
Profilo: Professori Associati
The research activity has turned from the beginning to structural investigations, mainly by diffractometry, starting initially from crystallography up to computational calculation on molecular models acquiring a deep knowledge of both experimental and theoretical structural investigation methodologies (at the University of Lausanne), progressively developing a significant competence and professional experience in solid state chemistry and physics and on modeling methodologies inherent to various chemical and chemical-physical problems, which are expressed both in their scientific research (highlighted by participation in targeted projects and by currently about 200 research products listed in the university catalog) and in teaching activities (usually concerning chemical structures and materials science).
The scientific activity was mainly carried out at the former Department of Inorganic Chemistry Analytical Chemistry and Physical Chemistry and the "Interdepartmental Center of X-ray Diffractometry" (both incorporated in the new Department of Chemical, Biological, Pharmaceutical and Environmental Sciences) of the 'University of Messina, to which he has been involved since his entry into the institutional role in 1990, continuing to be interested in the study and structural characterization of organic and organometallic compounds of particular chemical-biological interest or physical properties (material science), as well as methodologies and techniques of crystallography and molecular modeling, setting up the local research group of “Structure of Matter” together with prof. G. Bruno.
Lately, although the research laboratory has been closed due to the long renovation of the department building (6 years of forced arrest), as well as entertaining previous collaborations with the local research groups of metallorganic and biological-pharmaceutical chemistry of the University and other Italian and foreign universities (Cagliari, Padua, Lausanne, ....), continues to entertain an intense scientific collaboration with the Structural Chemistry group of the University of Cosenza for the study of complexes with particular magnetic properties and to start collaborations with several Iranian universities (Mashhad, Isfahan, Tehran, Mazandaram, Babol Sar, Tabriz…) interested in particular advanced materials, interaction currently more intense and further extended in the Mediterranean area (for now Tunisia and Morocco beyond Iran).
The scientific activity was mainly carried out at the former Department of Inorganic Chemistry Analytical Chemistry and Physical Chemistry and the "Interdepartmental Center of X-ray Diffractometry" (both incorporated in the new Department of Chemical, Biological, Pharmaceutical and Environmental Sciences) of the 'University of Messina, to which he has been involved since his entry into the institutional role in 1990, continuing to be interested in the study and structural characterization of organic and organometallic compounds of particular chemical-biological interest or physical properties (material science), as well as methodologies and techniques of crystallography and molecular modeling, setting up the local research group of “Structure of Matter” together with prof. G. Bruno.
Lately, although the research laboratory has been closed due to the long renovation of the department building (6 years of forced arrest), as well as entertaining previous collaborations with the local research groups of metallorganic and biological-pharmaceutical chemistry of the University and other Italian and foreign universities (Cagliari, Padua, Lausanne, ....), continues to entertain an intense scientific collaboration with the Structural Chemistry group of the University of Cosenza for the study of complexes with particular magnetic properties and to start collaborations with several Iranian universities (Mashhad, Isfahan, Tehran, Mazandaram, Babol Sar, Tabriz…) interested in particular advanced materials, interaction currently more intense and further extended in the Mediterranean area (for now Tunisia and Morocco beyond Iran).
I dati visualizzati nella sezione sono recuperati dalla Procedura Gestione Carriere e Stipendi del Personale (CSA), dalla Procedura Gestione Studenti (ESSE3), da Iris e dal Sito Docenti MIUR.