosal diseases
- HLA haplotype in a patient with systemic lupus erythematosus triggered by hepatitis B vaccine
- Serum levels of carbonylated and nitrosylated proteins in mobbing victims with workplace adjustment disorders
- Fatal anaphylactic shock due to a dental impression material
- Protein carbonyl contents in cerebrospinal fluid and serum of patients affected by multiple sclerosis
- Serum levels of protein oxidation products in patients with nickel allergy
- Sublingual immunotherapy in polysensitized allergic patients with rhinitis and/or asthma: Allergist choices and treatment efficacy
- Increased serum levels of interleukin-22 in patients affected by pityriasis rosea
- Schnitzler syndrome: A new entity in allergological practice
- Bilateral cyclic cheek lesions related to premenstrual syndrome: A multifactorial pathogenesis?
- Protein contact dermatitis and allergic asthma caused by Anisakis simplex
- Fatal anaphylactic shock and Taenia Solium infestation: A possible link?
- Allergic response to a para-amino compound
- Possible link between history of hypersensitivity to a specific non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) and positive results following challenge test to alternative NSAIDs
- Serum thyroid autoantibodies in patients with idiopathic either acute or chronic urticaria
- Increased serum levels of IL-22 in patients with nickel contact dermatitis
- Development of Hashimoto's thyroiditis after subacute thyroiditis: An unusual patient
- Chlamydophila psittaci seropositivity and serum levels of soluble intercellular adhesion molecule-1 in farmers
- Pomegranate-dependent exercise-induced anaphylaxis
- Characteristics of patients with allergic polysensitization: The polismail study
- Smoking, health and ageing
- Hypersensitivity to inhibitors of gastric secretion: Our experience and review of the literature
- Intermittent and persistent allergic rhinitis and association with asthma in children
- The importance of the patch test (as a preventive method) before an orthopaedic prosthesis implantation: A case report
- [Adverse drug reactions in geriatric age, Reazioni avverse a farmaci in età geriatrica]
- Fragrances as a cause of food allergy
- Cross-reactivity between Parietaria pollen and beet
- Allergic contact dermatitis due to Zantedeschia aethiopica
- Genetics of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
- The CX3C-chemokine fractalkine (CX3CL1) is detectable in serum of patients affected by active pityriasis rosea [27]
- Serum levels of sICAM-1 in subjects affected by systemic nickel allergy syndrome
- Liver and bile ducts involvement due to sarcoidosis
- Increased protein carbonyl groups in the serum of patients affected by thalassemia major
- Allergic contact angioedema to benzoyl peroxide
- Two cases of food-dependent exercise-induced anaphylaxis
- Eosinophilic fasciitis associated with autoimmune phenomena after bone marrow transplantation: Report of two cases
- Muscle damage induced by black cohosh (Cimicifuga racemosa)
- [Correlation of spirometry with blood levels of cytokines in patients with pulmonary sarcoidosis, Validità delle prove di funzionalità respiratoria in correlazione con la determinazione di alcune citochine in pazienti con sarcoidosi polmonare]
- 'In vivo' time course of plasma myeloperoxidase levels after granulocyte colony-stimulating factor-induced stem cell mobilization
- Modification of the content of plasma protein carbonyl groups in donors after granulocyte colony stimulating factor-induced stem cell mobilization
- Cerebral vasculitis in two patients affected by Hodgkin's lymphoma
- A case of contact urticaria due to adigraf, a PVC-made material
- Age-related modifications in circulating IL-15 levels in humans
- The almond milk: A new approach to the management of cow-milk allergy/intolerance in infants
- Aging is characterized by a profound reduction in anti-inflammatory lipoxin A4 levels
- [Effects of premedication in subjects with previous adverse drug reaction submitted to general anaesthesia, Efficacia della premedicazione in soggetti con pregressa reazione avversa a farmaci sottoposti ad anestesia generale]
- Increased serum levels of CX3C-chemokine fractalkine in coeliac disease
- Modification of interleukin-15 serum levels in workers exposed to chemotherapeutic agents
- The CX3C-chemokine fractalkine (CX3CL1) is detectable in serum of patients affected by the inflammatory diseases allergic rhinitis and/or asthma
- Circulating levels of interleukin-18 in asbestos-exposed workers
- The CX3C chemokine fractalkine (CX3CL1) is detectable in serum of B cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients with lymph node involvement
- Lipid peroxidation and protein oxidation in patients affected by Hodgkin's lymphoma
- Serum levels of malondialdehyde and 4-hydroxy-2,3-nonenal in patients affected by familial chronic nail candidiasis
- Vardenafil-induced generalized urticaria
- Montelukast-induced generalized urticaria
- [Safety of levofloxacin and clarithromycin in challenge-test for antibiotics: An experience, Sicurezza di impiego della levofloxacina e della claritromicina nei test di tolleranza per antibiotici: Esperienza personale]
- Involvement of fractalkine and macrophage inflammatory protein-1 alpha in moderate-severe depression
- Contact dermatitis from a fishing rod
- Lower platelet count in healthy centenarians correlates with dispersion of the QT interval
- Allergy to red chicory (Cichorium intybus var. sylvestre)
- Serum levels of interleukin-18 in splenectomized and nonsplenectomized thalassemic patients: Preliminary considerations
- Protein carbonyl group content in patients affected by familiar chronic nail candidiasis
- Effect of levodopa on interleukin-15 and RANTES circulating levels in patients affected by Parkinson's disease
- A gene for familial isolated chronic nail candidiasis maps to chromosome 11p12-q12.1
- Increased circulating Interleukin-18 levels in centenarians with no signs of vascular disease: Another paradox of longevity?
- Physical exercise increases urinary excretion of lipoxin A4 and related compounds
- [Effect of desloratadine on interleukin-18 release in patients affected by allergic contact dermatitis, Effetto di desloratadina sul rilascio di interleuchina-18 in una popolazione di pazienti affetti da dermatite allergica da contatto]
- Latex allergy and fruit cross-reaction in subjects who are nonatopic
- Specific immunotherapy effect on interleukin-18 and CD30 serum levels in monosensitized patients with rhinitis
- Serum levels of soluble CD30 in adult patients affected by atopic dermatitis and its relation to age, duration of disease and Scoring Atopic Dermatitis index
- Malondialdehyde in benign prostate hypertrophy: A useful marker?
- Candesartan cilexetil-induced severe hepatotoxicity
- Relationship between IL-18 and sICAM-1 serum levels in patients affected by coeliac disease: Preliminary considerations
- Serum levels of interleukin-18 in subjects affected by occupational allergic contact dermatitis [4]
- [Burning mouth syndrome: The role of contact hypersensitivity, La sindrome della bocca bruciante: Ruolo dell'ipersensibilità da contatto]
- Correlation between serum retinol and α-tocopherol levels in centenarians
- Serum levels of interleukin-18 and s-ICAM-1 in patients affected by psoriasis: Preliminary considerations
- An epidemiological survey of Cupressaceae pollenosis in Italy
- Involvement of interleukin-18 in patients on maintenance haemodialysis
- Cadmium concentration in maternal and cord blood and infant birth weight: A study on healthy non-smoking women
- In vitro effect of fluticasone propionate on interleukin 8 production by monocytes obtained from patients affected by moderate-severe allergic asthma
- Interleukin-18 and CD30 serum levels in patients with moderate-severe depression
- In vitro effects of fluticasone propionate on IL-13 production by mitogen-stimulated lymphocytes
- Urinary excretion of lipoxin A4 and related compounds: Development of new extraction techniques for lipoxins
- Familial chronic nail candidiasis with ICAM-1 deficiency: A new form of chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis
- Influence of 5-fluorouracil and folinic acid on interleukin-18 production in colorectal cancer patients
- Prevention of new sensitizations in monosensitized subjects submitted to specific immunotherapy or not. A retrospective study
- Nickel allergy, a model of food cellular hypersensitivity?
- Immediate reaction to clarithromycin
- Serum levels of interleukin-18 and sICAM-1 in patients affected by breast cancer: Preliminary considerations
- Effect of fluticasone propionate on soluble CD30 release in patients with severe allergic asthma
- Allergy to gelatin
- Burning mouth syndrome due to cadmium in a denture wearer
- Aluminium allergy in a patient with occupational contact dermatitis
- Fluticasone propionate reduces serum interleukin-8 levels in asthmatic patients
- Evaluation of interleukin-18 production by in vitro differentiated monocytes from breast cancer patients
- In vitro interleukin-8 production by monocytes treated with lithium chloride from breast cancer patients
- Incidence of sensitivity to Anisakis simplex in a risk population of fishermen/fishmongers
- In vitro effect of lithium chloride on interleukin-15 production by monocytes from breast cancer patients
- Sublingual immunotherapy: A double-blind, placebo-controlled trial with Parietaria judaica extract standardized in mass units in patients with rhinoconjunctivitis, asthma, or both
- A controlled study on the effectiveness of loratadine in combination with flunisolide in the treatment of nonallergic rhinitis with eosinophilia (NARES)
- Effect of fluticasone propionate on interleukin-12 and interferon-γ production in patients affected by allergic bronchial asthma
- Interleukin-12 and interleukin-10 production by mononuclear phagocytic cells from breast cancer patients
- Urticaria from Trichomonas vaginalis infection
- Non invasive assessment of cardiac function in patients with bronchial asthma (BA) or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
- Urticaria in a tattooed patient
- Angioedema due to chironoida larvae used as fish food [10]
- Comparative study between fluticasone propionate and cetirizine in the treatment of allergic rhinitis
- Lodoxamide versus spaglumic acid: A comparative double-blind trial on patients suffering from seasonal allergic conjunctivitis induced by parietaria pollen
- [Ciprofloxacin in the treatment of exacerbations of chronic obstructive bronchopulmonary disease, La ciprofloxacina nel trattamento delle riacutizzazioni della broncopneumopatia cronica ostruttiva (BPCO)]
- Ethylene oxide allergy in dialysis patients
- Prevalence of Hymenoptera sensitivity in Italy
- New therapeutic approaches in atopic dermatitis
- The fate of specific immunotherapy
- Severe adverse reactions during specific subcutaneous immunotherapy
- Systemic contact dermatitis to copper-containing IUD
- [The role of dust mites in the determination of perpetual respiratory disease, RUOLO DEGLI ACARI DELLA POLVERE NEL DETERMINISMO DI PATOLOGIE RESPIRATORIE PERENNI]
Prof. Sebastiano Gangemi, on 16/07/1992 obtained a degree in Medicine and Surgery at the University of Messina with a grade of 110/110 and academic honors.
On 21/10/1996 he obtained the Specialization Diploma in Allergology and Clinical Immunology at the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of the University of Messina with a grade of 50/50 cum laude, discussing the thesis "Nickel and food".
In the academic year 1995-96 he received the Lofarma prize for the best specialization thesis in Allergology and Clinical Immunology.
On 13/10/1997 he obtained the Post-University Specialization Course in Risks and Pathology at Work at the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of Messina with a grade of 50/50 and academic honors, discussing the thesis "Air pollution and respiratory allergies ".
On 25/02/2002 he obtained the PhD in Experimental Medicine with the thesis "Role of cytokines in the pathogenesis of allergic bronchial asthma".
In 2001 he won the competition for University Researcher in Internal Medicine (scientific disciplinary sector MED09), and, with this qualification, he took up service on 25/06/2001 at the OU. of Allergology and Clinical Immunology of the Department of Human Pathology of the University Hospital of Messina, where he currently serves.
On 11/24/2004 he was elected among the members of the Board of the Human Pathology Department Council of the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of the University of Messina.
On 13/11/2013 he was elected among the members of the Board of the Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine of the University of Messina.
In December 2005 he won the competition for Associate Professor in Internal Medicine (scientific disciplinary sector MED09) (DR 30/12/05), and, with this qualification, he took up service on 03/02/2006 at the U.O.C. of Allergology and Clinical Immunology of the Department of Human Pathology of the University Hospital of Messina,
Since December 2021 Ordinary Professor in Internal Medicine at the University of Messina.
On 31/08/09, Associate Professor was confirmed by Rector's Decree.
From 8 May 2006 to 31 December 2006 he was Head of the Allergy Clinic at the Division of Allergy and Clinical Immunology of the University of Messina.
On 10 November 2006 he was appointed, by Rector's Decree, Director of the School of Specialization in Allergology and Clinical Immunology of the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of the University of Messina, a position he still holds today.
On 06 October 2009, by Rector's Decree, he was appointed to the Commission of the three guarantors of the University of Messina for a two-year period.
From 1 November 2008 to 29/06/09 he had the temporary role of Director of the U.O.C. of Allergology and Clinical Immunology of the University Hospital of Messina.
With resolution of 23/06/09, from 29/06/09 until 31/12/2019 he held the management position of Director of the U.O.C. of Allergology and Clinical Immunology.
From 01/01/2020 he has held the position of Director of U.O.S.D. following the transformation of the U.O.C. of Allergology and Clinical Immunology in a Simple Departmental Structure for adaptation of the Business Plan to the indications provided by the D.A. 22/2019 of the Regional Health Department (Sicily Region).
In 2012 he obtained the Diploma of the Managerial Training Course for access to positions relating to the functions of Director of a Complex Structure.
From 01/04/2003 to 30/09/2003 he was on leave for research purposes at the Molecular Biology laboratory of Ce.S.I. (Center of Excellence on Aging), Department of Biomedical Sciences, of the G. D'Annunzio University of Chieti as part of a study on immunological changes in the course of aging
From 01/11/2003 to 30/10/2004 he was again on leave for research purposes at the Molecular Biology laboratory of Ce.S.I. as part of a study on the mechanisms of the inflammatory response and its resolution.
From 14 October 2009 to 31 December 2015 he obtained an association with the IBIM (Institute of Biomedicine and Molecular Immunology - CNR) of the CNR.
From October 2015 for a year he was associated with the ISASI (Institute of Applied Sciences and Intelligent Systems) of the CNR (National Research Council).
From 01 January 2020 IRIB association (Institute of Research and Innovation in the Biomedical field) of the CNR.
He is the author of 367 international papers in English in exstenso on journals with impact factor;
has an H index of 41 and 6047 citations on Scopus and an H of 49 and 8516 citations on Google Scholar.
Since 2018 he is part of the Top Italian Scientists (
He has participated, as a speaker, in over 130 congresses in Italy and abroad. Organizer of several national congresses of the SIAAIC and AIA.
Currently he teaches at 2 Degree Courses of the University of Messina (Degree Course in Medicine and Surgery, Degree Course in Motor Sciences, Sport and Health), 1 PhD in Translational Molecular Medicine and Surgery, and in 3 Schools of Specialization.
Since the 2001/2002 academic year he has been a lecturer at the Degree Course in Medicine and Surgery at the University of Messina, teaching in Allergology and Clinical Immunology.
Since the 2015/2016 academic year he has been a lecturer at the Degree Course in Motor Sciences, Sport and Health at the University of Messina, teaching Principles of Medicine Applied to Motor Sciences I.
In the 2004/2005 academic year he was a member of the Board of Professors of the Research Doctorate in "Aging: demography, biology and clinic", 20th cycle.
From the 2010/2011 academic year to 2012/2013 he was a member of the Board of Professors of the Research Doctorate in "Clinical and translational research in the intensive therapy of cardio-renal syndrome and kidney transplantation".
From Academic Year 2013/2014 to 2017/2018 member of the Board of Professors of the PhD in Clinical and Experimental Biomedical Sciences.
From 12/03/2019 member of the Board of Professors of the PhD in Translational Molecular Medicine and Surgery.
Since the 2001/2002 academic year he has been awarded the following teaching positions at the School of Specialization in Allergology and Clinical Immunology of the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of the University of Messina:
- Allergological and Immunological Diagnostics "in vivo" I (I year)
- Allergological and Immunological Diagnostics "in vivo" III (IV year)
From the 2004/2005 academic year he had the following positions at the School of Specialization in Allergology and Clinical Immunology of the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of the University of Messina:
- Methodology and Allergological Semeiotics I (1st year)
- Allergological and immunological diagnostics "in vivo" II (IV year)
From the 2004/2005 academic year to today he has been awarded the following teaching position at the School of Specialization in Hospital Pharmacy of the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Messina:
- Immunology
From the 2004/2005 academic year to 2010/2011 he was awarded the following teaching position at the School of Specialization in Pediatric Genetics of the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of the University of Messina:
- Immunology
Since the 2001/2002 academic year, he has been a member of the lecturers of the "Integrated Course of Allergology and Clinical Immunology and Rheumatology" at the Degree Course in Medicine and Surgery of the University of Messina
From the 2005/2006 academic year to 2017/2018 he was awarded the following teaching position at the School of Specialization in Gynecology and Obstetrics of the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of the University of Messina:
- Immunology of pregnancy
From the 2008/209 academic year to 2015/2016 he was awarded the following teaching position at the School of Specialization in Rheumatology of the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of the University of Messina:
- Clinical immunology
From the 2009/2010 academic year to 2014/2015 he was awarded the following teaching position at the School of Specialization in Sports Medicine of the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of the University of Messina:
- Clinical immunology
From the 2012/2013 academic year to date he has been awarded the following teaching position at the School of Specialization in Pediatrics of the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of the University of Messina:
- Immunology
From the academic year 2019/20 Coordinator of the Integrated Course in RHEUMATOLOGY, ALLERGOLOGY AND CLINICAL IMMUNOLOGY of the Degree Course in Medicine and Surgery;
From the academic year 2019/20 Coordinator of the Integrated Course in PRINCIPLES OF MEDICINE APPLIED TO MOTOR SCIENCES I of the Degree Course in Motor Sciences, Sport and Health.
From 24 June 2019, he was appointed "Head of International Mobility of the Degree Course in Motor Sciences, Sport and Health L 22" starting from the 2019/20 academic year. In this capacity, he also plays the role of “Responsible person at the Sending / Receiving Institution” in the ERASMUS + Program that the Degree Program has activated with various European University Offices.
From October 2000 to November 2002 he was a member of the National Executive Council of the AIA (Italian Society of Aerobiology)
Subsequently, from June 2003 to April 2006, he again held the position of member of the AIA National Board of Directors
From April 2006 to May 2009, he again held the position of member of the AIA National Board of Directors for the three-year period 2006/2009
In October 2008, he was elected a member of the National Board of SIAIC for the three-year period 2008/2011.
Subsequently in May 2011 he was re-elected to the National Executive Council of the SIAIC for the three-year period 2011/2014.
Since 2019 Member of the Executive Board, with the position of Treasurer, of the Italian Society of Allergy, Asthma and Clinical Immunology.
Since January 2017 he is Section Editor of Clinical Molecular Allergy
Since November 2019 he is Section Editor of the Current Molecular Medicine journal
Since 2020 he has been a member of the International Board of the Allergy and Asthma Proceedings magazine
In the academic year 1995/96 he won the LOFARMA prize for the best Specialization Thesis in Allergy and Clinical Immunology entitled "Nickel and food".
In 2016, winner of the "ALATA SOLERTIA" XXXIII Edition awarded by the "Giorgio La Pira" New Presence Movement.
- University of Colorado Health Sciences Center - Department of Medicine, Division of Infectious Diseases - Denver - Colorado - USA
- Weizmann Institute of Science - Department of Molecular Genetics - Rehovot - Israel
- Ce.S.I. (Center of Excellence on Aging) - Department of Biomedical Sciences - Molecular Medicine Laboratory - University "G. D'Annunzio "- Chieti
- I.N.R.C.A. (Italian National Research Center on Aging) - Ancona
- IRCCS-CSS San Giovanni Rotondo, CSS Mendel - Rome
- IBIM (Institute of Biomedicine and Molecular Immunology) of the CNR (National Research Council).
- Institute of Clinical Physiology IFC, Messina Unit, National Research Council (CNR)
- "Stella Maris" Foundation
- Institute of Applied Sciences and Intelligent Systems (ISASI), of the CNR (National Research Council).
- IRIB - CNR (Institute for Research and Innovation in the Biomedical Field), of the CNR (National Research Council).
List of publications:
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