Profilo: Professori Ordinari
Posizione attuale:Professore ordinario nel settore scientifico disciplinare MAT/05 - Analisi Matematica presso il Dipartimento di Scienze Matematiche e Informatiche, Scienze Fisiche e Scienze della Terra dell'Università di Messina.
Attività organizzativa
E' stato Responsabile Scientifico dell'Unità Locale di Messina del programma nazionale di ricerca "Metodi e applicazioni di equazioni differenziali ordinarie" (Cofinanziamento 1997, coordinatore nazionale Prof. Arrigo Cellina).
E' stato Responsabile Scientifico dei Programmi di Ricerca di Ateneo dal titolo "Analisi funzionale non lineare" dell'Università di Messina relativi agli esercizi finanziari 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2004, 2005 e 2008/09.
E' stato Responsabile Scientifico del Programma di Ricerca di Ateneo "Analisi Funzionale" dell'Università di Messina (anno 2003).
Dal 29.11.01 al 31.10.2004 è stato Preside Vicario della Facoltà di Scienze Statistiche.
Lavori come referee e collaborazioni editoriali
E' stato consultato dalla "National Science Foundation" degli Stati Uniti d'America in qualità di referee per l'assegnazione di finanziamenti a progetti di ricerca di università statunitensi.
E' stato varie volte consultato in qualità di "referee'' per le riviste
- Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications
- Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications
- Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society
- Nonlinear Analysis - Theory, Methods and Applications
- Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society
- Set-Valued Analysis
- Journal of Global Optimization
- Applied Mathematics Letters
- Optimization
- Mathematics of Operations Research
- SIAM Journal of Optimization
- Acta Scientiarum Mathematicarum
- Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics
- Soochow Journal of Mathematics
- Acta Mathematica Vietnamica
- Acta Mathematica Sinica
- Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico Univ. e Polit. di Torino
E' stato consultato come referee per i volumi
- Vector Variational Inequalities and Vector Equilibria, editor Prof. F. Giannessi, Kluwer Academic Publishers.
- Optimization Methods and Applications, editors X.Q. Yang, K.L. Teo e L. Caccetta, Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Dal novembre 1997 al settembre 2004 è stato recensore del Mathematical Reviews.
1) P. CUBIOTTI, Finite-dimensional quasi-variational inequalities associated with discontinuous functions, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Vol. 72, n. 3, pp. 577-582, 1992.
2) P. CUBIOTTI, Some remarks on fixed points of lower semicontinuous multifunctions, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Vol. 174, n. 2, pp. 407-412, 1993.
3) P. CUBIOTTI, An existence theorem for generalized quasi-variational inequalities, Set-Valued Analysis, Vol. 1, n. 1, pp. 81-87, 1993.
4) P. CUBIOTTI and J.C. YAO, The generalized quasi-variational inequality problem over non-compact sets, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Vol. 28, n. 4, pp. 93-97, 1994.
5) P. CUBIOTTI and B. DI BELLA, A new approach to the existence of zeros for nonlinear operators, Le Matematiche, Vol. 49, n. 2, pp. 205-210, 1994.
6) P. CUBIOTTI, Discontinuous quasivariational - like inequalities, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Vol. 29, n. 12, pp. 9-12, 1995.
7) P. CUBIOTTI, Some properties of periodic solutions of linear control systems via quasi - variational inequalities, in "Variational Inequalities and Network Equilibrium Problems'' (F. Giannessi and A. Maugeri, eds.), Plenum Press, New York, 1995.
8) P. CUBIOTTI, A counter-example on a quasi-variational inequality without lower semicontinuity assumption, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, Vol.123, n.3, pp. 969-970, 1995.
9) P. CUBIOTTI and J.C. YAO, Multivalued $(S)^1_+$ operators and generalized variational inequalities, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Vol. 29, n. 12, pp. 49-56, 1995.
10) P. CUBIOTTI, Existence of solutions for lower semicontinuous quasi-equilibrium problems, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Vol. 30, n. 12, pp. 11-22, 1995.
11) P. CUBIOTTI, A note on Chan and Pang's existence theorem for generalized quasi-variational inequalities, Applied Mathematics Letters, Vol. 9, n. 3, pp. 73-76, 1996.
12) P. CUBIOTTI, An application of quasivariational inequalities to linear control systems, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Vol. 89, n.1, pp. 101--113, 1996.
13) P. CUBIOTTI, A general theorem of complementarity for the implicit GQVI problem, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Vol. 31, n. 11, pp. 97-104, 1996.
14) P. CUBIOTTI, A counter-example to some recent existence results on implicit variational inequalities, Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae, Vol. 37, n.2, pp. 415--418, 1996.
15) P. CUBIOTTI and X.Z. YUAN, A generalized quasi-variational inequality without upper semicontinuity, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, Vol. 54, n. 2, pp. 247--254, 1996.
16) A. CHINN\'I and P. CUBIOTTI, Partial differential equations in Banach spaces involving nilpotent linear operators, Annales Polonici Mathematici, Vol.65, n.1, pp. 67--80, 1996.
17) P. CUBIOTTI and B. DI BELLA, A sup-inf condition for the existence of zeros of certain nonlinear operators, Annales Universitatis Scientiarum Budapestinensis de Rolando EotvOs Nominatae - Sectio Mathematica, Vol. 39, pp.63--67, 1996.
18) P. CUBIOTTI and J.C. YAO, Necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of the implicit variational inequality problem, Applied Mathematics Letters, Vol. 10, n.1, 83--87, 1997.
19) P. CUBIOTTI, General nonlinear variational inequalities with $(S)^1_+$ operators, Applied Mathematics Letters, Vol. 10, n. 2, pp. 11--15, 1997.
20) P. CUBIOTTI, Generalized quasi-variational inequalities in infinite-dimensional normed spaces, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Vol. 92, n.3, pp. 457--475, 1997.
21) P. CUBIOTTI, Generalized quasi-variational inequalities without continuities, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Vol. 92, n.3, pp. 477--495, 1997.
22) P. CUBIOTTI, K.L. LIN and J.C. YAO, Generalized quasi-variational inequalities for fuzzy mappings, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Vol.33, n.7, pp.121--134, 1997.
23) P. CUBIOTTI, Existence of Nash equilibria for generalized games without upper semicontinuity, International Journal of Game Theory, Vol. 26, pp.267--273, 1997.
24) F. CAMMAROTO and P. CUBIOTTI, Implicit integral equations with discontinuous right-hand side, Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae, Vol. 38, n.2, pp.241--246, 1997.
25 P. CUBIOTTI, Existence of quasi-equilibria and applications to abstract economies with lower semicontinuous feasible strategy multifunctions, Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo, Serie II, Suppl. 48, pp.63--82, 1997.
26) P. CUBIOTTI and B. DI BELLA, On the existence of zeros for multivalued operators, Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo, Serie II, Suppl. 48, pp. 83--90, 1997.
27) P. CUBIOTTI e B. DI BELLA, Some existence theorems for the inclusion $0\in A(x)$, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Vol. 213, pp. 148--154, 1997.
28) P. CUBIOTTI and J.C. YAO, Discontinuous implicit quasi-variational inequalities with applications to fuzzy mappings, Mathematical Methods of Operations Research, Vol. 46, n.2, pp. 213--228, 1997.
29) P. CUBIOTTI and N.D. YEN, A result related to Ricceri's conjecture on generalized quasi-variational inequalities, Archiv der Mathematik, Vol. 69, pp. 507--514, 1997.
30) P. CUBIOTTI and J.C. YAO, On a general theorem of complementarity with applications to GCP, Journal of Information and Optimization Sciences, Vol. 18, n.3, pp. 399--412, 1997.
31) P. CUBIOTTI and G. NORDO, On generalized games in H-spaces, Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae, Vol. 40, n.1, pp. 175--180, 1999.
32) F. CAMMAROTO and P. CUBIOTTI, Vector integral equations with discontinuous right-hand side, Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae, Vol. 40, n.3, pp. 483--490, 1999.
33) P. CUBIOTTI, On periodic solutions of linear control systems, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Vol. 103, n.2, 475--482, 1999.
34) A. CHINN\'I and P. CUBIOTTI, A well-posedness result for a class of linear difference equations, Applied Mathematics Letters, Vol.13, 117--122, 2000.
35) P. CUBIOTTI, Existence of generalized Pareto equilibria for constrained multiobjective games, International Game Theory Review, Vol.2, n.4, pp. 329--344, 2000.
36) P. CUBIOTTI e B. DI BELLA, Two-point problem for higher-order systems, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Vol.253, pp. 243--249, 2001.
37) P. CUBIOTTI, Non-autonomous vector integral equations with discontinuous right-hand side, Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae, Vol.42, n.2, 319--329, 2001.
38) P. CUBIOTTI, A theorem of the alternative for linear control systems, in "Equilibrium Problems and Variational Methods" (F.Giannessi, A.Maugeri, P. Pardalos eds.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001.
39) P. CUBIOTTI and B. DI BELLA, A generalization of the Schauder fixed point theorem via multivalued contractions, Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae, Vol. 42, n.4, 637--640, 2001.
40) P. CUBIOTTI, On the discontinuous infinite-dimensional generalized quasivariational inequality problem, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Vol. 115, n.1, 97--111, 2002.
41) P. CUBIOTTI, Existence theorem for the discontinuous generalized quasivariational inequality problem, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Vol. 119, 623--633, 2003.
42) G. ANELLO and P. CUBIOTTI, Parametrization of Riemann-measurable selections for multifunctions of two variables with application to differential inclusions, Annales Polonici Mathematici, Vol. 83, n. 2, 179--187, 2004.
43) G. ANELLO and P. CUBIOTTI, Non-autonomous implicit integral equations with discontinuous right-hand side, Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae, Vol. 45, n. 3, 417--429, 2004.
44) P. CUBIOTTI and J.C. YAO, Discontinuous implicit generalized quasi-variational inequalities in Banach spaces, Journal of Global Optimization, Vol. 37, 263--274, 2007.
45) G. ANELLO and P. CUBIOTTI, A note on non-autonomous implicit integral equations with discontinuous right-hand side, Journal of Integral Equations and Applications, Vol. 19, N. 4, 2007.
46) L.C. ZENG, P. CUBIOTTI and J.C. YAO, Strong convergence theorems for finitely many nonexpansive mappings and applications, Nonlinear Analysis, Series A: Theory, Methods and Applications, Vol. 67, n.5, 1464--1473, 2007.
47) L.C. CENG, P. CUBIOTTI and J.C. YAO, Approximation of common fixed points of families of nonexpansive mappings, Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 12, 487--500, 2008.
48) L.C. CENG, P. CUBIOTTI and J.C. YAO, An implicit iterative scheme for monotone variational inequalities and fixed point problems, Nonlinear Analysis, Series A: Theory, Methods and Applications, Vol. 69, 2445--2457, 2008.
49) L.C. CENG, P. CUBIOTTI and J.C. YAO, Existence of vector mixed variational inequalities in Banach spaces, Nonlinear Analysis, Series A: Theory, Methods and Applications, Vol. 70, 1239--1256, 2009.
50) P. CUBIOTTI and J.C. YAO, Nash equilibria of generalized games in normed spaces without upper semicontinuity, Journal of Global Optimization, Vol. 46, 509--519, 2010.
51) P. CUBIOTTI and J.C. YAO, Discontinuous generalized quasi-variational inequalities with application to fixed points, Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 15, n. 5, 2059--2080, 2011.
52) P. CUBIOTTI and J.C. YAO, Implicit vector integral equations associated with discontinuous operators, Abstract and Applied Analysis, Vol. 2014, Article ID 301675, 6 pages, 2014. doi:10.1155/2014/301675
53) P. CUBIOTTI and J.C. YAO, Two-point problem for vector differential inclusions with discontinuous right-hand side, Applicable Analysis, Vol. 93, n.9, 1811--1823, 2014. DOI: 10.1080/00036811.2013.850493.
54) P. CUBIOTTI and J.C. YAO, Second-order implicit differential inclusions with discontinuous right-hand side, Journal of Nonlinear and Convex Analysis, Vol. 15, n.6, 1193--1199, 2014.
55) P. CUBIOTTI and J.C. YAO, A boundary value problem for implicit vector differential inclusions without assumptions of lower semicontinuity, Boundary Value Problems 2015, 2015:93.
DOI: 10.1186/s13661-015-0354-0.
56) P. CUBIOTTI and J.C. YAO, On the two-point problem for implicit second-order ordinary differential equations, Boundary Value Problems (2015), 2015:211, DOI: 10.1186/s13661-015-0475-5
57) P. CUBIOTTI and J.C. YAO, On the Cauchy problem for k-th order discontinuous ordinary differential equations, Journal of Nonlinear and Convex Analysis, Vol. 17, n.5 (2016), 853--863.
58) P. CUBIOTTI e J.C. YAO, On the Cauchy problem for lower semicontinuous differential inclusions, Advances in Difference Equations (2016) 2016:214, DOI 10.1186/s13662-016-0933-0.
59) P. CUBIOTTI, Measurable solutions of implicit integral equations with discontinuous right-hand side, Journal of Nonlinear and Convex Analysis, Vol. 19, n.2 (2018), 207-217.
60) P. CUBIOTTI, An existence and qualitative result for discontinuous implicit differential equations, Atti della Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti, Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali, Vol. 96, n. 2, A4 (2018). DOI: 10.1478/ AAPP.962A4.
61) P. CUBIOTTI e J.C. YAO, On the Cauchy problem for a class of differential inclusions with applications, Applicable Analysis, Vol. 99, n. 14 (2020), 2543-2554.
62) P. CUBIOTTI, On the Cauchy problem for implicit differential equations with discontinuous right-hand side, Journal of Nonlinear and Convex Analysis, Vol. 21, n. 5 (2020), 1027-1033
63) P. CUBIOTTI, On the unified approach between upper and lower semicontinuous differential inclusions, Journal of Nonlinear and Variational Analysis, Vol. 5, n. 1 (2021), 23-42.
64) P. CUBIOTTI, A qualitative result for higher-order discontinuous implicit differential equations, Atti della Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti, Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali, Vol 99, n.1, A2(2021). DOI:
65) P. CUBIOTTI e J.C. YAO, Existence of solutions for implicit functional-integral equations associated with discontinuous functions, Journal of Nonlinear and Convex Analysis, Vol. 23 (2022), 565--577.
66.) P. CUBIOTTI, Existence results for highly discontinuous implicit elliptic equations, Atti della Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti, Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali, Vol. 100, n. 1, A5 (2022), pp. 1-18. DOI: 10.1478/AAPP.1001A5
- Come Ricercatore:
A.A. 1994/95 e 1995/96:
Esercitazioni di Analisi Matematica II - C.d.L. in Matematica (titolare del corso: Prof. G.Zampieri).
A.A. 1996/97:
Esercitazioni di Analisi Matematica I - C.d.L. in Fisica (titolare del corso: Prof. B.Ricceri).
Esercitazioni di Analisi Matematica II - C.d.L. in Matematica (titolare del corso: Prof. S.Donato).
A.A. 1997/98:
Esercitazioni di Analisi Matematica I - C.d.L. in Fisica (titolare del corso: Prof. S.Donato).
Esercitazioni di Analisi Matematica II - C.d.L. in Matematica (titolare del corso: Prof. S.Donato).
Come Professore Associato:
A.A. 1998/99, 1999/00 e 2000/01:
Analisi Matematica - C.d.L. in Scienze Statistiche, Demografiche e Sociali.
Istituzioni di Analisi Matematica - C.d.L. in Scienze Statistiche, Demografiche e Sociali .
Come Professore di I fascia:
A.A. 2001/02:
Analisi Matematica - C.d.L. in Scienze Statistiche, Demografiche e Sociali.
Istituzioni di Analisi Matematica - C.d.L. in Scienze Statistiche.
A.A. 2002/03:
Calcolo II - C.d.L. in Scienze Statistiche.
Teoria dei Giochi - C.d.L. in Scienze Statistiche.
A.A. 2003/04:
Calcolo I - C.d.L. in Scienze Statistiche
Calcolo II - C.d.L. in Scienze Statistiche
Teoria dei Giochi - C.d.L. in Scienze Statistiche
A.A. 2004/05:
Calcolo II - C.d.L. in Scienze Statistiche.
Teoria dei Giochi - C.d.L. in Scienze Statistiche.
Metodi risolutivi di EDO e metodi matematici della teoria economica - Corso per il Dottorato di Ricerca in Statistica e Risorse Ambientali.
A.A. 2005/06, 2006/07, 2007/08, 2008/09 :
Calcolo II - C.d.L. in Scienze Statistiche.
Teoria dei Giochi - C.d.L. in Scienze Statistiche.
A.A. 2009/10:
Calcolo II - C.d.L. in Scienze Statistiche.
Teoria dei Giochi - C.d.L. in Scienze Statistiche.
Istituzioni di Analisi Superiore - C.d.L. Magistrale in Matematica
A.A. 2010/11:
Analisi Matematica II - C.d.L. triennale in Matematica.
Istituzioni di Analisi Superiore - C.d.L. Magistrale in Matematica.
Dall' a.a. 2011/12 all'a.a. 2018/2019:
Analisi Matematica II - C.d.L. triennale in Matematica.
Dall' a.a. 2019/20 all'a.a. 2021/2022:
Analisi Matematica II - C.d.L. triennale in Matematica;
Analisi Funzionale - C.d.L. Magistrale in Matematica.
Current position:Full Professor of Mathematical Analysis at the Department of Mathematical and Computer Sciences, Physical Sciences and Earth Sciences of the University of Messina (Italy).
Direction of research programs:
He was Scientific Director of the University of Messina Local Research Unit of the National Research Program "Methods and applications of ordinary differential equations'' (1998--2000).
He was Scientific Director of the Research Programs "Nonlinear Functional Analysis" of the University of Messina (years 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2004, 2005 e 2008/09.).
He was Scientific Director of the Research Programs "Functional Analysis" of the University of Messina (year 2003).
Activity as referee:
He acted as a referee for the National Science Foundation of the U.S.A. as regards funding of research programs.
He acted as a referee for the following journals:
- Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications
- Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications
- Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society
- Nonlinear Analysis - Theory, Methods and Applications
- Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society
- Set-Valued Analysis
- Journal of Global Optimization
- Applied Mathematics Letters
- Optimization
- Mathematics of Operations Research
- SIAM Journal of Optimization
- Acta Scientiarum Mathematicarum
- Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics
- Soochow Journal of Mathematics
- Acta Mathematica Vietnamica
- Acta Mathematica Sinica
- Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico Univ. e Polit. di Torino
He acted as a referee for the following edited books:
- Vector Variational Inequalities and Vector Equilibria, editor Prof. F. Giannessi, Kluwer Academic Publishers.
- Optimization Methods and Applications, editors X.Q. Yang, K.L. Teo e L. Caccetta, Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Since November 1997 to June, 2001, he acted as a reviewer for the Mathematical Reviews.
1) P. CUBIOTTI, Finite-dimensional quasi-variational inequalities associated with discontinuous functions, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Vol. 72, n. 3, pp. 577-582, 1992.
2) P. CUBIOTTI, Some remarks on fixed points of lower semicontinuous multifunctions, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Vol. 174, n. 2, pp. 407-412, 1993.
3) P. CUBIOTTI, An existence theorem for generalized quasi-variational inequalities, Set-Valued Analysis, Vol. 1, n. 1, pp. 81-87, 1993.
4) P. CUBIOTTI and J.C. YAO, The generalized quasi-variational inequality problem over non-compact sets, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Vol. 28, n. 4, pp. 93-97, 1994.
5) P. CUBIOTTI and B. DI BELLA, A new approach to the existence of zeros for nonlinear operators, Le Matematiche, Vol. 49, n. 2, pp. 205-210, 1994.
6) P. CUBIOTTI, Discontinuous quasivariational - like inequalities, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Vol. 29, n. 12, pp. 9-12, 1995.
7) P. CUBIOTTI, Some properties of periodic solutions of linear control systems via quasi - variational inequalities, in "Variational Inequalities and Network Equilibrium Problems'' (F. Giannessi and A. Maugeri, eds.), Plenum Press, New York, 1995.
8) P. CUBIOTTI, A counter-example on a quasi-variational inequality without lower semicontinuity assumption, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, Vol.123, n.3, pp. 969-970, 1995.
9) P. CUBIOTTI and J.C. YAO, Multivalued $(S)^1_+$ operators and generalized variational inequalities, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Vol. 29, n. 12, pp. 49-56, 1995.
10) P. CUBIOTTI, Existence of solutions for lower semicontinuous quasi-equilibrium problems, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Vol. 30, n. 12, pp. 11-22, 1995.
11) P. CUBIOTTI, A note on Chan and Pang's existence theorem for generalized quasi-variational inequalities, Applied Mathematics Letters, Vol. 9, n. 3, pp. 73-76, 1996.
12) P. CUBIOTTI, An application of quasivariational inequalities to linear control systems, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Vol. 89, n.1, pp. 101--113, 1996.
13) P. CUBIOTTI, A general theorem of complementarity for the implicit GQVI problem, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Vol. 31, n. 11, pp. 97-104, 1996.
14) P. CUBIOTTI, A counter-example to some recent existence results on implicit variational inequalities, Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae, Vol. 37, n.2, pp. 415--418, 1996.
15) P. CUBIOTTI and X.Z. YUAN, A generalized quasi-variational inequality without upper semicontinuity, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, Vol. 54, n. 2, pp. 247--254, 1996.
16) A. CHINNI' and P. CUBIOTTI, Partial differential equations in Banach spaces involving nilpotent linear operators, Annales Polonici Mathematici, Vol.65, n.1, pp. 67--80, 1996.
17) P. CUBIOTTI and B. DI BELLA, A sup-inf condition for the existence of zeros of certain nonlinear operators, Annales Universitatis Scientiarum Budapestinensis de Rolando EotvOs Nominatae - Sectio Mathematica, Vol. 39, pp.63--67, 1996.
18) P. CUBIOTTI and J.C. YAO, Necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of the implicit variational inequality problem, Applied Mathematics Letters, Vol. 10, n.1, 83--87, 1997.
19) P. CUBIOTTI, General nonlinear variational inequalities with $(S)^1_+$ operators, Applied Mathematics Letters, Vol. 10, n. 2, pp. 11--15, 1997.
20) P. CUBIOTTI, Generalized quasi-variational inequalities in infinite-dimensional normed spaces, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Vol. 92, n.3, pp. 457--475, 1997.
21) P. CUBIOTTI, Generalized quasi-variational inequalities without continuities, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Vol. 92, n.3, pp. 477--495, 1997.
22) P. CUBIOTTI, K.L. LIN and J.C. YAO, Generalized quasi-variational inequalities for fuzzy mappings, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Vol.33, n.7, pp.121--134, 1997.
23) P. CUBIOTTI, Existence of Nash equilibria for generalized games without upper semicontinuity, International Journal of Game Theory, Vol. 26, pp.267--273, 1997.
24) F. CAMMAROTO and P. CUBIOTTI, Implicit integral equations with discontinuous right-hand side, Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae, Vol. 38, n.2, pp.241--246, 1997.
25 P. CUBIOTTI, Existence of quasi-equilibria and applications to abstract economies with lower semicontinuous feasible strategy multifunctions, Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo, Serie II, Suppl. 48, pp.63--82, 1997.
26) P. CUBIOTTI and B. DI BELLA, On the existence of zeros for multivalued operators, Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo, Serie II, Suppl. 48, pp. 83--90, 1997.
27) P. CUBIOTTI e B. DI BELLA, Some existence theorems for the inclusion $0\in A(x)$, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Vol. 213, pp. 148--154, 1997.
28) P. CUBIOTTI and J.C. YAO, Discontinuous implicit quasi-variational inequalities with applications to fuzzy mappings, Mathematical Methods of Operations Research, Vol. 46, n.2, pp. 213--228, 1997.
29) P. CUBIOTTI and N.D. YEN, A result related to Ricceri's conjecture on generalized quasi-variational inequalities, Archiv der Mathematik, Vol. 69, pp. 507--514, 1997.
30) P. CUBIOTTI and J.C. YAO, On a general theorem of complementarity with applications to GCP, Journal of Information and Optimization Sciences, Vol. 18, n.3, pp. 399--412, 1997.
31) P. CUBIOTTI and G. NORDO, On generalized games in H-spaces, Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae, Vol. 40, n.1, pp. 175--180, 1999.
32) F. CAMMAROTO and P. CUBIOTTI, Vector integral equations with discontinuous right-hand side, Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae, Vol. 40, n.3, pp. 483--490, 1999.
33) P. CUBIOTTI, On periodic solutions of linear control systems, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Vol. 103, n.2, 475--482, 1999.
34) A. CHINN\'I and P. CUBIOTTI, A well-posedness result for a class of linear difference equations, Applied Mathematics Letters, Vol.13, 117--122, 2000.
35) P. CUBIOTTI, Existence of generalized Pareto equilibria for constrained multiobjective games, International Game Theory Review, Vol.2, n.4, pp. 329--344, 2000.
36) P. CUBIOTTI e B. DI BELLA, Two-point problem for higher-order systems, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Vol.253, pp. 243--249, 2001.
37) P. CUBIOTTI, Non-autonomous vector integral equations with discontinuous right-hand side, Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae, Vol.42, n.2, 319--329, 2001.
38) P. CUBIOTTI, A theorem of the alternative for linear control systems, in "Equilibrium Problems and Variational Methods" (F.Giannessi, A.Maugeri, P. Pardalos eds.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001.
39) P. CUBIOTTI and B. DI BELLA, A generalization of the Schauder fixed point theorem via multivalued contractions, Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae, Vol. 42, n.4, 637--640, 2001.
40) P. CUBIOTTI, On the discontinuous infinite-dimensional generalized quasivariational inequality problem, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Vol. 115, n.1, 97--111, 2002.
41) P. CUBIOTTI, Existence theorem for the discontinuous generalized quasivariational inequality problem, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Vol. 119, 623--633, 2003.
42) G. ANELLO and P. CUBIOTTI, Parametrization of Riemann-measurable selections for multifunctions of two variables with application to differential inclusions, Annales Polonici Mathematici, Vol. 83, n. 2, 179--187, 2004.
43) G. ANELLO and P. CUBIOTTI, Non-autonomous implicit integral equations with discontinuous right-hand side, Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae, Vol. 45, n. 3, 417--429, 2004.
44) P. CUBIOTTI and J.C. YAO, Discontinuous implicit generalized quasi-variational inequalities in Banach spaces, Journal of Global Optimization, Vol. 37, 263--274, 2007.
45) G. ANELLO and P. CUBIOTTI, A note on non-autonomous implicit integral equations with discontinuous right-hand side, Journal of Integral Equations and Applications, Vol. 19, N. 4, 2007.
46) L.C. ZENG, P. CUBIOTTI and J.C. YAO, Strong convergence theorems for finitely many nonexpansive mappings and applications, Nonlinear Analysis, Series A: Theory, Methods and Applications, Vol. 67, n.5, 1464--1473, 2007.
47) L.C. CENG, P. CUBIOTTI and J.C. YAO, Approximation of common fixed points of families of nonexpansive mappings, Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 12, 487--500, 2008.
48) L.C. CENG, P. CUBIOTTI and J.C. YAO, An implicit iterative scheme for monotone variational inequalities and fixed point problems, Nonlinear Analysis, Series A: Theory, Methods and Applications, Vol. 69, 2445--2457, 2008.
49) L.C. CENG, P. CUBIOTTI and J.C. YAO, Existence of vector mixed variational inequalities in Banach spaces, Nonlinear Analysis, Series A: Theory, Methods and Applications, Vol. 70, 1239--1256, 2009.
50) P. CUBIOTTI and J.C. YAO, Nash equilibria of generalized games in normed spaces without upper semicontinuity, Journal of Global Optimization, Vol. 46, 509--519, 2010.
51) P. CUBIOTTI and J.C. YAO, Discontinuous generalized quasi-variational inequalities with application to fixed points, Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 15, n. 5, 2059--2080, 2011.
52) P. CUBIOTTI and J.C. YAO, Implicit vector integral equations associated with discontinuous operators, Abstract and Applied Analysis, Vol. 2014, Article ID 301675, 6 pages, 2014. doi:10.1155/2014/301675
53) P. CUBIOTTI and J.C. YAO, Two-point problem for vector differential inclusions with discontinuous right-hand side, Applicable Analysis, Vol. 93, n.9, 1811--1823, 2014. DOI: 10.1080/00036811.2013.850493.
54) P. CUBIOTTI and J.C. YAO, Second-order implicit differential inclusions with discontinuous right-hand side, Journal of Nonlinear and Convex Analysis, Vol. 15, n.6, 1193--1199, 2014.
55) P. CUBIOTTI and J.C. YAO, A boundary value problem for implicit vector differential inclusions without assumptions of lower semicontinuity, Boundary Value Problems 2015, 2015:93.
DOI: 10.1186/s13661-015-0354-0.
56) P. CUBIOTTI and J.C. YAO, On the two-point problem for implicit second-order ordinary differential equations, Boundary Value Problems (2015), 2015:211, DOI: 10.1186/s13661-015-0475-5
57) P. CUBIOTTI and J.C. YAO, On the Cauchy problem for k-th order discontinuous ordinary differential equations, Journal of Nonlinear and Convex Analysis, Vol. 17, n.5 (2016), 853--863.
58) P. CUBIOTTI and J.C. YAO, On the Cauchy problem for lower semicontinuous differential inclusions, Advances in Difference Equations (2016) 2016:214, DOI 10.1186/s13662-016-0933-0.
59) P. CUBIOTTI, Measurable solutions of implicit integral equations with discontinuous right-hand side, Journal of Nonlinear and Convex Analysis, Vol. 19, n.2 (2018), 207-217.
60) P. CUBIOTTI, An existence and qualitative result for discontinuous implicit differential equations, Atti della Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti, Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali, Vol. 96, n. 2, A4 (2018). DOI: 10.1478/ AAPP.962A4.
61) P. CUBIOTTI and J.C. YAO, On the Cauchy problem for a class of differential inclusions with applications, Applicable Analysis, Vol. 99, n. 14 (2020), 2543-2554.
62) P. CUBIOTTI, On the Cauchy problem for implicit differential equations with discontinuous right-hand side, Journal of Nonlinear and Convex Analysis, Vol. 21, n. 5 (2020), 1027-1033
63) P. CUBIOTTI, On the unified approach between upper and lower semicontinuous differential inclusions, Journal of Nonlinear and Variational Analysis, Vol. 5, n. 1 (2021), 23-42.
64) P. CUBIOTTI, A qualitative result for higher-order discontinuous implicit differential equations, Atti della Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti, Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali, Vol 99, n.1, A2(2021). DOI:
65) P. CUBIOTTI e J.C. YAO, Existence of solutions for implicit functional-integral equations associated with discontinuous functions, Journal of Nonlinear and Convex Analysis, Vol. 23 (2022), 565--577.
66) P. CUBIOTTI, Existence results for highly discontinuous implicit elliptic equations, Atti della Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti, Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali, Vol. 100, n. 1, A5 (2022), pp. 1-18. DOI: 10.1478/AAPP.1001A5.
As a Researcher:
A.Y. 1994/95 and 1995/96:
- Practice of Mathematical Analysis II.
A.Y. 1996/97 and 1997/98:
- Practice of Mathematical Analysis I.
- Practice of Mathematical Analysis II.
As Associate Professor:
A.Y. 1998/99, 1999/00 e 2000/01:
- Mathematical Analysis
- Foundations of Mathematical Analysis.
As Full Professor:
A.Y. 2001/02:
- Mathematical Analysis.
- Foundations of Mathematical Analysis.
A.Y. 2002/03:
- Calculus II
- Game Theory.
A.Y. 2003/04:
- Calculus I
- Calculus II
- Game Theory
A.Y. 2004/05:
- Calculus II
- Game Theory
- Solution methods for ODE and mathematical methods of econimic theory - Course for PhD in "Statistics and Environmental Resouces".
A.Y. 2005/06, 2006/07, 2007/08, 2008/09 :
- Calculus II
- Game Theory .
A.Y. 2009/10:
- Calculus II
- Game Theory
- Foundations of Higher Analysis.
A.Y. 2010/11:
- Mathematical Analysis II
- Foundations of Higher Analysis.
Since A.Y. 2011/12 to A.Y. 2018/2019:
- Mathematical Analysis II
Since A.Y. 2019/20 to A.Y. 2021/2022:
- Mathematical Analysis II
- Functional Analysis
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