



Curriculum vitae
  Via Acicastello, 61, 95021 Acicastello (CT) (Italia)    (+39)3284142851
Sesso Maschile | Data di nascita 18/10/1980 | Nazionalità Italiana
POSIZIONE RICOPERTA     Professore Ordinario MED28, Università degli Studi di Messina, Dipartimento di Scienze Biomediche, Odontoiatriche e delle Immagini Morfologiche e Funzionali. Dirigente Medico +5.
11/01/2021– a oggi                 Professore Oridnario MED 28 legge 240/10

Università Degli Studi di Messina, Messina (Italia)

30/12/2017–10/01/2021            Professore Associato MED 28 legge 240/10

Università Degli Studi di Messina, Messina (Italia)

30/12/2014–29/12/2017     Ricercatore Tempo Determinato art 24 comma 3 tipo B legge 240/10 tempo pieno

Università di Messina

Piazza Pugliatti, 98100 Messina (it)
In qualità di ricercatore si è interessato dell'attività scientifica e didattico-formativa, nonché dell'attivitàassistenziale a essa congrua nel campo della clinica delle malattie dell'apparato odontostomatologico. In questi anni ha svolto specifica attività nei campi della chirurgia orale e speciale odontostomatologica, dell’odontoiatria riabilitativa, della protesi dentaria, tecnologie protesiche e di laboratorio, materiali dentari.
30/12/2011–29/12/2014     Ricercatore Tempo Determinato art.1 comma 14 L.230/05                        Livello 8 QEQ

Università di Messina, Messina (Italia)

In qualità di ricercatore si è interessato dell'attività scientifica e didattico-formativa, nonché dell'attività assistenziale a essa congrua nel campo della clinica delle malattie dell'apparato odontostomatologico. In questi anni ha svolto specifica attività nei campi della chirurgia orale e speciale odontostomatologica, dell’odontoiatria riabilitativa, della protesi dentaria, tecnologie protesiche e di laboratorio, materiali dentari.
06/09/2010–29/12/2011     Assegno di Ricerca D.R.3514 del 3-11-09 AREA 06                                 Livello 8 QEQ

Università di Messina, Messina (Italia)

In collaborazione con la Loma Linda University - Loma Linda - CA- USA- è stato sviluppato un progetto di ricerca "Fattori di crescita applicati alla rigenerazione con cellule staminali e fattori di crescita in chirurgia orale" comprovato da numerose pubblicazioni in riviste internazionali sulla Tissue Engineering applicata alla Chururgia Orale e nuovi carrier per le proteine morfogentiche dell'osso e loro applicazioni nel cavo orale.
2006–10/11/2009     Specializzazione in Chirurgia Orale                                                          Livello 8 QEQ

Università degli Studi di Milano

Via Festa del Perdono, 7, 20122 Milano (Italia)
Scuola di Specializzazione in Chirurgia Orale Votazionefinale 70/70 e lode
2004–19/02/2007     Dottorato di Ricerca                                                                                 Livello 8 QEQ

Università degli Studi di Catania

Piazza Università, 95100 Catania (Italia)
Dottorato IXX ciclo in "Ortognatodonzia Intercettiva" Graduatoria Titoli: posizione 1 su 6
Votazione finale 70/70

29/01/2004     Iscrizione presso Ordine dei Medici Chirurghi ed Odontoiatri

Ordine dei Medici Chirurgi e Odontoiatri, Catania (Italia)

Iscrizione presso l'OMCEO di Catania Numero di iscrizione 689
01/10/1998–17/07/2003     Laurea Magistrale in Odontoiatria e Protesi Dentaria                                Livello 7 QEQ

Università  Degli Studi Di Catania Piazza Universita, 95100 Catania (Italia)

Profilo Protesi Dentaria
Titolo Tesi: "Studio delle applicazioni delle forze utilizzate nelle avulsioni dentarie" Relatore: Chiar.moProf. Francesco Sortino
Votazione: 110/110 e Lode

07/04/2016     Master annuale di II livello in "Direzione Sanitaria di Strutture Complesse"

Ordine dei Medici Chirurghi e Odontoiatria di Messina 98100 Messina (Italia)
Master Annuale di II livello Conseguito con il massimo dei voti

Livello 8 QEQ
  • Il Dr. Marco Cicciù è nato a Catania il 18 ottobre 1980. Ha conseguito la maturità scientifica nel luglio del 1998.
  • Iscritto, nell’anno  accademico  1998/99,  al  I°  anno  del  Corso  di  Laurea  in  Odontoiatria  e Protesi Dentaria dell’Università degli Studi di Messina si è trasferito nell’anno accademico 2000/01, al Corso di Laurea in Odontoiatria e Protesi Dentaria presso l’Università degli Studi di Catania.
  • Nell’anno accademico 2002/03 ha conseguito la Laurea in Odontoiatria e Protesi Dentaria con il punteggio di110/110 e lode, discutendo la tesi sperimentale ‘’ Studio delle applicazioni delle forze utilizzate nelle avulsioni dentarie’’, tesi elaborata presso il Dipartimento di Chirurgia Odontostomatologica, Policlinico Universitario di Catania. (Relatore Prof. Francesco Sortino) ed oggetto di pubblicazione su una prestigiosa rivista nazionale.
  • Nella seconda sessione dell’anno accademico 2002/03 ottiene labilitazione  all’esercizio  della professione in Odontoiatria e Protesi Dentaria.
    • Iscritto all’Albo Professionale dei Medici Chirurghi e Odontoiatri di Catania dal 2004.
  • Il Dr. Marco Cicciù ha partecipato al concorso per l’ammissione al Dottorato di Ricerca in Ortognatodonzia Intercettiva XIX° ciclo classificandosi al I° posto nella graduatoria e si è
regolarmente iscritto al I° anno del suddetto Dottorato, per l’anno accademico 2003/04.
  • Nell’ Ottobre del 2004, ha effettuato uno stage di sei mesi frequentando il Reparto di Implantologia della Clinica Odontoiatrica ICP, dell’Università degli Studi di Milano, Direttore Prof. Franco Santoro.
  • Ha conseguito il Dottorato di Ricerca in Ortognatodonzia Intercettiva nel 2006/7, presso l’Università degli Studi di Catania, Coordinatore Prof. Mario Caltabiano, discutendo la Tesi dal titolo “Esiti funzionali delle fratture condilarinei soggetti in crescita.”
  • Nel novembre 2006 ha partecipato al concorso per l’ammissione alla Scuola di  Specializzazione in Chirurgia Odontostomatologica presso l’Università degli studi di Milano e classificandosi al I° posto della graduatoria generale si è regolarmente iscritto per l’anno accademico 2006/07 al I° anno della Scuola di Specializzazione in Chirurgia  Odontostomatologica ottenendo anche una borsa di studio triennale come primo classificato.
  • Il Dr Marco Cicciù, ha effettuato uno stage di 6 mese presso la Loma Linda University (da ottobre 2007 adaprile 2008), al fine di svolgere, su animali, una ricerca sperimentale di nuovi carrier per l’applicazione clinicadi rhBMP2, nel corso del quale ha ottenuto il
  • training per lavorare su cavie animali presso l’Animal Care Unit della Loma Linda University. ed il Certificato diResearch Training in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery ;.
  • Il 7 Marzo 2008 e il 26 Giugno 2010 il Dr. Marco Cicciù ha conseguito il Toefl (English language)
  • Il Dr Marco Cicciù, ha effettuato uno stage di 6 mesi (da novembre 2009 a maggio 2010) presso la Loma Linda University (California) al fine di svolgere su animali una ricerca sperimentale di nuovi carrier per l’applicazione clinica di rhBMP2 e PDFG-BB, Fellowship and Research ottenendo il Certificato di Research Training in Oraland Maxillofacial Surgery;.
  • Il 10 novembre del 2009 ha conseguito presso l’Università degli studi di Milano la Specializzazione in Chirurgia Odontostomatologica col punteggio di 70/70 e lode discutendo la tesi  dal titolo”utilizzo di nuovi carrier per l’applicazione di rhBMP2 nei difetti ossei mascellari”.
  • Assegnista di Ricerca presso l'Università di Messina dal 06/09/2010 D.R. 3514 Area 06.
  • Ricercatore T.D. art.1 , 14 L230/05  da 30/12/11 a 29/12/14
  • Ricercatore T.D. tipologia L. 240/10 da 30/12/14 a 29/12/17
  • Professore Associato MED 28 da 30/12/17 a oggi
  • Ha frequentato il Dipartimento di Chirurgia Orale e Maxillofacciale della Loma Linda University CA USA dove hasvolto diverse lezioni in qualità di Visiting Professor da Settembre 2016 a oggi

Attività Assistenziale

L’attività Assistenziale del Dr. Marco Cicciù è stata svolta prevalentemente in qualità di specializzando presso il reparto di Chirurgia Odontostomatologica dell’Università degli studi di Milano svolgendo Attività Assistenziale di tipo Clinico- Chirurgico negli anni 2006/07, 2007/08 e 2008/09.
Dal 2006 al 2010 Il Dr Marco Cicciù ha svolto attività assistenziale in qualità di dirigente medico presso l’ASP di Catania come sostituto Odontoiatra
Dal 2011 a oggi svolge attività assistenziale presso L’UOC di Odontoiatria del Policlinico Universitario di Messina
Dal 16 06 2018 con nota numero 986 Dirigente Medico presso l'UOC di Odontoiatria del Policlinico Universitario di Messina Dal 16 02 2021 con nota numero 621 Dirigente Medico +5 presso l'UOC di Odontoiatria del Policlinico Universitario di Messina
Dal 2013 a oggi 574 interventi in day hospital e day service eseguiti come primo operatore presso UOC di Odontostomatologia Policlinico G Martino


Esperienza Didattica nel Settore scientifico disciplinare MED 28

  • Il Dr Marco Cicciù negli anni accademici 2004/05, 2005/06 e 2006/07 ha effettuato in qualità di docente cicli semestrali di lezioni di Anatomia Speciale Odontostomatologica agli studenti del I° anno del Corso di Laurea inOdontoiatria e Protesi Dentaria dell’ Università degli Studi di Catania.
  • Nel corso di questi anni accademici è stato componente della Commissione esaminatrice degli
esami di profitto di Anatomia Speciale Odontostomatologica svolgendo anche attività seminariale e di Tutor edesercitazioni pratiche di Anatomia umana agli studenti del corso.
  • Nell’anno accademico 2007/08 è stato nominato Tutor del Master di II° livello in Implantologia Orale e Riabilitazione Protesica svoltosi presso il Dipartimento di Odontostomatologia dell’Università degli Studi diMessina.
  • Nell’anno accademico 2009/10 è stato nominato Tutor della seconda edizione del Master di II° livello in Implantologia Orale e Riabilitazione Protesica svoltosi presso il Dipartimento di Odontostomatologia dell’Università degli Studi di Messina. Nella seconda edizione del Master in Implantologia Orale e RiabilitazioneProtesica il Dr. Cicciù è stato relatore svolgendo una lezione sui moderni materiali d’uso in Chirurgia Orale neicasi di deiscenze e fenestrazioni.
  • Vincitore di Borsa di studio nell’ambito della Convenzione tra il Dipartimento di Odontostomatologia e la Fondazione Centro San Raffaele del Monte Tabor di Milano per la realizzazione del progetto CCM dal titolo “Sperimentazione di un percorso territoriale per la prevenzione/diagnosi dei tumori maligni del cavo orale” finalizzata all’identificazione di fattori di rischio locali delle lesioni precancerose e degli stadi iniziali di neoplasiadel cavo orale.dal 02-12- 2009 al 01-06-2010
  • Il dr Marco Cicciù ha svolto un ciclo di lezioni in chirurgia orale presso Il CLMOPD nell’anno 2012- 2013 ed è statoper l’anno 2013-2014 coordinatore dell’insegnamento di Principi di Odontoiatria. Per l’anno 2014-2015 hacoordinato l’insegnamento di Protesi Fissa e Protesi mobile svolgendo un ciclo di lezioni per Materiali Dentari.
  • Per l’anno accademico 2015-2016, 2016-2017, 2018-2019 ha coordinato l’insegnamento di Protesi fissa eProtesi Mobile svolgendo un ciclo di lezioni per Materiali Dentari con un carico didattico pari a 260 ore.
  • dal 2019 a oggi Membro del Collegio dei 16 Professori responsabili della docenza nel Dottorato di Ricerca in "Bioingegneria Applicata alle Scienze Mediche" Università degli studi di Messina XXXV ciclo
  • Coordinatore nazionale dei Ricercatori MED 28 all'interno del Collegio Nazionale dei Docenti di Malattie Odontostomatologiche dal 2014 al 2018
  • Coordinatore nazionale dei Professori di II Fascia MED 28 all'interno del Collegio Nazionale dei Docenti di Malattie Odontostomatologiche dal 2019 a oggi
  • Membro del Comitato Ordinatore della Scuola di Specializzazione in Chirurgia Speciale Odontostomatologica, Università di Messina dal 2017 a oggi
  • Responsabile Scientifico del progetto di ricerca dell’assegno di ricerca tipo B dal titolo: “Analisi ad elementi finiti(FEM) e Von Mises analisi per la valutazione delle tensioni su strutture costituenti la protesi dentale a supportoimplantare" dal 2018 a oggi
  • Responsabile Scientifico del progetto di ricerca di una borsa di studio annuale per ingegneri meccanici daltitolo“FEM and Von MISES analysis of removable overdenture prosthodontics attachments” 2018
n. 2022 del 2018 – avviso pubblicato nella Gazzetta Ufficiale n. 88. del 6/11/2018 - IV Serie Speciale Concorsi ed Esami)
  • Referente di sede per L'Università degli studi di Messina all'interno del Collegio dei Referenti del settoreScientifico Disciplinare MED 28
  • Valutatore Esterno per esame finale Dottorato di Ricerca dell’Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, emanatocon D.R. 2558 del 29.07.2016 - 31° Ciclo del Dottorato di Ricerca in Medicina Clinica e Sperimentale nella sedutadel 18.10.2018
  • Valutatore Esterno per esame finale Dottorato di Ricerca dell’Università degli Studi di Roma Torvergata - 29° Ciclo del Dottorato di Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale dell’Università di Roma Tor Vergata. 2017
  • Valutatore Esterno per esame finale Dottorato di Ricerca dell’Università degli Studi di Bologna- 32° Ciclo del Dottorato di Dipartimento di Scienze Mediche e Chirurgiche dell’Università di Bologna 2019
  • Tutor del dottorando di ricerca XXXVII ciclo Dr Cesare D’amico in seno al Dottorato di ricerca in
Bioingegneria Applicata alle Scienze Mediche, Università di Messina
  • Tutor del dottorando di ricerca XXXVI ciclo Dr Marco Matarese in seno al Dottorato di ricerca in
Bioingegneria Applicata alle Scienze Mediche, Università di Messina
  • Tutor del dottorando di ricerca XXXVII ciclo Dr Martina Marra in seno al Dottorato di ricerca in
Bioingegneria Applicata alle Scienze Mediche, Università di Messina
  • Tutor del dottorando di ricerca XXXV ciclo Dr Fiorillo Luca in seno al Dottorato di ricerca in
Bioingegneria Applicata alle Scienze Mediche, Università di Messina
  • Nomina Componente Esterno per la valutazione dei progetti relativi alla II annualità 2016/2018 del piano diRicerca Dipartimentale - Dipartimento CHIRMED Università di Catania
  • Membro ed Autore sezione Raccomandazioni Cliniche Ministeriali 2015 Minstero della Salute - OdontoiatriaProtesica
  • a oggi Componente della Commissione Didattica in seno al Corso di Laurea in Odontoiatria e Protesi Dentaria dell'Università di Messina
  • Componente della Commissione Scientifica all'interno del Dipartimento BIOMORF dell'Università di Messina dal2015 al 2018
  • Componente commissione valutazione poster Collegio Docenti discipline Odontostomatologiche 2014-15-16-17-18-19
  • Componente commissione valutazione Test Ingresso Medicina e Odontoiatria
  • Componente commissione valutazione Test Ingresso Scuola di Specializzazione Chirurgia Odontostomatologica 2017/18 e 2018/19
  • Relatore e Correlatore di tesi di laurea sperimentali e compilative in seno al Corso di Laurea in Odontoiatria e Protesi Dentaria dal dal 2011 a oggi
  • Presidente Commissione Abilitazone alla professione Odontoiatrica sessione giugno novembre 2020
  • Responsabile Scientifico e Relatore evento EXPODENTAL 2022 – le patologie perimplantari, stato dell’arte – RIMINI 19-20-21 Maggio 2022
  • Chairman Apertura Master Catania 2022 “riabilitazioni orali complesse”

Attività Didattica Istituzionale presso UNIME

Svolgere didattica frontale e tirocini pratici utili all’acquisizione di CFU per studenti iscritti ai Corsi di Studio il cui ordinamento didattico prevede insegnamenti attribuibili al settore scientifico disciplinare MED28.
  • L’attività didattica nel periodo di riferimento è di seguito riportata in ordine cronologico dalla più recente alla meno recente.
Anno accademico 2021/2022 (attività didattica in corso di svolgimento nell’anno accademico in corso) Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Odontoiatria e Protesi Dentaria:
  • Insegnamento di Tecnologie Protesiche - 3° anno 1° semestre (7 CFU 4 Didattica Frontale + 3 TirocinioPratico)
  • Insegnamento di Protesi Dentaria all'interno del Corso Integrato di Discipline Odontostomatologiche II - 5° anno 1 semestre 6 CFU Tirocinio Pratico
  • Coordinatore Corso Integrato di Odontoiatria Riabilitativa all'interno del quale insegnamento di Protesi 4° anno 2 semestre 8 CFU: 6 Didattica Frontale + 2 Tirocinio Pratico. Insegnamento di Parodontologia 5 CFU diDidattica Frontale
  • Coordinatore Corso Integrato di Protesi 5° anno 2 semestre 5 CFU: 3 Didattica Frontale + 2 Tirocinio Pratico
Anno accademico 2020/2021 (attività didattica in corso di svolgimento nell’anno accademico in corso) Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Odontoiatria e Protesi Dentaria:
  • Insegnamento di Tecnologie Protesiche - 3° anno 1° semestre (7 CFU 4 Didattica Frontale + 3 TirocinioPratico)
  • Insegnamento di Protesi Dentaria all'interno del Corso Integrato di Discipline Odontostomatologiche II - 5° anno 1 semestre 6 CFU Tirocinio Pratico
  • Coordinatore Corso Integrato di Odontoiatria Riabilitativa all'interno del quale insegnamento di Protesi 4° anno 2 semestre 8 CFU: 6 Didattica Frontale + 2 Tirocinio Pratico. Insegnamento di Parodontologia 5 CFU diDidattica Frontale
  • Coordinatore Corso Integrato di Protesi 5° anno 2 semestre 5 CFU: 3 Didattica Frontale + 2 Tirocinio Pratico
Anno accademico 2019/2020 (attività didattica in corso di svolgimento nell’anno accademico in corso) Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Odontoiatria e Protesi Dentaria:
  • Insegnamento di Tecnologie Protesiche - 3° anno 1° semestre (7 CFU 4 Didattica Frontale + 3 TirocinioPratico)
  • Insegnamento di Protesi Dentaria all'interno del Corso Integrato di Discipline Odontostomatologiche II - 5° anno 1 semestre 6 CFU Tirocinio Pratico
  • Coordinatore Corso Integrato di Odontoiatria Riabilitativa all'interno del quale insegnamento di Protesi 4° anno 2 semestre 8 CFU: 6 Didattica Frontale + 2 Tirocinio Pratico. Insegnamento di Parodontologia 5 CFU diDidattica Frontale
  • Coordinatore Corso Integrato di Protesi 5° anno 2 semestre 5 CFU: 3 Didattica Frontale + 2 Tirocinio Pratico
Anno accademico 2018/2019 Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Odontoiatria e Protesi Dentaria:
  • Insegnamento di Tecnologie Protesiche - 3° anno 1° semestre (7 CFU 4 Didattica Frontale + 3 TirocinioPratico)
  • Insegnamento di Protesi Dentaria all'interno del Corso Integrato di Discipline Odontostomatologiche II - 5° anno 1 semestre 6 CFU Tirocinio Pratico
  • Coordinatore Corso Integrato di Odontoiatria Riabilitativa all'interno del quale insegnamento di Protesi 4° anno2 semestre 8 CFU: 6 Didattica Frontale + 2 Tirocinio Pratico.
  • Coordinatore Corso Integrato di Protesi 5° anno 2 semestre 5 CFU: 3 Didattica Frontale + 2 Tirocinio Pratico
Anno accademico 2017/2018 Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Odontoiatria e Protesi Dentaria:
  • Insegnamento di Tecnologie Protesiche - 3° anno 1° semestre (7 CFU 4 Didattica Frontale + 3 TirocinioPratico)
  • Insegnamento di Protesi Dentaria all'interno del Corso Integrato di Discipline Odontostomatologiche II - 5° anno 1 semestre 6 CFU Tirocinio Pratico
  • Coordinatore Corso Integrato di Odontoiatria Riabilitativa all'interno del quale insegnamento di Protesi 4° anno2 semestre 8 CFU: 6 Didattica Frontale + 2 Tirocinio Pratico.
  • Coordinatore Corso Integrato di Protesi 5° anno 2 semestre 5 CFU: 3 Didattica Frontale + 2 Tirocinio Pratico
Anno accademico 2016/2017 Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Odontoiatria e Protesi Dentaria:
  • Insegnamento di Tecnologie Protesiche - 3° anno 1° semestre (7 CFU 4 Didattica Frontale + 3 TirocinioPratico)
  • Insegnamento di Protesi Dentaria all'interno del Corso Integrato di Discipline Odontostomatologiche II - 5° anno 1 semestre 6 CFU Tirocinio Pratico
  • Coordinatore Corso Integrato di Odontoiatria Riabilitativa all'interno del quale insegnamento di Protesi 4° anno2 semestre 8 CFU: 6 Didattica Frontale + 2 Tirocinio Pratico.
  • Coordinatore Corso Integrato di Protesi 5° anno 2 semestre 5 CFU: 3 Didattica Frontale + 2 Tirocinio Pratico
Anno accademico 2015/2016 Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Odontoiatria e Protesi Dentaria:
  • Insegnamento di Materiali Dentari - 3° anno 1° semestre (7 CFU 4 Didattica Frontale + 2 Tirocinio Pratico)
  • Insegnamento di Protesi Dentaria all'interno del Corso Integrato di Discipline Odontostomatologiche II - 5° anno 1 semestre 6 CFU Tirocinio Pratico
  • Insegnamento di Chirurgia orale all'interno di Odontoiatria Chirurgia e Riabilitativa 4° anno 1 semestre 5 CFU4 Didattica + 1 Tirocinio Pratico
  • Insegnamento di Chirurgia orale all'interno di Patologia e Chirurgia Maxillo Facciale 5° anno 1 semestre 4 CFU3 Didattica + 1 Tirocinio Pratico
  • Coordinatore Corso Integrato di Odontoiatria Riabilitativa all'interno del quale insegnamento di Protesi 4° anno2 semestre 8 CFU: 6 Didattica Frontale + 2 Tirocinio Pratico.
  • Coordinatore Corso Integrato di Protesi 5° anno 2 semestre 5 CFU: 3 Didattica Frontale + 2 Tirocinio Pratico
Anno accademico 2014/2015 Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Odontoiatria e Protesi Dentaria:
  • Insegnamento di Materiali Dentari - 3° anno 1° semestre (7 CFU 4 Didattica Frontale + 2 Tirocinio Pratico)
  • Insegnamento di Protesi Dentaria all'interno del Corso Integrato di Discipline Odontostomatologiche II - 5° anno 1 semestre 6 CFU Tirocinio Pratico
  • Insegnamento di Chirurgia orale all'interno di Odontoiatria Chirurgia e Riabilitativa 4° anno 1 semestre 5 CFU4 Didattica + 1 Tirocinio Pratico
  • Insegnamento di Chirurgia orale all'interno di Patologia e Chirurgia Maxillo Facciale 5° anno 1 semestre 4 CFU3 Didattica + 1 Tirocinio Pratico
  • Coordinatore Corso Integrato di Odontoiatria Riabilitativa all'interno del quale insegnamento di Protesi 4° anno2 semestre 8 CFU: 6 Didattica Frontale + 2 Tirocinio Pratico.
  • Coordinatore Corso Integrato di Protesi 5° anno 2 semestre 5 CFU: 3 Didattica Frontale + 2 Tirocinio Pratico
  • Coordinatore Corso Integrato di Principi Di Odontoiatria Preventiva e di comunità insegnamento
di Odontoiatria preventiva e di comunità 2° anno 2 semestre 4 CFU: 3 Didattica Frontale + 1 Tirocinio Pratico
Anno accademico 2013/2014 Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Odontoiatria e Protesi Dentaria:
  • Insegnamento di Chirurgia orale all'interno di Patologia e Chirurgia Maxillo Facciale 5° anno 1 semestre 4 CFU3 Didattica + 1 Tirocinio Pratico
  • Coordinatore Corso Integrato di Principi Di Odontoiatria Preventiva e di comunità insegnamento
di Odontoiatria preventiva e di comunità 2° anno 2 semestre 4 CFU: 3 Didattica Frontale + 1 Tirocinio Pratico
Anno accademico 2012/2013 Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Odontoiatria e Protesi Dentaria:
  • Insegnamento di Chirurgia oro dento parodontale all'interno di Patologia e Chirurgia Maxillo Facciale 5° anno1 semestre 4 CFU 3 Didattica + 1 Tirocinio Pratico
  • Coordinatore Corso Integrato di Principi Di Odontoiatria Preventiva e di comunità insegnamento
di Odontoiatria preventiva e di comunità 2° anno 2 semestre 4 CFU: 3 Didattica Frontale + 1 Tirocinio Pratico
Anno accademico 2011/2012 Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Odontoiatria e Protesi Dentaria:
  • Insegnamento di Chirurgia orale all'interno di Patologia e Chirurgia Maxillo Facciale 5° anno 1 semestre 4 CFU3 Didattica + 1 Tirocinio Pratico

Attività Didattica Integrativa, Seminari e attività di servizio agli studenti:

  • Coordinatore Scientifico della Didattica Opzionale dal titolo "Soluzioni semplici ed efficaci in protesi fissa suimpianti" Università di Messina Pad CLOPD 02/04/2019
  • Coordinatore Scientifico del Corso di Anatomia Chirurgica e di Dissezione su preparati anatomici-CLOPD Università di Messina 18-19 giugno 2019
  •   della Didattica Opzionale La Pianificazione Protesica Digitale 07/03/2019 Pad CLOPD
  • Coordinatore Scientifico della Didattica Opzionale Attuali Orientamenti sugli Attacchi in Protesi Rimovibile e Fissa” 06/12/2019 Pad CLOPD
Attività come Relatore e Correlatore:
Assistere gli studenti nella compilazione della tesi di laurea, in particolare fornendo loro spunti di ricerca nella ideazione e formulazione di progetti di ricerca per tesi sperimentali, indicando le fonti bibliografiche, strutturando la tesi e correggendo le bozze. In particolare nel periodo di riferimento tale attività ha supportato la stesura delle seguenti tesi di laurea in qualità di relatore o co-relatore:
  • Anno Accademico 2020-21
Università degli Studi di Messina
Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Odontoiatria e Protesi dentaria Corso Integrato di Protesi
Tesi di laurea dal titolo: Proprietà Biomeccaniche delle viti passanti nelle riabilitazioni implanto protesiche: studio sperimentale in vitro. Tesi di Laurea di: Dario Gambino
Relatore: Prof Marco Cicciù
Università degli Studi di Messina
Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Odontoiatria e Protesi dentaria Corso Integrato di Protesi
Tesi di laurea dal titolo: Il Flusso digitale come mezzo di pianificazione nella riabilitazione protesica: modelli sperimentali. Tesi di Laurea di: Emanuele Mario Amantia
Relatore: Prof Marco Cicciù
  • Anno Accademico 2019-20
Università degli Studi di Messina
Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Odontoiatria e Protesi dentaria Corso Integrato di Protesi
Tesi di laurea dal titolo: Valutazione acido Ialuronico nel trattamento di Superfici implantari e componenti protesiche di ultima generazione: analisi sperimentale in vitro Tesi di Laurea di: Cristina Maria Rosa Scoglio
Relatore: Prof Marco Cicciù
Università degli Studi di Messina
Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Odontoiatria e Protesi dentaria Corso Integrato di Protesi
Tesi di laurea dal titolo: Riabilitazioni Chirurgico Protesiche complesse nelle creste atrofiche del mascellare superiore: Sperimentazione di nuovi device. Tesi di Laurea di: Giulia Amoroso
Relatore: Prof Marco Cicciù
  • Anno Accademico 2018-19
Università degli Studi di Messina
Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Odontoiatria e Protesi dentaria Corso Integrato di Protesi
Tesi di laurea dal titolo: Stato dell'arte dell'odontoiatria: Impronta digitale in applicazioni chirurgiche e protesiche. Tesi di Laurea di: Roberta Mastroieni
Relatore: Prof Marco Cicciù Correlatore: Dr Gabriele Cervino
Università degli Studi di Messina
Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Odontoiatria e Protesi dentaria Corso Integrato di Protesi
Tesi di laurea dal titolo:Riabilitazione implanto protesica in settore estetico con impianto One Piece: comparazione della letteratura con impianti bifasici. Tesi di Laurea di: Maviglia Francesco 
Relatore: Prof Marco Cicciù
Università degli Studi di Messina
Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Odontoiatria e Protesi dentaria Corso Integrato di Protesi
Tesi di laurea dal titolo: Valutazione Clinica e sperimentale di nuovi sistemi di ancoraggio protesico per ovederdenturesu impianti. Tesi di Laurea di: Francesca Gorasssini
Relatore: Prof Marco Cicciù Correlatore: Dr Gabriele Cervino
  • Anno Accademico 2017-18
Università degli Studi di Messina
Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Odontoiatria e Protesi dentaria Corso Integrato di Protesi
Tesi di laurea dal titolo: Soluzioni Protesiche e componenti strutturali di impianti single crown in zona estetica. Tesi di Laurea di: Santo Trovato
Relatore: Prof Marco Cicciù
Università degli Studi di Messina
Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Odontoiatria e Protesi dentaria Corso Integrato di Protesi
Tesi di laurea dal titolo: Valutazione Caso Controllo a mezzo di OHIP questionnaire di atleti utilizzatori di bite. Tesi di Laurea di: Lorenzo Chillemi
Relatore: Prof Marco Cicciù
Università degli Studi di Messina
Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Odontoiatria e Protesi dentaria Corso Integrato di Protesi
Tesi di laurea dal titolo: Riabilitazione estetico funzionale di un paziente bruxista mediante faccette in
cerinate. Tesi di Laurea di: Andrea Barreca
Relatore: Prof Marco Cicciù
Università degli Studi di Messina
Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Odontoiatria e Protesi dentaria Corso Integrato di Protesi
Tesi di laurea dal titolo: Analisi parametrica e funzionale di un sistema statisticamente determinato atto a ruotare il piano occlusale per la correzione di malocclusioni scheletriche di terza classe con openbite. Tesi di Laurea di:Stefania Marino
Relatore: Prof Marco Cicciù
  • Anno Accademico 2016-17
Università degli Studi di Messina
Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Odontoiatria e Protesi dentaria Corso Integrato di Protesi
Tesi di laurea dal titolo: Valutazione agli elementi finiti ed analisi degli stress masticatori su tre diverse geometrie di connessione impianto abutment. Tesi di Laurea di: Santi Maria Valenti
Relatore: Prof Marco Cicciù
Università degli Studi di Messina
Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Odontoiatria e Protesi dentaria Corso Integrato di Protesi
Tesi di laurea dal titolo: Indagine parametrica e funzionale di due diverse superfici impiantare sottoposte a carichi funzionali. Tesi di Laurea di: Ylenia Lucia Caragliano
Relatore: Prof Marco Cicciù
Università degli Studi di Messina
Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Odontoiatria e Protesi dentaria Corso Integrato di Protesi
Tesi di laurea dal titolo: Protesi Mobile su Impianti. Tesi di Laurea di: Francesco Panuccio
Relatore: Prof Marco Cicciù
Università degli Studi di Messina
Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Odontoiatria e Protesi dentaria Corso Integrato di Protesi
Tesi di laurea dal titolo: Raccomandazioni cliniche e indicazioni terapeutiche per overdenture su impianti. Tesi di laurea di: Angelo Lissandrello
Relatore: Prof Marco Cicciù
  • Anno Accademico 2015-16
Università degli Studi di Messina
Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Odontoiatria e Protesi dentaria Corso Integrato di Protesi
Tesi di laurea dal titolo: Valutazione Parametrica degli elelementi strutturali di corone in metallo ceramica e metal free. Tesi di Laurea di: Debora Denaro
Relatore: Prof Marco Cicciù
Università degli Studi di Messina
Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Odontoiatria e Protesi dentaria Corso Integrato di Protesi
Tesi di laurea dal titolo: Analisi clinica e radiografica di impianti dentali posizionati in osso neoformato con tecniche di rigenerazione verticale. Tesi di Laurea di: Costanza Rizza
Relatore: Prof Marco Cicciù
  • Anno Accademico 2014-15
Università degli Studi di Messina
Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Odontoiatria e Protesi dentaria Corso Integrato di Odontoiatria Riabilitativa
Tesi di laurea dal titolo: Valutazione dei criteri di successo clinico degli impianti monofasici. Tesi di Laurea di: Michela Gallizzi
Relatore: Prof Marco Cicciù Università degli Studi di Messina
Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Odontoiatria e Protesi dentaria Corso Integrato di Odontoiatria Riabilitativa
DI RITENZIONE. Tesi di Laurea di: Floriana Lauritano
Relatore: Prof Marco Cicciù
Università degli Studi di Messina
Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Odontoiatria e Protesi dentaria Corso Integrato di Odontoiatria Riabilitativa
Relatore: Prof Marco Cicciù
Università degli Studi di Messina
Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Odontoiatria e Protesi dentaria Corso Integrato di Odontoiatria Riabilitativa
Tesi di laurea dal titolo: Stato dell'arte e attuali orientamenti nell'uso di biomateriali in procedure di rigenerativa ossea. Tesi di Laurea di: Cesare D'Amico
Relatore: Prof Marco Cicciù
  • Anno Accademico 2013-14
Università degli Studi di Messina
Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Odontoiatria e Protesi dentaria Corso Integrato di Odontoiatria Riabilitativa
Tesi di laurea dal titolo: Attualità nei sistemi ritentivi di protesi totali mandibolari ad appoggio impiantare. Tesi di Laurea di: Sergio Ragaglia
Relatore: Prof Marco Cicciù
Università degli Studi di Messina
Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Odontoiatria e Protesi dentaria Corso Integrato di Odontoiatria Riabilitativa
Tesi di laurea dal titolo: Utilizzo della fotografia digitale in odontoiatria: applicazioni cliniche e diagnostiche. Tesi di Laurea di: Piergiorgio Amalfi
Relatore: Prof Marco Cicciù
  • Anno Accademico 2012-13
Università degli Studi di Messina
Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Odontoiatria e Protesi dentaria Corso Integrato di Odontoiatria Riabilitativa
ABUTMENT: ANALISI AL FEM E INDAGINE VON MISES. Tesi di Laurea di: Fabrizio Signorino
Relatore: Prof Marco Cicciù
Università degli Studi di Messina
Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Odontoiatria e Protesi dentaria Corso Integrato di Chirurgia Oro Dento parodontale II
Tesi di laurea dal titolo: Analisi Parametrica e valutazione agli elementi finiti delle connessioni impianto protesiche cementate e avvitate. Tesi di Laurea di: Giada Matacena
Relatore: Prof Marco Cicciù

Organizzazione Eventi Scientifici, Relazione ad invito ed Partecipazione a Conferenze:

  • Organizzazione e Relazione Proceedings of the VIII Giornata di Studio BIOMATERIALI e BIOMECCANICA Catania, 13 luglio 2007
  • dal 13-07-2007 al 13-07-2007 Oral Presentation Convegno Internazionale di Medicina Estetica
  • dal 13-10-2007 al 13-10-2007 Oral Presentation IADR TORONTO July 2-5, 2008, Toronto, Canada
  • dal 02-07-2008 al 02-07-2008 Oral Presentation IADR MIAMI 1-4 Aprile 2009
  • dal 01-04-2009 al 04-04-2009 International Dental Conference (FTI2010), taking place in Florence, Italy, November 11-13, 2010 ORAL PRESENTATION
  • dal 11-11-2010 al 13-11-2010 Oral Presentation Bone Tec Meeting Hannover
  • dal 12-10-2011 al 15-10-2011 Oral Presentation ICOMS CHILE 1-4 Novembre 2011 International Community Oral Maxillofacial Surgery
  • dal 01-11-2011 al 04-11-2011 Oral Presentation Linee guida per il trattamento del paziente edentulo enna
  • 01-12-2012 Oral Presentation Ordine dei Medici Messina Auditorium G Martino - Attuali orientamentidell'applicazione del laser in chirurgia orale
  • dal 22-09-2012 al 22-09-2012 Relatore Congresso ANDI SICILIA 2012
  • dal 16-11-2012 al 17-11-2012 Organizzazione forum giovani chirurghi orali Expo Autunno Nov 2012
  • Oral Presentation ANDI Messina GENNAIO 2013 su tecniche e stato dell'arte in implantologia dal 26-01-2013 al26-01-2013
  • CHAIR SESSION Presidente di Seduta Seattle IADR meeting 20-23 Marzo 2013
  • dal 20-03-2013 al 23-03-2013 Oral Presentation su Periodontal Disease and Neurodegenerative pathology at IADR Seattle. (March 20-23, 2013)
  • dal 20-03-2013 al 23-03-2013 Oral Presentation IADR SEATTLE
  • Relatore ANDI RAGUSA: Protesi Mobile ad appoggio mucoso e implantare realizzazione step by stepdal 04-05-2013 al 04-05-2013
  • Organizzazione I congresso mediterraneo di Discipline Odontostomatologiche Taormina dal 12- 07-2013 al 13-07-2013
    • Moderatore Congresso ANDI SIDCO AGRIGENTO 2013 dal 29-11-2013 al 30-11-2013
  • Lectio Magistralis Boyne Geistlich Lecture Loma Linda February 19 2014 dal 19-02-2014 al 19- 02-2014
    • Organizzazione III SIMPOSIO ACCADEMIA ITALIANA CAMLOG dal 19-06-2015 al 20-06-2015
    • Lectio Magistralis Guijang: Editorial Board Chinese Journal traumatology; Dentofacial trauma: New therapeuticoption for long term clinical success dal 14-08-2015 al 16-08-2015
    • Direzione Corso dissezione anatomica chirurgica su Cadavere Messina dal 15-09-2015
  • Partecipazione come moderatore di sessione Convegno Anthec Taormina 8-9 Luglio 2016
    • Organizzazione Consensus Conference International Meeting Kaunas Lituania topic "Perimplantitis 1. Etiology and risk factors Key importance factors for the development of peri- implantitis: Plaque accumulation at implants, a history of periodontal disease, peri-implant soft tissue condition, smoking, excess cement, overloading, prosthetic treatment mistakes and lack of supportive therapy. 2. Diagnostics and decision tree - Areas of interest: Clinical diagnostics principles and methods, peri-implant crevicular fluid (PICF) biomarkers, microbial profiles from implants, genetic methods. Decision tree. 3. Treatment dal 07-09-2016 al 10-09-2016
  • Contributo organizzazione congresso andi regionale 2016 SICILIA dal 08-10-2016 al 08-10-2016
    • Componente del Comitato Scientifico della II Orthodontic Summer School, 1-2-3 Settembre 2016, Marsa SiclàResort SP 66, Sampieri-Scicli (RG)
  • Relatore su Invito: Avulsione e impianti post-estrattivi 24°Congresso Nazionale CDUO Collegio dei DocentiUniversitari di Discipline Odontostomatologiche Milano 07/04/2017
    • Componente Comitato Organizzatore: Summer School Scicli (RG) 15-16 Settembre 2017
    • Coordinatore Scientifico della Didattica Opzionale "Attuali orientamenti sugli attacchi in protesi rimovibile efissa" Università di Messina Pad CLOPD 12/12/2018
    • Relatore Summer School Unime Messina 1 settembre 2018
    • Comitato Scientifico - Organizzatore meeting Prosthetic Connection Catania 20-22 Settembre 2018
    • Relatore meeting Prothetic Connection Catania 20-22 Settembre 2018
  • Relatore su Invito: Congresso Nazionale Lo stato dell'arte della riabilitazione estetico-funzionale
in ortodonzia e odontoiatria Valutazione parametrica e tridimensionale degli elementi che caratterizzano la terapia implanto-protesica; dalla biomeccanica della fixture al restauro protesico finale Prof. Marco Cicciù Roma 11-12 Maggio 2018
  • Video Library - Restorative - Loading - Post Extractive Dental Implant: State of the Art, Clinical Rationale and New Techniques-Marco Cicciu, DDS, MSc, PhD Webinar presented on 10/9/18Contributor Marco Cicciu, DDS, MSc, PhD
  • Video Library - Restorative - Materials - Dental Implant Cemented or Screw-retained Prosthesis: Clinical Radiological and Parametrical Analysis of the Prosthodontic Components - Marco Cicciu, DDS, MSc, PhDWebinar presented on 8/17/18The lecture will give information about dental implant screwed or cementedretained. Contributor Marco Cicciu, DDS, MSc, PhD
  • Relatore - Corso annuale Teorico Pratico di Protesi Implantare - La riabilitazione del paziente con protesi asostegno impiantare - Terme Vigliatore Messina 2018
  • Direzione e Coordinazione Corso di Anatomia Chirurgica e di dissezione su preparati anatomici 18-19 Giugno2019
  • Oral Presentation: International Society for Engineers and Researchers International Conference on Scienze Technology Engineering and Management- Mechanical and Structural Evaluation of three Different DentalImplants Surface- Port Luis 22-23 March 2019
  • Oral Presentation: International Society for Engineers and Researchers International Conference on Scienze Technology Engineering and Management-Analysis of Dental Implant-Abutment Retained OverdentureComponents and Parametric Evaluation of Equator and Locator Prosthdontics Attachments- Port Luis 22-23March 2019
  • Oral Presentation: Innovazione e Tecnologica e nuove prospettive professionali: Odontoiatria 4.0 UnimeInterregional Key Networking for Open Innovation empowerment Messina 29/05/2019
  • Lectio Magistralis Boyne Geistlich Loma Linda University - Loma Linda California 26 Settembre 2019
  • Lectio Magistralis Loyola University – Loyola Chicago Aprile 2020
  • Relatore – Congresso Nazionale Cenacolo Odontost Italiano - AIOG – Sheraton Catania Marzo 2022

Direzione o partecipazione alle attività di un gruppo di ricerca caratterizzato da collaborazioni a livello nazionale o internazionale

  • Partecipazione al gruppo di ricerca in merito alla sperimentazione e applicazione di rhBMP2 su macacafascicularis. Stage svolto presso la Loma Linda University CALIFORNIA USA dal 12- 10-2007 al 11-04-2008
  • Attività di ricerca duratura e continuativa con l'Università della Loma Linda California USA , Cattedra di Chirurgia Maxillo-Facciale, sotto la direzione del Prof. Alan Herford insieme alla quale sono stati sviluppati diversi progetti di Ricerca documentati da effettive pubblicazioni scientifiche in collaborazione.
  • Attività di ricerca duratura e continuativa con l'Università degli Studi di Napoli Vanvitelli, Cattedra diChirurgia Orale, insieme alla quale sono stati sviluppati diversi progetti di Ricerca documentati da effettivepubblicazioni scientifiche in collaborazione.
  • Attività di ricerca duratura e continuativa con l'Università degli Studi di Milano, Cattedra di Chirurgia Orale eImplantologia, insieme alla quale sono stati sviluppati diversi progetti di Ricerca documentati da effettivepubblicazioni scientifiche in collaborazione.
  • Attività di ricerca duratura e continuativa con l'Università degli Studi di Granada, Cattedra di Chirurgia Orale e Implantologia, Prof Galindo Moreno, insieme al quale sono stati sviluppati diversi progetti di Ricercadocumentati da effettive pubblicazioni scientifiche in collaborazione.
  • Attività di ricerca duratura e continuativa con l'Università degli Studi di UIC Chicago, Cattedra di Parodontologia, Prof Tolga Tozum, insieme al quale sono stati sviluppati diversi progetti di Ricerca documentati daeffettive pubblicazioni scientifiche in collaborazione.
  • Attività di ricerca duratura e continuativa con l'Università degli Studi di Kaunas, Cattedra di Chirurgia Orale, Prof Gintaras Juodzbalys, insieme al quale sono stati sviluppati diversi progetti di Ricerca documentati da effettivepubblicazioni scientifiche in collaborazione.

Partecipazioni e collane editoriali e riviste internazionali

  • Editor in Chief - section Prosthodontics European Journal of Dentistry
  • Associate Editor, Señor Editorial Board Member, of The Journal of Craniofacial Surgery Impact Factor 1.04 dal 15-01-2015 a oggi
    • Associate Editor Editorial Board Member MINERVA STOMATOLOGICA dal 16-07-2016 a oggi
  • Señor Editorial Board Member, Regional Editor The Open Dentistry Journal dal 01-01-2010 a oggi
  • Editorial Board Member International Journal Clinical Experimental Medicine dal 09-01-2013 a oggi
  • Editorial Board Member and Guest Editor CHINESE JOURNAL OF TRAUMATOLOGY dal 24- 03-2013 a oggi
    • Editorial Board Member - Materials MDPI a oggi
    • Editorial Board Member - International Journal Molecular Science MDPI a oggi
    • Editorial Board Member - Journal Oral Implantology

Collaborazioni Scientifiche Internazionali in qualità di "Guest Editor" verificabili su special Issue:

  • Special Issue in International Journal of Molecular Science: Molecular and clinical features of growth factors appliedto reconstructive surgery Int J Mol Science (ISSN 1422-0067; IF 4.183)
  • Special Issue in Biomed Research International (IF 2.583): Oral Immunological Profile Impact on Local and Systemic Disease
  • Special Issue in Biomed Research International (IF 2.583): Future Prospective and Current Trend of Biomaterialsand Growth Factor Used for Maxillofacial Hard and Soft Tissue Reconstruction
  • Special Issue in Journal of Functional Biomaterials: Functional Engineering and Biomechanical Features ofBiomaterials Applied to Dental Practice
    • Special Issue in Gels: Different Uses of Gel Biomaterials in the Medical and Surgical Field
    • Special Issue in Prosthesis: Tissue and Immunological Features of the Human/Prosthesis Interface
  • Special Issue in Prosthesis: Innovative Prosthetic Device: New Materials, Technologies and Patients' Quality of Life (QoL) Improvement
  • Special Issue in Dentistry Journal: Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery: Special Needs Patients and Systemic Implications of Oral Health
  • Special Issue in Biology: Oral Microbiota: Development Control, Physiopathology and Oral Biomarkers
    • Special Issue in Chinese Journal Traumatology: Oral and Maxillofacial trauma
Attività svolta come Reviewer per riviste Internazionali:
  • Sensors
  • Scientific Reports
  • Materials
  • Healthcare
  • Applied Sciences
  • Publications
  • Nanomaterials
  • Antibiotics
  • International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
  • Genes
  • Marine Drugs
  • Medicina
  • Dentistry Journal
  • International Journal of Molecular Science
  • Symmetry
  • Membranes
  • Cells
  • Journal Functional Biomaterials
  • Minerals
  • Pharmaceutics
  • Minerva Stomatologica
  • Int Journal Oral Maxillofacial Implants
  • Int Journal Oral Maxillofacial Surgery
  • Eur Journal Oral Implantology
  • Journal Oral Implantology
  • Archivies of Oral Biology
  • Journal of Cancer Research and Therapeutics
  • Indian Journal of Dentistry
  • The Journal Craniofacial Surgery
  • Biomedical Material Research part B
  • Clinical and Experimental Dental Research
  • International Journal of Infection Disease
  • The Journal of Evidence Based Dental Practice
  • Computer Biology and Medicine
  • Biomed Research International
  • International Journal of Dentistry
  • Materials Science & Engineering C
  • Pathology Research and Practice
  • Journal of Oral Biology and Craniofacial Research
  • Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research
  • Journal of Osteointegration
  • Japanese Dental Science Review
  • Plastic and Aesthetic Research
  • Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Research
  • Quintessence International
  • Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine
  • Clinical Epigenetics
  • Composites Part B
  • Clinical Microbiology and Infections
  • Annali di Stomatologia
  • Dental Cadmos
  • Journal of Biological regulators and homeostatic agents
  • Microscopy Research and Technique
  • Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, JBMR® Plus
  • Xenotransplantation
  • Craniomaxillofacial Trauma and Reconstruction
  • Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy
  • International Journal of Dentistry
  • Journal of Biomedical Material Research part A
  • Oncology Letters
  • Molecular Med Reports
  • Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine
  • Int Journal of Nanomedicine

Capitolo di Libro in argomento MED 28 Malattie Odonostomatologiche:

  • 47. La rigenerazione dei tessuti, i biomateriali: la regola dell’arte Marco Cicciù, Domenico Cicciù - Odontoiatriaspeciale per il paziente critico e diversamente abile [Raimondo - Edi
Ermes] di Raimondo Eugenio Editore: Edi.
Ermes ISBN/EAN: 9788870513707 Formato: Cartonato Anno: 2013 Pag.: 912
  • Titolo: Materiali e tecnologie odontostomatologiche ISBN: 9788898789160 Autori: Spoto - Docenti di MaterialiDentari e Tecnologie Protesiche di Laboratorio - Editore: Ariesdue Srl
  • Volume: Unico - Edizione: III 2019 a cura dei Docenti di Materiali Dentari e Tecnologie Protesiche di Laboratoriodelle Università Italiane - Università di Messina Domenico Cicciù, Marco Cicciù

Responsabilita' di studi e ricerche scientifiche affidati da qualificate istituzioni pubbliche o private

  • Geistlich Pharma group investigator for FDA approval dal 22-01-2010 al 24-01-2010
  • COLLABORATIVE INSTITUTIONAL TRAINING INITIATIVE (CITI PROGRAM) Investigator For Human ResearchProjects and Animal Projects by the LOMA LINDA UNIVERSITY dal 30-12-2013 a oggi
  • Titolare di un Progetto di Ricerca per conto della Ditta Micerium S.p.A. con sede in Avegno (GE), dal titolo "Valutazione Parametrica Tridimensionale agli elementi finiti "Nello svolgimento del Progetto sono stati condotti studi sperimentali in vitro al fine di analizzare le diverse componenti biomeccaniche Protesiche. I risultati della ricerca sono stati pubblicati a mezzo stampa e comunicati a Congressi di carattere Nazionale ed Internazionale.
  • Titolare di un Progetto di Ricerca per conto della Ditta Rhein 83 con sede in Bologna, dal titolo "Valutazione degli attacchi per overdenture mandibolari "Nello svolgimento del Progetto sono stati condotti studi sperimentali in vitro al fine di analizzare le diverse componenti biomeccaniche Protesiche. I risultati della ricerca sono statipubblicati a mezzo stampa e comunicati a Congressi di carattere Nazionale ed Internazionale.
  • Investigator per conto di Sweden Martina in collaborazione con l’Università degli Studi di Milano (Insegna- mento di Chirurgica Speciale Odontostomatologica) condotto dal Professor Carlo Maiorana insieme al Dottore M. Cicciu, in collaborazione con gli Ingegneri G. Risitano e G. Franceschini del Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale dell’Università degli Studi di Perugia, relativo all’utilizzo di modelli ad elementi finiti per analizzare l’effetto di tutti i parametri presenti nella realizzazione di una protesi di tipo “Toronto” suimpianti Global.
  • Investigator Personale Docente impegnato nel Progetto di Ricerca e Sviluppo “BONE++Sviluppo di micro e nanotecnolgie per la predittività, la diagnosi, la terapia e i trattamenti rigenerativi delle alterazioni patologiche dell’osso e osteo- articolari”, Asse II “Sostegno all’innovazione”, Area di Specializzazione “Salute”, Avviso n. 1735/Ric del 13 luglio Codice progetto: ARS01_00693 Area di specializzazioneSalute, Responsabile Scientifico Prof. Cuzzocrea
  • Investigator Responsabile Scientifico PON Innovazione Ricercatori a Tempo Determinato di tipo A) (RTDA) (DM 1062 del 10/08/2021) 
  • Responsabile Scientifico evento Expodental 20/05/2022 -  Le patologie perimplantari – Rimini expodental 2022

Formale attribuzione di incarichi di insegnamento o di ricerca (fellowship) presso qualificati atenei e istituti di ricerca esteri o sovranazionali

Loma Linda University - IAOMS, Loma Linda CA USA (Stati Uniti d'America)

  • Fellowship Research presso la LOMA LINDA UNIVERSITY CALIFORNIA dal 23-11-2009 al 19- 05-2010
  • Fellow Active Members of International Association Oral Maxillofacial Surgeons from Jan 2011 to Dec 2012
  • Ha frequentato il Dipartimento di Chirurgia Orale e Maxillo-facciale della Loma Linda University CA USA dove hasvolto diverse lezioni in qualità di Visiting Professor da Settembre 2016 a oggi
Lingua madre     italiano
Ascolto Lettura Interazione Produzione orale  
Lingue straniere
  Casella di testo: TOEFL

inglese                C2                      C2                     C2                     C2                     C2

Livelli: A1 e A2: Utente base - B1 e B2: Utente autonomo - C1 e C2: Utente avanzato Quadro Comune Europeo di Riferimento delle Lingue - Scheda per l'autovalutazione
Competenze comunicative     Ottima propensione al lavoro di squadra, che si riscontra soprattutto nella capacità di ascoltare e di coinvolgere le persone facenti parte di un team, maturata grazie alla partecipazione a numerosi progetti di gruppo, ancheinterdisciplinari; molti dei quali coordinati e gestiti in prima persona. Ha preso parte a numerose pubblicazioniscientifiche ed inoltre è organizzatore e prende parte a corsi e congressi nazionali, internazionali ed universitari. Relatore a conferenze ed incontri nazionali ed internazionali.
Competenze organizzative e

Ottime capacità nell’organizzazione e schematizzazione del lavoro in singolo e di equipe, acquisite negli anni di frequenza in reparto universitario (Unità Operativa Complessa di Odontoiatria Policlinico Universitario "G. Martino", Messina), occupandosi principalmente di chirurgia orale. Capacità della gestione dei dipendenti e del planning di lavoro.
Competenze professionali     Ottime capacità chirurgiche, diagnostiche e di terapia, maturate negli anni di frequenza presso strutture pubbliche e private.
Ottima competenza in Implantologia e protesi con differenti metodiche.
Ottime capacità in ambito odontotecnico, dovute allo studio approfondito nel campo delle fasi di laboratorio nella realizzazione di manufatti protesici. Ottime capacità di modellazione e competenza nella realizzazione di manufatti chair side con tecniche digitali.

Competenze digitali                                                         AUTOVALUTAZIONE
Elaborazione delle informazioni  
Creazione di Contenuti  
Risoluzione di problemi
Utente avanzato Utente avanzato Utente avanzato Utente avanzato Utente avanzato
Competenze digitali - Scheda per l'autovalutazione
  • Sistemi operativi: Windows, Mac Os.
  • Software: Capacità di utilizzo software per la gestione anagrafica e clinica dei pazienti per strutture piccole, medie e grandi, inoltre per visualizzazione e gestione immagini DICOM. Esperienza con l’utilizzo di software per la pianificazione di interventi chirurgici complessi e la chirurgia guidata software assistita, attraverso l’uso di immagini radiografiche tridimensionali e la realizzazione di template o scaffold tridimensionali con sistemi CAD-CAM di stampa3D. Conoscenza dei software per la simulazione di forze biomeccaniche ed esperienza nel campo della bioingegneria con l'Analisi agli Elementi Finiti (FEM) e l'Analisi Von Mises. Utilizzo di attrezzature per testarebiomaterial come X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) e Microscopia Confocale.
Ottima padronanza del pacchetto Office (Word, Power Point, Excel, Outlook).
  • Hardware: Ottime competenze, attraverso lo sviluppo di progetti di ricerca in collaborazione con il Dipartimento diIngegneria dell'Università di Messina
Patente di guida     A, B
Risultati ottenuti nel trasferimento tecnologico in termini di partecipazione alla creazione di nuove imprese (spin off), sviluppo, impiego e commercializzazione di

  • Brevetto Industriale, classificazione A-61,-B-01-D46, "Aspiratore Odontoiatrico per Riduzione di Aerosol", Marco Ciccu, Sergio Sambataro, Gabriele Cervino, Luca Fiorillo, Salvatore Bocchieri, Salvatore Crimi, Gianrico Spagnuolo, Luigi Laino, Cesare D’Amico. Domanda numero: 102021000003620del 17/02/2021
  • Osteology Meeting, Cannes, France (April 13-17- 2011). Evaluation meeting for trading new biomaterials. Mucograft Geistlich Avenue Company. Prodotto approvato da FDA e successivamente commercializzato e distribuito in Europa e USA dal 13-04-2011 al 17-04-2011
  • Brevetto Industriale, classificazione A-61-C-7-22, "Elastic selector gauge as orthodontic device: ESGO", Marco Ciccu, Sergio Sambataro, GabrieleCervino, Luca Fiorillo, Salvatore
Bocchieri. Domanda numero: 102019000009261 del 17/06/2019
Riconoscimenti e premi, incluso l'affiliazione di accademie o società di riconosciuto prestigio
nel settore
  • Socio Membro del consiglio Direttivo della SIOCMF a oggi
    • Socio Attivo e membro del consiglio Direttivo di SIDCO a oggi
    • Socio Attivo International PiezoSurgery Academy IPA a oggi
    • Membro dell'Accademia Italiana Camlog a oggi
    • Membro dell’Academy of Dental Materials a oggi


  • Fiorillo L., D’amico C., Iannello G., Gorassini F., Cervino G., Cicciu M. Analisi Agli Elementi Finiti (Fem) Dell’interazione Osso Protesi In Implantologia EDelle Componenti Implantari Con Differenti Inclinazioni. Poster Vincitore, Presentato Al Congresso “Lo Stato Dell’arte Della Riabilitazione Estetico-Funzionale In Ortodonzia E Odontoiatria”, 11-12 Maggio, Roma.
  • G. Cervino, M. Cicciu, L. Fiorillo, U. Romeo, C. D’amico, G. Amoroso, D. Denaro, S. Marino, S. Sambataro, G. Troiano, L. Laino. Biomarkers Molecolari Correlati Al Carcinoma Orale: Review Sistematica Sui Recenti Risultati Di Test Clinici. Poster Presentato E Vincitore Nella Categoria “Chirurgia Orale” Al XXV Congresso Nazionale Del Collegio Dei Docenti Di Odontoiatria. 12-14 Aprile 2018, Roma, Italia.
  • S. Marino, L. Fiorillo, C. D’amico, G. Amoroso, G. Cervino, M. Cicciu. Qualità Della Vita Dopo Asportazione Di Una Lesione Orale Maligna: Valutazione Di Recenti Risultati In Una Review Sistematica Della Letteratura. Poster Presentato Con Ricevuta Menzione D’onore Al XXV Congresso Nazionale Del Collegio Dei Docenti Di Odontoiatria. 12-14 Aprile 2018, Roma, Italia
  • I premio Sessione Flash Video Chirurgia Degli elementi dentari inclusi. Primo simposio nazionale di videochirurgia TAORMINA 12-14 Luglio 2012
1.      Cicciù M, Cervino G, Fiorillo L. The third teething: gerodontology and new
therapy approaches. Minerva Dent Oral Sci. (2022) Feb;71(1):1-4. doi:
10.23736/S2724-6329.21.04591-5. Epub 2021 Sep 22. PMID: 34549576.
2.      Sambataro S, Fiorillo L, Bocchieri S, Stumpo C, Cervino G, Herford AS, Cicciù M. Craniofacial Evolution: From Australopithecus to Modern Man. J Craniofac Surg. (2022) Jan-Feb 01;33(1):325-332. doi: 10.1097/SCS.0000000000007841. PMID:
3.      Cervino G, Germanà A, Fiorillo L, D'Amico C, Abbate F, Cicciù M. Passant Connection Screw of Dental Implants: An In Vitro SEM Preliminary Study. Biomed Res Int. (2022) Apr 21;2022:9720488. doi: 10.1155/2022/9720488. PMID: 35496044; PMCID: PMC9050316
4.      Minervini G, Russo D, Herford AS, Gorassini F, Meto A, D'Amico C, Cervino G,
Cicciù M, Fiorillo L. Teledentistry in the Management of Patients with Dental
and Temporomandibular Disorders. Biomed Res Int. (2022) Apr 9;2022:7091153. doi:
10.1155/2022/7091153. PMID: 35437507; PMCID: PMC9013296.
5.      Tallarico M, Xhanari E, Lumbau AMI, Alushi A, Ieria I, Fiorillo L, Famà F, Meto A, Baldoni E, Meloni SM, Cicciù M. Histological and Histomorphometric Evaluation of Post-Extractive Sites Filled with a New Bone Substitute with or without Autologous Plate Concentrates: One-Year Randomized Controlled Trial. Materials (Basel). (2022) Dec 29;15(1):254. doi: 10.3390/ma15010254. PMID: 35009400; PMCID: PMC8746213.
  1. Zadrożny, Ł.; Czajkowska, M.; Tallarico, M.; Wagner, L.; Markowski, J.; Mijiritsky, E.; Cicciù, M. Prosthetic Surgical Templates and Dental Implant Site Time Preparation: An In Vitro Study. Prosthesis (2022)4, 25-37.
7.      Fiorillo L, Cicciù M, Tozum TF, Saccucci M, Orlando C, Romano GL, D'Amico C,
Cervino G. Endosseous Dental Implant Materials and Clinical Outcomes of
Different Alloys: A Systematic Review. Materials (Basel). (2022) Mar 7;15(5):1979.
doi: 10.3390/ma15051979. PMID: 35269211; PMCID: PMC8911578.
8.      Gozzo L, Romano GL, Brancati S, Cicciù M, Fiorillo L, Longo L, Vitale DC,
Drago F. Access to Innovative Neurological Drugs in Europe: Alignment of Health
Technology Assessments Among Three European Countries. Front Pharmacol. (2022) Feb
4;12:823199. doi: 10.3389/fphar.2021.823199. PMID: 35185551; PMCID: PMC8854989.
9.      Cicciù, M., Fiorillo, L., Cervino, G., Habal, M.B. Bone Morophogenetic Protein Application as Grafting Materials for Bone Regeneration in Craniofacial Surgery: Current Application and Future Directions (2021) The Journal of craniofacial surgery, 32 (2), pp. 787-793.
10.    Tallarico M, Czajkowska M, Cicciù M, Giardina F, Minciarelli A, Zadrożny Ł, Park CJ, Meloni SM. Accuracy of surgical templates with and without metallic sleeves in case of partial arch restorations: A systematic review. J Dent. (2021) Dec;115:103852. doi: 10.1016/j.jdent.2021.103852. Epub 2021 Oct 14. PMID:34656660.
11.    Laino L, Mariani P, Laino G, Cervino G, Cicciù M. Impacted Lower Third Molar Under Inferior Alveolar Canal: Technical Strategy for Minimally Invasive Extraoral Surgical Approach. J Craniofac Surg. (2021) Jul-Aug 01;32(5):1890-1893.doi: 10.1097/SCS.0000000000007457. PMID: 33481473.
12.    Cervino, G., Meto, A., Fiorillo, L., Odorici, A., Meto, A., D’amico, C., Oteri, G., Cicciù, M. Surface treatment of the dental implant with hyaluronic acid: An overview of recent data( 2021) International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18 (9), art. no. 4670, .
13.    D’Amico, C., Fiorillo, L., Surace, G., Cervino, G., Cicciù, M. In-vitro study on the effectiveness of microwave sterilization in odontostomatology (2021) Minerva Dental and Oral Science, 70 (1), pp. 15-20. 
14.    Toro MD, Gozzo L, Tracia L, Cicciù M, Drago F, Bucolo C, Avitabile T, Rejdak R, Nowomiejska K, Zweifel S, Yousef YA, Nazzal R, Romano GL. New Therapeutic Perspectives in the Treatment of Uveal Melanoma: A Systematic Review. Biomedicines. (2021) Sep 24;9(10):1311. doi: 10.3390/biomedicines9101311. PMID:34680428; PMCID: PMC8533164.
15.    Battaglia S, Crimi S, Nocini R, Cicciù M, Cervino G, Gurrera A, Bianchi A.
Intraparotid Osteolipoma: Treatment Option and Surgical View. J Craniofac Surg. (2021) Jul-Aug 01;32(5):1894-1897. doi: 10.1097/SCS.0000000000007519. PMID:
16.    Cicciù, M., Fiorillo, L., Laino, L. Oral signs and symptoms of COVID-19 affected patients: Dental practice as prevention method (2021) Minerva Dental and Oral Science, 70 (1), pp. 3-6. 
17.    Laino, L., Russo, D., Cicciù, M., D’Amico, C., Fiorillo, L., Cervino, G. Surgical conservative approach of odontogenic keratocyst tumor of the jaws (2021) Minerva Dental and Oral Science, 70 (1), pp. 26-31
18.    Meduri A, Tumminello G, Oliverio GW, Inferrera L, Delia G, Aragona P, Cicciù M. Use of Lacrimal Symptoms Questionnaire After Punctoplasty Surgery: Retrospective Data of Technical Strategy. J Craniofac Surg. (2021) Nov-Dec 01;32(8):2848-2850. doi: 10.1097/SCS.0000000000007813. PMID: 34231511.
19.    Scrascia, R., Cicciù, M., Manco, C., Miccoli, A., Cervino, G. Angled screwdriver solutions and low-profile attachments in full arch rehabilitation with divergent implants (2021) Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 11 (3), art. no. 1122, pp. 1-15. 
20.    Cervino, G., Cicciù, M., Fedi, S., Milone, D., Fiorillo, L. FEM Analysis Applied to OT Bridge Abutment with Seeger Retention System (2021) European Journal of Dentistry, 15 (1), art. no. EJD2050641, pp. 47-53. 
21.    Cicciù, M., Tallarico, M. Dental implant materials: Current state and future perspectives (2021) Materials, 14 (2), art. no. 371, pp. 1-2
22.    Vitale, A., Battaglia, S., Crimi, S., Ricceri, C., Cervino, G., Cicciù, M., De Ponte, F.S., Leonardi, R.M., Bianchi, A. Spontaneous bone regeneration after enucleation of mandibular cysts: Retrospective analysis of the volumetric increase with a full-3d measurement protocol (2021) Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 11 (11), art. no. 4731, . 
23.    Maminskas, J., Zaleckyte, M., Pilipavicius, J., Venskutonis, T., Cicciu, M., Juodzbalys, G. Influence of surface characteristics of different implant abutment materials on growth of porphyromonas gingivalis (2021) Medziagotyra, 27 (2), pp. 244-251. 
24.    Laino, L., la Noce, M., Fiorillo, L., Cervino, G., Nucci, L., Russo, D., Herford, A.S., Crimi, S., Bianchi, A., Biondi, A., Laino, G., Germanà, A., Cicciù, M. Dental pulp stem cells on implant surface: An in vitro study (2021) BioMed Research International, 2021, art. no. 3582342, .
25.    Gaeta, M., Cicero, G., Fiorillo, L., Vinci, S., Blandino, A., Cervino, G., Cicciù, M., Minutoli, F. Diagnosis of Giant Cell Tumor of the Tendon Sheath Using Multiecho Gradient-Echo Sequence: The "superblooming Artifact" (2021) BioMed Research International, 2021, art. no. 6689037, . 
26.    Fiorillo, L., Cervino, G., Surace, G., De Stefano, R., Laino, L., D'Amico, C., Fiorillo, M.T., Meto, A., Herford, A.S., Arzukanyan, A.V., Spagnuolo, G., Cicciù, M. Human Papilloma Virus: Current Knowledge and Focus on Oral Health (2021) BioMed Research International, 2021, art. no. 6631757, . 
27.    Marra PM, Parascandolo S, Fiorillo L, Cicciù M, Cervino G, D'Amico C, De Stefano R, Salerno P, Esposito U, Itro A. Dental Trauma in Children with Autistic Disorder: A Retrospective Study. Biomed Res Int. 2021 Sep8; (2021):3125251. doi: 10.1155/2021/3125251. PMID: 34540992; PMCID: PMC8445712.
28.    Montanari M, Fiorillo L, Cervino G, Sambataro S, Herford AS, Cicciù M. The Effect of Different Condition of Pulpal Pressure on Microtensile Bond Strength of Several Dentin Bonding Agents on Deep and Superficial Dentin. Materials (Basel). (2021) Oct 19;14(20):6200. doi: 10.3390/ma14206200. PMID: 34683790; PMCID: PMC8541316.
29.    Fiorillo, L., Cervino, G., Galindo-Moreno, P., Herford, A.S., Spagnuolo, G., Cicciù, M. Growth Factors in Oral Tissue Engineering: New Perspectives and Current Therapeutic Options (2021) BioMed Research International, 2021, art. no. 8840598.
30.    Sambataro S, Bocchieri S, Fastuca R, Giuntini V, Fiorillo L, Cicciù M, Caprioglio A. Occlusal Plane and Skeletal Changes After Cervical Headgear Treatment With and Without Lower Utility Arch in Class II Growing Patients. J Craniofac Surg. (2021) May 1;32(3):1152-1156. doi: 10.1097/SCS.0000000000007305. PMID: 33278255.
31.    Cicciù, M., Stacchi, C., Fiorillo, L., Cervino, G., Troiano, G., Vercellotti, T., Herford, A.S., Galindo-Moreno, P., Di Lenarda, R. Piezoelectric bone surgery for impacted lower third molar extraction compared with conventional rotary instruments: a systematic review, meta-analysis, and trial sequential analysis (2021) International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 50 (1), pp. 121-131. 
32.    Cicciù, M, Stacchi C, Fiorillo L, Cervino G, Troiano G, Vercellotti T, Herford AS, Galindo Moreno P, Di Lenarda R. Piezoeletric Bone Surgery for impacted third molar extraction compared with conventional rotary instruments: a systemic review, meta analysis, and trial sequential analysis. International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 2020, in press, doi 10.1016/j.ijom.2020.03.008. Accepted for publication 11 March 2020.
33.    Fiorillo L, Cervino G, Matarese M, D’Amico C, Surace G, Paduano V, Fiorillo MT, Moschella A, La Bruna A, Romano GL, Laudiciella R, Baldari S, Cicciu M; COVID-19 Surface Persistence: A Recent Data Summary and Its Importance for Medical and Dental Settings. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2020;17(9):E3132. Published 2020 Apr 30. doi:10.3390/ijerph17093132
34.    Fiorillo L, Cervino G, Russo D, Itro A, Laino L, Cicciù M. Transcortical bone capillary vessels network: implication on the maxillofacial district [published online ahead of print, 2020 May 14]. Minerva Stomatol2020 ;10.23736/S0026-4970.20.04294-6. doi:10.23736/S0026-4970.20.04294-6
35.    Cicciù M, Fiorillo L, D'Amico C, et al. 3D Digital Impression Systems Compared with Traditional Techniques in Dentistry: A Recent Data Systematic Review. Materials (Basel). 2020;13(8):1982. Published 2020 Apr 23. doi:10.3390/ma13081982
36.    Cervino G, Cicciù M, De Stefano R, et al. Oral health in patients with Marfan syndrome [published online ahead of print, 2020 May 16]. Arch Oral Biol2020;116:104745. doi:10.1016/j.archoralbio.2020.104745
37.    Cavallo L, Marcianò A, Cicciù M*, Oteri G. 3D Printing beyond dentistry during Covid 19 Epidemic: a technical note for producing connectors to breathing devices. Prosthesis2020, 20, (2); 46-52 doi: Accepted for publication 3 April 2020
38.    Meduri A, Inferrara L, Tumminello G, Cicciù, M*. Aragona P;. Surgical Treatment of Dracryocysitis. Using venous catheter. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery 2020, Feb 28 doi: 10.1097/SCS.0000000000006237
39.    Cervino G, Fiorillo L, Arzukanyan AV, Spagnuolo G, Campagna P, Cicciù M*. Application of Bionegineering devices for stress evaluation in dentistry: the last 10 years FEM parametric analysis of outcomes and current trends. Minerva Stomatol 2020 Feb 69, 1: 55-62 doi: 10.23736/S0026-4970.19.04236-8
40.    Militi A, Cicciù M*, Sambataro S, et al. Dental occlusion and sport performance [published online ahead of print, 2020 Mar 16]. Minerva Stomatol2020;10.23736/S0026-4970.20.04350-2. doi:10.23736/S0026-4970.20.04350-2
41.    Marcianò A, Peditto M, Cicciù M*, Rubino E, Oteri G. Role of Local Flaps to Achieve Primary Wound Closure in Medication-Related Osteonecrosis of the Jaws Osseous-Resective Surgery [published online ahead of print, 2020 Mar 6]. J Craniofac Surg2020;10.1097/SCS.0000000000006288. doi:10.1097/SCS.0000000000006288
42.    Laino L, Cicciù M*, Russo D, Cervino G. Surgical Strategies for Multicystic Ameloblastoma. J Craniofac Surg2020;31(2):e116–e119. doi:10.1097/SCS.0000000000005903
43.    Zhurakivska K, Troiano G, Montella M, Ronchi A, Di Stasio D, Cicciu M*, Laino L. Surgical Treatment of Oral Cavity Nodular Fasciitis. J Craniofac Surg2020;31(2):e108–e110. doi:10.1097/SCS.0000000000005877
44.    Bolognesi F, Tarsitano A, Cicciù M*, Marchetti C, Bianchi A, Crimi S. Surgical Management of Primary Chronic Osteomyelitis of the Jaws: The Use of Computer-Aided-Design/Computer-Aided Manufacturing Technology for Segmental Mandibular Resection. J Craniofac Surg. 2020;31(2):e156–e161. doi:10.1097/SCS.0000000000006121
45.    Cicciù, M*. Water Contamination Risks at the Dental Clinic. Biology 20209, 43.
46.    Cicciù, M*. Bioengineering Methods of Analysis and Medical Devices: A Current Trends and State of the Art. Materials 202013, 797
47.    Zhurakivska, K.; Troiano, G.; Montella, M.; Lo Muzio, L.; Fiorillo, L.; Cervino, G.; Cicciù, M*.; D’Amico, C.; Rullo, R.; Laino, G., et al. Oral Health and Molecular Aspects of Malignant Fibrous Histiocytoma Patients: A Systematic Review of the Literature. Int J Environ Res Public Health 202017, 1426.
48.    Sambataro, S.; Lorusso, P.; Caprioglio, A.; Franchi, L.; Cicciù, M*.; Fastuca, R. Changes of Occlusal Plane in Growing Patients with Increased Vertical Dimension during Class II Correction by Using Cervical Headgear. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery 202031, 172-177, doi:10.1097/SCS.0000000000006197.
49.    Stacchi, C.; Berton, F.; Fiorillo, L.; Nicolin, V.; Lombardi, T.; Cicciù, M.*; Di Lenarda, R. Fresh frozen allogeneic bone block in maxillary sinus floor elevation: Histomorphometric analysis of a bone specimen retrieved 15 years after grafting procedure. Applied Sciences (Switzerland) 20199, doi:10.3390/app9061119.
50.    Sireci, F.; Bruno, R.; Martines, F.; Freni, F.; Cicciù, M.*; Galletti, F. A patient with toxoplasmosis as a cause of submental lymphadenopathy. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery 201930, E353-E355, doi:10.1097/SCS.0000000000005441.
51.    Sambataro, S.; Cervino, G.; Bocchieri, S.; Bruna, R.L.; Cicciù, M*. TMJ dysfunctions systemic implications and postural assessments: A review of recent literature. Journal of Functional Morphology and Kinesiology 20194, doi:10.3390/jfmk4030058.
52.    Sambataro, S.; Bocchieri, S.; Cervino, G.; La Bruna, R.; Cicciù, A.; Innorta, M.; Torrisi, B.; Cicciù, M.* Correlations between malocclusion and postural anomalies in children with mixed dentition. Journal of Functional Morphology and Kinesiology 20194, doi:10.3390/jfmk4030045.
53.    Sambataro, S.; Bocchieri, S.; Bafumi, L.; Fiorillo, L.; Cervino, G.; Cicciù, M*. Elastics selector gauge as orthodontics device applied to inter-maxillary traction during malocclusion correction. Journal of Functional Morphology and Kinesiology 20194, doi:10.3390/jfmk4030063.
54.    Rullo, R.; Scalzone, P.; Laino, L.; Russo, A.; Festa, V.M.; Fiorillo, L.; Cicciù, M*. Solitary plasmacytoma of the mandible: Early diagnosis and surgical management. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery 201930, E411-E413, doi:10.1097/SCS.0000000000005397.
55.    Ramaglia, L.; Cicciù, M*.; Fiorentino, E.; Saviano, R.; Blasi, A.; Cervino, G.; Isola, G. Effectiveness of a piezoelectric-assisted distraction osteogenesis procedure for the treatment of ankylosed permanent front teeth. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery 201930, doi:10.1097/SCS.0000000000005332.
56.    Portelli, M.; Nucera, R.; Fastuca, R.; Cicciù, M*.; Giudice, A.L.; Militi, A. Use of 3D imaging for treatment planning in cases of impacted canines. Open Dentistry Journal 201913, 137-142, doi:10.2174/1874210601913010137.
57.    Oteri, G.; Lentini, M.; Cicciù, M*.; Peditto, M.; Rey, E.O.; Carrión, A.B.; Marciano, A. Role of antioxidants in minor salivary glands cancer in the elderly. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery 201930, 823-828, doi:10.1097/SCS.0000000000005172.
58.    Mastrangelo, F.; Scacco, S.; Ballini, A.; Quaresima, R.; Gnoni, A.; Vito, D.D.E.; Scarano, A.; Dipalma, G.; Gargiulo Isacco, C.; Cantore, S., Coscia MF, Pettini F. Sammartino G, Cicciu M. et al. A pilot study of human mesenchymal stem cells from visceral and sub-cutaneous fat tissue and their differentiation to osteogenic phenotype. European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences 201923, 2924-2934, doi:10.26355/eurrev_201904_17572.
59.    Lo Giudice, G.; Cicciù, M*.; Polimeni, A.; Lizio, A.; Lo Giudice, R.; Lauritano, F.; Ierardo, G.; Alibrandi, A.; Pizzo, G. Oral and dental health of Italian drug addicted in methadone treatment. Oral Science International 2019, 10.1002/osi2.1000, doi:10.1002/osi2.1000.
60.    Lavorgna, L.; Cervino, G.; Fiorillo, L.; Di Leo, G.; Troiano, G.; Ortensi, M.; Galantucci, L.; Cicciù, M*. Reliability of a virtual prosthodontic project realized through a 2d and 3d photographic acquisition: An experimental study on the accuracy of different digital systems. Int J Environ Res Public Health 201916, doi:10.3390/ijerph16245139.
61.    Laino, L.; Cicciù, M.; Fiorillo, L.; Crimi, S.; Bianchi, A.; Amoroso, G.; Monte, I.P.; Herford, A.S.; Cervino, G. Surgical risk on patients with coagulopathies: Guidelines on hemophiliac patients for oro-maxillofacial surgery. Int J Environ Res Public Health 201916, doi:10.3390/ijerph16081386.
62.    Isola, G.; Matarese, M.; Ramaglia, L.; Cicciù, M.; Matarese, G. Evaluation of the efficacy of celecoxib and ibuprofen on postoperative pain, swelling, and mouth opening after surgical removal of impacted third molars: a randomized, controlled clinical trial. International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 201948, 1348-1354, doi:10.1016/j.ijom.2019.02.006.
63.    Galletta, K.; Siniscalchi, E.N.; Cicciù, M*.; Velo, M.; Granata, F. Eagle syndrome: A wide spectrum of clinical and neuroradiological findings from cervico-facial pain to cerebral ischemia. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery 201930, E424-E428, doi:10.1097/SCS.0000000000005453.
64.    Fiorillo, L.; De Stefano, R.; Cervino, G.; Crimi, S.; Bianchi, A.; Campagna, P.; Herford, A.S.; Laino, L.; Cicciù, M*. Oral and psychological alterations in haemophiliac patients. Biomedicines 20197, doi:10.3390/biomedicines7020033.
65.    Fiorillo, L.; Cervino, G.; Laino, L.; D'Amico, C.; Mauceri, R.; Tozum, T.F.; Gaeta, M.; Cicciù, M*. Porphyromonas gingivalis, periodontal and systemic implications: A systematic review. Dentistry Journal 20197, doi:10.3390/dj7040114.
66.    Fama’, F.; Di Maria, A.; Cicciu’, M.; Buccheri, G.; Gioffre’-Florio, M.; Benvenga, S.; Sindoni, A. Intraoperative sonography for nonpalpable breast lesions: Additional indications for a consolidate technique. Breast Journal 2019, 10.1111/tbj.13575, doi:10.1111/tbj.13575.
67.    Crimi, S.; Fiorillo, L.; Bianchi, A.; D’amico, C.; Amoroso, G.; Gorassini, F.; Mastroieni, R.; Marino, S.; Scoglio, C.; Catalano, F., Bocchieri S, De Stefano R, Fiorillo MT, Cicciu M* Herpes virus, oral clinical signs and qol: Systematic review of recent data. Viruses 201911, doi:10.3390/v11050463.
68.    Cicciù, M.; Fiorillo, L.; Herford, A.S.; Crimi, S.; Bianchi, A.; D'Amico, C.; Laino, L.; Cervino, G. Bioactive titanium surfaces: Interactions of eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells of nano devices applied to dental practice. Biomedicines 20197, doi:10.3390/biomedicines7010012.
69.    Cicciù, M.*; Fiorillo, L.; Cervino, G. Chitosan use in dentistry: A systematic review of recent clinical studies. Marine Drugs 201917, doi:10.3390/md17070417.
70.    Cicciù, M.; Cervino, G.; Terranova, A.; Risitano, G.; Raffaele, M.; Cucinotta, F.; Santonocito, D.; Fiorillo, L. Prosthetic and Mechanical Parameters of the Facial Bone under the Load of Different Dental Implant Shapes: A Parametric Study. In Prosthesis, 2019; Vol. 1, pp 41-53.
71.    Cicciù, M.*; Cervino, G.; Milone, D.; Risitano, G. FEM analysis of dental implant-abutment interface overdenture components and parametric evaluation of Equator® and Locator® prosthodontics attachments. Materials 201912, doi:10.3390/ma12040592.
72.    Cicciù, M.*; Cervino, G.; Fiorillo, L.; D’Amico, C.; Oteri, G.; Troiano, G.; Zhurakivska, K.; Muzio, L.L.; Herford, A.S.; Crimi, S., et al. Early diagnosis on oral and potentially oral malignant lesions: A systematic review on the Velscope® fluorescence method. Dentistry Journal 20197, doi:10.3390/dj7030093.
73.    Cicciù, M. Prosthesis: New Technological Opportunities and Innovative Biomedical Devices. Prosthesis 2019,1, 1-2.
74.    Cervino, G.; Fiorillo, L.; Monte, I.P.; De Stefano, R.; Laino, L.; Crimi, S.; Bianchi, A.; Herford, A.S.; Biondi, A.; Cicciù, M*. Advances in antiplatelet therapy for dentofacial surgery patients: Focus on past and present strategies. Materials 201912, doi:10.3390/ma12091524.
75.    Cervino, G.; Fiorillo, L.; Iannello, G.; Santonocito, D.; Risitano, G.; Cicciù, M*. Sandblasted and acid etched titanium dental implant surfaces systematic review and confocal microscopy evaluation. Materials 201912, doi:10.3390/ma12111763.
76.    Cervino, G.; Fiorillo, L.; Herford, A.S.; Romeo, U.; Bianchi, A.; Crimi, S.; D'Amico, C.; De Stefano, R.; Troiano, G.; Santoro, R., Laino L, Laino G, Cicciu M*. Molecular biomarkers related to oral carcinoma: Clinical trial outcome evaluation in a literature review. Disease Markers 20192019, doi:10.1155/2019/8040361.
77.    Cervino, G.; Fiorillo, L.; Herford, A.S.; Laino, L.; Troiano, G.; Amoroso, G.; Crimi, S.; Matarese, M.; D'Amico, C.; Siniscalchi, E.N., Cicciù M*. Alginate materials and dental impression technique: A current state of the art and application to dental practice. Marine Drugs 201917, doi:10.3390/md17010018.
78.    Cervino, G.; Fiorillo, L.; Arzukanyan, A.V.; Spagnuolo, G.; Cicciù, M*. Dental restorative digital workflow: Digital smile design from aesthetic to function. Dentistry Journal 20197, doi:10.3390/dj7020030.
79.    Cervino, G.; Cicciù, M.*; Biondi, A.; Bocchieri, S.; Herford, A.S.; Laino, L.; Fiorillo, L. Antibiotic prophylaxis on third molar extraction: Systematic review of recent data. Antibiotics 20198, doi:10.3390/antibiotics8020053.
80.    Bianchi, A.; Crimi, S.; Cipriani, R.; De Ponte, F.S.; Cicciù, M*.; Marchetti, C. Comprehensive treatment of facial deformity due to radiotherapy in rhabdomyosarcoma patients: Distraction osteogenesis and free flaps surgical technique. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery 201930, 1275-1279, doi:10.1097/SCS.0000000000005338.
81.    Beretta, M.; Poli, P.P.; Pieriboni, S.; Tansella, S.; Manfredini, M.; Cicciù, M*.; Maiorana, C. Peri-implant soft tissue conditioning by means of customized healing abutment: A randomized controlled clinical trial. Materials 201912, doi:10.3390/ma12183041.
82.    Troiano, G.; Zhurakivska, K.; Muzio, L.L.; Laino, L.; Cicciù, M.; Russo, L.L. Combination of bone graft and resorbable membrane for alveolar ridge preservation: A systematic review, meta-analysis, and trial sequential analysis. Journal of Periodontology 201889, 46-57, doi:10.1902/jop.2017.170241.
83.    Troiano, G.; Laino, L.; Cicciù, M*.; Cervino, G.; Fiorillo, L.; D’Amico, C.; Zhurakivska, K.; Muzio, L.L. Comparison of two routes of administration of dexamethasone to reduce the postoperative sequelae after third molar surgery: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Open Dentistry Journal 201812, 181-188, doi:10.2174/1874210601812010181.
84.    Troiano, G.; Inghingolo, A.; Serpico, R.; Ciavarella, D.; Muzio, L.L.; Cervino, G.; Cicciu, M*.; Laino, L. Rate of relapse after enucleation of solid/multicystic ameloblastoma followed by piezoelectric or conventional peripheral ostectomy. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery 201829, e291-e293, doi:10.1097/SCS.0000000000004322.
85.    Tallarico, M.; Caneva, M.; Baldini, N.; Gatti, F.; Duvina, M.; Billi, M.; Iannello, G.; Piacentini, G.; Meloni, S.M.; Cicciù, M*. Patient-centered rehabilitation of single, partial, and complete edentulism with cemented- or screw-retained fixed dental prosthesis: The First Osstem Advanced Dental Implant Research and Education Center Consensus Conference 2017. European Journal of Dentistry 201812, 617-626, doi:10.4103/ejd.ejd_243_18.
86.    Sambataro, S.; Cervino, G.; Fiorillo, L.; Cicciù, M*. Upper First Premolar Positioning Evaluation for the Stability of the Dental Occlusion: Anatomical Considerations. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery 201829, 1366-1369, doi:10.1097/SCS.0000000000004459.
87.    Portelli, M.; Militi, A.; Cicciù, M*.; Lo Giudice, A.; Cervino, G.; Fastuca, R.; Nucera, R. No compliance correction of class ii malocclusion in growing patients whit herbst appliance: a case report. Open Dentistry Journal 201812, 605-613, doi:10.2174/1745017901814010605.
88.    Oteri, G.; De Ponte, F.S.; Runci, M.; Peditto, M.; Marcianò, A.; Cicciù, M*. Oral-Health-Related Quality of Life after Surgical Treatment of Osteonecrosis of the Jaws. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery 201829, 403-408, doi:10.1097/SCS.0000000000004087.
89.    Mici, E.; Calvo, A.; Cicciù, M*.; Cervino, G.; Belli, E. Complex orbital fractures: Three-dimensional planning and combined surgical approach. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery 201829, 1965-1968, doi:10.1097/SCS.0000000000005022.
90.    Isola, G.; Matarese, G.; Cervino, G.; Matarese, M.; Ramaglia, L.; Cicciù, M*. Clinical efficacy and patient perceptions of pyogenic granuloma excision using diode laser versus conventional surgical techniques. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery 201829, 1-4, doi:10.1097/SCS.0000000000004734.
91.    Granata, F.; Mormina, E.; Cinquegrani, A.; Cervino, G.; Cicciù, M*.; Longo, M.; Siniscalchi, E.N. Different embolization approaches for the treatment of posttraumatic pseudoaneurysm of the internal maxillary artery. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery 201829, E779-E781, doi:10.1097/SCS.0000000000004751.
92.    Giudice, R.L.; Lizio, A.; Cervino, G.; Fabiana, N.; Francesco, P.; Ausiello, P.; Cicciù, M*. The horizontal root fractures. Diagnosis, clinical management and three-year follow-up. Open Dentistry Journal 201812, 687-695, doi:10.2174/1745017901814010687.
93.    Fiorillo, L.; Cervino, G.; Herford, A.S.; Lauritano, F.; D’Amico, C.; Lo Giudice, R.; Laino, L.; Troiano, G.; Crimi, S.; Cicciù, M*. Interferon crevicular fluid profile and correlation with periodontal disease and wound healing: A systemic review of recent data. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 201819, doi:10.3390/ijms19071908.
94.    Fama, F.; Sindoni, A.; Cicciu, M.; Polito, F.; Piquard, A.; Saint-Marc, O.; Gioffre’-Florio, M.; Benvenga, S. Preoperatively undiagnosed papillary thyroid carcinoma in patients thyroidectomized for benign multinodular goiter. Archives of Endocrinology and Metabolism 201862, 139-148, doi:10.20945/2359-3997000000017.
95.    Di Stasio, D.; Montella, M.; Cozzolino, I.; Cicciú, M*.; Cervino, G.; Paparella, R.S.; Serpico, R.; Laino, L. Multidisciplinary diagnostic and surgical management of adenocarcinoma gingival metastases. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery 201829, E531-E534, doi:10.1097/SCS.0000000000004632.
96.    Cicciù, M*.; Tozum, T.; GalindoMoreno, P.; Laino, L. Future prospective and current trend of biomaterials and growth factor used for maxillofacial hard and soft tissue reconstruction. BioMed Research International 20182018, doi:10.1155/2018/3249653.
97.    Cicciù, M.*; Cervino, G.; Milone, D.; Risitano, G. FEM investigation of the stress distribution over mandibular bone due to screwed overdenture positioned on dental implants. Materials 201811, doi:10.3390/ma11091512.
98.    Cicciù, M.*; Cervino, G.; Herford, A.S.; Famà, F.; Bramanti, E.; Fiorillo, L.; Lauritano, F.; Sambataro, S.; Troiano, G.; Laino, L. Facial Bone Reconstruction Using Both Marine or Non-Marine Bone Substitutes: Evaluation of Current Outcomes in a Systematic Literature Review. Marine Drugs 201816, doi:10.3390/md16010027.
99.    Cicciù, M. Nanobiomaterials in dentistry: What's the consequent level. European Journal of Dentistry 201812, 161-162, doi:10.4103/ejd.ejd_69_18.
100. Cervino, G.; Romeo, U.; Lauritano, F.; Bramanti, E.; Fiorillo, L.; D’Amico, C.; Milone, D.; Laino, L.; Campolongo, F.; Rapisarda, S., Cicciù M*. Fem and von mises analysis of OSSTEM® dental implant structural components: Evaluation of different direction dynamic loads. Open Dentistry Journal 201812, 219-229, doi:10.2174/1874210601812010219.
101. Cervino, G.; Fiorillo, L.; Laino, L.; Herford, A.S.; Lauritano, F.; Lo Giudice, G.; Famà, F.; Santoro, R.; Troiano, G.; Iannello, G., Cicciu M*. Oral health impact profile in celiac patients: Analysis of recent findings in a literature review. Gastroenterology Research and Practice 20182018, doi:10.1155/2018/7848735.
102. Bramanti, E.; Norcia, A.; Cicciù, M*.; Matacena, G.; Cervino, G.; Troiano, G.; Zhurakivska, K.; Laino, L. Postextraction dental implant in the aesthetic zone, socket shield technique versus conventional protocol. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery 201829, 1037-1041, doi:10.1097/SCS.0000000000004419.
103. Ballini, A.; Cantore, S.; Dedola, A.; Santacroce, L.; Laino, L.; Cicciu, M.; Mastrangelo, F. IL-1 haplotype analysis in periodontal disease. Journal of Biological Regulators and Homeostatic Agents 201832, 433-437.
104. Troiano, G.; Laino, L.; Zhurakivska, K.; Cicciù, M.; Lo Muzio, L.; Lo Russo, L. Addition of enamel matrix derivatives to bone substitutes for the treatment of intrabony defects: A systematic review, meta-analysis and trial sequential analysis. Journal of Clinical Periodontology 201744, 729-738, doi:10.1111/jcpe.12742.
105. Troiano, G.; Dioguardi, M.; Cocco, A.; Laino, L.; Cervino, G.; Cicciu, M.; Ciavarella, D.; Muzio, L.L. Conservative vs radical approach for the treatment of solid/multicystic ameloblastoma: A systematic review and meta-analysis of the last decade. Oral Health and Preventive Dentistry 201715, 421-426, doi:10.3290/j.ohpd.a38732.
106. Stacchi, C.; Lombardi, T.; Cusimano, P.; Berton, F.; Lauritano, F.; Cervino, G.; Di Lenarda, R.; Cicciù, M*. Bone Scrapers Versus Piezoelectric Surgery in the Lateral Antrostomy for Sinus Floor Elevation. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery 201728, 1191-1196, doi:10.1097/SCS.0000000000003636.
107. Siniscalchi, E.N.; Allegra, A.; De Ponte, F.S.; Oteri, G.; Cervino, G.; Lauritano, F.; Musolino, C.; Cicciù, M*. Spontaneous Healing of Clodronate-Related Osteonecrosis of the Jaw. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery 201728, e687-e689, doi:10.1097/SCS.0000000000003837.
108. Runci, M.; De Ponte, F.S.; Falzea, R.; Bramanti, E.; Lauritano, F.; Cervino, G.; Famà, F.; Calvo, A.; Crimi, S.; Rapisarda, S., Cicciu M*. Facial and orbital fractures: A fifteen years retrospective evaluation of north east Sicily treated patients. Open Dentistry Journal 201711, 546-556, doi:10.2174/1874210601711010546.
109. Rancitelli, D.; Poli, P.P.; Cicciù, M.*; Lini, F.; Roncucci, R.; Maiorana, G.C.C. Soft-tissue enhancement combined with biologically oriented preparation technique to correct volumetric bone defects: A clinical case report. Journal of Oral Implantology 201743, 307-313, doi:10.1563/aaid-joi-D-17-00067.
110. Rancitelli, D.; Cicciù, M*.; Lini, F.; Fumagalli, D.; Frigo, A.C.; Maiorana, C. Reproducibility of a digital method to evaluate soft tissue modifications: A study of inter and intra-operative measurement concordance. Open Dentistry Journal 201711, 171-180, doi:10.2174/1874210601711010171.
111. Poli, P.P.; Cicciu, M*.; Beretta, M.; Maiorana, C. Peri-Implant Mucositis and Peri-Implantitis: A Current Understanding of Their Diagnosis, Clinical Implications, and a Report of Treatment Using a Combined Therapy Approach. Journal of Oral Implantology 201743, 45-50, doi:10.1563/aaid-joi-D-16-00082.
112. Matarese, G.; Ramaglia, L.; Cicciu, M.*; Cordasco, G.; Isola, G. The effects of diode laser therapy as an adjunct to scaling and root planing in the treatment of aggressive periodontitis: A 1-Year Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial. Photomedicine and Laser Surgery 201735, 702-709, doi:10.1089/pho.2017.4288.
113. Lo Giudice, G.; Alibrandi, A.; Lipari, F.; Lizio, A.; Lauritano, F.; Cervino, G.; Cicciú, M*. The coronal tooth fractures: Preliminary evaluation of a three-year follow-up of the anterior teeth direct fragment reattachment technique without additional preparation. Open Dentistry Journal 201711, 266-275, doi:10.2174/1874210601711010266.
114. Leketas, M.; Šǎferis, V.; Kubilius, R.; Cervino, G.; Bramanti, E.; Cicciù, M.* Oral behaviors and parafunctions: Comparison of temporomandibular dysfunction patients and controls. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery 201728, 1933-1938, doi:10.1097/SCS.0000000000003945.
115. Laino, L.; Troiano, G.; Menditti, D.; Herford, A.S.; Lucchese, A.; Cervino, G.; Lauritano, F.; Serpico, R.; Cicciù, M*. Use of collagen matrix to improve wound repair after mucosal biopsy: A multicenter case series. International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine 201710, 8363-8368.
116. Juodzbalys, G.; Kasradze, D.; Cicciù, M*.; Sudeikis, A.; Banys, L.; Galindo-Moreno, P.; Guobis, Z. Modern molecular biomarkers of head and neck cancer. Part I. Epigenetic diagnostics and prognostics: Systematic review. Cancer Biomarkers 201717, 487-502, doi:10.3233/CBM-160666.
117. Isola, G.; Cicciù, M.*; Fiorillo, L.; Matarese, G. Association between odontoma and impacted teeth. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery 201728, 755-758, doi:10.1097/SCS.0000000000003433.
118. Fama, F.; Cicciu, M*.; Sindoni, A.; Nastro-Siniscalchi, E.; Falzea, R.; Cervino, G.; Polito, F.; De Ponte, F.; Gioffre-Florio, M. Maxillofacial and concomitant serious injuries: An eight-year single center experience. Chinese Journal of Traumatology - English Edition 201720, 4-8, doi:10.1016/j.cjtee.2016.11.003.
119. Famà, F.; Cicciù, M.; Polito, F.; Cascio, A.; Gioffré-Florio, M.; Piquard, A.; Saint-Marc, O.; Sindoni, A. Parathyroid Autotransplantation During Thyroid Surgery: A Novel Technique Using a Cell Culture Nutrient Solution. World Journal of Surgery 201741, 457-463, doi:10.1007/s00268-016-3754-0.
120. Fama, F.; Cicciù, M.*; Cervino, G.; Ferrara, C.; Giacobbe, G.; Fiumano, M.; Bramanti, E.; Lo Giudice, G.; Lauritano, F.; Piquard, A., et al. Laparoscopic intraoperative cholangiography for common bile duct lithiasis associated to calculous cholecystitis. International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine 201710, 3612-3617.
121. Fabiano, F.; Matarese, G.; Bollero, P.; Cordasco, G.; Cicciù, M.; Falisi, G.; Cicconetti, A.; De Angelis, F.; Orefici, A.; Santacroce, L., et al. Clinical decision-making review on magnetic attachments versus mechanical attachments in dental prosthetics. Australasian Medical Journal 201710, 944-950, doi:10.21767/AMJ.2017.3195.
122. De Ponte, F.S.; Falzea, R.; Runci, M.; Siniscalchi, E.N.; Lauritano, F.; Bramanti, E.; Cervino, G.; Cicciu, M*. Histomorhological and clinical evaluation of maxillary alveolar ridge reconstruction after craniofacial trauma by applying combination of allogeneic and autogenous bone graft. Chinese Journal of Traumatology - English Edition 201720, 14-17, doi:10.1016/j.cjtee.2016.10.005.
123. Daugela, P.; Cicciù, M.; Saulacic, N. Surgical regenerative treatment of peri-implantitis. Evidence-Based Dentistry 201718, 79-81, doi:10.1038/sj.ebd.6401256.
124. Cicciù, M*.; Herford, A.S.; Cervino, G.; Troiano, G.; Lauritano, F.; Laino, L. Tissue fluorescence imaging (VELscope) for quick non-invasive diagnosis in oral pathology. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery 201728, e112-e115, doi:10.1097/SCS.0000000000003210.
125. Cicciù, M. Real opportunity for the present and a forward step for the future of bone tissue engineering. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery 201728, 592-593, doi:10.1097/SCS.0000000000003595.
126. Cervino, G.; Fiorillo, L.; Spagnuolo, G.; Bramanti, E.; Laino, L.; Lauritano, F.; Cicciù, M.* Interface between MTA and dental bonding agents: Scanning electron microscope evaluation. Journal of International Society of Preventive and Community Dentistry 20177, 64-68, doi:10.4103/jispcd.JISPCD_521_16.
127. Calapaj, M.; Cicciù, M.; Nicita, F.; Alibrandi, A.; Giudice, G.L. Survival of hollow metal post-retained restorations:A long term clinical follow-up. Journal of Osseointegration 20179, 263-268, doi:10.23806/JO.2017.09.02.04.
128. Bramanti, E.; Cervino, G.; Lauritano, F.; Fiorillo, L.; D'Amico, C.; Sambataro, S.; Denaro, D.; Famà, F.; Ierardo, G.; Polimeni, A., Cicciu M*. FEM and von Mises analysis on prosthetic crowns structural elements: Evaluation of different applied materials. Scientific World Journal 20172017, doi:10.1155/2017/1029574.
129. Pratapiene, M.; Cicciù, M*.; Juodzbalys, G. Canines mesiodistal measures as the key to sex prediction: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Minerva Pediatrica 201668, 288-298.
130. Portelli, M.; Militi, A.; Nucera, R.; Cicciù, M.*; Gherlone, E.; Lucchese, A. Orthodontic management of missing lateral incisor by miniscrew-anchored device. Minerva Stomatologica 201665, 403-411.
131. .Polito, F.; Cicciu, M.; Aguennouz, M.; Cucinotta, M.; Cristani, M.; Lauritano, F.; Sindoni, A.; Gioffre'-Florio, M.; Fama, F. Prognostic value of HMGB1 and oxidative stress markers in multiple trauma patients: A single-centre prospective study. International Journal of Immunopathology and Pharmacology 201629, 504-509, doi:10.1177/0394632016656187.
132. .Oteri, G.; Pisano, M.; Cicciù, M*. TOF-SIMS application for evaluating the atomic structure of new bone substitute material. Journal of Applied Spectroscopy 201683, 316-321, doi:10.1007/s10812-016-0289-y.
133. .Oteri, G.; Cicciu, M.*; Peditto, M.; Catalano, A.; Loddo, S.; Pisano, M.; Lasco, A. Does vitamin D3 have an impact on clinical and biochemical parameters related to third molar surgery. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery 201627, 469-476, doi:10.1097/SCS.0000000000002389.
134. .Norcia, A.; Cicciù, M*.; Matacena, G.; Bramanti, E. Dental implant positioning by using the root way. A predictable technique for postextractive surgery. Minerva Stomatologica 201665, 393-402.
135. .Nastro Siniscalchi, E.; Catalfamo, L.; Pitrone, A.; Papa, R.; Famà, F.; Lo Giudice, G.; Cervino, G.; Cicciu, M*.; De Ponte, F.S. Traumatic Pseudoaneurysm of the Internal Maxillary Artery: A Rare Life-Threatening Hemorrhage as a Complication of Maxillofacial Fractures. Case Reports in Medicine 20162016, doi:10.1155/2016/9168429.
136. .Maridati, P.C.; Cremonesi, S.; Fontana, F.; Cicciù, M*.; Maiorana, C. Management of d-PTFE membrane exposure for having final clinical success. Journal of Oral Implantology 201642, 289-291, doi:10.1563/aaid-joi-D-15-00074.
137. .Maiorana, C.; Beretta, M.; Rancitelli, D.; Grossi, G.B.; Cicciù, M*.; Herford, A.S. Histological Features and Biocompatibility of Bone and Soft Tissue Substitutes in the Atrophic Alveolar Ridge Reconstruction. Case Reports in Dentistry 20162016, doi:10.1155/2016/3608602.
138. .Lo Giudice, G.; Lizio, A.; Lo Giudice, R.; Centofanti, A.; Rizzo, G.; Runci, M.; Alibrandi, A.; Cicciù, M*. The effect of different cleaning protocols on post space: A SEM study. International Journal of Dentistry 20162016, doi:10.1155/2016/1907124.
139. .Lo Giudice, A.; Nucera, R.; Matarese, G.; Portelli, M.; Cervino, G.; Lo Giudice, G.; Militi, A.; Caccianiga, G.; Cicciù, M*.; Cordasco, G. Analysis of resistance to sliding expressed during first order correction with conventional and self-ligating brackets: An in-vitro study. International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine 20169, 15575-15581.
140. .Lauritano, F.; Runci, M.; Cervino, G.; Fiorillo, L.; Bramanti, E.; Cicciù, M*. Three-dimensional evaluation of different prosthesis retention systems using finite element analysis and the Von Mises stress test. Minerva Stomatologica 201665, 353-367.
141. .Laino, L.; Troiano, G.; Dioguardi, M.; Perillo, L.; Laino, G.; Muzio, L.L.; Cicciu, M*. Patient discomfort during and after surgically assisted rapid maxillary expansion under local anaesthesia. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery 201627, 772-775, doi:10.1097/SCS.0000000000002535.
142. .Herford, A.S.; Cicciù, M.*; Eftimie, L.F.; Miller, M.; Signorino, F.; Famà, F.; Cervino, G.; Lo Giudice, G.; Bramanti, E.; Lauritano, F., et al. rhBMP-2 applied as support of distraction osteogenesis: A split-mouth histological study over nonhuman primates mandibles. International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine 20169, 17187-17194.
143. .Giudice, G.L.; Matarese, G.; Cicciú, M.; Giudice, R.L.; Bramanti, E.; Cervino, G.; Polizzi, E. Self-etch application for the dentinal hypersensitivity Treatment. Dental Cadmos 201684, 440-446, doi:10.19256/d.cadmos.07.2016.08.
144. .Fama, F.; Dattola, V.; Cicciu, M.; Buccafusca, M.; Russo, M.; Lo Presti, D.; Dattilo, G.; Di Bella, G. Natalizumab treatment for multiple sclerosis inducing a toxic acute myocardial damage. Is there any relationship? International Journal of Cardiology 2016206, 127-128, doi:10.1016/j.ijcard.2016.01.089.
145. .Famá, F.; Cicciú, M.; Sindoni, A.; Scarfó, P.; Pollicino, A.; Giacobbe, G.; Buccheri, G.; Taranto, F.; Palella, J.; Gioffré-Florio, M. Prevalence of Ectopic Breast Tissue and Tumor: A 20-Year Single Center Experience. Clinical Breast Cancer 201616, e107-e112, doi:10.1016/j.clbc.2016.03.004.
146. .Fama, F.; Cicciù, M*.; Nastro-Siniscalchi, E.; Falzea, R.; Fodale, V.; Versace, G.; Palella, J.; Gioffré-Florio, M. Nonfatal cervical-neck lesion with a wooden foreign body: Diagnosis and management. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery 201627, 175-176, doi:10.1097/SCS.0000000000002338.
147. Cicciù, M. A Window View From the Orient on Trauma Involving the Inner Maxillofacial Region: From China to the Global Community With Love. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery 201627, 6, doi:10.1097/SCS.0000000000002280.
148. Cicciù, M. Neurodegenerative disorders and periodontal disease: Is there a logical connection? Neuroepidemiology 201647, 94-95, doi:10.1159/000449517.
149. Allegra, A.; Siniscalchi, E.N.; Cicciù, M*.; Bacci, F.; Catalfamo, L.; Innao, V.; De Ponte, F.S.; Musolino, C. Extramedullary plasmacytoma of the maxilla simulating a maxillary radicular cyst: Quick diagnosis and management. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery 201627, e296-e297, doi:10.1097/SCS.0000000000002539.
150. Santarelli, A.; Mascitti, M.; Rubini, C.; Bambini, F.; Zizzi, A.; Offidani, A.; Ganzetti, G.; Laino, L.; Cicciù, M.; Muzio, L.L. Active inflammatory biomarkers in oral lichen planus. International Journal of Immunopathology and Pharmacology 201528, 562-568, doi:10.1177/0394632015592101.
151. Rancitelli, D.; Borgonovo, A.E.; Cicciù, M.*; Re, D.; Rizza, F.; Frigo, A.C.; Maiorana, C. Maxillary sinus septa and anatomic correlation with the Schneiderian membrane. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery 201526, 1394-1398, doi:10.1097/SCS.0000000000001725.
152. Menditti, D.; Laino, L.; Cicciù, M*.; Mezzogiorno, A.; Perillo, L.; Menditti, M.; Cervino, G.; Muzio, L.L.; Baldi, A. Kissing molars: Report of three cases and new prospective on aetiopathogenetic theories. International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Pathology 20158, 15708-15718.
153. Maiorana, C.; Farronato, D.; Pieroni, S.; Cicciu, M.*; Andreoni, D.; Santoro, F. A four-year survival rate multicenter prospective clinical study on 377 implants: Correlations between implant insertion torque, diameter, and bone quality. Journal of Oral Implantology 201541, e60-e65, doi:10.1563/AAID-JOI-D-13-00206.
154. Lo Giudice, G.; Lo Giudice, R.; Matarese, G.; Isola, G.; Cicciù, M.; Terranova, A.; Palaia, G.; Romeo, U. Evaluation of magnification systems in restorative dentistry. An in-vitro study. Dental Cadmos 201583, 296-305.
155. Lo Giudice, G.; Iannello, G.; Terranova, A.; Lo Giudice, R.; Pantaleo, G.; Cicciù, M*. Transcrestal sinus lift procedure approaching atrophic maxillary ridge: A 60-month clinical and radiological follow-up evaluation. International Journal of Dentistry 20152015, doi:10.1155/2015/261652.
156. Lo Giudice, G.; Cutroneo, G.; Centofanti, A.; Artemisia, A.; Bramanti, E.; Militi, A.; Rizzo, G.; Favaloro, A.; Irrera, A.; Lo Giudice, R., Cicciu M*. Dentin morphology of root canal surface: A quantitative evaluation based on a scanning electronic microscopy study. BioMed Research International 20152015, doi:10.1155/2015/164065.
157. Laino, L.; Troiano, G.; Lo Muzio, L.; Menditti, D.; Herford, A.S.;  Cicciu, M*. Bone Healing in the Surgical Treatment of Dentigerous Cysts in Critically Ill Patients. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery 201526, 2030-2031, doi:10.1097/SCS.0000000000001947.
158. Laino, L.; Troiano, G.; Giannatempo, G.; Graziani, U.; Ciavarella, D.; Dioguardi, M.; Lo Muzio, L.; Lauritano, F.; Cicciù, M*. Sinus lift augmentation by using calcium sulphate. A retrospective 12 months radiographic evaluation over 25 treated Italian patients. Open Dentistry Journal 20159, 414-419, doi:10.2174/1874210601509010414.
159. Laino, L.; Menditti, D.; Muzio, L.L.; Laino, G.; Lauritano, F.; Cicciu, M*. Extraoral surgical approach of Ectopic Mandibular third molar to the lower border of mandible. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery 201526, e256-e260, doi:10.1097/SCS.0000000000001541.
160. Herford, A.S.; Tandon, R.; Pivetti, L.; Cicciú, M*. Pedicled lingual flap to provide keratinized tissue regeneration over dental implants: A description of the technique and a case report. Journal of Oral Implantology 201541, 196-199, doi:10.1563/AAID-JOI-D-12-00218.
161. Herford, A.S.; Jones, S.; Jones, F.; Bramanti, E.; Laino, L.; Cicciù, M*. Clinical investigation of rhBMP-2 and simultaneous dental implants placement: Preliminary results. ORAL and Implantology 20157, 99-107.
162. Fama, F.; Cicciù, M*.; Giudice, G.L.; Sindoni, A.; Palella, J.; Piquard, A.; Saint-Marc, O.; Benvenga, S.; Bramanti, E.; Cervino, G., et al. Pattern of nodal involvement in papillary thyroid cancer: A challenge of quantitative analysis. International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Pathology 20158, 11629-11634.
163. Dioguardi, M.; Troiano, G.; Laino, L.; Russo, L.L.; Giannatempo, G.; Lauritano, F.; Cicciù, M.*; Muzio, L.L. Protaper and waveone systems three-dimensional comparison of device parameters after the shaping technique. A micro-CT study on simulated root canals. International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine 20158, 17830-17834.
164. Dioguardi, M.; Perrone, D.; Troiano, G.; Laino, L.; Ardito, F.; Lauritano, F.; Cicciù, M*.; Lo Muzio, L. Cytotoxicity evaluation of five different dual-cured resin cements used for fiber posts cementation. International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine 20158, 9327-9333.
165. Cicciù, M.*; Herford, A.S.; Maria, V.; Bramanti, E. Platelet-derived growth factor type BB and collagen matrix for soft tissue reconstruction after muco-epidermoid carcinoma removal: A possible therapeutic option. Journal of Cancer Research and Therapeutics 201511, 234-237, doi:10.4103/0973-1482.136033.
166. Cicciù, M.*; Herford, A.S.; Bramanti, E.; Maiorana, C. Guillain-Barré syndrome: Report of two rare clinical cases occurring after allergenic bone grafting in oral maxillofacial surgery. International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Pathology 20158, 7614-7616.
167. Cicciù, M.*; Cervino, G.; Bramanti, E.; Lauritano, F.; Gudice, G.L.; Scappaticci, L.; Rapparini, A.; Guglielmino, E.; Risitano, G. FEM analysis of mandibular prosthetic overdenture supported by dental implants: Evaluation of different retention methods. Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine 20152015, doi:10.1155/2015/943839.
168. Bramanti, E.; Bramanti, A.; Matacena, G.; Bramanti, P.; Rizzi, A.; Cicciù, M*. Clinical evaluation of the oral health status in vascular-type dementia patients:a case-control study. Minerva Stomatologica 201564, 167-175.
169. Beretta, M.; Cicciu, M*.; Poli, P.P.; Rancitelli, D.; Bassi, G.; Grossi, G.B.; Maiorana, C. A retrospective evaluation of 192 implants placed in augmented bone: Long-term follow-up study. Journal of Oral Implantology 201541, 669-674, doi:10.1563/aaid-joi-D-14-00123.
170. Tandon, R.; Cunningham, L.L.; White, D.K.; Herford, A.S.; Cicciu, M*. Overexpression of cyclin A in oral dysplasia: An international comparison and literature review. Indian Journal of Cancer 201451, 502-505, doi:10.4103/0019-509X.175324.
171. Soardi, C.M.; Bramanti, E.; Cicciù, M*. Clinical and radiological 12-year follow-up of full arch maxilla prosthetic restoration supported by dental implants positioned through guide Hapless surgery. Minerva Stomatologica 201463, 85-94.
172. Rakauskaite, A.; Juodzbalys, G.; Pauza, D.H.; Cicciù, M*. Green pigmentation in human teeth. A stereomicroscopic study. The Journal of clinical pediatric dentistry 201438, 355-361, doi:10.17796/jcpd.38.4.057t211602x447j8.
173. Poli, P.P.; Beretta, M.; Cicciù, M*.; Maiorana, C. Alveolar ridge augmentation with titanium mesh. A retrospective clinical study. Open Dentistry Journal 20148, 148-158.
174. Oteri, G.; Lentini, M.; Pisano, M.; Cicciù, M*. Peripheral desmoplastic ameloblastoma in adolescent age: Clinico-pathological and immunohistochemical analisys of a case. Open Dentistry Journal 20148, 159-163.
175. Nimcenko, T.; Omerca, G.; Bramanti, E.; Cervino, G.; Laino, L.; Cicciù, M*. Autogenous wisdom tooth transplantation: A case series with 6-9 months follow-up. Dental Research Journal 201411, 705-710.
176. Maridati, P.; Stoffella, E.; Speroni, S.; Cicciu, M*.; Maiorana, C. Alveolar antral artery isolation during sinus lift procedure with the double window technique. Open Dentistry Journal 20148, 95-103, doi:10.2174/1874210601408010095.
177. Laino, L.; Iezzi, G.; Piattelli, A.; Lo Muzio, L.; Cicciù, M*. Vertical ridge augmentation of the atrophic posterior mandible with sandwich technique: Bone block from the chin area versus corticocancellous bone block allograft - Clinical and histological prospective randomized controlled study. BioMed Research International 20142014, doi:10.1155/2014/982104.
178. .Cicciù, M.*; Scott, A.; Cicciù, D.; Tandon, R.; Maiorana, C. Recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-2 promote and stabilize hard and soft tissue healing for large mandibular new bone reconstruction defects. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery 201425, 860-862, doi:10.1097/SCS.0000000000000830.
179. .Cicciù, M.*; Herford, A.S.; Cicciù, D.; Tandon, R.; Maiorana, C. Erratum: Recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-2 promote and stabilize hard and soft tissue healing for large mandibular new bone reconstruction defects (Journal of Craniofacial Surgery (2014) 25 (860-862)). Journal of Craniofacial Surgery 201425, 1563, doi:10.1097/SCS.0000000000001130.
180. .Cicciu, M.*; Bramanti, E.; Matacena, G.; Guglielmino, E.; Risitano, G. FEM evaluation of cemented-retained versus screw-retained dental implant single-tooth crown prosthesis. International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine 20147, 817-825.
181. .Cicciù, M.*; Bramanti, E.; Cecchetti, F.; Scappaticci, L.; Guglielmino, E.; Risitano, G. FEM and Von Mises analyses of different dental implant shapes for masticatory loading distribution. ORAL and Implantology 20147, 1-10.
182. .Bramanti, E.; Cicciù, M*.; Matacena, G.; Costa, S.; Magazzù, G. Clinical evaluation of specific oral manifestations in pediatric patients with ascertained versus potential coeliac disease: A cross-sectional study. Gastroenterology Research and Practice 20142014, doi:10.1155/2014/934159.
183. .Petrauskaite, O.; Gomes, P.D.S.; Fernandes, M.H.; Juodzbalys, G.; Stumbras, A.; Maminskas, J.; Liesiene, J.; Cicciù, M*. Biomimetic mineralization on a macroporous cellulose-based matrix for bone regeneration. BioMed Research International 20132013, doi:10.1155/2013/452750.
184. .Oteri, G.; Bramanti, E.; Nigrone, V.; Cicciù, M*. Decayed, missing, and filled teeth index and periodontal health in osteoporotic patients affected by BRONJ: An observational study. Journal of Osteoporosis 20132013, doi:10.1155/2013/231289.
185. .Nimčenko, T.; Omerca, G.; Varinauskas, V.; Bramanti, E.; Signorino, F.; Cicciù, M*. Tooth auto‑transplantation as an alternative treatment option: A literature review. Dental Research Journal 201310, 1-6.
186. .Herford, A.S.; Tandon, R.; Stevens, T.W.; Stoffella, E.; Cicciu, M*. Immediate distraction osteogenesis: The sandwich technique in combination with rhBMP-2 for anterior maxillary and mandibular defects. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery 201324, 1383-1387, doi:10.1097/SCS.0b013e318292c2ce.
187. .Herford, A.S.; Tandon, R.; Pivetti, L.; Cicciù, M*. Treatment of severe frontobasilar fractures in growing patients: a case series evaluation. Chinese journal of traumatology = Zhonghua chuang shang za zhi / Chinese Medical Association 201316, 199-203.
188. .Herford, A.S.; Tandon, R.; Pivetti, L.; Cicciù, M*. Closure of large palatal defect using a tongue flap. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery 201324, 875-877, doi:10.1097/SCS.0b013e318285d474.
189. .Germano, F.; Bramanti, E.; Arcuri, C.; Cecchetti, F.; Cicciù, M*. Atomic force microscopy of bacteria from periodontal subgingival biofilm: Preliminary study results. European Journal of Dentistry 20137, 152-158, doi:10.4103/1305-7456.110155.
190. .Cicciù, M*.; Matacena, G.; Signorino, F.; Brugaletta, A.; Cicciù, A.; Bramanti, E. Relationship between oral health and its impact on the quality life of Alzheimer's disease patients: A supportive care trial. International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine 20136, 766-772.
191. .Cicciù, M.*; Herford, A.; Juodžbalys, G.; Cicciù, D. Juvenile ossifying fibroma of the maxilla: A rare aggressive case in a young patient. Journal of Cancer Research and Therapeutics 20139, 324-327, doi:10.4103/0973-1482.113418.
192. .Cicciù, M*.; Chiera, F.; Gallizzi, R.; Cicciù, A.; Salpietro, C.D. Immunoglobulin injection for the treatment of multiple oral ulcers in Stevens-Johnson syndrome. European Archives of Paediatric Dentistry 201314, 355-358, doi:10.1007/s40368-013-0086-8.
193. .Cicciù, M.*; Bramanti, E.; Signorino, F.; Cicciù, A.; Sortino, F. Experimental study on strength evaluation applied for teeth extraction: An in vivo study. Open Dentistry Journal 20137, 20-26, doi:10.2174/1874210601307010020.
194. .Bramanti, E.; Matacena, G.; Cecchetti, F.; Arcuri, C.; Cicciù, M*. Oral health-related quality of life in partially edentulous patients before and after implant therapy: A 2-year longitudinal study. ORAL and Implantology 20136, 37-42.
195. .Maiorana, C.; Speroni, S.; Herford, A.S.; Cicciù, M*. Slow orthodontic teeth extrusion to enhance hard and soft periodontal tissue quality before implant positioning in aesthetic area. Open Dentistry Journal 20126, 137-142, doi:10.2174/1874210601206010137.
196. .Herford, A.S.; Lu, M.; Akin, L.; Cicciù, M*. Evaluation of a porcine matrix with and without platelet-derived growth factor for bone graft coverage in pigs. International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Implants 201227, 1351-1358.
197. .Herford, A.S.; Akin, L.; Cicciu, M*. Maxillary vestibular incision for surgically assisted rapid palatal expansion: evidence for a conservative approach. Orthodontics : the art and practice of dentofacial enhancement 201213, 168-175.
198. .Giudice, G.; Lipari, F.; Lizio, A.; Cervino, G.; Cicciù, M*. Tooth fragment reattachment technique on a pluri traumatized tooth. Journal of Conservative Dentistry 201215, 80-83, doi:10.4103/0972-0707.92613.
199. .Giudice, G.; Cicciù, M.*; Cervino, G.; Lizio, A.; Visco, A. Flowable resin and marginal gap on tooth third medial cavity involving enamel and radicular cementum: A SEM evaluation of two restoration techniques. Indian Journal of Dental Research 201223, 763-769, doi:10.4103/0970-9290.111256.
200. .Cicciù, M*.; Risitano, G.; Lo Giudice, G.; Bramanti, E. Periodontal health and caries prevalence evaluation in patients affected by Parkinson's disease. Parkinson's Disease 2012, 10.1155/2012/541908, doi:10.1155/2012/541908.
201. .Cicciù, M.*; Herford, A.S.; Stoffella, E.; Cervino, G.; Cicciù, D. Protein-signaled guided bone regeneration using titanium mesh and Rh-BMP2 in oral surgery: A case report involving left mandibular reconstruction after tumor resection. Open Dentistry Journal 20126, 51-55, doi:10.2174/1874210601206010051.
202. .Cicciù, M.*; Herford, A.S.; Juodžbalys, G.; Stoffella, E. Recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein type 2 application for a possible treatment of bisphosphonates-related osteonecrosis of the jaw. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery 201223, 784-788, doi:10.1097/SCS.0b013e31824dbdd4.
203. .Bramanti, E.; Arcuri, C.; Cecchetti, F.; Cervino, G.; Nucera, R.; Cicciù, M*. Dental management in dysphagia syndrome patients with previously acquired brain damages. Dental Research Journal 20129, 361-367.
204. .Beretta, M.; Cicciù, M*.; Bramanti, E.; Maiorana, C. Schneider membrane elevation in presence of sinus septa: Anatomic features and surgical management. International Journal of Dentistry 2012, 10.1155/2012/261905, doi:10.1155/2012/261905.
205. .Sortino, F.; Cicciù, M*. Strategies used to inhibit postoperative swelling following removal of impacted lower third molar. Dental Research Journal 20118, 162-171, doi:10.4103/1735-3327.86031.
206. .Oteri, G.; Procopio, R.M.; Cicciù, M*. Giant salivary gland calculi (GSGC): Report of two cases. Open Dentistry Journal 20115, 90-95, doi:10.2174/1874210601105010090.
207. .Maiorana, C.; Beretta, M.; Grossi, G.B.; Santoro, F.; Herford, A.S.; Nagursky, H.; Cicciù, M*. Histomorphometric evaluation of anorganic bovine bone coverage to reduce autogenous grafts resorption: Preliminary results. Open Dentistry Journal 20115, 71-78, doi:10.2174/1874210601105010071.
208. .Lo Giudice, G.; Lipari, F.; Lizio, A.; Cervino, G.; Cicciù, M.* Indirect composite restorations in the posterior region - case reports. Clinical Dentistry 2011, 67-78.
209. .Herford, A.S.; Cooper, T.C.; Maiorana, C.; Cicciù, M*. Vascularized connective tissue flap for bone graft coverage. The Journal of oral implantology 201137, 279-285, doi:10.1563/AAID-JOI-D-09-00146.1.
210. .Akin, L.; Herford, A.S.; Cicciù, M. Oral presentation of disseminated histoplasmosis: A case report and literature review. Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 201169, 535-541, doi:10.1016/j.joms.2010.05.053.
211. .Speroni, S.; Cicciù, M.*; Maridati, P.; Grossi, G.B.; Maiorana, C. Clinical investigation of mucosal thickness stability after soft tissue grafting around implants: A 3-year retrospective study. Indian Journal of Dental Research 201021, 474-479, doi:10.4103/0970-9290.74208.
212. .Risitano, G.; Cicciù, M.; Dini, R.; Franceschini, G.; Maiorana, C. Evaluation of strength in the "toronto" osseous-prosthesis system. 20106, doi:10.1051/epjconf/20100621003.
213. .Herford, A.S.; Cicciù, M*. Recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein type 2 jaw reconstruction in patients affected by giant cell tumor. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery 201021, 1970-1975, doi:10.1097/SCS.0b013e3181f502fa.
214. .Ederli F., Aspesi M., Alessandri G., Cicciu' M.*, Grossi GB (2010). Trattamento endodontico ortogrado di una cisti radicolare: case report e analisi della letteraturea. DOCTOR. OS2010 vol. 21, p. 417-421, ISSN: 1120-7140
215. .Herford, A.S.; Akin, L.; Cicciu, M.; Maiorana, C.; Boyne, P.J. Use of a Porcine Collagen Matrix as an Alternative to Autogenous Tissue for Grafting Oral Soft Tissue Defects. Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 201068, 1463-1470, doi:10.1016/j.joms.2010.02.054.
216. .Borgonovo, A.; Grossi, G.B.; Maiorana, C.; Santoro, F.; Cicciù, M*. Management of the Upper Third Molar Displaced in the Infratemporal Fossa: A Case Report. International Journal of Clinical Dentistry 20103, 301-307.
217. .Cicciu' M*, Risitano G, Maiorana C, Herford AS, Oteri G, Cicciu' D. "Toronto "screwed mandibular overdenture on dental implants: FEM and Von Mises analysis of stress distribution. THE JOURNAL OF IMPLANT & ADVANCED CLINICAL DENTISTRY2010 vol. 2, p. 41-59, ISSN: 1947-5284
218. .Maiorana C, Speroni S, Cicciu' M* . A new approach for post extractive site preservation by using a free gingival graft: a case report. THE JOURNAL OF IMPLANT & ADVANCED CLINICAL DENTISTRY2010 vol. 2, p. 33-39, ISSN: 1947-5284
219. .Pedullà E., Cicciu' M., Sortino F. Inclusioni multiple di denti permanenti in pazienti non sindromici: due casi clinici. DOCTOR. OS2010 vol. 21, p. 165-169, ISSN: 1120-7140
220. .Borgonovo, A.; Cicciú, M*.; Arnaboldi, O.; Maiorana, C. Prosthodontic rehabilitation in the maxillary area using zirconia dental implants: A case report. International Journal of Clinical Dentistry 20103, 35-44.
221. .Cicciù M*, Grossi GB, Borgonovo A, Santoro G, Pallotti F, Maiorana C. (2010). Rare bilateral nasopalatine duct cysts: a case report. THE OPEN DENTISTRY JOURNAL 2010 vol. 11, p. 8-12, ISSN: 1874-2106
222. .Venza, M.; Visalli, M.; Lo Giudice, G.; Cicciù, M.; Passi, P.; Teti, D. Changes in inflammatory mediators in peri-implant fluid after implant insertion. Journal of Periodontology 200980, 297-306, doi:10.1902/jop.2009.080411.
223. .Maiorana, C.; Cicciù, M.*; Beretta, M.; Andreoni, D. Treatment outcomes of early functional loading of a Toronto prosthesis after placement of postextractive dental implants. A case report. Journal of Osseointegration 20091, 67-72.
224. .Beretta M., Cicciu' M.*, Benigni M., Santoro G., Fimmanò M., Maiorana C. Displasia fibrosa monostotica dei mascellari: un caso clinico. DOCTOR. OS2009 vol. 20, p. 35-40, ISSN: 1120-7140
225. .Maiorana, C.; Cicciù, M*.; Andreoni, D.; Beretta, M. Immediate loading of single tooth: Case report and review of the literature. Journal of Osseointegration 20091, 104-113.
226. .Herford, A.S.; Cicciu, M.*; Clark, A. Traumatic Eyelid Defects: A Review of Reconstructive Options. Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 200967, 3-9, doi:10.1016/j.joms.2008.09.009.
227. .Cicciù, M.*; Risitano, G.; Maiorana, C.; Franceschini, G. Parametric analysis of the strength in the ''Toronto'' osseous-prosthesis system. Minerva stomatologica 200958, 9-23.
228. .Cicciù, M*.; Grossi, G.B.; Beretta, M.; Farronato, D.; Scalfaro, C.; Maiorana, C. Cervicofacial emphysema secondary to facebow injury: A case report. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry 200933, 333-336, doi:10.17796/jcpd.33.4.0110rnkw525455t8.
229. .Maiorana C, Beretta M, Cicciù M* (2009). Tridimensional bone reconstruction in an atrophic ridge with misplaced implant: A case report. THE JOURNAL OF IMPLANT & ADVANCED CLINICAL DENTISTRY2009 vol. 1, p. 9-20, ISSN: 1947-5284
230. .Borgonovo A, Grossi GB, Garramone RA, Cicciu' M.*, Maiorana C. Influence of a new bur on postoperative discomfort following mandibular third molar surgery. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF IMPLANT PROSTHODONTICS, (2008). vol. 3, p. 119-126, ISSN: 1825-5213
231. .Oteri, G.; Idotta, E.; Greco, A.; Lo Presti, L.; Cicciù, M.; Nigrone, V. Surface chemical characterization of titanium dental implants by ToF-SIMS spectrometry. PROtech 20089, 5-15.
232. .Lo Giudice, G.; Nigrone, V.; Longo, A.; Cicciù, M*. Supernumerary and supplemental teeth: case report. European journal of paediatric dentistry : official journal of European Academy of Paediatric Dentistry 20089, 97-101.
233. .Lo Giudice, G.; Lipari, F.; Lizio, A.; Cervino, G.; Cicciù, M*. Indirect composite restorations in the posterior region - Case reports. International Journal of Clinical Dentistry 20081, 63-73.
234. .Cicciù, M.*; Beretta, M.; Risitano, G.; Maiorana, C. Cemented-retained vs screw-retained implant restorations: an investigation on 1939 dental implants. Minerva stomatologica 200857, 167-179.
235. .Lo Giudice G., Micalizzi A., Lizio A., Cicciu' M*., Grillo S. Valutazione comparativa dell’efficacia della peperacillina per uso topico in chirurgia orale. DOCTOR. OS2008 vol. 19, p. 123-128, ISSN: 1120-7140
236. .Cicciu' M.*, Reo P., Grossi G., Maiorana C. Enfisema sottocutaneo in seguito ad estrazione dentaria del terzo molare inferiore: un caso clinico.. DOCTOR. OS, 2008 vol. 19, p. 1-4, ISSN: 1120-7140
237. .Beretta M., Cicciu' M*., Santoro G., Maiorana C. Esostosi mascellari vestibolari come materiale da innesto per il grande rialzo del seno mascellare.. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF IMPLANT PROSTHODONTICS2008 vol. 4, p. 9-15, ISSN: 1825-5213
238. .Nastro, E.; Musolino, C.; Allegra, A.; Oteri, G.; Cicciù, M.; Alonci, A.; Quartarone, E.; Alati, C.; De Ponte, F.S. Bisphosphonate-associated osteonecrosis of the jaw in patients with multiple myeloma and breast cancer. Acta Haematologica 2007117, 181-187, doi:10.1159/000097876.
239. . Beretta M., Benigni M., Farronato D., Santoro G., Cicciu' M*. Hard and soft tissue management in the functional and aesthetic restoration of an atrophic jaw. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF IMPLANT PROSTHODONTICS2007 vol. 2, p. 99-108, ISSN: 1825-5213
240. .Cicciù M*., Beretta M., Dolci M., Maiorana C. Outcome Analysis of Implant length and diameter: A literary review of the recent literature (1995-2005). EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF IMPLANT PROSTHODONTICS2007 vol. 1, p. 45-57, ISSN: 1825-5213
241. .CICCIU' M*., BERETTA M., MAIORANA C. Outcome analysis of the different treatments of peri-implantitis: a review of recent literature. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF IMPLANT PROSTHODONTICS2007 vol. 2, p. 109-120, ISSN: 1825-5213
242. .Maiorana C, Beretta M, Benigni M, Dolci M, Cicciu' M., Santoro F. Post- Traumatic intraoral bone grafting in aesthetic areas:a case report. JOURNAL DE PARODONTOLOGIE & D'IMPLANTOLOGIE ORALE2007 vol. 1, p. 47-54, ISSN: 1256-612
243. .Lo Giudice G., Cicciu' M., Catalano P., Oteri G., Cicciu' D. Resistenza alla trazione di Brackets cementati con diverse metodiche. 2006 ANNALI DI STOMATOLOGIA, vol. 1, p. 7-10, ISSN: 1824-0852
Poster a congressi nazionali e


Fiorillo, L.; Cervino, G.; Laino, L.; Cicciù, M.; Laino, G.; Rullo, R. Influenza sulla salute orale dei pazienti affetti da sindrome di Marfan: revisione della letteratura. XXVI Congresso Nazionale Del Collegio Dei Docenti Di Odontoiatria. 11-13 Aprile 2019, Napoli, Italia
Scoglio C.M.R., Lo Giudice R., Amoroso G., Marino S., Gorassini F., Mastroieni R., Fiorillo L., Cervino G., Cicciù M. Relazione tra Malattia Celiaca e Profilo di Impatto sulla Salute Orale: Revisione Sistematica della Letteratura. XXVI Congresso Nazionale Del Collegio Dei Docenti Di Odontoiatria.
11-13 Aprile 2019, Napoli, Italia
Gorassini F., Fiorillo L., Marino S., Mastroieni R., Scoglio C. M.R.,
Amoroso G., D’Amico C., Lauritano F., Cervino G., Cicciu’ M. Riabilitazioni protesiche con OT equator®: evidenze cliniche. XXVI Congresso Nazionale Del Collegio Dei Docenti Di Odontoiatria. 11- 13 Aprile 2019, Napoli, Italia
Cervino G., Cicciù M. , Fiorillo L., Romeo U., D’Amico C., Amoroso G., Denaro D., Marino S., Sambataro S., Troiano G., Laino L. Biomarkers molecolari correlati al carcinoma orale: Review sistematica sui recenti risultati di test clinici. XXVI Congresso Nazionale Del Collegio Dei Docenti Di Odontoiatria. 11-13 Aprile 2019, Napoli, Italia
Marino S., Fiorillo L., Mastroieni R., Gorassini F., Amoroso G., Scoglio C. M. R., D’Amico C., Lo
Giudice R., Cervino G., Cicciù M.Analisi Parametrica Tridimensionale di un Sistema Statisticamente Determinato Atto a Ruotare ilPiano Occlusale per la Correzione di Malocclusioni Scheletriche di Terza classe. XXVI Congresso Nazionale Del Collegio Dei Docenti Di Odontoiatria. 11-13 Aprile 2019, Napoli, Italia
Mastroieni R., Fiorillo L., Marino S., Gorassini F., Amoroso G., Scoglio C. M. R, Cervino G., Cicciù
M. Materiali Alginati e Tecniche di Impronta Dentale: Stato Corrente dell’Arte e Applicazione alla Pratica Dentale. XXVI Congresso Nazionale Del Collegio Dei Docenti Di Odontoiatria. 11-13 Aprile 2019, Napoli, Italia


Fiorillo L., D’amico C., Iannello G., Gorassini F., Cervino G., Cicciù M. Analisi Agli Elementi Finiti (Fem) Dell’interazione Osso Protesi In Implantologia E Delle Componenti Implantari Con Differenti Inclinazioni. Poster Primo Classificato, Presentato Al Congresso “Lo Stato Dell’arte Della Riabilitazione Estetico-Funzionale In Ortodonzia E Odontoiatria”, 11-12 Maggio, Roma.
D’amico C., Fiorillo L., Iannello G., Gorassini F., Cicciù M. Valutazione Meccanica Numerica Sull’osso Mandibolare Successivamente Al Posizionamento Implantare. Analisi Al Fem E Von Mises. Poster Presentato Al Congresso “Lo Stato Dell’arte Della Riabilitazione Estetico-Funzionale In Ortodonzia E Odontoiatria”, 11-12 Maggio, Roma.
Iannello G., Fiorillo L., D’amico C., Gorassini F., Lauritano F., Cicciù M. Riabilitazione Implanto- Protesica Su Paziente Con Agenesia Dei Laterali. Poster Presentato Al Congresso “Lo Stato Dell’arte Della Riabilitazione Estetico-Funzionale In Ortodonzia E Odontoiatria”, 11-12 Maggio, Roma.
L. Fiorillo, S. Marino, F. Gorassini, R. Mastroieni, F. Lauritano, G. Cervino, M. Cicciù. Differenze Cliniche Fra Impianti PosizionatiIn Osso Nativo Ed Impianti Posizionati In Osso Rigenerato. Poster Presentato Al Xxv Congresso Nazionale Del Collegio Dei Docenti Di Odontoiatria. 12-14 Aprile 2018, Roma, Italia.
G. Cervino, M. Cicciù, L. Fiorillo, U. Romeo, C. D’amico, G. Amoroso, D. Denaro, S. Marino, S. Sambataro, G. Troiano, L. Laino. Biomarkers Molecolari Correlati Al Carcinoma Orale: Review Sistematica Sui Recenti Risultati Di Test Clinici. Poster Presentato E Vincitore Nella Categoria “Chirurgia Orale” Al Xxiv Congresso Nazionale Del Collegio Dei Docenti Di Odontoiatria. 12-14 Aprile 2018, Roma, Italia.
  1. Mastroieni, L. Fiorillo, S. Marino, C. D’amico, G. Amoroso, G. Cervino, M. Cicciù. Glutenfreediet, Decayed Missed FilledTooth And Oralhealth Impact Profile: Una Revisione Di Un Decennio Di Dati Registrati Su Pazienti Della Sicilia Nord Orientale. Poster Presentato Al Xxiv Congresso Nazionale Del Collegio Dei Docenti Di Odontoiatria. 12-14 Aprile 2018, Roma, Italia.
  2. Marino, L. Fiorillo, C. D’amico, G. Amoroso, G. Cervino, M. Cicciù. Qualità Della Vita Dopo Asportazione Di Una Lesione Orale Maligna: Valutazione Di Recenti Risultati In Una Review Sistematica Della Letteratura. Poster Presentato Con Ricevuta Menzione D’onore Al Xxiv Congresso Nazionale Del Collegio Dei Docenti Di Odontoiatria. 12-14 Aprile 2018, Roma, Italia


S. Valenti, I. Caragliano, L. Chillemi, S. Marino, G. Cervino, C. D’amico , L. Fiorillo, F. Lauritano, M. Cicciu. Threedimensional Evaluation Of Stress Overt Dental Implants Abutment Connection: Comparison Of Different Shape And Load. Poster Presentato Al Xxiv Congresso Nazionale Del Collegio Dei Docenti Di Odontoiatria. 6-8 Aprile 2017, Milano, Italia.
L. Chillemi, E. Bramanti, S. Valenti, I. Caragliano, L. Laino, G. Cervino, C. D’amico, L. Fiorillo, F. Lauritano, G. Matacena, M. Cicciu. Cemented Or Screw Reteined For Single Dental Implant Restoration: Parametric Evaluation Of The Bone Tissue Reaction Under The Masticatory Load. Poster Presentato Al Xxiv Congresso Nazionale Del Collegio Dei Docenti Di Odontoiatria. 6-8 Aprile 2017, Milano, Italia.
I. Caragliano, S. Valenti, L. Chillemi, S. Marino, G. Cervino, C. D’amico, L. Fiorillo, F. Lauritano, M. Cicciu. Fem And Von Mises Analysis On Prosthetic Crowns Structural Elements: Evaluation Of Different Applied Materials. Poster Presentato Al Xxiv Congresso Nazionale Del Collegio Dei Docenti Di Odontoiatria. 6-8 Aprile 2017, Milano, Italia.
L. Fiorillo, G. Cervino, F. Lauritano, M. Cicciu, G. Lo Giudice. Scanning Electron Microscope (Sem) Evaluation Of Different Dental Bonding Agents. A Gap Comparison Od The Different Adhesives Capability . Poster Presentato Al Iadr: International Association For Dental Research, 95th General Session & Exhibition, 22- 25 Marzo, San Francisco, Usa.


L. Fiorillo, G. Cervino, F. Lauritano, M. Cicciù, G. Lo Giudice “Valutazione Dei Differenti Sistemi Adesivi Al Microscopio Elettronico A Scansione (Sem). Comparazione Delle Capacità Adesive Sui Materiali Endodontici”. Poster Presentato Al Xiii Congresso Nazionale Del Collegio Dei Docenti Di Odontoiatria. 14- 16 Aprile 2016, Roma, Italia.


C. D’amico, M. Gallizzi, F. Lauritano, L. Fiorillo, L. Laino, E. Bramanti, G. Cervino, M. Cicciù "Valutazione Del Discomfort Post Operatorio Dopo Chirurgia Di Terzo Molare Mandibolare Incluso. Analisi Clinica E Radiografica". Poster Presentato Al Xxii Congresso Nazionale Del Collegio Dei Docenti Di Odontoiatria. 9- 11 Aprile 2015, Milano, Italia.
L. Fiorillo, E. Bramanti, F. Lauritano, C. D'amico, M. Gallizzi, A. Brugaletta, M. Cicciù 4 Years Clinical And Radiological Evaluation Of Dental Implant Placed In Regenerated Bone Vs Dental Implant Placed Into Native Bone. Poster Presentato Presso Iadr General Session E Pubblicato Su Journal Of Dental Research, 11- 14 Marzo 2015, Boston, Massachusetts.
F. Lauritano, E. Bramanti, G. Matacena, M. Gallizzi, C. D'amico, L. Fiorillo, M. Cicciù Decayed Missed And Filled Teeth Evaluation On Alzheimer’s Disease Patients: A Retrospective Research. Poster Presentato Presso Iadr General Session E Pubblicato Su Journal Of Dental Research, 11- 14 Marzo 2015, Boston, Massachusetts.
C. D'amico, F. Lauritano, L. Fiorillo, M. Gallizzi, E. Bramanti, D. Milea, D. Denaro, C. Rizza, M. Cicciù Oral Mucosal Transformation In Women With Genital Hpv Infection. An Epidemiologic Study On East Sicily. Poster Presentato Presso Iadr General Session E Pubblicato Su Journal Of Dental Research, 11- 14 Marzo 2015, Boston, Massachusetts.


Gallizzi M., Bramanti E., Matacena G., Signorino F., Lauritano F., D’amico C., L. Fiorillo, Cicciù M. Relationship Between Neurodegenerative Disease And Quality Of Life Using Ohip-14 Test. Poster Presentato Al Xxi Congresso Nazionale Del Collegio Dei Docenti Di Odontoiatria, 10- 12 Aprile 2014, Roma, Italia.


2013 IADR Continental European Division Meeting (Florence, Italy) Matacena Giada, Bramanti Ennio, Cicciu Marco, Amedeo Ylenia Agata, Lo Giudice Giuseppe 2013 Continental European Division Meeting (Florence, Italy)


Atomic Force Microscopy of Typical Bacteria from Periodontal Biofilm IADR 2012 Pan European Region Meeting (Helisinki, Finland) Bramanti Ennio, Cicciù Marco, Signorino Fabrizio, Germano Francesco, Cicciù Alessandra, Arcuri Claudio


2011 IADR/AADR/CADR General Session (San Diego, California)Histological Evaluation of PDGF for Bone Graft Coverage in Pigs Lu Mei, Cicciù Marco, Herford Alan


2010 IADR/PER General Session (Barcelona, Spain) Role of polydeoxyribonucleotide (PDRN) in the treatment of experimental periodontitis Oteri Giacomo, Pisano Michele, Bitto Alessandra, Lo Presti Loredana, Cicciù Marco, Altavilla Domenica


Parametric evaluation of the strenght in the toronto osseous prosthesis system (Cicciu’ M, Risitano G, Beretta M, Benigni M, Maiorana C)
IADR Miami 1-4 April 2009



Dentine microhardness after exposure to orange juices and human saliva (Beneduce C, Cicciu’ M, Maiorana C, H Lu, Andreana S)
IADR Toronto 1-4 July 2008


2007 Continental European and Israeli Divisions Meeting (Thessaloniki, Greece) Marginal adaptation in enamel and cement of composite inlays Lo Giudice Giuseppe, Lipari Frank, Cervino Gabriele, Lizio Angelo, Cicciù Marco


Detection of subgengival biofilm bacteria: PCR analysis
(G. Lo Giudice, G. Oteri, A. Lizio, R. Squeri, V. La Fauci, M. Cicciu’) ADEA/AADR/CADR Meeting & Exhibition (March 8-11, 2006 ORLANDO)
Surface characterization of a surgical bioceramic matarial: preliminary tof-sims analysis(G. Lo Giudice,
G. Oteri, M. Cicciu’,A. Lizio, R. Squeri, V. La Fauci,)
ADEA/AADR/CADR Meeting & Exhibition (March 8-11, 2006 ORLANDO)
Utilizzo di esostosi vestibolari come materiale da innesto nel rialzo del seno mascellare. Un caso clinico.(Beretta M., Benigni., Cicciu’ M.,Santoro G.) 13mo Congresso Nazionale del Collegio dei Docenti di Odontoiatria Roma 5-6-7-8 Aprile 2006
Riabilitazione implanbtare di monoedentulie anteriori. update delle procedure chirurgico- protesiche. (A. Greco, L. Lo Presti, M. Miuccio, M. Cicciu’, G. Oteri)
13mo Congresso Nazionale del Collegio dei Docenti di Odontoiatria Roma 5-6-7-8 Aprile 2006 10.


Impianti post – estrattivi con procedura “flapless” : analisi clinico retrospettiva a tre anni (G. Oteri, L. Lo Presti, M. Cicciu’, M.Melissari, D. Cicciu’) Abstract 12mo Congresso Nazionale del Collegio dei Docenti di Odontoiatria Roma 16-19 Marzo 2005)
New bioactive glasses in oral surgery. xps and sputtering study (D. Cicciu’, G. Lo Giudice,G. Oteri, V. Nigrone, Cicciu M.)
ADEA/AADR/CADR Meeting & Exhibition (2005 March 9 – 12 Baltimore USA)1. Comparative shear bond strenghts of bracketsbonded with different materials


(G. Lo Giudice, P. Catalano, M. Cicciu’,G. Vinci, A. Irrera) IADR/AADR/CADR 82nd General Session (March 10-13, 2004) HAWAII Resina flow e gap marginale. valutazioni al sims
(Lo Giudice G., Catalano P., Oteri G., Cicciu M., Longo A.)
11mo Congresso Nazionale del Collegio dei Docenti di Odontoiatria Roma 21-24 Aprile 2004
Rilevazione delle forze applicate alle pinze durante le avulsioni dentarie(Sortino F.,Cicciu M., Ballistreri F.)
11mo Congresso Nazionale Del Collegio Dei Docenti Di Odontoiatria Roma 21-24 Aprile 2004
Trattamento dei dati personali e 
Dichiarazioni sostitutive di certificazione    Il sottoscritto ai sensi e per gli effetti degli articoli 46 e 47 e consapevole delle sanzioni penali previste dall’articolo 76 del D.P.R. 28 dicembre 2000, n. 445 nelle ipotesi di falsità in atti e dichiarazioni mendaci, dichiara che le informazioni riportate nel presente curriculum vitae, redatto in formato europeo, corrispondono a verità.
Acconsento al trattamento dei dati personali presenti nel mio curriculum vitae ai sensi del Regolamento UE 679/2016 e del D.lgs. 196/2003 così come modificato dal D.lgs. 101/20180


    Education and training 
    Full Professor MED 28 law 240/10 
    University of Messina 
    11/01/2021 - to date   

    Associate Professor MED 28 law 240/10 
    University of Messina 
    30/12/2017 - 10/01/2021   

    Fixed-term researcher art 24 paragraph 3 type B law 240/10 full time 
    University of Messina 
    12/30/2014 - 29/12/2017 Piazza Pugliatti 98100 Messina  
    Further information  

    Fixed-term researcher art.1 paragraph 14 L.230 / 05 
    University of Messina 
    30/12/2011 - 29/12/2014 Messina Italy 
    Further information  

    Research Grant DR3514 dated 3-11-09 AREA 06 
    University of Messina 
    06/09/2010 - 29/12/2011 Messina Italy     
    Further information  

    Specialization in Oral Surgery 
    University of Milan 
    2006 - 10/11/2009 Via Festa del Perdono, 7 20122 Milan Italy   
    Further information  

    University of Catania 
    2004 - 19/02/2007 University Square 95100 Catania Italy   
    Further information  

    Registration with the Order of Surgeons and Dentists 
    Order of Physicians and Dentists 
    29/01/2004 Catania Italy   
    Further information  

    Master's Degree in Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics 
    University of Catania 
    01/10/1998 - 17/07/2003 University Square 95100 Catania Italy   
    Further information  

    Annual II level Master in "Health Management of Complex Hospital Structures" 
    Messina Order of Surgeons and Dentistry 
    07/04/2016 98100 Messina Italy 
    Assistance activity 
    Further information  
    Main subjects studied / professional skills acquired:

    The assistance activity of Dr. Marco Cicciù was carried out mainly as a trainee in the Department of Odontostomatological Surgery of the University of Milan carrying out Clinical-Surgical Assistance Activities in the years 2006/07, 2007/08 and 2008 / 09. 

    From 2006 to 2010 Dr Marco Cicciù worked as a medical manager at the ASP of Catania as a substitute dentist 
    From 2011 to today he has been carrying out assistance activities at the UOC of Dentistry of the University Polyclinic of Messina 
    From 16 06 2018 with note number 986 Medical Director at the UOC of Dentistry of the University Polyclinic of Messina   
    From 2013 to today 554 interventions in day hospital and day service performed as the first operator for the UOC of Odontostomatologia Policlinico G Martino
    Didactic Experience in the disciplinary scientific sector MED 28  
    ·       Dr Marco Cicciù in the academic years 2004/05, 2005/06 and 2006/07 has carried out as a teacher semester cycles of lessons in Special Odontostomatological Anatomy to the students of the 1st year of the Degree Course in Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics of the University of the Studies of Catania.   
    ·       During these academic years he has been a member of the examining commission for the exams of Special Odontostomatological Anatomy, also carrying out seminars and Tutors and practical exercises in Human Anatomy for the students of the course. 
    ·       In the academic year 2007/08 he was appointed Tutor of the 2nd level Master in Oral Implantology and Prosthetic Rehabilitation held at the Department of Odontostomatology of the University of Messina. 
    ·       In the academic year 2009/10 he was appointed Tutor of the second edition of the 2nd level Master in Oral Implantology and Prosthetic Rehabilitation held at the Department of Odontostomatology of the University of Messina. In the second edition of the Master in Oral Implantology and Prosthetic Rehabilitation Dr. Cicciù was a speaker giving a lesson on modern materials for use in Oral Surgery in cases of dehiscence and fenestration. 
    ·       Winner of a scholarship under the Agreement between the Department of Odontostomatology and the San Raffaele del Monte Tabor Foundation in Milan for the realization of the CCM project entitled "Experimentation of a territorial path for the prevention / diagnosis of malignant tumors of the cable oral " aimed at identifying local risk factors of precancerous lesions and the initial stages of oral cancer.  
    ·       from 02-12-2009 to 01-06-2010   
    ·       Dr. Marco Cicciù attended a cycle of lectures in oral surgery at the CLMOPD in the year 2012-2013 and was the coordinator of the teaching of Principles of Dentistry for the year 2013-2014 . For the year 2014-2015 he coordinated the teaching of Fixed Prosthetics and Removable Prosthetics by carrying out a cycle of lessons for Dental Materials.  
    ·       For the academic year 2015-2016, 2016-2017, 2018-2019 he coordinated the teaching of Fixed Prosthetics and Mobile Prosthetics by carrying out a cycle of lessons for Dental Materials with a teaching load of 260 hours. 
    ·       from 2019 to today Member of the College of 16 Professors responsible for teaching in the PhD in "Bioengineering Applied to Medical Sciences" University of Messina XXXV cycle     
    ·       National Coordinator of MED 28 Researchers within the Teaching Staff of Odontostomatological Diseases from 2014 to 2018 
    ·       National coordinator of Professors of II Band MED 28 within the Teaching Body of Odontostomatological Diseases from 2019 to today   
    ·       Member of the Organizing Committee of the School of Specialization in Special Odontostomatological Surgery, University of Messina from 2017 to today
    ·       Scientific Responsible of the research project of ' research grant type B entitled: "Finite element analysis (FEM) and Von Mises analysis for the evaluation of voltages on structures constituting the dental implant-supported" from 2018 to today  
    ·       Scientific Director of the research project of an annual scholarship for mechanical engineers entitled "FEM and Von MISES analysis of removable overdenture prosthodontics attachments" 2018     
    ·       Member of the Commission (Secretary) for the EVALUATION PROCEDURE FOR THE COVERAGE OF 1 SECOND LEVEL PROFESSOR FOR THE COMPETITION SECTOR 06 / F1 - SCIENTIFIC-DISCIPLINARY SECTOR MED / 28 AT THE DEPARTMENT OF BIOMEDICAL, DENTAL AND IMAGING SCIENCES AND FUNCTIONALS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MESSINA, BY CALL PURSUANT TO ART. 18, PARAGRAPH 1, OF LAW 240/2010 (DR n.2022 of 2018 - notice published in the Official Gazette n.88 of 11/6/2018 - IV Special Series Competitions and Exams)            
    ·       Head of Headquarters for the University of Messina within the Board of Referents of the Scientific Disciplinary Sector MED 28 
    ·       External Evaluator for the final examination of the Research Doctorate of the University of Naples Federico II, issued with DR 2558 of 29.07.2016 - 31st Cycle of the Research Doctorate in Clinical and Experimental Medicine in the session of 18.10.2018      
    ·       External Evaluator for final exam PhD at the University of Rome Torvergata - 29th Cycle of the PhD in the Department of Industrial Engineering of the University of Rome Tor Vergata. 2017      
    ·       External Evaluator for final exam PhD of the University of Bologna - 32nd Cycle of the Doctorate of the Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences of the University of Bologna 2019     
    ·       Tutor of the research doctorate XXXV cycle Dr Fiorillo Luca within the PhD in Bioengineering Applied to Medical Sciences, University of Messina 
    ·       Appointment of External Component for the evaluation of projects relating to the II year 2016/2018 of the Departmental Research Plan - CHIRMED Department University of Catania
    ·       Member and Author of the Ministerial Clinical Recommendations section 2015 Minstero della Salute - Prosthetic Dentistry 
    ·       currently Member of the Didactic Commission within the Degree Course in Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics of the University of Messina
    ·       Member of the Scientific Commission within the BIOMORF Department of the University of Messina from 2015 to 2018
    ·       Member of the poster evaluation commission for the Faculty of Odontostomatological disciplines 2014-15-16-17-18-19
    ·       Member of the Medicine and Dentistry Entrance Test Evaluation Committee 
    ·       Member of the Admission Test Evaluation Commission for the School of Specialization in Odontostomatological Surgery 2017/18 and 2018/19 
    ·       Supervisor and co -supervisor of experimental and compilation degree theses within the Degree Course in Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics from 2011 to today 
    ·       Appointment of "PRESIDENT" External Component for the evaluation of projects relating to the II year 2020/2021 of the Departmental Research Plan - CHIRMED Department Federico II University
    ·       Appointment of External Component "Secretary" for evaluation procedure for a first level professor MED28 - CHIRMED Department Federico II University
    ·       Appointment of External Component "Secretary" for evaluation procedure for a second level professor MED28 - University of Sassari
    ·       Appointment of External Component "Secretary" for evaluation procedure for a second level professor MED28 - University of Parma
    ·       Appointment of External Component "Secretary" for evaluation procedure for a rtd type A - University of Milan
    Institutional Didactic Activity at UNIME
    Carry out frontal teaching and practical internships useful for the acquisition of CFUs for students enrolled in Degree Programs whose didactic organization includes teachings attributable to the MED28 scientific disciplinary sector. 
    ·       The teaching activity in the reference period is shown below in chronological order from the most recent to the least recent:
    Academic year 2021/2022 (teaching activity in progress in the current academic year) Master's Degree Course in Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics:  
    ·       Teaching of Prosthetic Technologies - 3rd year 1st semester (7 CFU 4 Frontal Teaching + 3 Practical Internship)    
    ·       Teaching of Dental Prosthetics within the Integrated Course of Odontostomatological Disciplines II - 5th year 1 semester 6 CFU Practical Internship
    ·       Coordinator of the Integrated Course of Rehabilitation Dentistry within which teaching of Prosthetics 4th year 2 semester 8 CFU: 6 Frontal Teaching + 2 Practical Internship. Teaching of Periodontology 5 CFU of Frontal Teaching
    ·       Integrated Course of Prosthesis Coordinator 5th year 2 semester 5 CFU: 3 Frontal Teaching + 2 Practical Internship
    Academic year 2020/2021 (teaching activity in progress in the current academic year) Master's Degree Course in Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics:  
    ·       Teaching of Prosthetic Technologies - 3rd year 1st semester (7 CFU 4 Frontal Teaching + 3 Practical Internship)    
    ·       Teaching of Dental Prosthetics within the Integrated Course of Odontostomatological Disciplines II - 5th year 1 semester 6 CFU Practical Internship
    ·       Coordinator of the Integrated Course of Rehabilitation Dentistry within which teaching of Prosthetics 4th year 2 semester 8 CFU: 6 Frontal Teaching + 2 Practical Internship. Teaching of Periodontology 5 CFU of Frontal Teaching
    ·       Integrated Course of Prosthesis Coordinator 5th year 2 semester 5 CFU: 3 Frontal Teaching + 2 Practical Internship
    Academic year 2019/2020 (teaching activity in progress in the current academic year) Master's Degree Course in Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics:  
    ·       Teaching of Prosthetic Technologies - 3rd year 1st semester (7 CFU 4 Frontal Teaching + 3 Practical Internship)    
    ·       Teaching of Dental Prosthetics within the Integrated Course of Odontostomatological Disciplines II - 5th year 1 semester 6 CFU Practical Internship
    ·       Coordinator of the Integrated Course of Rehabilitation Dentistry within which teaching of Prosthetics 4th year 2 semester 8 CFU: 6 Frontal Teaching + 2 Practical Internship. Teaching of Periodontology 5 CFU of Frontal Teaching
    ·       Integrated Course of Prosthesis Coordinator 5th year 2 semester 5 CFU: 3 Frontal Teaching + 2 Practical Internship
    Academic year 2018/2019 Master's Degree Course in Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics: 
    ·       Teaching of Prosthetic Technologies - 3rd year 1st semester (7 CFU 4 Frontal Teaching + 3 Practical Internship)    
    ·       Teaching of Dental Prosthetics within the Integrated Course of Odontostomatological Disciplines II - 5th year 1 semester 6 CFU Practical Internship
    ·       Coordinator of the Integrated Course of Rehabilitation Dentistry within which teaching of Prosthetics 4th year 2 semester 8 CFU: 6 Frontal Teaching + 2 Practical Internship.
    ·       Integrated Course of Prosthesis Coordinator 5th year 2 semester 5 CFU: 3 Frontal Teaching + 2 Practical Internship
    Academic year 2017/2018 Master's Degree Course in Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics: 
    ·       Teaching of Prosthetic Technologies - 3rd year 1st semester (7 CFU 4 Frontal Teaching + 3 Practical Internship)    
    ·       Teaching of Dental Prosthetics within the Integrated Course of Odontostomatological Disciplines II - 5th year 1 semester 6 CFU Practical Internship
    ·       Coordinator of the Integrated Course of Rehabilitation Dentistry within which teaching of Prosthetics 4th year 2 semester 8 CFU: 6 Frontal Teaching + 2 Practical Internship.
    ·       Integrated Course of Prosthesis Coordinator 5th year 2 semester 5 CFU: 3 Frontal Teaching + 2 Practical Internship
    Academic year 2016/2017 Master's Degree Course in Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics: 
    ·       Teaching of Prosthetic Technologies - 3rd year 1st semester (7 CFU 4 Frontal Teaching + 3 Practical Internship)    
    ·       Teaching of Dental Prosthetics within the Integrated Course of Odontostomatological Disciplines II - 5th year 1 semester 6 CFU Practical Internship
    ·       Coordinator of the Integrated Course of Rehabilitation Dentistry within which teaching of Prosthetics 4th year 2 semester 8 CFU: 6 Frontal Teaching + 2 Practical Internship.
    ·       Integrated Course of Prosthesis Coordinator 5th year 2 semester 5 CFU: 3 Frontal Teaching + 2 Practical Internship
    Academic year 2015/2016 Master's Degree Course in Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics: 
    ·       Teaching of Dental Materials - 3rd year 1st semester (7 CFU 4 Frontal Teaching + 2 Practical Internship)     
    ·       Teaching of Dental Prosthetics within the Integrated Course of Odontostomatological Disciplines II - 5th year 1 semester 6 CFU Practical Internship
    ·       Teaching of Oral Surgery within Dentistry, Surgery and Rehabilitation 4th year 1 semester 5 CFU 4 Teaching + 1 Practical Internship    
    ·       Teaching of Oral Surgery within Pathology and Maxillofacial Surgery 5th year 1 semester 4 CFU 3 Didactics + 1 Practical Internship
    ·       Coordinator of the Integrated Course of Rehabilitation Dentistry within which teaching of Prosthetics 4th year 2 semester 8 CFU: 6 Frontal Teaching + 2 Practical Internship.
    ·       Integrated Course of Prosthesis Coordinator 5th year 2 semester 5 CFU: 3 Frontal Teaching + 2 Practical Internship
    Academic year 2014/2015 Master's Degree Course in Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics: 
    ·       Teaching of Dental Materials - 3rd year 1st semester (7 CFU 4 Frontal Teaching + 2 Practical Internship)     
    ·       Teaching of Dental Prosthetics within the Integrated Course of Odontostomatological Disciplines II - 5th year 1 semester 6 CFU Practical Internship
    ·       Teaching of Oral Surgery within Dentistry, Surgery and Rehabilitation 4th year 1 semester 5 CFU 4 Teaching + 1 Practical Internship    
    ·       Teaching of Oral Surgery within Pathology and Maxillofacial Surgery 5th year 1 semester 4 CFU 3 Didactics + 1 Practical Internship
    ·       Coordinator of the Integrated Course of Rehabilitation Dentistry within which teaching of Prosthetics 4th year 2 semester 8 CFU: 6 Frontal Teaching + 2 Practical Internship.
    ·       Integrated Course of Prosthesis Coordinator 5th year 2 semester 5 CFU: 3 Frontal Teaching + 2 Practical Internship
    ·       Integrated Course Coordinator of Principles of Preventive and Community Dentistry teaching of Preventive and Community Dentistry 2nd year 2 semester 4 CFU: 3 Frontal Teaching + 1 Practical Internship   
    Academic year 2013/2014 Master's Degree Course in Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics: 
    ·       Teaching of Oral Surgery within Pathology and Maxillofacial Surgery 5th year 1 semester 4 CFU 3 Didactics + 1 Practical Internship
    ·       Integrated Course Coordinator of Principles of Preventive and Community Dentistry teaching of Preventive and Community Dentistry 2nd year 2 semester 4 CFU: 3 Frontal Teaching + 1 Practical Internship   
    Academic year 2012/2013 Master's degree course in Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics: 
    ·       Teaching of dental periodontal surgery within Pathology and Maxillofacial Surgery 5th year 1 semester 4 CFU 3 Didactics + 1 Practical Internship
    ·       Integrated Course Coordinator of Principles of Preventive and Community Dentistry teaching of Preventive and Community Dentistry 2nd year 2 semester 4 CFU: 3 Frontal Teaching + 1 Practical Internship   
    Academic year 2011/2012 Master's Degree Course in Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics: 
    ·       Teaching of Oral Surgery within Pathology and Maxillofacial Surgery 5th year 1 semester 4 CFU 3 Didactics + 1 Practical Internship
    Supplementary Didactic Activities, Seminars and Student Service Activities:
    ·       Scientific Coordinator of Optional Teaching entitled "Simple and effective solutions in fixed prosthesis on implants" University of Messina Pad CLOPD 02/04/2019
    ·       Scientific Coordinator of the Course of Surgical Anatomy and Dissection on anatomical preparations - CLOPD University of Messina 18-19 June 2019
    ·       Scientific Coordinator of Optional Teaching Digital Prosthetic Planning 07/03/2019 Pad CLOPD
    ·       Scientific Coordinator of Optional Teaching Current Guidelines on Attachments in Removable and Fixed Prosthesis "06/12/2019 Pad CLOPD  
    Activities as Supervisor and Co-Supervisor: 
    Assist students in compiling the degree thesis, in particular by providing them with research ideas in the conception and formulation of research projects for experimental theses, indicating the bibliographic sources, structuring the thesis and correcting the proofs. In particular, during the reference period, this activity supported the drafting of the following degree theses as supervisor or co-supervisor: 
    ·       Academic Year 2019-20
    University of Messina 
    Master's Degree Course in Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics 
    Integrated Course of Prosthetics
    Thesis entitled: Hyaluronic acid evaluation in the treatment of implant surfaces and latest generation prosthetic components: experimental in vitro analysis Thesis by: Cristina Maria Rosa Scoglia 
    Speaker : Prof Marco Cicciù
    University of Messina 
    Master's Degree Course in Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics 
    Integrated Course of Prosthetics
    Thesis entitled: Complex Prosthetic Surgical Rehabilitation in the atrophic ridges of the upper jaw: Experimentation of new devices. Thesis by: Giulia Amoroso
    Speaker : Prof Marco Cicciù 
    ·       Academic year 2018-19
    University of Messina 
    Master's Degree Course in Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics 
    Integrated Course of Prosthetics
    Thesis entitled: State of the art of dentistry: Digital impression in surgical and prosthetic applications. Thesis by: Roberta Mastroieni 
    Supervisor : Prof Marco Cicciù Co- supervisor : Dr Gabriele Cervino 
    University of Messina 
    Master's Degree Course in Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics 
    Integrated Course of Prosthetics
    Thesis entitled: Prosthetic implant rehabilitation in the aesthetic sector with One Piece implant: comparison of the literature with biphasic implants. Thesis by: Maviglia Francesco
    Speaker : Prof Marco Cicciù
    University of Messina 
    Master's Degree Course in Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics 
    Integrated Course of Prosthetics
    Thesis entitled: Clinical and experimental evaluation of new prosthetic anchoring systems for ovederdenture on implants. Thesis by: Francesca Gorasssini
    Supervisor : Prof Marco Cicciù Co- supervisor : Dr Gabriele Cervino 
    ·       Academic Year 2017-18
    University of Messina 
    Master's Degree Course in Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics 
    Integrated Course of Prosthetics
    Thesis entitled: Prosthetic solutions and structural components of single crown implants in the aesthetic area. Thesis by: Santo Trovat 
    Speaker : Prof Marco Cicciù
    University of Messina 
    Master's Degree Course in Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics 
    Integrated Course of Prosthetics
    Degree thesis entitled: Case Control Assessment by OHIP questionnaire of bite-user athletes. Thesis by: Lorenzo Chillemi
    Speaker : Prof Marco Cicciù
    University of Messina 
    Master's Degree Course in Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics 
    Integrated Course of Prosthetics
    Thesis entitled: Aesthetic functional rehabilitation of a bruxist patient using waxed veneers. Thesis by: Andrea Barreca
    Speaker : Prof Marco Cicciù
    University of Messina 
    Master's Degree Course in Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics 
    Integrated Course of Prosthetics
    Thesis entitled: Parametric and functional analysis of a statistically determined system able to rotate the occlusal plane for the correction of third class skeletal malocclusions with openbite. Thesis by: Stefania Marino
    Speaker : Prof Marco Cicciù
    ·       Academic year 2016-17
    University of Messina 
    Master's Degree Course in Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics 
    Integrated Course of Prosthetics
    Thesis entitled: Finite element evaluation and chewing stress analysis on three different implant abutment connection geometries. Thesis by: Santi Maria Valenti
    Speaker : Prof Marco Cicciù
    University of Messina 
    Master's Degree Course in Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics 
    Integrated Course of Prosthetics
    Thesis entitled: Parametric and functional investigation of two different implant surfaces subjected to functional loads. Thesis by: Ylenia Lucia Caragliano 
    Speaker : Prof Marco Cicciù
    University of Messina 
    Master's Degree Course in Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics 
    Integrated Course of Prosthetics
    Thesis entitled: Mobile Prosthesis on Implants. Thesis by: Francesco Panuccio 
    Speaker: Prof Marco Cicciù
    University of Messina 
    Master's Degree Course in Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics 
    Integrated Course of Prosthetics
    Thesis entitled: Clinical recommendations and therapeutic indications for implant overdentures. Thesis by: Angelo Lissandrello
    Speaker : Prof Marco Cicciù
    ·       Academic year 2015-16
    University of Messina 
    Master's Degree Course in Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics 
    Integrated Course of Prosthetics
    Thesis entitled: Parametric evaluation of the structural elements of metal-ceramic and metal-free crowns. Thesis by: Debora Denaro 
    Speaker : Prof Marco Cicciù 
    University of Messina 
    Master's Degree Course in Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics 
    Integrated Course of Prosthetics
    Thesis entitled: Clinical and radiographic analysis of dental implants placed in newly formed bone with vertical regeneration techniques. Thesis by: Costanza Rizza
    Speaker : Prof Marco Cicciù 
    ·       Academic year 2014-15
    University of Messina 
    Master's Degree Course in Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics 
    Integrated Course of Rehabilitation Dentistry
    Thesis entitled: Evaluation of the clinical success criteria of monophasic implants. Thesis by: Michela Gallizzi
    Speaker : Prof Marco Cicciù 
    University of Messina 
    Master's Degree Course in Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics 
    Integrated Course of Rehabilitation Dentistry
    Speaker : Prof Marco Cicciù 
    University of Messina 
    Master's Degree Course in Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics 
    Integrated Course of Rehabilitation Dentistry
    Speaker : Prof Marco Cicciù 
    University of Messina 
    Master's Degree Course in Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics 
    Integrated Course of Rehabilitation Dentistry
    Thesis entitled: State of the art and current trends in the use of biomaterials in bone regenerative procedures. Thesis by: Cesare D'Amico
    Speaker : Prof Marco Cicciù
    ·       Academic year 2013-14
    University of Messina 
    Master's Degree Course in Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics 
    Integrated Course of Rehabilitation Dentistry 
    Thesis entitled: Topicality in retentive systems of total mandibular prostheses with implant support. Thesis by: Sergio Ragaglia 
    Speaker : Prof Marco Cicciù
    University of Messina 
    Master's Degree Course in Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics 
    Integrated Course of Rehabilitation Dentistry 
    Thesis entitled: Use of digital photography in dentistry: clinical and diagnostic applications. Thesis by: Peirgiorgio Amalfi
    Speaker : Prof Marco Cicciù
    ·       Academic year 2012-13
    University of Messina 
    Master's Degree Course in Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics 
    Integrated Course of Rehabilitation Dentistry 
    Speaker : Prof Marco Cicciù
    University of Messina 
    Master's Degree Course in Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics 
    Integrated Course of Gold Dento Periodontal Surgery II 
    Thesis entitled: Parametric analysis and finite element evaluation of cemented and screwed prosthetic implant connections. Thesis by: Giada Matacena 
    Speaker : Prof Marco Cicciù
    Organization of Scientific Events, Invited Relationship and Participation in Conferences:
    ·       Organization and Report Proceedings of the VIII Study Day BIOMATERIALS and BIOMECHANICS Catania, 13 July 2007     
    ·       from 13-07-2007 to 13-07-2007 Oral Presentation International Conference of Aesthetic Medicine  
    ·       from 13-10-2007 to 13-10-2007 Oral Presentation IADR TORONTO July 2-5, 2008, Toronto, Canada  
    ·       from 02-07-2008 to 02-07-2008 Oral Presentation IADR MIAMI 1-4 April 2009 
    ·       from 01-04-2009 to 04-04-2009 International Dental Conference (FTI2010), taking place in Florence, Italy, November 11-13, 2010 ORAL PRESENTATION  
    ·       from 11-11-2010 to 11-13-2010 Oral Presentation Bone Tec Meeting Hannover  
    ·       from 12-10-2011 to 15-10-2011 Oral Presentation ICOMS CHILE 1-4 November 2011 International Community Oral Maxillofacial Surgery  
    ·       from 01-11-2011 to 04-11-2011 Oral Presentation Guidelines for the treatment of the edentulous patient enna 
    ·       01-12-2012 Oral Presentation Order of Doctors Messina Auditorium G Martino - Current guidelines for the application of lasers in oral surgery 
    ·       from 22-09-2012 to 22-09-2012 Speaker at ANDI SICILIA 2012 Congress   
    ·       from 16-11-2012 to 17-11-2012 Organization of the forum for young oral surgeons Expo Autumn Nov 2012  
    ·       Oral Presentation ANDI Messina JANUARY 2013 on techniques and state of the art in implantology from 26-01-2013 to 26-01-2013 
    ·       CHAIR SESSION Seat President Seattle IADR meeting March 20-23, 2013 
    ·       from 20-03-2013 to 23-03-2013 Oral Presentation on Periodontal Disease and Neurodegenerative pathology at IADR Seattle. (March 20-23, 2013)   
    ·       from 20-03-2013 to 23-03-2013 Oral Presentation IADR SEATTLE  
    ·        Speaker ANDI RAGUSA: Mobile prosthesis with mucous and implant support, step by step realization from 04-05-2013 to 04-05-2013 
    ·       Organization of the Mediterranean Congress of Odontostomatological Disciplines Taormina from 12-07-2013 to 13-07-2013 
    ·        Congress Moderator ANDI SIDCO AGRIGENTO 2013 from 29-11-2013 to 30-11-2013 
    ·        Lectio Magistralis Boyne Geistlich Lecture Loma Linda February 19 2014 from 19-02-2014 to 19-02-2014  
    ·       Organization III ITALIAN ACADEMY SYMPOSIUM CAMLOG from 19-06-2015 to 20-06-2015 
    ·       Lectio Magistralis Guijang: Editorial Board Chinese Journal traumatology; Dentofacial trauma: New therapeutic option for long term clinical success from 14-08-2015 to 16-08-2015   
    ·       Direction of Surgical Anatomical Dissection Course on Corpse Messina from 15-09-2015  
    ·       Participation as session moderator Anthec Taormina Convention 8-9 July 2016 
    ·       Organization Consensus Conference International Meeting Kaunas Lithuania topic "Perimplantitis 1. Etiology and risk factors Key importance factors for the development of peri-implantitis: Plaque accumulation at implants, a history of periodontal disease, peri-implant soft tissue condition, smoking, excess cement, overloading, prosthetic treatment mistakes and lack of supportive therapy. 2. Diagnostics and decision tree - Areas of interest: Clinical diagnostics principles and methods, peri-implant crevicular fluid (PICF) biomarkers, microbial profiles from implants, genetic methods. Decision tree. 3 Treatment from 07-09-2016 to 10-09-2016        
    ·       Contribution to the organization of the regional congress andi 2016 SICILY from 08-10-2016 to 08-10-2016  
    ·       Member of the Scientific Committee of the II Orthodontic Summer School, 1-2-3 September 2016, Marsa Siclà Resort SP 66, Sampieri-Scicli (RG)
    ·       Invited Speaker : Avulsion and post-extraction implants 24th National Congress CDUO College of University Teachers of Odontostomatological Disciplines Milan 07/04/2017  
    ·       Organizing Committee Member : Summer School Scicli (RG) 15-16 September 2017
    ·       Scientific Coordinator of Optional Teaching "Current guidelines on attachments in removable and fixed prostheses" University of Messina Pad CLOPD 12/12/2018
    ·       Unime Messina Summer School Speaker 1 September 2018
    ·       Scientific Committee - Organizer meeting Prosthetic Connection Catania 20-22 September 2018 
    ·       Speaker meeting Prosthetic Connection Catania 20-22 September 2018
    ·       Invited speaker: National Congress The state of the art of aesthetic-functional rehabilitation in orthodontics and dentistry Parametric and three-dimensional evaluation of the elements that characterize implant-prosthetic therapy; from the biomechanics of the fixture to the final prosthetic restoration Prof. Marco Cicciù Rome 11-12 May 2018  
    ·       Video Library - Restorative - Loading - Post Extractive Dental Implant: State of the Art, New Techniques and Clinical Rationale-Marco Cicciu, DDS, MSc, PhD Webinar presented on 10/9 / 18Contributor Marco Cicciu, DDS, MSc, PhD   
    ·       Video Library - Restorative - Materials - Dental Implant Cemented or Screw-retained Prosthesis: Clinical Radiological and Parametrical Analysis of the Prosthodontic Components - Marco Cicciu, DDS, MSc, PhD Webinar presented on 8/17/18 The lecture will give information about dental implant screwed or cemented retained. Contributor Marco Cicciu, DDS, MSc, PhD   
    ·       Speaker - Annual Theoretical Practical Course of Implant Prosthesis - The rehabilitation of the patient with implant support prostheses - Terme Vigliatore Messina 2018
    ·       Direction and Coordination of Surgical Anatomy and Dissection Course on Anatomical Preparations 18-19 June 2019 
    ·       Oral Presentation : International Society for Engineers and Researchers International Conference on Science Technology Engineering and Management- Mechanical and Structural Evaluation of three Different Dental Implants Surface- Port Luis 22-23 March 2019 
    ·       Oral Presentation : International Society for Engineers and Researchers International Conference on Science Technology Engineering and Management-Analysis of Dental Implant-Abutment Retained Overdenture Components and Parametric Evaluation of Equator and Locator Prosthontics Attachmentscs- Port Luis 22-23 March 2019
    ·       Oral Presentation : Innovation and Technology and new professional perspectives: Dentistry 4.0 Unime Interregional Key Networking for Open Innovation empowerment Messina 05/29/2019
    ·        Lectio Magistralis Boyne Geistlich Loma Linda University - Loma Linda California 26 September 2019 
    ·        Lectio Magistralis Loyola University 25 April 2020
    ·        Lectio Magistralis ICMS 25/26 June 2021 Dental Implant Rehabilitation Current and Future perspective 2021
    ·        Lectio Magistralis ICMS 30 June 2021 Kaunas Conference Digital Dentistry and Implantology 
    ·        Moderator Rehin Day Bologna July 8 2021
    ·        BLSD course: Cardiopulmonary resuscitation techniques using the CT defibrillator 17 July 21
    Direction or participation in the activities of a research group characterized by national or international collaborations 
    • Participation in the research group regarding the experimentation and application of rhBMP2 on macaca fascicularis. Internship held at Loma Linda University CALIFORNIA US A from 12-10-2007 to 11-04-2008   
    • Long-lasting and continuous research activity with the University of Loma Linda California USA, Chair of Maxillofacial Surgery, under the direction of Prof. Alan Herford, together with whom several research projects documented by effective collaborative scientific publications have been developed.  
    • Long-lasting and continuous research activity with the University of Naples Vanvitelli, Chair of Oral Surgery , together with which various research projects documented by effective collaborative scientific publications have been developed.
    • Long-lasting and continuous research activity with the University of Milan, Chair of Oral Surgery and Implantology , together with which various research projects documented by effective collaborative scientific publications have been developed.
    • Long-lasting and continuous research activity with the University of Granada, Chair of Oral Surgery and Implantology , Prof Galindo Moreno, together with which several research projects documented by effective collaborative scientific publications have been developed. 
    • Long- lasting and continuous research activity with the University of UIC Chicago, Chair of Periodontology , Prof Tolga Tozum, together with which several research projects documented by effective collaborative scientific publications have been developed. 
    • Long- lasting and continuous research activity with the University of Kaunas, Chair of Oral Surgery , Prof Gintaras Juodzbalys, together with which various research projects documented by effective collaborative scientific publications have been developed. 
    Participations and editorial series and international magazines
    ▪ Editor in Chief Prosthesis MDPI ESCI Journal  
    Decision after peer review over 25 manuscripts
    ▪ Associate Editor, Señor Editorial Board Member of The Journal of Craniofacial Surgery Impact Factor 1.046  
    Decision after peer review over 821 manuscripts
    ▪ Academic Editor  - section BMC Oral Health  Impact Factor 2.757
    Decision after peer review over 25 manuscripts
    ▪ Academic Editor  - section Materials  Impact Factor 3.623
    Decision after peer review over 24 manuscripts
    ▪ Academic Editor  - section International Journal Molecular Sciences  Impact Factor 5.923
    Decision after peer review over 2 manuscripts
    ▪ Academic Editor  - section Prosthodontics European Journal of Dentistry  SCOPUS PUBMED
    Decision after peer review over 25 manuscripts
     Associate Editor Editorial Board Member MINERVA STOMATOLOGICA ESCI SCOPUS PUBMED
    from 16-07-2016 to today
     Decision after peer review over 83 manuscripts
     Señor Editorial Board Member, Regional Editor The Open Dentistry Journal from 01-01-2010 to today  
     Editorial Board Member International Journal Clinical Experimental Medicine from 09-01-2013 to today 
     Editorial Board Member and Guest Editor CHINESE JOURNAL OF TRAUMATOLOGY from 24-03-2013 to today 
     Editorial Board Member - Materials MDPI to date 
     Editorial Board Member - International Journal Molecular Science MDPI to date 
     Editorial Board Member - Journal Oral Implantology 
    Review over 55 papers. 
    International Scientific Collaborations as "Guest Editor" verifiable on special Issue:
     ▪ Special Issue in International Journal of Molecular Science: Molecular and clinical features of growth factors applied to reconstructive surgery Int J Mol Science (ISSN 1422-0067; IF 4.183) 
    ▪ Special Issue in Biomed Research International (IF 2.583): Oral Immunological Profile Impact on Local and Systemic Disease 
    ▪ Special Issue in Biomed Research International (IF 2.583): Future Prospective and Current Trend of Biomaterials and Growth Factor Used for Maxillofacial Hard and Soft Tissue Reconstruction  
    ▪ Special Issue in Journal of Functional Biomaterials: Functional Engineering and Biomechanical Features of Biomaterials Applied to Dental Practice 
    ▪ Special Issue in Gels: Different Uses of Gel Biomaterials in the Medical and Surgical Field 
    ▪ Special Issue in Prosthesis: Tissue and Immunological Features of the Human / Prosthesis Interface
    ▪ Special Issue in Prosthesis: Innovative Prosthetic Device: New Materials, Technologies and Patients' Quality of Life (QoL) Improvement  
    ▪ Special Issue in Dentistry Journal: Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery: Special Needs Patients and Systemic Implications of Oral Health 
    ▪ Special Issue in Biology: Oral Microbiota: Development Control, Physiopathology and Oral Biomarkers 
    ▪ Special Issue in Chinese Journal Traumatology: Oral and Maxillofacial trauma
    Activity carried out as Reviewer for International journals: 
    ·       Sensors 
    ·       Scientific Reports 
    ·       Materials 
    ·       Healthcare 
    ·       Applied Sciences 
    ·       Publications 
    ·       Nanomaterials 
    ·       Antibiotics 
    ·       International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
    ·       Genes 
    ·       Marine Drugs 
    ·       Medicine 
    ·       Dentistry Journal 
    ·       International Journal of Molecular Science 
    ·       Symmetry 
    ·       Membranes 
    ·       Cells 
    ·       Journal Functional Biomaterials 
    ·       Minerals 
    ·       Pharmaceutics 
    ·       Minerva Stomatologica 
    ·       Int Journal Oral Maxillofacial Implants 
    ·       Int Journal Oral Maxillofacial Surgery 
    ·       Eur Journal Oral Implantology 
    ·       Journal Oral Implantology 
    ·       Archivies of Oral Biology 
    ·       Journal of Cancer Research and Therapeutics 
    ·       Indian Journal of Dentistry 
    ·       The Journal Craniofacial Surgery 
    ·       Biomedical Material Research part B 
    ·       Clinical and Experimental Dental Research 
    ·       International Journal of Infection Disease 
    ·       The Journal of Evidence Based Dental Practice 
    ·       Computer Biology and Medicine 
    ·       Biomed Research International 
    ·       International Journal of Dentistry 
    ·       Materials Science & Engineering C 
    ·       Pathology Research and Practice 
    ·       Journal of Oral Biology and Craniofacial Research 
    ·       Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research 
    ·       Journal of Osteointegration 
    ·       Japanese Dental Science Review 
    ·       Plastic and Aesthetic Research 
    ·       Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Research 
    ·       Quintessence International 
    ·       Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine 
    ·       Clinical Epigenetics 
    ·       Composites Part B 
    ·       Clinical Microbiology and Infections 
    ·       Annals of Stomatology 
    ·       Dental Cadmos 
    ·       Journal of Biological regulators and homeostatic agents 
    ·       Microscopy Research and Technique 
    ·       Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, JBMR® Plus 
    ·       Xenotransplantation 
    ·       Craniomaxillofacial Trauma and Reconstruction 
    ·       Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy 
    ·       International Journal of Dentistry
    ·       Journal of Biomedical Material Research part A
    ·       Oncology Letters
    ·       Molecular Med Reports
    ·       Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine
    ·       Int Journal of Nanomedicine
    Book Chapter MED 28 Dental Materials – Implant Dentistry:
    ▪ Tissue regeneration, biomaterials: the rule of the art Marco Cicciù, Domenico Cicciù - Special dentistry for the critically ill and disabled patient [Raimondo - Edi 
    Ermes] by Raimondo Eugenio Publisher: Edi. 
    Ermes ISBN / EAN: 9788870513707 Format: Hardcover Year: 2013 Pag .: 912 
    ▪ Title: Odontostomatological materials and technologies ISBN: 9788898789160 Authors: Spoto - Teachers of Dental Materials and Laboratory Prosthetic Technologies - Publisher: Ariesdue Srl 
    - Volume: Single - Edition: III 2019 by the Teachers of Dental Materials and Prosthetic Laboratory Technologies of the Italian Universities - University of Messina Domenico Cicciù, Marco Cicciù
    Responsibility for scientific studies and researches entrusted by qualified public or private institutions 
    • Geistlich Pharma group investigator for FDA approval from 22-01-2010 to 24-01-2010    
    • COLLABORATIVE INSTITUTIONAL TRAINING INITIATIVE (CITI PROGRAM) Investigator For Human Research Projects and Animal Projects by the LOMA LINDA UNIVERSITY from 30-12-2013 to today    
    • Owner of a Research Project on behalf of Micerium SpA based in Avegno (GE), entitled "Three-dimensional Finite Element Parametric Evaluation". In carrying out the Project, in vitro experimental studies were conducted in order to analyze the various biomechanical prosthetic components . The results of the research have been published in the press and communicated to national and international congresses.  
    • Owner of a Research Project on behalf of the company Rhein 83 based in Bologna, entitled "Evaluation of attachments for mandibular overdentures". In carrying out the project, in vitro experimental studies were conducted in order to analyze the various prosthetic biomechanical components. The results of the research have been published in the press and communicated to national and international congresses. 
    • Investigator on behalf of Sweden Martina in collaboration with the University of Milan (Teaching of Special Odontostomatological Surgery) conducted by Professor Carlo Maiorana together with Doctor M. Cicciù , in collaboration with Engineers G. Risitano and G. Franceschini of the Department of Industrial Engineering of the University of Perugia, related to the use of finite element models to analyze the effect of all the parameters present in the realization of a “Toronto” type prosthesis on Global implants.        
    Formal assignment of teaching or research positions (fellowship) at qualified universities and foreign or supranational research institutes 
    Loma Linda University - IAOMS
    • Fellowship Research at LOMA LINDA UNIVERSITY CALIFORNIA from 23-11-2009 to 19-05-2010   
    • Fellow Active Members of International Association Oral Maxillofacial Surgeons from Jan 2011 to Dec 2012  
    • He attended the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery of Loma Linda University CA USA where he has held several lessons as Visiting Professor from September 2016 to today   
    Language skills 

    Native language 
    Native language 
    Other languages 
    I listen
    C2 - Advanced user 

    C2 - Advanced user 

    Oral interaction
    C2 - Advanced user 

    Oral production
    C2 - Advanced user 

    C2 - Advanced user
    1. Uccioli, U.; Fonzar, A.; Lanzuolo, S.; Meloni, S.M.; Lumbau, A.I.; Cicciù, M.; Tallarico, M. Tissue Recession around a Dental Implant in Anterior Maxilla: How to Manage Soft Tissue When Things Go Wrong? Prosthesis 20213, 209-220.
    2. Tallarico, M.; Meloni, S.M.; Park, C.-J.; Zadrożny, Ł.; Scrascia, R.; Cicciù, M. Implant Fracture: A Narrative Literature Review. Prosthesis 20213, 267-279.
    3. Cicciù, M. Past, Present and Future of Prosthesis: 2020 Upgrade. Prosthesis 20213, 9-10.
    4. Vitale, A.; Battaglia, S.; Crimi, S.; Ricceri, C.; Cervino, G.; Cicciù, M.; De Ponte, F.S.; Leonardi, R.M.; Bianchi, A. Spontaneous bone regeneration after enucleation of mandibular cysts: Retrospective analysis of the volumetric increase with a full-3d measurement protocol. Applied Sciences (Switzerland) 202111, doi:10.3390/app11114731.
    5. Toro, M.D.; Gozzo, L.; Tracia, L.; Cicciù, M.; Drago, F.; Bucolo, C.; Avitabile, T.; Rejdak, R.; Nowomiejska, K.; Zweifel, S., et al. New therapeutic perspectives in the treatment of uveal melanoma: A systematic review. Biomedicines 20219, doi:10.3390/biomedicines9101311.
    6. Tallarico, M.; Cervino, G.; Montanari, M.; Scrascia, R.; Ferrari, E.; Casucci, A.; Xhanari, E.; Lupi, S.M.; Meloni, S.; Ceruso, F.M., et al. Ot-equator® attachments comparison for retaining an early loaded implant overdenture on two or three implants: 1 year rct preliminary data. Applied Sciences (Switzerland) 202111, doi:10.3390/app11188601.
    7. Scrascia, R.; Cicciù, M.; Manco, C.; Miccoli, A.; Cervino, G. Angled screwdriver solutions and low-profile attachments in full arch rehabilitation with divergent implants. Applied Sciences (Switzerland) 202111, 1-15, doi:10.3390/app11031122.
    8. Marra, P.M.; Parascandolo, S.; Fiorillo, L.; Cicciù, M.; Cervino, G.; D'Amico, C.; De Stefano, R.; Salerno, P.; Esposito, U.; Itro, A. Dental Trauma in Children with Autistic Disorder: A Retrospective Study. BioMed Research International 20212021, doi:10.1155/2021/3125251.
    9. Maminskas, J.; Zaleckyte, M.; Pilipavicius, J.; Venskutonis, T.; Cicciu, M.; Juodzbalys, G. Influence of surface characteristics of different implant abutment materials on growth of porphyromonas gingivalis. Medziagotyra 202127, 244-251, doi:10.5755/
    10. Laino, L.; Russo, D.; Cicciù, M.; D’Amico, C.; Fiorillo, L.; Cervino, G. Surgical conservative approach of odontogenic keratocyst tumor of the jaws. Minerva Dental and Oral Science 202170, 26-31, doi:10.23736/S2724-6329.20.04422-2.
    11. Laino, L.; Mariani, P.; Laino, G.; Cervino, G.; Cicciù, M. Impacted Lower Third Molar Under Inferior Alveolar Canal: Technical Strategy for Minimally Invasive Extraoral Surgical Approach. The Journal of craniofacial surgery 202132, 1890-1893, doi:10.1097/SCS.0000000000007457.
    12. Laino, L.; la Noce, M.; Fiorillo, L.; Cervino, G.; Nucci, L.; Russo, D.; Herford, A.S.; Crimi, S.; Bianchi, A.; Biondi, A., et al. Dental pulp stem cells on implant surface: An in vitro study. BioMed Research International 20212021, doi:10.1155/2021/3582342.
    13. Gaeta, M.; Cicero, G.; Fiorillo, L.; Vinci, S.; Blandino, A.; Cervino, G.; Cicciù, M.; Minutoli, F. Diagnosis of Giant Cell Tumor of the Tendon Sheath Using Multiecho Gradient-Echo Sequence: The "superblooming Artifact". BioMed Research International 2021,2021, doi:10.1155/2021/6689037.
    14. Fiorillo, L.; Cervino, G.; Surace, G.; De Stefano, R.; Laino, L.; D'Amico, C.; Fiorillo, M.T.; Meto, A.; Herford, A.S.; Arzukanyan, A.V., et al. Human Papilloma Virus: Current Knowledge and Focus on Oral Health. BioMed Research International 20212021, doi:10.1155/2021/6631757.
    15. Fiorillo, L.; Cervino, G.; Galindo-Moreno, P.; Herford, A.S.; Spagnuolo, G.; Cicciù, M. Growth Factors in Oral Tissue Engineering: New Perspectives and Current Therapeutic Options. BioMed Research International 20212021, doi:10.1155/2021/8840598.
    16. D’Amico, C.; Fiorillo, L.; Surace, G.; Cervino, G.; Cicciù, M. In-vitro study on the effectiveness of microwave sterilization in odontostomatology. Minerva Dental and Oral Science 202170, 15-20, doi:10.23736/S2724-6329.20.04427-1.
    17. Cicciù, M.; Tallarico, M. Dental implant materials: Current state and future perspectives. Materials 202114, 1-2, doi:10.3390/ma14020371.
    18. Cicciù, M.; Stacchi, C.; Fiorillo, L.; Cervino, G.; Troiano, G.; Vercellotti, T.; Herford, A.S.; Galindo-Moreno, P.; Di Lenarda, R. Piezoelectric bone surgery for impacted lower third molar extraction compared with conventional rotary instruments: a systematic review, meta-analysis, and trial sequential analysis. International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 202150, 121-131, doi:10.1016/j.ijom.2020.03.008.
    19. Cicciù, M.; Fiorillo, L.; Laino, L. Oral signs and symptoms of COVID-19 affected patients: Dental practice as prevention method. Minerva Dental and Oral Science 202170, 3-6, doi:10.23736/S2724-6329.20.04443-X.
    20. Cicciù, M.; Fiorillo, L.; Cervino, G.; Habal, M.B. Bone Morophogenetic Protein Application as Grafting Materials for Bone Regeneration in Craniofacial Surgery: Current Application and Future Directions. The Journal of craniofacial surgery 202132, 787-793, doi:10.1097/SCS.0000000000006937.
    21. Cervino, G.; Sambataro, S.; Stumpo, C.; Bocchieri, S.; Murabito, F.; Fiorillo, L.; Meto, A.; Zecca, P.A.; Caprioglio, A.; Cicciù, M. Determination of the vertical dimension and the position of the occlusal plane in a removable prosthesis using cephalometric analysis and golden proportion. Applied Sciences (Switzerland) 202111, doi:10.3390/app11156948.
    22. Cervino, G.; Meto, A.; Fiorillo, L.; Odorici, A.; Meto, A.; D’amico, C.; Oteri, G.; Cicciù, M. Surface treatment of the dental implant with hyaluronic acid: An overview of recent data. Int J Environ Res Public Health 202118, doi:10.3390/ijerph18094670.
    23. Cervino, G.; Cicciù, M.; Fedi, S.; Milone, D.; Fiorillo, L. FEM Analysis Applied to OT Bridge Abutment with Seeger Retention System. European Journal of Dentistry 202115, 47-53, doi:10.1055/s-0040-1715550.
    24. Battaglia, S.; Crimi, S.; Nocini, R.; Cicciù, M.; Cervino, G.; Gurrera, A.; Bianchi, A. Intraparotid Osteolipoma: Treatment Option and Surgical View. The Journal of craniofacial surgery 202132, 1894-1897, doi:10.1097/SCS.0000000000007519.
    25. Cicciù, M Stacchi C, Fiorillo L, Cervino G, Troiano G, Vercellotti T, Herford AS, Galindo Moreno P, Di Lenarda R. Piezoeletric Bone Surgery for impacted third molar extraction compared with conventional rotary instruments: a systemic review, meta analysis , and trial sequential analysis. International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 2020, in press, doi 10.1016 / j.ijom.2020.03.008. Accepted for publication 11 March 2020.
    26. Fiorillo L, Cervino G, Matarese M, D'Amico C, Surace G, Paduano V, Fiorillo MT, Moschella A, La Bruna A, Romano GL, Laudiciella R, Baldari S, Cicciu M; COVID-19 Surface Persistence: A Recent Data Summary and Its Importance for Medical and Dental Settings. Int J Environ Res Public Health . 2020; 17 (9): E3132. Published 2020 Apr 30. doi: 10.3390 / ijerph17093132 
    27. Fiorillo L, Cervino G, Russo D, Itro A, Laino L, Cicciù M. Transcortical bone capillary vessels network: implication on the maxillofacial district [published online ahead of print, 2020 May 14]. Minerva Stomatol 2020 ; 10.23736 / S0026-4970.20.04294-6. doi: 10.23736 / S0026-4970.20.04294-6 
    28. Cicciù M, Fiorillo L, D'Amico C, et al. 3D Digital Impression Systems Compared with Traditional Techniques in Dentistry: A Recent Data Systematic Review. Materials (Basel) 2020 ; 13 (8): 1982. Published 2020 Apr 23. doi: 10.3390 / ma13081982 
    29. Cervino G, Cicciù M, De Stefano R, et al. Oral health in patients with Marfan syndrome [published online ahead of print, 2020 May 16]. Arch Oral Biol 2020 ; 116: 104745. doi: 10.1016 / j.archoralbio.2020.104745 
    30. Cavallo L, Marcianò A, Cicciù M *, Oteri G. 3D Printing beyond dentistry during Covid 19 Epidemic: a technical note for producing connectors to breathing devices. Prosthesis 2020 , 20, (2); 46-52 doi: Accepted for publication 3 April 2020
    31. Meduri A, Inferrara L, Tumminello G, Cicciù, M *. Aragon P ;. Surgical Treatment of Dracryocysitis. Using venous catheter. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery 2020 , Feb 28 doi: 10.1097 / SCS.0000000000006237   
    32. Cervino G, Fiorillo L, Arzukanyan AV, Spagnuolo G, Campagna P, Cicciù M *. Application of Bionegineering devices for stress evaluation in dentistry: the last 10 years FEM parametric analysis of outcomes and current trends. Minerva Stomatol 2020 Feb 69, 1: 55-62 doi: 10.23736 / S0026-4970.19.04236-8
    33. Militi A, Cicciù M *, Sambataro S, et al. Dental occlusion and sport performance [published online ahead of print, 2020 Mar 16]. Minerva Stomatol 2020 ; 10.23736 / S0026-4970.20.04350-2. doi: 10.23736 / S0026-4970.20.04350-2 
    34. Marcianò A, Peditto M, Cicciù M *, Rubino E, Oteri G. Role of Local Flaps to Achieve Primary Wound Closure in Medication-Related Osteonecrosis of the Jaws Osseous-Resective Surgery [published online ahead of print, 2020 Mar 6]. J Craniofac Surg 2020 ; 10.1097 / SCS.0000000000006288. doi: 10.1097 / SCS.0000000000006288 
    35. Laino L, Cicciù M *, Russo D, Cervino G. Surgical Strategies for Multicystic Ameloblastoma. J Craniofac Surg 2020 ; 31 (2): e116 – e119. doi: 10.1097 / SCS.0000000000005903 
    36. Zhurakivska K, Troiano G, Montella M, Ronchi A, Di Stasio D, Cicciu M *, Laino L. Surgical Treatment of Oral Cavity Nodular Fasciitis. J Craniofac Surg 2020 ; 31 (2): e108 – e110. doi: 10.1097 / SCS.0000000000005877 
    37. Bolognesi F, Tarsitano A, Cicciù M *, Marchetti C, Bianchi A, Crimi S. Surgical Management of Primary Chronic Osteomyelitis of the Jaws: The Use of Computer-Aided-Design / Computer-Aided Manufacturing Technology for Segmental Mandibular Resection. J Craniofac Surg. 2020 ; 31 (2): e156 – e161. doi: 10.1097 / SCS.0000000000006121 
    38. Cicciù, M *. Water Contamination Risks at the Dental Clinic. Biology 2020 , 43.   
    39. Cicciù, M *. Bioengineering Methods of Analysis and Medical Devices: A Current Trends and State of the Art. Materials 2020 13 , 797  
    40. Zhurakivska, K .; Troiano, G .; Montella, M .; Lo Muzio, L .; Fiorillo, L .; Cervino, G .; Cicciù, M * .; D'Amico, C .; Roller, R .; Laino, G., et al. Oral Health and Molecular Aspects of Malignant Fibrous Histiocytoma Patients: A Systematic Review of the Literature. Int J Environ Res Public Health 2020 17 , 1426.    
    41. Sambataro, S .; Lorusso, P .; Caprioglio, A .; Franchi, L .; Cicciù, M * .; Fastuca, R. Changes of Occlusal Plane in Growing Patients with Increased Vertical Dimension during Class II Correction by Using Cervical Headgear. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery 2020 31 , 172-177, doi: 10.1097 / SCS.0000000000006197.   
    42. Stacchi, C .; Berton, F .; Fiorillo, L .; Nicolin, V .; Lombardi, T .; Cicciù, M. *; Di Lenarda, R. Fresh frozen allogeneic bone block in maxillary sinus floor elevation: Histomorphometric analysis of a bone specimen retrieved 15 years after grafting procedure. Applied Sciences (Switzerland) 2019 , doi: 10.3390 / app9061119.   
    43. Sireci, F .; Bruno, R .; Martines, F .; Brakes, F .; Cicciù, M. *; Galletti, F. A patient with toxoplasmosis as a cause of submental lymphadenopathy. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery 2019 30 , E353-E355, doi: 10.1097 / SCS.0000000000005441.   
    44. Sambataro, S .; Cervino, G .; Bocchieri, S .; Bruna, RL; Cicciù, M *. TMJ dysfunctions systemic implications and postural assessments: A review of recent literature. Journal of Functional Morphology and Kinesiology 2019 , doi: 10.3390 / jfmk4030058.   
    45. Sambataro, S .; Bocchieri, S .; Cervino, G .; La Bruna, R .; Cicciù, A .; Innorta, M .; Torrisi, B .; Cicciù, M. * Correlations between malocclusion and postural anomalies in children with mixed dentition. Journal of Functional Morphology and Kinesiology 2019 , doi: 10.3390 / jfmk4030045.   
    46. Sambataro, S .; Bocchieri, S .; Bafumi, L .; Fiorillo, L .; Cervino, G .; Cicciù, M *. Elastics selector gauge as orthodontics device applied to inter-maxillary traction during malocclusion correction. Journal of Functional Morphology and Kinesiology 2019 , doi: 10.3390 / jfmk4030063.   
    47. Roller, R .; Scalzone, P .; Laino, L .; Russo, A .; Party, VM; Fiorillo, L .; Cicciù, M *. Solitary plasmacytoma of the mandible: Early diagnosis and surgical management. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery 2019 30 , E411-E413, doi: 10.1097 / SCS.0000000000005397.   
    48. Ramaglia, L .; Cicciù, M * .; Fiorentino, E .; Saviano, R .; Blasi, A .; Cervino, G .; Isola, G. Effectiveness of a piezoelectric-assisted distraction osteogenesis procedure for the treatment of ankylosed permanent front teeth. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery 2019 30 , doi: 10.1097 / SCS.0000000000005332.   
    49. Portelli, M .; Nucera, R .; Fastuca, R .; Cicciù, M * .; Judge, AL; Militi, A. Use of 3D imaging for treatment planning in cases of impacted canines. Open Dentistry Journal 2019 13 , 137-142, doi: 10.2174 / 1874210601913010137.   
    50. Oteri, G .; Lentini, M .; Cicciù, M * .; Peditto, M .; Rey, EO; Carrión, AB; Marciano, A. Role of antioxidants in minor salivary glands cancer in the elderly. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery 2019 30 , 823-828, doi: 10.1097 / SCS.0000000000005172.   
    51. Mastrangelo, F .; Check, S .; Ballini, A .; Lent, R .; Gnoni, A .; Vito, DDE; Scarano, A .; Dipalma, G .; Gargiulo Isaac, C .; Cantore, S., Coscia MF, Pettini F. Sammartino G, Cicciu M. et al. A pilot study of human mesenchymal stem cells from visceral and sub-cutaneous fat tissue and their differentiation to osteogenic phenotype. European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences 2019 23 , 2924-2934, doi: 10.26355 / eurrev_201904_17572.    
    52. Lo Giudice, G .; Cicciù, M * .; Polimeni, A .; Lizio, A .; Lo Giudice, R .; Lauritano, F .; Ierardo, G .; Alibrandi, A .; Pizzo, G. Oral and dental health of Italian drug addicted in methadone treatment. Oral Science International 2019 , 10.1002 / osi2.1000, doi: 10.1002 / osi2.1000.  
    53. Lavorgna, L .; Cervino, G .; Fiorillo, L .; Di Leo, G .; Troiano, G .; Ortensi, M .; Galantucci, L .; Cicciù, M *. Reliability of a virtual prosthodontic project realized through a 2d and 3d photographic acquisition: An experimental study on the accuracy of different digital systems. Int J Environ Res Public Health 2019 16 , doi: 10.3390 / ijerph16245139.   
    54. Laino, L .; Cicciù, M .; Fiorillo, L .; Crimi, S .; Bianchi, A .; Amoroso, G .; Monte, IP; Herford, AS; Cervino, G. Surgical risk on patients with coagulopathies: Guidelines on hemophiliac patients for oro-maxillofacial surgery. Int J Environ Res Public Health 2019 16 , doi: 10.3390 / ijerph16081386.   
    55. Isola, G .; Matarese, M .; Ramaglia, L .; Cicciù, M .; Matarese, G. Evaluation of the efficacy of celecoxib and ibuprofen on postoperative pain, swelling, and mouth opening after surgical removal of impacted third molars: a randomized, controlled clinical trial. International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 2019 48 , 1348-1354, doi: 10.1016 / j.ijom.2019.02.006.   
    56. Galletta, K .; Seneschals, EN; Cicciù, M * .; Veil, M .; Granata, F. Eagle syndrome: A wide spectrum of clinical and neuroradiological findings from cervico-facial pain to cerebral ischemia. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery 2019 30 , E424-E428, doi: 10.1097 / SCS.0000000000005453.   
    57. Fiorillo, L .; De Stefano, R .; Cervino, G .; Crimi, S .; Bianchi, A .; Campagna, P .; Herford, AS; Laino, L .; Cicciù, M *. Oral and psychological alterations in haemophiliac patients. Biomedicines 2019 , doi: 10.3390 / biomedicines7020033.   
    58. Fiorillo, L .; Cervino, G .; Laino, L .; D'Amico, C .; Mauceri, R .; Tozum, TF; Gaeta, M .; Cicciù, M *. Porphyromonas gingivalis, periodontal and systemic implications: A systematic review. Dentistry Journal 2019 , doi: 10.3390 / dj7040114.   
    59. Fama ', F .; Di Maria, A .; Cicciu ', M .; Buccheri, G .; Gioffre'-Florio, M .; Benvenga, S .; Sindoni, A. Intraoperative sonography for nonpalpable breast lesions: Additional indications for a consolidate technique. Breast Journal 2019 , 10.1111 / tbj.13575, doi: 10.1111 / tbj.13575.  
    60. Crimi, S .; Fiorillo, L .; Bianchi, A .; D'amico, C .; Amoroso, G .; Gorassini, F .; Mastroieni, R .; Marino, S .; Scoglio, C .; Catalano, F., Bocchieri S, De Stefano R, Fiorillo MT, Cicciu M * Herpes virus, oral clinical signs and qol: Systematic review of recent data. Viruses 2019 11 , doi: 10.3390 / v11050463.   
    61. Cicciù, M .; Fiorillo, L .; Herford, AS; Crimi, S .; Bianchi, A .; D'Amico, C .; Laino, L .; Cervino, G. Bioactive titanium surfaces: Interactions of eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells of nano devices applied to dental practice. Biomedicines 2019 , doi: 10.3390 / biomedicines7010012.   
    62. Cicciù, M. *; Fiorillo, L .; Cervino, G. Chitosan use in dentistry: A systematic review of recent clinical studies. Marine Drugs 2019 17 , doi: 10.3390 / md17070417.   
    63. Cicciù, M .; Cervino, G .; Newfoundland, A .; Risitano, G .; Raffaele, M .; Cucinotta, F .; Santonocito, D .; Fiorillo, L. Prosthetic and Mechanical Parameters of the Facial Bone under the Load of Different Dental Implant Shapes: A Parametric Study. In Prosthesis , 2019; Vol. 1, pp 41-53. 
    64. Cicciù, M. *; Cervino, G .; Milone, D .; Risitano, G. FEM analysis of dental implant-abutment interface overdenture components and parametric evaluation of Equator® and Locator® prosthodontics attachments. Materials 2019 12 , doi: 10.3390 / ma12040592.   
    65. Cicciù, M. *; Cervino, G .; Fiorillo, L .; D'Amico, C .; Oteri, G .; Troiano, G .; Zhurakivska, K .; Muzio, LL; Herford, AS; Crimi, S., et al. Early diagnosis on oral and potentially oral malignant lesions: A systematic review on the Velscope® fluorescence method. Dentistry Journal 2019 , doi: 10.3390 / dj7030093.    
    66. Cicciù, M. Prosthesis: New Technological Opportunities and Innovative Biomedical Devices. Prosthesis 2019 , 1-2.  
    67. Cervino, G .; Fiorillo, L .; Monte, IP; De Stefano, R .; Laino, L .; Crimi, S .; Bianchi, A .; Herford, AS; Biondi, A .; Cicciù, M *. Advances in antiplatelet therapy for dentofacial surgery patients: Focus on past and present strategies. Materials 2019 12 , doi: 10.3390 / ma12091524.   
    68. Cervino, G .; Fiorillo, L .; Iannello, G .; Santonocito, D .; Risitano, G .; Cicciù, M *. Sandblasted and acid etched titanium dental implant surfaces systematic review and confocal microscopy evaluation. Materials 2019 12 , doi: 10.3390 / ma12111763.   
    69. Cervino, G .; Fiorillo, L .; Herford, AS; Romeo, U .; Bianchi, A .; Crimi, S .; D'Amico, C .; De Stefano, R .; Troiano, G .; Santoro, R., Laino L, Laino G, Cicciu M *. Molecular biomarkers related to oral carcinoma: Clinical trial outcome evaluation in a literature review. Disease Markers 2019 2019 , doi: 10.1155 / 2019/8040361.    
    70. Cervino, G .; Fiorillo, L .; Herford, AS; Laino, L .; Troiano, G .; Amoroso, G .; Crimi, S .; Matarese, M .; D'Amico, C .; Seneschals, EN, Cicciù M *. Alginate materials and dental impression technique: A current state of the art and application to dental practice. Marine Drugs 2019 17 , doi: 10.3390 / md17010018.    
    71. Cervino, G .; Fiorillo, L .; Arzukanyan, AV; Spagnuolo, G .; Cicciù, M *. Dental restorative digital workflow: Digital smile design from aesthetic to function. Dentistry Journal 2019 , doi: 10.3390 / dj7020030.   
    72. Cervino, G .; Cicciù, M. *; Biondi, A .; Bocchieri, S .; Herford, AS; Laino, L .; Fiorillo, L. Antibiotic prophylaxis on third molar extraction: Systematic review of recent data. Antibiotics 2019 , doi: 10.3390 / antibiotics8020053.   
    73. Bianchi, A .; Crimi, S .; Cipriani, R .; De Ponte, FS; Cicciù, M * .; Marchetti, C. Comprehensive treatment of facial deformity due to radiotherapy in rhabdomyosarcoma patients: Distraction osteogenesis and free flaps surgical technique. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery 2019 30 , 1275-1279, doi: 10.1097 / SCS.0000000000005338.   
    74. Beretta, M .; Poly, PP; Pieriboni, S .; Tansella, S .; Manfredini, M .; Cicciù, M * .; Maiorana, C. Peri-implant soft tissue conditioning by means of customized healing abutment: A randomized controlled clinical trial. Materials 2019 12 , doi: 10.3390 / ma12183041.   
    75. Troiano, G .; Zhurakivska, K .; Muzio, LL; Laino, L .; Cicciù, M .; Russo, LL Combination of bone graft and resorbable membrane for alveolar ridge preservation: A systematic review, meta-analysis, and trial sequential analysis. Journal of Periodontology 2018 89 , 46-57, doi: 10.1902 / jop.2017.170241.   
    76. Troiano, G .; Laino, L .; Cicciù, M * .; Cervino, G .; Fiorillo, L .; D'Amico, C .; Zhurakivska, K .; Muzio, LL Comparison of two routes of administration of dexamethasone to reduce the postoperative sequelae after third molar surgery: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Open Dentistry Journal 2018 12 , 181-188, doi: 10.2174 / 1874210601812010181.   
    77. Troiano, G .; Inghingolo, A .; Serpico, R .; Ciavarella, D .; Muzio, LL; Cervino, G .; Cicciu, M * .; Laino, L. Rate of relapse after enucleation of solid / multicystic ameloblastoma followed by piezoelectric or conventional peripheral ostectomy. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery 2018 29 , e291-e293, doi: 10.1097 / SCS.0000000000004322.   
    78. Tallarico, M .; Caneva, M .; Baldini, N .; Gatti, F .; Duvina, M .; Billi, M .; Iannello, G .; Piacentini, G .; Melons, SM; Cicciù, M *. Patient-centered rehabilitation of single, partial, and complete edentulism with cemented- or screw-retained fixed dental prosthesis: The First Osstem Advanced Dental Implant Research and Education Center Consensus Conference 2017. European Journal of Dentistry 2018 12 , 617-626, doi : 10.4103 / ejd.ejd_243_18.   
    79. Sambataro, S .; Cervino, G .; Fiorillo, L .; Cicciù, M *. Upper First Premolar Positioning Evaluation for the Stability of the Dental Occlusion: Anatomical Considerations. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery 2018 29 , 1366-1369, doi: 10.1097 / SCS.0000000000004459.   
    80. Portelli, M .; Militi, A .; Cicciù, M * .; Lo Giudice, A .; Cervino, G .; Fastuca, R .; Nucera, R. No compliance correction of class ii malocclusion in growing patients whit herbst appliance: a case report. Open Dentistry Journal 2018 12 , 605-613, doi: 10.2174 / 1745017901814010605.   
    81. Oteri, G .; De Ponte, FS; Runci, M .; Peditto, M .; Marcianò, A .; Cicciù, M *. Oral-Health-Related Quality of Life after Surgical Treatment of Osteonecrosis of the Jaws. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery 2018 29 , 403-408, doi: 10.1097 / SCS.0000000000004087.   
    82. Mici, E .; Calvo, A .; Cicciù, M * .; Cervino, G .; Belli, E. Complex orbital fractures: Three-dimensional planning and combined surgical approach. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery 2018 29 , 1965-1968, doi: 10.1097 / SCS.0000000000005022.   
    83. Isola, G .; Matarese, G .; Cervino, G .; Matarese, M .; Ramaglia, L .; Cicciù, M *. Clinical efficacy and patient perceptions of pyogenic granuloma excision using diode laser versus conventional surgical techniques. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery 2018 29 , 1-4, doi: 10.1097 / SCS.0000000000004734.   
    84. Grenade, F .; Mormina, E .; Cinquegrani, A .; Cervino, G .; Cicciù, M * .; Longo, M .; Siniscalchi, EN Different embolization approaches for the treatment of posttraumatic pseudoaneurysm of the internal maxillary artery. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery 2018 29 , E779-E781, doi: 10.1097 / SCS.0000000000004751.   
    85. Judge, RL; Lizio, A .; Cervino, G .; Fabiana, N .; Francesco, P .; Ausiello, P .; Cicciù, M *. The horizontal root fractures. Diagnosis, clinical management and three-year follow-up. Open Dentistry Journal 2018 12 , 687-695, doi: 10.2174 / 1745017901814010687.   
    86. Fiorillo, L .; Cervino, G .; Herford, AS; Lauritano, F .; D'Amico, C .; Lo Giudice, R .; Laino, L .; Troiano, G .; Crimi, S .; Cicciù, M *. Interferon crevicular fluid profile and correlation with periodontal disease and wound healing: A systemic review of recent data. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2018 19 , doi: 10.3390 / ijms19071908.   
    87. Fama, F .; Sindoni, A .; Cicciu, M .; Polito, F .; Piquard, A .; Saint-Marc, O .; Gioffre'-Florio, M .; Benvenga, S. Preoperatively undiagnosed papillary thyroid carcinoma in patients thyroidectomized for benign multinodular goiter. Archives of Endocrinology and Metabolism 2018 62 , 139-148, doi: 10.20945 / 2359-3997000000017.   
    88. Di Stasio, D .; Montella, M .; Cozzolino, I .; Cicciú, M * .; Cervino, G .; Paparella, RS; Serpico, R .; Laino, L. Multidisciplinary diagnostic and surgical management of adenocarcinoma gingival metastases. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery 2018 29 , E531-E534, doi: 10.1097 / SCS.0000000000004632.   
    89. Cicciù, M * .; Tozum, T .; GalindoMoreno, P .; Laino, L. Future prospective and current trend of biomaterials and growth factor used for maxillofacial hard and soft tissue reconstruction. BioMed Research International 2018 2018 , doi: 10.1155 / 2018/3249653.   
    90. Cicciù, M. *; Cervino, G .; Milone, D .; Risitano, G. FEM investigation of the stress distribution over mandibular bone due to screwed overdenture positioned on dental implants. Materials 2018 11 , doi: 10.3390 / ma11091512.   
    91. Cicciù, M. *; Cervino, G .; Herford, AS; Famà, F .; Bramanti, E .; Fiorillo, L .; Lauritano, F .; Sambataro, S .; Troiano, G .; Laino, L. Facial Bone Reconstruction Using Both Marine or Non-Marine Bone Substitutes: Evaluation of Current Outcomes in a Systematic Literature Review. Marine Drugs 2018 16 , doi: 10.3390 / md16010027.   
    92. Cicciù, M. Nanobiomaterials in dentistry: What's the consequent level. European Journal of Dentistry 2018 12 , 161-162, doi: 10.4103 / ejd.ejd_69_18.   
    93. Cervino, G .; Romeo, U .; Lauritano, F .; Bramanti, E .; Fiorillo, L .; D'Amico, C .; Milone, D .; Laino, L .; Campolongo, F .; Rapisarda, S., Cicciù M *. Fem and von mises analysis of OSSTEM® dental implant structural components: Evaluation of different direction dynamic loads. Open Dentistry Journal 2018 12 , 219-229, doi: 10.2174 / 1874210601812010219.    
    94. Cervino, G .; Fiorillo, L .; Laino, L .; Herford, AS; Lauritano, F .; Lo Giudice, G .; Famà, F .; Santoro, R .; Troiano, G .; Iannello, G., Cicciu M *. Oral health impact profile in celiac patients: Analysis of recent findings in a literature review. Gastroenterology Research and Practice 2018 2018 , doi: 10.1155 / 2018/7848735.    
    95. Bramanti, E .; Norcia, A .; Cicciù, M * .; Matacena, G .; Cervino, G .; Troiano, G .; Zhurakivska, K .; Laino, L. Postextraction dental implant in the aesthetic zone, socket shield technique versus conventional protocol. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery 2018 29 , 1037-1041, doi: 10.1097 / SCS.0000000000004419.   
    96. Ballini, A .; Cantore, S .; Dedola, A .; Santacroce, L .; Laino, L .; Cicciu, M .; Mastrangelo, F. IL-1 haplotype analysis in periodontal disease. Journal of Biological Regulators and Homeostatic Agents 2018 32 , 433-437.   
    97. Troiano, G .; Laino, L .; Zhurakivska, K .; Cicciù, M .; Lo Muzio, L .; Lo Russo, L. Addition of enamel matrix derivatives to bone substitutes for the treatment of intrabony defects: A systematic review, meta-analysis and trial sequential analysis. Journal of Clinical Periodontology 2017 44 , 729-738, doi: 10.1111 / jcpe.12742.   
    98. Troiano, G .; Dioguardi, M .; Coconut, A .; Laino, L .; Cervino, G .; Cicciu, M .; Ciavarella, D .; Muzio, LL Conservative vs radical approach for the treatment of solid / multicystic ameloblastoma: A systematic review and meta-analysis of the last decade. Oral Health and Preventive Dentistry 2017 15 , 421-426, doi: 10.3290 / j.ohpd.a38732.   
    99. Stacchi, C .; Lombardi, T .; Cusimano, P .; Berton, F .; Lauritano, F .; Cervino, G .; Di Lenarda, R .; Cicciù, M *. Bone Scrapers Versus Piezoelectric Surgery in the Lateral Antrostomy for Sinus Floor Elevation. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery 2017 28 , 1191-1196, doi: 10.1097 / SCS.0000000000003636.   
    100. Seneschals, EN; Allegra, A .; De Ponte, FS; Oteri, G .; Cervino, G .; Lauritano, F .; Musolino, C .; Cicciù, M *. Spontaneous Healing of Clodronate-Related Osteonecrosis of the Jaw. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery 2017 28 , e687-e689, doi: 10.1097 / SCS.0000000000003837.   
    101. Runci, M .; De Ponte, FS; Falzea, R .; Bramanti, E .; Lauritano, F .; Cervino, G .; Famà, F .; Calvo, A .; Crimi, S .; Rapisarda, S., Cicciu M *. Facial and orbital fractures: A fifteen years retrospective evaluation of north east Sicily treated patients. Open Dentistry Journal 2017 11 , 546-556, doi: 10.2174 / 1874210601711010546.    
    102. Rancitelli, D .; Poly, PP; Cicciù, M. *; Lini, F .; Roncucci, R .; Maiorana, GCC Soft-tissue enhancement combined with biologically oriented preparation technique to correct volumetric bone defects: A clinical case report. Journal of Oral Implantology 2017 43 , 307-313, doi: 10.1563 / aaid-joi-D-17-00067.   
    103. Rancitelli, D .; Cicciù, M * .; Lini, F .; Fumagalli, D .; Fridge, AC; Maiorana, C. Reproducibility of a digital method to evaluate soft tissue modifications: A study of inter and intra-operative measurement concordance. Open Dentistry Journal 2017 11 , 171-180, doi: 10.2174 / 1874210601711010171.   
    104. Poly, PP; Cicciu, M * .; Beretta, M .; Maiorana, C. Peri-Implant Mucositis and Peri-Implantitis: A Current Understanding of Their Diagnosis, Clinical Implications, and a Report of Treatment Using a Combined Therapy Approach. Journal of Oral Implantology 2017 43 , 45-50, doi: 10.1563 / aaid-joi-D-16-00082.   
    105. Matarese, G .; Ramaglia, L .; Cicciu, M. *; Cordasco, G .; Isola, G. The effects of diode laser therapy as an adjunct to scaling and root planing in the treatment of aggressive periodontitis: A 1-Year Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial. Photomedicine and Laser Surgery 2017 35 , 702-709, doi: 10.1089 / pho.2017.4288.   
    106. Lo Giudice, G .; Alibrandi, A .; Lipari, F .; Lizio, A .; Lauritano, F .; Cervino, G .; Cicciú, M *. The coronal tooth fractures: Preliminary evaluation of a three-year follow-up of the anterior teeth direct fragment reactachment technique without additional preparation. Open Dentistry Journal 2017 11 , 266-275, doi: 10.2174 / 1874210601711010266.   
    107. Leketas, M .; Šǎferis, V .; Kubilius, R .; Cervino, G .; Bramanti, E .; Cicciù, M. * Oral behaviors and parafunctions: Comparison of temporomandibular dysfunction patients and controls. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery 2017 28 , 1933-1938, doi: 10.1097 / SCS.0000000000003945.   
    108. Laino, L .; Troiano, G .; Menditti, D .; Herford, AS; Lucchese, A .; Cervino, G .; Lauritano, F .; Serpico, R .; Cicciù, M *. Use of collagen matrix to improve wound repair after mucosal biopsy: A multicenter case series. International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine 2017 10 , 8363-8368.   
    109.                   Juodzbalys, G .; Kasradze, D .; Cicciù, M * .; Sudeikis, A .; Banys, L .; Galindo-Moreno, P .; Guobis, Z. Modern molecular biomarkers of head and neck cancer. Part I. Epigenetic diagnostics and prognostics: Systematic review. Cancer Biomarkers 2017 17 , 487-502, doi: 10.3233 / CBM-160666.   
    110.                   Isola, G .; Cicciù, M. *; Fiorillo, L .; Matarese, G. Association between odontoma and impacted teeth. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery 2017 28 , 755-758, doi: 10.1097 / SCS.0000000000003433.   
    111.                   Fama, F .; Cicciu, M * .; Sindoni, A .; Nastro-Siniscalchi, E .; Falzea, R .; Cervino, G .; Polito, F .; De Ponte, F .; Gioffre-Florio, M. Maxillofacial and concomitant serious injuries: An eight-year single center experience. Chinese Journal of Traumatology - English Edition 2017 20 , 4-8, doi: 10.1016 / j.cjtee.2016.11.003.   
    112.                   Famà, F .; Cicciù, M .; Polito, F .; Cascio, A .; Gioffré-Florio, M .; Piquard, A .; Saint-Marc, O .; Sindoni, A. Parathyroid Autotransplantation During Thyroid Surgery: A Novel Technique Using a Cell Culture Nutrient Solution. World Journal of Surgery 2017 41 , 457-463, doi: 10.1007 / s00268-016-3754-0.   
    113.                   Fama, F .; Cicciù, M. *; Cervino, G .; Ferrara, C .; Jacob, G .; Fiumano, M .; Bramanti, E .; Lo Giudice, G .; Lauritano, F .; Piquard, A., et al. Laparoscopic intraoperative cholangiography for common bile duct lithiasis associated to calculous cholecystitis. International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine 2017 10 , 3612-3617.    
    114.                   Fabiano, F .; Matarese, G .; Bollero, P .; Cordasco, G .; Cicciù, M .; Falisi, G .; Cicconetti, A .; De Angelis, F .; Goldsmiths, A .; Santacroce, L., et al. Clinical decision-making review on magnetic attachments versus mechanical attachments in dental prosthetics. Australasian Medical Journal 2017 10 , 944-950, doi: 10.21767 / AMJ.2017.3195.    
    115.                   De Ponte, FS; Falzea, R .; Runci, M .; Seneschals, EN; Lauritano, F .; Bramanti, E .; Cervino, G .; Cicciu, M *. Histomorhological and clinical evaluation of maxillary alveolar ridge reconstruction after craniofacial trauma by applying combination of allogeneic and autogenous bone graft. Chinese Journal of Traumatology - English Edition 2017 20 , 14-17, doi: 10.1016 / j.cjtee.2016.10.005.   
    116.                   Daugela, P .; Cicciù, M .; Saulacic, N. Surgical regenerative treatment of peri-implantitis. Evidence-Based Dentistry 2017 18 , 79-81, doi: 10.1038 / sj.ebd.6401256.   
    117.                   Cicciù, M * .; Herford, AS; Cervino, G .; Troiano, G .; Lauritano, F .; Laino, L. Tissue fluorescence imaging (VELscope) for quick non-invasive diagnosis in oral pathology. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery 2017 28 , e112-e115, doi: 10.1097 / SCS.0000000000003210.   
    118.                   Cicciù, M. Real opportunity for the present and a forward step for the future of bone tissue engineering. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery 2017 28 , 592-593, doi: 10.1097 / SCS.0000000000003595.   
    119.                   Cervino, G .; Fiorillo, L .; Spagnuolo, G .; Bramanti, E .; Laino, L .; Lauritano, F .; Cicciù, M. * Interface between MTA and dental bonding agents: Scanning electron microscope evaluation. Journal of International Society of Preventive and Community Dentistry 2017 , 64-68, doi: 10.4103 / jispcd.JISPCD_521_16.   
    120.                   Calapaj, M .; Cicciù, M .; Nicita, F .; Alibrandi, A .; Judge, GL Survival of hollow metal post-retained restorations: A long term clinical follow-up. Journal of Osseointegration 2017 , 263-268, doi: 10.23806 / JO.2017.09.02.04.   
    121.                   Bramanti, E .; Cervino, G .; Lauritano, F .; Fiorillo, L .; D'Amico, C .; Sambataro, S .; Money, D .; Famà, F .; Ierardo, G .; Polimeni, A., Cicciu M *. FEM and von Mises analysis on prosthetic crowns structural elements: Evaluation of different applied materials. Scientific World Journal 2017 2017 , doi: 10.1155 / 2017/1029574.    
    122.                   Pratapiene, M .; Cicciù, M * .; Juodzbalys, G. Canines mesiodistal measures as the key to sex prediction: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Minerva Pediatrica 2016 68 , 288-298.   
    123.                   Portelli, M .; Militi, A .; Nucera, R .; Cicciù, M. *; Gherlone, E .; Lucchese, A. Orthodontic management of missing lateral incisor by miniscrew-anchored device. Minerva Stomatologica 2016 65 , 403-411.   
    124.                   Polito, F .; Cicciu, M .; Aguennouz, M .; Cucinotta, M .; Cristani, M .; Lauritano, F .; Sindoni, A .; Gioffre'-Florio, M .; Fama, F. Prognostic value of HMGB1 and oxidative stress markers in multiple trauma patients: A single-center prospective study. International Journal of Immunopathology and Pharmacology 2016 29 , 504-509, doi: 10.1177 / 0394632016656187.   
    125.                   Oteri, G .; Pisano, M .; Cicciù, M *. TOF-SIMS application for evaluating the atomic structure of new bone substitute material. Journal of Applied Spectroscopy 2016 83 , 316-321, doi: 10.1007 / s10812-016-0289-y.   
    126.                   Oteri, G .; Cicciu, M. *; Peditto, M .; Catalano, A .; Loddo, S .; Pisano, M .; Lasco, A. Does vitamin D3 have an impact on clinical and biochemical parameters related to third molar surgery. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery 2016 27 , 469-476, doi: 10.1097 / SCS.0000000000002389.   
    127.                   .Norcia, A .; Cicciù, M * .; Matacena, G .; Bramanti, E. Dental implant positioning by using the root way. A predictable technique for postextractive surgery. Minerva Stomatologica 2016 65 , 393-402.   
    128.                   Siniscalchi Ribbon, E .; Catalfamo, L .; Pitrone, A .; Pope, R .; Famà, F .; Lo Giudice, G .; Cervino, G .; Cicciu, M * .; De Ponte, FS Traumatic Pseudoaneurysm of the Internal Maxillary Artery: A Rare Life-Threatening Hemorrhage as a Complication of Maxillofacial Fractures. Case Reports in Medicine 2016 2016 , doi: 10.1155 / 2016/9168429.   
    129.                   Maridati, PC; Cremonesi, S .; Fontana, F .; Cicciù, M * .; Maiorana, C. Management of d-PTFE membrane exposure for having final clinical success. Journal of Oral Implantology 2016 42 , 289-291, doi: 10.1563 / aaid-joi-D-15-00074.   
    130.                   Majorana, C .; Beretta, M .; Rancitelli, D .; Grossi, GB; Cicciù, M * .; Herford, AS Histological Features and Biocompatibility of Bone and Soft Tissue Substitutes in the Atrophic Alveolar Ridge Reconstruction. Case Reports in Dentistry 2016 2016 , doi: 10.1155 / 2016/3608602.   
    131.                   The Judge, G .; Lizio, A .; Lo Giudice, R .; Centofanti, A .; Rizzo, G .; Runci, M .; Alibrandi, A .; Cicciù, M *. The effect of different cleaning protocols on post space: A SEM study. International Journal of Dentistry 2016 2016 , doi: 10.1155 / 2016/1907124.   
    132.                   The Judge, A .; Nucera, R .; Matarese, G .; Portelli, M .; Cervino, G .; Lo Giudice, G .; Militi, A .; Caccianiga, G .; Cicciù, M * .; Cordasco, G. Analysis of resistance to sliding expressed during first order correction with conventional and self-ligating brackets: An in-vitro study. International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine 2016 , 15575-15581.   
    133.                   .Lauritano, F .; Runci, M .; Cervino, G .; Fiorillo, L .; Bramanti, E .; Cicciù, M *. Three-dimensional evaluation of different prosthesis retention systems using finite element analysis and the Von Mises stress test. Minerva Stomatologica 2016 65 , 353-367.   
    134.                   Laino, L .; Troiano, G .; Dioguardi, M .; Perillo, L .; Laino, G .; Muzio, LL; Cicciu, M *. Patient discomfort during and after surgically assisted rapid maxillary expansion under local anaesthesia. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery 2016 27 , 772-775, doi: 10.1097 / SCS.0000000000002535.   
    135.                   Herford, AS; Cicciù, M. *; Eftimie, LF; Miller, M .; Signorino, F .; Famà, F .; Cervino, G .; Lo Giudice, G .; Bramanti, E .; Lauritano, F., et al. rhBMP-2 applied as support of distraction osteogenesis: A split-mouth histological study over nonhuman primates mandibles. International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine 2016 , 17187-17194.   
    136.                   Judge, GL; Matarese, G .; Cicciú, M .; Judge, RL; Bramanti, E .; Cervino, G .; Polizzi, E. Self-etch application for the dentinal hypersensitivity Treatment. Dental Cadmos 2016 84 , 440-446, doi: 10.19256 / d.cadmos.07.2016.08.   
    137.                   .Fama, F .; Dattola, V .; Cicciu, M .; Buccafusca, M .; Russo, M .; Lo Presti, D .; Dattilo, G .; Di Bella, G. Natalizumab treatment for multiple sclerosis inducing a toxic acute myocardial damage. Is there any relationship? International Journal of Cardiology 2016 206 , 127-128, doi: 10.1016 / j.ijcard.2016.01.089.    
    138.                   .Famá, F .; Cicciú, M .; Sindoni, A .; Scarfó, P .; Tom Thumb, A .; Jacob, G .; Buccheri, G .; Taranto, F .; Palella, J .; Gioffré-Florio, M. Prevalence of Ectopic Breast Tissue and Tumor: A 20-Year Single Center Experience. Clinical Breast Cancer 2016 16 , e107-e112, doi: 10.1016 / j.clbc.2016.03.004.   
    139.                   .Fama, F .; Cicciù, M * .; Nastro-Siniscalchi, E .; Falzea, R .; Fodale, V .; Versace, G .; Palella, J .; Gioffré-Florio, M. Nonfatal cervical-neck lesion with a wooden foreign body: Diagnosis and management. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery 2016 27 , 175-176, doi: 10.1097 / SCS.0000000000002338.   
    140.                   Cicciù, M. A Window View From the Orient on Trauma Involving the Inner Maxillofacial Region: From China to the Global Community With Love. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery 2016 27 , 6, doi: 10.1097 / SCS.0000000000002280.   
    141.                   Cicciù, M. Neurodegenerative disorders and periodontal disease: Is there a logical connection? Neuroepidemiology 2016 47 , 94-95, doi: 10.1159 / 000449517.   
    142.                   Allegra, A .; Seneschals, EN; Cicciù, M * .; Bacci, F .; Catalfamo, L .; Innao, V .; De Ponte, FS; Musolino, C. Extramedullary plasmacytoma of the maxilla simulating a maxillary radicular cyst: Quick diagnosis and management. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery 2016 27 , e296-e297, doi: 10.1097 / SCS.0000000000002539.   
    143.                   Santarelli, A .; Mascitti, M .; Rubini, C .; Children, F .; Zizzi, A .; Offidani, A .; Ganzetti, G .; Laino, L .; Cicciù, M .; Muzio, LL Active inflammatory biomarkers in oral lichen planus. International Journal of Immunopathology and Pharmacology 2015 28 , 562-568, doi: 10.1177 / 0394632015592101.   
    144.                   Rancitelli, D .; Borgonovo, AE; Cicciù, M. *; King, D .; Rizza, F .; Fridge, AC; Maiorana, C. Maxillary sinus septa and anatomic correlation with the Schneiderian membrane. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery 2015 26 , 1394-1398, doi: 10.1097 / SCS.0000000000001725.   
    145.                   Menditti, D .; Laino, L .; Cicciù, M * .; Mezzogiorno, A .; Perillo, L .; Menditti, M .; Cervino, G .; Muzio, LL; Baldi, A. Kissing molars: Report of three cases and new prospective on aetiopathogenetic theories. International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Pathology 2015 , 15708-15718.   
    146.                   Maiorana, C .; Farronato, D .; Pieroni, S .; Cicciu, M. *; Andreoni, D .; Santoro, F. A four-year survival rate multicenter prospective clinical study on 377 implants: Correlations between implant insertion torque, diameter, and bone quality. Journal of Oral Implantology 2015 41 , e60-e65, doi: 10.1563 / AAID-JOI-D-13-00206.   
    147.                   Lo Giudice, G .; Lo Giudice, R .; Matarese, G .; Isola, G .; Cicciù, M .; Newfoundland, A .; Palaia, G .; Romeo, U. Evaluation of magnification systems in restorative dentistry. An in-vitro study. Dental Cadmos 2015 83 , 296-305.   
    148.                   Lo Giudice, G .; Iannello, G .; Newfoundland, A .; Lo Giudice, R .; Pantaleo, G .; Cicciù, M *. Transcrestal sinus lift procedure approaching atrophic maxillary ridge: A 60-month clinical and radiological follow-up evaluation. International Journal of Dentistry 2015 2015 , doi: 10.1155 / 2015/261652.   
    149.                   Lo Giudice, G .; Cutroneo, G .; Centofanti, A .; Artemisia, A .; Bramanti, E .; Militi, A .; Rizzo, G .; Favaloro, A .; Irrera, A .; Lo Giudice, R., Cicciu M *. Dentin morphology of root canal surface: A quantitative evaluation based on a scanning electronic microscopy study. BioMed Research International 2015 2015 , doi: 10.1155 / 2015/164065.    
    150.                   Laino, L .; Troiano, G .; Lo Muzio, L .; Menditti, D .; Herford, AS; Cicciu, M *. Bone Healing in the Surgical Treatment of Dentigerous Cysts in Critically Ill Patients. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery 2015 26 , 2030-2031, doi: 10.1097 / SCS.0000000000001947.   
    151.                   Laino, L .; Troiano, G .; Giannatempo, G .; Graziani, U .; Ciavarella, D .; Dioguardi, M .; Lo Muzio, L .; Lauritano, F .; Cicciù, M *. Sinus lift augmentation by using calcium sulphate. A retrospective 12 months radiographic evaluation over 25 treated Italian patients. Open Dentistry Journal 2015 , 414-419, doi: 10.2174 / 1874210601509010414.    
    152.                   Laino, L .; Menditti, D .; Muzio, LL; Laino, G .; Lauritano, F .; Cicciu, M *. Extraoral surgical approach of Ectopic Mandibular third molar to the lower border of mandible. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery 2015 26 , e256-e260, doi: 10.1097 / SCS.0000000000001541.   
    153.                   Herford, AS; Tandon, R .; Pivetti, L .; Cicciú, M *. Pedicled lingual flap to provide keratinized tissue regeneration over dental implants: A description of the technique and a case report. Journal of Oral Implantology 2015 41 , 196-199, doi: 10.1563 / AAID-JOI-D-12-00218.   
    154.                   Herford, AS; Jones, S .; Jones, F .; Bramanti, E .; Laino, L .; Cicciù, M *. Clinical investigation of rhBMP-2 and simultaneous dental implants placement: Preliminary results. ORAL and Implantology 2015 , 99-107.   
    155.                   Fama, F .; Cicciù, M * .; Judge, GL; Sindoni, A .; Palella, J .; Piquard, A .; Saint-Marc, O .; Benvenga, S .; Bramanti, E .; Cervino, G., et al. Pattern of nodal involvement in papillary thyroid cancer: A challenge of quantitative analysis. International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Pathology 2015 , 11629-11634.    
    156.                  Dioguardi, M .; Troiano, G .; Laino, L .; Russian, LL; Giannatempo, G .; Lauritano, F .; Cicciù, M. *; Muzio, LL Protaper and waveone systems three-dimensional comparison of device parameters after the shaping technique. A micro-CT study on simulated root canals. International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine 2015 , 17830-17834.   
    157.                   Dioguardi, M .; Perrone, D .; Troiano, G .; Laino, L .; Ardito, F .; Lauritano, F .; Cicciù, M * .; Lo Muzio, L. Cytotoxicity evaluation of five different dual-cured resin cements used for fiber posts cementation. International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine 2015 , 9327-9333.   
    158.                   Cicciù, M. *; Herford, AS; Maria, V .; Bramanti, E. Platelet-derived growth factor type BB and collagen matrix for soft tissue reconstruction after muco-epidermoid carcinoma removal: A possible therapeutic option. Journal of Cancer Research and Therapeutics 2015 11 , 234-237, doi: 10.4103 / 0973-1482.136033.   
    159.                   Cicciù, M. *; Herford, AS; Bramanti, E .; Maiorana, C. Guillain-Barré syndrome: Report of two rare clinical cases occurring after allergenic bone grafting in oral maxillofacial surgery. International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Pathology 2015 , 7614-7616.   
    160.                   Cicciù, M. *; Cervino, G .; Bramanti, E .; Lauritano, F .; Gudice, GL; Scappaticci, L .; Rapparini, A .; Guglielmino, E .; Risitano, G. FEM analysis of mandibular prosthetic overdenture supported by dental implants: Evaluation of different retention methods. Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine 2015 2015 , doi: 10.1155 / 2015/943839.   
    161.                   Bramanti, E .; Bramanti, A .; Matacena, G .; Bramanti, P .; Rizzi, A .; Cicciù, M *. Clinical evaluation of the oral health status in vascular-type dementia patients: a case-control study. Minerva Stomatologica 2015 64 , 167-175.   
    162.                   Beretta, M .; Cicciu, M * .; Poly, PP; Rancitelli, D .; Bassi, G .; Grossi, GB; Maiorana, C. A retrospective evaluation of 192 implants placed in augmented bone: Long-term follow-up study. Journal of Oral Implantology 2015 41 , 669-674, doi: 10.1563 / aaid-joi-D-14-00123.   
    163.                   Tandon, R .; Cunningham, LL; White, DK; Herford, AS; Cicciu, M *. Overexpression of cyclin A in oral dysplasia: An international comparison and literature review. Indian Journal of Cancer 2014 51 , 502-505, doi: 10.4103 / 0019-509X.175324.   
    164.                   Soardi, CM; Bramanti, E .; Cicciù, M *. Clinical and radiological 12-year follow-up of full arch maxilla prosthetic restoration supported by dental implants positioned through guide Hapless surgery. Minerva Stomatologica 2014 63 , 85-94.   
    165.                   Rakauskaite, A .; Juodzbalys, G .; Pauza, DH; Cicciù, M *. Green pigmentation in human teeth. A stereomicroscopic study. The Journal of clinical pediatric dentistry 2014 38 , 355-361, doi: 10.17796 / jcpd.38.4.057t211602x447j8.   
    166.                   . Poles, PP; Beretta, M .; Cicciù, M * .; Maiorana, C. Alveolar ridge augmentation with titanium mesh. A retrospective clinical study. Open Dentistry Journal 2014 , 148-158.   
    167.                   Oteri, G .; Lentini, M .; Pisano, M .; Cicciù, M *. Peripheral desmoplastic ameloblastoma in adolescent age: Clinico-pathological and immunohistochemical analysis of a case. Open Dentistry Journal 2014 , 159-163.   
    168.                   Nimcenko, T .; Omerca, G .; Bramanti, E .; Cervino, G .; Laino, L .; Cicciù, M *. Autogenous wisdom tooth transplantation: A case series with 6-9 months follow-up. Dental Research Journal 2014 11 , 705-710.   
    169.                   Maridati, P .; Stoffella, E .; Speroni, S .; Cicciu, M * .; Maiorana, C. Alveolar antral artery isolation during sinus lift procedure with the double window technique. Open Dentistry Journal 2014 , 95-103, doi: 10.2174 / 1874210601408010095.   
    170.                   Laino, L .; Iezzi, G .; Piattelli, A .; Lo Muzio, L .; Cicciù, M *. Vertical ridge augmentation of the atrophic posterior mandible with sandwich technique: Bone block from the chin area versus corticocancellous bone block allograft - Clinical and histological prospective randomized controlled study. BioMed Research International 2014 2014 , doi: 10.1155 / 2014/982104.   
    171.                   .Cicciù, M. *; Scott, A .; Cicciù, D .; Tandon, R .; Maiorana, C. Recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-2 promote and stabilize hard and soft tissue healing for large mandibular new bone reconstruction defects. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery 2014 25 , 860-862, doi: 10.1097 / SCS.0000000000000830.   
    172.                   .Cicciù, M. *; Herford, AS; Cicciù, D .; Tandon, R .; Maiorana, C. Erratum: Recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-2 promote and stabilize hard and soft tissue healing for large mandibular new bone reconstruction defects (Journal of Craniofacial Surgery (2014) 25 (860-862)). Journal of Craniofacial Surgery 2014 25 , 1563, doi: 10.1097 / SCS.0000000000001130.   
    173.                   .Cicciu, M. *; Bramanti, E .; Matacena, G .; Guglielmino, E .; Risitano, G. FEM evaluation of cemented-retained versus screw-retained dental implant single-tooth crown prosthesis. International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine 2014 , 817-825.   
    174.                   .Cicciù, M. *; Bramanti, E .; Cecchetti, F .; Scappaticci, L .; Guglielmino, E .; Risitano, G. FEM and Von Mises analyzes of different dental implant shapes for masticatory loading distribution. ORAL and Implantology 2014 , 1-10.   
    175.                   Bramanti, E .; Cicciù, M * .; Matacena, G .; Costa, S .; Magazzù, G. Clinical evaluation of specific oral manifestations in pediatric patients with ascertained versus potential coeliac disease: A cross-sectional study. Gastroenterology Research and Practice 2014 2014 , doi: 10.1155 / 2014/934159.   
    176.                   Petrauskaite, O .; Gomes, PDS; Fernandes, MH; Juodzbalys, G .; Stumbras, A .; Maminskas, J .; Liesiene, J .; Cicciù, M *. Biomimetic mineralization on a macroporous cellulose-based matrix for bone regeneration. BioMed Research International 2013 2013 , doi: 10.1155 / 2013/452750.   
    177.                   Oteri, G .; Bramanti, E .; Nigrone, V .; Cicciù, M *. Decayed, missing, and filled teeth index and periodontal health in osteoporotic patients affected by BRONJ: An observational study. Journal of Osteoporosis 2013 2013 , doi: 10.1155 / 2013/231289.   
    178.                   .Nimčenko, T .; Omerca, G .; Varinauskas, V .; Bramanti, E .; Signorino, F .; Cicciù, M *. Tooth auto - transplantation as an alternative treatment option: A literature review. Dental Research Journal 2013 10 , 1-6.   
    179.                   Herford, AS; Tandon, R .; Stevens, TW; Stoffella, E .; Cicciu, M *. Immediate distraction osteogenesis: The sandwich technique in combination with rhBMP-2 for anterior maxillary and mandibular defects. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery 2013 24 , 1383-1387, doi: 10.1097 / SCS.0b013e318292c2ce.   
    180.                   Herford, AS; Tandon, R .; Pivetti, L .; Cicciù, M *. Treatment of severe frontobasilar fractures in growing patients: a case series evaluation. Chinese journal of traumatology = Zhonghua chuang shang za zhi / Chinese Medical Association 2013 16 , 199-203.   
    181.                   Herford, AS; Tandon, R .; Pivetti, L .; Cicciù, M *. Closure of large palatal defect using a tongue flap. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery 2013 24 , 875-877, doi: 10.1097 / SCS.0b013e318285d474.   
    182.                   .Germano, F .; Bramanti, E .; Arcuri, C .; Cecchetti, F .; Cicciù, M *. Atomic force microscopy of bacteria from periodontal subgingival biofilm: Preliminary study results. European Journal of Dentistry 2013 , 152-158, doi: 10.4103 / 1305-7456.110155.   
    183.                   .Cicciù, M * .; Matacena, G .; Signorino, F .; Brugaletta, A .; Cicciù, A .; Bramanti, E. Relationship between oral health and its impact on the quality life of Alzheimer's disease patients: A supportive care trial. International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine 2013 , 766-772.   
    184.                   .Cicciù, M. *; Herford, A .; Juodžbalys, G .; Cicciù, D. Juvenile ossifying fibroma of the maxilla: A rare aggressive case in a young patient. Journal of Cancer Research and Therapeutics 2013 , 324-327, doi: 10.4103 / 0973-1482.113418.   
    185.                   .Cicciù, M * .; Chiera, F .; Gallizzi, R .; Cicciù, A .; Salpietro, CD Immunoglobulin injection for the treatment of multiple oral ulcers in Stevens-Johnson syndrome. European Archives of Pediatric Dentistry 2013 14 , 355-358, doi: 10.1007 / s40368-013-0086-8.   
    186.                   .Cicciù, M. *; Bramanti, E .; Signorino, F .; Cicciù, A .; Sortino, F. Experimental study on strength evaluation applied for teeth extraction: An in vivo study. Open Dentistry Journal 2013 , 20-26, doi: 10.2174 / 1874210601307010020.   
    187.                   Bramanti, E .; Matacena, G .; Cecchetti, F .; Arcuri, C .; Cicciù, M *. Oral health-related quality of life in partially edentulous patients before and after implant therapy: A 2-year longitudinal study. ORAL and Implantology 2013 , 37-42.   
    188.                   Majorana, C .; Speroni, S .; Herford, AS; Cicciù, M *. Slow orthodontic teeth extrusion to enhance hard and soft periodontal tissue quality before implant positioning in aesthetic area. Open Dentistry Journal 2012 , 137-142, doi: 10.2174 / 1874210601206010137.   
    189.                   Herford, AS; Lu, M .; Akin, L .; Cicciù, M *. Evaluation of a porcine matrix with and without platelet-derived growth factor for bone graft coverage in pigs. International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Implants 2012 27 , 1351-1358.   
    190.                   Herford, AS; Akin, L .; Cicciu, M *. Maxillary vestibular incision for surgically assisted rapid palatal expansion: evidence for a conservative approach. Orthodontics: the art and practice of dentofacial enhancement 2012 13 , 168-175.   
    191.                   Judge, G .; Lipari, F .; Lizio, A .; Cervino, G .; Cicciù, M *. Tooth fragment reactachment technique on a pluri traumatized tooth. Journal of Conservative Dentistry 2012 15 , 80-83, doi: 10.4103 / 0972-0707.92613.   
    192.                   Judge, G .; Cicciù, M. *; Cervino, G .; Lizio, A .; Visco, A. Flowable resin and marginal gap on tooth third medial cavity involving enamel and radicular cementum: A SEM evaluation of two restoration techniques. Indian Journal of Dental Research 2012 23 , 763-769, doi: 10.4103 / 0970-9290.111256.   
    193.                   .Cicciù, M * .; Risitano, G .; Lo Giudice, G .; Bramanti, E. Periodontal health and caries prevalence evaluation in patients affected by Parkinson's disease. Parkinson's Disease 2012 , 10.1155 / 2012/541908, doi: 10.1155 / 2012/541908.  
    194.                   .Cicciù, M. *; Herford, AS; Stoffella, E .; Cervino, G .; Cicciù, D. Protein-signaled guided bone regeneration using titanium mesh and Rh-BMP2 in oral surgery: A case report involving left mandibular reconstruction after tumor resection. Open Dentistry Journal 2012 , 51-55, doi: 10.2174 / 1874210601206010051.   
    195.                   .Cicciù, M. *; Herford, AS; Juodžbalys, G .; Stoffella, E. Recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein type 2 application for a possible treatment of bisphosphonates-related osteonecrosis of the jaw. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery 2012 23 , 784-788, doi: 10.1097 / SCS.0b013e31824dbdd4.   
    196.                   Bramanti, E .; Arcuri, C .; Cecchetti, F .; Cervino, G .; Nucera, R .; Cicciù, M *. Dental management in dysphagia syndrome patients with previously acquired brain damages. Dental Research Journal 2012 , 361-367.   
    197.                   Beretta, M .; Cicciù, M * .; Bramanti, E .; Maiorana, C. Schneider membrane elevation in presence of sinus septa: Anatomic features and surgical management. International Journal of Dentistry 2012 , 10.1155 / 2012/261905, doi: 10.1155 / 2012/261905.  
    198.                   .Sortino, F .; Cicciù, M *. Strategies used to inhibit postoperative swelling following removal of impacted lower third molar. Dental Research Journal 2011 , 162-171, doi: 10.4103 / 1735-3327.86031.   
    199.                   Oteri, G .; Procopio, RM; Cicciù, M *. Giant salivary gland calculi (GSGC): Report of two cases. Open Dentistry Journal 2011 , 90-95, doi: 10.2174 / 1874210601105010090.   
    200.                   Majorana, C .; Beretta, M .; Grossi, GB; Santoro, F .; Herford, AS; Nagursky, H .; Cicciù, M *. Histomorphometric evaluation of anorganic bovine bone coverage to reduce autogenous grafts resorption: Preliminary results. Open Dentistry Journal 2011 , 71-78, doi: 10.2174 / 1874210601105010071.   
    201.                   The Judge, G .; Lipari, F .; Lizio, A .; Cervino, G .; Cicciù, M. * Indirect composite restorations in the posterior region - case reports. Clinical Dentistry 2011 , 67-78.  
    202.                   Herford, AS; Cooper, TC; Maiorana, C .; Cicciù, M *. Vascularized connective tissue flap for bone graft coverage. The Journal of oral implantology 2011 37 , 279-285, doi: 10.1563 / AAID-JOI-D-09-00146.1.   
    203.                   .Akin, L .; Herford, AS; Cicciù, M. Oral presentation of disseminated histoplasmosis: A case report and literature review. Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 2011 69 , 535-541, doi: 10.1016 / j.joms.2010.05.053.   
    204.                   .Speroni, S .; Cicciù, M. *; Maridati, P .; Grossi, GB; Maiorana, C. Clinical investigation of mucosal thickness stability after soft tissue grafting around implants: A 3-year retrospective study. Indian Journal of Dental Research 2010 21 , 474-479, doi: 10.4103 / 0970-9290.74208.   
    205.                   .Risitano, G .; Cicciù, M .; Dini, R .; Franceschini, G .; Maiorana, C. Evaluation of strength in the "toronto" osseous-prosthesis system. 2010 , doi: 10.1051 / epjconf / 20100621003.  
    206.                   Herford, AS; Cicciù, M *. Recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein type 2 jaw reconstruction in patients affected by giant cell tumor. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery 2010 21 , 1970-1975, doi: 10.1097 / SCS.0b013e3181f502fa.   
    207.                   .Ederli F., Aspesi M., Alessandri G., Cicciu 'M. *, Grossi GB (2010). Orthograde endodontic treatment of a root cyst: case report and literature analysis. DOCTOR. OS 2010 vol. 21, p. 417-421, ISSN: 1120-7140
    208.                   Herford, AS; Akin, L .; Cicciu, M .; Maiorana, C .; Boyne, PJ Use of a Porcine Collagen Matrix as an Alternative to Autogenous Tissue for Grafting Oral Soft Tissue Defects. Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 2010 68 , 1463-1470, doi: 10.1016 / j.joms.2010.02.054.   
    209.                   Borgonovo, A .; Grossi, GB; Maiorana, C .; Santoro, F .; Cicciù, M *. Management of the Upper Third Molar Displaced in the Infratemporal Fossa: A Case Report. International Journal of Clinical Dentistry 2010 , 301-307.   
    210.                   .Cicciu 'M *, Risitano G, Maiorana C, Herford AS, Oteri G, Cicciu' D. "Toronto" screwed mandibular overdenture on dental implants: FEM and Von Mises analysis of stress distribution. THE JOURNAL OF IMPLANT & ADVANCED CLINICAL DENTISTRY 2010 vol. 2, p. 41-59, ISSN: 1947-5284
    211.                   .Maiorana C, Speroni S, Cicciu 'M *. A new approach for post extractive site preservation by using a free gingival graft: a case report. THE JOURNAL OF IMPLANT & ADVANCED CLINICAL DENTISTRY 2010 vol. 2, p. 33-39, ISSN: 1947-5284
    212.                   Pedullà E., Cicciu 'M., Sortino F. Multiple inclusions of permanent teeth in non-syndromic patients: two clinical cases. DOCTOR. OS 2010 vol. 21, p. 165-169, ISSN: 1120-7140
    213.                   Borgonovo, A .; Cicciú, M * .; Arnaboldi, O .; Maiorana, C. Prosthodontic rehabilitation in the maxillary area using zirconia dental implants: A case report. International Journal of Clinical Dentistry 2010 , 35-44.   
    214.                   .Cicciù M *, Grossi GB, Borgonovo A, Santoro G, Pallotti F, Maiorana C. (2010). Rare bilateral nasopalatine duct cysts: a case report. THE OPEN DENTISTRY JOURNAL 2010 vol. 11, p. 8-12, ISSN: 1874-2106
    215.                   .Venza, M .; Visalli, M .; Lo Giudice, G .; Cicciù, M .; Steps, P .; Teti, D. Changes in inflammatory mediators in peri-implant fluid after implant insertion. Journal of Periodontology 2009 80 , 297-306, doi: 10.1902 / jop. 2009.080411.   
    216.                   Majorana, C .; Cicciù, M. *; Beretta, M .; Andreoni, D. Treatment outcomes of early functional loading of a Toronto prosthesis after placement of postextractive dental implants. A case report. Journal of Osseointegration 2009 , 67-72.   
    217.                   Beretta M., Cicciu 'M. *, Benigni M., Santoro G., Fimmanò M., Maiorana C. Monostotic fibrous dysplasia of the jaws: a clinical case. DOCTOR. OS 2009 vol. 20, p. 35-40, ISSN: 1120-7140
    218.                   Majorana, C .; Cicciù, M * .; Andreoni, D .; Beretta, M. Immediate loading of single tooth: Case report and review of the literature. Journal of Osseointegration 2009 , 104-113.   
    219.                   Herford, AS; Cicciu, M. *; Clark, A. Traumatic Eyelid Defects: A Review of Reconstructive Options. Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 2009 67 , 3-9, doi: 10.1016 / j.joms.2008.09.009.   
    220.                   .Cicciù, M. *; Risitano, G .; Maiorana, C .; Franceschini, G. Parametric analysis of the strength in the '' Toronto '' osseous-prosthesis system. Minerva stomatologica 2009 58 , 9-23.   
    221.                   .Cicciù, M * .; Grossi, GB; Beretta, M .; Farronato, D .; Scalfaro, C .; Maiorana, C. Cervicofacial emphysema secondary to facebow injury: A case report. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry 2009 33 , 333-336, doi: 10.17796 / jcpd.33.4.0110rnkw525455t8.   
    222.                   .Maiorana C, Beretta M, Cicciù M * (2009). Tridimensional bone reconstruction in an atrophic ridge with misplaced implant: A case report. THE JOURNAL OF IMPLANT & ADVANCED CLINICAL DENTISTRY 2009 vol. 1, p. 9-20, ISSN: 1947-5284
    223.                   Borgonovo A, Grossi GB, Garramone RA, Cicciu 'M. *, Maiorana C. Influence of a new bur on postoperative discomfort following mandibular third molar surgery. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF IMPLANT PROSTHODONTICS , ( 2008 ). vol. 3, p. 119-126, ISSN: 1825-5213 
    224.                   Oteri, G .; Idotta, E .; Greco, A .; Lo Presti, L .; Cicciù, M .; Nigrone, V. Surface chemical characterization of titanium dental implants by ToF-SIMS spectrometry. PROtech 2008 , 5-15.   
    225.                   The Judge, G .; Nigrone, V .; Longo, A .; Cicciù, M *. Supernumerary and supplemental teeth: case report. European journal of pediatric dentistry: official journal of European Academy of Pediatric Dentistry 2008 , 97-101.   
    226.                   The Judge, G .; Lipari, F .; Lizio, A .; Cervino, G .; Cicciù, M *. Indirect composite restorations in the posterior region - Case reports. International Journal of Clinical Dentistry 2008 , 63-73.   
    227.                   .Cicciù, M. *; Beretta, M .; Risitano, G .; Maiorana, C. Cemented-retained vs screw-retained implant restorations: an investigation on 1939 dental implants. Minerva stomatologica 2008 57 , 167-179.   
    228.                   .Lo Giudice G., Micalizzi A., Lizio A., Cicciu 'M *., Grillo S. Comparative evaluation of the efficacy of peperacillin for topical use in oral surgery. DOCTOR. OS 2008 vol. 19, p. 123-128, ISSN: 1120-7140
    229.                   .Cicciu 'M. *, Reo P., Grossi G., Maiorana C. Subcutaneous emphysema following dental extraction of the lower third molar: a clinical case DOCTOR. OS, 2008 vol. 19, p. 1-4, ISSN: 1120-7140
    230.                   .Beretta M., Cicciu 'M *., Santoro G., Maiorana C. Vestibular maxillary exostoses as graft material for large sinus lift. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF IMPLANT PROSTHODONTICS 2008 vol. 4, p. 9-15, ISSN: 1825-5213
    231.                   .Tape, E .; Musolino, C .; Allegra, A .; Oteri, G .; Cicciù, M .; Alonci, A .; Quartarone, E .; Alati, C .; De Ponte, FS Bisphosphonate-associated osteonecrosis of the jaw in patients with multiple myeloma and breast cancer. Acta Haematologica 2007 117 , 181-187, doi: 10.1159 / 000097876.   
    232.                   . Beretta M., Benigni M., Farronato D., Santoro G., Cicciu 'M *. Hard and soft tissue management in the functional and aesthetic restoration of an atrophic jaw. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF IMPLANT PROSTHODONTICS 2007 vol. 2, p. 99-108, ISSN: 1825-5213
    233.                   .Cicciù M *., Beretta M., Dolci M., Maiorana C. Outcome Analysis of Implant length and diameter: A literary review of the recent literature (1995-2005). EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF IMPLANT PROSTHODONTICS 2007 vol. 1, p. 45-57, ISSN: 1825-5213
    234.                   .CICCIU 'M *., BERETTA M., MAIORANA C. Outcome analysis of the different treatments of peri-implantitis: a review of recent literature. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF IMPLANT PROSTHODONTICS 2007 vol. 2, p. 109-120, ISSN: 1825-5213
    235.                   .Maiorana C, Beretta M, Benigni M, Dolci M, Cicciu 'M., Santoro F. Post-Traumatic intraoral bone grafting in aesthetic areas: a case report. JOURNAL DE PERIODONTOLOGY & ORAL IMPLANTOLOGY 2007 vol. 1, p. 47-54, ISSN: 1256-612
    236.                   .Lo Giudice G., Cicciu 'M., Catalano P., Oteri G., Cicciu' D. Tensile strength of brackets cemented with different methods. 2006 ANNALS OF STOMATOLOGY , vol. 1, p. 7-10, ISSN: 1824-0852
    (Article 46 of Presidential Decree no. 445 of 28/12/00) 
    DECLARATIONS REPLACING THE DEED OF NOTARITY (articles 19 and 47 of Presidential Decree no. 445 of 28/12/2000)  
    The undersigned MARCO CICCIU ', Tax code CCCMRC80R18C351R, born in CATANIA province of CATANIA, on 18/10/1980, male, currently resident in ACI CASTELLO province of CATANIA, address Via ACICASTELLO, n.61B post code 95021 , telephone: 328 4142851 , aware of the provisions of art. 76 of the Presidential Decree of 28 December 2000, n.445, on the criminal liability which may be encountered in the event of falsification of documents and false declarations, pursuant to and for the purposes of the aforementioned DPR n.445 / 2000 and under his own personnel responsibility     
    Organizational skills 

    Organizational skills
    Excellent skills in the organization and schematization of single and team work, acquired over the years of attendance in the university ward (Complex Operative Unit of Dentistry Polyclinic University "G. Martino", Messina), mainly dealing with oral surgery. Ability to manage employees and work planning.

    Communication and interpersonal skills. 

    Communication and interpersonal skills.
    Excellent propensity for teamwork, which is found above all in the ability to listen and involve people who are part of a team, gained thanks to the participation in numerous group projects, including interdisciplinary ones; many of which are coordinated and managed in person. He has taken part in numerous scientific publications and is also an organizer and takes part in national, international and university courses and conferences. Speaker at national and international conferences and meetings.

    Professional skills 

    Professional skills
    Excellent surgical, diagnostic and therapy skills, gained over the years of attendance at public and private facilities. 
    Excellent competence in implantology and prostheses with different methods.
    Excellent skills in the dental technician field, due to the in-depth study in the field of the laboratory phases in the realization of prosthetic products. Excellent modeling skills and competence in the creation of chair side products with digital techniques.
    Results obtained in technology transfer in terms of participation in the creation of new patents or devices. 

    Results obtained in technology transfer in terms of participation in the creation of new businesses (spin off), development, use and marketing of patents
    • Industrial Patent, classification A-61, -B-01-D46, "Dental Aspirator for Aerosol Reduction", Marco Cicciù , Sergio Sambataro, Gabriele Cervino, Luca Fiorillo, Salvatore Bocchieri, Salvatore Crimi, Gianrico Spagnuolo, Luigi Laino. Application number: 102020000013018 of 01/06/2020    
    • Osteology Meeting, Cannes, France (April 13-17- 2011 ). Evaluation meeting for trading new biomaterials. Mucograft Geistlich Avenue Company. Product approved by FDA and subsequently marketed and distributed in Europe and USA from 13-04-2011 to 17-04-2011  
    • Industrial patent, classification A-61-C-7-22, "Elastic selector gauge as orthodontic device: ESGO", Marco Cicciù , Sergio Sambataro, Gabriele Cervino, Luca Fiorillo, Salvatore Bocchieri. Application number: 102019000009261 of 17/06/2019   
    • High quality application for Horizon 2020 Researcher Night 2021
    Recognitions and awards, including the affiliation of academies or companies of recognized prestige in the 

    Recognitions and awards, including the affiliation of academies or companies of recognized prestige in the sector
    • Member and Member of the Board of Directors of the SIOCMF to date   
    • Active member and member of the SIDCO Board of Directors to date   
    • Active Member of International PiezoSurgery Academy IPA to date 
    • Member of the Italian Camlog Academy to date 
    • Member Founder SIPRO Italian Society and Prosthodontics and Oral Rehabilitation to date
    • Fiorillo L., D'amico C., Iannello G., Gorassini F., Cervino G., Cicciù M. Finite Element Analysis (Fem) Of Prosthesis Bone Interaction In Implantology And Of Implant Components With Different Inclinations. Winning Poster Presented at the Congress "The State of the Art of Aesthetic-Functional Rehabilitation in Orthodontics and Dentistry", May 11-12, Rome.    
    • G. Cervino, M. Cicciù, L. Fiorillo, U. Romeo, C. D'amico, G. Amoroso, D. Denaro, S. Marino, S. Sambataro, G. Troiano, L. Laino. Molecular Biomarkers Related to Oral Carcinoma: Systematic Review of Recent Clinical Test Results. Poster Presented And Winner In The "Oral Surgery" Category At The XXV National Congress Of The College Of Dentistry Teachers. 12-14 April 2018, Rome, Italy.    
    • S. Marino, L. Fiorillo, C. D'amico, G. Amoroso, G. Cervino, M. Cicciù . Quality of life after excision of a malignant oral lesion: evaluation of recent findings in a systematic review of the literature. Poster Presented With Receipt Of Honorable Mention At The 25th National Congress Of The College Of Dentistry Teachers. 12-14 April 2018, Rome, Italy     
    • 1st Prize Flash Session Video Dental Surgery Included. First national video surgery symposium TAORMINA 12-14 July 2012 
    • Honorable Mention Poster Academic Board Milan 2021 Growth Factors: Indications and fields of application
    Fiorillo, L .; Cervino, G .; Laino, L .; Cicciù, M .; Laino, G .; Rullo, R. Growth Factors: Indications and fields of application . XXVIII National Congress of the College of Teachers of Dentistry. 11-13 April 2019, Naples, Italy  
    Gambino D., Lo Giudice R., Amoroso G., Marino S., Gorassini F., Mastroieni R., Fiorillo L., Cervino G., Cicciù M. Biomechanical behavior of conical connection kone implants: FEM and Von analysis Mises. XXVI National Congress of the College of Dentistry Teachers. 2020 Milan , Italy  
    Fiorillo, L .; Cervino, G .; Laino, L .; Cicciù, M .; Laino, G .; Rullo, R. Influence on the oral health of patients with Marfan syndrome: literature review. XXVI National Congress of the College of Dentistry Teachers. 11-13 April 2019, Naples, Italy  
    Scoglio CMR, Lo Giudice R., Amoroso G., Marino S., Gorassini F., Mastroieni R., Fiorillo L., Cervino G., Cicciù M. Relationship between Celiac Disease and Impact Profile on Oral Health: Systematic Review of Literature. XXVI National Congress of the College of Dentistry Teachers. 11-13 April 2019, Naples, Italy  
    Gorassini F., Fiorillo L., Marino S., Mastroieni R., Scoglio CMR,
    Amoroso G., D'Amico C., Lauritano F., Cervino G., Cicciu 'M. Prosthetic rehabilitation with OT equator®: clinical evidence. XXVI National Congress of the College of Dentistry Teachers. 11-13 April 2019, Naples, Italy  
    Cervino G., Cicciù M., Fiorillo L., Romeo U., D'Amico C., Amoroso G., Denaro D., Marino S., Sambataro S., Troiano G., Laino L. Molecular biomarkers related to carcinoma oral: Systematic review of recent clinical test results. XXVI National Congress of the College of Dentistry Teachers. 11-13 April 2019, Naples, Italy       
    Marino S., Fiorillo L., Mastroieni R., Gorassini F., Amoroso G., Scoglio CMR, D'Amico C., Lo Giudice R., Cervino G., Cicciù M. Three-dimensional Parametric Analysis of a Statistically Determined System Act a Rotate the Occlusal Plane for the Correction of Third Class Skeletal Malocclusion. XXVI National Congress of the College of Dentistry Teachers. 11-13 April 2019, Naples, Italy        
    Mastroieni R., Fiorillo L., Marino S., Gorassini F., Amoroso G., Scoglio CM R, Cervino G., Cicciù M. Alginate Materials and Dental Impression Techniques: Current State of the Art and Application to Dental Practice. XXVI National Congress of the College of Dentistry Teachers. 11-13 April 2019, Naples, Italy       
    Fiorillo L., D'amico C., Iannello G., Gorassini F., Cervino G., Cicciù M. Finite Element Analysis (Fem) Of Prosthesis Bone Interaction In Implantology And Of Implant Components With Different Inclinations. First Prize Poster, Presented at the Congress “The State of the Art of Aesthetic-Functional Rehabilitation in Orthodontics and Dentistry”, 11-12 May, Rome.
    D'amico C., Fiorillo L., Iannello G., Gorassini F., Cicciù M. Numerical Mechanical Evaluation on the Mandibular Bone After Implant Positioning. Al Fem And Von Mises Analysis. Poster Presented at the Congress “The State of the Art of Aesthetic-Functional Rehabilitation in Orthodontics and Dentistry”, 11-12 May, Rome. 
    Iannello G., Fiorillo L., D'amico C., Gorassini F., Lauritano F., Cicciù M. Implant-Prosthetic Rehabilitation On Patient With Lateral Agenesis. Poster Presented at the Congress “The State of the Art of Aesthetic-Functional Rehabilitation in Orthodontics and Dentistry”, 11-12 May, Rome. 
    L. Fiorillo, S. Marino, F. Gorassini, R. Mastroieni, F. Lauritano, G. Cervino, M. Cicciù. Clinical Differences Between Implants Placed In Native Bone And Implants Placed In Regenerated Bone. Poster Presented At The 25th National Congress Of The College Of Dentistry Teachers. 12-14 April 2018, Rome, Italy.
    G. Cervino, M. Cicciù, L. Fiorillo, U. Romeo, C. D'amico, G. Amoroso, D. Denaro, S. Marino, S. Sambataro, G. Troiano, L. Laino. Molecular Biomarkers Related to Oral Carcinoma: Systematic Review of Recent Clinical Test Results. Poster Presented And Winner In The "Oral Surgery" Category At The Xxiv National Congress Of The College Of Dentistry Teachers. 12-14 April 2018, Rome, Italy.  
    R. Mastroieni, L. Fiorillo, S. Marino, C. D'amico, G. Amoroso, G. Cervino, M. Cicciù. Glutenfreediet, Decayed Missed Filled Tooth And Oralhealth Impact Profile: A Review Of A Decade Of Recorded Data On Patients In North Eastern Sicily. Poster Presented at the Xxiv National Congress of the College of Dentistry Teachers. 12-14 April 2018, Rome, Italy. 
    S. Marino, L. Fiorillo, C. D'amico, G. Amoroso, G. Cervino, M. Cicciù. Quality of life after excision of a malignant oral lesion: evaluation of recent findings in a systematic review of the literature. Poster Presented With Receipt Of Honorable Mention At The Xxiv National Congress Of The College Of Dentistry Teachers. 12-14 April 2018, Rome, Italy 
    S. Valenti, I. Caragliano, L. Chillemi, S. Marino, G. Cervino, C. D'amico, L. Fiorillo, F. Lauritano, M. Cicciu. Threedimensional Evaluation Of Stress Overt Dental Implants Abutment Connection: Comparison Of Different Shape And Load. Poster Presented at the Xxiv National Congress of the College of Dentistry Teachers. 6-8 April 2017, Milan, Italy.
    L. Chillemi, E. Bramanti, S. Valenti, I. Caragliano, L. Laino, G. Cervino, C. D'amico, L. Fiorillo, F. Lauritano, G. Matacena, M. Cicciu. Cemented Or Screw Reteined For Single Dental Implant Restoration: Parametric Evaluation Of The Bone Tissue Reaction Under The Masticatory Load. Poster Presented at the Xxiv National Congress of the College of Dentistry Teachers. 6-8 April 2017, Milan, Italy.
    I. Caragliano, S. Valenti, L. Chillemi, S. Marino, G. Cervino, C. D'amico, L. Fiorillo, F. Lauritano, M. Cicciu. Fem And Von Mises Analysis On Prosthetic Crowns Structural Elements: Evaluation Of Different Applied Materials. Poster Presented at the Xxiv National Congress of the College of Dentistry Teachers. 6-8 April 2017, Milan, Italy.
    L. Fiorillo, G. Cervino, F. Lauritano, M. Cicciu, G. Lo Giudice. Scanning Electron Microscope (Sem) Evaluation Of Different Dental Bonding Agents. A Gap Comparison Od The Different Adhesives Capability. Poster Presented at Iadr: International Association For Dental Research, 95th General Session & Exhibition, March 22-25, San Francisco, USA. 
    L. Fiorillo, G. Cervino, F. Lauritano, M. Cicciù, G. Lo Giudice “Evaluation of the different adhesive systems under the scanning electron microscope (Sem). Comparison of Adhesive Capacity on Endodontic Materials ". Poster Presented at the 13th National Congress of the College of Dentistry Teachers. April 14-16, 2016, Rome, Italy.
    C. D'amico, M. Gallizzi, F. Lauritano, L. Fiorillo, L. Laino, E. Bramanti, G. Cervino, M. Cicciù "Evaluation of post-operative discomfort after surgery of the third mandibular molar included. Clinical Analysis E Radiographic ". Poster Presented at the Xxii National Congress of the College of Dentistry Teachers. 9- 11 April 2015, Milan, Italy.
    L. Fiorillo, E. Bramanti, F. Lauritano, C. D'amico, M. Gallizzi, A. Brugaletta, M. Cicciù 4 Years Clinical And Radiological Evaluation Of Dental Implant Placed In Regenerated Bone Vs Dental Implant Placed Into Native Bone. Poster Presented at Iadr General Session and Published in Journal Of Dental Research, March 11-14, 2015, Boston, Massachusetts.
    F. Lauritano, E. Bramanti, G. Matacena, M. Gallizzi, C. D'amico, L. Fiorillo, M. Cicciù Decayed Missed And Filled Teeth Evaluation On Alzheimer's Disease Patients: A Retrospective Research. Poster Presented at Iadr General Session and Published in Journal Of Dental Research, March 11-14, 2015, Boston, Massachusetts.
    C. D'amico, F. Lauritano, L. Fiorillo, M. Gallizzi, E. Bramanti, D. Milea, D. Denaro, C. Rizza, M. Cicciù Oral Mucosal Transformation In Women With Genital Hpv Infection. An Epidemiologic Study On East Sicily. Poster Presented at Iadr General Session and Published in Journal Of Dental Research, March 11-14, 2015, Boston, Massachusetts.
    Gallizzi M., Bramanti E., Matacena G., Signorino F., Lauritano F., D'amico C., L. Fiorillo, Cicciù M. Relationship Between Neurodegenerative Disease And Quality Of Life Using Ohip-14 Test. Poster Presented At Xxi National Congress of the College of Dentistry Teachers, 10-12 April 2014, Rome, Italy.
    2013 IADR Continental European Division Meeting (Florence, Italy) Matacena Giada, Bramanti Ennio, Cicciu Marco, Amedeo Ylenia Agata, Lo Giudice Giuseppe 2013 Continental European Division Meeting (Florence, Italy)      
    Atomic Force Microscopy of Typical Bacteria from Periodontal Biofilm IADR 2012 Pan European Region Meeting (Helisinki, Finland) Bramanti Ennio, Cicciù Marco, Signorino Fabrizio, Germano Francesco, Cicciù Alessandra, Arcuri Claudio          
    2011 IADR / AADR / CADR General Session (San Diego, California) Histological Evaluation of PDGF for Bone Graft Coverage in Pigs Lu Mei, Cicciù Marco, Herford Alan     
    2010 IADR / PER General Session (Barcelona, ​​Spain) Role of polydeoxyribonucleotide (PDRN) in the treatment of experimental periodontitis Oteri Giacomo, Pisano Michele, Bitto Alessandra, Lo Presti Loredana, Cicciù Marco, Altavilla Domenica         
    Parametric evaluation of the strenght in the toronto osseous prosthesis system
    (Cicciu 'M, Risitano G, Beretta M, Benigni M, Maiorana C)
    IADR Miami 1-4 April 2009
    Dentine microhardness after exposure to orange juices and human saliva (Beneduce C, Cicciu 'M, Maiorana C, H Lu, Andreana S)
    IADR Toronto 1-4 July 2008
    2007 Continental European and Israeli Divisions Meeting (Thessaloniki, Greece) Marginal adaptation in enamel and cement of composite inlays Lo Giudice Giuseppe, Lipari Frank, Cervino Gabriele, Lizio Angelo, Cicciù Marco        
    Detection of subgengival biofilm bacteria: PCR analysis
    (G. Lo Giudice, G. Oteri, A. Lizio, R. Squeri, V. La Fauci, M. Cicciu ')
    ADEA / AADR / CADR Meeting & Exhibition (March 8-11, 2006 ORLANDO)
    Surface characterization of a surgical bioceramic matarial: preliminary tof-sims analysis (G. Lo Giudice, G. Oteri, M. Cicciu ', A. Lizio, R. Squeri, V. La Fauci,)
    ADEA / AADR / CADR Meeting & Exhibition (March 8-11, 2006 ORLANDO)
    Use of vestibular exostoses as graft material in sinus lift. A clinical case. (Beretta M., Benigni., Cicciu 'M., Santoro G.) 13th National Congress of the College of Dentistry Teachers Rome 5-6-7-8 April 2006
    Implant rehabilitation of anterior monoedentulias. update of surgical-prosthetic procedures.
    (A. Greco, L. Lo Presti, M. Miuccio, M. Cicciu ', G. Oteri)
    13th National Congress of the College of Dentistry Teachers Rome 5-6-7-8 April 2006 10.
    Post-extraction implants with "flapless" procedure: retrospective clinical analysis after three years (G. Oteri, L. Lo Presti, M. Cicciu ', M. Melissari, D. Cicciu') Abstract 12th National Congress of the College of Dentistry Teachers Rome 16-19 March 2005)
    New bioactive glasses in oral surgery. xps and sputtering study
    (D. Cicciu ', G. Lo Giudice, G. Oteri, V. Nigrone, Cicciu M.)
    ADEA / AADR / CADR Meeting & Exhibition (2005 March 9 - 12 Baltimore USA) 1. Comparative shear bond strenghts of brackets bonded with different materials
    (G. Lo Giudice, P. Catalano, M. Cicciu ', G. Vinci, A. Irrera)
    IADR / AADR / CADR 82nd General Session (March 10-13, 2004) HAWAII
    Flow resin and marginal gap. sims ratings
    (Lo Giudice G., Catalano P., Oteri G., Cicciu M., Longo A.)
    11th National Congress of the College of Dentistry Teachers Rome 21-24 April 2004
    Detection of the forces applied to the forceps during dental avulsions (Sortino F., Cicciu M., Ballistreri F.)
    11th National Congress of the College of Dentistry Teachers Rome 21-24 April 2004
    Self-certification - Substitutive declaration of certification (art.46 and 47 DPR 28 December 2000 n. 445)
    The undersigned / _MARCO CICCIU '
    born in CATANIA CT on 18/10/1980, 
    resident in ACICASTELLO CT in VIA ACICASTELLO n ° 61B4 
    aware that anyone who makes false statements is punished pursuant to the criminal code and special laws on the subject, pursuant to and by effect of art. 46 DPR n. 445/2000

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