
Profilo: Professori Associati
CURRICULUM SCIENTIFICO DEL PROF. MAURIZIO IMBESINato a Milazzo (prov. Messina) il 02/02/1965. Ha due figli. Maturità scientifica (1983). Laurea in Matematica (Messina, 1987). Dottorato di ricerca in Matematica IV ciclo (Roma, 1993). Borsa di studio e di ricerca INdAM (Roma, 1988).
È professore associato (Legge n. 240/2010) in regime di impegno a tempo pieno, dell’area disciplinare 01-Scienze Ma-tematiche e Informatiche, macrosettore concorsuale 01/A-Matematica, settore concorsuale 01/A2-Geometria e Algebra, settore scientifico-disciplinare MAT/03-Geometria, presso l’Università di Messina, Dipartimento di Scienze Matemati-che e Informatiche, Scienze Fisiche e Scienze della Terra, dove svolge in prevalenza l’attività scientifica e didattica.
È docente di riferimento del CdS triennale in Matematica dell’Università di Messina.
Dal 2005 al 2010 ha fatto parte di Collegi di Dottorato in Matematica, sede Università Messina (6 cicli, XXI- XXVI).
Dal 2009 al 2015 è stato membro aggregato dell’ “Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti” di Messina.
Dal 1988 è membro del gruppo INdAM GNSAGA, Sezione: Strutture algebriche e geometria combinatoria.
Ha partecipato come componente, tra gli altri, ai seguenti programmi di ricerca:
- PRA 2008-2009 – Teorie geometriche, algebriche e loro applicazioni – Responsabile: G. Lo Faro
- PRIN 2007 – Algebra commutativa e combinatorica con applicazioni alla geometria algebrica – Responsabile: G.Valla
- PRA 2006-2007 – Invarianti di algebre graduate ed applicazioni – Responsabile: R. Utano
- PRIN 2005 – Algebra commutativa, combinatoria e computazionale – Responsabile: G. Valla
- Maria Alessia Manglaviti, Etichettature di grafi (15/10/2019)
- Santo Saraceno, Quadrati latini: enumerazione e MOLS (25/07/2018) – Correlatore
- Chiara Soriano, Metodi variazionali su varietà riemanniane (23/03/2018)
- Francesca Merlino, Teoria algebrica dei grafi e invarianti standard (18/12/2017)
- Marica Molino, Fasci associati a divisori su curve e superfici proiettive lisce (24/03/2017)
- Francesco Mulonia, Singolarità delle proiezioni piane di curve algebriche (21/10/2016)
- Damaris Russo, Formula di Eulero e sue applicazioni a varie classi di poliedri (22/07/2016)
- Santo Saraceno, Un approccio algebrico combinatorico per la determinazione di alberi ricoprenti di grafi di Jahangir (24/07/2015)
Negli ultimi anni accademici ha svolto (*svolge) la seguente attività didattica:
- Geometria II Mod. A (L Matematica, UniMe – 6 CFU, 48 ore) *
- Geometria Superiore (LM Matematica, Curr. Teorico, UniMe – 6 CFU, 48 ore) *
- Fondamenti di algebra lineare e geometria (canale 1) (L Ing. Civile, Ambiente, UniPd – 9 CFU, 72 ore)
- Fondamenti di algebra lineare e geometria (canale A) (L Ing. Aerospaziale, UniPd – 9 CFU, 72 ore)
- Algebra lineare e geometria (numerosità canale 5) (L Ing. Biomedica, UniPd – 10 CFU, 78 ore)
- Fondamenti di algebra lineare e geometria (can. 2) (L Ing. Gestionale, Meccanica, UniPd, Sede VI – 3 CFU, 24 ore)
- Geometria (L Ing. Civile e Sistemi Edilizi, UniMe – 6 CFU, 60 ore)
La sua ricerca comprende settori dell’Algebra Commutativa, Combinatoria e Computazionale, della Geometria Algebrica, della Teoria Algebrica dei Grafi, dell’Algebra Lineare e non lineare, della Geometria Integrale e dell’Analisi Variazionale discreta.
In particolare: esistenza di soluzioni multiple per problemi discreti con metodi variazionali, esistenza di quozienti lineari di ideali monomiali per la ricerca di invarianti standard, monoidi effettivi del sollevamento del piano proiettivo in punti distinti o infinitamente vicini e grafi pesati associati, Problema di Mumford e codici di valutazione, alberi ricoprenti e complessi simpliciali ricoprenti di grafi ciclici, ideali dei ricoprimenti di vertici per ideali grafo generalizzati, proprietà dell’algebra simmetrica degli ideali lato di grafi e di moduli di dimensione proiettiva finita, Z-complessi di ideali lato, criteri per cui successioni monomiali di certa lunghezza siano s-successioni, ideali lato di grafi generati da d-successioni, valor medio e varianza di corpi convessi random, term order bi-sorted generalizzato, ecc.
Collaborazioni, visiting, reviewing:
S. Heidarkhani (Univ. Razi, Iran), G. Molica Bisci (Univ. Urbino), M. La Barbiera (Univ. Messina), Z. Tang (Univ. Suzhou, Cina), C. Ionescu (Accad. Romena Bucarest, Romania), M. Lahyane (Univ. Michoacán, Messico).
Ha trascorso su invito periodi di studio e di ricerca all’estero presso le università di Bucarest, Colonia, Lubiana, Lodz.
Reviewer di progetti di ricerca MUR; valutatore prodotti di ricerca per la VQR; referee per Zentralblatt Math, Math Reviews, Ars Comb, Open Math e altre riviste.
È/è stato organizzatore di periodi di studio e di ricerca finanziati dall’Università di Messina. I più recenti sono:
- Metodi algebrici e computazionali in teoria dei grafi, metodi topologici su varietà non compatte (2019-2021)
- Geometria algebrica e differenziale, algebra non lineare, problemi ellittici e subellittici (2018)
- Algebra commutativa e teoria algebrica dei grafi; equazioni ellittiche ed equazioni alle differenze (2017)
- Aspetti algebrico-geometrici e combinatorici di varietà proiettive e di grafi, sistemi algebrici non lineari (2016)
- Geometria algebrica e combinatoria, algebra lineare e non lineare, algebra dei grafi (2015)
- Problemi di teoria algebrica dei grafi e combinatorica (2014)
- Research patterns in algebraic, geometric and analytical fields – Minisimposio Convegno SIMAI, Roma, 05/07/2018
- Research Days in Commutative Algebra and Combinatorics – Messina, 23-25/05/2017
- Computational methods in algebraic and analytical models – Minisimposio Convegno SIMAI, Milano, 16/09/2016
- On the Algebraic and Geometric Classifications of Projective Varieties – Messina, 20-24/06/2016
- Workshop on the Algebraic-Geometric and Combinatoric Aspects of Projective Varieties – Messina, 12-13/11/2015
- International School on Computational Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry V – Messina, 20-24/04/2015
- Una giornata di studio su Problemi di teoria algebrica dei grafi e combinatorica – Messina, 21/11/2014
- New perspectives on applicabilities in graph theory – Minisimposio Convegno SIMAI, Taormina, 08/07/2014
- International School on Computational Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry IV– Messina, 21-26/10/2013
- International School on Computational Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry III– Messina, 22-27/10/2012
- Developments of Graph Theory to Networks – Minisimposio Convegno SIMAI, Torino, 26-27/06/2012
- International School on Computational Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry II – Messina, 17-29/10/2011
- International School on Computational Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry I – Messina, 18-23/10/2010
- Spectral properties of the graph-Laplacian – RC, 01/04/2014 (Seminar on Differential Equations and Geometry)
- Existence results for nonlinear algebraic systems – Reggio Calabria, 24/01/2013 (Meeting on Mathematics)
- Symmetric algebras associated to graphs and applications – Messina, 26/10/2012 (Internat. School CCAAG III)
- Monomial s-sequences and graphs – Messina, 25/10/2012 (International School CCAAG III)
- Graceful labeling in planar graphs – Conferenza on line, 18/02/2021 (Metodi Alg.Comp.Grafi Top.Var.nonComp.)
- Riemannian manifolds and geodesics – Roma, 05/07/2018 (XIV Congresso SIMAI)
- Groebner bases associated to simple graphs – Roma, 05/07/2018 (XIV Congresso SIMAI)
- Necessary data for some evaluation codes in the 2-dimensional case – Milano, 16/09/2016 (XIII Congresso SIMAI)
- Graph representation for the blow up of P2 at some points – Milano, 14/09/2016 (XIII Congresso SIMAI)
- Blowing-up of the projective plane at a finite number of points – Messina, 13/11/2015 (Alg.Geom.Comb. Proj.var.)
- Algebraic approaches in solving discrete Dirichlet problems – Messina, 07/07/2015 (Combin. Comm. Alg. Graphs)
- Discrete graph Laplacian associated to Dirichlet problems – Messina, 21/11/2014 (Problemi algebrici grafi e comb)
- Vertex coverings for various graph ideals – Messina, 30/10/2014 (Algebraic-geometric aspects of project. varieties)
- Discrete Dirichlet problems and nonlinear algebraic systems – Madrid, 09/07/2014 (10th AIMS Conference)
- Vertex covering optimization in Veronese bi-type graph ideals – Taormina, 08/07/2014 (XII Congresso SIMAI)
- Algebraic aspects of ideals of vertex covers associated to graphs – Messina, 27/10/2012 (Workshop CCAAG III)
- Node coverings in presence of loops – Torino, 26/06/2012 (XI Congresso SIMAI)
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-1128-5203
Scopus ID: 55387618000, Wos ResearcherID: AHE-7957-2022, MathSciNet MathRev ID: 324699
- M. Imbesi, R. Lashkaripour, Z. Ahmadi, Existence of three weak solutions for a class of discrete problems driven by p-Laplacian operator, Fixed Point Theory 22 (2021), no. 1, 231-240, DOI: 10.24193/ftp-ro.2021.1.16 – ISSN: 1583-5022, WoS Core Collection: SCIE - IF: 1,287 (2019), WoS: 000627593500016, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85098869769
- S. Heidarkhani, F. Gharehgazlouei, M. Imbesi, Existence and multiplicity of homoclinic solutions for a difference equation, Electron. J. Differ. Eq. Vol. 2020 (2020), no. 115, pp. 1-12 – ISSN: 1072-6691, WoS Core Collection: SCIE - IF: 0,820 (2019), Wos: 000591718300001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85098845567
- M. Imbesi, M. La Barbiera, Integral closure of bipartite graph ideals, Kodai Math. J. 43 (2020), no. 2, 243-255, DOI: 10.2996/kmj/1594313552 – ISSN: 0386-5991, WoS Core Collection: SCIE - IF: 0,311 (2019), WoS: 000547456600002, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85087818018
- S. Heidarkhani, M. Imbesi, Nontrivial solutions for partial discrete Dirichlet problems via a local minimum theorem for functionals, J. Nonlin. Funct. Anal. Vol. 2019 (2019), no. 42, pp. 1-14, DOI: 10.23952/jnfa.2019.42 – ISSN: 2052-532X, WoS Core Collection: ESCI, WoS: 000501549100042, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85086261642
- S. Heidarkhani, G.A. Afrouzi, M. Imbesi, S. Moradi, Existence of three weak solutions for a perturbed anisotropic discrete Dirichlet problem, Appl. Anal. 98 (2019), no. 3, 561-580, DOI: 10.1080/00036811.2017.1397637 – ISSN: 0003-6811, WoS Core Collection: SCIE - IF: 1.107, WoS: 000457030500006, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85033363111
- M. Imbesi, M. La Barbiera, Vertex covers in graphs with loops, Turk. J. Math. 42 (2018), no. 3, 1192-1202, DOI: 10.3906/mat-1707-78 – ISSN: 1300-0098, WoS Core Collection: SCIE - IF: 0,597, WoS: 000439014600035, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85046491549
- M. Barbera, M. Imbesi, M. La Barbiera, On the symmetric algebras associated to graphs with loops, Hokkaido Math. J. 47 (2018), no. 1, 171-190, DOI: 10.14492/hokmj/1520928065 – ISSN: 0385-4035, WoS Core Collection: SCIE - IF: 0.488, WoS: 000430202800009, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85046395546
- M. Imbesi, M. La Barbiera, P.L. Staglianò, On generalized graph ideals of complete bipartite graphs, J. Ramanujan Math. Soc. 32 (2017), no. 2, 121-133 – ISSN: 0970-1249, WoS Core Collection: SCIE - IF: 0.392, WoS: 000403451100002, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85019729600
- M. Imbesi, M. La Barbiera, On algebraic properties of Veronese bi-type ideals arising from graphs, Turk. J. Math. 40 (2016), no. 4, 753-765, DOI: 10.3906/mat-1505-49 – ISSN: 1300-0098, WoS Core Collection: SCIE - IF: 0.376, WoS: 000386115300004, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84977080558
- M. Imbesi, G. Molica Bisci, Discrete Elliptic Dirichlet Problems and Nonlinear Algebraic Systems, Mediterr. J. Math. 13 (2016), no. 1, 263-278, DOI: 10.1007/s00009-014-0490-2 – ISSN: 1660-5446, WoS Core Collection: SCIE - IF: 0.868, WoS: 000369912600017, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84957840173
- M. Imbesi, M. La Barbiera, On a class of vertex cover ideals, Anal. Stiint. Univ. Al. I. Cuza Iasi (S.N) Mat. 61 (2015), no. 2, 319-326, DOI: 10.1515/aicu-2015-0007 – ISSN: 1221-8421, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84992489195
- M. Imbesi, M. La Barbiera, Z. Tang, Some monomial sequences arising from graphs, Bull. Korean Math. Soc. 52 (2015), no. 4, 1201-1211, DOI: 10.4134/BKMS.2015.52.4.1201 – ISSN: 1015-8634, WoS Core Collection: SCIE - IF: 0.297, WoS: 000359182600014, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84938153142
- M. Imbesi, M. La Barbiera, Theoretic properties of the symmetric algebra of edge ideals, Bull. Belg. Math. Soc. Sim. 22 (2015), no. 2, 331-342, DOI: 10.36045/bbms/1432840868 – ISSN: 1370-1444, WoS Core Collection: SCIE - IF: 0.480, WoS: 000356994100012, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84992597826
- M. Imbesi, M. La Barbiera, Z. Tang, On the graphic realization of certain monomial sequences, J. Alg. Appl. 14 (2015), no. 5, 1550073, pp. 1-9, DOI: 10.1142/S0219498815500735 – ISSN: 0219-4988, WoS Core Collection: SCIE - IF: 0.365, WoS: 000351516600013, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84928433178
- S. Heidarkhani, M. Imbesi, Multiple solutions for partial discrete Dirichlet problems depending on a real parameter, J. Diff. Equat. Appl. 21 (2015), no. 2, 96-110, DOI: 10.1080/10236198.2014.988619 – ISSN: 1023-6198, WoS Core Collection: SCIE - IF: 0.761, WoS: 000346508900002, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84919847621
- M. Imbesi, M. La Barbiera, Monomial ideals of graphs with loops, Anal. Stiint. Univ. Al. I. Cuza Iasi (S.N) Mat. 60 (2014), no. 2, 321-336, DOI: 10.2478/aicu-2013-0010 – ISSN: 1221-8421, WoS Core Collection: SCIE - IF: 0.108, WoS: 000342655800005, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84923227125
- M. Imbesi, Integrality of the symmetric algebra of graph ideals, Math. Notes 94 (2013), no. 2, 191-204, DOI: 10.1134/S0001434613070195 – ISSN: 0001-4346, WoS Core Collection: SCIE - IF: 0.259, WoS: 000323665000019, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84883316635
- M. Imbesi, M. La Barbiera, Algebraic properties of non-squarefree graph ideals, Math. Rep. 15(65) (2013), no. 2, 107-113 – ISSN: 1582-3067, WoS Core Collection: SCIE - IF: 0.086, WoS: 000323292600001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84885938754
- M. Imbesi, Projective dimension and symmetric algebra of graph ideals, Miskolc Math. Notes 13 (2012), no. 2, 349-364, DOI: 10.18514/MMN.2012.466 – ISSN: 1787-2405, WoS Core Collection: SCIE - IF: 0.304, WoS: 000315710900014, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84877322044
- M. Imbesi, M. La Barbiera, Invariants of symmetric algebras associated to graphs, Turk. J. Math. 36 (2012), no. 3, 345-358, DOI: 10.3906/mat-1010-68 – ISSN: 1300-0098, WoS Core Collection: SCIE - IF: 0.457, WoS: 000310558600001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84867349865
- M. Imbesi, M. La Barbiera, Edge ideals and connection problems, Comm. Appl. Industr. Math. 1 (2010), no. 2, 127-134, DOI: 10.1685/2010CAIM548 – ISSN: 2038-0909, WoS Core Collection: ESCI
- M. Imbesi, Riemannian Manifolds and Geodesics, Minisymposium Research Patterns in Algebraic, Geometric and Analytical Fields, Book of Abstracts, Congresso SIMAI, Roma (2018), 354-355
- M. La Barbiera, M. Imbesi, Groebner bases associated to simple graphs, Minisymposium Research Patterns in Algebraic, Geometric and Analytical Fields, Book of Abstracts, Congresso SIMAI, Roma (2018), 350-351
- M. Imbesi, M. Lahyane, J.A. Cerda Rodriguez, Necessary data for some evaluation codes in the 2-dimensional case, Minisymposium Computational methods in algebraic and analytical models, Book of Abstracts, Congresso SIMAI, Milano (2016), 316-317
- M. Imbesi, M. Lahyane, Graph representation for the blow up of P2 at some points, Minisymposium Algebraic Techniques Graph Theory to Analyse-Design Estimation-Prediction Dynamic Systems, Book of Abstracts, Congresso SIMAI, Milano (2016), 729-730
- M. La Barbiera, M. Imbesi, Spanning trees of simple graphs, Minisymposium Computational methods in algebraic and analytical models, Book of Abstracts, Congresso SIMAI, Milano (2016), p. 312
- M. Imbesi, G. Molica Bisci, S. Heidarkhani, Discrete Dirichlet problems and nonlinear algebraic systems, SS34 Variational methods for discrete and continuous boundary value problems, AIMS Conference, Madrid (2014), p. 153
- M. Imbesi, M. La Barbiera, Vertex covering optimization in Veronese bi-type graph ideals, Minisymposium New perspectives on applicabilities in graph theory, Book of Abstracts, Congresso SIMAI, Taormina (2014), 133-134
- M. La Barbiera, M. Imbesi, Applications of Gröbner bases to simple graphs, Minisymposium New developments and applications of Gröbner bases, Book of Abstracts, Congresso SIMAI, Taormina (2014), 104-105
- M. Imbesi, M. La Barbiera, P.L. Staglianò, On ideals associated to complete bipartite graphs, Minisymposium New perspectives on applicabilities in graph theory, Book of Abstracts, Congresso SIMAI, Taormina (2014), 136-137
- M. Imbesi, M. La Barbiera, Node coverings in presence of loops, Minisymposium Developments of graph theory to networks, Book of Abstracts, Congresso SIMAI, Torino (2012), p. 95
- M. Imbesi, G. Molica Bisci, D. Repovs, Elliptic problems on weighted locally finite graphs (2022)
- M. Imbesi, M. La Barbiera, S. Saraceno, Algorithmic releases on the spanning trees of certain graphs (2022), arXiv: 1704.04892
- S. Heidarkhani, M. Imbesi, S. Moradi, G.A. Afrouzi, Existence of three solutions for discrete fourth-order value problem with multiple parameters (2022)
- M. Imbesi, M. La Barbiera, Monomial s-sequences arising from graph ideals (2022)
- M. Imbesi, M. La Barbiera, On the Betti numbers and gracefulness of some planar graphs (2022)
- M. Imbesi, M. La Barbiera, Drawing of graphs linked to monomial algebras (2022)
- M. Imbesi, M. La Barbiera, Algebraic and geometric aspects of bipartite planar graphs (2022)
- M. Imbesi, M. La Barbiera, Counting paths of graphs via incidence matrices (2021)
- M. Imbesi, F.J. León Trujillo, The variance for families of random convex bodies in Euclidean spaces (2021)
- M. Imbesi, Integral geometry for random plane convex sets (2020)
- M. Imbesi, R. Utano, Syzygetic properties of symmetric algebras of modules in projective dimension two (2019)
Maurizio IMBESI, Ph.D
Dipartimento di Scienze Matematiche e Informatiche, Scienze Fisiche e Scienze della Terra
Università di Messina, V.le F. Stagno d’Alcontres 31, I-98166 Messina, Italia
Tel. Uff. +39 090 676 5072 ; Mobile +39 347 0597734
Pagina Web:
Il sottoscritto dichiara ai sensi del DPR n. 445/2000 che quanto riportato nel presente documento corrisponde al vero.
Dà inoltre il consenso al trattamento dei dati personali contenuti in esso secondo quanto previsto dal DLgs. n. 196/2003.
- Metodi algebrici e computazionali in teoria dei grafi, metodi topologici su varietà non compatte (2019-2021)
- Geometria algebrica e differenziale, algebra non lineare, problemi ellittici e subellittici (2018)
- Algebra commutativa e teoria algebrica dei grafi; equazioni ellittiche ed equazioni alle differenze (2017)
- Aspetti algebrico-geometrici e combinatorici di varietà proiettive e di grafi, sistemi algebrici non lineari (2016)
- Geometria algebrica e combinatoria, algebra lineare e non lineare, algebra dei grafi (2015)
- Problemi di teoria algebrica dei grafi e combinatorica (2014)
- Research patterns in algebraic, geometric, analytical fields – Minisymposium SIMAI Congress, Rome, 05/07/2018
- Research Days in Commutative Algebra and Combinatorics – Messina, 23-25/05/2017
- Computational methods in algebraic and analytical models – Minisymposium SIMAI Congress, Milan, 16/09/2016
- On the Algebraic and Geometric Classifications of Projective Varieties – Messina, 20-24/06/2016
- Workshop on the Algebraic-Geometric and Combinatoric Aspects of Projective Varieties – Messina, 12-13/11/2015
- International School on Computational Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry V – Messina, 20-24/04/2015
- Una giornata di studio su Problemi di teoria algebrica dei grafi e combinatorica – Messina, 21/11/2014
- New perspectives on applicabilities in graph theory – Minisymposium SIMAI Congress, Taormina, 08/07/2014
- International School on Computational Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry IV– Messina, 21-26/10/2013
- International School on Computational Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry III– Messina, 22-27/10/2012
- Developments of Graph Theory to Networks – Minisymposium SIMAI Congress, Turin, 26-27/06/2012
- International School on Computational Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry II – Messina, 17-29/10/2011
- International School on Computational Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry I – Messina, 18-23/10/2010
- Spectral properties of the graph-Laplacian – RC, 01/04/2014 (Seminar on Differential Equations and Geometry)
- Existence results for nonlinear algebraic systems – Reggio Calabria, 24/01/2013 (Meeting on Mathematics)
- Symmetric algebras associated to graphs and applications – Messina, 26/10/2012 (Internat. School CCAAG III)
- Monomial s-sequences and graphs – Messina, 25/10/2012 (International School CCAAG III)
- Graceful labeling in planar graphs – Online conference, 18/02/2021 (Metodi Alg.Comp.Grafi Top.Var.nonComp.)
- Riemannian manifolds and geodesics – Rome, 05/07/2018 (XIV SIMAI Congress)
- Groebner bases associated to simple graphs – Rome, 05/07/2018 (XIV SIMAI Congress)
- Necessary data for some evaluation codes in the 2-dimensional case – Milan, 16/09/2016 (XIII SIMAI Congress)
- Graph representation for the blow up of P2 at some points – Milan, 14/09/2016 (XIII SIMAI Congress)
- Blowing-up of the projective plane at a finite number of points – Messina, 13/11/2015 (Alg.Geom.Comb. Proj.var.)
- Algebraic approaches in solving discrete Dirichlet problems – Messina, 07/07/2015 (Combin. Comm. Alg. Graphs)
- Discrete graph Laplacian associated to Dirichlet problems – Messina, 21/11/2014 (Probl. algebrici grafi e comb.)
- Vertex coverings for various graph ideals – Messina, 30/10/2014 (Algebraic-geometric aspects of project. varieties)
- Discrete Dirichlet problems and nonlinear algebraic systems – Madrid, 09/07/2014 (10th AIMS Conference)
- Vertex covering optimization in Veronese bi-type graph ideals – Taormina, 08/07/2014 (XII SIMAI Congress)
- Algebraic aspects of ideals of vertex covers associated to graphs – Messina, 27/10/2012 (Workshop CCAAG III)
- Node coverings in presence of loops – Turin, 26/06/2012 (XI SIMAI Congress)
- M. Imbesi, R. Lashkaripour, Z. Ahmadi, Existence of three weak solutions for a class of discrete problems driven by p-Laplacian operator, Fixed Point Theory 22 (2021), no. 1, 231-240, DOI: 10.24193/ftp-ro.2021.1.16 – ISSN: 1583-5022, WoS Core Collection: SCIE - IF: 1,287 (2019), WoS: 000627593500016, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85098869769
- S. Heidarkhani, F. Gharehgazlouei, M. Imbesi, Existence and multiplicity of homoclinic solutions for a difference equation, Electron. J. Differ. Eq. Vol. 2020 (2020), no. 115, pp. 1-12 – ISSN: 1072-6691, WoS Core Collection: SCIE - IF: 0,820 (2019), Wos: 000591718300001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85098845567
- M. Imbesi, M. La Barbiera, Integral closure of bipartite graph ideals, Kodai Math. J. 43 (2020), no. 2, 243-255, DOI: 10.2996/kmj/1594313552 – ISSN: 0386-5991, WoS Core Collection: SCIE - IF: 0,311 (2019), WoS: 000547456600002, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85087818018
- S. Heidarkhani, M. Imbesi, Nontrivial solutions for partial discrete Dirichlet problems via a local minimum theorem for functionals, J. Nonlin. Funct. Anal. Vol. 2019 (2019), no. 42, pp. 1-14, DOI: 10.23952/jnfa.2019.42 – ISSN: 2052-532X, WoS Core Collection: ESCI, WoS: 000501549100042, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85086261642
- S. Heidarkhani, G.A. Afrouzi, M. Imbesi, S. Moradi, Existence of three weak solutions for a perturbed anisotropic discrete Dirichlet problem, Appl. Anal. 98 (2019), no. 3, 561-580, DOI: 10.1080/00036811.2017.1397637 – ISSN: 0003-6811, WoS Core Collection: SCIE - IF: 1.107, WoS: 000457030500006, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85033363111
- M. Imbesi, M. La Barbiera, Vertex covers in graphs with loops, Turk. J. Math. 42 (2018), no. 3, 1192-1202, DOI: 10.3906/mat-1707-78 – ISSN: 1300-0098, WoS Core Collection: SCIE - IF: 0,597, WoS: 000439014600035, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85046491549
- M. Barbera, M. Imbesi, M. La Barbiera, On the symmetric algebras associated to graphs with loops, Hokkaido Math. J. 47 (2018), no. 1, 171-190, DOI: 10.14492/hokmj/1520928065 – ISSN: 0385-4035, WoS Core Collection: SCIE - IF: 0.488, WoS: 000430202800009, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85046395546
- M. Imbesi, M. La Barbiera, P.L. Staglianò, On generalized graph ideals of complete bipartite graphs, J. Ramanujan Math. Soc. 32 (2017), no. 2, 121-133 – ISSN: 0970-1249, WoS Core Collection: SCIE - IF: 0.392, WoS: 000403451100002, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85019729600
- M. Imbesi, M. La Barbiera, On algebraic properties of Veronese bi-type ideals arising from graphs, Turk. J. Math. 40 (2016), no. 4, 753-765, DOI: 10.3906/mat-1505-49 – ISSN: 1300-0098, WoS Core Collection: SCIE - IF: 0.376, WoS: 000386115300004, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84977080558
- M. Imbesi, G. Molica Bisci, Discrete Elliptic Dirichlet Problems and Nonlinear Algebraic Systems, Mediterr. J. Math. 13 (2016), no. 1, 263-278, DOI: 10.1007/s00009-014-0490-2 – ISSN: 1660-5446, WoS Core Collection: SCIE - IF: 0.868, WoS: 000369912600017, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84957840173
- M. Imbesi, M. La Barbiera, On a class of vertex cover ideals, Anal. Stiint. Univ. Al. I. Cuza Iasi (S.N) Mat. 61 (2015), no. 2, 319-326, DOI: 10.1515/aicu-2015-0007 – ISSN: 1221-8421, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84992489195
- M. Imbesi, M. La Barbiera, Z. Tang, Some monomial sequences arising from graphs, Bull. Korean Math. Soc. 52 (2015), no. 4, 1201-1211, DOI: 10.4134/BKMS.2015.52.4.1201 – ISSN: 1015-8634, WoS Core Collection: SCIE - IF: 0.297, WoS: 000359182600014, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84938153142
- M. Imbesi, M. La Barbiera, Theoretic properties of the symmetric algebra of edge ideals, Bull. Belg. Math. Soc. Sim. 22 (2015), no. 2, 331-342, DOI: 10.36045/bbms/1432840868 – ISSN: 1370-1444, WoS Core Collection: SCIE - IF: 0.480, WoS: 000356994100012, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84992597826
- M. Imbesi, M. La Barbiera, Z. Tang, On the graphic realization of certain monomial sequences, J. Alg. Appl. 14 (2015), no. 5, 1550073, pp. 1-9, DOI: 10.1142/S0219498815500735 – ISSN: 0219-4988, WoS Core Collection: SCIE - IF: 0.365, WoS: 000351516600013, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84928433178
- S. Heidarkhani, M. Imbesi, Multiple solutions for partial discrete Dirichlet problems depending on a real parameter, J. Diff. Equat. Appl. 21 (2015), no. 2, 96-110, DOI: 10.1080/10236198.2014.988619 – ISSN: 1023-6198, WoS Core Collection: SCIE - IF: 0.761, WoS: 000346508900002, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84919847621
- M. Imbesi, M. La Barbiera, Monomial ideals of graphs with loops, Anal. Stiint. Univ. Al. I. Cuza Iasi (S.N) Mat. 60 (2014), no. 2, 321-336, DOI: 10.2478/aicu-2013-0010 – ISSN: 1221-8421, WoS Core Collection: SCIE - IF: 0.108, WoS: 000342655800005, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84923227125
- M. Imbesi, Integrality of the symmetric algebra of graph ideals, Math. Notes 94 (2013), no. 2, 191-204, DOI: 10.1134/S0001434613070195 – ISSN: 0001-4346, WoS Core Collection: SCIE - IF: 0.259, WoS: 000323665000019, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84883316635
- M. Imbesi, M. La Barbiera, Algebraic properties of non-squarefree graph ideals, Math. Rep. 15(65) (2013), no. 2, 107-113 – ISSN: 1582-3067, WoS Core Collection: SCIE - IF: 0.086, WoS: 000323292600001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84885938754
- M. Imbesi, Projective dimension and symmetric algebra of graph ideals, Miskolc Math. Notes 13 (2012), no. 2, 349-364, DOI: 10.18514/MMN.2012.466 – ISSN: 1787-2405, WoS Core Collection: SCIE - IF: 0.304, WoS: 000315710900014, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84877322044
- M. Imbesi, M. La Barbiera, Invariants of symmetric algebras associated to graphs, Turk. J. Math. 36 (2012), no. 3, 345-358, DOI: 10.3906/mat-1010-68 – ISSN: 1300-0098, WoS Core Collection: SCIE - IF: 0.457, WoS: 000310558600001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84867349865
- M. Imbesi, M. La Barbiera, Edge ideals and connection problems, Comm. Appl. Industr. Math. 1 (2010), no. 2, 127-134, DOI: 10.1685/2010CAIM548 – ISSN: 2038-0909, WoS Core Collection: ESCI
- M. Imbesi, Riemannian Manifolds and Geodesics, Minisymposium Research Patterns in Algebraic, Geometric and Analytical Fields, Book of Abstracts, SIMAI Congress, Rome (2018), 354-355
- M. La Barbiera, M. Imbesi, Groebner bases associated to simple graphs, Minisymposium Research Patterns in Algebraic, Geometric and Analytical Fields, Book of Abstracts, SIMAI Congress, Rome (2018), 350-351
- M. Imbesi, M. Lahyane, J.A. Cerda Rodriguez, Necessary data for some evaluation codes in the 2-dimensional case, Minisymposium Computational methods in algebraic and analytical models, Book of Abstracts, SIMAI Congress, Milan (2016), 316-317
- M. Imbesi, M. Lahyane, Graph representation for the blow up of P2 at some points, Minisymposium Algebraic Techniques Graph Theory to Analyse-Design Estimation-Prediction Dynamic Systems, Book of Abstracts, SIMAI Congress, Milan (2016), 729-730
- M. La Barbiera, M. Imbesi, Spanning trees of simple graphs, Minisymposium Computational methods in algebraic and analytical models, Book of Abstracts, SIMAI Congress, Milan (2016), p. 312
- M. Imbesi, G. Molica Bisci, S. Heidarkhani, Discrete Dirichlet problems and nonlinear algebraic systems, SS34 Variational methods for discrete and continuous boundary value problems, AIMS Conference, Madrid (2014), p. 153
- M. Imbesi, M. La Barbiera, Vertex covering optimization in Veronese bi-type graph ideals, Minisymposium New perspectives on applicabilities in graph theory, Book of Abstracts, SIMAI Congress, Taormina (2014), 133-134
- M. La Barbiera, M. Imbesi, Applications of Gröbner bases to simple graphs, Minisymposium New developments and applications of Gröbner bases, Book of Abstracts, SIMAI Congress, Taormina (2014), 104-105
- M. Imbesi, M. La Barbiera, P.L. Staglianò, On ideals associated to complete bipartite graphs, Minisymposium New perspectives on applicabilities in graph theory, Book of Abstracts, Congresso SIMAI, Taormina (2014), 136-137
- M. Imbesi, M. La Barbiera, Node coverings in presence of loops, Minisymposium Developments of graph theory to networks, Book of Abstracts, SIMAI Congress, Turin (2012), p. 95
- M. Imbesi, G. Molica Bisci, D. Repovs, Elliptic problems on weighted locally finite graphs (2022)
- M. Imbesi, M. La Barbiera, S. Saraceno, Algorithmic releases on the spanning trees of certain graphs (2022), arXiv: 1704.04892
- S. Heidarkhani, M. Imbesi, S. Moradi, G.A. Afrouzi, Existence of three solutions for discrete fourth-order value problem with multiple parameters (2022)
- M. Imbesi, M. La Barbiera, Monomial s-sequences arising from graph ideals (2022)
- M. Imbesi, M. La Barbiera, On the Betti numbers and gracefulness of some planar graphs (2022)
- M. Imbesi, M. La Barbiera, Drawing of graphs linked to monomial algebras (2022)
- M. Imbesi, M. La Barbiera, Algebraic and geometric aspects of bipartite planar graphs (2022)
- M. Imbesi, M. La Barbiera, Counting paths of graphs via incidence matrices (2021)
- M. Imbesi, F.J. León Trujillo, The variance for families of random convex bodies in Euclidean spaces (2021)
- M. Imbesi, Integral geometry for random plane convex sets (2020)
- M. Imbesi, R. Utano, Syzygetic properties of symmetric algebras of modules in projective dimension two (2019)
SCIENTIFIC CURRICULUM OF PROF. MAURIZIO IMBESIBorn in Milazzo (Messina) on 02/02/1965. He has two children. Scientific baccalaureate (1983). Graduate in Mathe-matics (Messina, 1987). PhD in Mathematics IV cycle (Rome, 1993). INdAM Scholarship and Research (Rome, 1988).
He is an associate professor (Law no. 240/2010) on a full-time commitment regime, in the disciplinary area 01-Mathe-matical and Computer Sciences, contest macrosector 01/A-Mathematics, contest sector 01/A2-Geometry and Algebra, scientific-disciplinary sector MAT/03-Geometry, at the University of Messina, Department of Mathematical and Computer Sciences, Physical Sciences and Earth Sciences, where he mainly carries out scientific and didactic activity.
He is a reference professor of the three-year CdS in Mathematics at the University of Messina.
From 2005 to 2010 he was part of Teaching Boards of PhD in Mathematics at University of Messina (6 cycles, XXI- XXVI).
From 2009 to 2015 he was an aggregate member of the "Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti" in Messina.
Since 1988 he is member of the INdAM GNSAGA Group, Section: Algebraic Structures and Combinatorial Geometry.
He was a participant, among others, in the following research programmes:
- PRA 2008-2009 – Geometric and algebraic theories and their applications – Responsible: G. Lo Faro
- PRIN 2007 – Commutative and combinatorial algebra with applications to algebraic geometry – Responsible: G. Valla
- PRA 2006-2007 – Graduate algebras and applications – Responsible: R. Utano
- PRIN 2005 – Commutative, combinatorial and computational algebra – Responsible: G. Valla
Supervisor bachelor and master's degree theses in Mathematics at UniMe:
- Maria Alessia Manglaviti, Etichettature di grafi (15/10/2019)
- Santo Saraceno, Quadrati latini: enumerazione e MOLS (25/07/2018) – Co-supervisor
- Chiara Soriano, Metodi variazionali su varietà riemanniane (23/03/2018)
- Francesca Merlino, Teoria algebrica dei grafi e invarianti standard (18/12/2017)
- Marica Molino, Fasci associati a divisori su curve e superfici proiettive lisce (24/03/2017)
- Francesco Mulonia, Singolarità delle proiezioni piane di curve algebriche (21/10/2016)
- Damaris Russo, Formula di Eulero e sue applicazioni a varie classi di poliedri (22/07/2016)
- Santo Saraceno, Un approccio algebrico combinatorico per la determinazione di alberi ricoprenti di grafi di Jahangir (24/07/2015)
He has carried out (*carries out) the following teaching activities:
- Geometria II Mod. A (D Mathematics, UniMe – 6 CFU, 48 hours) *
- Geometria Superiore (MD Mathematics, Theoric Curriculum, UniMe – 6 CFU, 48 hours) *
- Fondamenti di algebra lineare e geometria (canale 1) (D Civil and Environment Engin., UniPd – 9 CFU, 72 hours)
- Fondamenti di algebra lineare e geometria (canale A) (D Aerospace Engineering, UniPd – 9 CFU, 72 hours)
- Algebra lineare e geometria (numerosità canale 5) (D Biomedical Engineering, UniPd – 10 CFU, 78 hours)
- Fondamenti di algebra lineare e geometria (can. 2) (D Management and Mechanical Engineering, UniPd, Seat VI – 3 CFU, 24 hours)
- Geometria (D Civil and Building Systems Engineering, UniMe – 6 CFU, 60 hours)
His research includes the fields of commutative, combinatorial and computational algebra, algebraic geometry, algebraic graph theory, linear and nonlinear algebra, integral geometry and discrete variational analysis.
In particular: existence of multiple solutions for discrete problems with variational methods, existence of linear quotients of monomial ideals for the search for standard invariants, effective monoids of projective plane lifting at distinct or infinitely close points and associated weighted graphs, spanning trees and spanning simplicial complexes of cyclic graphs, vertex covers ideals of generalized graph ideals, properties of the symmetric algebra of graphs edge ideals and of finite projective dimension modules, Z-complexes of edge ideals, criteria for which monomial sequences of certain length are s-sequences, graphs edge ideals generated by d-sequences, mean value and variance of random convex bodies, generalized bi-sorted term order, etc.
Cooperation, visiting, reviewing:
S. Heidarkhani (Univ. Razi, Iran), G. Molica Bisci (Univ. Urbino), M. La Barbiera (Univ. Messina), Z. Tang (Univ. Suzhou, Cina), C. Ionescu (Romanian Acad. Bucarest, Romania), M. Lahyane (Univ. Michoacán, Messico).
He spent periods of study and research abroad at the universities of Bucharest, Cologne, Ljubljana, Lodz.
Research projects reviewer for the MUR; research products evaluator for the VQR; referee for Zentralblatt Math, Math Reviews, Ars Comb, Open Math and others.
Organization of study and research periods funded by the University of Messina:
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-1128-5203
Scopus ID: 55387618000, Wos ResearcherID: AHE-7957-2022, MathSciNet MathRev ID: 324699
Maurizio IMBESI, Ph.D
Department of Mathematical and Computer Sciences, Physical Sciences and Earth Sciences
University of Messina, V.le F. Stagno d’Alcontres 31, I-98166 Messina, Italy
Phone Office +39 090 676 5072 ; Mobile +39 347 0597734
Web Page:
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