Maria Gabriella

Struttura:Dipartimento di Economia
Profilo: Professori Associati
Professore Associato - SECS-S/05 STATISTICA SOCIALE, Dipartimento di Economia, Università degli studi di Messina (dal 30 novembre 2019)
Ha conseguito l’Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale 2016-2018 per Professore di Seconda Fascia 13/D3 – Demografia e Statistica Sociale (Primo quadrimestre 2017).
A decorrere dal 7 Marzo 2018 è inquadrata nel S.C. 13/D3 (Demografia e Statistica Sociale)- S.S.D. SECSS/05 (Statistica Sociale).
Risulta vincitrice del Fondo FFABR FINANZIAMENTO ATTIVITÀ BASE RICERCA (2017) e del Bando premialità 2018 dell’Università di Messina (2018).
Responsabile Erasmus per il corso di Laurea L18 Management di Impresa (fino al 2020) e LM56 – dal 2018
Responsabile per l'Orientamento per il corso di Laurea LM56
Professore Associato - SECS-S/05 STATISTICA SOCIALE, Dipartimento di Economia, Università degli studi di Messina (dal 30 novembre 2019)
Ha conseguito l’Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale 2016-2018 per Professore di Seconda Fascia 13/D3 – Demografia e Statistica Sociale (Primo quadrimestre 2017).
A decorrere dal 7 Marzo 2018 è inquadrata nel S.C. 13/D3 (Demografia e Statistica Sociale)- S.S.D. SECSS/05 (Statistica Sociale).
Risulta vincitrice del Fondo FFABR FINANZIAMENTO ATTIVITÀ BASE RICERCA (2017) e del Bando premialità 2018 dell’Università di Messina (2018).
Responsabile Erasmus per il corso di Laurea L18 Management di Impresa (fino al 2020) e LM56 – dal 2018
Responsabile per l'Orientamento per il corso di Laurea LM56
- Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale 2016-2018 per Professore di Seconda Fascia 13/D3 – Demografia e Statistica Sociale conseguita nel Primo quadrimestre 2017. VALIDO DAL 30/03/2017 AL 30/03/2023 (art.16, comma 1, Legge 240/10)
- RICERCATORE A TEMPO DETERMINATO “senior” art.24, comma 3, lett. b. Dipartimento di Economia, Università degli studi di Messina (30 novembre 2016 - 29 Novembre 2019) SECS-S/01 STATISTICA dal 30 Novembre 2016 al 6 Marzo 2018, e SECS-S/05 STATISTICA SOCIALE (cambio SSD e SC) dal 07 Marzo 2018 (in corso)
- RICERCATORE A TEMPO DETERMINATO “Moratti” art. 1, comma 14, legge n. 230/2005, SECS-S/01 STATISTICA dal 30 Dicembre 2010 al 29 Novembre 2016, Dipartimento di Economia, Università degli studi di Messina
- Responsabile Erasmus per il corso di laurea L18 Management di Impresa (fino all’AA 2019-2020) e per il corso di laurea magistrale LM56 Scienze Economiche e Finanziarie, Dipartimento di Economia, Università degli studi di Messina
- VISITING RESEARCHER Institut IACS, Université Catholique de Louvain (July-August 2011)
- Dottore di Ricerca nel Dottorato Congiunto (XXI Ciclo) In “Economia E Istituzioni” Università Degli Studi di Messina ed “Econometria ed Economia Empirica”, Università di Roma “Tor Vergata” conseguito presso l’Università degli studi di Messina il 15/04/2009
- Membro del gruppo Assicurazione Qualità del corso di L16, Università degli studi di Messina;
- Membro componente del Comitato Tecnico Scientifico (CTS) del Master Esperto in Intervento Sociale Minori e Mafie
- Membro della Commissione Giudicatrice per l’esame di ammissione al Dottorato di ricerca in “Economics, Management and Statistics XXXII ciclo
- Membro del gruppo che ha redatto il Rapporto di Riesame 2013, corso di studi L37-L39, Università degli studi di Messina;
- Membro del gruppo Assicurazione Qualità del corso di studi L37-L39, Università degli studi di Messina Anno 2013;
- Consiglio di Dipartimento: Economia; Ex-SEAM; Ex-DESMAS. Consiglio di Corso di Laurea: L18 MANAGEMENT D’IMPRESA, L33 Scienze economiche- ECONOMIA, BANCA E FINANZA (AA 2015/2016), LM 5
Busetta, G., Campolo, M. G., & Panarello, D. (2022). Economic expectations and anxiety during the COVID-19 pandemic: a one-year longitudinal evaluation on Italian university students. Quality & Quantity, 1-18.
- Campolo, Maria Gabriella, Angelina De Pascale, Carlo Giannetto, and Maurizio Lanfranchi. "The Determinants of Length of Stay of Italian Senior Tourists." In Tourism and Disability, pp. 31-50. Springer, Cham, 2022.
- Calzolari, G., Campolo, M. G., Di Pino, A., & Magazzini, L. (2021). Maximum likelihood estimation of an across-regime correlation parameter. The Stata Journal, 21(2), 430-461.
- Lanfranchi, M., Giannetto, C., & Campolo, M. G. (2021). The Measurement of Customer Satisfaction in Sicilian Agritourism (Italy) through the Estimation of a Probit Model. Calitatea, 22(183), 112-117.
- Busetta, G., Campolo, M. G., Fiorillo, F., Pagani, L., Panarello, D., & Augello, V. (2021). Effects of COVID-19 lockdown on university students’ anxiety disorder in Italy. Genus, 77(1), 1-16.
- Calzolari, G., Campolo, M. G., Di Pino, A., & Magazzini, L. (2020). Estimating the Change in Housework Time of the Italian Woman after the Retirement of the Male Partner: An Approach Based on a Two-Regime Model Estimated by ML. In Book of short papers - SIS 2020 (pp. 1454-1459). ED. Pearson
- Campolo, M. G., Di Pino, A., & Rizzi, E. L. (2020). The labour division of Italian couples after a birth: assessing the effect of unobserved heterogeneity. Journal of Population Research, 37(2), 107-137.
- Campolo, M. G., & Di Pino, A. (2020). Selectivity of Bargaining and the Effect of Retirement on Labour Division in Italian Couples. Journal of Family and Economic Issues, 41, 639–657.
- Busetta, Giovanni, Campolo, Maria Gabriella, Panarello, Demetrio (2020). Lethality of COVID-19 in Italian regions: underestimation of positive cases or lack of structures?. STATISTICS & SOCIETY, vol. 9, p. 1-9, ISSN: 2282-233X
- Busetta G., Campolo M. G., Panarello D. (2020). The discrimination decomposition index: a new instrument to separate statistical and taste-based discrimination using first- and second-generation immigrants. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL ECONOMICS, vol. 47, p. 1577-1597
- Busetta G., Campolo, M. G., Panarello D. (2020). Weight-Based Discrimination in the Italian Labor Market: an Analysis of the Interaction with Gender and Ethnicity. THE JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC INEQUALITY, 18 (4), 617-637
- Busetta G., Campolo M.G., Di Pino Incognito A. (2019). Children’s Use of Time and Well-Being in Italy. CHILD INDICATORS RESEARCH, vol. 12, p. 821-845, ISSN: 1874-897X, doi: 10.1007 / s12187-018-9567-y
- Lanfranchi, M., Schimmenti, E., Campolo, M. G., & Giannetto, C. (2019). The willingness to pay of Sicilian consumers for a wine obtained with sustainable production method: An estimate through an ordered probit sample-selection model. Wine Economics and Policy, 8(2), 203-215.
- Lanfranchi, M., Campolo, M. G., Di Trapani, A. M., & Giannetto, C. (2019). The Determinants of Tourists' Satisfaction in the Sicilian Agritourism Structures: A Factor Analysis. Quality-Access to Success, 20(173).
- Campolo MG, Di Pino A., Limosani M. (2019). How Important Discrimination is for the Job Satisfaction of Immigrants in Italy: A Counterfactual Approach. In “Book of Short Papers SIS 2019”, ed. Pearson. italy/pdf/Dirigenti%20e%20istituzioni/ISTITUZIONI-HE-PDF-sis2019_V4.pdf
- Busetta G., Campolo MG, Panarello D. (2019). Non è un Paese per stranieri: discriminazione degli immigrati di prima e seconda generazione nel mercato del lavoro italiano. In Un mondo da riscrivere. Storie di sbarchi, accoglienza e integrazione, pp. 77-97. Rubbettino ed.
- Busetta, G., Campolo, M. G., & Panarello, D. (2018). Weight-based discrimination in the Italian Labor Market: how do ethnicity and gender interact?. pp.1239-1244. In Book of Short Papers SIS 2018 - ISBN:9788891910233
- Di Pino, A., Campolo, M. G., & Otranto, E. (2018). Bias Reduction in a Matching Estimation of Treatment Effect. pp.1305-1310. In Book of Short Papers SIS 2018 - ISBN:9788891910233
- Busetta, G., Campolo, M. G., & Di Pino, A. (2018). Children’s Use of Time and Well-Being in Italy. Child Indicators Research, 1-25. Doi:
- Busetta, G., Campolo, M. G., & Panarello, D. (2018). Immigrants and Italian labor market: statistical or taste-based discrimination?. Genus, 74(1), 4. Doi: 018-0030-1
- Di Pino, A., Campolo, M. G., & Otranto, E. (2018). Reducing Bias in a Matching Estimation of Endogenous Treatment Effect. (No. 201805). Centre for North South Economic Research, University of Cagliari and Sassari, Sardinia.
- Busetta G., Campolo, M. G., Panarello, D. (2017) Stranieri e donne discriminati nell’accesso al mercato del lavoro in Italia. In: Impicciatore R., Rosina A., and Livi Bacci M (Eds.). Popolazione e Politica, pp. 94-97. Neodemos.
- Campolo M. G., Di Pino A. (2017). Assessing Selectivity in the Estimation of the Causal Effects of Retirement on the Labour Division in the Italian Couples. In: Petrucci A., Verde R. (Eds.). SIS 2017. Statistics and Data Science: new challenges, new generations, pp. 235-240. Firenze University Press
- Campolo M. G., Di Pino A., Otranto E., (2017) Assessing Heterogeneity in a Matching Estimation of Endogenous Treatment Effect. In: Greselin F., Mola F., and Zenga M. (Eds.). Cladag 2017 Book of Short Papers. Universitas Studiorum.
- Campolo MG, Di Pino A, (2017) Assessing Selectivity in the Estimation of the Causal Effects of Retirement on the Labour Division in the Italian Couples, in A. Petrucci, R. Verde (eds.), SIS 2017. Statistics and Data Science: new challenges, new generations, pp. 235-240. Firenze University Press
- Campolo MG, Di Pino A, Otranto E, (2017) Assessing Heterogeneity in a Matching Estimation of Endogenous Treatment Effect, in F. Greselin, F. Mola and Ma. Zenga (eds.), Cladag 2017 Book of Short Papers. Universitas Studiorum. ISBN 978-88-99459-71-0
- Caltabiano M, Campolo MG, Di Pino A (2016), Retirement and Intra-Household Labour Division of Italian Couples: A New Simultaneous Equation Approach. Social Indicators Research, 128, 1217-1238
- Campolo MG, Di Pino A, Rizzi EL (2016) Parenthood and Labour Division in Italian Two-Earner Couples". International Journal of Social Economics, 43, 1315-1333
- Busetta G., Campolo M.G., Panarello D. (2016) No Country for Foreigners: an Analysis of Hiring Process in Italian Labor Market. pp.1-6. In Proceedings of the 48th scientific meeting of the Italian Statistical Society - ISBN:9788861970618
- Campolo MG, Di Pino A (2016) Retirement of the Male Partner and the Housework Division in the Italian Couples: Estimation of the Causal Effects. In Proceedings of the 48th scientific meeting of the Italian Statistical Society. ISBN:9788861970618
- Campolo MG, Di Pino A, Rizzi EL, (2016) How Do Life Course Events Affect Paid and Unpaid Work of Italian Couples?, in Topics in Theoretical and Applied Statistics (Eds. Alleva G., Giommi, A.) pp. 145-156. Springer. ISBN 978-3-319-27272-6
- Caltabiano M, Campolo MG, Di Pino A (2015), Retirement and Intra-Household Labour Division of Italian Couples: A New Simultaneous Equation Approach. Social Indicators Research. doi: 10.1007/s11205-015- 1076-5 (online)
- Campolo MG, Di Pino (2015), Causal Effects of Retirement on the Housework Division in the Italian Couples, in: Statistics and Demography: the Legacy of Corrado Gini, Ed. C. Crocetta, ISBN: 978 88 6787 4521
- Caltabiano M, Campolo MG, Di Pino A (2014) Retirement and Intra-Household Labour Division of Italian Couples: A Simultaneous Equation Approach, in: 47th Scientific Meeting of the Italian Statistical Society, Eds: S. Cabras, T. Di Battista, W. Racugno, CUEC, ISBN: 978-88-8467-874-4
- Campolo MG, Di Pino A, Rizzi EL (2013), The Italian Couples' Division of Labour after a Birth: Do Gender Attitudes Matter?, in Advances in Latent Variables”, Eds. Brentari E., Carpita M., Vita e Pensiero, Milan, Italy, ISBN 978 88 343 2556 8
- Campolo MG, Di Pino A, Rizzi EL (2013), Modern Vs. Traditional: A cluster-based specification of gender and familistic attitudes and their influence on the division of labour of Italian couples, in Cladag 2013. 9th Meeting of the Classification and Data Analysis Group, Ed. Minerva T, Morlini I, Palumbo F, CLEUP, ISBN: 9788867871179
- Campolo M G, Di Pino A (2012) An Empirical Analysis of Women’s Working Time, And an Estimation of Female Labour Supply in Italy, Statistica, vol. 72(2), pp. 173-193, ISSN 0390-590X
- Campolo M. G. (2012) L'allocazione del tempo lavorativo nelle famiglie italiane. Problemi di specificazione e di stima. p. 1-148, Roma:Aracne Editrice, ISBN: 9788854854529
- Campolo M G (2012) L'uso del tempo delle famiglie straniere. In: Spazi, tempi e linguaggi. le migrazioni tra nuove tecnologie e diritti emergenti (a cura di D. Carzo). pp. 124-142, Torino: l'Harmattan, Paris –l'Harmattan Italia, torino, ISBN: 9788878922204
- Di Pino A., Campolo M.G. (2012). Empirical Analysis of Married Women's Working Time and Paid-Work Equation Estimation in Italy. Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo. Supplemento, vol. Serie II vol. 84, pp. 167-175, ISSN: 1592-9531
- Rizzi E L, Campolo M G, Di Pino A (2012) Italian Women’s satisfaction across life-course events, Quaderni di Economia, Statistica e Analisi del Territorio, Università degli Studi di Messina, Dipartimento D.E.S.Ma.S. “V. Pareto”, n°61, Messina, ISBN: 978-88-97244-14-1
- Campolo M G, Di Pino A, Rizzi E L (2012) Life-Course Transition, Market Work and Domestic Work of Italian Couples, In: Società Italiana di statistica. Proceedings of XLVI Scientific Meeting SIS, PADOVA: CLEUP, ISBN: 9788861298828.
- Campolo M G, Di Pino A, Rizzi E L, (2012) A Simultaneous-Equation Estimation Model of Life-Course Transition Effects on Market and Domestic Work of Italian Couples, Quaderni di Economia, Statistica e Analisi del Territorio, Università degli Studi di Messina, Dipartimento D.E.S.Ma.S. “V. Pareto”, n°60, Messina, ISBN: 978-88-97244-12-7
- Campolo M. G., Di Pino A., Mucciardi M., (2011) L’allocazione del tempo lavorativo nelle famiglie ricostituite, (a cura di M. A. Cocchiara) in Quale famiglia?,pp.103-119. Magika, Messina, ISBN: 978-88- 89525-203
- Campolo M. G., Di Pino A. (2011) Married Women Labour Supply in Italy: An IV approach to estimation using time-use data, Quaderni di economia, statistica e analisi del territorio, Università degli Studi di Messina, Dipartimento D.E.S.Ma.S. “V. Pareto”, Messina, n°57, ISBN: 978-88-97244-09-7;
- Campolo M.G. (2011) Il bullismo a Reggio Calabria: indagine sul fenomeno nel mondo della scuola. In: L.Bruciafreddo, M.G. Campolo, A. Cava, M. Salvo “Il bullismo tra vita reale e spettacolarizzazione mediale. Un'indagine empirica nel mondo della scuola”. p. 37-90, Città del sole edizioni, Reggio Calabria, ISBN: 978- 88-7351-391-9
- Campolo M.G. (2011) Introduzione e ringraziamenti. In: L.Bruciafreddo, M.G. Campolo, A. Cava, M. Salvo “Il bullismo tra vita reale e spettacolarizzazione mediale. Un'indagine empirica nel mondo della scuola”. pp. 9- 11, Città del sole edizioni, Reggio Calabria, ISBN: 978-88-7351-391-9
- Campolo M G, Di Pino A (2010) Empirical analysis of women’s working Time and wage elasticity estimation in Italy, Quaderni di economia, statistica e analisi del territorio, University of Messina, Department D.E.S.Ma.S. “V. Pareto”, n. 53, Messina, ISBN: 978-88-904176-7-2
- Di Pino A, Mucciardi M, Campolo M G (2008) Il tempo lavorativo nelle famiglie ricostituite in Italia. In: . Instabilità familiare: aspetti causali e conseguenze demografiche, economiche e sociali. Bardi ed., Roma. vol. 242, pp 161-179. ISBN: 978-88-218-0997-2
- Di Pino A, Mucciardi M, Campolo M G (2008) A S.U.R.E. Estimation Procedure of Italian Intra-Household Working-Time Allocation. In: Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo. Supplemento, vol. Serie II vol 80, pp. 129-138. ISSN: 1592-9531
- Di Pino A, Mucciardi M, Campolo M G (2007) “Estimation of Working Time Allocation of Italian Families”. Atti della Riunione Scientifica Intermedia della Società Italiana di Statistica Venezia 6-8 Giugno, ISBN/ISSN: 978-88-6129-093-8
- Campolo MG, Di Pino A, Limosani M. “How Important Discrimination is for the Job Satisfaction of Immigrants in Italy: A Counterfactual Approach", SIS 2019 - Smart Statistics for Smart Applications, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milano. June 18- 21, 2019
- Campolo MG, Di Pino A, Otranto E. Assessing heterogeneity in a matching estimation of endogenous treatment effect. 30th Annual Conference of the European Association of Labour Economists (EALE), Lyon 13-15 September 2018
- Busetta G., Campolo MG, Panarello D. The influence of gender and ethnicity on weightbased discrimination in the Italian labor market. 30th Annual Conference of the European Association of Labour Economists (EALE), Lyon 13-15 September 2018
- Campolo MG, Di Pino A, Otranto E. Bias Reduction in a Matching Estimation of Treatment Effect. 49th Scientific meeting of the Italian Statistical Society. University of Palermo, June 20-22, 2018.
- Busetta G., Campolo MG, Panarello D. Weight-based discrimination in the Italian Labor Market: how do ethnicity and gender interact?. 49th Scientific meeting of the Italian Statistical Society. University of Palermo, June 20-22, 2018.
- Campolo M. G., Cava A. L’uso del tempo delle famiglie migranti. 7th STS Italia Conference Technoscience from Below. University of Padova, June 14 – 16, 2018.·
- Campolo MG, Di Pino A, Otranto E. Assessing Heterogeneity in a Matching Estimation of Endogenous Treatment Effect. Cladag 2017, University of Milano-Bicocca, September 13-15, 2017.
- Campolo M. G., Cava A. L’uso del tempo delle famiglie migranti. 7th STS Italia Conference Technoscience from Below. University of Padova, June 14 – 16, 2018.
- M. G. Campolo, A. Di Pino, “Assessing Selectivity in the Estimation of the Causal Effects of Retirement on the Labour Division in the Italian Couples”, STATISTICS AND DATA SCIENCE: NEW CHALLENGES, NEW GENERATIONS, University of Florence, June 28-30, 2017
- M.G. Campolo, A. Di Pino, “Causal Effects of Retirement and Selection Effect of Bargaining Between Partners on the Housework Division in Italian Couples”. POPULATION ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA PAA 2017, Chicago, April 27-29, 2017
- G. Busetta, M.G. Campolo, D. Panarello, “Statistical and Taste-Based Discrimination: What Affects Immigrants the Most in Finding a Job in Italy?” POPULATION ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA PAA 2017, Chicago, April 27-29, 2017
- G. Busetta, M.G. Campolo, D. Panarello, “Statistical and Taste Based Discrimination: What Does Affect Immigrants the Most in Finding a Job in Italy?” AISP, February 8-10 2017, Florence
- M.G. Campolo, A. Di Pino, “Selectivity of Bargaining and the Causal Effects of Retirement on the Labour Division in the Italian Couples”, AISP, February 8-10 2017, Florence
- G. Busetta, M.G. Campolo, D. Panarello, “Is Italy a country for foreigners? a field experiment on labor market”, American Economic Association, 6-8 January 2017, Chicago (Poster)
- M. G. Campolo, A. Di Pino, “How Men's Retirement Affects the The Division of Household Labor in Italy”. Time Use Across the Life Course conference, June 27-28, 2016, University of Maryland. (travel grant)
- G. Busetta, M.G. Campolo, D. Panarello "No Country for Foreigners: an Analysis of Hiring Process in Italian Labor Market", 48th Meeting of the Italian Statistical Society, June 8- 10, 2016 University of Salerno
- M. G. Campolo, A. Di Pino "Retirement of the Male Partner and the Housework Division in the Italian Couples: Estimation of the Causal Effects", 48th Meeting of the Italian Statistical Society, June 8- 10, 2016 University of Salerno
- M. G. Campolo, A. Di Pino, “Causal Effects of Retirement on the Housework Division in the Italian Couples”, The Future of Quality of Life”. The International Society for Quality-ofLife Studies (ISQOLS), Phoenix, Arizona 15-17 October, 2015
- M. G. Campolo, A. Di Pino, “Realizations and intentions: the influence of goals life on probability to find a job”, The Future of Quality of Life”. The International Society for Quality-of-Life Studies (ISQOLS), Phoenix, Arizona October, 15-17, 2015
- M. G. Campolo, A. Di Pino, “Causal Effects of Retirement on the Housework Division in the Italian Couples”. SIS2015 Statistical Conference, Statistics and Demography: the Legacy of Corrado Gini, Treviso, September, 9-11, 2015
- Campolo M. G., What are you doing? Children’s use of time and well-being, POPULATION ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA PAA 2015, San Diego, CA. April 30- May 2, 2015
- M. Caltabiano, M. G. Campolo, A. Di Pino , To what Extent does the Transition to Retirement Affect Labour Division in the Italian Couples?, POPDAYS 2015, 4 -6 FEBRUARY, 2015 Palermo
- Campolo M. G , What are you doing? Children’s use of time and well-being, POPDAYS 2015, 4 -6 FEBRUARY, 2015 Palermo
- Campolo M. G , What are you doing? Children’s use of time and well-being SUSTAINING QUALITY OF LIFE ACROSS THE GLOBE - THE XII QUALITY OF LIFE CONFERENCE, FREE UNIVERSITY BERLIN, SEPTEMBER 15 – 18, 2014
- M. Caltabiano, M. G. Campolo, A. Di Pino, The effect of retirement on Italian couples’ labour division: a simultaneous equation approach, European Population Conference 2014, 25-28 June 2014, Budapest
- Di Pino, M. G. Campolo, M. Caltabiano, Retirement and Intra-Household Labour Division of Italian Couples: A Simultaneous Equation Approach. Sis 2014 – 47th Scientific meeting of the Italian statistical society, Cagliari 11-13 giugno 2014
- Caltabiano M., Campolo M. G, Di Pino A., “Retirement and Intra-Household Labour Division of Italian Couples: A Simultaneous Equation Approach”, IES 2013 - Innovation and Society 2013 Metodi statistici per la valutazione, Milano, Bicocca University, Milan, Italy, 9 - 10 dicembre 2013
- Rizzi E.L., Campolo M. G, Di Pino A., Regnier-Loilier A., “ The woman’s satisfaction with the division of domestic labour after the arrival of a child. The cases of France and Italy”, 2nd Generations and Gender Survey (GGS) User Group Conference, Dondena Centre for Research on Social Dynamics, Bocconi University, Milan, Italy, 24 and 25 October 2013.
- Caltabiano M., Campolo M. G, Di Pino A., “The effect of retirement on Italian couples' labour division: A simultaneous equation approach”, 2nd Generations and Gender Survey (GGS) User Group Conference, Dondena Centre for Research on Social Dynamics, Bocconi University, Milan, Italy, 24-25 October 2013
- Campolo M. G, Di Pino A., Rizzi E. L., “A cluster-based specification of gender attitudes and their influence on the time allocation of Italian couples”, CLADAG 2013, 9th Scientific Meeting of the Classification and Data Analysis Group of the Italian Statistical Society, Modena, September 18-20, 2013
- Campolo M. G, Di Pino A., Rizzi E. L., “The Italian Couples' Division of Labour after a Birth: Do Gender Attitudes Matter?” SIS 2013 Statistical Conference. Advances in Latent Variables - Methods, Models and Applications, University of Brescia, 19-21 Giugno 2013
- Campolo M. G, "How do Native and Immigrant Spend their Time? Evidences from the Italian Time Use Survey" Giornate di Studio sulla Popolazione 2013, Bressanone 6-8 febbraio 2013
- Campolo M. G, Di Pino A., Rizzi E. L. "The allocation of time of Italian couples after a birth: do gender attitudes matter?" Giornate di Studio sulla Popolazione 2013, Bressanone 6-8 febbraio 2013
- Campolo M. G., Di Pino A., Rizzi E. L. “Italian Women’s Satisfaction Across Life-Course Events: The Effect Of Parenthood And Workload”, CFR seminar “New Family Forms Following Family Dissolution: Consequences in/on Postmodern Society”, University of Leuven, Università Cattolica di Leuven, Facoltà di Scienze Sociali, 12-14 September 2012
- Campolo M. G., Di Pino A., Rizzi E. L. “The Allocation of Working Time of Italian Couples: a Gender-Attitude Classification Using Items Scores”, MBC2 - Workshop on Model Based Clustering and Classification, Dipartimento di Economia e Impresa, Università di Catania, 6-7 Settembre 2012
- Campolo M. G., Di Pino A., Rizzi E. L. “Life-Course Transitions, Market Work And Domestic Work Of Italian Couples”, 46TH SCIENTIFIC MEETING OF THE ITALIAN STATISTICAL SOCIETY, Università di Roma “La Sapienza” – Facolta’ di Economia, 20- 22 giugno 2012
- Campolo M. G. “Tempi di vita e tempi di lavoro delle famiglie immigrate”, SummerSchool “L’immigrazione in Italia: Racconti Mediali ed Esperienze Reali a Confronto – II Edizione (24-31 Luglio 2012), Marina di Ragusa, 28 Luglio 2012
- Campolo M. G., Di Pino A. “Analisi empirica e stima dell’allocazione del tempo lavorativo delle donne in Italia”, Giornata della Ricerca (GdR), DESMaS “V. Pareto”, Messina, 18 Dicembre 2009;
- Campolo M. G., “Il bullismo a Reggio Calabria: un’indagine sul fenomeno nelle scuole elementari e medie di Reggio Calabria – Presentazione dei risultati”, convegno “Bullismo: Ascoltare, Conoscere…Prevenire”, Salone Versace-CeDir, Reggio Calabria, 14 Ottobre 2009;
- Campolo M. G, “An Estimation Model of Intra-household Time Allocation for Italian Families”, PHD Lunch Seminar, Univeristà degli Studi di Roma “Tor Vergata”, Roma, 2 Dicembre 2008;
- Di Pino A., Mucciardi M. Campolo M. G. “L'allocazione del tempo lavorativo nelle famiglie ricostituite” Convegno su “Quale famiglia?” Università degli Studi di Messina - Comitato per le Pari Opportunità. Messina, 4 dicembre 2007;
- Di PinoA., Mucciardi M. Campolo M. G. “Il tempo lavorativo nelle famiglie ricostituite in Italia” Convegno su “Instabilità familiare: aspetti causali e conseguenze demografiche, economiche e sociali”, Accademia dei Lincei, Roma 20-21 Settembre 2007;
- Di Pino A., Mucciardi M. Campolo M. G. “A S.U.R.E. estimation procedure of italian intrahousehold working-time allocation” VI International Conference: Stochastic Geometry, Convex Body, Empirical Measure and Applications to Mechanics Engineering of TrainTransport, Milazzo (ME) 28/05-01/06 2007
- Di Pino A., Mucciardi M. Campolo M. G. "Tipologie familiari e uso del tempo in Italia" Convegno del gruppo di Ricerca COFIN/MIUR 2004 "Instabilità familiare: aspetti causali e conseguenze demografiche, economiche e sociali", Messina, 10 - 11 Novembre 2006.
Teaching Experience
AA 2021-2022:
PRE COURSES: STATISTICS, PhD “Economics, Management and Statistics Economics, Management and Statistics, Università di Messina
Program Evaluation And Applied methods (6 cfu), LM56 Scienze Economiche e Finanziarie; Statistica sociale L16 (sede Priolo); Statistica sociale L16 (sede Messina); Metodologia per la ricerca sociale, Modulo: EPIDEMIOLOGIA, STATISTICA E SCIENZE INFORMATICHE APPLICATE AL MANAGEMENT SANITARIO, LM/SNT1
AA 2020-2021:
PRE COURSES: STATISTICS, PhD XXXV “Economics, Management and Statistics Economics, Management and Statistics, Università di Messina
Statistical Methods For Program Evaluation And DataAnalysis (6 cfu), LM56 Scienze Economiche e Finanziarie; Statistica sociale L16 (sede Priolo); Statistica sociale L16 (sede Messina); Metodologia per la ricerca sociale, Modulo: EPIDEMIOLOGIA, STATISTICA E SCIENZE INFORMATICHE APPLICATE AL MANAGEMENT SANITARIO, LM/SNT1
AA 2019-2020:
PRE COURSES: STATISTICS, PhD XXXV “Economics, Management and Statistics Economics, Management and Statistics, Università di Messina
STATISTICA (8 cfu), L18 Management di Impresa, Università di Messina • Statistical Methods For Program Evaluation And DataAnalysis (6 cfu), LM56 Scienze Economiche e Finanziarie
AA 2018-2019:
PhD course: Statistics (30 hours), PhD XXXIV “Economics, Management and Statistics, University of Messina
Undergraduate Courses: Statistics (8 cfu - 56 hours); Statistics Quality (6 cfu – 42 hours) University of Messina
AA 2017-2018:
PhD course: Statistics (30 hours), PhD XXXIII “Economics, Management and Statistics, University of Messina
Undergraduate Courses: Statistics (8 cfu - 56 hours); Statistics for Toursim (6 cfu – 48 hours); Statistics Quality (12 cfu – 84 hours) University of Messina
AA 2016- 2017: PhD course: Statistics (35 hours), PhD XXXII “Economics, Management and Statistics, University of Messina.
Undergraduate Courses: Statistics (8 cfu - 56 hours); Statistics for experimental research (4cfu – 32 hours). University of Messina
AA2015-2016: Master: Introductory Statistics, Master I level “EBF- Economics, Bank and Finance”.
Undergraduate courses: Introductory Statistics; Statistics (8 cfu - 56 hours); Statistics (9 cfu - 54 hours) University of Messina
AA 2014–2015 PhD course: Econometric class – Lectures Phd “Economics” (2015).
Undergraduate courses: Statistics for Social Science (9 cfu - 54 hours); Sampling and data analysis (8 CFU, 56 hours); Introductory Statistics (8 cfu 56 hours).
Master: Introductory Statistics, Master I level “EBF- Economics, Bank and Finance”. University of Messina
AA 2013-2014: PhD course: Econometric class – Lectures Phd “Economics” (2014). Undergraduate courses: Data Processing Techniques (6 cfu – 42 hours); Statistics (9 cfu - 54 hours); Statistics for Social sciences (9 cfu - 54 hours); Statistics and Social Statistics (6 cfu – 36 hours).
AA 2012-2013: SummerSchool “the immigration in Italy - L’immigrazione in Italia: Racconti Mediali ed Esperienze Reali a Confronto”, Marina di Ragusa. Undergraduate courses: Statistics for Social Sciences (6 cfu – 48 hours); Pre Course Mathematics (2 cfu - 16 hours); Statistics and Social Statistics (6 cfu – 48 hours).
AA 2011-2012: Undergraduate courses: Pre Course Mathematics (1 cfu - 8 hours); Statistics and Social Statistics – SECS-S/01 (6 cfu – 48 hours); Statistics for Social Sciences (6 cfu – 48 hours). School of Specialization: Statistical Methodologies and Statistical-Epidemiological Methodologies (3 cfu F + 1 cfu A – 40 hours). Seminar: Clinical Experimentation in Oncology, Master II level “Clinical Pharmacy: Oncological Compounding”.
AA 2010-2011: Undergraduate courses: Statistics and Social Statistics (6 CFU 48 hours); Pre Course Mathematics; Informatics for Social Sciences (6 CFU 48 hours).
AA 2009-2010: Undergraduate courses: Demography (6 CFU 48 hours). AA 2007-2008: Tutor in Statistics; Tutor Economics-Statistics. AA 2005-2006: laboratory of Statistics (72 hours). University of Messina
Busetta, G., Campolo, M. G., & Panarello, D. (2022). Economic expectations and anxiety during the COVID-19 pandemic: a one-year longitudinal evaluation on Italian university students. Quality & Quantity, 1-18.
- Campolo, Maria Gabriella, Angelina De Pascale, Carlo Giannetto, and Maurizio Lanfranchi. "The Determinants of Length of Stay of Italian Senior Tourists." In Tourism and Disability, pp. 31-50. Springer, Cham, 2022.
- Calzolari, G., Campolo, M. G., Di Pino, A., & Magazzini, L. (2021). Maximum likelihood estimation of an across-regime correlation parameter. The Stata Journal, 21(2), 430-461.
- Lanfranchi, M., Giannetto, C., & Campolo, M. G. (2021). The Measurement of Customer Satisfaction in Sicilian Agritourism (Italy) through the Estimation of a Probit Model. Calitatea, 22(183), 112-117.
- Busetta, G., Campolo, M. G., Fiorillo, F., Pagani, L., Panarello, D., & Augello, V. (2021). Effects of COVID-19 lockdown on university students’ anxiety disorder in Italy. Genus, 77(1), 1-16.
- Calzolari, G., Campolo, M. G., Di Pino, A., & Magazzini, L. (2020). Estimating the Change in Housework Time of the Italian Woman after the Retirement of the Male Partner: An Approach Based on a Two-Regime Model Estimated by ML. In Book of short papers - SIS 2020 (pp. 1454-1459). ED. Pearson
- Campolo, M. G., Di Pino, A., & Rizzi, E. L. (2020). The labour division of Italian couples after a birth: assessing the effect of unobserved heterogeneity. Journal of Population Research, 37(2), 107-137.
- Campolo, M. G., & Di Pino, A. (2020). Selectivity of Bargaining and the Effect of Retirement on Labour Division in Italian Couples. Journal of Family and Economic Issues, 41, 639–657.
- Busetta, Giovanni, Campolo, Maria Gabriella, Panarello, Demetrio (2020). Lethality of COVID-19 in Italian regions: underestimation of positive cases or lack of structures?. STATISTICS & SOCIETY, vol. 9, p. 1-9, ISSN: 2282-233X
- Busetta G., Campolo M. G., Panarello D. (2020). The discrimination decomposition index: a new instrument to separate statistical and taste-based discrimination using first- and second-generation immigrants. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL ECONOMICS, vol. 47, p. 1577-1597
- Busetta G., Campolo, M. G., Panarello D. (2020). Weight-Based Discrimination in the Italian Labor Market: an Analysis of the Interaction with Gender and Ethnicity. THE JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC INEQUALITY, 18 (4), 617-637
- Busetta G., Campolo M.G., Di Pino Incognito A. (2019). Children’s Use of Time and Well-Being in Italy. CHILD INDICATORS RESEARCH, vol. 12, p. 821-845, ISSN: 1874-897X, doi: 10.1007 / s12187-018-9567-y
- Lanfranchi, M., Schimmenti, E., Campolo, M. G., & Giannetto, C. (2019). The willingness to pay of Sicilian consumers for a wine obtained with sustainable production method: An estimate through an ordered probit sample-selection model. Wine Economics and Policy, 8(2), 203-215.
- Lanfranchi, M., Campolo, M. G., Di Trapani, A. M., & Giannetto, C. (2019). The Determinants of Tourists' Satisfaction in the Sicilian Agritourism Structures: A Factor Analysis. Quality-Access to Success, 20(173).
- Campolo MG, Di Pino A., Limosani M. (2019). How Important Discrimination is for the Job Satisfaction of Immigrants in Italy: A Counterfactual Approach. In “Book of Short Papers SIS 2019”, ed. Pearson. italy/pdf/Dirigenti%20e%20istituzioni/ISTITUZIONI-HE-PDF-sis2019_V4.pdf
- Busetta G., Campolo MG, Panarello D. (2019). Non è un Paese per stranieri: discriminazione degli immigrati di prima e seconda generazione nel mercato del lavoro italiano. In Un mondo da riscrivere. Storie di sbarchi, accoglienza e integrazione, pp. 77-97. Rubbettino ed.
- Busetta, G., Campolo, M. G., & Panarello, D. (2018). Weight-based discrimination in the Italian Labor Market: how do ethnicity and gender interact?. pp.1239-1244. In Book of Short Papers SIS 2018 - ISBN:9788891910233
- Di Pino, A., Campolo, M. G., & Otranto, E. (2018). Bias Reduction in a Matching Estimation of Treatment Effect. pp.1305-1310. In Book of Short Papers SIS 2018 - ISBN:9788891910233
- Busetta, G., Campolo, M. G., & Di Pino, A. (2018). Children’s Use of Time and Well-Being in Italy. Child Indicators Research, 1-25. Doi:
- Busetta, G., Campolo, M. G., & Panarello, D. (2018). Immigrants and Italian labor market: statistical or taste-based discrimination?. Genus, 74(1), 4. Doi: 018-0030-1
- Di Pino, A., Campolo, M. G., & Otranto, E. (2018). Reducing Bias in a Matching Estimation of Endogenous Treatment Effect. (No. 201805). Centre for North South Economic Research, University of Cagliari and Sassari, Sardinia.
- Busetta G., Campolo, M. G., Panarello, D. (2017) Stranieri e donne discriminati nell’accesso al mercato del lavoro in Italia. In: Impicciatore R., Rosina A., and Livi Bacci M (Eds.). Popolazione e Politica, pp. 94-97. Neodemos.
- Campolo M. G., Di Pino A. (2017). Assessing Selectivity in the Estimation of the Causal Effects of Retirement on the Labour Division in the Italian Couples. In: Petrucci A., Verde R. (Eds.). SIS 2017. Statistics and Data Science: new challenges, new generations, pp. 235-240. Firenze University Press
- Campolo M. G., Di Pino A., Otranto E., (2017) Assessing Heterogeneity in a Matching Estimation of Endogenous Treatment Effect. In: Greselin F., Mola F., and Zenga M. (Eds.). Cladag 2017 Book of Short Papers. Universitas Studiorum.
- Campolo MG, Di Pino A, (2017) Assessing Selectivity in the Estimation of the Causal Effects of Retirement on the Labour Division in the Italian Couples, in A. Petrucci, R. Verde (eds.), SIS 2017. Statistics and Data Science: new challenges, new generations, pp. 235-240. Firenze University Press
- Campolo MG, Di Pino A, Otranto E, (2017) Assessing Heterogeneity in a Matching Estimation of Endogenous Treatment Effect, in F. Greselin, F. Mola and Ma. Zenga (eds.), Cladag 2017 Book of Short Papers. Universitas Studiorum. ISBN 978-88-99459-71-0
- Caltabiano M, Campolo MG, Di Pino A (2016), Retirement and Intra-Household Labour Division of Italian Couples: A New Simultaneous Equation Approach. Social Indicators Research, 128, 1217-1238
- Campolo MG, Di Pino A, Rizzi EL (2016) Parenthood and Labour Division in Italian Two-Earner Couples". International Journal of Social Economics, 43, 1315-1333
- Busetta G., Campolo M.G., Panarello D. (2016) No Country for Foreigners: an Analysis of Hiring Process in Italian Labor Market. pp.1-6. In Proceedings of the 48th scientific meeting of the Italian Statistical Society - ISBN:9788861970618
- Campolo MG, Di Pino A (2016) Retirement of the Male Partner and the Housework Division in the Italian Couples: Estimation of the Causal Effects. In Proceedings of the 48th scientific meeting of the Italian Statistical Society. ISBN:9788861970618
- Campolo MG, Di Pino A, Rizzi EL, (2016) How Do Life Course Events Affect Paid and Unpaid Work of Italian Couples?, in Topics in Theoretical and Applied Statistics (Eds. Alleva G., Giommi, A.) pp. 145-156. Springer. ISBN 978-3-319-27272-6
- Caltabiano M, Campolo MG, Di Pino A (2015), Retirement and Intra-Household Labour Division of Italian Couples: A New Simultaneous Equation Approach. Social Indicators Research. doi: 10.1007/s11205-015- 1076-5 (online)
- Campolo MG, Di Pino (2015), Causal Effects of Retirement on the Housework Division in the Italian Couples, in: Statistics and Demography: the Legacy of Corrado Gini, Ed. C. Crocetta, ISBN: 978 88 6787 4521
- Caltabiano M, Campolo MG, Di Pino A (2014) Retirement and Intra-Household Labour Division of Italian Couples: A Simultaneous Equation Approach, in: 47th Scientific Meeting of the Italian Statistical Society, Eds: S. Cabras, T. Di Battista, W. Racugno, CUEC, ISBN: 978-88-8467-874-4
- Campolo MG, Di Pino A, Rizzi EL (2013), The Italian Couples' Division of Labour after a Birth: Do Gender Attitudes Matter?, in Advances in Latent Variables”, Eds. Brentari E., Carpita M., Vita e Pensiero, Milan, Italy, ISBN 978 88 343 2556 8
- Campolo MG, Di Pino A, Rizzi EL (2013), Modern Vs. Traditional: A cluster-based specification of gender and familistic attitudes and their influence on the division of labour of Italian couples, in Cladag 2013. 9th Meeting of the Classification and Data Analysis Group, Ed. Minerva T, Morlini I, Palumbo F, CLEUP, ISBN: 9788867871179
- Campolo M G, Di Pino A (2012) An Empirical Analysis of Women’s Working Time, And an Estimation of Female Labour Supply in Italy, Statistica, vol. 72(2), pp. 173-193, ISSN 0390-590X
- Campolo M. G. (2012) L'allocazione del tempo lavorativo nelle famiglie italiane. Problemi di specificazione e di stima. p. 1-148, Roma:Aracne Editrice, ISBN: 9788854854529
- Campolo M G (2012) L'uso del tempo delle famiglie straniere. In: Spazi, tempi e linguaggi. le migrazioni tra nuove tecnologie e diritti emergenti (a cura di D. Carzo). pp. 124-142, Torino: l'Harmattan, Paris –l'Harmattan Italia, torino, ISBN: 9788878922204
- Di Pino A., Campolo M.G. (2012). Empirical Analysis of Married Women's Working Time and Paid-Work Equation Estimation in Italy. Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo. Supplemento, vol. Serie II vol. 84, pp. 167-175, ISSN: 1592-9531
- Rizzi E L, Campolo M G, Di Pino A (2012) Italian Women’s satisfaction across life-course events, Quaderni di Economia, Statistica e Analisi del Territorio, Università degli Studi di Messina, Dipartimento D.E.S.Ma.S. “V. Pareto”, n°61, Messina, ISBN: 978-88-97244-14-1
- Campolo M G, Di Pino A, Rizzi E L (2012) Life-Course Transition, Market Work and Domestic Work of Italian Couples, In: Società Italiana di statistica. Proceedings of XLVI Scientific Meeting SIS, PADOVA: CLEUP, ISBN: 9788861298828.
- Campolo M G, Di Pino A, Rizzi E L, (2012) A Simultaneous-Equation Estimation Model of Life-Course Transition Effects on Market and Domestic Work of Italian Couples, Quaderni di Economia, Statistica e Analisi del Territorio, Università degli Studi di Messina, Dipartimento D.E.S.Ma.S. “V. Pareto”, n°60, Messina, ISBN: 978-88-97244-12-7
- Campolo M. G., Di Pino A., Mucciardi M., (2011) L’allocazione del tempo lavorativo nelle famiglie ricostituite, (a cura di M. A. Cocchiara) in Quale famiglia?,pp.103-119. Magika, Messina, ISBN: 978-88- 89525-203
- Campolo M. G., Di Pino A. (2011) Married Women Labour Supply in Italy: An IV approach to estimation using time-use data, Quaderni di economia, statistica e analisi del territorio, Università degli Studi di Messina, Dipartimento D.E.S.Ma.S. “V. Pareto”, Messina, n°57, ISBN: 978-88-97244-09-7;
- Campolo M.G. (2011) Il bullismo a Reggio Calabria: indagine sul fenomeno nel mondo della scuola. In: L.Bruciafreddo, M.G. Campolo, A. Cava, M. Salvo “Il bullismo tra vita reale e spettacolarizzazione mediale. Un'indagine empirica nel mondo della scuola”. p. 37-90, Città del sole edizioni, Reggio Calabria, ISBN: 978- 88-7351-391-9
- Campolo M.G. (2011) Introduzione e ringraziamenti. In: L.Bruciafreddo, M.G. Campolo, A. Cava, M. Salvo “Il bullismo tra vita reale e spettacolarizzazione mediale. Un'indagine empirica nel mondo della scuola”. pp. 9- 11, Città del sole edizioni, Reggio Calabria, ISBN: 978-88-7351-391-9
- Campolo M G, Di Pino A (2010) Empirical analysis of women’s working Time and wage elasticity estimation in Italy, Quaderni di economia, statistica e analisi del territorio, University of Messina, Department D.E.S.Ma.S. “V. Pareto”, n. 53, Messina, ISBN: 978-88-904176-7-2
- Di Pino A, Mucciardi M, Campolo M G (2008) Il tempo lavorativo nelle famiglie ricostituite in Italia. In: . Instabilità familiare: aspetti causali e conseguenze demografiche, economiche e sociali. Bardi ed., Roma. vol. 242, pp 161-179. ISBN: 978-88-218-0997-2
- Di Pino A, Mucciardi M, Campolo M G (2008) A S.U.R.E. Estimation Procedure of Italian Intra-Household Working-Time Allocation. In: Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo. Supplemento, vol. Serie II vol 80, pp. 129-138. ISSN: 1592-9531
- Di Pino A, Mucciardi M, Campolo M G (2007) “Estimation of Working Time Allocation of Italian Families”. Atti della Riunione Scientifica Intermedia della Società Italiana di Statistica Venezia 6-8 Giugno, ISBN/ISSN: 978-88-6129-093-8
- Campolo MG, Di Pino A, Limosani M. “How Important Discrimination is for the Job Satisfaction of Immigrants in Italy: A Counterfactual Approach", SIS 2019 - Smart Statistics for Smart Applications, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milano. June 18- 21, 2019
- Campolo MG, Di Pino A, Otranto E. Assessing heterogeneity in a matching estimation of endogenous treatment effect. 30th Annual Conference of the European Association of Labour Economists (EALE), Lyon 13-15 September 2018
- Busetta G., Campolo MG, Panarello D. The influence of gender and ethnicity on weightbased discrimination in the Italian labor market. 30th Annual Conference of the European Association of Labour Economists (EALE), Lyon 13-15 September 2018
- Campolo MG, Di Pino A, Otranto E. Bias Reduction in a Matching Estimation of Treatment Effect. 49th Scientific meeting of the Italian Statistical Society. University of Palermo, June 20-22, 2018.
- Busetta G., Campolo MG, Panarello D. Weight-based discrimination in the Italian Labor Market: how do ethnicity and gender interact?. 49th Scientific meeting of the Italian Statistical Society. University of Palermo, June 20-22, 2018.
- Campolo M. G., Cava A. L’uso del tempo delle famiglie migranti. 7th STS Italia Conference Technoscience from Below. University of Padova, June 14 – 16, 2018.·
- Campolo MG, Di Pino A, Otranto E. Assessing Heterogeneity in a Matching Estimation of Endogenous Treatment Effect. Cladag 2017, University of Milano-Bicocca, September 13-15, 2017.
- Campolo M. G., Cava A. L’uso del tempo delle famiglie migranti. 7th STS Italia Conference Technoscience from Below. University of Padova, June 14 – 16, 2018.
- M. G. Campolo, A. Di Pino, “Assessing Selectivity in the Estimation of the Causal Effects of Retirement on the Labour Division in the Italian Couples”, STATISTICS AND DATA SCIENCE: NEW CHALLENGES, NEW GENERATIONS, University of Florence, June 28-30, 2017
- M.G. Campolo, A. Di Pino, “Causal Effects of Retirement and Selection Effect of Bargaining Between Partners on the Housework Division in Italian Couples”. POPULATION ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA PAA 2017, Chicago, April 27-29, 2017
- G. Busetta, M.G. Campolo, D. Panarello, “Statistical and Taste-Based Discrimination: What Affects Immigrants the Most in Finding a Job in Italy?” POPULATION ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA PAA 2017, Chicago, April 27-29, 2017
- G. Busetta, M.G. Campolo, D. Panarello, “Statistical and Taste Based Discrimination: What Does Affect Immigrants the Most in Finding a Job in Italy?” AISP, February 8-10 2017, Florence
- M.G. Campolo, A. Di Pino, “Selectivity of Bargaining and the Causal Effects of Retirement on the Labour Division in the Italian Couples”, AISP, February 8-10 2017, Florence
- G. Busetta, M.G. Campolo, D. Panarello, “Is Italy a country for foreigners? a field experiment on labor market”, American Economic Association, 6-8 January 2017, Chicago (Poster)
- M. G. Campolo, A. Di Pino, “How Men's Retirement Affects the The Division of Household Labor in Italy”. Time Use Across the Life Course conference, June 27-28, 2016, University of Maryland. (travel grant)
- G. Busetta, M.G. Campolo, D. Panarello "No Country for Foreigners: an Analysis of Hiring Process in Italian Labor Market", 48th Meeting of the Italian Statistical Society, June 8- 10, 2016 University of Salerno
- M. G. Campolo, A. Di Pino "Retirement of the Male Partner and the Housework Division in the Italian Couples: Estimation of the Causal Effects", 48th Meeting of the Italian Statistical Society, June 8- 10, 2016 University of Salerno
- M. G. Campolo, A. Di Pino, “Causal Effects of Retirement on the Housework Division in the Italian Couples”, The Future of Quality of Life”. The International Society for Quality-ofLife Studies (ISQOLS), Phoenix, Arizona 15-17 October, 2015
- M. G. Campolo, A. Di Pino, “Realizations and intentions: the influence of goals life on probability to find a job”, The Future of Quality of Life”. The International Society for Quality-of-Life Studies (ISQOLS), Phoenix, Arizona October, 15-17, 2015
- M. G. Campolo, A. Di Pino, “Causal Effects of Retirement on the Housework Division in the Italian Couples”. SIS2015 Statistical Conference, Statistics and Demography: the Legacy of Corrado Gini, Treviso, September, 9-11, 2015
- Campolo M. G., What are you doing? Children’s use of time and well-being, POPULATION ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA PAA 2015, San Diego, CA. April 30- May 2, 2015
- M. Caltabiano, M. G. Campolo, A. Di Pino , To what Extent does the Transition to Retirement Affect Labour Division in the Italian Couples?, POPDAYS 2015, 4 -6 FEBRUARY, 2015 Palermo
- Campolo M. G , What are you doing? Children’s use of time and well-being, POPDAYS 2015, 4 -6 FEBRUARY, 2015 Palermo
- Campolo M. G , What are you doing? Children’s use of time and well-being SUSTAINING QUALITY OF LIFE ACROSS THE GLOBE - THE XII QUALITY OF LIFE CONFERENCE, FREE UNIVERSITY BERLIN, SEPTEMBER 15 – 18, 2014
- M. Caltabiano, M. G. Campolo, A. Di Pino, The effect of retirement on Italian couples’ labour division: a simultaneous equation approach, European Population Conference 2014, 25-28 June 2014, Budapest
- Di Pino, M. G. Campolo, M. Caltabiano, Retirement and Intra-Household Labour Division of Italian Couples: A Simultaneous Equation Approach. Sis 2014 – 47th Scientific meeting of the Italian statistical society, Cagliari 11-13 giugno 2014
- Caltabiano M., Campolo M. G, Di Pino A., “Retirement and Intra-Household Labour Division of Italian Couples: A Simultaneous Equation Approach”, IES 2013 - Innovation and Society 2013 Metodi statistici per la valutazione, Milano, Bicocca University, Milan, Italy, 9 - 10 dicembre 2013
- Rizzi E.L., Campolo M. G, Di Pino A., Regnier-Loilier A., “ The woman’s satisfaction with the division of domestic labour after the arrival of a child. The cases of France and Italy”, 2nd Generations and Gender Survey (GGS) User Group Conference, Dondena Centre for Research on Social Dynamics, Bocconi University, Milan, Italy, 24 and 25 October 2013.
- Caltabiano M., Campolo M. G, Di Pino A., “The effect of retirement on Italian couples' labour division: A simultaneous equation approach”, 2nd Generations and Gender Survey (GGS) User Group Conference, Dondena Centre for Research on Social Dynamics, Bocconi University, Milan, Italy, 24-25 October 2013
- Campolo M. G, Di Pino A., Rizzi E. L., “A cluster-based specification of gender attitudes and their influence on the time allocation of Italian couples”, CLADAG 2013, 9th Scientific Meeting of the Classification and Data Analysis Group of the Italian Statistical Society, Modena, September 18-20, 2013
- Campolo M. G, Di Pino A., Rizzi E. L., “The Italian Couples' Division of Labour after a Birth: Do Gender Attitudes Matter?” SIS 2013 Statistical Conference. Advances in Latent Variables - Methods, Models and Applications, University of Brescia, 19-21 Giugno 2013
- Campolo M. G, "How do Native and Immigrant Spend their Time? Evidences from the Italian Time Use Survey" Giornate di Studio sulla Popolazione 2013, Bressanone 6-8 febbraio 2013
- Campolo M. G, Di Pino A., Rizzi E. L. "The allocation of time of Italian couples after a birth: do gender attitudes matter?" Giornate di Studio sulla Popolazione 2013, Bressanone 6-8 febbraio 2013
- Campolo M. G., Di Pino A., Rizzi E. L. “Italian Women’s Satisfaction Across Life-Course Events: The Effect Of Parenthood And Workload”, CFR seminar “New Family Forms Following Family Dissolution: Consequences in/on Postmodern Society”, University of Leuven, Università Cattolica di Leuven, Facoltà di Scienze Sociali, 12-14 September 2012
- Campolo M. G., Di Pino A., Rizzi E. L. “The Allocation of Working Time of Italian Couples: a Gender-Attitude Classification Using Items Scores”, MBC2 - Workshop on Model Based Clustering and Classification, Dipartimento di Economia e Impresa, Università di Catania, 6-7 Settembre 2012
- Campolo M. G., Di Pino A., Rizzi E. L. “Life-Course Transitions, Market Work And Domestic Work Of Italian Couples”, 46TH SCIENTIFIC MEETING OF THE ITALIAN STATISTICAL SOCIETY, Università di Roma “La Sapienza” – Facolta’ di Economia, 20- 22 giugno 2012
- Campolo M. G. “Tempi di vita e tempi di lavoro delle famiglie immigrate”, SummerSchool “L’immigrazione in Italia: Racconti Mediali ed Esperienze Reali a Confronto – II Edizione (24-31 Luglio 2012), Marina di Ragusa, 28 Luglio 2012
- Campolo M. G., Di Pino A. “Analisi empirica e stima dell’allocazione del tempo lavorativo delle donne in Italia”, Giornata della Ricerca (GdR), DESMaS “V. Pareto”, Messina, 18 Dicembre 2009;
- Campolo M. G., “Il bullismo a Reggio Calabria: un’indagine sul fenomeno nelle scuole elementari e medie di Reggio Calabria – Presentazione dei risultati”, convegno “Bullismo: Ascoltare, Conoscere…Prevenire”, Salone Versace-CeDir, Reggio Calabria, 14 Ottobre 2009;
- Campolo M. G, “An Estimation Model of Intra-household Time Allocation for Italian Families”, PHD Lunch Seminar, Univeristà degli Studi di Roma “Tor Vergata”, Roma, 2 Dicembre 2008;
- Di Pino A., Mucciardi M. Campolo M. G. “L'allocazione del tempo lavorativo nelle famiglie ricostituite” Convegno su “Quale famiglia?” Università degli Studi di Messina - Comitato per le Pari Opportunità. Messina, 4 dicembre 2007;
- Di PinoA., Mucciardi M. Campolo M. G. “Il tempo lavorativo nelle famiglie ricostituite in Italia” Convegno su “Instabilità familiare: aspetti causali e conseguenze demografiche, economiche e sociali”, Accademia dei Lincei, Roma 20-21 Settembre 2007;
- Di Pino A., Mucciardi M. Campolo M. G. “A S.U.R.E. estimation procedure of italian intrahousehold working-time allocation” VI International Conference: Stochastic Geometry, Convex Body, Empirical Measure and Applications to Mechanics Engineering of TrainTransport, Milazzo (ME) 28/05-01/06 2007
- Di Pino A., Mucciardi M. Campolo M. G. "Tipologie familiari e uso del tempo in Italia" Convegno del gruppo di Ricerca COFIN/MIUR 2004 "Instabilità familiare: aspetti causali e conseguenze demografiche, economiche e sociali", Messina, 10 - 11 Novembre 2006.
Associate Professor in Social Statistics SECS-S/05 (since November 2019), University of Messina, Department of EconomicsASN 2016-2018 Associate Professor - 13/D3 – Demografia e Statistica Sociale (2017)
National Scientific Qualification: Researcher B (tenure track) art.24, comma 3, lett. b. SECS-S/01 Statistics (November 2016), University of Messina, Department of Economics
National Scientific Qualification: Researcher (temporary Riforma Moratti) SECS-S/01 Statistics (December 2010- November 2016), University of Messina, Department of Economics
VISITING RESEARCHER Institut IACS, Université Catholique de Louvain (July-August 2011)
PhD (XXI Ciclo) In “Economia E Istituzioni” University of Messina- “Econometria ed Economia Empirica”, University of Rome “Tor Vergata” (Jointly) (Messina, 15/04/2009)
Teaching Experience
AA 2020-2021:
PRE COURSES: STATISTICS, PhD XXXV “Economics, Management and Statistics Economics, Management and Statistics, Università di Messina
Statistical Methods For Program Evaluation And DataAnalysis (6 cfu), LM56 Scienze Economiche e Finanziarie; Statistica sociale L16 (sede Priolo); Statistica sociale L16 (sede Messina); Metodologia per la ricerca sociale, Modulo: EPIDEMIOLOGIA, STATISTICA E SCIENZE INFORMATICHE APPLICATE AL MANAGEMENT SANITARIO, LM/SNT1
AA 2019-2020:
PRE COURSES: STATISTICS, PhD XXXV “Economics, Management and Statistics Economics, Management and Statistics, Università di Messina
STATISTICA (8 cfu), L18 Management di Impresa, Università di Messina • Statistical Methods For Program Evaluation And DataAnalysis (6 cfu), LM56 Scienze Economiche e Finanziarie
AA 2018-2019:
PhD course: Statistics (30 hours), PhD XXXIV “Economics, Management and Statistics, University of Messina
Undergraduate Courses: Statistics (8 cfu - 56 hours); Statistics Quality (6 cfu – 42 hours) University of Messina
AA 2017-2018:
PhD course: Statistics (30 hours), PhD XXXIII “Economics, Management and Statistics, University of Messina
Undergraduate Courses: Statistics (8 cfu - 56 hours); Statistics for Toursim (6 cfu – 48 hours); Statistics Quality (12 cfu – 84 hours) University of Messina
AA 2016- 2017: PhD course: Statistics (35 hours), PhD XXXII “Economics, Management and Statistics, University of Messina.
Undergraduate Courses: Statistics (8 cfu - 56 hours); Statistics for experimental research (4cfu – 32 hours). University of Messina
AA2015-2016: Master: Introductory Statistics, Master I level “EBF- Economics, Bank and Finance”.
Undergraduate courses: Introductory Statistics; Statistics (8 cfu - 56 hours); Statistics (9 cfu - 54 hours) University of Messina
AA 2014–2015 PhD course: Econometric class – Lectures Phd “Economics” (2015).
Undergraduate courses: Statistics for Social Science (9 cfu - 54 hours); Sampling and data analysis (8 CFU, 56 hours); Introductory Statistics (8 cfu 56 hours).
Master: Introductory Statistics, Master I level “EBF- Economics, Bank and Finance”. University of Messina
AA 2013-2014: PhD course: Econometric class – Lectures Phd “Economics” (2014). Undergraduate courses: Data Processing Techniques (6 cfu – 42 hours); Statistics (9 cfu - 54 hours); Statistics for Social sciences (9 cfu - 54 hours); Statistics and Social Statistics (6 cfu – 36 hours).
AA 2012-2013: SummerSchool “the immigration in Italy - L’immigrazione in Italia: Racconti Mediali ed Esperienze Reali a Confronto”, Marina di Ragusa. Undergraduate courses: Statistics for Social Sciences (6 cfu – 48 hours); Pre Course Mathematics (2 cfu - 16 hours); Statistics and Social Statistics (6 cfu – 48 hours).
AA 2011-2012: Undergraduate courses: Pre Course Mathematics (1 cfu - 8 hours); Statistics and Social Statistics – SECS-S/01 (6 cfu – 48 hours); Statistics for Social Sciences (6 cfu – 48 hours). School of Specialization: Statistical Methodologies and Statistical-Epidemiological Methodologies (3 cfu F + 1 cfu A – 40 hours). Seminar: Clinical Experimentation in Oncology, Master II level “Clinical Pharmacy: Oncological Compounding”.
AA 2010-2011: Undergraduate courses: Statistics and Social Statistics (6 CFU 48 hours); Pre Course Mathematics; Informatics for Social Sciences (6 CFU 48 hours).
AA 2009-2010: Undergraduate courses: Demography (6 CFU 48 hours). AA 2007-2008: Tutor in Statistics; Tutor Economics-Statistics. AA 2005-2006: laboratory of Statistics (72 hours). University of Messina
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