

Profilo: Ricercatori Legge 240/10 - t.det.


Domenico Franco obtained a Ph.D. in Applied Biology and Experimental Medicine at University of Messina. Now, he is a Researcher at the University of Messina, Department of Chemical, Biological, Pharmaceutical and Environmental Sciences. He is author of 42 publications including articles in peer reviewed international journals, 12 congress participation and coinventor of 3 patent. His primary research interest is addressed to development of new antimicrobial and antiadhesive system for drug-delivery and drug-targeting and use of phage-display technology for selection of selective probes against microbial and eukaryotic cells. The research aims at the development and testing of the antibacterial properties of engineered materials to be used for the realization of products and services with high technological value, based on bio / nano technologies, sensors and innovative analysis methods for applications in the medical sector, with particular reference to regenerative, prosthetic, diagnostic and therapy medicine.

I dati visualizzati nella sezione sono recuperati dalla Procedura Gestione Carriere e Stipendi del Personale (CSA), dalla Procedura Gestione Studenti (ESSE3), da Iris e dal Sito Docenti MIUR.

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