

Profilo: Professori Associati



  1. Note generali

  • Giancarlo Iannizzotto.

  • Professore associato a tempo pieno presso il Dipartimento di Scienze Cognitive, della Formazione e degli Studi Culturali dell'Università di Messina.

  • Senior Member dell'Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IEEE).


  1. Attività Didattica nel triennio 2017-2019

    • Nell’A.A. 2016/2017 è stato docente di:

      • Fondamenti di Informatica (54 ore, 9 CFU)

      • Interazione uomo-macchina (66 ore, 11 CFU)

    • Nell’A.A. 2017/2018 è stato docente di:

      • Fondamenti di Informatica (54 ore, 9 CFU)

      • Interazione Multimediale (48 ore, 8 CFU)

      • Sistemi Intelligenti per la Riabilitazione Cognitiva (36 ore, 6 CFU)

    • Nell’A.A. 2018/2019 è stato docente di:

      • Fondamenti di Informatica (54 ore, 9 CFU)

      • Interazione Multimediale (48 ore, 8 CFU)

      • Sistemi Intelligenti per la Riabilitazione Cognitiva (36 ore, 6 CFU)


  1. Attività di Ricerca

Nel triennio 2017-2019 il prof. Iannizzotto ha condotto la propria attività di ricerca prevalentemente nell’ambito dell’applicazione dell’Intelligenza Artificiale all’interazione avanzata uomo-macchina.

Nell’ambito di una collaborazione con l’Associazione Italiana Sindrome di Rett trovano ancora una volta applicazione le ricerche svolte nei settori dell’Intelligenza Artificiale, con particolare riferimento al Deep Learning, e della Visione Artificiale applicate all’interazione uomo macchina. Le tecnologie e gli approcci sviluppati sono stati applicati con importanti risultati in diverse aree oltre a quella specifica della collaborazione, come l’analisi delle preferenze musicali [COGENG2019], i sistemi assistivi [HSI2018], di e-health [CurrPSY2019] e per la riabilitazione [DTP2018][ATAD2019][CyberPsy2019][IntNeuro2019].

Dal 2014 ad oggi il prof. Iannizzotto è membro del IEEE-IES Technical Committee on Factory Automation, subcommitee for Computer Vision and Human-Machine Interaction in Industrial and Factory Automation.

3.1 Attività internazionale di referaggio e coordinamento come editor

Nel triennio 2017/2019 il prof. Iannizzotto è associate editor per la rivista internazionale Real-Time Imaging.

Referee per diversi congressi internazionali anche nel settore del real-time computing e del Factory Automation.

Membro del Technical Program Committee della conferenza IEEE/IES HSI2018

Membro del Track 6 Program Committee della conferenza IEEE/IES ETFA 2018

Membro del Track 6 Program Committee della conferenza IEEE/IES ETFA 2019

Membro del Track 6 Program Committee della conferenza IEEE/IES ETFA 2020


    Giancarlo Iannizzotto


    - Dr. Eng. degree in Electronics Engineering from the University of Catania, Italy, July, 1994

    - Ph.D. in Computer Science from the same University in February, 1998.



    From 1993 to 1996 Dr. Iannizzotto served as a PhD student at the Istituto di Informatica e Telecomunicazioni (Institute for Computer Engineering and Telecommunications) of the University of Catania.

    Since 1996 until 2006 he was Assistant Professor with tenure at the Faculty of Engineering, University of Messina, Italy.

    From 2006 to 2012 he was Associate Professor with tenure at the same Faculty.

    Since August, 2000 till February, 2001 he was also Visiting Professor at the Seoul National University (SNU), Seoul, South Korea.

    Currently he is Associate Professor with tenure at the Department of Cognitive Sciences, Psychology, Education and Cultural Studies (COSPECS) at the University of Messina.

    Member of the Academic Senate at the University of Messina (2001-2004)

    Vice-director of the Centralized Computer Centre of the University of Messina (CECUM) (2008-2013)

    Rector Delegate for the Informatic Services of the University of Messina (2013).

    Since 2009, Senior Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)

    Since 2014 member of the IEEE-IES Technical Committee on Factory Automation, subcommittee for Computer Vision and Human-Machine Interaction in Industrial and Factory Automation.

    Since 2011 until today, Evaluator and Project Reviewer of several project for the European Commission.


    Research activity

    Dr. Iannizzotto mainly focused his research activity on image analysis and processing, applied Artificial Intelligence, computer vision and Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) with particular interest in Design for All and HCI for impaired users. All his research results were documented by peer-reviewed, international publications on proceedings of international conferences and on selected, peer-reviewed international journals.

    Since 1994 he participated in several national and international research projects.

    He collaborated with MediaLab at the University of Catania as the coordinator of a research group on content-based image storage and retrieval and of another group on shared virtual reality applications for e-learning.

    Since August, 2000 till February, 2001 while he was visiting professor at the Seoul National University (SNU), Seoul, South Korea, he led a research group working on Computer Vision applications for Human-Computer Interaction (HCI).

    At the Faculty of Engineering, University of Messina, he directed the VisiLAB Computer Vision Laboratory.

    Since 2004 until 2006 he was responsible for the Messina Unit of the PRIN04 Italian National Project "Studio e sviluppo di un sistema per il controllo ed il monitoraggio in tempo reale dei territori per la prevenzione degli incendi", on early fire detection by means of flying drones equipped with cameras and advanced Human-Computer interfaces.

    At the COSPECS, University of Messina, he participated in several research projects related to applications of computer vision to automated video surveillance and to medical information management:

    • “CCE – Architettura innovativa per la gestione digitale dei dati clinici in ambito oncologico” - PO FESR 2007-2013 Sicilia

    • “IPSE Industry Process Safety Engineering” - PO FESR 2007-2013 Sicilia

    • “PRIORITARIO - Piattaforma per l’implementazione, la gestione e l’integrazione distribuita di servizi, dati, modelli e strumenti innovativi di screening precoce, analisi, personalizzazione e monitoraggio dei disturbi del neurosviluppo”, PON ReC Sicilia

    • “SAFeMOD: Safety Modeling for High Risk Industrial Application” - FESR 2007-2013 Sicilia.


    Within a collaboration with a research group of the University of Catania, Italy, he has worked on multimedia communication and real-time automotive networks, thus co-authoring several international publications on the same topic.

    With an interdisciplinary research group at the University of Messina, and within a collaboration with the National Association in support of people with the Rett syndrome (AIRETT) he is currently working on several projects (funded by international Organizations, such as the Vodafone Foundation) applying virtual reality, augmented reality, computer vision and artificial intelligence in support of people with cognitive and physical disabilities.

    Prof. Iannizzotto is author and co-author of several publications in the fields of image retrieval, image processing and analysis, computer vision, human-computer interaction and real-time and multimedia communication. He is also associate editor for International Journal on Real-time Image Processing and reviewer for several international journals (e.g., “IEEE Transactions on Image Processing”, “IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analisys and Machine Intelligence”, “Real-Time Imaging”, “Image and Vision Computing”, “IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics” ed “IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics”).

    He is also member, since 2009, of the technical committee of the IEEE/IES international conference on Human/Systems Interaction. For the same conference he has served as Program Chair, Technical co-Chair and member of the International Steering Committee.


    Teaching activity

    The certified teaching activity of Prof. Giancarlo Iannizzotto started with his employment as Assistant Professor with tenure, at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Messina, Italy, and is still continuing at the same University.

    Since 1996 until today he taught yearly several courses, at various levels, for several Faculties of two different Italian Universities (University of Messina and Kore University of Enna).

    Since 1996 he has supervised several Master’s degree theses at the Universities of Catania, Messina, Enna.

    He held a cycle of seminaries for the PhD students at the Seoul National University of Seoul (Seoul, South Korea) and was tutor of several Ph.D. students at the Faculty of Engineering, University of Messina, Italy, at the Kore University, Enna, Italy, at the COSPECS Department at the University of Messina.

    Prof. Iannizzotto was repeatedly member of the final examination committees for the Ph.D. in Computer Engineering at the Universities of Catania, Messina, Enna, and at the Polytechnic of Turin, Turin, Italy.

    Prof. Iannizzotto is currently professor of "Foundations of Informatics" and "Human Computer Interaction" at the Dept. COSPECS at the University of Messina.


I dati visualizzati nella sezione sono recuperati dalla Procedura Gestione Carriere e Stipendi del Personale (CSA), dalla Procedura Gestione Studenti (ESSE3), da Iris e dal Sito Docenti MIUR.

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