
NOME: Guido FerlazzoLUOGO DI NASCITA: Padova, Italy
1981 - 1987: Corso di Laurea in Medicina e Chirurgia, Università di Messina, Italia
1987: Laurea in Medicina e Chirurgia, Magna cum laude
1991: Diploma di Specialista in Oncologia Generale - Università di Messina, Italia
Gennaio1988 – Luglio 1989
Divisione di Oncologia Medica, Istituto Nazionale per la Ricerca sul Cancro, Genova, Italia
Gennaio 1989 - Dicembre 1989
Specialità: Immunologia Clinica
Dipartimento di Medicina Interna – Università di Genova, Italia
Gennaio 1990 - Gennaio1992
Specialità: Immunologia ed Immunoterapia dei Tumori
Laboratorio di Immunopatologia, Istituto Nazionale per la Ricerca sul Cancro, Genova, Italia
1989 – da Fondazione Bonino-Pulejo
Area di ricerca: Fattori di crescita nel carcinoma della mammella
Divisione di Oncologia Medica, Istituto Nazionale per la Ricerca sul Cancro, Genova, Italia
con contemporanea frequenza presso i Laboratori di Endocrinologia ed Immunologia del Dipartimento di Medicina Interna – Università di Genova, Italia
1989 - 1992 da Associazione Italiana per la Ricerca sul Cancro (AIRC)
Area di ricerca: Immunoterapia adottiva nei tumori solidi
Laboratorio di Immunopatologia, Istituto Nazionale per la Ricerca sul Cancro, Genova, Italia
1995 da Fondazione Italiana per la Ricerca sul Cancro (FIRC)
Area di ricerca: Trasferimento genico in cellule eucariote
Strang Cancer Research Laboratory, The Rockefeller University
New York, N.Y., U.S.A.
Gennaio 1991 - Dicembre 1993
Tecnico di laboratorio, Dipartimento di Medicina Interna ed Immunologia
Università di Messina, Italia
Gennaio 1992 - Settembre 1992
Incarico di Dirigente Medico, Divisione di Biotecnologie, Istituto Nazionale per la Ricerca sul Cancro, Genova, Italia
Dicembre 1993 – Maggio 2005
Dirigente Medico, Laboratorio di Immunologia, Istituto Nazionale per la Ricerca sul Cancro, Genova, Italia
Maggio 1997 - Ottobre 1998
Research Associate, Experimental and Clinical Therapeutics
Karmanos Cancer Institute, Wayne State University
Detroit , MI, U.S.A.
Novembre 2002 - Aprile 2004
Postdoctoral Fellow, Laboratory of Cellular Physiology and Immunology (diretto da Ralph Steinman, Premio Nobel per la Medicina nel 2011), The Rockefeller University
New York, NY, U.S.A
Maggio 2004 - Luglio 2008:
Member of the Adjunct Faculty, The Rockefeller University
New York, NY, U.S.A
Maggio 2005 –Novembre 2015:
Professore Associato di Immunologia, Corso di Laurea in Medicina e Chirurgia
Università di Messina, Italia
Luglio 2011 - Gennaio 2017:
Direttore del Programma di Terapia Cellulare
Azienda Ospedaliera Univeristaria Policlinico G.Martino
Messina, Italia
Novembre 2015 ad oggi:
Professore Ordinario di Immunology e Patologia Generale, Corso di Laurea in Medicina e Chirurgia
Università di Messina, Italia
Luglio 2016 - Novembre 2021:
Presidente del Centro di Ricerca “Cell Factory UniMe”
Università di Messina, Italia
Gennaio 2017 ad oggi:
Direttore della Unità Operativa Complessa di Patologia Clinica
Azienda Ospedaliera Univeristaria Policlinico G.Martino
Messina, Italia
Luglio 2020 ad oggi:
Direttore del Dipartimento Diagnostico
Azienda Ospedaliera Univeristaria Policlinico G.Martino
Messina, Italia
Funding Agencies:
Dal 2006: Fondation pour la Recherche Médicale - Equipes FRM, France
Dal 2009: Agence nationale de la recherche (ANR), Paris France
Dal 2009: The Marsden Fund, New Zealand
Dal 2009: Medical Research Council, Regno Unito
Dal 2009: Italian Minister of Health
Dal 2009: Italian Minister of University and Research
Dal 2011: Croatian Science Foundation, Repubblica di Croazia
Dal 2012: United States-Israel Binational Science Foundation
Dal 2012: Wellcome Trust, United Kingdom
Dal 2014: French National Cancer Institute (INCa) (Member of the Committee)
Dal 2021: Fundaciò la Maratò de TV 3, Spagna
Riviste scientifiche:
Nature; Nature Immunology; Nature Review Immunology; The Journal of Experimental Medicine; Blood; The Journal of Immunology; European Journal of Immunology; Cancer Research; Haematologica; Cancer; Plos One; Innate Immunity; Immunology Letters; International Immunology; Experimental Hematology; Experimental Review vaccine; Human Immunology;
De Pasquale C, Campana S, Bonaccorsi I, Carrega P, Ferlazzo G. ILC in chronic inflammation, cancer and targeting with biologicals. Mol Aspects Med. 2021 Mar 14:100963. doi: 10.1016/j.mam.2021.100963.
Impact Factor (I.F.) 9.57
Campana S, De Pasquale C, Barberi C, Oliveri D, Sidoti Migliore G, Galletti B, Guarneri C, Cannavò SP, Ferlazzo G. Circulating ILC precursors expressing CD62L exhibit a type 2 signature distinctly decreased in psoriatic patients. Eur J Immunol 2021 Mar 17. doi: 10.1002/eji.202048893.
I.F. 4.4
De Pasquale C, Campana S, Barberi C, Sidoti Migliore G, Oliveri D, Lanza M, Musolino C, Raimondo G, Ferrone S, Pollicino T, Ferlazzo G. Human hepatitis B virus negatively impacts the protective immune cross-talk between natural killer and dendritic cells. Hepatology. 2021 Jan 22. doi: 10.1002/hep.31725.
I.F. 14.67
Barberi C, De Pasquale C, Allegra A, Sidoti Migliore G, Oliveri D, Loiacono F, Innao V, Musolino C, Pende D, Cantoni C, Carrega P, Mingari MC, Campana S, Ferlazzo G. Myeloma cells induce the accumulation of activated CD94low NK cells by cell-to-cell contacts involving CD56 molecules.
Blood Adv. 2020 May 26;4(10):2297-2307. doi: 10.1182/bloodadvances.2019000953.
I.F. 4.9
Bonaccorsi I, Spinelli D, Cantoni C, Barillà C, Pipitò N, De Pasquale C, Oliveri D, Cavaliere R, Carrega P, Benedetto F, Ferlazzo G. Symptomatic Carotid Atherosclerotic Plaques Are Associated With Increased Infiltration of Natural Killer (NK) Cells and Higher Serum Levels of NK Activating Receptor Ligands. Front Immunol. 2019 Jul 12;10:1503. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2019.01503
I.F. 5.08
Campana S, Di Carlo E, De Pasquale C, Barberi C, Oliveri D, Migliore GS, Cannavò SP, Galletti B, Pende D, Carrega P, Ferlazzo G. Dendritic cell recognition by group 3 innate lymphoid cells through DNAX accessory molecule 1 triggers proinflammatory reciprocal cell activation. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2019 Oct;144(4):1118-1122.e6. doi: 10.1016/j.jaci.2019.06.008.
I.F. 10.22
Landtwing V, Raykova A, Pezzino G, Béziat V, Marcenaro E, Graf C, Moretta A, Capaul R, Zbinden A, Ferlazzo G, Malmberg KJ, Chijioke O, Münz C. Cognate HLA absence in trans diminishes human NK cell education. J Clin Invest. 2016 Oct 3;126(10):3772-378.
I.F. 11.86
Carrega P, Loiacono F, Di Carlo E, Scaramuccia A, Mora M, Conte R, Benelli R, Spaggiari GM, Cantoni C, Campana S, Bonaccorsi I, Morandi B, Truini M, Mingari MC, Moretta L, Ferlazzo G. NCR(+)ILC3 concentrate in human lung cancer and associate with intratumoral lymphoid structures. Nature Commun. Sep 23;6:8280. doi: 10.1038/ncomms9280, 2015.
I.F. 12.12
Bruno A, Ferlazzo G, Albini A, Noonan DM.A Think Tank of TINK/TANKs: Tumor-Infiltrating/Tumor-Associated Natural Killer Cells in Tumor Progression and Angiogenesis. J Natl Cancer Inst. Sep 1;106(8), 2014 (co-first author).
I.F. 11.57
Carrega P, Bonaccorsi I, Di Carlo E, Morandi B, Paul P, Rizzello V, Cipollone G, Navarra G, Mingari MC, Moretta L, and Ferlazzo G. CD56brightperforinlow non-cytotoxic human NK cells are abundant in both healthy and neoplastic solid tissues and recirculate to secondary lymphoid organs via afferent lymph. J Immunol. Apr 15;192(8):3805-15, 2014.
I.F. 4.88
Bonaccorsi I, Morandi B, Antsiferova O, Costa G, Oliveri D, Conte R, Pezzino G, Vermiglio G, Anastasi GP, Navarra G, Münz C, Di Carlo E, Mingari MC, Ferlazzo G. Membrane transfer from tumor cells overcomes deficient phagocytic ability of plasmacytoid dendritic cells for the acquisition and presentation of tumor antigens J Immunol. Jan 15;192(2):824-32, 2014.
I.F. 4.88
Morandi B, Bonaccorsi I, Mesiti M, Conte R, Carrega P, Costa G, Iemmo R, Martini S, Ferrone S, Cantoni C, Mingari MC, Moretta L, Ferlazzo G. Characterization of human afferent lymph dendritic cells from seroma fluids. J Immunol. Nov 1;191(9):4858-66, 2013.
I.F. 4.88
Carrega P, Ferlazzo G. Natural killer cell distribution and trafficking in human tissues. Front Immunol. 2012;3:347. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2012.00347. Epub Nov 29, 2012.
I.F. 5.08
Strowig T, Chijioke O, Carrega P, Arrey F, Meixlsperger S, Rämer PC, Ferlazzo G, Münz C. Human NK cells of mice with reconstituted human immune system components require pre-activation to acquire functional competence. Blood, 116(20):4158-67, 2010. (co-last author)
I.F. 17.79
Juelke K, Killig M, Luetke-Eversloh M, Parente E, Gruen J, Morandi B, Ferlazzo G, Thiel A, Schmitt-Knosalla I, Romagnani C. CD62L expression identifies a unique subset of polyfunctional CD56dim NK cells. Blood, 116(8):1299-307, 2010.
I.F. 17.79
Sessarego N, Parodi A, Podestà M, Benvenuto F, Mogni M, Raviolo V, Lituania M, Kunkl A, Ferlazzo G, Bricarelli FD, Uccelli A, Frassoni F. Multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells from amniotic fluid: solid perspectives for clinical application. Haematologica, 93(3):339-46, 2008.
I.F. 7.1
Carrega P, Morandi B, Costa R, Frumento G, Forte G, Altavilla G, Ratto GB, Mingari MC, Moretta L, Ferlazzo G. Natural killer cells infiltrating human nonsmall-cell lung cancer are enriched in CD56 bright CD16(-) cells and display an impaired capability to kill tumor cells. Cancer, 112(4):863-75, 2008.
I.F. 5.7
A.Moretta, E.Marcenaro, S.Parolini, G. Ferlazzo, L.Moretta. NK cells at the interface between innate and adaptive immunity. Cell Death Differ. 15(2):226-33, 2008.
I.F. 10.71
C.Romagnani, K.Juelke, M.Falco, B.Morandi, A.D’Agostino, R.Costa, G.Ratto, G.Forte, P.Carrega, G.Lui, R.Conte, T.Strowig, A.Moretta, C.Münz, A.Thiel, L.Moretta and G. Ferlazzo. CD56bright CD16- KIR- NK cells display longer telomeres and acquire features of CD56dim NK cells upon activation. Journal of Immunology, 178(8):4947-55, 2007.
I.F. 4.88
L.Moretta, G. Ferlazzo, C.Bottino, M.Vitale, D.Pende, MC.Mingari, A.Moretta. Effector and regulatory events during natural killer-dendritic cell interactions. Immunological Reviews, 214:219-28, 2006.
I.F. 13.93
B.Morandi, R.Costa, M.Falco, S.Parolini, A.De Maria, G.Ratto, G.Melioli, M.C.Mingari, A.Moretta and G. Ferlazzo. Distinctive lack of CD48 expession in subsets on human dendritic cells tunes NK cell activation. Journal of Immunology, 175(6):3690-7, 2005.175(6):3690-7, 2005.
I.F. 4.88
C.Munz, T.Dao, G. Ferlazzo, M.A.De Cos, K.Goodman, J.W.Young. Mature myeloid dendritic cell subsets have distinct roles for activation and viability of circulating human natural killer cells. Blood; 105(1):266-73, 2005.
I.F. 17.79
G. Ferlazzo, M.Pack, D.Thomas, C.Paludan, D.Schmid, T.Strowig, G.Bougras, W.A. Muller, L.Moretta and C. Münz. Distinct roles of IL-12 and IL-15 in human natural killer cell activation by dendritic cells from secondary lymphoid organs. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), 101(47):16606-11, 2004.
I.F. 9.4
G. Ferlazzo, D.Thomas, S.L.Lin, K.Goodman, B.Morandi, W.A.Muller, A.Moretta, C.Munz. The abundant NK cells in human secondary lymphoid tissues require activation to express killer cell Ig-like receptors and become cytolytic. Journal of Immunology, 1;172(3):1455-62, 2004.
I.F. 4.88
G. Ferlazzo, C.Munz. NK cell compartments and their activation by dendritic cells. Journal of Immunology, 1;172(3):1333-9, 2004.
I.F. 4.88
L.Moretta, C.Bottino, G. Ferlazzo, D.Pende, G.Melioli, M.C.Mingari, A.Moretta. Surface receptors and functional interactions of human natural killer cells: from bench to the clinic. Cell Mol Life Sci. 60(10):2139-46, 2003.
I.F. 6.49
G. Ferlazzo, B. Morandi , A.D'Agostino, R.Meazza, G.Melioli, A.Moretta, L.Moretta. The interaction between NK cells and dendritic cells in bacterial infections results in rapid induction of NK cell activation and in the lysis of uninfected dendritic cells. European Journal of Immunology, 33(2):306-13, 2003.
I.F. 4.4
G. Ferlazzo, C.Semino, M.Meta, F.Procopio, B.Morandi, G.Melioli. T lymphocytes express B7 family molecule following interaction with dendritic cells and acquire bystander costimulatory properties. European Journal of Immunology, 32(11):3092-3101 2002.
I.F. 4.4
G. Ferlazzo, ML Tsang, L Moretta, G. Melioli, RM.Steinman, C.Münz. Human dendritic cells activate resting NK cells and are recognized via the NKp30 receptor by activated NK cells. The Journal of Experimental Medicine, 195(3):343-351, 2002.
I.F. 11.74
G. Ferlazzo, G.M.Spaggiari, C.Semino, G.Melioli, and L.Moretta. Engagement of CD33 surface molecules prevents the generation of dendritic cells from both monocytes and CD34+ myeloid precursors. European Journal of Immunology, 30: 827-833, 2000.
I.F. 4.4
G. Ferlazzo, J.Klein, X.Paliard, W.Z.Wei, A.Galy. Dendritic cells generated from CD34+ progenitors cells with flt3-ligand, c-kit-ligand, GM-CSF, IL-4 and TNF-are functional antigen-presenting cells resembling mature monocyte-derived DC. Journal of Immunotherapy, 23(1): 48-58, 2000.
I.F. 10.25
A.Galy, I.Christopherson, G. Ferlazzo, G.Liu, H.Spits, K.Georgopoulos. Distinct signals control the hematopoiesis of lymphoid-related dendritic cells. Blood, 95(1): 128-37, 2000.
I.F. 17.79
G. Ferlazzo, A.Wesa, W.Z.Wei, A.Galy. Dendritic cells generated from CD34+ progenitor cells or from monocytes differ in their ability to activate antigen-specific CD8+ T cells. Journal of Immunology, 163: 3597-3604, 1999.
I.F. 4.8
G. Ferlazzo, C.Scisca, R.Iemmo, R.Cavaliere, G.Quartarone, V.Adamo, G.Frazzetto, G.Costa and G.Melioli. Intralesional sonographically guided injections of lymphokine activated killer cells and recombinant interleukin-2 for the treatment of liver tumors: a pilot study. Journal of Immunotherapy, 20(2): 158-163, 1997.
I.F. 10.25
Messina, 8 aprile 2021
NAME: Guido FerlazzoPLACE OF BIRTH: Padova, Italy
FAMILY: Spouse: Daniela; Daughters: Rossana H., Sveva M.
1981 - 1987: School of Medicine, University of Messina, Messina, Italy
1987: Medical Doctor Degree, Magna cum laude
1991: Degree of Specialist in Oncology - University of Messina, Italy
January 1988 – July 1989
Division of Medical Oncology, National Institute for Cancer Research, Genova, Italy
January 1989 - December 1989
Specialty: Clinical Immunology
Department of Internal Medicine – University of Genova, Italy
January 1990 - January 1992
Specialty: Tumor Immunology and Immunotherapy
Division of Immunopathology, National Institute for Cancer Research, Genova, Italy.
1989 - from Fondazione Bonino-Pulejo
Field of Research: Growth Factor and Breast Cancer
Place: Division of Medical Oncology of National Institute for Cancer Research, Genova and contemporary presence in the laboratories of the Endocrinology and Immunology of the Department of Internal Medicine, University of Genova, Italy.
1989 - 1992 from Associazione Italiana per la Ricerca sul Cancro (AIRC)
Field of Research: Adoptive immunotherapy in advanced cancers
Place: Division of Immunopathology – National Institute for Cancer Research, Genova, Italy.
1995 from Fondazione Italiana per la Ricerca sul Cancro (FIRC)
Field of Research: Gene transfer in eukariotic cells
Place: Strang Cancer Research Laboratory, The Rockefeller University
New York, N.Y., U.S.A.
January 1991 - December 1993
Research Assistant, Department of Internal Medicine and Immunology
University of Messina, Italy
January 1992 - September 1992
Research Scientist, Biotechnology Division, National Institute for Cancer Research Genova, Italy
December 1993 – May 2005
Tenured position as Research Scientist, Department of Immunology, National Institute for Cancer Research
Genova, Italy
May 1997 - October 1998
Research Associate, Experimental and Clinical Therapeutics
Karmanos Cancer Institute, Wayne State University
Detroit , MI, U.S.A.
November 2002 - April 2004
Postdoctoral Fellow, Laboratory of Cellular Physiology and Immunology (led by Nobel Prize Ralph Steinman), The Rockefeller University
New York, NY, U.S.A
May 2004 - July 2008:
Member of the Adjunct Faculty, The Rockefeller University
New York, NY, U.S.A
May 2005 –November 2015:
Associate Professor of Immunology, School of Medicine
University of Messina, Italy
July 2011 to January 2017: Director Cell Therapy Program
University Hospital Policlinico G.Martino
Messina, Italy
November 2015 up to now:
Professor of Immunology and General Pathology, School of Medicine
University of Messina, Italy
July 2016 - November 2021:
President of the University Research Center “Cell Factory UniMe”
University of Messina, Italy
January 2017 up to now:
Director of the Division of Clinical Pathology
University Hospital Policlinico G.Martino
Messina, Italy
July 2020 up to now:
Director of the Department of Diagnostic
University Hospital Policlinico G.Martino
Messina, Italy
Funding Agencies:
From 2006: Fondation pour la Recherche Médicale - Equipes FRM, France
From 2009: Agence nationale de la recherche (ANR), Paris France
From 2009: The Marsden Fund, New Zealand
From 2009: Medical Research Council, Regno Unito
From 2009: Italian Minister of Health
From 2009: Italian Minister of University and Research
From 2011: Croatian Science Foundation, Repubblica di Croazia
From 2012: United States-Israel Binational Science Foundation
From2012: Wellcome Trust, United Kingdom
From 2014: French National Cancer Institute (INCa) (Member of the Committee)
From 2021: Fundaciò la Maratò de TV 3, Spain
Nature; Nature Immunology; Nature Review Immunology; The Journal of Experimental Medicine; Blood; The Journal of Immunology; European Journal of Immunology; Cancer Research; Haematologica; Cancer; Plos One; Innate Immunity; Immunology Letters; International Immunology; Experimental Hematology; Experimental Review vaccine; Human Immunology;
De Pasquale C, Campana S, Bonaccorsi I, Carrega P, Ferlazzo G. ILC in chronic inflammation, cancer and targeting with biologicals. Mol Aspects Med. 2021 Mar 14:100963. doi: 10.1016/j.mam.2021.100963.
Impact Factor (I.F.) 9.57
Campana S, De Pasquale C, Barberi C, Oliveri D, Sidoti Migliore G, Galletti B, Guarneri C, Cannavò SP, Ferlazzo G. Circulating ILC precursors expressing CD62L exhibit a type 2 signature distinctly decreased in psoriatic patients. Eur J Immunol 2021 Mar 17. doi: 10.1002/eji.202048893.
I.F. 4.4
De Pasquale C, Campana S, Barberi C, Sidoti Migliore G, Oliveri D, Lanza M, Musolino C, Raimondo G, Ferrone S, Pollicino T, Ferlazzo G. Human hepatitis B virus negatively impacts the protective immune cross-talk between natural killer and dendritic cells. Hepatology. 2021 Jan 22. doi: 10.1002/hep.31725.
I.F. 14.67
Barberi C, De Pasquale C, Allegra A, Sidoti Migliore G, Oliveri D, Loiacono F, Innao V, Musolino C, Pende D, Cantoni C, Carrega P, Mingari MC, Campana S, Ferlazzo G. Myeloma cells induce the accumulation of activated CD94low NK cells by cell-to-cell contacts involving CD56 molecules.
Blood Adv. 2020 May 26;4(10):2297-2307. doi: 10.1182/bloodadvances.2019000953.
I.F. 4.9
Bonaccorsi I, Spinelli D, Cantoni C, Barillà C, Pipitò N, De Pasquale C, Oliveri D, Cavaliere R, Carrega P, Benedetto F, Ferlazzo G. Symptomatic Carotid Atherosclerotic Plaques Are Associated With Increased Infiltration of Natural Killer (NK) Cells and Higher Serum Levels of NK Activating Receptor Ligands. Front Immunol. 2019 Jul 12;10:1503. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2019.01503
I.F. 5.08
Campana S, Di Carlo E, De Pasquale C, Barberi C, Oliveri D, Migliore GS, Cannavò SP, Galletti B, Pende D, Carrega P, Ferlazzo G. Dendritic cell recognition by group 3 innate lymphoid cells through DNAX accessory molecule 1 triggers proinflammatory reciprocal cell activation. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2019 Oct;144(4):1118-1122.e6. doi: 10.1016/j.jaci.2019.06.008.
I.F. 10.22
Landtwing V, Raykova A, Pezzino G, Béziat V, Marcenaro E, Graf C, Moretta A, Capaul R, Zbinden A, Ferlazzo G, Malmberg KJ, Chijioke O, Münz C. Cognate HLA absence in trans diminishes human NK cell education. J Clin Invest. 2016 Oct 3;126(10):3772-378.
I.F. 11.86
Carrega P, Loiacono F, Di Carlo E, Scaramuccia A, Mora M, Conte R, Benelli R, Spaggiari GM, Cantoni C, Campana S, Bonaccorsi I, Morandi B, Truini M, Mingari MC, Moretta L, Ferlazzo G. NCR(+)ILC3 concentrate in human lung cancer and associate with intratumoral lymphoid structures. Nature Commun. Sep 23;6:8280. doi: 10.1038/ncomms9280, 2015.
I.F. 12.12
Bruno A, Ferlazzo G, Albini A, Noonan DM.A Think Tank of TINK/TANKs: Tumor-Infiltrating/Tumor-Associated Natural Killer Cells in Tumor Progression and Angiogenesis. J Natl Cancer Inst. Sep 1;106(8), 2014 (co-first author).
I.F. 11.57
Carrega P, Bonaccorsi I, Di Carlo E, Morandi B, Paul P, Rizzello V, Cipollone G, Navarra G, Mingari MC, Moretta L, and Ferlazzo G. CD56brightperforinlow non-cytotoxic human NK cells are abundant in both healthy and neoplastic solid tissues and recirculate to secondary lymphoid organs via afferent lymph. J Immunol. Apr 15;192(8):3805-15, 2014.
I.F. 4.88
Bonaccorsi I, Morandi B, Antsiferova O, Costa G, Oliveri D, Conte R, Pezzino G, Vermiglio G, Anastasi GP, Navarra G, Münz C, Di Carlo E, Mingari MC, Ferlazzo G. Membrane transfer from tumor cells overcomes deficient phagocytic ability of plasmacytoid dendritic cells for the acquisition and presentation of tumor antigens J Immunol. Jan 15;192(2):824-32, 2014.
I.F. 4.88
Morandi B, Bonaccorsi I, Mesiti M, Conte R, Carrega P, Costa G, Iemmo R, Martini S, Ferrone S, Cantoni C, Mingari MC, Moretta L, Ferlazzo G. Characterization of human afferent lymph dendritic cells from seroma fluids. J Immunol. Nov 1;191(9):4858-66, 2013.
I.F. 4.88
Carrega P, Ferlazzo G. Natural killer cell distribution and trafficking in human tissues. Front Immunol. 2012;3:347. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2012.00347. Epub Nov 29, 2012.
I.F. 5.08
Strowig T, Chijioke O, Carrega P, Arrey F, Meixlsperger S, Rämer PC, Ferlazzo G, Münz C. Human NK cells of mice with reconstituted human immune system components require pre-activation to acquire functional competence. Blood, 116(20):4158-67, 2010. (co-last author)
I.F. 17.79
Juelke K, Killig M, Luetke-Eversloh M, Parente E, Gruen J, Morandi B, Ferlazzo G, Thiel A, Schmitt-Knosalla I, Romagnani C. CD62L expression identifies a unique subset of polyfunctional CD56dim NK cells. Blood, 116(8):1299-307, 2010.
I.F. 17.79
Sessarego N, Parodi A, Podestà M, Benvenuto F, Mogni M, Raviolo V, Lituania M, Kunkl A, Ferlazzo G, Bricarelli FD, Uccelli A, Frassoni F. Multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells from amniotic fluid: solid perspectives for clinical application. Haematologica, 93(3):339-46, 2008.
I.F. 7.1
Carrega P, Morandi B, Costa R, Frumento G, Forte G, Altavilla G, Ratto GB, Mingari MC, Moretta L, Ferlazzo G. Natural killer cells infiltrating human nonsmall-cell lung cancer are enriched in CD56 bright CD16(-) cells and display an impaired capability to kill tumor cells. Cancer, 112(4):863-75, 2008.
I.F. 5.7
A.Moretta, E.Marcenaro, S.Parolini, G. Ferlazzo, L.Moretta. NK cells at the interface between innate and adaptive immunity. Cell Death Differ. 15(2):226-33, 2008.
I.F. 10.71
C.Romagnani, K.Juelke, M.Falco, B.Morandi, A.D’Agostino, R.Costa, G.Ratto, G.Forte, P.Carrega, G.Lui, R.Conte, T.Strowig, A.Moretta, C.Münz, A.Thiel, L.Moretta and G. Ferlazzo. CD56bright CD16- KIR- NK cells display longer telomeres and acquire features of CD56dim NK cells upon activation. Journal of Immunology, 178(8):4947-55, 2007.
I.F. 4.88
L.Moretta, G. Ferlazzo, C.Bottino, M.Vitale, D.Pende, MC.Mingari, A.Moretta. Effector and regulatory events during natural killer-dendritic cell interactions. Immunological Reviews, 214:219-28, 2006.
I.F. 13.93
B.Morandi, R.Costa, M.Falco, S.Parolini, A.De Maria, G.Ratto, G.Melioli, M.C.Mingari, A.Moretta and G. Ferlazzo. Distinctive lack of CD48 expession in subsets on human dendritic cells tunes NK cell activation. Journal of Immunology, 175(6):3690-7, 2005.175(6):3690-7, 2005.
I.F. 4.88
C.Munz, T.Dao, G. Ferlazzo, M.A.De Cos, K.Goodman, J.W.Young. Mature myeloid dendritic cell subsets have distinct roles for activation and viability of circulating human natural killer cells. Blood; 105(1):266-73, 2005.
I.F. 17.79
G. Ferlazzo, M.Pack, D.Thomas, C.Paludan, D.Schmid, T.Strowig, G.Bougras, W.A. Muller, L.Moretta and C. Münz. Distinct roles of IL-12 and IL-15 in human natural killer cell activation by dendritic cells from secondary lymphoid organs. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), 101(47):16606-11, 2004.
I.F. 9.4
G. Ferlazzo, D.Thomas, S.L.Lin, K.Goodman, B.Morandi, W.A.Muller, A.Moretta, C.Munz. The abundant NK cells in human secondary lymphoid tissues require activation to express killer cell Ig-like receptors and become cytolytic. Journal of Immunology, 1;172(3):1455-62, 2004.
I.F. 4.88
G. Ferlazzo, C.Munz. NK cell compartments and their activation by dendritic cells. Journal of Immunology, 1;172(3):1333-9, 2004.
I.F. 4.88
L.Moretta, C.Bottino, G. Ferlazzo, D.Pende, G.Melioli, M.C.Mingari, A.Moretta. Surface receptors and functional interactions of human natural killer cells: from bench to the clinic. Cell Mol Life Sci. 60(10):2139-46, 2003.
I.F. 6.49
G. Ferlazzo, B. Morandi , A.D'Agostino, R.Meazza, G.Melioli, A.Moretta, L.Moretta. The interaction between NK cells and dendritic cells in bacterial infections results in rapid induction of NK cell activation and in the lysis of uninfected dendritic cells. European Journal of Immunology, 33(2):306-13, 2003.
I.F. 4.4
G. Ferlazzo, C.Semino, M.Meta, F.Procopio, B.Morandi, G.Melioli. T lymphocytes express B7 family molecule following interaction with dendritic cells and acquire bystander costimulatory properties. European Journal of Immunology, 32(11):3092-3101 2002.
I.F. 4.4
G. Ferlazzo, ML Tsang, L Moretta, G. Melioli, RM.Steinman, C.Münz. Human dendritic cells activate resting NK cells and are recognized via the NKp30 receptor by activated NK cells. The Journal of Experimental Medicine, 195(3):343-351, 2002.
I.F. 11.74
G. Ferlazzo, G.M.Spaggiari, C.Semino, G.Melioli, and L.Moretta. Engagement of CD33 surface molecules prevents the generation of dendritic cells from both monocytes and CD34+ myeloid precursors. European Journal of Immunology, 30: 827-833, 2000.
I.F. 4.4
G. Ferlazzo, J.Klein, X.Paliard, W.Z.Wei, A.Galy. Dendritic cells generated from CD34+ progenitors cells with flt3-ligand, c-kit-ligand, GM-CSF, IL-4 and TNF-are functional antigen-presenting cells resembling mature monocyte-derived DC. Journal of Immunotherapy, 23(1): 48-58, 2000.
I.F. 10.25
A.Galy, I.Christopherson, G. Ferlazzo, G.Liu, H.Spits, K.Georgopoulos. Distinct signals control the hematopoiesis of lymphoid-related dendritic cells. Blood, 95(1): 128-37, 2000.
I.F. 17.79
G. Ferlazzo, A.Wesa, W.Z.Wei, A.Galy. Dendritic cells generated from CD34+ progenitor cells or from monocytes differ in their ability to activate antigen-specific CD8+ T cells. Journal of Immunology, 163: 3597-3604, 1999.
I.F. 4.8
G. Ferlazzo, C.Scisca, R.Iemmo, R.Cavaliere, G.Quartarone, V.Adamo, G.Frazzetto, G.Costa and G.Melioli. Intralesional sonographically guided injections of lymphokine activated killer cells and recombinant interleukin-2 for the treatment of liver tumors: a pilot study. Journal of Immunotherapy, 20(2): 158-163, 1997.
I.F. 10.25
Messina, April 08th 2021
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