

Profilo: Ricercatori Legge 240/10 - t.det.



Concetta Scimone

Nazionalità: Italiana
Data di nascita: 20/05/1986 Sesso: Femminile

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Indirizzo: Dipartimento di Scienze Biomediche, Odontoiatriche e delle Immagini Morfologiche e Funzionali Università degli Studi di Messina, Via Consolare Valeria 1, 98125 Messina (Italia)

Ricercatore universitario a tempo determinato (RTD-A)

Università degli Studi di Messina [ 31/12/2021 – Attuale ] Città: Messina

Ricercatore a tempo determinato (RTD-A) presso il Dipartimento di Scienze Biomediche, Odontoiatriche e delle Immagini Morfologiche e Funzionali, Università degli Studi di Messina. Disciplina: Biologia applicata, SSD: BIO/13.

Peer Reviewer (PR) per il Qatar National Research Fund (QNRF)

Qatar National Research Fund (QNRF) [ 04/2021 – Attuale ] Paese: Qatar

Membro del Reviewer Board del Qatar National Research Fund (QNRF). Il QNRF finanzia progetti ad enti pubblici e privati, nell' ambito delle scienze della vita, dell' energia e sviluppo, dell' informatica e delle scienze sociali. L' attività di revisore viene svolta per i progetti inerenti la ricerca traslazionale, la genomica e la medicina personalizzata, per i programmi di ricerca National Priorities Research Program (NPRP), Early Career Researcher Award (ECRA) e Postdoctoral Research Award (PDRA).

Assegnista di ricerca

Università degli Studi di Messina [ 01/03/2021 – 01/12/2021 ] Paese: Italia

Assegnista di ricerca presso il Dipartimento di Scienze Biomediche, Odontoiatriche e delle Immagini Morfologiche e Funzionali, Università degli Studi di Messina. Settore Scientifico Disciplinare dell' assegno: BIO/13 - Biologia applicata, tematica: "Malattia genetica rara: Trimetilaminuria".

Socio fondatore StartUp innovativa "D.A.I.R."

[ 12/2020 ] Paese: Italia

Socio fondatore StartUp innovativa "D.A.I.R." (Data Analysis for Integration in Research) -

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Docente universitaria

United Campus of Malta [ 11/2020 – 02/2021 ]

Città: Messina Paese: Italia

Docente di Neurofisiologia presso il Corsi di Laurea in Fisioterapia, presso la sede di Messina dell' United Campus of Malta.

Principal Investigator - Fellowship

Ordine Nazionale dei Biologi [ 30/01/2020 – 30/01/2021 ] Paese: Italia

Vincitrice borsa di studio messa a bando dall' "Ordine Nazionale dei Biologi". Titolo del progetto presentato: “A picture of CCM tissue expression by transcriptome analysis: any link with somatic mutations?”


Istituto EuroMediteraneo di Scienza e Tecnologia [ 01/2016 – Attuale ] Città: Palermo

Paese: Italia

Ricercatore affiliato presso L’Istituto EuroMediteraneo di Scienza e Tecnologia (I.E.Me.S.T.), sito presso la Via Michele Miraglia, 20, 90139, Palermo (PA); dipartimento di afferenza: Strategie Biomolecolari, Genetica e Terapie d’Avanguardia.

Cultore della Materia

Università degli Studi di Messina [ 03/2014 – Attuale ] Città: Messina

Paese: Italia
Cultore della materia per il Settore Scientifico Disciplinare BIO/13 – Biologia Applicata, presso il Corso di Laurea in

"Medicina e Chirurgia", Università degli Studi di Messina.

Docente master

Istituto EuroMediterraneo di Scienza e Tecnologia [ 04/2019 – 11/2019 ] Città: Palermo

Paese: Italia
Docente nell’ ambito del Master in “Bioinformatica e statistica applicata alle scienze”, organizzato presso l’Istituto

EuroMediterraneo di Scienza e Tecnologia (I.E.ME.S.T.), con sede a Palermo.

Visiting Researcher

Centro Scienze dell'Invecchiamento (Ce.S.I.) - Università degli Studi Gabriele D'Annunzio [ 04/02/2019 – 07/02/2019 ]

Città: Chieti Paese: Italia

Visiting researcher presso il Ce.S.I. (Centro Scienze dell'Invecchiamento), Università degli Studi Gabriele D’Annunzio Chieti-Pescara.

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Istituto EuroMediteraneo di Scienza e Tecnologia [ 25/07/2018 – 31/10/2018 ]

Città: Palermo Paese: Italia

Contratto di Lavoro di Collaborazione Coordinata e Continuativa presso l’Istituto I.E.ME.S.T. nell’ambito del progetto “T-MoDiaK (TMAUMolecularDiagnostic Kit)” – PO FESR 2014-2020 Linea di intervento 1.1.2 codice CUP G69J18000460008 – l'attività di: Fase 1 “Progettazione del kit diagnostico”, volto allo sviluppo di un test per la diagnosi genetica della trimetilaminuria (TMAU) - Ruolo: ricercatore.

Ricercatore volontario

Università degli Studi di Messina [ 01/2015 – 29/01/2019 ] Città: Messina

Paese: Italia

Ricercatore volontario presso il Laboratorio di Genetica molecolare, Dipartimento di Scienze Biomediche, Odontoiatriche e delle Immagini Morfologiche e Funzionali, Università degli Studi di Messina, via Consolare Valeria 1, 98125 Messina.
L’attività di ricerca svolta riguarda la biologia applicata, la genetica molecolare e la genetica di popolazione, applicate alle malattie metaboliche (trimetilaminuria) ed alle neuroscienze (angiomi cavernosi cerebrali, malformazioni arterovenose cerebrali, retinite pigmentosa), nonché allo studio dell’ asse intestino-cervello

Docente universitario a contratto/docente universitaria a contratto

Università degli Studi di Messina [ 01/2016 – 09/2019 ] Città: Messina

Paese: Italia

Docente di “Biologia e Genetica” presso il Corsi di Laurea in “Scienze motorie, sport e salute”, Università degli Studi di Messina, con sede presso la Cittadella Sportiva Universitaria (Polo Universitario SS Annunziata) ed il policlinico universitario "G. Martino" – Messina.

Docente universitario a contratto/docente universitaria a contratto

Università degli Studi di Messina [ 03/2016 – 15/09/2017 ] Città: Messina

Paese: Italia

Docente di “Miglioramento genetico delle specie animali” presso il Corso di Laurea in “Biotecnologie”, Università degli Studi di Messina, con sede amministrativa presso il policlinico universitario di Messina, via Consolare Valeria 1, 98125 Messina.


Guest editor

[ 09/2021 – Attuale ]
Guest editor della Special Issue "New Insights on Cellular Biology of Retinal Degenerations" della rivista "Life" (MD

PI, Impact Factor 3.817).

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Guest editor

[ 09/2020 – Attuale ]

Topic Editor e Guest Editor della Special Issue "Genetics and Epigenetic Mechanisms of the Neurovascular Unit" della rivista "Life" (MDPI, Impact Factor 3.817).

Co-autore di libro

[ 11/2020 – Attuale ]
Co-autore del libro: “Advances in Bioinformatics and Statistics” – Volume 1. Bentham Books ISBN: 978-981-14-8178-9 (Print)
ISBN: 978-981-14-8180-2 (Online)
Anno di pubblicazione: 2020

ISTRUZIONE E FORMAZIONE Specializzanda in Genetica Medica

Università degli Studi di Messina [ 11/2018 – Attuale ] Indirizzo: Via Consolare Valeria 1, 98125 Messina (Italia)

Abilitazione Professionale

Università degli Studi di Messina [ 11/2016 ]
Indirizzo: Viale Ferdinando Stagno d'Alcontres 31, 98166 Messina (Italia)

Abilitazione professionale all’ esercizio di “Biologo senior”, presso il Dipartimento di Scienze Chimiche, Biologiche, Farmaceutiche ed Ambientali, Università degli Studi di Messina ed iscrizione all' "Ordine Nazionale dei Biologi" (O.N.B.) in gennaio 2018.

Corso di alta formazione

Università degli Studi di Messina [ 01/2014 – 04/2015 ] Indirizzo: Polo Universitario SS Annunziata , 98168 Messina (Italia)

Ricercatore esperto in sistemi innovativi per la gestione della qualità e della sicurezza degli alimenti di origine animale e vegetale, conseguito nell’ ambito del corso di Alta Formazione “PAN-LAB Project-PON a3_00166 - potenziamento delle strutture e delle dotazioni scientifiche e tecnologiche”, Università degli Studi di Messina; presso il Dipartimento di Scienze Veterinarie dell’ Università di Messina, Polo Universitario SS Annunziata, 98168 Messina. Durante il corso sono state affrontate discipline quali: biostatistica, bioinformatica, genetica quantitativa, microbiologia di base ed applicata, sistemi di controllo di qualità e sistema HACCP. In merito alla parte pratica, l’esperienza di laboratorio ha riguardato soprattutto l’utilizzo della modernissima tecnologia Next Generation Sequencing (piattaforma IonTorrent, Life Technologies) nel campo della ricerca genetica, e l’ analisi bioinformatica dei dati.

Dottore di Ricerca in Biologia e Biotecnologie cellulari

Università degli Studi di Messina [ 04/2014 ]

Indirizzo: Viale Ferdinando Stagno D' Alcontres 31, 98166 Messina (Italia)
Tesi: Basi molecolari delle Malformazioni Cavernose Cerebrali: forme familiari versus forme sporadiche

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Laurea Magistrale in Biotecnologie per la Salute

Università degli Studi di Messina [ 23/07/2010 ]

Indirizzo: Via Consolare Valeria 1, 98125 Messina (Italia)
Voto finale : Cum laude
Tesi: Analisi molecolare delle regioni promotrici dei geni CCM

Conseguimento Laurea Magistrale in “Biotecnologie per la Salute” (LM-9), con votazione 1110/110 e lode, presso Università degli Studi di Messina, via Consolare Valeria 1, 98125 Messina

Laurea triennale in Biotecnologie

Università degli Studi di Messina [ 08/10/2008 ]

Indirizzo: Via Consolare Valeria 1, 98125 Messina (Italia)
Voto finale : Cum laude
Tesi: Analisi mutazionale dei geni coinvolti nello sviluppo delle malformazioni cavernose cerebrali

Conseguimento Laurea Triennale Interfacoltà in “Biotecnologie” (L-02), con votazione 110/110 e lode, presso Università degli Studi di Messina, via Consolare Valeria 1, 98125 Messina


Lingua madre: Italiano
Altre lingue:



Microsoft Word / Microsoft Powerpoint / Micrsoft Teams / Microsoft Excel / Microsoft Office Publisher / microsoft Access / Skype / Outlook


Instagram / Facebook / Twitter / LinkedIn

Piattaforme Meeting online

Zoom / GoToMeeting

Tool bioinformatici e database

UCSC Genome Browser / Ensembl genome browser / Database biologici online (NCBI EBI
NIG) / EMBL / ToppGene / Rfam / GnomAD / Utilizzo di tools per marcatori funzionali (PROSITE, InterPro, EML, Pfam, SignalIP, TMHMM, JPRED) / GeneOntology database / Principali banche dati (PubMed, GeneCards, The Human Protein Atlas) / UniProt / Network analysis Cytoscape / Softwere per l'analisi dei dati di laboratorio: Galaxy, Pavis, David, IGV, The Meme Suit / Software online per lanalisi di sequenze di DNA e proteine(UCSC Ensembl BLAST ClustalOmega)

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Membro A.I.B.G.

[ 10/2012 – Attuale ]
Membro “A.I.B.G.” - Associazione Italiana di Biologia e Genetica Generale e Molecolare

Membro S.I.G.U.

[ 2020 ]
Membro “S.I.G.U.” – Società Italiana di Genetica Umana

Membro S.I.B.S.

[ 04/2021 – Attuale ]
Membro "S.I.B.S." - Società Italiana di Biologia Sperimentale

Membro E.V.B.O.

[ 26/01/2022 – Attuale ]
Membro "E.V.B.O." - European Vascular Biology Organization



VEBLEO [ 07/10/2021 ]
Vincitrice VEBLEO Fellow in occasione del “Webinar on Genetics and Molecular Biology” con la Keynote Talk

“Molecular signaling in sporadic brain arteriovenous malformation" (24-27 settembre 2021).


Autorizzazione al trattamento dei dati personali

Autorizzo l’ Università di Messina al trattamento dei dati personali contenuti nel presente curriculum vitae per le finalità connesse con la mia istanza di adesione alla procedura di valutazione in base all’art. 13 del D. Lgs. 196/2003 e all’art. 13 del Regolamento UE 2016/679 relativo alla protezione delle persone fisiche con riguardo al trattamento dei dati personali.


Scopus H-index:18

Co-autore di 41 pubblicazioni scientifiche si riviste internazionali


Evidences of PIEZO1 involvement in cerebral cavernous malformation pathogenesis


Scimone C, Donato L, Alibrandi S, D'Angelo R, Sidoti A. Evidences of PIEZO1 involvement in cerebral cavernous malformation pathogenesis. Microvasc Res. 2022; 141:104342. doi: 10.1016/j.mvr.2022.104342.

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Adaptive modelling of mutated fmo3 enzyme could unveil unexplored scenarios linking variant haplotypes to tmau phenotypes


Alibrandi S, Nicita F, Donato L, Scimone C, Rinaldi C, D'Angelo R, Sidoti A. Adaptive Modelling of Mutated FMO3 Enzyme Could Unveil Unexplored Scenarios Linking Variant Haplotypes to TMAU Phenotypes. Molecules. 2021 Nov 22;26(22):7045. doi: 10.3390/molecules26227045. PMID: 34834137; PMCID: PMC8618768.

Investigating the role of imprinted genes in pediatric sporadic brain arteriovenous malformations

Scimone C, Donato L, Sidoti A. Investigating the role of imprinted genes in pediatric sporadic brain arteriovenous

malformations. Neural Regen Res. In press Oxidative stress and the neurovascular unit


Rinaldi C, Donato L, Alibrandi S, Scimone C*, D'Angelo R, Sidoti A. Oxidative stress and the neurovascular unit. Life . 2021; 11(8):767

New evaluation methods of read mapping by 17 aligners on simulated and empirical NGS data: an updated comparison of DNA- and RNA-Seq data from Illumina and Ion Torrent technologies.


Donato L, Scimone C, Rinaldi C, D'Angelo R, Sidoti A. New evaluation methods of read mapping by 17 aligners on simulated and empirical NGS data: an updated comparison of DNA- and RNA-Seq data from Illumina and Ion Torrent technologies. Neural Comput Appl. 2021; Jun 16:1-24. doi: 10.1007/s00521-021-06188-z.

N-retinylidene-N-retinylethanolamine adduct induces expression of chronic inflammation cytokines in retinal pigment epithelium cells


Scimone C, Donato L, Alibrandi S, Vadalà M, Giglia G, Sidoti A, D'Angelo R. N-retinylidene-N-retinylethanolamine adduct induces expression of chronic inflammation cytokines in retinal pigment epithelium cells. Exp Eye Res. 2021; 209:108641. doi: 10.1016/j.exer.2021.108641.

Impairments of photoreceptor outer segments renewal and phototransduction due to a peripherin rare haplotype variant: Insights from molecular modeling


Donato L, Abdalla EM, Scimone C*, Alibrandi S, Rinaldi C, Nabil KM, D'Angelo R, Sidoti A. Impairments of Photoreceptor Outer Segments Renewal and Phototransduction Due to a Peripherin Rare Haplotype Variant: Insights from Molecular Modeling. Int J Mol Sci. 2021 Mar 27;22(7):3484.

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Antiretroviral treatment leading to secondary trimethylaminuria: Genetic associations and successful management with riboflavin


Scimone C, Alibrandi S, Donato L, Giofrè SV, Rao G, Sidoti A, D'Angelo R. Antiretroviral treatment leading to secondary trimethylaminuria: Genetic associations and successful management with riboflavin. J Clin Pharm Ther. 2021 Apr;46(2):304-309.

Gut-brain axis cross-talk and limbic disorders as biological basis of secondary tmau


Donato L, Alibrandi S, Scimone C*, Castagnetti A, Rao G, Sidoti A, D’Angelo R. Gut-Brain Axis Cross-Talk and Limbic Disorders as Biological Basis of Secondary TMAU. J. Pers. Med. 2021; 11(2):87.

New omics–derived perspectives on retinal dystrophies: Could ion channels-encoding or related genes act as modifier of pathological phenotype?


Donato L, Scimone C*, Alibrandi S, Mohamed Abdalla E, Mahmoud Nabil K, D’Angelo R, Sidoti A. New Omics— Derived Perspectives on Retinal Dystrophies: Could Ion Channels-Encoding or Related Genes Act as Modifier of Pathological Phenotype? Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2021; 22(1):1–22.

Transcriptome analysis provides new molecular signatures in sporadic Cerebral Cavernous Malformation endothelial cells


Scimone C, Donato L, Alibrandi S, Esposito T, Alafaci C, D'Angelo R, Sidoti A. Transcriptome analysis provides new molecular signatures in sporadic Cerebral Cavernous Malformation endothelial cells. Biochim Biophys Acta Mol Basis Dis. 2020 Dec 1;1866(12):165956. doi: 10.1016/j.bbadis.2020.165956. Epub 2020 Aug 30. PMID: 32877751.

Expression of Pro-Angiogenic Markers Is Enhanced by Blue Light in Human RPE Cells


Scimone C, Alibrandi A, Scalinci SZ, Trovato Battagliola E, D’Angelo R, Sidoti A, Donato L. Expression of Pro- Angiogenic Markers Is Enhanced by Blue Light in Human RPE Cells. Antioxidants. 2020; 9(11):1–17.

Possible A2E mutagenic effects on RPE mitochondrial DNA from innovative RNA-seq bioinformatics pipeline


Donato L, Scimone C*, Alibrandi S, Pitruzzella A, Scalia F, D’Angelo R, Sidoti A. Possible A2E Mutagenic Effects on RPE Mitochondrial DNA from Innovative RNA-Seq Bioinformatics Pipeline. Antioxidants. 2020; 9(11):1–24.

Germline mutation enrichment in pathways controlling endothelial cells homeostasis in patients with


Scimone C, Granata F, Longo M, Mormina E, Turiaco C, Caragliano AA, Donato L*, Sidoti A*, D’Angelo R. Germline mutation enrichment in pathways controlling endothelial cells homeostasis in patients with brain arteriovenous malformation: implication for molecular diagnosis. Int J Mol Sci. 2020; 21(12):43212

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Discovery of GLO1 new related genes and pathways by RNA-Seq on A2E-stressed retinal epithelial cell


Donato L, Scimone C, Alibrandi S, Nicocia G, Rinaldi C, Sidoti A, D'Angelo R. Discovery of GLO1 new related genes and pathways by RNA-Seq on A2E-stressed retinal epithelial cells could improve knowledge on retinitis pigmentosa. Antioxidants (Basel). 2020; 9(5):416

Effects of A2E-induced oxidative stress on retinal epithelial cells: new insights on retinitis


Donato L, D’Angelo R, Alibrandi S, Rinaldi C, Sidoti A, Scimone C. Effects of A2E-induced oxidative stress on retinal epithelial cells: new insights on retinitis pigmentosa development. Antioxidants (Basel). 2020; 9(4):307.

Transcriptome analyses of lncRNAs in A2E-stressed retinal epithelial cells unveil innovative links


Donato L, Scimone C, Alibrandi S, Rinaldi C, Sidoti A, D'Angelo R. Transcriptome analyses of lncRNAs in A2E- stressed retinal epithelial cells unveil innovative links between metabolic impairments related to oxidative stress and retinitis pigmentosa. Antioxidants (Basel). 2020; 9(4):318.

High-Throughput Sequencing to detect novel Likely Gene-Disrupting variants in pathogenesis of


Scimone C, Donato L, Alafaci C, Granata F, Rinaldi C, Longo M, D'Angelo R, Sidoti A. High-Throughput Sequencing to detect novel Likely Gene-Disrupting variants in pathogenesis of sporadic brain arteriovenous malformations. Fr ont Genet. 2020; 11:146.

Variants of the molecular chaperone HSPA8 and HSPA1A genes in trimethylaminuria: a pilot study

Scimone C, Alibrandi S, Donato L, Esposito T, Sidoti A, D'Angelo R. Variants of the molecular chaperone HSPA8

and HSPA1A genes in trimethylaminuria: a pilot study. EMBJ 2020, 15 (38) 157-160.
Novel Insights into RPGR Exon ORF15: Could G-Quadruplex Folding Lead to Challenging



Donato L, Scimone C, Rinaldi C, D’Angelo R, Sidoti A. Novel Insights into RPGR Exon ORF15: Could G-Quadruplex Folding Lead to Challenging Sequencing? Journal of Ocular Diseases and Therapeutics. 2019; 7:1-11.

Aged fingerprints for DNA profile: First report of successful typing


Romano CG, Mangiaracina R, Donato L, D’Angelo R, Scimone C*, Sidoti A. Aged fingerprints for DNA profile: First report of successful typing. Forensic Sci Int. 2019; 302,109905.

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Vis-à-vis: a focus on genetic features of cerebral cavernous malformations and brain arteriovenous


Scimone C, Donato L, Marino S, Alafaci C, D'Angelo R, Sidoti A.Vis-à-vis: a focus on genetic features of cerebral cavernous malformations and brain arteriovenous malformations pathogenesis. Neurol Sci. 2019 Feb;40(2): 243-251.

Association between three polymorphisms in RP1 hotspot region and risk of retinitis pigmentosa in


Donato L, Scimone C, Rinaldi C, D’Angelo R, and Sidoti A. Association between three polymorphisms in RP1 hotspot region and risk of retinitis pigmentosa in Italian patients: a pilot study. EuroMediterranean Biomedical Journal. 2019; 14(30):130-133.

GLO1 gene polymorphisms and their association with retinitis pigmentosa: a case-control study in a


Donato L, Scimone C, Nicocia G, Denaro L, Robledo R, Sidoti A, D’Angelo R. GLO1 gene polymorphisms and their association with retinitis pigmentosa: a case-control study in a Sicilian population. Mol Biol Rep. 2018; 45(5): 1349-1355.

Stargardt Phenotype Associated With Two ELOVL4 Promoter Variants and ELOVL4 Downregulation: New


Donato L, Scimone C, Rinaldi C, Aragona P, Briuglia S, D'Ascola A, D'Angelo R, Sidoti A. Stargardt Phenotype Associated With Two ELOVL4 Promoter Variants and ELOVL4 Downregulation: New Possible Perspective to Etiopathogenesis? Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2018; 59(2):843-857.

miRNA expression profile of retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells under oxidative stress condition


Donato L, Bramanti P, Scimone C, Rianldi C, D’Angelo R, Sidoti A. miRNA expression profile of retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells under oxidative stress conditions. FEBS Open Bio. 2018; 8(2):219-233.

Two Novel KRIT1 and CCM2 Mutations in Patients Affected by Cerebral Cavernous Malformations


Scimone C, Donato L, Katsarou Z, Bostantjopoulou S, D'Angelo R, Sidoti A. Two Novel KRIT1 and CCM2 Mutations in Patients Affected by Cerebral Cavernous Malformations: New Information on CCM2 Penetrance. Front Neurol. 2018; 9:953.

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Relevance of CCM gene polymorphisms for clinical management of sporadic cerebral cavernous


Rinaldi C, Bramanti P, Scimone C, Donato L, Alafaci C, D'Angelo R, Sidoti A. Relevance of CCM gene polymorphisms for clinical management of sporadic cerebral cavernous malformations. J Neurol Sci. 2017; 380:31-37.

Possible protective role of the ABCA4 gene c.1268A>G missense variant in Stargardt disease


D’Angelo R, Donato L, Venza I, Scimone C, Aragona P, Sidoti A. Possible protective role of the ABCA4 gene c. 1268A>G missense variant in Stargardt disease and syndromic retinitis pigmentosa in a Sicilian family: Preliminary data. Int J Mol Med. 2017; 39(4):1011-1020.

A novel RLBP1 gene geographical area-related mutation present in a young patient with retinitis


Scimone C, Donato L, Esposito T, Rinaldi C, D'Angelo R, Sidoti A. A novel RLBP1 gene geographical area-related mutation present in a young patient with retinitis punctata albescens. Hum Genomics. 2017; 11(1):18.

Update on novel CCM genes mutations in patients with Cerebral Cavernous Malformations


Scimone C, Bramanti P, Alafaci C, Granata F, Piva F, Rinaldi C, Donato L, Greco F, Sidoti A, D’Angelo R. Update on novel CCM genes mutations in patients with Cerebral Cavernous Malformations. J Mol Neurosci. 2016; 61(2): 189-198.

Possible related functions of the non-homologous co-regulated gene pair PDCD10 and SERPINI1


Scimone C. Possible related functions of the non-homologous co-regulated gene pair PDCD10 and SERPINI1. Euro Mediterranean Biomedical Journal. 2017; 12(9):41-46.

CCM3/SERPINI1 bidirectional promoter variants in patients with cerebral cavernous malformations


Scimone C, Ruggeri A, Bramanti P, Donato L, Alafaci C, Crisafulli C, Mucciardi M, Rinaldi C, Sidoti A, D'Angelo R. CCM3/SERPINI1 bidirectional promoter variants in patients with cerebral cavernous malformations: a molecular and functional study. BMC Med Genet. 2016; 17(1):74.

First case of Currarino Syndrome and Trimethylaminuria: two rare diseases for a complex clinical


Scimone C, Donato L, Rinaldi C, Sidoti A, D'Angelo R. First case of Currarino Syndrome and Trimethylaminuria: two rare diseases for a complex clinical presentation. J Dig Dis. 2016; 17(9):628-632.

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Detection of Novel Mutation in Ccm3 Causes Familial Cerebral Cavernous Malformations


Scimone C, Bramanti P, Ruggeri A, Katsarou Z, Donato L, Sidoti A, D'Angelo R. Detection of Novel Mutation in Ccm3 Causes Familial Cerebral Cavernous Malformations. J Mol Neurosci. 2015; 57(3):400-403.

Next Generation Semiconductor Based Sequencing of the Donkey (Equus asinus) Genome Provided


Bertolini F, Scimone C, Geraci C, Schiavo G, Utzeri VJ, Chiofalo V, Fontanesi L. Next Generation Semiconductor Based Sequencing of the Donkey (Equus asinus) Genome Provided Comparative Sequence Data against the Horse Genome and a Few Millions of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms. PLoS One. 2015; 10(7):e0131925.

Glyoxalase I A111E, Paraoxonase 1 Q192R and L55M polymorphisms in Italian patients with sporadic


Rinaldi C, Bramanti P, Famà A, Scimone C, Donato L, Antognelli C, Alafaci C, Tomasello F, D'Angelo R, Sidoti A. Glyoxalase I A111E, Paraoxonase 1 Q192R and L55M polymorphisms in Italian patients with sporadic Cerebral Cavernous Malformations: a pilot study. J Biol Regul Homeost Agents. 2015; Apr-Jun;29(2):493-500.

PON I and GLO I Gene Polymorphisms and Their Association with Breast Cancer: A Case-Control Study



Rinaldi C, D’ Angelo R, Ruggeri A, Calabrò M, Scimone C, Sidoti A. PON I and GLO I Gene Polymorphisms and Their Association with Breast Cancer: A Case-Control Study in a Population from Southern Italy. Mol Biomark Diagn. 2014; 5:170.

Fish odor syndrome (trimethylaminuria) supporting the possible FMO3 down expression in childhood


D’Angelo R, Scimone C, Esposito T, Bruschetta D, Rinaldi C, Ruggeri A, Sidoti A. Fish odor syndrome (trimethylaminuria) supporting the possible FMO3 down expression in childhood: a case report. J Med Case Rep. 2014; 8:328.

Sporadic cerebral cavernous malformations: report of further mutations of CCM genes in 40 Italian


D'Angelo R, Alafaci C, Scimone C, Ruggeri A, Salpietro FM, Bramanti P, Tomasello F, Sidoti A. Sporadic cerebral cavernous malformations: report of further mutations of CCM genes in 40 Italian patients. Biomed Res Int. 2013; 2013:459253.

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Identification of a novel causative mutation in the CCM2 gene in an Italian family with multiple


D'Angelo R, Scimone C, Calabrò M, Schettino C, Fratta M, Sidoti A. Identification of a novel causative mutation in the CCM2 gene in an Italian family with multiple Cerebral Cavernous Malformations and epilepsy. Gene 2013; 519(1):202-207.

CCM2 gene polymorphisms in Italian sporadic patients with Cerebral Cavernous Malformation


D’ Angelo R, Scimone C, Rinaldi C, Trimarchi G, Italiano D, Bramanti P, Amato A, Sidoti A. CCM2 gene polymorphisms in Italian sporadic patients with Cerebral Cavernous Malformation: a case-control study. Int J Mol Med. 2012; 29(6):1113-1120.


Conference on Genomics and Molecular Biology (GMB-2021)

[ Virtual event, 28/09/2021 – 29/09/2021 ]

Oral communication: Scimone C, Donato L, Alibrandi S, Alafaci C, D’Angelo R, Antonina Sidoti. Editing modifications in Cerebral Cavernous Malformation-derived endothelial cells. Conference on Genomics and Molecular Biology. Virtual event, 28-29 settembre 2021

Webinar on Genetics and Molecular Biology-VEBLEO

[ Virtual event, 24/09/2021 – 27/09/2021 ]
Oral communication: Scimone C, Donato L, Alibrandi S, Caragliano AA, Mormina E, Vinci S, D’Angelo R, Sidoti A. Mo

lecular signaling in sporadic brain arteriovenous malformation. Virtual event. 24-27 settembre 2021 2nd International Conference on Cell and Experimental Biology (CEB-2021)

[ Houston, TX, 12/07/2021 – 14/07/2021 ]

Oral communication: Scimone C, Donato L, Alibrandi S, Caragliano AA, Mormina E, Vinci S, D’Angelo R, Sidoti A. Involvement of imprinted genes in molecular mechanism resulting in pediatric brain arteriovenous malformations. CEB-2021. Houston, TX, USA, 12-14 luglio 2021

World Congress on Neurology

[ Virtual Conference, 17/06/2021 – 18/06/2021 ]

Oral communication: Scimone C, Donato L, Alibrandi S, Alafaci C, D’Angelo R, Antonina Sidoti.

Thrombin affects CCM genes expression in Human brain microvascular endothelial cells: possible involvement in cerebral cavernous malformation progression. World Congress on Neurology. Virtual Conference, 17-18 giugno 2021

93° Congresso SIBS - 1925

[ Palermo, Italia, 22/04/2021 – 25/04/2021 ]

Oral communication: Scimone C, Donato L, Alibrandi S, Caragliano Antonio A., Mormina E, Vinci S, Rinaldi C, D'Angelo R, Sidoti A. Mutations at imprinted loci as molecular mechanism in pediatric brain arteriovenous malformations. 93° Congresso SIBS. Palermo, IT, 22-25 Aprile 2021

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Cell and Experimental Biology Conference (CEB-2020)

[ Boston, MA, USA, 09/12/2020 – 11/12/2020 ]

Oral communication: Scimone C, Donato L, Alibrandi S, D’Angelo R, Sidoti A. Expression profile of sporadic Cerebral Cavernous Malformations endothelial cells by Whole RNA Sequencing. CEB-2020. Boston, MA, USA, December, 9-11, 2020.

International Conference and Exhibition on Genome Science – ICEGS 2019

[ Houston, USA, 27/09/2019 – 28/09/2019 ] Organizing Committee Member

International Conference and Exhibition on Genome Science 2019

[ Houston, USA, 27/09/2019 – 28/09/2019 ]

Poster presentation: Scimone C, Donato L, D’Angelo R, Sidoti A. Pedigree analysis of a family affected by hereditary cerebral cavernous malformations novel candidate genes detected by whole genome sequencing. Inter national Conference and Exhibition on Genome Science 2019, Houston, USA, September 27-28, 2019

International Vascular Biology Meeting 2018

[ Helsinki, FIN, 03/06/2018 – 07/06/2018 ]

Poster presentation: Scimone C, Donato L, Guido S, Alibrandi S, Rinaldi C, D’Angelo R, Sidoti A. Familial brain arteriovenous malformations: detection of novel candidate loci by Whole Exome Sequencing analysis. Internation al Vascular Biology Meeting 2018. Helsinki, FIN, June 3-7, 2018

Human Genome Meeting 2017

[ Barcelona, E, 05/02/2017 – 07/02/2017 ]
Poster presentation: Scimone C, Donato L, Rinaldi C, D’Angelo R, Sidoti A. Possible role of oxidative stress in

Retinitis pigmentosa: a gene expression study. Human Genome Meeting 2017. Barcelona, E, February 5-7, 2017 Human Genome Meeting - Genome Variation and Human Health

[ Geneva, CH, 27/04/2014 – 30/04/2014 ]

Poster presentation: Scimone C, Ruggeri A, Bruschetta D, Rinaldi C, D'Angelo R, Sidoti A. A molecular- genetic analysis of flavincontaining monooxygenase3 gene (FMO3) in an Italian child with a tmauria like-phenotype. Huma n Genome Meeting - Genome Variation and Human Health. Geneva, CH, April 27-30, 2014

XVI Congresso Nazionale AIBG

[ Naples, IT, 26/09/2014 – 27/09/2014 ]

Oral communication: Scimone C, Rinaldi C, Ruggeri A, Donato L, D'Angelo R, Sidoti A. Two non-homologous co- regulated genes PDCD10 and SERPINI1: any possible related function? XVI Congresso Nazionale AIBG. Napoli, IT, 26-27 settembre 2014


Co-autore di oltre 60 abstract presentati a Congressi nazionali ed internazionali

[ 2010 – Attuale ]

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Autorizzo il trattamento dei miei dati personali presenti nel CV ai sensi dell’art. 13 d. lgs. 30 giugno 2003 n. 196 - “Codice in materia di protezione dei dati personali” e dell’art. 13 GDPR 679/16 - “Regolamento europeo sulla protezione dei dati personali”.

Messina, 17/03/2022

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    Concetta Scimone

    Nationality: Italian
    Date of birth: 20/05/1986 Gender: Female

    •   Email address:

    •   Email address:

    •   Email address:

    •   Email address:

    Address: Department of Biomedical and Dental Science and of Morphological and Functional Imaging University of Messina, Via Consolare Valeria 1, 98125 Messina (It aly)

    WORK EXPERIENCE Researcher (RTD-A)

    University of Messina [ 31/12/2021 – Current ] City: Messina

    Country: Italy
    Researcher (RTD-A) at the Department of Biomedical and Dental Science and of Morphological and Functional

    Imaging, University of Messina. Discipline: Applied Biology, SSD: BIO/13.

    Peer Reviewer (PR) for the Qatar National Research Fund (QNRF)

    Qatar National Research Fund (QNRF) [ 04/2021 – Current ] Country: Qatar

    Reviewer Board member for the Qatar National Research Fund (QNRF). The QNRF supports both public and private research activities in the field of life science, energy and development, informatics and social science. Reviewer activity regards projects related to translational research, genomics and personalized medicine, for the National Priorities Research Program (NPRP), the Early Career Researcher Award (ECRA) and the Postdoctoral Research Award (PDRA) research programs.

    Research fellow

    University of Messina Messina [ 01/03/2021 – 01/12/2021 ] Country: Italy

    Research fellow at the Department of Biomedical and Dental Science and of Morphological and Functional Imaging, University of Messina. Research field: "Genetic rare disease: Trimethylaminuria".

    Founding partner of the innovative StartUp "D.A.I.R."

    [ 12/2020 ] Country: Italy

    Founding partner of the innovative StartUp "D.A.I.R." (Data Analysis for Integration in Research) - https://dair-

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    United Campus of Malta [ 11/2020 – 02/2021 ]

    City: Messina Country: Italy

    Neurophysiology professor at the"Physiotherapy" bechelor degree, United Campus of Malta

    Principal Investigator - Fellowship

    Ordine Nazionale dei Biologi [ 30/01/2020 – 30/01/2021 ] Country: Italy

    Principal investigator of the project "A picture of CCM tissue expression by transcriptome analysis: any link with somatic mutations?”


    Istituto EuroMediteraneo di Scienza e Tecnologia [ 01/2016 – Current ] City: Palermo

    Country: Italy
    Researcher at the Istituto EuroMediteraneo di Scienza e Tecnologia (I.E.Me.S.T.), department of "Biomolecula

    Strategies, Genetics and Avantguard Theraphies.

    Honorary fellow

    Università degli Studi di Messina [ 03/2014 – Current ] City: Messina

    Country: Italy
    Honorary fellow for the discipline Applied Biology, bechelor degree "Medicine and Surgery", Università degli Studi

    di Messina.

    Master professor

    Istituto EuroMediterraneo di Scienza e Tecnologia [ 04/2019 – 11/2019 ] City: Palermo

    Country: Italy
    Teacher of the Master in the field of “Bioinformatics and applied science stistics", organized at the Istituto

    EuroMediterraneo di Scienza e Tecnologia (I.E.ME.S.T.), Palermo, Italy

    Visiting Researcher

    Centro Scienze dell'Invecchiamento (Ce.S.I.) - Università degli Studi Gabriele D'Annunzio [ 04/02/2019 – 07/02/2019 ]

    City: Chieti Country: Italy

    Visiting researcher at the Ce.S.I. (Centro Scienze dell'Invecchiamento), University Gabriele D’Annunzio Chieti- Pescara.

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    Istituto EuroMediteraneo di Scienza e Tecnologia [ 25/07/2018 – 31/10/2018 ]

    City: Palermo Country: Italy

    Researcher at the l’Istituto I.E.ME.S.T. in the field of the research project “T-MoDiaK (TMAUMolecularDiagnostic Kit)” – PO FESR 2014-2020 Linea di intervento 1.1.2 codice CUP G69J18000460008 – l'attività di: Fase 1 “Progettazione del kit diagnostico”, for the development of test for the molecular diagnosis of the trimethylaminuria

    Volunteer researcher

    University of Messina [ 01/2015 – 29/01/2019 ] City: Messina

    Country: Italy
    Volunteer researcher at the "Molecular Genetics" laboratory, Department of Biomedical and Dental Science and

    of Morphological and Functional Imaging, University of Messina.


    University of Messina [ 01/2016 – 09/2019 ] City: Messina

    Country: Italy
    Professor of “Biology and Genetics” at the bechelor degree “Exencise Science, Sport and Health”, University of



    University of Messina [ 03/2016 – 15/09/2017 ] City: Messina

    Country: Italy
    Professor of “Genetic improvement of animal species" at the bechelor degree "Biotechnology" University of



    Guest editor

    [ 09/2021 – Current ]
    Guest editor of the Special Issue "New Insights on Cellular Biology of Retinal Degenerations" of the "Life" journal (

    MDPI, Impact Factor 3.817).

    Guest editor

    [ 09/2020 – Current ]

    Topic Editor and Guest Editor of the Special Issue "Genetics and Epigenetic Mechanisms of the Neurovascular Unit" of the "Life" journal (MDPI, Impact Factor 3.817).

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    Co-autore di libro

    [ 11/2020 – Current ]

    Co-author of the book: “Advances in Bioinformatics and Statistics” – Volume 1. Bentham Books ISBN: 978-981-14-8178-9 (Print)
    ISBN: 978-981-14-8180-2 (Online)
    Year: 2020


    EDUCATION AND TRAINING Medical genetics student

    University of Messina [ 11/2018 – Current ] Address: Via Consolare Valeria 1, 98125 Messina (Italy)

    Professional qualification

    University of Messina [ 11/2016 ]
    Address: Viale Ferdinando Stagno d'Alcontres 31, 98166 Messina (Italy)

    Professional qualification as “Senior Biologist”.

    High formation course

    University of Messina [ 01/2014 – 04/2015 ]
    Address: Polo Universitario SS Annunziata , 98168 Messina (Italy)

    Researcher in "Innovative systems for quality and safety management of animal and vegetal food". “PAN-LAB Project-PON a3_00166 - potenziamento delle strutture e delle dotazioni scientifiche e tecnologiche”, program, University of Messina.

    PhD in "Biology and cell biology"

    University of Messina [ 04/2014 ]
    Address: Viale Ferdinando Stagno D' Alcontres 31, 98166 Messina (Italy)

    Thesis: Basi molecolari delle Malformazioni Cavernose Cerebrali: forme familiari versus forme sporadiche Master Degree "Biotechnology for Health"

    University of Messina [ 23/07/2010 ]

    Address: Via Consolare Valeria 1, 98125 Messina (Italy)
    Final grade : Cum laude
    Thesis: Analisi molecolare delle regioni promotrici dei geni CCM

    Bechelor Degree "Biotechnology"

    University of Messina [ 08/10/2008 ]

    Address: Via Consolare Valeria 1, 98125 Messina (Italy)
    Final grade : Cum laude
    Thesis: Analisi mutazionale dei geni coinvolti nello sviluppo delle malformazioni cavernose cerebrali

    4 / 14


    Mother tongue(s): Italian
    Other language(s):



    Microsoft Word / Microsoft Powerpoint / Micrsoft Teams / Microsoft Excel / Microsoft Office Publisher / microsoft Access / Skype / Outlook


    Instagram / Facebook / Twitter / LinkedIn

    Online meeting platforms

    Zoom / GoToMeeting

    Bioinformatic tools and databases

    UCSC Genome Browser / Ensembl genome browser / Database biologici online (NCBI EBI
    NIG) / EMBL / ToppGene / Rfam / GnomAD / Utilizzo di tools per marcatori funzionali (PROSITE, InterPro, EML, Pfam, SignalIP, TMHMM, JPRED) / GeneOntology database / Principali banche dati (PubMed, GeneCards, The Human Protein Atlas) / UniProt / Network analysis Cytoscape / Softwere per l'analisi dei dati di laboratorio: Galaxy, Pavis, David, IGV, The Meme Suit / Software online per lanalisi di sequenze di DNA e proteine(UCSC Ensembl BLAST ClustalOmega)


    A.I.B.G. member

    [ 10/2012 – Current ]
    Member of the “A.I.B.G.” - Associazione Italiana di Biologia e Genetica Generale e Molecolare

    S.I.G.U. member

    [ 2020 ]
    Member of the “S.I.G.U.” – Società Italiana di Genetica Umana

    S.I.B.S. member

    [ 04/2021 – Current ]
    Member of the "S.I.B.S." - Società Italiana di Biologia Sperimentale

    E.V.B.O. member

    [ 26/01/2022 – Current ]
    Member of the "E.V.B.O." - European Vascular Biology Organization

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    VEBLEO Fellow

    VEBLEO [ 07/10/2021 ]
    VEBLEO Fellow winner inthe context of the “Webinar on Genetics and Molecular Biology” with the Keynote Talk

    “Molecular signaling in sporadic brain arteriovenous malformation" (September 24-27, 2021).


    Autorizzazione al trattamento dei dati personali

    Autorizzo l’ Università di Messina al trattamento dei dati personali contenuti nel presente curriculum vitae per le finalità connesse con la mia istanza di adesione alla procedura di valutazione in base all’art. 13 del D. Lgs. 196/2003 e all’art. 13 del Regolamento UE 2016/679 relativo alla protezione delle persone fisiche con riguardo al trattamento dei dati personali.


    Scopus H-index:18

    Co-author of 41scientific papers published on impacted international journals.


    Evidences of PIEZO1 involvement in cerebral cavernous malformation pathogenesis


    Scimone C, Donato L, Alibrandi S, D'Angelo R, Sidoti A. Evidences of PIEZO1 involvement in cerebral cavernous malformation pathogenesis. Microvasc Res. 2022; 141:104342. doi: 10.1016/j.mvr.2022.104342.

    Adaptive modelling of mutated fmo3 enzyme could unveil unexplored scenarios linking variant haplotypes to tmau phenotypes


    Alibrandi S, Nicita F, Donato L, Scimone C, Rinaldi C, D'Angelo R, Sidoti A. Adaptive Modelling of Mutated FMO3 Enzyme Could Unveil Unexplored Scenarios Linking Variant Haplotypes to TMAU Phenotypes. Molecules. 2021 Nov 22;26(22):7045. doi: 10.3390/molecules26227045. PMID: 34834137; PMCID: PMC8618768.

    Investigating the role of imprinted genes in pediatric sporadic brain arteriovenous malformations

    Scimone C, Donato L, Sidoti A. Investigating the role of imprinted genes in pediatric sporadic brain arteriovenous

    malformations. Neural Regen Res. In press Oxidative stress and the neurovascular unit


    Rinaldi C, Donato L, Alibrandi S, Scimone C*, D'Angelo R, Sidoti A. Oxidative stress and the neurovascular unit. Life . 2021; 11(8):767

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    New evaluation methods of read mapping by 17 aligners on simulated and empirical NGS data: an updated comparison of DNA- and RNA-Seq data from Illumina and Ion Torrent technologies.


    Donato L, Scimone C, Rinaldi C, D'Angelo R, Sidoti A. New evaluation methods of read mapping by 17 aligners on simulated and empirical NGS data: an updated comparison of DNA- and RNA-Seq data from Illumina and Ion Torrent technologies. Neural Comput Appl. 2021; Jun 16:1-24. doi: 10.1007/s00521-021-06188-z.

    N-retinylidene-N-retinylethanolamine adduct induces expression of chronic inflammation cytokines in retinal pigment epithelium cells


    Scimone C, Donato L, Alibrandi S, Vadalà M, Giglia G, Sidoti A, D'Angelo R. N-retinylidene-N-retinylethanolamine adduct induces expression of chronic inflammation cytokines in retinal pigment epithelium cells. Exp Eye Res. 2021; 209:108641. doi: 10.1016/j.exer.2021.108641.

    Impairments of photoreceptor outer segments renewal and phototransduction due to a peripherin rare haplotype variant: Insights from molecular modeling


    Donato L, Abdalla EM, Scimone C*, Alibrandi S, Rinaldi C, Nabil KM, D'Angelo R, Sidoti A. Impairments of Photoreceptor Outer Segments Renewal and Phototransduction Due to a Peripherin Rare Haplotype Variant: Insights from Molecular Modeling. Int J Mol Sci. 2021 Mar 27;22(7):3484.

    Antiretroviral treatment leading to secondary trimethylaminuria: Genetic associations and successful management with riboflavin


    Scimone C, Alibrandi S, Donato L, Giofrè SV, Rao G, Sidoti A, D'Angelo R. Antiretroviral treatment leading to secondary trimethylaminuria: Genetic associations and successful management with riboflavin. J Clin Pharm Ther. 2021 Apr;46(2):304-309.

    Gut-brain axis cross-talk and limbic disorders as biological basis of secondary tmau


    Donato L, Alibrandi S, Scimone C*, Castagnetti A, Rao G, Sidoti A, D’Angelo R. Gut-Brain Axis Cross-Talk and Limbic Disorders as Biological Basis of Secondary TMAU. J. Pers. Med. 2021; 11(2):87.

    New omics–derived perspectives on retinal dystrophies: Could ion channels-encoding or related genes act as modifier of pathological phenotype?


    Donato L, Scimone C*, Alibrandi S, Mohamed Abdalla E, Mahmoud Nabil K, D’Angelo R, Sidoti A. New Omics— Derived Perspectives on Retinal Dystrophies: Could Ion Channels-Encoding or Related Genes Act as Modifier of Pathological Phenotype? Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2021; 22(1):1–22.

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    Transcriptome analysis provides new molecular signatures in sporadic Cerebral Cavernous Malformation endothelial cells


    Scimone C, Donato L, Alibrandi S, Esposito T, Alafaci C, D'Angelo R, Sidoti A. Transcriptome analysis provides new molecular signatures in sporadic Cerebral Cavernous Malformation endothelial cells. Biochim Biophys Acta Mol Basis Dis. 2020 Dec 1;1866(12):165956. doi: 10.1016/j.bbadis.2020.165956. Epub 2020 Aug 30. PMID: 32877751.

    Expression of Pro-Angiogenic Markers Is Enhanced by Blue Light in Human RPE Cells


    Scimone C, Alibrandi A, Scalinci SZ, Trovato Battagliola E, D’Angelo R, Sidoti A, Donato L. Expression of Pro- Angiogenic Markers Is Enhanced by Blue Light in Human RPE Cells. Antioxidants. 2020; 9(11):1–17.

    Possible A2E mutagenic effects on RPE mitochondrial DNA from innovative RNA-seq bioinformatics pipeline


    Donato L, Scimone C*, Alibrandi S, Pitruzzella A, Scalia F, D’Angelo R, Sidoti A. Possible A2E Mutagenic Effects on RPE Mitochondrial DNA from Innovative RNA-Seq Bioinformatics Pipeline. Antioxidants. 2020; 9(11):1–24.

    Germline mutation enrichment in pathways controlling endothelial cells homeostasis in patients with


    Scimone C, Granata F, Longo M, Mormina E, Turiaco C, Caragliano AA, Donato L*, Sidoti A*, D’Angelo R. Germline mutation enrichment in pathways controlling endothelial cells homeostasis in patients with brain arteriovenous malformation: implication for molecular diagnosis. Int J Mol Sci. 2020; 21(12):43212

    Discovery of GLO1 new related genes and pathways by RNA-Seq on A2E-stressed retinal epithelial cell


    Donato L, Scimone C, Alibrandi S, Nicocia G, Rinaldi C, Sidoti A, D'Angelo R. Discovery of GLO1 new related genes and pathways by RNA-Seq on A2E-stressed retinal epithelial cells could improve knowledge on retinitis pigmentosa. Antioxidants (Basel). 2020; 9(5):416

    Effects of A2E-induced oxidative stress on retinal epithelial cells: new insights on retinitis


    Donato L, D’Angelo R, Alibrandi S, Rinaldi C, Sidoti A, Scimone C. Effects of A2E-induced oxidative stress on retinal epithelial cells: new insights on retinitis pigmentosa development. Antioxidants (Basel). 2020; 9(4):307.

    Transcriptome analyses of lncRNAs in A2E-stressed retinal epithelial cells unveil innovative links


    Donato L, Scimone C, Alibrandi S, Rinaldi C, Sidoti A, D'Angelo R. Transcriptome analyses of lncRNAs in A2E- stressed retinal epithelial cells unveil innovative links between metabolic impairments related to oxidative stress and retinitis pigmentosa. Antioxidants (Basel). 2020; 9(4):318.

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    High-Throughput Sequencing to detect novel Likely Gene-Disrupting variants in pathogenesis of


    Scimone C, Donato L, Alafaci C, Granata F, Rinaldi C, Longo M, D'Angelo R, Sidoti A. High-Throughput Sequencing to detect novel Likely Gene-Disrupting variants in pathogenesis of sporadic brain arteriovenous malformations. Fr ont Genet. 2020; 11:146.

    Variants of the molecular chaperone HSPA8 and HSPA1A genes in trimethylaminuria: a pilot study

    Scimone C, Alibrandi S, Donato L, Esposito T, Sidoti A, D'Angelo R. Variants of the molecular chaperone HSPA8

    and HSPA1A genes in trimethylaminuria: a pilot study. EMBJ 2020, 15 (38) 157-160.
    Novel Insights into RPGR Exon ORF15: Could G-Quadruplex Folding Lead to Challenging



    Donato L, Scimone C, Rinaldi C, D’Angelo R, Sidoti A. Novel Insights into RPGR Exon ORF15: Could G-Quadruplex Folding Lead to Challenging Sequencing? Journal of Ocular Diseases and Therapeutics. 2019; 7:1-11.

    Aged fingerprints for DNA profile: First report of successful typing


    Romano CG, Mangiaracina R, Donato L, D’Angelo R, Scimone C*, Sidoti A. Aged fingerprints for DNA profile: First report of successful typing. Forensic Sci Int. 2019; 302,109905.

    Vis-à-vis: a focus on genetic features of cerebral cavernous malformations and brain arteriovenous


    Scimone C, Donato L, Marino S, Alafaci C, D'Angelo R, Sidoti A.Vis-à-vis: a focus on genetic features of cerebral cavernous malformations and brain arteriovenous malformations pathogenesis. Neurol Sci. 2019 Feb;40(2): 243-251.

    Association between three polymorphisms in RP1 hotspot region and risk of retinitis pigmentosa in


    Donato L, Scimone C, Rinaldi C, D’Angelo R, and Sidoti A. Association between three polymorphisms in RP1 hotspot region and risk of retinitis pigmentosa in Italian patients: a pilot study. EuroMediterranean Biomedical Journal. 2019; 14(30):130-133.

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    GLO1 gene polymorphisms and their association with retinitis pigmentosa: a case-control study in a


    Donato L, Scimone C, Nicocia G, Denaro L, Robledo R, Sidoti A, D’Angelo R. GLO1 gene polymorphisms and their association with retinitis pigmentosa: a case-control study in a Sicilian population. Mol Biol Rep. 2018; 45(5): 1349-1355.

    Stargardt Phenotype Associated With Two ELOVL4 Promoter Variants and ELOVL4 Downregulation: New


    Donato L, Scimone C, Rinaldi C, Aragona P, Briuglia S, D'Ascola A, D'Angelo R, Sidoti A. Stargardt Phenotype Associated With Two ELOVL4 Promoter Variants and ELOVL4 Downregulation: New Possible Perspective to Etiopathogenesis? Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2018; 59(2):843-857.

    miRNA expression profile of retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells under oxidative stress condition


    Donato L, Bramanti P, Scimone C, Rianldi C, D’Angelo R, Sidoti A. miRNA expression profile of retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells under oxidative stress conditions. FEBS Open Bio. 2018; 8(2):219-233.

    Two Novel KRIT1 and CCM2 Mutations in Patients Affected by Cerebral Cavernous Malformations


    Scimone C, Donato L, Katsarou Z, Bostantjopoulou S, D'Angelo R, Sidoti A. Two Novel KRIT1 and CCM2 Mutations in Patients Affected by Cerebral Cavernous Malformations: New Information on CCM2 Penetrance. Front Neurol. 2018; 9:953.

    Relevance of CCM gene polymorphisms for clinical management of sporadic cerebral cavernous


    Rinaldi C, Bramanti P, Scimone C, Donato L, Alafaci C, D'Angelo R, Sidoti A. Relevance of CCM gene polymorphisms for clinical management of sporadic cerebral cavernous malformations. J Neurol Sci. 2017; 380:31-37.

    Possible protective role of the ABCA4 gene c.1268A>G missense variant in Stargardt disease


    D’Angelo R, Donato L, Venza I, Scimone C, Aragona P, Sidoti A. Possible protective role of the ABCA4 gene c. 1268A>G missense variant in Stargardt disease and syndromic retinitis pigmentosa in a Sicilian family: Preliminary data. Int J Mol Med. 2017; 39(4):1011-1020.

    A novel RLBP1 gene geographical area-related mutation present in a young patient with retinitis


    Scimone C, Donato L, Esposito T, Rinaldi C, D'Angelo R, Sidoti A. A novel RLBP1 gene geographical area-related mutation present in a young patient with retinitis punctata albescens. Hum Genomics. 2017; 11(1):18.

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    Update on novel CCM genes mutations in patients with Cerebral Cavernous Malformations


    Scimone C, Bramanti P, Alafaci C, Granata F, Piva F, Rinaldi C, Donato L, Greco F, Sidoti A, D’Angelo R. Update on novel CCM genes mutations in patients with Cerebral Cavernous Malformations. J Mol Neurosci. 2016; 61(2): 189-198.

    Possible related functions of the non-homologous co-regulated gene pair PDCD10 and SERPINI1


    Scimone C. Possible related functions of the non-homologous co-regulated gene pair PDCD10 and SERPINI1. Euro Mediterranean Biomedical Journal. 2017; 12(9):41-46.

    CCM3/SERPINI1 bidirectional promoter variants in patients with cerebral cavernous malformations


    Scimone C, Ruggeri A, Bramanti P, Donato L, Alafaci C, Crisafulli C, Mucciardi M, Rinaldi C, Sidoti A, D'Angelo R. CCM3/SERPINI1 bidirectional promoter variants in patients with cerebral cavernous malformations: a molecular and functional study. BMC Med Genet. 2016; 17(1):74.

    First case of Currarino Syndrome and Trimethylaminuria: two rare diseases for a complex clinical


    Scimone C, Donato L, Rinaldi C, Sidoti A, D'Angelo R. First case of Currarino Syndrome and Trimethylaminuria: two rare diseases for a complex clinical presentation. J Dig Dis. 2016; 17(9):628-632.

    Detection of Novel Mutation in Ccm3 Causes Familial Cerebral Cavernous Malformations


    Scimone C, Bramanti P, Ruggeri A, Katsarou Z, Donato L, Sidoti A, D'Angelo R. Detection of Novel Mutation in Ccm3 Causes Familial Cerebral Cavernous Malformations. J Mol Neurosci. 2015; 57(3):400-403.

    Next Generation Semiconductor Based Sequencing of the Donkey (Equus asinus) Genome Provided


    Bertolini F, Scimone C, Geraci C, Schiavo G, Utzeri VJ, Chiofalo V, Fontanesi L. Next Generation Semiconductor Based Sequencing of the Donkey (Equus asinus) Genome Provided Comparative Sequence Data against the Horse Genome and a Few Millions of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms. PLoS One. 2015; 10(7):e0131925.

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    Glyoxalase I A111E, Paraoxonase 1 Q192R and L55M polymorphisms in Italian patients with sporadic


    Rinaldi C, Bramanti P, Famà A, Scimone C, Donato L, Antognelli C, Alafaci C, Tomasello F, D'Angelo R, Sidoti A. Glyoxalase I A111E, Paraoxonase 1 Q192R and L55M polymorphisms in Italian patients with sporadic Cerebral Cavernous Malformations: a pilot study. J Biol Regul Homeost Agents. 2015; Apr-Jun;29(2):493-500.

    PON I and GLO I Gene Polymorphisms and Their Association with Breast Cancer: A Case-Control Study



    Rinaldi C, D’ Angelo R, Ruggeri A, Calabrò M, Scimone C, Sidoti A. PON I and GLO I Gene Polymorphisms and Their Association with Breast Cancer: A Case-Control Study in a Population from Southern Italy. Mol Biomark Diagn. 2014; 5:170.

    Fish odor syndrome (trimethylaminuria) supporting the possible FMO3 down expression in childhood


    D’Angelo R, Scimone C, Esposito T, Bruschetta D, Rinaldi C, Ruggeri A, Sidoti A. Fish odor syndrome (trimethylaminuria) supporting the possible FMO3 down expression in childhood: a case report. J Med Case Rep. 2014; 8:328.

    Sporadic cerebral cavernous malformations: report of further mutations of CCM genes in 40 Italian


    D'Angelo R, Alafaci C, Scimone C, Ruggeri A, Salpietro FM, Bramanti P, Tomasello F, Sidoti A. Sporadic cerebral cavernous malformations: report of further mutations of CCM genes in 40 Italian patients. Biomed Res Int. 2013; 2013:459253.

    Identification of a novel causative mutation in the CCM2 gene in an Italian family with multiple


    D'Angelo R, Scimone C, Calabrò M, Schettino C, Fratta M, Sidoti A. Identification of a novel causative mutation in the CCM2 gene in an Italian family with multiple Cerebral Cavernous Malformations and epilepsy. Gene 2013; 519(1):202-207.

    CCM2 gene polymorphisms in Italian sporadic patients with Cerebral Cavernous Malformation


    D’ Angelo R, Scimone C, Rinaldi C, Trimarchi G, Italiano D, Bramanti P, Amato A, Sidoti A. CCM2 gene polymorphisms in Italian sporadic patients with Cerebral Cavernous Malformation: a case-control study. Int J Mol Med. 2012; 29(6):1113-1120.

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    Conference on Genomics and Molecular Biology (GMB-2021)

    [ Virtual event, 28/09/2021 – 29/09/2021 ]

    Oral communication: Scimone C, Donato L, Alibrandi S, Alafaci C, D’Angelo R, Antonina Sidoti. Editing modifications in Cerebral Cavernous Malformation-derived endothelial cells. Conference on Genomics and Molecular Biology. Virtual event, 28-29 settembre 2021

    Webinar on Genetics and Molecular Biology-VEBLEO

    [ Virtual event, 24/09/2021 – 27/09/2021 ]
    Oral communication: Scimone C, Donato L, Alibrandi S, Caragliano AA, Mormina E, Vinci S, D’Angelo R, Sidoti A. Mo

    lecular signaling in sporadic brain arteriovenous malformation. Virtual event. 24-27 settembre 2021 2nd International Conference on Cell and Experimental Biology (CEB-2021)

    [ Houston, TX, 12/07/2021 – 14/07/2021 ]

    Oral communication: Scimone C, Donato L, Alibrandi S, Caragliano AA, Mormina E, Vinci S, D’Angelo R, Sidoti A. Involvement of imprinted genes in molecular mechanism resulting in pediatric brain arteriovenous malformations. CEB-2021. Houston, TX, USA, 12-14 luglio 2021

    World Congress on Neurology

    [ Virtual Conference, 17/06/2021 – 18/06/2021 ]

    Oral communication: Scimone C, Donato L, Alibrandi S, Alafaci C, D’Angelo R, Antonina Sidoti.

    Thrombin affects CCM genes expression in Human brain microvascular endothelial cells: possible involvement in cerebral cavernous malformation progression. World Congress on Neurology. Virtual Conference, 17-18 giugno 2021

    93° Congresso SIBS - 1925

    [ Palermo, Italia, 22/04/2021 – 25/04/2021 ]

    Oral communication: Scimone C, Donato L, Alibrandi S, Caragliano Antonio A., Mormina E, Vinci S, Rinaldi C, D'Angelo R, Sidoti A. Mutations at imprinted loci as molecular mechanism in pediatric brain arteriovenous malformations. 93° Congresso SIBS. Palermo, IT, 22-25 Aprile 2021

    Cell and Experimental Biology Conference (CEB-2020)

    [ Boston, MA, USA, 09/12/2020 – 11/12/2020 ]

    Oral communication: Scimone C, Donato L, Alibrandi S, D’Angelo R, Sidoti A. Expression profile of sporadic Cerebral Cavernous Malformations endothelial cells by Whole RNA Sequencing. CEB-2020. Boston, MA, USA, December, 9-11, 2020.

    International Conference and Exhibition on Genome Science – ICEGS 2019

    [ Houston, USA, 27/09/2019 – 28/09/2019 ] Organizing Committee Member

    International Conference and Exhibition on Genome Science 2019

    [ Houston, USA, 27/09/2019 – 28/09/2019 ]

    Poster presentation: Scimone C, Donato L, D’Angelo R, Sidoti A. Pedigree analysis of a family affected by hereditary cerebral cavernous malformations novel candidate genes detected by whole genome sequencing. Inter national Conference and Exhibition on Genome Science 2019, Houston, USA, September 27-28, 2019

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    International Vascular Biology Meeting 2018

    [ Helsinki, FIN, 03/06/2018 – 07/06/2018 ]

    Poster presentation: Scimone C, Donato L, Guido S, Alibrandi S, Rinaldi C, D’Angelo R, Sidoti A. Familial brain arteriovenous malformations: detection of novel candidate loci by Whole Exome Sequencing analysis. Internation al Vascular Biology Meeting 2018. Helsinki, FIN, June 3-7, 2018

    Human Genome Meeting 2017

    [ Barcelona, E, 05/02/2017 – 07/02/2017 ]
    Poster presentation: Scimone C, Donato L, Rinaldi C, D’Angelo R, Sidoti A. Possible role of oxidative stress in

    Retinitis pigmentosa: a gene expression study. Human Genome Meeting 2017. Barcelona, E, February 5-7, 2017 Human Genome Meeting - Genome Variation and Human Health

    [ Geneva, CH, 27/04/2014 – 30/04/2014 ]

    Poster presentation: Scimone C, Ruggeri A, Bruschetta D, Rinaldi C, D'Angelo R, Sidoti A. A molecular- genetic analysis of flavincontaining monooxygenase3 gene (FMO3) in an Italian child with a tmauria like-phenotype. Huma n Genome Meeting - Genome Variation and Human Health. Geneva, CH, April 27-30, 2014

    XVI Congresso Nazionale AIBG

    [ Naples, IT, 26/09/2014 – 27/09/2014 ]

    Oral communication: Scimone C, Rinaldi C, Ruggeri A, Donato L, D'Angelo R, Sidoti A. Two non-homologous co- regulated genes PDCD10 and SERPINI1: any possible related function? XVI Congresso Nazionale AIBG. Napoli, IT, 26-27 settembre 2014


    Co-autore di oltre 60 abstract presentati a Congressi nazionali ed internazionali

    [ 2010 – Current ]

    Autorizzo il trattamento dei miei dati personali presenti nel CV ai sensi dell’art. 13 d. lgs. 30 giugno 2003 n. 196 - “Codice in materia di protezione dei dati personali” e dell’art. 13 GDPR 679/16 - “Regolamento europeo sulla protezione dei dati personali”.

    Messina, 17/03/2022

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