

Profilo: Ricercatori Legge 240/10 - t.det.



Istruzione e Formazione

2017 Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale, professore universitario di II fascia, settore scientifico-disciplinare M-Fil/02 Logica e Filosofia della Scienza.
2010 Dottorato di Ricerca in Discipline Filosofiche, Università degli Studi di Cagliari, Giudizio: OTTIMO.
2005 Diploma di Laurea Vecchio Ordinamento in Filosofia, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano, Voto: 110/110.
1999 Diploma di Maturità Scientifica presso Liceo Scientifico "G. Spano", Sassari, Voto: 100/100.

Tesi di Dottorato

Supervisor prof. Guglielmo Tamburrini (Università di Napoli Federico II)
Abstract: This work provides an epistemological and methodological analysis of model checking to advance the thesis that the conjectural knowledge of computer programs and hardware systems which formal methods in Computer Science enable one to attain involves the deployment of methodologies which, in their essential traits, are on a par with traditional methodologies one utilizes in physics and other natural sciences for predictive and explanatory purposes. This examination will drawn upon reflective work carried out in the philosophy of science and it chiefly concerns the philosophy of models on one hand and distortive idealizations in scientific practice on the other. This work is divided into two parts, the first one dealing with the notion of theoretical models in empirical sciences and model checking, the second part examining the practice of idealization within empirical models and drawing some relative reflections on the issue of abstraction in model checking.

Interessi di Ricerca

Filosofia della Computazione; Filosofia delle Simulazioni al Computer; Filosofia delle Scienze Cognitive; Logica Computazionale; Etica del Computer.

Esperienza Lavorativa

2022 - Ricercatore senior, Dipartimento di Scienze Cognitive, Psicologiche, Pedagogiche e degli Studi Culturali, Università degli Studi di Messina.
A.A. 2020–2021 - Professore a contratto del corso ‘Epistemologia dell’Informatica’, Dipartimento di Storia, Scienze dell’Uomo e della Formazione, Università degli Studi di Sassari.
A.A. 2019–2020 - Professore a contratto del corso ‘Epistemologia dell’Informatica’, Dipartimento di Storia, Scienze dell’Uomo e della Formazione, Università degli Studi di Sassari.
A.A. 2018–2019 - Professore a contratto del corso ‘Progettazione di Applicazioni Interattive’, Dipartimento di Storia, Scienze dell’Uomo e della Formazione, Università degli Studi di Sassari.
A.A. 2017–2018 - Professore a contratto del corso ‘Filosofia della Psicologia’, Dipartimento di Scienze Biomediche, Università degli Studi di Sassari.
2016–2017 -  Assegnista di ricerca, Dipartimento di Storia, Scienze dell’Uomo e della Formazione, Università degli Studi di Sassari.                                  
2011–2015 - Titolare a contratto delle ‘Esercitazioni di Logica’, Dipartimento di Storia, Scienze dell’Uomo e della Formazione, Università degli Studi di Sassari.
2011 - Visting Scholar, School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering, Univeristy of Essex, UK.
2010–2012 - Borsista di Ricerca RAS, Dipartimento di Teorie e Ricerche dei Sistemi Culturali, Università degli Studi di Sassari.

Attività Accademiche

Revisore di Riviste peer review: Analysis; Synthese; Minds & Machines; Journal of Logic and Computation; Philosophy & Technology; Philosophical Studies; Foundations of Science; International Studies in the Philosophy of Science; Oxford Bibliographies; Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology; Axiomathes; Humana.Mente; APhEx.
Curatore: -Lead Guest Editor dello Special Issue ’Book Symposium on Foundation of Computation’, Axiomathes (Springer).

Gruppi di ricerca:
  • PROGRAMme, ANR project: What is a (computer) program? Historical and philosophical perspectives.
  •  Logic and Formal Methods Research Group (λ F orM ). Department of Mathe- matics, School of Applied Mathematical and Physical Sciences, National Technical University of Athens.
  •  Progetto Fondazione Sardegna "Verità e discorso valutativo" (2021-2023).
  • Principal Investigator del progetto ”Formal Methods in Computer Science and Com- putational Model Development in Robotics and Natural Computing: Methodological, Epistemological and Applied Ethics Issues" finanziato dalla Regione Autonoma della Sardegna (2010-2012).
            Invited talks:
  • PROGRAMme workshop, Università di Lilla, 14-15 giugno 2022, Lilla, Francia. Titolo intervento: Computational theories – Representing the world through pro- grams.
  • Summer School On Computer Simulation Methods, presso HLRS, University of Stuttgart, 25-29 settembre, 2017, Stoccarda, Germania. Titolo intervento: Qual- itative Models in Computational Systems Biology. Representation, confirmation, experimentation.
  • 3th Séminaire Histoire et philosophie de l’informatique, 23 febbraio 2017, presso IHPST, Parigi. Titolo intervento: From Simulative Programs as Theories to Theories of Simulative Programs.
  • Workshop su Algebraic Modelling of Topological and Computational Structures, National Technical University of Athens; 3 luglio 2015, Atene, Grecia. Titolo In- tervento: Syntactic and Semantic Presentations of Scientific Theories in Abstract Model Theory.
  • HaPoC 2015 : 3rd International CONFERENCE on the HISTORY and PHILOSO- PHY of COMPUTING, 8-11 ottobre 2015, Pisa.
  • Workshop on Induction, abduction, belief revision, and realism. National Technical University of Athens; School of Applied Mathematics and Physics; Department of Humanities, Social Sciences and Law. Research Funding Program: THALIS - UoA, 15-16 dicembre 2014, Atene, Grecia.
Organizzazione di workshops e convegni:
  • Membro del Program Committee di HaPoC 2021, 6th International Conference on the History and Philosophy of Computing, 27-29 Oct 2021 Zürich (Switzerland).
  • Co-organizzatore del simposio ‘Identity in Computational Formal and Applied Systems’, presso CLMPST2019, 16th International Congress on Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science and Technology, 5-10 Agosto 2019, Praga.
  • Membro del Program Committee di HaPoC 2019, 5th International Conference on the History and Philosophy of Computing, 28-30 ottobre 2019, Università di Bergamo.
  • Membro del Program Committee di HaPoP 2018, Fourth Symposium on the History and Philosophy of Programming, 23 March 2018, Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford, United Kingdom.
  • Co-organizzatore del simposio ‘Methodological issues in the Philosophy of Com- puter Science’ presso IACAP 2016: International Association for Computing and Philosophy, Annual Meeting, 14-17 giugno 2016, Ferrara.
  • Co-organizzatore del workshop ‘Philosophy of Computer Science’ al 5th congresso UNILOG, 20-30 giugno, Istanbul, Turchia.
  • Membro del Program Committee del congresso PHILOWEB GR, 31 maggio 2014, Thessalonica, Grecia.
Submitted talks: 
  • “Second Order Properties of Copied Computational Artefacts” (con Giuseppe Primiero). CLMPST2019, 16th International Congress on Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science and Technology, 5-10 Agosto 2019, Praga.
  • “From Simulative Programs as Theories to Theories of Simulative Programs” (con Guglielmo Tamburrini). IACAP 2016: International Association for Computing and Philosophy, Annual Meeting, 14-17 giugno 2016, Ferrara.
  • “Defending the Semantic View of Theories. A Computer Science Perspective” (con Petros Stefaneas). 15th Congress on Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science (CLMPS), Helsinki, 3-8 agosto 2015.
  • “The Logical Structure of Modular Semantic Theories of Software Systems” (con Petros Stefaneas). IACAP 2014, The Annual Meeting of the International Association for Computing and Philosophy, 2-4 luglio 2014, Salonicco, Grecia.
  • “Faslifiability and Probability of Hypotheses about Computational Systems, and Scientific Experiments in Software Testing”. The Answers of Philosophy: SIFA 20th Anniversary Conference. 12-15 September 2012, Alghero (Università degli Studi di Sassari).
  • “Model Based Abductive Reasoning in Software Verification”. MBR012 Model- Based Reasoning in Science and Technology. Theoretical and Cognitive Issues, 21-23 giugno 2012, Sestri Levante, Italy.
  • “Falsification and confirmation of hypotheses about computational systems in software testing”, 14th congress of logic, methodology and philosophy of science (CLMPS11), 19-26 luglio 2011, University of Nancy.
  • “Model Checking and scientific methodology: models, regularities, and idealizations.” International Conference of the Italian Society for Logic and Philosophy of Science (SILFS 2010), 15 - 17 dicembre 2010, Università degli Studi di Bergamo. 
  • -“Model Checking and Models in Science. Models, Regularities, Prediction” (con Guglielmo Tamburrini). 7th European Conference on Philosophy and Computing (ECAP09) - 2-4 luglio 2009, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona.


Angius, N. On the Experimental Foundation of Computing. Sottomesso a Axiomathes.
Angius, N. & Primiero G. (2022). Copying Safety and Liveness Properties of Computational Artefacts. In corso di pubblicazione su Journal of Logic and Computation.
Angius, N. & Primiero G. & Turner, R. (2021) The Philosophy of Computer Science. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Spring 2021 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.)
Angius, N. & Primiero, G. (2020) Infringing Software Property Rights. Ontological, Methodological, and Ethical Questions. Philosophy & Technology, 33(2), 283-308
Angius, N. (2020). On the Mutual Dependence between Formal Methods and Empirical Testing in Program Verification. Philosophy & Technology, 33(2), 349- 355
Angius, N. (2019). Qualitative Models in Computational Simulative Sciences. Representation, Confirmation, Experimentation. Minds& Machines., 29(3), 397-416
Angius, N. & Primiero, G. (2018) The logic of identity and copy for computational artefacts. Journal of Logic and Computation, 28(6), 1293-322
Angius, N., Dimarogkona M., & Stefaneas, P. (2017) Building and Integrating Semantic Theories over Institutions. In S. Lambropoulou, D. Theodorou, P. Stefaneas & L. H. Kauffman (Eds),  Algebraic Modeling of Topological and Computational Structures and Applications, Springer, PROMS series
Turner, R., & Angius, N. (2017) The Philosophy of Computer Science.Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Spring 2017 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.)
Angius, N. & Tamburrini, G. (2017) Explaining Engineered Computing Systems’ Behaviour: the Role of Abstraction and Idealization. Philosophy & Technology, 30(2), 239-258.
Angius, N. & Tamburrini, G. (2016) Dai Programmi Simulativi come Teorie alle Teorie dei Programmi Simulativi. Sistemi Intelligenti., XXVIII(1), 153-168
Angius, N., & Stefaneas, P. (2016) Discovering Empirical Theories of Modular Software Systems. An Algebraic Approach. In Muller, V. (ed.), Computing and Philosophy: Selected Papers from  IACAP 2014. (Synthese Library) Berlin: Springer.
Angius, N. (2015) Computer Simulations Without Simulative Programs in Executable Cell Biology. Hypothesis Discovery and Justification. Paradigmi, XXXIII(3), 67-82
Angius, N. (2014) Computational Idealizations in Software Intensive Science: a Comment on Symons’ and Horner’s paper. Philosophy and Technology, 27(3), 479-484.
Angius, N. (2014) The Problem of Justification of Empirical Hypotheses in Software Testing. Philosophy and Technology, 27(3), 423-439
Angius, N. (2013) Model-based Abductive Reasoning in Automated Software Testing. Logic Journal of the IGPL, 21(6), 931-942.
Angius, N. (2013) Abstraction and Idealization in the Formal Verification of Software Systems. Minds and Machines, 23(2), 211-226.
Angius, N. (2011) Software Verification and Scientific Methodology: Models, Regu- larities, Idealizations. L&PS - Logic & Philosophy of Science, 9, 569-577.
Angius, N., & Tamburrini, G. (2011) Scientific Theories of Computational Systems in Model Checking. Minds and Machines, 21(2), pp. 323-336.
Angius, N., & Tamburrini, G. (2010) Epistemologia dell’Artificiale e Informatica Teorica. In P. Greco, S. Termini (a cura di), Memoria e Progetto. Un Modello per il Mezzogiorno che Serva a Tutto il Paese, Edizioni GEM.

Competenze Linguistiche

Italiano Madrelingua
Inglese Parlato e scritto fluente





    2017 Associate Professor Qualification, Area 11/C2, Logic, History, and Philosophy of Science, Italian National Scientific Qualification.
    2010 PhD in Philosophy, University of Cagliari, Cagliari, Italy, Grade: Excellent (A+).
    2005 MA in Philosophy, Catholic University of Milan, Italy, Grade: 110/110.
    1999 High School Liceo Scientifico "G. Spano", Sassari, Italy, Grade: 100/100.

    PhD Thesis

    Supervisor prof. Guglielmo Tamburrini (Università di Napoli Federico II)
    Abstract: This work provides an epistemological and methodological analysis of model checking to advance the thesis that the conjectural knowledge of computer programs and hardware systems which formal methods in Computer Science enable one to attain involves the deployment of methodologies which, in their essential traits, are on a par with traditional methodologies one utilizes in physics and other natural sciences for predictive and explanatory purposes. This examination will drawn upon reflective work carried out in the philosophy of science and it chiefly concerns the philosophy of models on one hand and distortive idealizations in scientific practice on the other. This work is divided into two parts, the first one dealing with the notion of theoretical models in empirical sciences and model checking, the second part examining the practice of idealization within empirical models and drawing some relative reflections on the issue of abstraction in model checking.

    Research Interests

    Philosophy of Computer Science; Philosophy of Computer Simulations; Philosophy of Cognitive Science; Computational Logic; Computer Ethics.


    2022 - Assistant Professor, Department of Cognitive Science, University of Messina, Italy.
    2018–2021 - Teaching Fellow, Philosophy of Computer Science, Department of History, Human Science, and Education, University of Sassari, Italy.
    2017–2018 - Teaching Fellow, Philosophy of Psychology, Department of biomedical sciences, University of Sassari, Italy.
    2016–2017 -  Research Fellow, Department of History, Human Sciences, and Education, Univer- sity of Sassari, Italy.                           
    2011–2015 - Teaching Assistant, Logic and Philosophy of Science, Department of History, Human Sciences, and Education, University of Sassari, Italy.
    2011 - Visting Scholar, School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering, Univeristy of Essex, UK.
    2010–2012 - Research Fellow, Department of Theories and Researches of Cultural Systems, University of Sassari, Italy.

    Academic Activities

    Refereeing: Analysis; Synthese; Minds & Machines; Journal of Logic and Computation; Philosophy & Technology; Philosophical Studies; Foundations of Science; International Studies in the Philosophy of Science; Oxford Bibliographies; Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology; Axiomathes; Humana.Mente; APhEx.
    Editing: -Lead Guest Editor dello Special Issue ’Book Symposium on Foundation of Computation’, Axiomathes (Springer).

    Research Groups:
    • PROGRAMme, ANR project: What is a (computer) program? Historical and philosophical perspectives.
    •  Logic and Formal Methods Research Group (λ F orM ). Department of Mathe- matics, School of Applied Mathematical and Physical Sciences, National Technical University of Athens.
    •  Progetto Fondazione Sardegna "Verità e discorso valutativo" (2021-2023).
    • Principal Investigator of the research project ”Formal Methods in Computer Science and Computational Model Development in Robotics and Natural Computing: Methodological, Epistemological and Applied Ethics Issues" funded by Regione Autonoma della Sardegna (2010-2012)
                Invited talks:
    • PROGRAMme workshop, University of Lille, 14-15 June 2022, Lille, France. Talk: Computational theories – Representing the world through programs.
    • Summer School On Computer Simulation Methods, at HLRS, University of Stuttgart, September 25-29, 2017, Stuttgart, Germany. Talk: Qualitative Models in Computational Systems Biology. Representation, confirmation, experimentation.
    • 3th Séminaire Histoire et philosophie de l’informatique, February 23 2017, at IH- PST, Paris. Talk: From Simulative Programs as Theories to Theories of Simulative Programs.
    • Workshop on Algebraic Modelling of Topological and Computational Structures. National Technical University of Athens; July 3, 2015, Athens, Greece. Talk: Syn- tactic and Semantic Presentations of Scientific Theories in Abstract Model Theory.
    • HaPoC 2015 : 3rd International CONFERENCE on the HISTORY and PHILOSO- PHY of COMPUTING, October 8-11, 2015, Pisa, Italy. Talk: Explaining computing systems behaviours Functions, Abstractions, Idealization.
    • Workshop on Induction, abduction, belief revision, and realism. National Technical University of Athens; December 15-16, 2014, Athens, Greece. Talk: The Logical Structure of Modular Semantic Theories of Software Systems.
    Congresses and Symposia:
    • Program Committee member of HaPoC 2021, 6th International Conference on the History and Philosophy of Computing, 27-29 Oct 2021 Zürich (Switzerland).
    • Co-organizer of the symposium ‘Identity in Computational Formal and Applied Systems’, at CLMPST 2019, 16th International Congress on Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science and Technology, August 5-10 2019, Prague.
    • Program Committee member of HaPoC 2019, 5th International Conference on the History and Philosophy of Computing, October 28-30 2019, University of Bergamo, Bergamo, Italy
    • Program Committee member of HaPoP 2018, Fourth Symposium on the History and Philosophy of Programming, March 23 2018, Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford, United Kingdom.
    • Co-organizer of the symposium ’Methodological issues in the Philosophy of Com- puter Science’ at IACAP 2016: International Association for Computing and Philos- ophy, Annual Meeting, June 14-17 2016, Ferrara, Italy.
    • Co-organizer of the Workshop on the Philosophy of Computer Science at 5th UNILOG, June 20-30 2015, Istanbul, Turkey
    • Program Committee member of PHILOWEB GR, May 31 2014, Thessaloniki, Greece.
    Submitted talks: 
    • “Second Order Properties of Copied Computational Artefacts” (with Giuseppe Primiero). CLMPST 2019, 16th International Congress on Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science and Technology, August 5-10 2019, Prague, Czech Republic.
    • “From Simulative Programs as Theories to Theories of Simulative Programs” (with Guglielmo Tamburrini). IACAP 2016: International Association for Computing and Philosophy, Annual Meeting, June 14-17, 2016, Ferrara, Italy.
    • “Defending the Semantic View of Theories. A Computer Science Perspective” (with Petros Stefaneas). 15th Congress on Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science (CLMPS), August 3-8, 2015, Helsinki, Finland.
    • “The Logical Structure of Modular Semantic Theories of Software Systems” (with Petros Stefaneas). IACAP 2014, The Annual Meeting of the International Association for Computing and Philosophy, July 2-4 , Thessaloniki, Greece.
    • “Faslifiability and Probability of Hypotheses about Computational Systems, and Scientific Experiments in Software Testing”. The Answers of Philosophy: SIFA 20th Anniversary Conference. 12-15 September 2012, Alghero (Università degli Studi di Sassari).
    • “Model Based Abductive Reasoning in Software Verification”. MBR012 Model- Based Reasoning in Science and Technology. Theoretical and Cognitive Issues, June 21-23, 2012, Sestri Levante, Italy.
    • “Falsification and confirmation of hypotheses about computational systems in software testing”, 14th congress of logic, methodology and philosophy of science (CLMPS11), July 19-26, 2011, University of Nancy, France.
    • “Model Checking and scientific methodology: models, regularities, and idealizations.” International Conference of the Italian Society for Logic and Philosophy of Science (SILFS 2010), December, 15 - 17 2010, Bergamo, Italy
    • “Model Checking and Models in Science. Models, Regularities, Prediction” (with Guglielmo Tamburrini). 7th European Conference on Philosophy and Computing (ECAP09), July 2-4, 2009, Barcelona, Spain.


    Angius, N. On the Experimental Foundation of Computing. Submitted to Axiomathes.
    Angius, N. & Primiero G. (2022) Copying Safety and Liveness Properties of Computational Artefacts. Forthcoming in Journal of Logic and Computation.
    Angius, N. & Primiero G. & Turner, R. (2021) The Philosophy of Computer Science. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Spring 2021 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.)
    Angius, N. & Primiero, G. (2020) Infringing Software Property Rights. Ontological, Methodological, and Ethical Questions. Philosophy & Technology, 33(2), 283-308
    Angius, N. (2020). On the Mutual Dependence between Formal Methods and Empirical Testing in Program Verification. Philosophy & Technology, 33(2), 349- 355
    Angius, N. (2019). Qualitative Models in Computational Simulative Sciences. Representation, Confirmation, Experimentation. Minds& Machines., 29(3), 397-416
    Angius, N. & Primiero, G. (2018) The logic of identity and copy for computational artefacts. Journal of Logic and Computation, 28(6), 1293-322
    Angius, N., Dimarogkona M., & Stefaneas, P. (2017) Building and Integrating Semantic Theories over Institutions. In S. Lambropoulou, D. Theodorou, P. Stefaneas & L. H. Kauffman (Eds),  Algebraic Modeling of Topological and Computational Structures and Applications, Springer, PROMS series
    Turner, R., & Angius, N. (2017) The Philosophy of Computer Science.Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Spring 2017 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.)
    Angius, N. & Tamburrini, G. (2017) Explaining Engineered Computing Systems’ Behaviour: the Role of Abstraction and Idealization. Philosophy & Technology, 30(2), 239-258.
    Angius, N. & Tamburrini, G. (2016) Dai Programmi Simulativi come Teorie alle Teorie dei Programmi Simulativi. Sistemi Intelligenti., XXVIII(1), 153-168
    Angius, N., & Stefaneas, P. (2016) Discovering Empirical Theories of Modular Software Systems. An Algebraic Approach. In Muller, V. (ed.), Computing and Philosophy: Selected Papers from  IACAP 2014. (Synthese Library) Berlin: Springer.
    Angius, N. (2015) Computer Simulations Without Simulative Programs in Executable Cell Biology. Hypothesis Discovery and Justification. Paradigmi, XXXIII(3), 67-82
    Angius, N. (2014) Computational Idealizations in Software Intensive Science: a Comment on Symons’ and Horner’s paper. Philosophy and Technology, 27(3), 479-484.
    Angius, N. (2014) The Problem of Justification of Empirical Hypotheses in Software Testing. Philosophy and Technology, 27(3), 423-439
    Angius, N. (2013) Model-based Abductive Reasoning in Automated Software Testing. Logic Journal of the IGPL, 21(6), 931-942.
    Angius, N. (2013) Abstraction and Idealization in the Formal Verification of Software Systems. Minds and Machines, 23(2), 211-226.
    Angius, N. (2011) Software Verification and Scientific Methodology: Models, Regu- larities, Idealizations. L&PS - Logic & Philosophy of Science, 9, 569-577.
    Angius, N., & Tamburrini, G. (2011) Scientific Theories of Computational Systems in Model Checking. Minds and Machines, 21(2), pp. 323-336.
    Angius, N., & Tamburrini, G. (2010) Epistemologia dell’Artificiale e Informatica Teorica. In P. Greco, S. Termini (a cura di), Memoria e Progetto. Un Modello per il Mezzogiorno che Serva a Tutto il Paese, Edizioni GEM.

    Competenze Linguistiche

    Italian Mother-tongue
    English Conversationally fluent

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