
Profilo: Professori Ordinari
Attuale Posizione LavorativaProfessore Ordinario di Nefrologia (MED/14)
Direttore UOC Nefrologia e Dialisi
Direttore Scuola di Specializzazione in Nefrologia
AOU G. Martino – Università degli Studi di Messina
Istruzione e formazione
Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia, Università degli Studi di Messina
1993-1997 Laurea in Medicina e Chirurgia (110/110 e lode)
Specializzazione in Nefrologia
Scuola di specializzazione di Nefrologia, Università degli Studi di Messina
Dal 01/1999 al 12/1999
Renal fellow per un anno presso Dept. of Renal Pathology Cedars Sinai Medical Center UCLA Los Angeles CA, USA.
Incarichi professionali e accademici:
01/04/2004- 27/12/2006 :
Dirigente Medico I° livello UOC Nefrologia e Dialisi Ospedale San Vincenzo, Taormina ASL n°5
28/12/2006- 01/12/2017
Ricercatore Universitario a tempo Indeterminato (MED 14) Università degli Studi di Messina
28/12/2006– 30/09/2019
Dirigente Medico I° livello UOC Nefrologia e Dialisi, AOU G. Martino
01/12/2010- 01/06/2016
Responsabile UOS “Diagnosi e Terapia Patologie Glomerulari” AOU G. Martino
02/12/2017- 10/01/2021
Professore Associato Nefrologia (MED 14) Università degli Studi di Messina
01/10/2019 – 21/01/2021
Direttore Vicario UOC di Nefrologia e Dialisi, AOU G. Martino
01/10/2019 ad ora
Direttore della Scuola di Specializzazione in Nefrologia presso Università degli studi di Messina
11/01/2021 ad ora
Professore Ordinario in Nefrologia (MED 14) Università degli Studi di Messina
22/01/2021 ad ora
Direttore UOC di Nefrologia e Dialisi, AOU G. Martino
Attività Didattica
Dall’Anno accademico 2004-2005
Docente presso la Scuola di Specializzazione di Nefrologia dell’Università degli Studi di Messina
Dall’Anno accademico 2007-2008
Docente Insegnamento di Nefrologia all’interno del corso integrato “Sistematica delle Malattie Endocrino-Metaboliche e Nefro-Urologiche, e di Fisiopatologia delle malattie umane presso il Corso di Laurea di Medicina e Chirurgia dell’Università degli Studi di Messina.
Dall’Anno accademico 2007-2008 al 2014-2015
Insegnamento di Nefrologia 2° anno; 2° semestre presso il Corso di Laurea in Scienze Infermieristiche dell’Università degli Studi di Messina;
Dall’Anno accademico 2015-2016
Responsabile scambi Erasmus Corso di Laurea di Medicina e Chirurgia, Università degli studi di Messina con Facoltà di Medicina, Università di Oviedo (Spagna)
Anno accademico di inizio: 2015/16 - Ciclo: XXXI - Durata: 3 anni
Componente il Collegio dei Docenti del Dottorato [DOT1314588]: "SCIENZE BIOMEDICHE CLINICHE E SPERIMENTALI" Università degli studi di Messina
Principali Premi
- Borsa di perfezionamento all'estero bandita dall'Universita' degli Studi di Messina, della durata di un anno, svolta presso la Divisione di patologia renale del Cedars-Sinai Medical Center UCLA Los Angeles, California; Anno 1999
- Grant dell’ International Society of Nephrology in occasione del XVth International Congress of Nephrology (Buenos Aires - Argentina) dal 2 al 6 Maggio 1999
- Vincitore Bando di Ricerca SIN: Ruolo delle varianti del gene VDR nella risposta al trattamento con Paracalcitolo nei pazienti con IRC; Anno 2011
-Responsabile scientifico Università di Messina progetto PON ARS01_01116 “TALISMAN” Area di specializzazione “Tecnologie per ambienti di vita” Anno 2018
Attività Scientifica
Autore di oltre 235 pubblicazioni (censite sia su PUBMED che SCOPUS), oltre a capitoli di libri italiani ed internazionali; H-Index Google Scholar= 39; ; H-Index Scopus= 32 (dati al Giugno 2021)
Orcid Number:
Scopus Author Identifier: 7006830885
Web of Science ResearcherID: L-2482-2013
Speaker Invitato a Congressi Regionali, Nazionali ed Internazionali
Organizzazione di Meetings e Congressi
Principal Investigator di studi clinici
Editorial Board : Giornale italiano di Nefrologia (organo ufficiale della SIN), Journal of Nephrology, World Journal of Nephrology, Giornale Italiano di Tecniche Nefrologiche e Dialitiche
Associate Editor: BMC Nephrology
Nel 2018 Nominato dalla SIN “Coordinatore delle Linee Guida della Società Italiana di Nefrologia”
Principali collaborazioni
Cedars Sinai Medical Center, UCLA Los Angeles; Università di Bari;
Università di Brescia; Columbia University New York;
Seconda Università di Napoli; IRCCS Istituto Giannina Gaslini.
- As a Medical Student:
- As a Resident:
- As a Medical Director::
- As a Medical Doctor working for the National Health Service: 2000-2002 Medical Office of medical units in Messina County 2004 Medical Office of medical units in Messina County
- As a Nephrologist: 1997-1998 and
- National Italian Registry of Dialysis and Transplantation
- Renal Immunopathology Sicilian Regional Study Group
- Renal Immunopathology Italian Study Group
- Chronic Renal Failure Italian Study Group
- Member of The Italian Kidney Foundation Council
- Member of the Provincial Association of Organ Donation
- Nephrology Dialysis and Transplantation
- Kidney International
- Journal of Rheumatology
- Hypertension Research
- International Journal of Nephrology
- Kidney & Blood Pressure Research
- Nephron Experimental
- International SportMed Journal
- Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology
- Journal of Clinical Rheumatology
- American Journal of Kidney Disease
- American Journal of Nephrology
- Editorial Board
- Associate Editor:
- Scientific Publication on PubMed (230); Scientific Publication on Scopus (235) last update June 2021
Actual Position:
Full Professor of Nephrology, Medical Doctor
Chief of Nephrology and Dialysis Unit
Director Postgraduate School of Nephrology
Birth Date: March 15, 1969
Birth Place: Messina, Italy
E-mail address:;
Office Telephone: 090 221-2331 Fax No.: 090 2925899
Education and Training:
1987 Diploma in Classical Literature
1993 Medical Degree with distinction at University of Messina (Degree thesis: Renal Functional Reserve in Single Kidney Patients)
1995 Stage of Clinical and Research Activity, with a particular interest in renal biopsy carried out with traditional methods and in molecular biology at the University of Bari, Division of Nephrology, headed by Prof. FP Schena
1996-1998 Collaboration with the Department of Biomorphology University of Messina, regarding the study on the “Main Extracellular Matrix Components at electron microscopy.
1996-2003 Member of the National Directive Technical Committee. Member of the National Committee of Dialysis and Transplantation Italian Registry. Member of the scientific committee for drawing up the Sicilian Registry of Dialysis and Transplantation, contributing actively to the drafting of two books and the creation of a web page on the Italian Society of Nephrology web site (www.sin-,.
1999 One Year Fellowship, abroad sponsored by the University of Messina, at the Department of Pathology, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center (Los Angeles-California) under the guidance of Dr Arthur Cohen, head of the Department of Renal Pathology. During that period, Dr Santoro made a thorough of a renal disease diagnosis by using the light microscopy, immunofluorescence and electron microscopy and took part in clinico-pathological studies which then resulted in abstracts in international meetings and scientific papers.
1999 Visiting fellow for two weeks at the Division of Nephrology at Baylor College of Medicine (Houston-Texas) directed by Dr Garabed Eknoyan
2002 Visiting fellow for two weeks at the Division of Nephrology and Hypertension at Harbour UCLA Los Angeles directed by Dr Joel Kopple.
Board Certification:
1993 Medical Degree with distinction at University of Messina 1993 License for Medical Practice
Full Professor of Nephrology, Medical Doctor
Chief of Nephrology and Dialysis Unit
Director Postgraduate School of Nephrology
Birth Date: March 15, 1969
Birth Place: Messina, Italy
E-mail address:;
Office Telephone: 090 221-2331 Fax No.: 090 2925899
Education and Training:
1987 Diploma in Classical Literature
1993 Medical Degree with distinction at University of Messina (Degree thesis: Renal Functional Reserve in Single Kidney Patients)
1995 Stage of Clinical and Research Activity, with a particular interest in renal biopsy carried out with traditional methods and in molecular biology at the University of Bari, Division of Nephrology, headed by Prof. FP Schena
1996-1998 Collaboration with the Department of Biomorphology University of Messina, regarding the study on the “Main Extracellular Matrix Components at electron microscopy.
1996-2003 Member of the National Directive Technical Committee. Member of the National Committee of Dialysis and Transplantation Italian Registry. Member of the scientific committee for drawing up the Sicilian Registry of Dialysis and Transplantation, contributing actively to the drafting of two books and the creation of a web page on the Italian Society of Nephrology web site (www.sin-,.
1999 One Year Fellowship, abroad sponsored by the University of Messina, at the Department of Pathology, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center (Los Angeles-California) under the guidance of Dr Arthur Cohen, head of the Department of Renal Pathology. During that period, Dr Santoro made a thorough of a renal disease diagnosis by using the light microscopy, immunofluorescence and electron microscopy and took part in clinico-pathological studies which then resulted in abstracts in international meetings and scientific papers.
1999 Visiting fellow for two weeks at the Division of Nephrology at Baylor College of Medicine (Houston-Texas) directed by Dr Garabed Eknoyan
2002 Visiting fellow for two weeks at the Division of Nephrology and Hypertension at Harbour UCLA Los Angeles directed by Dr Joel Kopple.
Board Certification:
1993 Medical Degree with distinction at University of Messina 1993 License for Medical Practice
1997 Specialty Training in Renal Medicine 1993-97 with distinction at University of Messina
Academic achievements
1993 Medical Degree thesis: Renal Functional Reserve in Single Kidney Patients
1997 Specialty Degree in Renal Medicine thesis: TGF-beta and extracellular matrix changes in ADPKD: immunohistochemical study at CLSM
Positions Held:
Academic activity
Scientific Collaborations:
1993- Prof. G.Bellinghieri: Division of Nephrology and Dialysis at University of Messina 1995 Prof. FP Schena: Chair of Nephrology, University of Bari
1996-1998 Prof. L. Magaudda: Department of Biomorphology – University of Messina
1999- Prof. AH Cohen: Division of Renal Pathology at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center UCLA Los Angeles 2002 Prof. JD Kopple: Division of Nephrology and Hypertension at Harbour UCLA Los Angeles
2012 Prof. Ali Gharavi: Division of Nephrology and Hypertension a Columbia University
Academic achievements
1993 Medical Degree thesis: Renal Functional Reserve in Single Kidney Patients
1997 Specialty Degree in Renal Medicine thesis: TGF-beta and extracellular matrix changes in ADPKD: immunohistochemical study at CLSM
Positions Held:
Academic activity
2005- | Assistant Professor of Nephrology; School of Renal Medicine – University of Messina. |
2007- | Assistant Professor of Nephrology; School of Medicine – University of Messina. |
2007- | Assistant Professor of Physiopathology of Human Disease; School of Medicine – University of |
Messina. | |
2008 | Assistant Professor of Nephrology; Degree Nursing Science – University of |
Messina. Reggio Calabria Venue. | |
2009- | Assistant Professor of Nephrology; Degree Nursing Science – University of |
Messina. Syracuse Venue | |
2017 | Associate Professor of Nephrology – University of Messina |
2000-2003 | “AMOS” Nephrology and Dialysis Center |
2000-2001 | “CESAR” Nephrology and Dialysis Center |
2001 | “Padre Pio” Nephrology and Dialysis Center |
2004-2006 | Unit of Nephrology and Dialysis San Vincenzo Taormina Hospital |
2006- | Unit of Nephrology and Dialysis, University of Messina |
Scientific Collaborations:
1993- Prof. G.Bellinghieri: Division of Nephrology and Dialysis at University of Messina 1995 Prof. FP Schena: Chair of Nephrology, University of Bari
1996-1998 Prof. L. Magaudda: Department of Biomorphology – University of Messina
1999- Prof. AH Cohen: Division of Renal Pathology at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center UCLA Los Angeles 2002 Prof. JD Kopple: Division of Nephrology and Hypertension at Harbour UCLA Los Angeles
2012 Prof. Ali Gharavi: Division of Nephrology and Hypertension a Columbia University
2012 Prof. Ghiggeri Gianmarco: Division of Nephrology at Gaslini Genova
2012 Prof. Francesco Scolari: Division of Nephrology and Dialysis, University of Brescia.
Study Groups:
As Responsible in Clinical Trials:
1996 Evaluation of the efficacy and tolerability of Manidipine in the tratment of arterial hypertension in patients with chronic renal failure. Randomised, parallel study group versus nifedipine
1998-2003 International Dialysis Outcomes and Practice Pattern Study (I-DOPPS)”
As Monitor in Clinical Trial
2002- Evaluation of the efficacy and tolerability of Zofenopril. A multicenter randomised parallel study group versus Candesartan
As a Member of Scientific Society
1997- Italian Society of Nephrology
1998- Sicilian Regional Society of Nephrology 1999- American Society of Nephrology
2000- European Society of Nephrology
2000- Campano-Sicilian Society of Nephrology
2017- 2020: Member of the Italian Society of Nephrology Council
Social Activity:
Scientific Activity
As Reviewer
2012 Prof. Francesco Scolari: Division of Nephrology and Dialysis, University of Brescia.
Study Groups:
1992 | Scholarship, by merit, awarded by the University Organization of Messina. |
1993 | Scholarship, by merit, awarded by the University Organization of Messina. |
1999 | One year research fellowship abroad awarded by the University of Messina and carried out at the |
Division of Renal Pathology, Cedars Sinai Medical Center UCLA Los Angeles | |
1999 | Grant awarded by the International Society of Nephrology on the occasion of the XVth International |
Congress of Nephrology (Buenos Aires - Argentina) from 2 to 6 May 1999 |
As Responsible in Clinical Trials:
1996 Evaluation of the efficacy and tolerability of Manidipine in the tratment of arterial hypertension in patients with chronic renal failure. Randomised, parallel study group versus nifedipine
1998-2003 International Dialysis Outcomes and Practice Pattern Study (I-DOPPS)”
As Monitor in Clinical Trial
2002- Evaluation of the efficacy and tolerability of Zofenopril. A multicenter randomised parallel study group versus Candesartan
As a Member of Scientific Society
1997- Italian Society of Nephrology
1998- Sicilian Regional Society of Nephrology 1999- American Society of Nephrology
2000- European Society of Nephrology
2000- Campano-Sicilian Society of Nephrology
2017- 2020: Member of the Italian Society of Nephrology Council
Social Activity:
Scientific Activity
As Reviewer
2010 The Open Andrology Journal
2011 The Journal of Research On History Of Medicine
2012 World Journal of Nephrology
2012 ISRN Nephrology
2013 Giornale di Tecniche Nefrologiche e Dialitiche
2013 Giornale Italiano di Nefrologia
2016 Journal of Nephrology
Scopus H index: 32
Orcid Number:
Scopus Author Identifier: 7006830885
Web of Science ResearcherID: L-2482-2013
Messina 06/06/2021
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