
Profilo: Professori Ordinari
Enza Fazio’s Curriculum VitaePersonale
Professore Associato Fisica Sperimentale FIS01, Università di Messina, Dipartimento di Scienze Matematiche ed Informatiche, Scienze Fisiche e Scienze della Terra, Università di Messina - Viale F. Stagno d’Alcontres, 31 - 98166 Messina, ITALIA
Contatti (ufficio):
telefono:+39 090 6765394
e-mail: enfazio@unime.it
Esperienza Accademica
1999 Laurea in Fisica (109/110)- Università di Messina
2003 PhD in Fisica Università di Messina
1-30/04/2003 Contratto of cooperazione con l’Unità di INFM di Messina
Da 98 a ‘04 Tutor nell’Area Fisica,Università Mediterranea, Facoltà di Ingegneria, Reggio Calabria
2007 Titolo di specialista del trasferimento tecnologico e dell’innovazione
2007 Tutor di: “Tecniche Spettroscopiche”- Progetto:“ Master in Management of the
Monitoring of the Ambient (Master MARA), Università di Messina
2004-2008 Fellowship Area 02 (Università di Messina)
2008 Post-doc, Università di Messina
2006-2008 Collaborazione con l’Ufficio Industrial Liaison Office (ILO), Università di Messina per l’organizzazione di attività di trasferimento tecnologico finanziate dalla Regione Sicilia.
2013 PhD in Tecnologie Avanzate per l’Optoelettronica e Fotonica e Modellizzazione Elettromagnetica, Università di Messina
2011-2017 Ricercatore a tempo indeterminato ("Fisica Sperimentale" FIS/01), Dipartimento di Scienze Matematiche ed Informatiche, Scienze Fisiche e Scienze della Terra, Università di Messina
Attività di ricerca
L’attiivtà di ricerca è prevalentemente incentrato su studi sperimentali ed applicazioni tecnologiche nel settore della fisica dello Stato solido. In particolare, è rivolta all’utilizzo di tecniche di deposizione per la produzione di film sottili, sintesi di materiali nanostrutturati e loro caratterizzazione spettroscopica. Co-autore di oltre 100 pubblicazioni su riviste scientifiche internazionali e di circa 100 comunicazioni a conferenze nazionali ed internazionali.
Interessi di ricerca:
- Sintesi mediante ablazione laser di materiali nanostrutturati in fase colloidale e sotto forma di film sottili;
- Diagnosi mediante spettroscopia ottica di plasmi generati durante l’ablazione laser
- Diagnostica di film sottili e nanostrutture mediante tecniche di spettroscopia vibrazionale (micro-Raman multiriga, micro-IR e assorbimento ottico) e spettroscopia fotoelettronica a raggi X (XPS).
- Caratterizzazione morfologica di materiali nanostrutturati con microscopie elettroniche (SEM, STEM) e microanalisi.
- Applicazioni biomedicali mediante spettroscopia Raman
- Analisi della risposta ottica nonlineare medainte tecnica z-scan.
Co-responsabile dei seguenti laboratory press il Dipartimento di Scienze Matematiche ed Informatiche, Scienze Fisiche e Scienze della Terra, Università di Messina:
- Laboratorio di Nanomateriali (Sistema di micromachining con laser al picosecondo, ablazione laser in liquidi per la preparazione di nanostrutture metalliche e dielettriche)
- Laboratorio di Tecniche Spectroscopiche (Microscopia Raman & Imaging e spettroscopia ottica convenzioanle, z-scan)
- Laboratorio Microanalisi (XPS & Imaging, SEM, STEM e Microanalisi)
2002 Progetto Giovani Ricercatori dal titolo: “Structural, optical and electronic properties of a-SiC thin films doping with nitrogen”, Università di Messina
2004 Progetto Giovani Ricercatori (PRA 2004). Responsabile del programma di ricerca:“Structural and optical properties of SiOx thin films with silicon nanocrystalline inclusions”, Università di Messina
2013 Responsabile scientifico nell’ambito del progetto HIPPOCRATES delle attività: "Development of Micro and Nano-technologies for the Men's Health" - Sicily Micro and Nano Technology Cluster Systems SCARL-Linea di ricerca: Drug & Delivery.
2011-oggi: Tutor of diversi studenti (nel CdL in Fisica e PhD), membro di diverse commissioni per la selezione di titolari di borse di studio e personale tecnico presso l’Università di Messina
2008-oggi Referee of riviste scientifiche internazionali.
2008 Premio Giovani Ricercatori assegnato sulla base della produttività scientifica del 2005.
2008 Terza classificata alla prima edizione del “Premio per l’Innovazione Start Cup dello Stretto, Competizione tra idee imprenditoriali generate dalla ricerca universitaria” (Università di Messina)
Esperienze didattiche
2012-2016 Docente del corso Fisica Generale con esercitazioni SSD: FIS/01
CdL Scienze dell’Ambiente e della Natura -Università di Messina
2016/2017 Docente del corso Fisica e Radioprotezione SSD: FIS/01 CdL Analisi e Gestione dei Rischi Naturali ed Antropici (AGRINA), Università di Messina.
2016/2017 Docente del corso Fisica e Biomeccanica - SSD: FIS/07, Scienze biomediche, odontoiatriche e delle immagini morfologiche e funzionali, CdS in Scienze Motorie, Sport e Salute, Università di Messina.
Collaborazioni Scientifiche:
IPCF- C.N.R. (Messina) e Istituto di Microelettronica e Microsistemi (Catania), Politecnico di Milano, Dipartimento di Scienze Chimiche (Università di Catania), Dipartimento di Ingegneria, Università Mediterranea, Reggio Calabria; Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society (Berlin); Dipartimento di Chimica, CICECO, University of Aveiro, Campus de Santiago, Aveiro, Portugal.
- Synthesis mainly by means of pulsed laser ablation of nanostructured materials both in colloidal and thin film form;
- Optical spectroscopy of laser ablation generated plasma
- Diagnostics of thin films and nanostructures by vibrational spectroscopy techniques (multiwavelength micro-Raman, micro-IR and optical absorption characterization) complemented with X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS).
- Morphological characterization of nanostructured materials by Electron microscopies (SEM, STEM) and Microanalysis.
- Biomedical applications of Raman spectroscopy
- Nonlinear optical response characterization using the z-scan method.
- (Picosecond laser microchining, Laser Ablation in Liquids LAL for the preparation of both metallic and dielectric nanoclusters)
- Spectroscopic Techniques Laboratory (Raman Microscopy & Imaging and conventional optical spectroscopies, z-scan setup)
- Microanalysis Laboratory (X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy & Imaging, Electron Microscopy SEM, STEM and Microanalysis)
- Synthesis mainly by means of pulsed laser ablation of nanostructured materials both in colloidal and thin film form;
- Optical spectroscopy of laser ablation generated plasma
- Diagnostics of thin films and nanostructures by vibrational spectroscopy techniques (multiwavelength micro-Raman, micro-IR and optical absorption characterization) complemented with X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS).
- Morphological characterization of nanostructured materials by Electron microscopies (SEM, STEM) and Microanalysis.
- Biomedical applications of Raman spectroscopy
- Nonlinear optical response characterization using the z-scan method.
- (Picosecond laser microchining, Laser Ablation in Liquids LAL for the preparation of both metallic and dielectric nanoclusters)
- Spectroscopic Techniques Laboratory (Raman Microscopy & Imaging and conventional optical spectroscopies, z-scan setup)
- Microanalysis Laboratory (X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy & Imaging, Electron Microscopy SEM, STEM and Microanalysis)
Enza Fazio’s Curriculum VitaePersonal
Associate Professor of Experimental Physics, University of Messina, Department of Mathematical and Computer Sciences, Physical Sciences and Earth Sciences, University of Messina - Viale F. Stagno d’Alcontres, 31 - 98166 Messina, ITALY
Contacts (office):
phone: +39 090 6765394
e-mail: enfazio@unime.it
Academic Experience
1999 ‘Laurea’ in Physics (109/110)- University of Messina
2003 PhD in Physics University of Messina
1-30/04/2003 Contract of cooperation with INFM Unity of Messina
From 98 to 04 Tutor in the Area of Physics Mediterranean University- Faculty of Engineering Sciences- Reggio Calabria
2007 Degree of specialist in technology transfer and innovation.
2007 Tutor of the subject: “Spectroscopic Techniques”- Project:“
Master in Management Of the Monitoring of the Ambient (Master MARA), University of Messina
2004-2008 Fellowship in the Scientific Area 02 (University of Messina)
2008 Post-doc position, University of Messina
2010 Teaching activities for “Scientific Degree Project”- Physics Area (University of
2006-2008 Cooperation with the Industrial Liaison Office (ILO) in the University of Messina project related to the organization and improvement of the technological transfer activity: financed by Government and Sicily Region.
2013 PhD in Advanced Technologies for Optoelectronics and Photonics and Electromagnetic Modeling, University of Messina
2011-2017 Researcher ("Experimental Physics" FIS/01), Department of Mathematical and computation Science, Physical Science and Earth Sciences (MIFT), University of Messina
Research Activity
The expertise is mainly related to experimental studies and technological applications developments in the solid state physics field, mostly devoted to thin films deposition techniques, nanostructured materials synthesis and spectroscopic diagnostic investigations. Co-author, of over 100 publications in international scientific journals and of about 100 communications at international and national conferences.
Current research interests:
Leader for development and management of a modular Raman Microscopy setup and of a non-linear optical spectroscopic system ( Z-scan technique)
Co-manager of the following research laboratories at the Department of Mathematical and Computer Sciences, Physical Sciences and Earth Sciences (University of Messina):
2002 Project Young Researchers. Responsible for a Research Programme entitled: “Structural, optical and electronic properties of a-SiC thin films doping with nitrogen”, University of Messina
2004 Projects Young Researchers (PRA 2004). Responsible for a Research ProgrammeTitle: “Structural and optical properties of SiOx thin films with silicon nanocrystalline inclusions”, University of Messina
2013 Scientific manager and advisor of HIPPOCRATES activities under the project "Development of Micro and Nano-technologies for the Men's Health" - Sicily Micro and Nano Technology Cluster Systems SCARL-Line Research: Drug & Delivery.
2011-today: Tutor of some students (in the Physics CdL and PhD), scientific advisors of some holders of scholarships and member of several committees for the selection of scientific staff with contract and scientific equipment.
2008-today Referee of international scientific journals.
2008 Prize Young Researchers assigned on the basis of the 2005 scientific works
2008 Third premium for the 1st edition of “Premio per l’Innovazione Start Cup dello Stretto
Competizione tra idee imprenditoriali generate dalla ricerca universitaria” (University of Messina)
Teaching Experience
2012-2016 Teacher of the course Fisica Generale con esercitazioni SSD: FIS/01
Integrated Course: Chemistry and Physics with tutorials at the Degree Course in Environmental Sciences and Nature-University of Messina
2016/2017 Teacher of the course Fisica e Radioprotezione SSD: FIS/01 Course in Analisi e Gestione dei Rischi Naturali ed Antropici (AGRINA), University of Messina.
2016/2017 Teacher of the course Fisica e Biomeccanica - SSD: FIS/07, Course in Scienze biomediche, odontoiatriche e delle immagini morfologiche e funzionali, CdS in Scienze Motorie, Sport e Salute, University of Messina.
Scientific collaborations:
C.N.R. Chemical-Physical Processes Institute (Messina) and Microelettronic and Microsystems(Catania), Milan Polytecnic, Chemical Science Department (Catania University), Reggio Calabria – Mediterranean University- Faculty of Engineering Sciences; 12) Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society (Berlin); Department of Chemistry, CICECO, University of Aveiro, Campus de Santiago, Aveiro, Portugal.
Enza Fazio’s Curriculum Vitae
Associate Professor of Experimental Physics, University of Messina, Department of Mathematical and Computer Sciences, Physical Sciences and Earth Sciences, University of Messina - Viale F. Stagno d’Alcontres, 31 - 98166 Messina, ITALY
Contacts (office):
phone: +39 090 6765394
e-mail: enfazio@unime.it
Academic Experience
1999 ‘Laurea’ in Physics (109/110)- University of Messina
2003 PhD in Physics University of Messina
1-30/04/2003 Contract of cooperation with INFM Unity of Messina
From 98 to 04 Tutor in the Area of Physics Mediterranean University- Faculty of Engineering Sciences- Reggio Calabria
2007 Degree of specialist in technology transfer and innovation.
2007 Tutor of the subject: “Spectroscopic Techniques”- Project:“
Master in Management Of the Monitoring of the Ambient (Master MARA), University of Messina
2004-2008 Fellowship in the Scientific Area 02 (University of Messina)
2008 Post-doc position, University of Messina
2010 Teaching activities for “Scientific Degree Project”- Physics Area (University of
2006-2008 Cooperation with the Industrial Liaison Office (ILO) in the University of Messina project related to the organization and improvement of the technological transfer activity: financed by Government and Sicily Region.
2013 PhD in Advanced Technologies for Optoelectronics and Photonics and Electromagnetic Modeling, University of Messina
2011-2017 Researcher ("Experimental Physics" FIS/01), Department of Mathematical and computation Science, Physical Science and Earth Sciences (MIFT), University of Messina
Research Activity
The expertise is mainly related to experimental studies and technological applications developments in the solid state physics field, mostly devoted to thin films deposition techniques, nanostructured materials synthesis and spectroscopic diagnostic investigations. Co-author, of over 100 publications in international scientific journals and of about 100 communications at international and national conferences.
Current research interests:
Leader for development and management of a modular Raman Microscopy setup and of a non-linear optical spectroscopic system ( Z-scan technique)
Co-manager of the following research laboratories at the Department of Mathematical and Computer Sciences, Physical Sciences and Earth Sciences (University of Messina):
2002 Project Young Researchers. Responsible for a Research Programme entitled: “Structural, optical and electronic properties of a-SiC thin films doping with nitrogen”, University of Messina
2004 Projects Young Researchers (PRA 2004). Responsible for a Research ProgrammeTitle: “Structural and optical properties of SiOx thin films with silicon nanocrystalline inclusions”, University of Messina
2013 Scientific manager and advisor of HIPPOCRATES activities under the project "Development of Micro and Nano-technologies for the Men's Health" - Sicily Micro and Nano Technology Cluster Systems SCARL-Line Research: Drug & Delivery.
2011-today: Tutor of some students (in the Physics CdL and PhD), scientific advisors of some holders of scholarships and member of several committees for the selection of scientific staff with contract and scientific equipment.
2008-today Referee of international scientific journals.
2008 Prize Young Researchers assigned on the basis of the 2005 scientific works
2008 Third premium for the 1st edition of “Premio per l’Innovazione Start Cup dello Stretto
Competizione tra idee imprenditoriali generate dalla ricerca universitaria” (University of Messina)
Teaching Experience
2012-2016 Teacher of the course Fisica Generale con esercitazioni SSD: FIS/01
Integrated Course: Chemistry and Physics with tutorials at the Degree Course in Environmental Sciences and Nature-University of Messina
2016/2017 Teacher of the course Fisica e Radioprotezione SSD: FIS/01 Course in Analisi e Gestione dei Rischi Naturali ed Antropici (AGRINA), University of Messina.
2016/2017 Teacher of the course Fisica e Biomeccanica - SSD: FIS/07, Course in Scienze biomediche, odontoiatriche e delle immagini morfologiche e funzionali, CdS in Scienze Motorie, Sport e Salute, University of Messina.
Scientific collaborations:
C.N.R. Chemical-Physical Processes Institute (Messina) and Microelettronic and Microsystems(Catania), Milan Polytecnic, Chemical Science Department (Catania University), Reggio Calabria – Mediterranean University- Faculty of Engineering Sciences; 12) Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society (Berlin); Department of Chemistry, CICECO, University of Aveiro, Campus de Santiago, Aveiro, Portugal.
I dati visualizzati nella sezione sono recuperati dalla Procedura Gestione Carriere e Stipendi del Personale (CSA), dalla Procedura Gestione Studenti (ESSE3), da Iris e dal Sito Docenti MIUR.