
Profilo: Professori Associati
PERCORSO DI STUDI2012 PhD in Astroparticle Physics. SISSA/ISAS Trieste (Italy) ; Titolo della Tesi: Interplay between Generation Mechanisms and Detection of SuperSymmetric Dark Matter in the LHC Era.
PhD Supervisor : Prof. Piero Ullio
2008 Laurea Magistrale: Università degli Studi Roma la Sapienza. Relatori: Prof. Guido Martinelli, Dr. Luca Silvestrini. Titolo della Tesi: Effetti di violazione di sapore nei decadimenti radiativi dei leptoni carichi in modelli Supersimmetrici. Voto: 110/110 Cum Laude
2006 Laura Triennale: Università degli Studi di L’Aquila. Relatore: Prof. Alessandro Teta. Titolo della Tesi: Instabilità nel problema delle doppia buca di potenziale. Voto 110/110 Cum Laude.
Ricercatore tempo determinato tipo B presso l'Università di Messina (Italy)
2019-2021 Ricercatore tempo determinato tipo A presso l'Università di Roma Tre.
2016 – 2019 Postdoc presso MPIK Heidelberg (Germania)
2014 – 2016 Postdoc presso LPT Orsay (Francia)
2012 – 2014 Senior ESR presso l'Università di Goettingen (Germania).
Marie Curie Fellowship finanziata dal ITN Marie Curie FP7 Network “Invisibles”.
Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale alle funzioni di Professore di Seconda Fascia, s.c. 02/A2, s.s.d. FIS/02.
Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale alle funzioni di Professore di Prima Fascia, s.c. 02/A2, s.s.d. FIS/02.
Abilitazione Tedesca in Fisica, con titolo di Privat Dozent, ottenuta presso l'Università di Heidlberg (Germania)
Relatore di 3 tesi triennali presso l'Università di Roma Tre.
Relatore di 2 tesi magistrali presso l'Univerisità di Roma Tre.
Co-supervisione di uno studente di PhD presso l'Università di Goettingen (Germania).
Supervisiore di uno stage M1 e co-supervisore di uno studente di PhD presso LPT Orsay (Francia)
Mentore di due studenti di PhD presso MPIK Heidelberg (Germania).
2013: Esercitatore del corso “General Relativity” presso l'Università di Goettingen (Germania).
2018: Insegnante del corso “Dark Matter” presso l'Università di Heidelberg (Germania).
2018: Insegnante del corso “Advanced Dark Matter” presso l'Università di Heidelberg (Germania).
2019: Insegnante del corso “Dark Matter” presso l'Università di Heidelberg (Germania).
2019: Insegnante del corso “Teoria di Relatività” per il corso di laura magistrale presso l'Università di Roma Tre.
2020: Insegnante del corso “Advanced Dark Matter” presso l'Univerisità di Heidelberg.
2020: Esercitatore del corso “Analisi 1” per il corso di laurea triennale in Ingegneria presso l'Università di Roma Tre.
2020: Esercitatore del corso “Metodi Matematici per la Fisica” per il corso di laurea triennale in Fisica presso l'Università di Roma Tre.
2020: Insegnante del corso “Metodi Matematici per l'Ottica” per il corso di laurea triennale in Ottica e Optometria presso l'Università di Roma Tre.
2021: Insegnante del corso di dottorato “Dark Matter” presso l'Università di Roma Tre.
2021: Insegnante del corso “Advanced Quantum Physics” per il corso di laurea magistrale in Physics presso l'Università di Messina.
2022: Insegnante del corso "Quantum Field Theory" per il corso di laura magistrale in Physics presso l'Università di Messina.
2022: Insegnante del corso “Advanced Dark Matter” presso l'Università di Heidelberg (Germania).
Convener della sessione di Astroparticelle e Cosmologia della conferenza IFAE2019, Napoli (Italia).
Co-organizzatore della scuola autunnale Goettingen-Desy-Odense 2013.
Referee per le riviste JHEP, JCAP, Phyical Review Letters, Physical Review D, Physics Letters B, European Journal Physics C.
Membro della “Società Italiana di Fisica” (SIF)
[1] G. Arcadi, P. Ullio, Accurate estimate of relic density and kinetic decoupling in non-thermal dark matter models, arXiv: 1104.3591 [hep-ph], Phys. Rev. D84:043520, 2011.
[2] G. Arcadi, L. Di Luzio, M. Nardecchia, Gravitino Dark Matter in Tree Level Gauge Mediation with and without R-parity, arXiv:1110.2759 [hep-ph], JHEP 1112 (2011) 040.
[3] G. Arcadi, L. Di Luzio, M. Nardecchia, Minimal Flavor Violation and neutrino masses without R-parity, arXiv:1111.3491 [hep-ph], JHEP 1205 (2012) 048.
[4] G. Arcadi, L. Covi, Minimal Decaying Dark Matter and the LHC, arXiv:1305.6587 [hep-ph], JCAP 1308 (2013) 005.
[5] G. Arcadi, L. Covi, M. Nardecchia, Out-of-equilibrium Baryogenesis and SuperWIMP Dark Matter, arXiv:1312.5703 [hep-ph], Phys. Rev. D89 (2014) 9, 095020.
[6] G. Arcadi, Y. Mambrini, M. Tytgat, B. Zaldivar, Invisible Z’ and Dark Matter: LUX vs LHC constraints, arXiv:1401.0221 [hep-ph], JHEP 1403 (2014), 134.
[7] A. Abada, G. Arcadi, M. Lucente, Dark Matter in the Minimal Inverse See-Saw mechanism, arXiv:1406.6556 [hep-ph], JCAP 10(2014) 001.
[8] G. Arcadi, L. Covi, F. Dradi, LHC prospects for minimal decaying Dark Matter, arXiv:1408.1005 [hep-ph], JCAP 1410(2014)10, 063.
[9] F. Richard, G. Arcadi, Y. Mambrini, Search for Dark Matter at colliders, arXiv:1411.0088 [hep-ex], Eur.Phys.J. C75 (2015) 4, 171.
[10] G. Arcadi, Y. Mambrini, F. Richard, Z-portal Dark Matter, arXiv:1411.2985 [hep-ph], JCAP1503 (2015) 03, 018.
[11] G. Arcadi, L. Covi, F. Dradi, 3.55 KeV line in Minimal Decaying Dark Matter Scenarios, arXiv:1412.6351 [hep-ph], JCAP 1507 (2015) 07, 023.
[12] G. Arcadi, L. Covi, M. Nardecchia, Gravitino Dark Matter and low-scale Baryogenesis, arXiv:1507.05584 [hep-ph], Phys. Rev. D92 (2015), 115006.
[13] A. Abada, G. Arcadi, V. Domcke, M. Lucente, Lepton number violation as a key to low-scale leptogenesis, arXiv: 1507.06215 [hep-ph], JCAP 1511 (2015), 041.
[14] G. Arcadi, Abdelhak Djouadi, Y. Mambrini, The LHC diphoton resonance and dark matter, arXiv: 1512.04913 [hep-ph], Phys. Lett. B755 (2016), 426-432.
[15] G. Arcadi, Pradipta Ghosh, Yann Mambrini, Mathias Pierre, Re-opening Dark Matter windows compatible with a diphoton excess, arXiv:1603.05601 [hep-ph], JCAP 1607 (2016) 005.
[16] G. Arcadi, Pradipta Ghosh, Yann Mambrini, Mathias Pierre, Scrutinizing a di-photon resonance through Moscow zero, arXiv:1608.04755 [hep-ph], JCAP 1611 (2016), 054.
[17] G. Arcadi, Christian Gross, Oleg Lebedev, Yann Mambrini, Stefan Pokorski, Takashi Toma, Multi-Component Dark Matter from Gauge Symmetry, arXiv:1611.00365, JHEP 1612 (2016) 081.
[18] A. Angelescu, G. Arcadi, Dark Matter Phenomenology of SM and Enlarged Higgs Sector Extended with Vector-like Leptons, arXiv:1611.06186, Eur.Phys.J. C77 (2017), 456.
[19] G. Arcadi, Christian Gross, Oleg Lebedev, Stefan Pokorski, Takashi Toma, Evading Dark Matter Direct Detection in Higgs Portal Models, arXiv:1611.09675, Phys.Lett. B769 (2017) 129-133.
[20] A. Alves, G. Arcadi, P.V. Dong, L. Duarte, F.S. Queiroz, J.W. Valle, R-parity as a residual Gauge Symmetry, arXiv:1612.04383, Phys.Lett. B772 (2017) 825-831.
[21] A. Alves, G. Arcadi, Y. Mambrini, S. Profumo, F.S. Queiroz, Augury of Darkness: The Low-Mass Dark Z’ portal, arXiv:1612.07282, JHEP 1704 (2017) 164.
[22] G. Arcadi, M. Dutra, P. Ghosh, M. Lindner, Y. Mambrini, M. Pierre, S. Profumo, F. S. Queiroz, The Waning of the WIMP? A Review of Models, Searches, and Constraints, arXiv:1703.07364, Eur.Phys.J. C78 (2018), 203.
[23] G. Arcadi, M. Lindner, Y. Mambrini, M. Pierre, F. Queiroz, GUT Models at Current and Future Colliders and Implications for Dark Matter Searches, arXiv:1704.02328, Phys. Lett. B771 (2017) 508-514.
[24] G. Arcadi, C. Siqueira, F. S. Queiroz, The Semi-Hooperon:Gamma-ray and Antiproton excess in the Galactic Center, arXiv:1706.02336, Phys. Lett. B775 196-205.
[25] G. Arcadi, P. Ghosh, Y. Mambrini, M. Pierre, F. S. Queiroz, Z’ portal to Chern-Simons Dark Matter, arXiv:1706.04198, JCAP 1711 (2017) 020.
[26] G. Arcadi, M. D. Campos, M. Lindner, A. Masiero, F. S. Queiroz, The Dark Sequential Z’: Collider and Direct Detection Experiments, arXiv:1708.00890, Phys. Rev. D97 (2018), 043009.
[27] A. Abada,G. Arcadi, V. Domcke, M. Lucente, Neutrino masses, Leptogenesis and Dark Matter from Small Lepton Number Violation, arXiv:1709.00415, JCAP 1712 (2017) 024.
[28] G. Arcadi, M. Lindner, F.S. Queiroz, W. Rodejohann, S. Vogl, Pseudoscalar Mediators: A WIMP model at the Neutrino Floor, arXiv:1711.02110, JCAP 1803 (2018), 042.
[29] G. Arcadi, C.P. Ferreira, F. Goertz, M. M. Guzzo, A. C. O. Santos; Lepton Flavor Violation Induced by Dark Matter, arXiv:1712.02373, Phys.Rev. D97 (2018), 075022
[30] G. Arcadi, T. Hugle, F.S. Queiroz, The Dark Lµ-Lτ Rises via Kinetic Mixing, arXiv: 1803.05723, Phys. Lett. B784 (2018) 151-158.
[31] G. Arcadi, 2HDM portal for Singlet-Doublet Dark Matter, arXiv:1804.04930, Eur. Phys. J. C78 (2018), 864.
[32] E. Akhmedov, G. Arcadi, M. Lindner, S. Vogl, Coherent Scattering and macroscopic coherence: Implications for neutrino, dark matter and axion detection, arXiv:1806.10962, JHEP 1810 (2018) 045.
[33] A. Abada, G. Arcadi, V. Domcke, M. Drewes, J. Klaric, M. Lucente, Low-scale leptogenesis with three heavy neutrinos, arXiv: 1810.12463, JHEP 1901 (2019) 164.
[34] G. Arcadi, J. Heeck, F. Heizmann, S. Mertens, F. S. Queiroz, W. Rodejohann, M. Slezak, Tritium beta decay with additional emission of new light bosons, arXiv: 1811.03530, JHEP 1901 (2019) 206.
[35] G. Arcadi, Oleg Lebedev, Stefan Pokorski, Takashi Toma, Real Scalar Dark Mattter: Relativistic Treatment; arXiv: 1906.07659, JHEP 1908 (2019) 050.
[36] G. Arcadi, C. Döring, C. Hasterok, S. Vogl; Inelastic Dark Matter Nucleus Scattering; arXiv:1906.10466; JCAP 1912 (2019), 053.
[37] G. Arcadi, A. Djouadi, M. Raidal, Dark Matter Throught the Higgs Portal, Phys. Rep. 842 (2020), 1-180.
[38] G. Arcadi, A. Djouadi, M. Kado, The Higgs Portal for Vectorial Dark Matter and the Effective Theory Approach: a Reappraisal, arXiv:2001.10750, Phys.Lett.B 805 (2020) 135427.
[39] G. Arcadi, G. Busoni, T. Hugle, V. Tenorth, Comparing 2HDM+ Scalar and Pseudoscalar Simplified Models at LHC, arXiv:2001.10540, JHEP 06 (2020) 098.
[40] G. Arcadi, M. Lindner, J. Martins, F. S. Queiroz, New Physic Probes: Atomic Parity Violation, Polarized Electron Scattering and Neutrino-Nucleus Coherent Scattering; arXiv: 1906.04755, Nuclear Physics B959 (2020) 115158.
[41] T. Alanne, G. Arcadi, F. Goertz, V. Tenorth, S. Vogl, Model-independent constrains with extended dark matter EFT, arXiv:2006.07174, JHEP 10 (2020) 172.
[42] G. Arcadi, S. Profumo, F. S. Queiroz, C. Siqueira, Right-handed Neutrino Dark Matter, Neutrino Masses and non-Standard Cosmology in a 2HDM, arXiv: 2007.07920, JCAP 12 (2020) 030.
[43] G. Arcadi, M. Krauss, D. Meloni, Dark Matter Interactions in a S4 x Z5 flavour symmetry framework, arXiv:2007.10833, Phys. Rev. D102 (2020) 115012.
[44] G. Arcadi, A. Bally, F. Goertz, K. Tame-Narvaez, V. Tenorth, EFT Interpretation of XENON1T Electron Recoil Excess: Neutrinos and Dark Matter, Phys. Rev. D103 (2021) 2, 023024
[45] G. Arcadi, A. Djouadi, M. Kado, The Higgs portal for Dark Matter: Effective Field Theories versus concrete realizations, Eur. Phys. J. C81 (2021) 7, 653.
[46] G. Arcadi, L. Calibbi, M. Fedele, F. Mescia, Muon g-2 and B-anomalies from Dark Matter, Phys. Rev. Lett. 127 (2021) 6, 061802.
[47] G. Arcadi, L. Calibbi, M. Fedele, F. Mescia, Systematic approach to B-physics anomalies and t-channel dark matter, arXiv:2103.09835, Phys. Rev. D104 (2021) 115012.
[48] G. Arcadi, J. P. Neto, F. S. Queiroz, C. Siquera, Roads to right-handed neutrino dark matter: fast expansion, standard freeze-out and early matter domination, arXiv:2108.11398, Phys. Rev. D105 (2022) 035016.
Giu 2022, Connection between flavor anomalies and Dark Matter, PLANCK2020 Conference, Paris (France)
Mag 2022, Theoretical Overview of Novel BSM Models, LHCP2022 Confernce, held online due Covid restrictions.
Ago 2021 Systematic approach to Dark Matter, g-2 and B-anomalies, SUSY 2021 held online due Covid restrictions.
Ago 2021, Leptogenesis, 20th Lomonosov Conference, held online due Covid restrictions.
Mar 2021, 2HDM+Scalar and Pseudoscalar Simplified Models at LHC, Rencontres de Moriond 2021, EW session.
Giu 2020, Leptogenesis, conferenza NEUTRINO2020,held online due Covid restrictions..
Giu 2020, Connection between DM and flavor, conferenza DM@LHC, held online due Covid restrictions.
Ott 2019 Dark Matter Through the Higgs Portals, Institute’s Pascal Astroparticle Symposium 2019.
Set 2019 Accurate Relativistic Treatment of the Cosmological Evolution of Real Scalar Dark Matter, DESY THEORY WORKSHOP 2019, Hamburg Germany.
Set 2018 Leptogenesis and Dark Matter in Low Energy See-Saw, NOW 2018 Conference, Ostuni (Italy).
Mag 2018 Leptogenenesis from Small Lepton Number Violation, PLANCK 2018 Conference, Bonn (Germany).
Ago 2017 WIMP Dark Matter and Portals”, workshop “Collider Physics and Cosmos, GGI Institute, Arcetri (Italy).
Giu 2017 Probing the WIMP paradigm at future experiments, Pascos2017 Conference, Madrid (Spain).
Set 2015 Review on Dark Portals, Workshop New Possibilities in Physics of Quarkonia, Institute Henry Poincarrè, Paris (France).
Mag 2017 Augury of Darkness, Planck2017 Conference, Varsavia (Poland).
Nov 2016 Dark Matter Beyond (Simple) Wimps, Theorie LHC France Workshop, IPN Orsay (France).
Set 2016 Diphoton resonance and Dark Matter, Higgs Hunting Conference, LPTHE Paris (France).
Giu 2016 Impact of next future Direct Detection Experiments on Dark Portals, RICAP2016 Conference, Villa Tuscolana, Frascati (Italy).
Mag, 2016 750 GeV Resonance as Portal to DM Interactions, GDR@Terascale meeting, Nantes (France).
Ott 2015 Dark Matter and Baryon Asymmetry production from decays of Supersymmetric States, 6th Young Researchers Meeting, GSSI Institute, L’Aquila (Italy).
Set 2015 Impact of Dark Matter Direct and Indirect Detection on (GUT Inspired) Simplified DM models, TAUP2015 Conference, Torino (Italy).
Lug 2015 Impact of Dark Matter Direct and Indirect Detection on Simplified DM models, EPS-HEP 2015 Conference, Wien (Austria).
Giu 2015 Accurate determination of Baryon and DM abundances in Supersymmetric Scenarios, ITN 'Invisibles' network workshop, Madrid (Spain).
Apr 2015 Correlation between ID signals and LHC, Workshop Off-the-Beaten-Track, ICTP Trieste (Italy).
Mar 2015 3.55 KeV line in Minimal Dark Matter, Rencontres de Moriond 2015, Electroweak session, La Thuille (Italy).
Gen 2015 Dark Portal scenarios, Rencontres de Physique de Particules, Paris (France).
Nov 2014 Interplay between collider and Dark Matter searches in dark portal scenarios, ITN Invisibles Workshop, Paris (France).
Mag 2014 Out-of-Equilibrium Baryogenesis with Gravitino Dark Matter, Planck2014 Conference, Paris (France).
Apr 2014 Theoretical Models for Dark Matter, IFAE2014 Conference, GSSI-LNGS L'Aquila (Italy).
Dic 2013 Bayesian Forecast from Dark Matter Direct Detection and LHC, Physics at the Terascale workshop, Karlsruhe (Germany).
Set 2013 Minimal Decaying Dark Matter and the LHC, Desy Theory Workshop 2013, Hamburg (Germany).
Lug 2013 Correlations between Indirect Detection and Collider Signals in Decaying Dark Matter Scenarios, ITN Invisibles School+Workshop, Durham (England).
Mag 2013 Correlation between Indirect Detection and Collider Signals for Decaying Dark Matter, Planck2013 Conference, Bonn (Germany).
Giu 2012 Interplay between direct detection and collider for neutralino Dark Matter, ITN Network Invisibles Meeting, Arcetri, Florence.
Mar 2012 Gravitino Dark Matter in Tree-Level Gauge Mediation, ITN Network Invisibles Pre-Meeting, Madrid.
Set 2011 Accurate estimate of relic density and kinetic decoupling in non-thermal dark matter models, TAUP 2011, Munich (Germany).
Giu 2011 Accurate estimate of relic density and kinetic decoupling in non-thermal dark matter models, Planck 2011, Lisbon (Portugal).
Giu 2010 Non thermal production of neutralino Dark Matter, Inifa2010, Frascati, Rome (Italy).
Lezione dal titolo "Dark Matter", tenuta in Inglese presso MPIK Heidelberg, dedicata a studenti di scuola superiore.
Lezione pubblica di divulgazione dal titolo "Dunkler Weltraum", tenuta in tedesco presso MPIK Heidelberg in occasione del "Offnen Tur Tag".
Partecipazione all'organizzazione di attività di outreach presso il Network "Invisibles".
Lezione del titolo "Onde Gravitazionali", tenuta in italiano presso l'Università di Roma Tre durante le celebrazioni dell'anniversario della prima verifica sperimentale della teoria della Relatività Generale.
Lezione pubblica dal titolo "Looking for the Invisibles", tenuta in inglese presso l'Università di Goettingen in occasione della "Woche von Wissenshaft".
EDUCATION2012 PhD in Astroparticle Physics. SISSA/ISAS Trieste (Italy) ; Thesis Title: Interplay between Generation Mechanisms and Detection of SuperSymmetric Dark Matter in the LHC Era.
PhD Supervisor : Prof. Piero Ullio
2008 Master Degree: University of Roma la Sapienza. Supervisors: Prof. Guido Martinelli, Dr. Luca Silvestrini. Thesis Title: Effetti di violazione di sapore nei decadimenti radiativi dei leptoni carichi in modelli Supersimmetrici. Grade 110/110 Cum Laude
2006 Bachelor Degree: University of L’Aquila. Supervisor: Prof. Alessandro Teta. Thesis Title: Instabilità nel problema delle doppia buca di potenziale. Grade 110/110 Cum Laude.
Assistant professor (Ricercatore tempo determinato tipo B) at Università Messina (Italy)
2019-2021 Assistant Professor (Ricercatore tempo determinato tipo A) at the Università di Roma Tre (Italy)
2016 – 2019 Postdoc at the MPIK Heidelberg (Germany)
2014 – 2016 Postdoc at the LPT Orsay (France)
2012 – 2014 Senior ESR at the University Goettingen (Germany)
Marie Curie Fellowship funded by the ITN Marie Curie FP7 Network “Invisibles”.
Italian Abilitation (ASN) to the role of Associate Professor.
Italian Abilitation (ASN) to the role of Full Professor.
German Habilitation, with title of Privat Dozent, awarded by the University of Heidelberg (Germany).
Supervision of 3 Bachelor Students at the University of Roma Tre (Italy)
Supervision of 2 Master Students at the University of Roma Tre (Italy)
Co-supervision of a PhD student at the University of Goettingen (Germany)
Advisor of 1 M1 Level Student and co-supervision of a PhD student at the LPT Orsay (France).
Mentoring of two PhD students at the Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics Heidelberg (Germany)
2013: Tutor for the master’s degree course “General Relativity” at the University of Goettingen (Germany).
2018: Teacher of the master’s degree course “Dark Matter” at the University of Heidelberg (Germany).
2018: Teacher for the master’s degree course “Advanced Dark Matter” at the University of Heidelberg (Germany).
2019: Teacher for the master’s degree course “Dark Matter” at the University of Heidelberg (Germany).
2019: Teacher for the master’s degree course “Theory of General Relativity” at the University of Roma Tre.
2020: Teacher for the master’s degree course “Advanced Dark Matter” at the University of Heidelberg.
2020: Teacher for the exercise sessions of the bachelor’s degree course “Analysis 1” at the University of Roma Tre.
2020: Teacher for the exercise sessions of the bachelor’s degree course “Mathematical Methods for Physics” at the University of Roma Tre.
2020: Teacher for the bachelor’s degree course “Mathematical Methods for Optics” at the University of Roma Tre.
2021: Teacher for the PhD course “Dark Matter” at the University of Roma Tre.
2021: Teacher of the course “Advanced Quantum Physics” for the master’s degree in Condensed Matter Physics at the University of Messina.
2022: Teacher of the course "Quantum Field Theory" for the master's degree in Condensed Matter Physics at the University of Messina.
2022: Teacher for the master’s degree course “Advanced Dark Matter” at the University of Heidelberg (Germany).
Organizer of the weekly Seminar Activity of the LPT Orsay (France)
Member of the Group for the assessment of the Quality of the master’s degree of the University of Messina
Referee for JHEP, JCAP, Phyical Review Letters, Physical Review D, Physics Letters B, European Journal Physics C.
Member of the “Società Italiana di Fisica” (SIF)
[1] G. Arcadi, P. Ullio, Accurate estimate of relic density and kinetic decoupling in non-thermal dark matter models, arXiv: 1104.3591 [hep-ph], Phys. Rev. D84:043520, 2011.
[2] G. Arcadi, L. Di Luzio, M. Nardecchia, Gravitino Dark Matter in Tree Level Gauge Mediation with and without R-parity, arXiv:1110.2759 [hep-ph], JHEP 1112 (2011) 040.
[3] G. Arcadi, L. Di Luzio, M. Nardecchia, Minimal Flavor Violation and neutrino masses without R-parity, arXiv:1111.3491 [hep-ph], JHEP 1205 (2012) 048.
[4] G. Arcadi, L. Covi, Minimal Decaying Dark Matter and the LHC, arXiv:1305.6587 [hep-ph], JCAP 1308 (2013) 005.
[5] G. Arcadi, L. Covi, M. Nardecchia, Out-of-equilibrium Baryogenesis and SuperWIMP Dark Matter, arXiv:1312.5703 [hep-ph], Phys. Rev. D89 (2014) 9, 095020.
[6] G. Arcadi, Y. Mambrini, M. Tytgat, B. Zaldivar, Invisible Z’ and Dark Matter: LUX vs LHC constraints, arXiv:1401.0221 [hep-ph], JHEP 1403 (2014), 134.
[7] A. Abada, G. Arcadi, M. Lucente, Dark Matter in the Minimal Inverse See-Saw mechanism, arXiv:1406.6556 [hep-ph], JCAP 10(2014) 001.
[8] G. Arcadi, L. Covi, F. Dradi, LHC prospects for minimal decaying Dark Matter, arXiv:1408.1005 [hep-ph], JCAP 1410(2014)10, 063.
[9] F. Richard, G. Arcadi, Y. Mambrini, Search for Dark Matter at colliders, arXiv:1411.0088 [hep-ex], Eur.Phys.J. C75 (2015) 4, 171.
[10] G. Arcadi, Y. Mambrini, F. Richard, Z-portal Dark Matter, arXiv:1411.2985 [hep-ph], JCAP1503 (2015) 03, 018.
[11] G. Arcadi, L. Covi, F. Dradi, 3.55 KeV line in Minimal Decaying Dark Matter Scenarios, arXiv:1412.6351 [hep-ph], JCAP 1507 (2015) 07, 023.
[12] G. Arcadi, L. Covi, M. Nardecchia, Gravitino Dark Matter and low-scale Baryogenesis, arXiv:1507.05584 [hep-ph], Phys. Rev. D92 (2015), 115006.
[13] A. Abada, G. Arcadi, V. Domcke, M. Lucente, Lepton number violation as a key to low-scale leptogenesis, arXiv: 1507.06215 [hep-ph], JCAP 1511 (2015), 041.
[14] G. Arcadi, Abdelhak Djouadi, Y. Mambrini, The LHC diphoton resonance and dark matter, arXiv: 1512.04913 [hep-ph], Phys. Lett. B755 (2016), 426-432.
[15] G. Arcadi, Pradipta Ghosh, Yann Mambrini, Mathias Pierre, Re-opening Dark Matter windows compatible with a diphoton excess, arXiv:1603.05601 [hep-ph], JCAP 1607 (2016) 005.
[16] G. Arcadi, Pradipta Ghosh, Yann Mambrini, Mathias Pierre, Scrutinizing a di-photon resonance through Moscow zero, arXiv:1608.04755 [hep-ph], JCAP 1611 (2016), 054.
[17] G. Arcadi, Christian Gross, Oleg Lebedev, Yann Mambrini, Stefan Pokorski, Takashi Toma, Multi-Component Dark Matter from Gauge Symmetry, arXiv:1611.00365, JHEP 1612 (2016) 081.
[18] A. Angelescu, G. Arcadi, Dark Matter Phenomenology of SM and Enlarged Higgs Sector Extended with Vector-like Leptons, arXiv:1611.06186, Eur.Phys.J. C77 (2017), 456.
[19] G. Arcadi, Christian Gross, Oleg Lebedev, Stefan Pokorski, Takashi Toma, Evading Dark Matter Direct Detection in Higgs Portal Models, arXiv:1611.09675, Phys.Lett. B769 (2017) 129-133.
[20] A. Alves, G. Arcadi, P.V. Dong, L. Duarte, F.S. Queiroz, J.W. Valle, R-parity as a residual Gauge Symmetry, arXiv:1612.04383, Phys.Lett. B772 (2017) 825-831.
[21] A. Alves, G. Arcadi, Y. Mambrini, S. Profumo, F.S. Queiroz, Augury of Darkness: The Low-Mass Dark Z’ portal, arXiv:1612.07282, JHEP 1704 (2017) 164.
[22] G. Arcadi, M. Dutra, P. Ghosh, M. Lindner, Y. Mambrini, M. Pierre, S. Profumo, F. S. Queiroz, The Waning of the WIMP? A Review of Models, Searches, and Constraints, arXiv:1703.07364, Eur.Phys.J. C78 (2018), 203.
[23] G. Arcadi, M. Lindner, Y. Mambrini, M. Pierre, F. Queiroz, GUT Models at Current and Future Colliders and Implications for Dark Matter Searches, arXiv:1704.02328, Phys. Lett. B771 (2017) 508-514.
[24] G. Arcadi, C. Siqueira, F. S. Queiroz, The Semi-Hooperon:Gamma-ray and Antiproton excess in the Galactic Center, arXiv:1706.02336, Phys. Lett. B775 196-205.
[25] G. Arcadi, P. Ghosh, Y. Mambrini, M. Pierre, F. S. Queiroz, Z’ portal to Chern-Simons Dark Matter, arXiv:1706.04198, JCAP 1711 (2017) 020.
[26] G. Arcadi, M. D. Campos, M. Lindner, A. Masiero, F. S. Queiroz, The Dark Sequential Z’: Collider and Direct Detection Experiments, arXiv:1708.00890, Phys. Rev. D97 (2018), 043009.
[27] A. Abada,G. Arcadi, V. Domcke, M. Lucente, Neutrino masses, Leptogenesis and Dark Matter from Small Lepton Number Violation, arXiv:1709.00415, JCAP 1712 (2017) 024.
[28] G. Arcadi, M. Lindner, F.S. Queiroz, W. Rodejohann, S. Vogl, Pseudoscalar Mediators: A WIMP model at the Neutrino Floor, arXiv:1711.02110, JCAP 1803 (2018), 042.
[29] G. Arcadi, C.P. Ferreira, F. Goertz, M. M. Guzzo, A. C. O. Santos; Lepton Flavor Violation Induced by Dark Matter, arXiv:1712.02373, Phys.Rev. D97 (2018), 075022
[30] G. Arcadi, T. Hugle, F.S. Queiroz, The Dark Lµ-Lτ Rises via Kinetic Mixing, arXiv: 1803.05723, Phys. Lett. B784 (2018) 151-158.
[31] G. Arcadi, 2HDM portal for Singlet-Doublet Dark Matter, arXiv:1804.04930, Eur. Phys. J. C78 (2018), 864.
[32] E. Akhmedov, G. Arcadi, M. Lindner, S. Vogl, Coherent Scattering and macroscopic coherence: Implications for neutrino, dark matter and axion detection, arXiv:1806.10962, JHEP 1810 (2018) 045.
[33] A. Abada, G. Arcadi, V. Domcke, M. Drewes, J. Klaric, M. Lucente, Low-scale leptogenesis with three heavy neutrinos, arXiv: 1810.12463, JHEP 1901 (2019) 164.
[34] G. Arcadi, J. Heeck, F. Heizmann, S. Mertens, F. S. Queiroz, W. Rodejohann, M. Slezak, Tritium beta decay with additional emission of new light bosons, arXiv: 1811.03530, JHEP 1901 (2019) 206.
[35] G. Arcadi, Oleg Lebedev, Stefan Pokorski, Takashi Toma, Real Scalar Dark Mattter: Relativistic Treatment; arXiv: 1906.07659, JHEP 1908 (2019) 050.
[36] G. Arcadi, C. Döring, C. Hasterok, S. Vogl; Inelastic Dark Matter Nucleus Scattering; arXiv:1906.10466; JCAP 1912 (2019), 053.
[37] G. Arcadi, A. Djouadi, M. Raidal, Dark Matter Throught the Higgs Portal, Phys. Rep. 842 (2020), 1-180.
[38] G. Arcadi, A. Djouadi, M. Kado, The Higgs Portal for Vectorial Dark Matter and the Effective Theory Approach: a Reappraisal, arXiv:2001.10750, Phys.Lett.B 805 (2020) 135427.
[39] G. Arcadi, G. Busoni, T. Hugle, V. Tenorth, Comparing 2HDM+ Scalar and Pseudoscalar Simplified Models at LHC, arXiv:2001.10540, JHEP 06 (2020) 098.
[40] G. Arcadi, M. Lindner, J. Martins, F. S. Queiroz, New Physic Probes: Atomic Parity Violation, Polarized Electron Scattering and Neutrino-Nucleus Coherent Scattering; arXiv: 1906.04755, Nuclear Physics B959 (2020) 115158.
[41] T. Alanne, G. Arcadi, F. Goertz, V. Tenorth, S. Vogl, Model-independent constrains with extended dark matter EFT, arXiv:2006.07174, JHEP 10 (2020) 172.
[42] G. Arcadi, S. Profumo, F. S. Queiroz, C. Siqueira, Right-handed Neutrino Dark Matter, Neutrino Masses and non-Standard Cosmology in a 2HDM, arXiv: 2007.07920, JCAP 12 (2020) 030.
[43] G. Arcadi, M. Krauss, D. Meloni, Dark Matter Interactions in a S4 x Z5 flavour symmetry framework, arXiv:2007.10833, Phys. Rev. D102 (2020) 115012.
[44] G. Arcadi, A. Bally, F. Goertz, K. Tame-Narvaez, V. Tenorth, EFT Interpretation of XENON1T Electron Recoil Excess: Neutrinos and Dark Matter, Phys. Rev. D103 (2021) 2, 023024
[45] G. Arcadi, A. Djouadi, M. Kado, The Higgs portal for Dark Matter: Effective Field Theories versus concrete realizations, Eur. Phys. J. C81 (2021) 7, 653.
[46] G. Arcadi, L. Calibbi, M. Fedele, F. Mescia, Muon g-2 and B-anomalies from Dark Matter, Phys. Rev. Lett. 127 (2021) 6, 061802.
[47] G. Arcadi, L. Calibbi, M. Fedele, F. Mescia, Systematic approach to B-physics anomalies and t-channel dark matter, arXiv:2103.09835, Phys. Rev. D104 (2021) 115012.
[48] G. Arcadi, J. P. Neto, F. S. Queiroz, C. Siquera, Roads to right-handed neutrino dark matter: fast expansion, standard freeze-out and early matter domination, arXiv:2108.11398, Phys. Rev. D105 (2022) 035016.
June 2022, Connection between flavor anomalies and Dark Matter, PLANCK2020 Conference, Paris (France)
May 2022, Theoretical Overview of Novel BSM Models, LHCP2022 Confernce, held online due Covid restrictions.
Aug 2021 Systematic approach to Dark Matter, g-2 and B-anomalies, SUSY 2021 held online due Covid restrictions.
Aug 2021, Leptogenesis, 20th Lomonosov Conference, held online due Covid restrictions.
Mar 2021, 2HDM+Scalar and Pseudoscalar Simplified Models at LHC, Rencontres de Moriond 2021, EW session.
Jun 2020, Leptogenesis, conferenza NEUTRINO2020,held online due Covid restrictions..
Jun 2020, Connection between DM and flavor, conferenza DM@LHC, held online due Covid restrictions.
Oct 2019 Dark Matter Through the Higgs Portals, Institute’s Pascal Astroparticle Symposium 2019.
Sep 2019 Accurate Relativistic Treatment of the Cosmological Evolution of Real Scalar Dark Matter, DESY THEORY WORKSHOP 2019, Hamburg Germany.
Sep 2018 Leptogenesis and Dark Matter in Low Energy See-Saw, NOW 2018 Conference, Ostuni (Italy).
May 2018 Leptogenenesis from Small Lepton Number Violation, PLANCK 2018 Conference, Bonn (Germany).
Aug 2017 WIMP Dark Matter and Portals”, workshop “Collider Physics and Cosmos, GGI Institute, Arcetri (Italy).
Jun 2017 Probing the WIMP paradigm at future experiments, Pascos2017 Conference, Madrid (Spain).
Sep 2015 Review on Dark Portals, Workshop New Possibilities in Physics of Quarkonia, Institute Henry Poincarrè, Paris (France).
May 2017 Augury of Darkness, Planck2017 Conference, Varsavia (Poland).
Nov 2016 Dark Matter Beyond (Simple) Wimps, Theorie LHC France Workshop, IPN Orsay (France).
Sep 2016 Diphoton resonance and Dark Matter, Higgs Hunting Conference, LPTHE Paris (France).
Jun 2016 Impact of next future Direct Detection Experiments on Dark Portals, RICAP2016 Conference, Villa Tuscolana, Frascati (Italy).
May, 2016 750 GeV Resonance as Portal to DM Interactions, GDR@Terascale meeting, Nantes (France).
Oct 2015 Dark Matter and Baryon Asymmetry production from decays of Supersymmetric States, 6th Young Researchers Meeting, GSSI Institute, L’Aquila (Italy).
Sep 2015 Impact of Dark Matter Direct and Indirect Detection on (GUT Inspired) Simplified DM models, TAUP2015 Conference, Torino (Italy).
Jul 2015 Impact of Dark Matter Direct and Indirect Detection on Simplified DM models, EPS-HEP 2015 Conference, Wien (Austria).
Jun 2015 Accurate determination of Baryon and DM abundances in Supersymmetric Scenarios, ITN 'Invisibles' network workshop, Madrid (Spain).
Apr 2015 Correlation between ID signals and LHC, Workshop Off-the-Beaten-Track, ICTP Trieste (Italy).
Mar 2015 3.55 KeV line in Minimal Dark Matter, Rencontres de Moriond 2015, Electroweak session, La Thuille (Italy).
Jan 2015 Dark Portal scenarios, Rencontres de Physique de Particules, Paris (France).
Nov 2014 Interplay between collider and Dark Matter searches in dark portal scenarios, ITN Invisibles Workshop, Paris (France).
May 2014 Out-of-Equilibrium Baryogenesis with Gravitino Dark Matter, Planck2014 Conference, Paris (France).
Apr 2014 Theoretical Models for Dark Matter, IFAE2014 Conference, GSSI-LNGS L'Aquila (Italy).
Dec 2013 Bayesian Forecast from Dark Matter Direct Detection and LHC, Physics at the Terascale workshop, Karlsruhe (Germany).
Sep 2013 Minimal Decaying Dark Matter and the LHC, Desy Theory Workshop 2013, Hamburg (Germany).
Jul 2013 Correlations between Indirect Detection and Collider Signals in Decaying Dark Matter Scenarios, ITN Invisibles School+Workshop, Durham (England).
May 2013 Correlation between Indirect Detection and Collider Signals for Decaying Dark Matter, Planck2013 Conference, Bonn (Germany).
Jun 2012 Interplay between direct detection and collider for neutralino Dark Matter, ITN Network Invisibles Meeting, Arcetri, Florence.
Mar 2012 Gravitino Dark Matter in Tree-Level Gauge Mediation, ITN Network Invisibles Pre-Meeting, Madrid.
Sep 2011 Accurate estimate of relic density and kinetic decoupling in non-thermal dark matter models, TAUP 2011, Munich (Germany).
Jun 2011 Accurate estimate of relic density and kinetic decoupling in non-thermal dark matter models, Planck 2011, Lisbon (Portugal).
Jun 2010 Non thermal production of neutralino Dark Matter, Inifa2010, Frascati, Rome (Italy).
Lecture on "Dark Matter", done in English at the MPIK Heidelberg, devoted to high school students.
Public lecture "Dunkler Weltraum", done in German at the MPIK Heidelberg during the "Offnen Tur Tag".
Contribution to organization of outreach activities of the Network "Invisibles".
Lecture on "Gravitational Waves", done in Italian at the University of Roma Tre, during the celebrations for the anniversary of the first experimental proof of General Relativity.
Public lecture "Looking for the Invisibles", done in English at the University of Goettingen during the "Woche von Wissenshaft".
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