Salvatore Distefano è Professore Associato presso l'Università di Messina. È stato Ricercatore al Politecnico di Milano dal 2011-2015. Nel 2001 ha conseguito la laurea magistrale in Ingegneria Informatica dall'Università degli studi di Catania e nel 2006, il dottorato di ricerca in Ingegneria Informatica dall'Università degli studi di Messina.
È autore e co-autore di oltre 250 articoli scientifici e contributi a riviste, conferenze e libri internazionali. Ha visitato come studioso e ricercatore diverse università e centri di ricerca quali:
il Dipartimento di Ingegneria Elettrica e Informatica dell'Università del Massachusetts, Dartmouth, USA; il Network Research Lab presso la University of California Los Angeles, Computer Science Department, USA; il Dipartimento di Ingegneria Elettrica e Informatica della Duke University, Durham, USA; l'Università di Innopolis, Innopolis, Russia ed è stato Professor Fellow presso l'Università Federale di Kazan dal 2015 al 2018, Kazan, Russia.Durante tali visite, ha stabilito la collaborazione con scienziati di fama internazionale come Liudong Xing (UMass Dartmouth), Mario Gerla (UCLA), Kishor Trivedi (Duke), Bertrand Meyer (Innopolis), Arndt Bode (TUM), Rajkumar Buyya (UniMelb), Carlo Ghezzi (PoliMi), Symeon Papavassiliou (NTUA).
Ha preso parte a diversi progetti nazionali e internazionali, come Reservoir, Vision (EU FP7), SMSCOM (EU FP7 ERC Advanced Grant), Beacon, IoT-Open.EU (EU H2020).
È membro di comitati di conferenze internazionali ed di comitati editoriali quali IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, International Journal of Performability Engineering, Journal of Cloud Computing, International Journal of Engineering and Industries, International Journal of Big Data, International Journal di Computer Science & Information Technology Applications, International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, Sensors. E’ anche stato guest editor per Journal of Risk and Reliability, Performance Evaluation, ACM Performance Evaluation Review e IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing.
I suoi principali interessi di ricerca includono la modellazione non markoviana; valutazione delle prestazioni e dell'affidabilità; affidabilità; sostenibilità; dependability, qualità del servizio/esperienza; Calcolo parallelo e distribuito, Grid, Cloud, Autonomic, Volunteer, Crowd, Edge, Fog, Continuum Computing; Internet of things; Cyber Physical Systems; Smart Cities; Intelligent Transportation Systems; Digital Health; Swarm and collective intelligence; Big Data, Stream Processing; Software and Service Engineering; Software Defined and virtualized ecosystems; DevOps, DataOps; Hyper Spectral Imaging; Machine Learning. Durante la sua attività di ricerca ha contribuito allo sviluppo di diversi strumenti come WebSPN, ArgoPerformance, GS3 e Stack4Things. È anche uno dei co-fondatori della start up SmartMe.io, spin-off dell'Università degli Studi di Messina fondata nel 2017.
July 1993: Scientific high school diploma in computer science, “Istituto Tecnico Industriale Statale Guglielmo Marconi”. Mark: 60/60.
October 2001: Master Degree in Computer Science Engineering at University of Catania. Mark: 110/110 cum summa laude. (Thesis title: Modulo di interfaccia tra CAD e DataBase STEP sulla base dell’AP 201 [TR.1], Advisor Prof. G. Messina)
January 2006: Ph.D. in Information Science and Technology at University of Messina.
(Ph.D Thesis Title: System Dependability and Performance: Techniques, Methodologies and Tools [TR.2] Advisor: Prof. A. Puliafito
Co-Advisor: Prof. M. Scarpa) -
December 2013, January 2015: Italian National Associate Professorship Qualification 09/H1 - Computer Engineering.
January 2014, January 2015: Italian National Associate Professorship Qualification 01/B1 - Computer Science.
April 2017, April 2023: Italian National Full Professorship Qualification 09/H1 - Computer Engineering.
December 2017, December 2023: Italian National Full Professorship Qualification 01/B1 - Computer Science.
March – September 2005: Visiting researcher/scholar at the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department of the University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth, USA, in the context of a PhD student exchange program, collaborating with Professors Steve Nardone and Liudong Xing.
October – December 2005: Visiting researcher at the Network Research Lab at University of California Los Angeles, Computer Science Department, USA, working with Prof. M. Gerla on performance and reliability modelling of MANET and Vehicular networks.
June – July 2008: Visiting researcher at the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department of the Duke University, Durham, USA, under the supervision of Prof. Kishor S. Trivedi, investigating the topic of Markovian and non-Markovian modeling.
Sept 2014-Sept 2015: Visiting professor at Innopolis University, Innopolis, Russia.
2015-2018: Professor Fellow at Kazan Federal University, Kazan, Russia.
January 2017-January 2018: Visiting professor at Innopolis University, Innopolis, Russia.
October 2018-February 2019: Visiting professor at Kazan Federal University, Kazan, Russia.
October 2019-February 2020: Visiting professor at Kazan Federal University, Kazan, Russia.
January 2020-April 2020: Visiting professor at Innopolis University, Innopolis, Russia.
November 2002 – November 2005: Scholarship by the European Social Fund for supporting the PhD studies.
September 2006 – June 2009, February – November 2011: Post-doctoral scholarship (“Assegno di Ricerca”) in Computer Science Engineering provided by the Italian University Ministry (MIUR) and the University of Messina.
Title: “Tecniche di gestione della qualita` del servizio in ambienti mobili”.
Supervisor: Prof. Antonio Puliafito. -
August 2010 – February 2011: Post-doctoral scholarship (“Assegno di Ricerca”) in Computer Science Engineering provided by the Department of Mathematics of the University of Messina, funded by the PRIN 2008 Project “Cloud@Home”.
Title: “Studio e Sviluppo di Architetture ed Algoritmi per Infrastrutture Cloud a Contribuzione Volontaria”.
Supervisor: Prof. Antonio Puliafito.Awards
Founder and Head of the Social and Urban Computing Lab, Kazan Federal University, Kazan, Russia https://kpfu.ru/eng/itis/structure/laboratories/social-and-urban- computing-suc
Founder and Head of the High Performance Computing and Applications Lab – HPCALab, University of Messina, Italy http://hpcalab.unime.it/
Member of the Mobile and Distributed Systems Laboratory (MDSLab), Head Prof. Antonio Puliafito, University of Messina, Italy, http://mdslab.unime.it/
Member of the DEpendable Evolvable Pervasive Software Engineering (DEEP-SE), Head Prof. Carlo Ghezzi, Politecnico di Milano, Italy http://deepse.dei.polimi.it/
Visiting-Guest Member of the Duke High Availability Assurance Laboratory (DHAAL), Head Prof. Kishor Trivedi, Duke University, Durham, USA. 2008-now
Visiting-Guest Member of the Network Research Lab, Head Prof. Mario Gerla, UCLA Computer Science Department, Los Angeles, USA. 2005-2006
Visiting-Guest Member of the Software Engineering Laboratory, Head Prof. Bertrand Meyer, Innopolis University, Russia. – 2014-now
Visiting-Guest Member of the Dependable Computing Laboratory, Head Prof. Liudong Xing, University of Massachusetts, Darthmouth, USA. 2005-2008
Teaching activity
Courses taught:
“Electronic Calculator I” (Teaching assistant) - Computer Science and Engineering, University of Catania - Undergraduate level.2002-2003
“Fondamenti di Informatica” (Computer Science Foundations) ( Professor) - Computer Science and Engineering, University of Messina - Undergraduate level (working students).May 2003-June 2003
“Operating Systems” (Professor) - MIUR-GARR project “Formazione di specialisti di rete”, University of Messina - Undergraduate level.2003-2005
“Sistemi di Elaborazione” (Computing Systems) (Tutor) - Computer Science and Engineering, University of Messina - Undergraduate level.2005-2010
“Software Engineering” (Teaching assistant) - Computer Science and Engineering, University of Messina - Graduate level.2005-2006
“Programmazione Parallela” (Parallel Programming) ( Professor) - Computer Science and Engineering, University of Messina - Graduate level.2006-2007
“Programmazione Parallela” (Parallel Programming) ( Professor) - Computer Science and Engineering, University of Messina - Graduate level.2007-2008
“Programmazione Parallela” (Parallel Programming) ( Professor) - Computer Science and Engineering, University of Messina - Graduate level.January 2008-February 2008
“Operating Systems” (Professor) - II level Master Open source and Security, organized by the University of Messina - Graduate level.2008-2009
“Programmazione Parallela” (Parallel Programming) ( Professor) - Computer Science and Engineering, University of Messina - Graduate level.2008-2009
“Fondamenti di Informatica 2” (Computer Science Foundations) ( Professor) - Computer Science and Engineering, University of Messina - Undergraduate level.2010-2011
“Informatica Generale” (Informatics) (Professor) - “Analisi e Gestione dei rischi naturali ed antropici” - Science Faculty, University of Messina - Undergraduate level.November 2011-December 2011
“Information Systems” (Professor) - II level Master Open source and Security, organized by the University of Messina - Graduate level.2012-2013
“Informatica” (Informatics) (Professor) - Mechanical Engineering, Politecnico di Milano - Undergraduate level. -
“Information science and technology training and stage (SAT)”, Politecnico di Milano, Milan-Leonardo scientific supervision, 2012-2015.
“Politecnico di Milano - Cluster on Security, Safety, Defence, Disaster Management & Recovery”, Politecnico di Milano, co-founder and DEIB Department representative, 2012-2015.
“CINI - Smart Cities Lab”, Politecnico di Milano DEIB Department representative, 2013-2015.
“European Alliance for Innovation - EAI”, Politecnico di Milano DEIB Department representative, 2014-2015.
Member of “Commissione Paritetica”, University of Messina, MIFT Department , 2015-Now.
Member of “Commissione Didattica”, University of Messina, Computer Science School, 2016-Now.
Member of “Commissione Tirocini”, University of Messina, Computer Science School, 2017-Now.
President of “Presidio di Qualita’”, University of Messina, Computer science and engineering School, 2016-Now.
Member of “Giunta di Dipartimento MIFT - MIFT Department Board”, University of Messina, MIFT Department, 2016-Now.
Computing and Information Systems Deputy, MIFT Department, University of Messina, 2016-2019.
“CINI - BigData Lab”, University of Messina representative, 2017-Now.
Member of the “Scientific Board”, Kazan Federal University, Higher Institute for Information Technology and Information Systems, 2016-Now.
Member of the Scientific Board of the International PhD Programme in Cyber Physical Systems, University of Messina, Department of Engineering, 2017-Now.
“CINI - BigData Lab”, Management Committee Member, 2018-Now.
Disable Student Deputy, MIFT Department, University of Messina, 2019-Now.
“CINI - Task Force COVID19/IT”, Coordinator, 2020-Now
PhD Student Supervision
Vincenzo Daniele Cunsolo 2006-2010, “Security and Volunteer Computing mechanisms in Grids and Clouds”, University of Messina.
Alexander Ferenets 2015-2019, “Security and Trustworthiness in Stack4Things”, Kazan Federal University.
Ammar Altaher 2015-2020, “The attacks to the hypervisor. User Isolation in cloud computing.”, Kazan Federal University.
Riccardo Di Pietro 2016-..., “ Cloud computing supports to information forensics”, University of Messina.
Ramil Aglyamzanov 2016-..., “ Hole punching networking solutions for IoT”, Kazan Federal University.
Artur Sagitov 2017-..., “CPS for Surgery Robotics”, University of Messina.
Matvey Malatsion 2018-..., “ Hierarchical Processing Event Networks”, Kazan Federal University.
Carlo Scaffidi 2018-..., “CPS for Intelligent Transportation Systems”, University of Messina.
Muhammad Ahmad 2018-..., “Hyperspectral Imaging for CPS”, University of Messina.
Orazio Scuderi 2002-2003, “L’approccio modulare in ISO/10303-STEP ”, University of Catania.
Giuseppe Sciuto 2002-2003, “Interfaccia tra ISO/10303-STEP e applicazioni Office”, University of Catania.
Daniele Paci 2002-2003, “UML Software Performance Modeling e Reti di Petri”, University of Messina.
Davide Arabia 2003-2004, “Studio del middleware GLOBUS, configurazioni ed ottimizzazioni per il bilanciamento del carico”, University of Messina.
Mauro Dattola 2003-2004, “Implementazione di un algoritmo di bilanciamento del carico in infrastrutture GRID-GLOBUS basato su servizi di monitoring delle risorse”, University of Messina.
Giuseppe Scionti 2004-2005, “Studio delle prestazioni di un sistema software dalle specifiche progettuali: l’applicazione di music streaming”, University of Messina.
Francesco Longo 2006-2007, “Rappresentazione simbolica del grafo di raggiungibilita’ di reti di Petri stocastiche non markoviane”, University of Messina.
Cascone Luciano 2011-2012, “Simulazione per lo studio dell’affidabilita’ dinamica”, University of Messina.
Nabi Ibatulin 2015-2017, “Big data in extreme edge computing ”, Kazan Federal University.
Marat Stepanov 2015-2017, “Mobile containerization”, Kazan Federal University.
Samuel Nii Armah Hammond 2018-2019, “Serverless WAMP PUB/SUB System”, Innopolis University.
Ilya Mavrin 2019-2020, “Computer vision for Internet of Robots”, Kazan Federal University.
Timur Khalilev 2019-2020, “Management of Smart Buildings and Smart Homes”, Innopolis University.
Nikolay Buldakov 2019-2020, “Smart Parking Management through Smart Contracts”, Innopolis University.
UnderGraduate Student Supervision
Ennio Torre 2009-2010, “Algoritmo di gestione delle risorse in ambienti Cloud a contribuzione volontaria”, University of Messina.
Luigi Sciliberto 2009-2010, “Analisi e reingegnerizzazione del software WebSPN”, University of Messina.
Daniele Pagano Dritto 2010-2011, “Resource discovery in Cloud@Home basate sul P2P”, University of Messina.
Cannuni Rosario 2010-2011, “Algoritmi di Fault Tolerance nella gestione di risorse volontarie nel Cloud@Home”, University of Messina.
Thibault Nelis 2010-2011, “The Cloud@Home Resource Manager”, University of Liege.
Lionel Cremer 2012-2013, “SAaaS4Mobile: Implementation of a sensing Cloud stack on mobiles”, University of Liege.
Stephan Argento 2013-2014, “Mobile Crowdsensing networking”, University of Liege.
Alessandro Russo 2017-2018, “Internet of Robots”, University of Messina.
Domenico Campanile 2017-2018, “Virtual Study Buddy”, University of Messina.
Kostya Esmukov 2017-2018, “Breaking IoT Barriers and Middleboxes”, Kazan Federal University.
SAMIR ALEXANDRU MAHER AL-SHIBANI 2017-2018,“Federated Publish-Subscribe communication mechanisms for the Internet of Robots”, University of
Andrea Tripoli 2018-2019, “Soluzioni IoT per domotica e Smart Home”, University of Messina.
Antonino Di Napoli 2018-2019, “Piattaforma per la gestione di eventi”, University of Messina.
Andrea Di Giacomo 2018-2019,“Unified trustworthy DB for vehicle lifecycle data management: Progettazione e sviluppo applicativo per la certificazione dello stato dei veicoli mediante la Blockchain”, University of Messina.
Giuseppe Maria Antonio D’Agostino 2018-2019,“Una piattaforma serverless per lo stream processing”, University of Messina.
Antonio Capizzi 2018-2019,“ANOMALY DETECTION IN DEVOPS TOOLCHAIN”, University of Messina.
Daniele Magazzu’ Minutoli 2018-2019,“A BUS PROTOCOL FOR MULTI-INTERFACE IOT SYSTEMS”, University of Messina.
Andrea Aldo Catarozzo 2019-2020,“Architettura Serverless per la comunicazione pub-sub”, University of Messina.
Antonino Venuto 2019-2020,“Implementazione dell’Internet of Robots tramite Stack4Things”, University of Messina.
Francesco Benenati 2019-2020,“Micro- e Nano-servizi nell’Internet of Things ”, University of Messina.
Stage Student Supervision
In the period 2011-2015 he was in charge of the stage requests evaluation, selection and management for the Department of Electronics, Information and Bioengineering. Furthermore he supervised the following students:
Dario Campovecchi, “Servizio WiFi Pubblico”, Azienda Trasporti Milanesi Spa.
Sara Gallo, “Sicurezza Informatica”, Emaze Networks Spa
Salvatore Mesoraca, “Sicurezza Informatica - VAPT”, Emaze Networks Spa
Andrea Fabrizio JR Donadello, “Sviluppo App Android per Attivita’ Sistemistiche”, Office Automation 2000 SRL
Andrea Gerosa, “Analista funzionale junior”, Brain Force SPA
Alessandro Lancini, “Sviluppo Database e Algoritmi”, Menuale SRL
Ilario Sainato, “Tirocinio Formativo Per Dba Oracle/Sistemista”, Engineering SPA
Daniele La Mastra, “Sviluppo soluzioni custom per SAP Business One”, Boost Technologies SRL
Ernesto Astori, “Adeguamento Dei Sistemi Comunicativi”, Ufficio Scolastico Provinciale Di Lodi
Valerio Corona, “Analisi e Sviluppo- Suite HRDESK”, DigiCamere Scarl
Valentina De Donno, “Sviluppo Software”, Biesse Equipment SRL
Claudio Cavallaro, “Generatore automatico di logiche in linguaggio SFC”, BT Elettronica SNC
Alessandro De Bernardi, “Analisi tecnica e funzionale applicativo SURF”, Altran Italia Spa
Mirko Bellabarba, “Mobile Application Developer”, Nextology SRL
Mirian Escribano Manzanero, “Sistemista”, Digitmode SRL
Matteo Dell’Orto, “Analisi e sviluppo mobile app per gestione di sistemi di controllo luci”, LedControl SRL
Giovanni Brena, “Help Desk e sistemista di primo livello”, ATOS SPA
Oscar Iuliano, “Stage Sviluppatore Salesforce.com”, New Energy SRL
Mattia Sirimarco, “Programmer”, Fincons SPA
26 November 2011, Bachelor in Computer Engineering, Politecnico di Milano
13 March 2012, Bachelor in Computer Engineering, Politecnico di Milano
15 March 2012, Master in Computer Engineering, Politecnico di Milano
17 July 2012, Bachelor in Computer Engineering, Politecnico di Milano
18 July 2012, Master in Computer Engineering, Politecnico di Milano
3 December 2012, Bachelor in Computer Engineering, Politecnico di Milano
5 December 2012, Master in Computer Engineering, Politecnico di Milano
11 March 2013, Bachelor in Computer Engineering, Politecnico di Milano
12 March 2013, Master in Computer Engineering, Politecnico di Milano
20 July 2013, Bachelor in Computer Engineering, Politecnico di Milano
20 July 2013, Master in Computer Engineering, Politecnico di Milano
1 December 2013, Bachelor in Computer Engineering, Politecnico di Milano
2 December 2013, Master in Computer Engineering, Politecnico di Milano
3 March 2014, Bachelor in Computer Engineering, Politecnico di Milano
5 March 2014, Master in Computer Engineering, Politecnico di Milano
27 July 2014, Bachelor in Computer Engineering, Politecnico di Milano
28 July 2014, Master in Computer Engineering, Politecnico di Milano
11 December 2014, Bachelor in Computer Engineering, Politecnico di Milano
11 December 2014, Master in Computer Engineering, Politecnico di Milano
13 March 2015, Bachelor in Computer Engineering, Politecnico di Milano
16 March 2015, Master in Computer Engineering, Politecnico di Milano
22 July 2015, Bachelor in Computer Engineering, Politecnico di Milano
25 July 2015, Master in Computer Engineering, Politecnico di Milano
3 December 2015, Bachelor in Computer Science, University of Messina
5 December 2015, Master in Engineering and Computer Science, University of Messina.
3 March 2016, Bachelor in Computer Science, University of Messina
9 March 2016, Master in Engineering and Computer Science, University of Messina.
25 July 2016, Bachelor in Computer Science, University of Messina
26 July 2016, Master in Engineering and Computer Science, University of Messina.
12 October 2016, Bachelor in Computer Science, University of Messina
14 October 2016, Master in Engineering and Computer Science, University of Messina.
16 December 2016, Bachelor in Computer Science, University of Messina
17 December 2016, Master in Engineering and Computer Science, University of Messina.
6 March 2017, Bachelor in Computer Science, University of Messina
9 March 2017, Master in Engineering and Computer Science, University of Messina.
23 July 2017, Bachelor in Computer Science, University of Messina
27 July 2017, Master in Engineering and Computer Science, University of Messina.
11 October 2017, Bachelor in Computer Science, University of Messina
13 October 2017, Master in Engineering and Computer Science, University of Messina.
18 December 2017, Bachelor in Computer Science, University of Messina
20 December 2017, Master in Engineering and Computer Science, University of Messina.
1 March 2018, Bachelor in Computer Science, University of Messina
2 March 2018, Master in Engineering and Computer Science, University of Messina.
25 July 2018, Bachelor in Computer Science, University of Messina
26 July 2018, Master in Engineering and Computer Science, University of Messina.
12 October 2018, Bachelor in Computer Science, University of Messina
14 October 2018, Master in Engineering and Computer Science, University of Messina.
Innovazione n. 3.6 - “Qualita`” - sottoprogetto n. 3.6.2 - “CAD/CAM per la qualita` nelle aziende elettromeccaniche e metalmeccaniche”, PRAT. IMI N. 63039 (Prof. G. Messina - University of Catania)
“ISIDE: Sistemi di elaborazione reattivi ed affidabili per applicazioni industriali”, MURST COFIN (Prof. A. Puliafito - University of Messina)
“PERF: Performance Evaluation of Complex Systems: Techniques, Methodologies and Tools”, MIUR FIRB (http://www.perf.it/), (Prof. A. Puliafito - University of Messina)
“WebMinds: Wide-scalE Broadband MIddleware for Network Distributed Services”, MIUR FIRB (http://web-minds.consorzio-cini.it/) (Prof. A. Puliafito - University of Messina)
“TriGrid VL: Trinacria Grid Virtual Laboratory”, POR SICILIA (http://www.trigrid.it/) (Prof. A. Puliafito - University of Messina)
“RESERVOIR: Resources and Services Virtualization without Barriers”, EUROPEAN UNION FP7 FUNDED PROJECT ( (Prof. A. Puliafito - University of Messina)
“WiseDemon: WIreless SEnsor networks for DEpendable MONitoring of critical applications - Affidabilita` e qualita` del servizio in sistemi di monitoraggio basati su Wireless Sensor Networks per applicazioni critiche”, MIUR PRIN-07
(Prof. M. Scarpa - University of Messina) -
“Cloud@Home: a New Enhanced Computing Paradigm”, MIUR PRIN-08 (https://cloudathome.unime.it) (Prof. A. Puliafito - University of Messina)
“Self Managing Situated Computing” (SMSCOM) - ERC Advanced Investigator Grant N. 227977, Dec. 2008-Dec. 2013 (Prof. C. Ghezzi - Politecnico di Milano).
Management Committee Member and Working Group 2 Chair of COST Action IC1303 - Algorithms, Architectures and Platforms for Enhanced Living Environments
(AAPELE) - Nov. 2013 - Nov. 2017
Management Committee Member of ICT COST Action IC1203 - European Network Exploring Research into Geospatial Information Crowdsourcing: software and methodologies for harnessing geographic information from the crowd (ENERGIC) - Dec. 2012 - Dec. 2016
Working Group 3 Member of ICT COST Action TD1202- Mapping and the citizen sensor - Dec. 2012 - Dec. 2016
Management Committee Member of ICT COST Action IC1305 - Network for Sustainable Ultrascale Computing (NESUS) - March 2014 - March 2018
Italian Ministry of Research and University (MIUR) Project on Smart Cities and Communities: PSC - PIATTAFORMA DEI SERVIZI NEL SETTORE DELLA GIUSTIZIA CIVILE, - 2014-2017
Italian Ministry of Research and University (MIUR) Project on ITS (Intelligent Transportation System) Italia 2020, - 2014-2017
Innopolis University/Achronis Russian Federation Cloud project on Data Storage System, - 2014-2017
Salvatore Distefano is involved in the following research projects:
Management Committee Member of ICT COST Action IC1404 - Multi-Paradigm Modelling for Cyber-Physical Systems (MPM4CPS) - 2014 - 2018
Recipient of the Higher Institute of Information Technologies and Information Systems, Kazan Federal University, Kazan, Russia, 1 M$ Professor Fellowship Grant, - 2015-2018
IOT-OPEN.EU EU Erasmus+ programme KA2 (Strategic Partnership for Higher Education), 2016 - 2019, University of Messina Team Leader.
Recipient of the Republic of Tatarstan Algarysh Grant, Russia, 2 M Rubles, - 2018-2019
Italian “PON” Project ToolSmart, 684500 EURO, 2018-2020
Salvatore Distefano is a member of the Editorial Board of the following Journals: -
Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, (2015 - now) https://www.computer.org/web/tdsc
International Journal of Big Data (JoBD), Springer (2013 - now) http://www.journalofbigdata.com/
International Journal of Cloud Computing Advances, Systems and Applications (JoCCASA), Springer (2010 - now) http://www.journalofcloudcomputing.com/
International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks (IJDSN), Hindawi (2014 - now) http://www.hindawi.com/journals/ijdsn/
International Journal of Sensor and Actuator Networks, MDPI (2018 - Now) https://www.mdpi.com/journal/jsan
Associate Editor of the International Journal of Performability Engineering (IJPE), RAMS Consultant (2011 - now) http://www.ijpe-online.com/
International Journal of Engineering and Industries (IJEI), Advanced Institute of Convergence IT (2011 - now) http://www.aicit.org/ijei/home/index.html
International Journal of Computer Science & Information Technology Applications (IJCSITA) (2013 - now) https://sites.google.com/site/ijcsita
Journal of Risk and Reliability, Special Section on selected papers from the Dyadem-FTS 2010 Workshop, 2011. Volume 225, No. 4, December 2011, Sage Publication Ltd.
International Journal of Performability Engineering, Special Issue on “Performance and Dependability Modeling of Dynamic Systems”. Volume 7, No. 5, September 2011, RAMS Consultant.
ACM Performance Evaluation Review, Special Issue on “Modeling Dynamic Behaviors of Complex Distributed Systems”. Volume 39, Issue 4, April 2012, ACM.
IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, Special Issue on “Cloud Computing Assessment: metrics, algorithms, policies, models and evaluation
techniques - Security”. Vol. 10, No 4. June 2013, IEEE Computer Society.
IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, Special Issue on “Cloud Computing Assessment: metrics, algorithms, policies, models and evaluation techniques - Performance”. Vol. 10, No 5. Sept. 2013, IEEE Computer Society.
International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks (IJDSN), Special Issue on “Smart Objects, Infrastructures, and Services in the Internet of Things”, http://www.hindawi.com/journal
Performance Evaluation, Special Issue on selected papers from ValueTools 2016. To appear
ACM Performance Evaluation Review, Special Issue on “Quantitative Informatics”. Volume 44 Issue 4, March 2017, ACM.
Proceedings Editing
Proceedings of the First Workshop on DYnamic Aspects in DEpendability Models for Fault-Tolerant Systems (DYADEM-FTS 2010). ACM Publisher. http://portalparts.acm.org/17800
Proceedings of the 18th IEEE Workshop on Dependable Parallel, Distributed and Network-Centric Systems (DPDNS 2013). Publisher IEEE.
Proceedings of the 19th IEEE Workshop on Dependable Parallel, Distributed and Network-Centric Systems (DPDNS 2014). Publisher IEEE.
Proceedings of the 16th IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks, WoWMoM 2015; Boston University Campus
Boston; United States; 14 June 2015 through 17 June 2015.
Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE International Conference on Cloud and Big Data Computing, IEEE.
Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Ad Hoc Networks and Wireless (AdHoc-Now 2017). Publisher Springer.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Human-Centered Computing (HCC 2017). Publisher Springer.
Proceedings of the International Conference Advances in Computational Intelligence and Informatics - ICACII 2019. Publisher Springer.
CONFERENCE AND WORKSHOP ORGANIZATION Program Chair and Organization Committees
General Co-Chair of the First International Workshop on Dynamic Aspects in Dependability Models for Fault-Tolerant Systems - DYADEM-FTS 2010 - ACM, April 27, 2010, Valencia, Spain.
Website: http://www.lrr.in.tum.de/ dyadem/ -
General Co-Chair of the Second International Workshop on Dynamic Aspects in Dependability Models for Fault-Tolerant Systems - DYADEM-FTS 2011 - IEEE, Vienna, Austria, 22 - 26 August 2011.
Website: http://www.lrr.in.tum.de/ dyadem/ -
General Co-Chair First International Workshop on Cloud Convergence: challenges for future infrastructures and services - WCC-2013. Held within ICC 2013 - IEEE International Conference on Communications, June 9-13, 2013.
Website: http://wcc2013.uniud.it/ -
Program Chair of the 18th IEEE Workshop on Dependable Parallel, Distributed and Network-Centric Systems - DPDNS13 http://www.iti.uni-luebeck.de/DPDNS13/
Publication Chair of the 12th IEEE International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications - IEEE NCA13 http://www.ieee-nca.org/
Publication Chair of the 3rd IEEE Symposium on Network Cloud Computing and Applications - NCCA 2014 https://sites.google.com/a/dis.uniroma1.it/ncca-2014/
Program Chair of the 19th IEEE Workshop on Dependable Parallel, Distributed and Network-Centric Systems - DPDNS14 http://www.iti.uni-luebeck.de/DPDNS14/
Publication Chair of the 13th IEEE International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications - IEEE NCA14 http://www.ieee-nca.org/
Program Co-chair of the 4th IEEE workshop on the IoT: Smart Objects and Services - SOS 2015
Workshop and Publicity Chair of PSI 2015: 10th Ershov Informatics Conference - PSI 2015
Program Co-chair of the first International Conference on Anthropic-Oriented Computing - AOC 2015
Publication Chair of the 14th IEEE International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications - IEEE NCA15 http://www.ieee-nca.org/
Publicity Chair of the 2nd Workshop on Formal Verification for self-* systems - VERY* 2015
Financial Chair of the 4th IEEE Symposium on Network Cloud Computing and Applications - NCCA 2015
Program Co-chair of the IEEE International Conference on Cloud and Big Data Computing - CBDCOM 2015
Program Co-chair of the second International Conference on Anthropic-Oriented Computing - AOC 2016
Publicity Chair of the 2nd Workshop on Formal Verification for self-* systems - VERY* 2016
VeryComp 2016 (1st international workshop on Formal to Practical Software Verification and Composition)
Publicity Co-chair of the 10th EAI International Conference on Performance Evaluation Methodologies and Tools - Valuetools 2016
Program Chair of the sixth Workshop on Quantitative Informatics - INFQ 2016
Program Chair of the 2017 International Conference on Human-Centered Computing (HCC 2017), Kazan Federal University, Kazan, Russia from Monday, 07 August to Wednesday, 09 August 2017.
Program Chair of the 16th International Conference on Ad Hoc Networks and Wireless (AdHoc-Now 2017), Messina (Italy) September 20-22, 2017.
Program Chair of the 10th International Conference Developments in eSystems Engineering, DESE 2017 - Special Session Chair Internet of Everything (IoE)
Chair of the 10th International Conference Advances in Computational Intelligence and Informatics - ICACII 2019
International JOINT Conference European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL2020) and 15th Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management Conference (PSAM15) - Track Chair (CPS))
International Workshop on Dynamic Aspects in Dependability Models for Fault-Tolerant Systems - DYADEM-FTS.
International Workshop on Cloud Convergence: challenges for future infrastructures and services - WCC.
International Conference on Anthropic-Oriented Computing - AOC
Program Committee Membership
Salvatore Distefano was and still is a member of the Program Committee of the following conferences and workshops: -
IEEE Int. Conf. on Intelligent Computing (ICIC), supported by the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society and by the International Neural Network Society, Springer LNCS Proceedings (2007-2016).
IEEE Int. Conf. on Dependable, Autonomic and Secure Computing (DASC-09).
International Workshop on Security and Performance in Emerging Distributed Architectures (SPEDA2010).
IEEE CloudCom Workshop on UsiNg and building ClOud Testbeds (UNICO-13)
IEEE Workshop on Dependable Parallel, Distributed and Network-Centric Systems (DPDNS, 2013-2015)
IEEE International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications (NCA, 2013-2015)
IEEE Symposium on Network Cloud Computing and Applications (NCCA, 2013-2015)
IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC 2013)
Workshop on Cloud for IoT (ClIoT 2013)
IEEE Workshop on Federative and interoperable cloud infrastructures FEDICI (2013-2015)
International Conference on Intelligent Networking and Collaborative Systems (INCoS, 2013-2015)
IEEE INFOCOM Workshop on Dynamic SOcial Networks (DySON 2014-2015)
IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Networking and Collaborative Systems (INCoS-2014)
IEEE International Workshop on Cyber-Physical Systems and Social Computing (CSSC-2014)
IEEE International Workshop on Computational Advertising (WCA-2014)
IEEE International Workshop on Data Center Performance (DCPerf-2014)
International Conference on the Internet of Things (IoT 2014)
International Workshop on Enhanced Living EnvironMENTs (ELEMENT-2014)
MIC-Computing 2014
International Workshop on Sensors and Smart Cities (SSC-2014)
IEEE International Conference on Communication, Selected Areas in Communications (SAC) Symposium - Social Network Track (ICC’15 SAC 9-SN)
International workshop on Hybrid/Cloud computing Infrastructure for E-Science application (HCCIEA-2015)
IEEE International Conference on Communication, Selected Areas in Communications (SAC) Symposium - Data Storage and Cloud Computing Track (ICC’15 SAC 2-DSCC)
PSI: Ershov Informatics Conference (PSI 2015-Now)
International Symposium on Big Data and Cloud Computing Challenges (ISBCC ’15)
The 5th International Workshop on Data Center Performance (DCPerf15) http://www.zurich.ibm.com/dcperf15/
The First International Symposium on Dependability in Sensor, Cloud, and Big Data Systems and Applications (DependSys 2015) http://trust.csu.edu.cn/conference/dependsys2015/
7th ICT Innovations Conference 2015 (ICT Innovations 2015) http://ictinnovations.org/
IEEE International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI 2015-now)
Open Forum on Top10Cs: Top 10 Challenges for Smart Worlds (SWC2015)
International Symposium on Big Data and Cloud Computing Challenges (ISBCC 2016-now)
URBAN COMPUTING, The International Symposium on Emerging Frontiers of Urban Computing and Smart Cities 2016-now
5th IEEE International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI 2016)
8th IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science (CloudCom 16) http://2016.cloudcom.org/
The Second International Symposium on Dependability in Sensor, Cloud, and Big Data Systems and Applications (DependSys 2016)
First IEEE Workshop on Smart Service Systems (SmartSys 2016) mpsc.umbc.edu/smartsys/
The 2nd IEEE INFOCOM Workshop on Smart Cities and Urban Computing 2016
9th Service-Oriented Computing & Applications, SOCA 2016
25th IEEE International Conference on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises, WETICE 2016
Internet Services and Applications Symposium 2017 - IEEE International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC) http://www.conf- icnc.org/2017/
17th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid - CCGRID 2017
2017 IEEE Region 10 Symposium (TENSYMP2017)
The Third International Symposium on Ubiquitous Networking 2017, UNet’17
The IEEE Conference of Open Innovations Association FRUCT, 2015-now
IEEE International Conference on Smart Computing - SMARTCOMP 2016-now
EAI International Conference on Performance Evaluation Methodologies and Tools, Valuetools 2015-now
AMLCS17 - Workshop on Autonomic Management of Large Scale Container-based Systems (AMLCS)
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, IEEE/ACM.
Future Generation Computer Systems, Elsevier.
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, Wiley InterScience.
International Journal of Grid Computing, Springer.
Software and Systems Modeling, Springer
IEEE Internet Computing, IEEE Computer Society.
IEEE Systems Journal, IEEE.
Reliability Engineering and System Safety, Elsevier.
IET Software, IET.
IEEE Sensors Journal, IEEE.
IEEE Internet of Things Journal, IEEE.
IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine, IEEE.
Information Systems Frontiers, Springer.
Information Sciences, Elsevier.
Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research, World Scientific.
International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (IJSEKE), World Scientific.
International Journal of Performability Engineering, RAMS Consultant.
Quality and Reliability Engineering International, Wiley.
International Journal of Systems Science, Taylor and Francis.
Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, Springer.
Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering, IOS Press.
Information and Software Technology, Elsevier.
Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Elsevier.
European Journal of Operational Research, Elsevier.
Computing, Springer.
International Journal of Critical Computer-Based Systems, Inderscience.
International Journal of Web and Grid Services, Inderscience.
Future Internet, MDPI.
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part O, Journal of Risk and Reliability, SAGE.
ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review, ACM.
Journal of Quality and Reliability Engineering, Hindawi Publishing Corporation.
The Scientific World Journal, Hindawi Publishing Corporation.
International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, Hindawi Publishing Corporation.
Soft Computing, Springer.
International Journal of Cloud Computing Advances, Systems and Applications (JoCCASA), Springer
International Journal of Big Data (JoBD), Springer
Journal of Systems and Software (JSS), Elsevier
Journal of Systems Architecture (JSA), Elsevier
International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks (IJDSN), Hindawi
He also acted/acts as reviewer and rapporteur for the following programmes/calls/Institutions:
EU FP7-Horizon2020 (2012- Now)
EU COST Expert (2014- Now)
Italian MIUR PRIN-FIRB (2012-Now)
Romanian UEFISCDI PCCA (2012-Now)
Kazakhstan National Center of Science and Technology Evaluation (2014-Now)
IEEE (2007 - Now)
IEEE Reliability Society (2007 - Now)
IEEE Computer Society (2015)
International Research Institute for Autonomic Network Computing - IRIANC - www.irianc.com (2013 - Now)
ACM (2015)
IEEE Standards Association - Study Group for Security, Reliability, and Performance for Software Defined and Virtualized Ecosystems (2014-Now)
IEEE Standards Association - ICWG/2302 WG - Intercloud WG (ICWG) Working Group, P2302 - Standard for Intercloud Interoperability and Federation (SIIF) (2014-Now)
Involved in the establishment of some startups for transferring innovation from research to technology -
InQuadro (2007-2009): spin-off of the University of Messina on RFID technologies for object localization. Member of the Scientific Board.
DhLab/Arduino.org Lab (2013-2016): spin-off of the University of Messina on IoT and smart board technologies. Member of the Scientific Board and consultant
SmartMe.io - https://smartme.io (2016-now): spin-off of the University of Messina on Cloud-IoT solutions for smart environments. Cofounder.
Talks, Tutorials and Conferences
“System Dependability and Performance: Techniques, Methodologies and Tools” at Politecnico Milano, Milan, Italy, December 4th 2009.
“Mobile Crowdsensing, Social and Big Data as Innovation Enablers for Future Internet Cloud-based Architectures and Services” at Future Internet Assembly, Athens,
Greece, March 18th 2014 (http://www.fi-athens.eu/program/workshops/mobile-crowdsensing-social-and-big-data-innovation-enablers-future-interne single_session_view-panel_pane_3-3). -
“Distributed systems, Cloud and IoT” at It-Park, Kazan, Russia, September 4th 2014.
“The Crowdsourcing Revolution” at AKSES Seminar Series, Innopolis, Russia, April 26th 2016.
“Dealing with variable operating conditions in system modeling” at Workshop of Computational Sciences, Messina, October 21st 2017.
“Volunteering, Crowdsourcing and Citizen Science: an overview from the computing perspective” at the 4th IEEE International Symposium on Big Data and Cloud Computing Challenges (ISBCC-2017) March 10th, 2017 VIT University, Chennai, India.
“Software Defined Cities” at the 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2018) March 22nd, 2018, Funchal, Madeira, Portugal. http://www.iceis.org/KeynoteSpeakers.aspx#3
“Software Defined Cities” at the 13th ENASE (Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering), March 23rd, 2018 Funchal, Madeira, Portugal. http: //www.enase.org/KeynoteSpeakers.aspx#3
“Smart and Intelligent Cities” at the 1st International Conference on Advances in Computational Intelligence and Informatics, Dec 20-21, 2019 Anurag Group of Institutions, Hyderabad, India. http://www.icacii.com
“ Crowdsourcing and Citizen Science”, Workshop on New Approaches for Computation, Feb 28, 2020, Kazan, Russia . TUTORIALS
“High-Level Modeling Environments for the Dependability Assessment of Dynamic Systems” at the International Conference on Computer Safety, Reliability and Security (SAFECOMP07). Springer LNCS, Nuremberg, Germany, September 2007.
“High-Level Modeling Environments for the Dependability Assessment of Dynamic Systems” at the 14th GI/ITG Conference on Measurement, Modelling and Evaluation of Computer and Communication Systems (MMB 2008), Dortmund, Germany, March-April 2008.
10th European PVM/MPI Users’ Group Meeting, Venice, Italy, September 29 - October 2, 2003.
19th International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences - ISCIS 2004, Kemer-Antalya, Turkey, October 27-29, 2004.
Third International Conference on Intelligent Computing, ICIC 2007, Qingdao, China, August 21-24, 2007.
26th International Conference on Computer Safety, Reliability, and Security, SAFECOMP 2007, Nuremberg, Germany, September 18-21, 2007.
5th International Conference on Intelligent Computing, ICIC 2009, Ulsan, South Korea, September 16-19, 2009
First International Conference on Cloud Computing, CloudComp 2009, Munich, Germany, October 19-21, 2009.
Euro-Par 2010, Capri, Italy, September , 2010.
IASTED International Conference on Software Engineering (SE 2005), Innsbruk, Austria, February 2005.
Workshop on Emerging Technologies for Next Generation GRID (ETNGRID-2005), Netherlands, June 2005.
Workshop on Techniques, Methodologies and Tools for Performance Evaluation of Complex System (FIRB-2005), Turin, Italy, September 2005.
52nd Annual Reliability and Mantainability Symposium (RAMS06), Newport Beach, CA, USA, January 2006.
Safety and Reliability Conference, (ESREL06), Estoril, Portugal, September 2006.
25th Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems (SRDS’06), Leeds, UK, September 2006.
53rd Annual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium (RAMS07), Orlando, USA, January 2007.
International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS07), Long Beach, USA, March 2007.
Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL07), Stavanger, Norway, June 2007.
International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS08), IEEE, Miami, USA, April 2008.
Ninth International Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management Conference (PSAM9), Honk Kong, China, May 2008.
Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL08) in conjuction with the 17th SRA-Europe Conference, Valencia, Spain, September 2008.
Workshop on Emerging Technologies for Next Generation GRID (IEEE ETNGRID 2009), June 29 - July 1, 2009, Groningen (The Netherlands).
8th International Conference on Reliability, Maintainability and Safety (ICRMS 2009), IEEE, July 21-25, 2009, Chengdu, China.
8th IEEE International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications (IEEE NCA09), 9 - 11 July 2009, Cambridge, MA USA.
8th International Conference on Dependable, Autonomic and Secure Computing (DASC-09), IEEE, December 12-14, 2009, Chengdu, China.
24th IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, April 19-23, 2010, Atlanta (Georgia) USA.
10th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing (CCGRID10), May 17-20, 2010, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
International Conference on Computing Frontiers, May 17-19, 2010, Bertinoro, Italy.
First International Workshop on Dynamic Aspects in Dependability Models for Fault-Tolerant Systems (DYADEM-FTS 2010), April 27, 2010, Valencia, Spain.
First Workshop on Informatica Quantitativa (InfQ 2010), Pisa, Italy, July 2010.
Forty-Eighth Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing (Allerton Conference 2010), September 29 – October 1, 2010, Allerton House, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA.
European Safety and Reliability Conference 2010 (ESREL2010), ESRA, 5-9 September 2010, Rhodes, Greece.
IFIP Wireless Days 2010, October 20 - 22, 2010, Venice, Italy.
29th IEEE Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems (IEEE SRDS 2010), October 31 – November 3, 2010, India International Centre (IIC), New Delhi – 110003, INDIA
Second Workshop on Informatica Quantitativa (InfQ 2011), Lipari, Italy, July 2011.
Third Workshop on Informatica Quantitativa (InfQ 2012), Lucca, Italy, July 2012.
Sixth International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing, Palermo, Italy July 04-July 06, 2012.
IEEE 11th International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications, Cambridge, MA, USA August 23-August 25 2012.
11th International Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management Conference and the Annual European Safety and Reliability Conference 2012, PSAM11–ESREL 2012, Helsinki, Finland, 25-29 June 2012.
IEEE International Conference on Communications 2013 (International Workshop on Cloud Convergence) IEEE, Budapest, Hungary, June 9-13 2013.
7th International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing (International Workshop on Extending Seamlessly to the Internet
of Things) IEEE Taichung, Taiwan, 3-5 July 2013.
18th IEEE Workshop on Dependable Parallel, Distributed and Network-Centric Systems, Boston, USA, May 24, 2013.
9th International Conference on Intelligent Computing (ICIC) , 9th edition, Nanning, China, 28-31 July 2013.
4th Workshop on Informatica Quantitativa (InfQ 2013), Capri, Italy, July 2013.
IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM) - Symposium On Selected Areas In Communications (SAC, IoT Track), Atlanta, GA, USA, 9-13 De- cember 2013.
8th IEEE International Conference on P2P, Parallel, Grid, Cloud and Internet Computing (3PGCIC) Compiegne, France, 28-30 October 2013.
International Workshop on Cloud for IoT (CLIoT), Malaga, Spain, 11 September 2013.
6th International Conference on Internet and Distributed Computing Systems (IDCS 2013), Hangzhou, China, 28-30 Oct. 2013.
International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC), 15th edition, IEEE Zhangjiajie, China, 13-15 November 2013.
19th IEEE Workshop on Dependable Parallel, Distributed and Network-Centric Systems, Phoenix, USA, May 20, 2014.
6th International Conference on Intelligent Networking and Collaborative Systems, INCoS-2014, Salerno, Italy, September 10 - 12, 2014.
11th European Workshop on Performance Engineering, Florence, Italy, 11-12 September, 2014.
InfQ – Informatica Quantitativa, Turin, Italy, October 2014
29th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA-2015), Gwangju, South Korea, March 24-27, 2015.
9th International KES Conference on Agents and Multi-agent System: Technologies and Applications, Sorrento, Italy, June 17-19, 2015.
IEEE International Conference on Big Data and Cloud Computing - CBDCOM 2015, Beijing, China, August 10-14, 2015.
Fourth European Conference on Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing (ESOCC 2015) - 1st International Workshop on Federated Cloud Networking, Communi-
cations in Computer and Information Science (CCSI): Berlin Heidelberg, 2015.
4th International Scientific and Training Conference (ISTC 2016) - Modern Problems of Life Safety: Intelligent Transportation Systems, Kazan, Russia, February 2016
18th Conference of Open Innovations Association FRUCT and Seminar on Information Security and Protection of Information Technology, St. Petersburg, Russia 18-22 April 2016.
10th International KES Conference on Agents and Multi-agent System: Technologies and Applications, Tenerife, Spain, June 17-19, 2016.
InfQ 2016, OCTOBER 25–28, 2016, TAORMINA, ITALY
Valuetools 2016, OCTOBER 25–28, 2016, TAORMINA, ITALY
2017 International Conference on Artificial Life and Robotics (ICAROB 2017), Jan. 19-22, 2017, Seagaia Convention Center, Miyazaki, Japan.
31st IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, IEEE, May 29 – June 2, 2017, Orlando, Florida USA.
International Conference on Mechanical, System and Control Engineering, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, 2017
The Ninth International Conference on Advanced Cognitive Technologies and Applications - COGNITIVE 2017 - February 19 - 23, 2017 - Athens, Greece
2017 Annual International Conference on Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures, Moscow, Russia.
10th IEEE International Conference on Internet of Things (iThings-2017), Exeter, England, UK, 21-23 June 2017. Best Paper Award.
11th International Conference on Distributed Smart Cameras (ICDSC 2017), 5-7 SEPTEMBER 2017, Stanford University, CA, USA.
International Conference on Parallel Computing Technologies (PaCT 2017) , Sept 4-8, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
1st International Conference on IoT and Machine Learning (IML 2017), London, UK.
16th International Conference on Ad-Hoc Networks and Wireless (ADHOC-NOW 2017), Taormina, Italy.
7th Workshop on New Frontiers in Quantitative Methods in Informatics, InfQ 2017, December 4, 2017, Venice, ITALY
IEEE Big Data Conference (IEEE BigData 2017), December 11-14, 2017, Boston, MA, USA
5th IEEE Conference on Smart Computing (SmartComp), Washington DC, USA, June 2019
9th Workshop on New Frontiers in Quantitative Methods in Informatics, InfQ 2017, June 11, 2019, Caserta, ITALY
Int. Conf. on Developments in eSystems Engineering 2019 Robotics, Sensors and Industry 4.0, 7th-10th October 2019, KAZAN – RUSSIA
Second international workshop on software engineering aspects of continuous development and new paradigms of software production and deployment, DEVOPS 2019 (6-8 May 2019), Toulouse, France.
TOOLS 50+1: Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems, Innopolis (Kazan), Russia, October 14-20, 2019
International Conference on Software Testing, Machine Learning and Complex Process Analysis (TMPA-2019), Tbilisi, Georgia, 7-9 November 2019.
Salvatore Distefano is currently an associate professor at University of Messina. His research interests include: non-Markovian Stochastic Modeling; Performance and Reliability Evaluation; Dependability; Quality of Service/Experience; Service Level Agree- ment; Parallel and Distributed Computing, Grid, Cloud, Fog, Edge, Serverless, Autonomic, Volunteer, Sensing, Crowd Computing; Computing Continuum; Big Data; Software and Service Engineering, DevOps, DataOps; Cyber Physical Systems (CPS); IoT; Smart Environment, Smart City, Smart Buildings, Intelligent Transportation Systems; Crowdsourcing, Citizen Science; Neuro-Morphic Computing, Bio-inspired Architecture; Hyper-spectral Imaging.
Position and Education RECORD OF EMPLOYMENT
March 2002 – June 2002
Collaboration with the Department of Mathematics of the University of Messina and the MURST/MIUR research project ISIDE (grant number for the development of a software for the solution of non-Markovian Petri nets.
December 2002 – March 2003
Temporary research assistant with the Department of Mathematics of the University of Messina, working on the implementation of parallel algorithms for the solution of non-Markovian Petri nets, (MIUR FIRB project “WebMinds: Wide-scalE Broadband MIddleware for Network Distributed Services”) .
September 2003 – November 2003
Temporary research assistant with the Department of Computer and Telecommunication Engineering of the University of Catania, for the writing of a manual for describing the methodology to adapt the ISO 10303 STEP standard to SME, involved into the MIUR Italian research project “Innovazione n. 3.6 - Qualita` - Prat. IMI n. 63039 sottoprogetto n. 3.6.2 - CAD/CAM per la qualita` nelle aziende elettromeccaniche e metalmeccaniche” .
December 2005 – January 2006
Temporary research assistant with the Department of Mathematics of the University of Messina, working on the implementation of algorithms for generating performance models from UML model, (MIUR FIRB “Performance Evaluation of Complex Systems: Techniques, Methodologies and Tools” PERF Project).
May 2006 – April 2006
Temporary research assistant with the Department of Mathematics of the University of Messina, working on the development/porting of WebSPN from MPICH to GRID infrastructures (GridSPN), (TRIGRID research project).
September 2006 – June 2009
Temporary research assistant with the Department of Mathematics of the University of Messina, working on quality of service in mobile environment.
June 2009 – August 2010
Temporary research assistant with the Department of Mathematics of the University of Messina, working on the development of virtualization and storage mecha- nisms and services in Grid and Cloud paradigms, in the EU project RESERVOIR
August 2010 – February 2011
Temporary research assistant with the Department of Mathematics of the University of Messina, working on the development of the Cloud@Home paradigm, (Cloud@Home PRIN 08 Project)
February 2011 – November 2011
Temporary research assistant (assegno di ricerca) with the Department of Mathematics of the University of Messina, working on quality of service in mobile environment.
February 2011 – December 2011
Temporary research assistant with the Dipartimento di Elettronica e Informazione (DEI) of the Politecnico di Milano, working on reliability and quality of service assessment of software systems (ERC Advanced Grant “Self-Managing Situated Computing” (SMScom), Principal Investigator Prof. Carlo Ghezzi).
December 2011 – October 2015
Assistant Professor of Computer Engineering (SSD ING-INF/05 - 09/H1) at Politecnico di Milano, Italy, Dipartimento di Elettronica, Informazione e Bioingegneria (DEIB).
October 2015 – Now
Associate Professor of Computer Science and Engineering (SSD ING-INF/05 - 09/H1) at University of Messina, Italy, Dipartimento di Scienze Matematiche, Informatiche, Fisiche e della Terra.
AW.1. Best Paper Award “Pushing Intelligence to the Edge with a Stream Processing Architecture,” [IC.96] Proc. of the 10th IEEE International Conference on
Internet of Things, (iThings-2017), 2017, Exeter, England, UK, 21-23 June 2017.
May 2013
“Informatics” (Professor) - II level Master Open source and Security, organized by the University of Messina - Graduate level.
“Computer Systems and Performance Evaluation” (Professor) - Computer Engineering, Politecnico di Milano - Graduate level.
“Impianti e Servizi Informatici” ( Professor) - Computer Engineering, Politecnico di Milano - Undergraduate level.
“Quantitative analysis of very-large systems: metrics, models, techniques, methodologies and tools” (Professor) - PhD School, Politecnico di Milano.
“Impianti e Servizi Informatici” ( Professor) - Computer Engineering, Politecnico di Milano - Undergraduate level.
“Dependability and performance evaluation of computing systems” ( Professor) - Computer Science and Engineering, Innopolis University, Kazan, Russia, Under- graduate level.
“Dependability and performance evaluation of computing systems” ( Professor) - Computer Science and Engineering, Kazan Federal University, Kazan, Russia, Graduate level.
“Computer Systems and Performance Evaluation” (Professor) - Computer Engineering, Politecnico di Milano - Graduate level.
“Volunteer and Crow-based computing” (Professor) - PhD School, Politecnico di Milano, Italy.
“Distributed systems” ( Professor) - Computer Science and Engineering, Kazan Federal University, Kazan, Russia, Undergraduate-Graduate level.
“Impianti e Servizi Informatici” ( Professor) - Computer Engineering, Politecnico di Milano - Undergraduate level.
“Ingegneria del Software”- Software Engineering ( Professor) - Computer Science, University of Messina - Undergraduate level.
“Architettura degli elaboratori” ( Professor) - Computer Science, University of Messina - Undergraduate level.
“Calcolatori” ( Professor) - Computer Engineering, University of Messina - Undergraduate level.
“Quantitative analysis of very-large systems: metrics, models, techniques, methodologies and tools” (Professor) - PhD School, Politecnico di Milano.
“Volunteer and Crow-based computing” (Professor) - PhD School, Politecnico di Milano, Italy.
“Distributed systems” ( Professor) - Computer Science and Engineering, Kazan Federal University, Kazan, Russia, Graduate level, fall semester.
“Dependability and Performance of Computer Systems” ( Professor) - Computer Science and Engineering, Kazan Federal University, Kazan, Russia, Graduate level, spring semester.
“Dependability and Performance of Computer Systems” ( Professor) - Computer Science and Engineering, Innopolis University, Innopolis, Russia, Undergradu- ate/Graduate level, spring semester.
“Parallel Programming ( Professor) - Computer Science and Engineering, University of Messina - Graduate level, fall semester.
“(Java) Programming II” (Professor) - Computer Science, University of Messina - UnderGraduate level, spring semester.
“Sistemi di Elaborazione” - Computing Systems (Professor) - Computer Engineering, University of Messina - UnderGraduate level, spring semester.
“Ingegneria del Software”- Software Engineering (Professor) - Computer Science, University of Messina - Undergraduate level, spring semester.
“Parallel Programming ( Professor) - Computer Science and Engineering, University of Messina - Graduate level, fall semester.
“(Java) Programming II” (Professor) - Computer Science, University of Messina - UnderGraduate level, spring semester.
“Sistemi di Elaborazione” - Computing Systems (Professor) - Computer Engineering, University of Messina - UnderGraduate level, spring semester.
“Informatica” - Computer Basics (Professor) - Master in Pharmacy, University of Messina - Graduate level, spring semester.
“Parallel Programming” ( Professor) - Computer Science and Engineering, University of Messina - Graduate level, fall semester.
“(Java) Programming II” (Professor) - Computer Science, University of Messina - UnderGraduate level, spring semester.
“Sistemi di Elaborazione” - Computing Systems (Professor) - Computer Engineering, University of Messina - UnderGraduate level, spring semester.
“Informatica” - Computer Basics (Professor) - Master in Pharmacy, University of Messina - Graduate level, spring semester.
“Ingegneria del Software”- Software Engineering (Professor) - Computer Science, University of Messina - Undergraduate level, spring semester.
“Advanced Software Engineering” (Professor) - Computer Science, University of Messina - Computer Science and Engineering, University of Messina - Graduate level, fall semester..
“IoT Basics” ( Professor) - Computer Science and Engineering, Kazan Federal University, Kazan, Russia, Graduate level, fall semester.
“Dependability and Performance of Computer Systems” ( Professor) - Computer Science and Engineering, Kazan Federal University, Kazan, Russia, Graduate level, spring semester.
“Parallel Programming” ( Professor) - Computer Science and Engineering, University of Messina - Graduate level, fall semester.
“Object Oriented Programming - OOP” (Professor) - Computer Science, University of Messina - UnderGraduate level, spring semester.
“Sistemi di Elaborazione” - Computing Systems (Professor) - Computer Engineering, University of Messina - UnderGraduate level, spring semester.
“Ingegneria del Software”- Software Engineering (Professor) - Computer Science, University of Messina - Undergraduate level, spring semester.
“IoT Basics” ( Professor) - Computer Science and Engineering, Kazan Federal University, Kazan, Russia, Graduate level, fall semester.
“Dependability and Performance of Computer Systems” ( Professor) - Computer Science and Engineering, Kazan Federal University, Kazan, Russia, Graduate level, spring semester.
“Volunteer and Crow-based approaches in computing” (Professor) - Computer Science and Engineering, Innopolis University, Innopolis, Russia, Undergradu- ate/Graduate level, spring semester.
Graduate Students Supervision
Graduation Commission Participation
Professional Activities
NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH PROJECTS Salvatore Distefano has been involved in the following research projects:
Guest Editor
Salvatore Distefano has been, a Guest Editor of the following Journal Special Issue/Section:
Steering Committees
Salvatore Distefano served on the Steering Committee of the following conferences and workshops:
Salvatore Distefano is involved as reviewer in several journals, symposia, conferences and workshops in the area of distributed computing, software engineering, and those related to stochastic modeling, performance evaluation, reliability, availability and dependability. In particular he acts as reviewer for the following
Transactions on Reliability, IEEE Reliability Society. Transactions on Computer, IEEE Computer Society. Transactions on Software Engineering, IEEE Computer Society. Transactions on Mobile Computing, IEEE.
Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, IEEE Computer Society. Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, IEEE Computer Society. Transactions on System Man and Cybernetics, IEEE.
Professional Association Membership