
Profilo: Professori Ordinari
Dati personaliLuogo e data di nascita: Reggio Calabria, 19.12.1964
Stato civile Coniugata
Cittadinanza Italiana
Residenza Via Panoramica dello stretto Coop. Iride’83 km 7,5 CAP 98165 Messina (ME)
Indirizzo Università Dipartimento di Scienze Chimiche, Biologiche, Farmaceutiche ed Ambientali, Università di Messina Viale Ferdinando Stagno d’Alcontres, 31 CAP 98166 Messina
Telefono 090 6765213
Percorso formativo-professionale
30/10/1987 dall’1/12/1988 al 30/06/1990 dal 3/01/1991 al 25/05/2000 dal 26/05/2000 all’1/12/2019 02/12/2019 |
Laurea in Scienze Biologiche con 110/110 e lode accademica con discussione della tesi sperimentale "Studi preliminari sulla mucosa gastrica di Scyliorhinus canicula" (Relatore: Prof. T. Schettino) - Facoltà di Science MM.FF.NN - Università di Messina Borsista del Corso di Biologia della Pesca ed Acquacoltura Funzionario tecnico presso ex Istituto di Fisiologia generale della Facoltà di MM.FF.NN. dell'Università di Messina Ricercatore confermato di Fisiologia generale SSD 5D1 ex BIO 09 presso il Dipartimento di Scienze Chimiche, Biologiche, Farmaceutiche ed Ambientali (già Dipartimento di Scienze Biologiche ed Ambientali) dell'Università di Messina è professore associato di Fisiologia generale SSD 5D1 ex BIO 09 presso il Dipartimento di Scienze Chimiche, Biologiche, Farmaceutiche ed Ambientali (già Dipartimento di Scienze Biologiche ed Ambientali) dell'Università di Messina |
04/04/2017 |
Conseguimento dell’Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale per le funzioni di Professore di I Fascia, Settore Concorsuale SSD 5D1-Fisiologia), in accordo con la procedura, ASN 2016 (art.16, comma 1, Legge 240/10) |
Partecipazione scientifica a progetti di ricerca internazionali e nazionali
Titolare del finanziamento annuale individuale delle attività base di ricerca (FABBR_2020), prott.69737 del 29.07.2020 e 70414 del 30.07.2020.
Titolare del finanziamento annuale individuale delle attività base di ricerca (FABBR_2017), di cui ai commi 295-302 della Legge 11 dicembre 2016, n. 232 (Punteggio produzione scientifica 81)
Responsabile dell’International Mobility Project MSCA-IF CZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/17_050/0008486 stanziato dal Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MEYS, MŠMT in Czech) Repubblica Ceca, in collaborazione con l’Università of South Bohemia in Ceske Budejovice, the Czech Republic (Settembre 2018 to 31 Marzo 2020)
Responsabile U.O. Progetto PON 02-00451-3362185-Progetto di ricerca INNOVAQUA: innovazione tecnologica a supporto dell'incremento della produttività e della competitività dell'acquacoltura siciliana (2011-2015).
Proposte in atto
National Research Council of Thailand funding Concept Proposal 2019. Sustainable tilapia culture: the applications of functional feed additives, organic feeds, and bacteriophages in combination with biofloc technology.
Partecipazione ai programmi di ricerca d'ateneo (PRA)
PRA 2008/2009: Aspetti comparativi della regolazione del volume cellulare
PRA 2006/2007: Effetti di vari regimi alimentari sull'omeostasi ionica ed osmotica in un teleosteo eurialino
PRA 2005: Effetto dell'endotelina sui trasporti ionici intestinali: meccanismo d'azione
PRA 2004: Effetto dell'endotelina sui trasporti ionici intestinali
PRA 2003: Modulazione dei trasporti ionici transepiteliali: ruolo dell'ossido nitrico
PRA 2002: Effetti della quercetina sui trasporti transepiteliali
PRA 2001: Regolazione del volume cellulare in condizioni anisoosmotiche: trasduzione del segnale
PRA 2000: Significato funzionale dei meccanismi di regolazione del volume in condizioni anisotoniche
PRA 1999: Ruolo del nitrito sulla regolazione del volume cellulare dopo stress ipotonico in globuli rossi nucleati di vertebrati acquatici
Partecipazione ai Progetti di Rilevante Interesse Nazionale (PRIN)
PRIN 2017: Novel nano-and micro-technologies for cellular therapy in experimental Parkinson model.
PRIN 2008: Ruolo delle meduse nell'ecosistema marino: Biologia, Ecologia, effetti sulla pesca e sulla salute umana. Valutazione: finanziabile, punteggio 53
Collaborazioni con le seguenti istituzioni scientifiche nazionali ed internazionali
-Laboratorio di Cronofisiologia della Facoltà di Medicina Veterinaria dell’Università di Messina con quale studia sia la relazione tra le variazione dei ritmi circadiani e lo stress ossidativo in ovini, bovini ed equini che i parametri ematologici e biochimici su differenti teleostei adattati a diverse condizioni sperimentali;
-Laboratorio di Ficologia della Facoltà di Scienze MM.FF.NN. dell’Università di Messina con il quale sta studiando la citotossicità di diversi estratti algali;
-CNR-Istituto per i Processi Chimico-Fisici con il quale sta studiando i meccanismi di regolazione del volume in cellule isolate da epatociti di teleostei marini e dalle cellule digestive di mitili;
-Laboratoire ORPHY, Université Européenne de Bretagne, Université de Brest, con il quale è stato studiato il ruolo dell’ATP extracellulare nella regolazione del volume cellulare in epatociti isolati di teleostei marini;
-Laboratorio del Dipartimento di Biologia, Ecofisiologia, Biochimica e Tossicologia dell'Università di Antwerp (Belgio) con il quale studia gli effetti fisiologici di diversi regimi alimentari sul metabolismo e sul nuoto di alcune specie ittiche;
-CCMAR, gruppo di ricerca sull'acquacultura, dell'Università di Algarve, Faro (Portogallo) con il quale sta studiando gli effetti di alcune molecole bioattive sul miglioramento delle performance di Solea senegalensis;
-Laboratorio del Centro di Investigaciones Biológicas de Noroeste, La Paz, México, con il quale sta studiando il sistema immunitario dei teleostei
-Laboratorio del Dipartimento di Biologia cellulare e istologia, dell’Università di Murcia, Spagna con il quale sta studiando gli effetti di prebiotici e probiotici sul miglioramento delle performance di Sparus aurata;
-Laboratorio del Dipartimento di Protezione animale, Welfare e Comportamento, sezione Tossicologia Facoltà di Veterinaria, Igiene ed Ecologia, Università di Brno con il quale studia l’effetto di xenobiotici sui diversi organi di teleostei d’acqua dolce;
-Laboratorio del Dipartimento di Biologia dell’Università di Patrasso, Grecia, con il quale studia l’effetto di xenobiotici sui diversi organi di invertebrati marini;
- Laboratorio del Dipartimento di Biologia dell’Università di Aveiro, Portogallo con il quale studia l’effetto di xenobiotici sullo stress ossidativo di diversi organi di invertebrati marini;
- Laboratorio del Dipartimento di Biologia dell’Università Università di Padova, con il quale ha caratterizzato cellule del sistema immunitario di invertebrati marini;
- Laboratorio Chimica clinica ed ematologia, Area Igiene delle produzioni zootecniche e benessere animale, Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale della Sicilia "A. Mirri", Palermo, con il quale sta studiando effetti fisiologici degli elettroliti sullo stato di salute di organismi marini;
- Laboratorio del Department of Fisheries, Faculty of Natural Resources, University of Guilan Sowmehsara, Iran con il quale sta effettuando studi sull’effetto delle nanoparticelle su teleostei marini;
- Laboratorio del Department of Aquaculture, Faculty of Fisheries and Environment, Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Gorgan, Iran con il quale sta effettuando studi sull’effetto dei nutraceutici sul sistema immunitario di teleostei marini;
-Laboratorio del Department of Pharmacology and Pharmacodynamics, Medical University of Lublin, Polonia con il quale sta studiando l’effetto di molecole con attività neuroprotettiva su organismi modello,
-Laboratorio di Fisiologia della Facoltà di Medicina, dell’Università di Tubingen (Germania) con il quale partecipa a diversi studi: studi sui meccanismi responsabili dell’eriptosi (apoptosi dei globuli rossi umani); studi elettrofisiologici sui canali ionici negli epiteli e studi fisiologici sulle cellule del sistema immunitario, come mast-cellule cellule dendritiche;
-Laboratorio dell’Istituto di Medicina Molecolare, Facoltà di Medicina dell’Università di Lisbona, Portogallo, con il quale sta effettuando studi sul ruolo degli eritrociti di mammiferi nelle risposte infiammatorie.
Iscrizioni a società scientifiche
Socio, Revisore (fino al 2018) e Presidente della sezione di Messina della Società Italiana di Biologia Sperimentale (S.I.B.S)
Vice Presidente della S.I.B.S (dal Dicembre 2019) e Presidente della sezione di Messina della Società Italiana di Biologia Sperimentale (S.I.B.S)
Socio della Società Italiana di Fisiologia (SIF)
Socio del Consorzio Nazionale Interuniversitario per le Scienze del Mare (CoNISMa)
Membro della International Natural Product Sciences Taskforce (INPST).
Partecipazione all’organizzazione di Congressi Scientifici Nazionali ed Internazionali
Partecipante al Comitato Scientifico del 92° Congresso della Società Italiana di Biologia Sperimentale (SIBS) “La Biologia nello Spazio e nel Tempo. Ricerca e Verita' Scientifica” Sassari 02-04 Dicembre 2019
Partecipante al Comitato Scientifico del Primo Simposio del gruppo di Biologia sperimentale applicata al mare e all'ambiente" della Società Italiana di Biologia Sperimentale (SIBS) Trapani 24-25 Maggio 2019
Partecipante al Comitato Scientifico Congresso Internazionale “International Conference on Environmental Pollution, Risk Assessment and Remediation” Mahdia, Tunisia 18-20Aprile 2018
Partecipante al Comitato Scientifico del 91° Congresso della Società Italiana di Biologia Sperimentale (SIBS) “La Società Italiana di Biologia Sperimentale e la ricerca italiana” Ancona 09-10 Novembre 2018
Partecipante al Comitato Scientifico del 90° Congresso della Società Italiana di Biologia Sperimentale (SIBS) “Biologia sperimentale nella ricerca di base e applicata all’ambiente e all’uomo” Trapani 27-28 Ottobre 2017
Chairman del 90° Congresso della Società Italiana di Biologia Sperimentale (SIBS) “Biologia sperimentale nella ricerca di base e applicata all’ambiente e all’uomo” Trapani 27-28 Ottobre 2017
Partecipante al Comitato Scientifico dell’86° Congresso della Società Italiana di Biologia Sperimentale (SIBS) Palermo 24-25 Ottobre 2013
Chairman dell’86° Congresso della Società Italiana di Biologia Sperimentale (SIBS) Palermo 24-25 Ottobre 2013
Commissione di valutazione per un a “Travel Award” bandito da FISHES-MDPI giugno 2018
Attestato di merito come riconoscimento per il significativo contributo scientifico conferito dalla Società di Biologia Sperimentale Italiana durante l’89°SIBS (Società di Biologia Sperimentale Italiana) “Clima e Vita” - Bologna 1-2 Dicembre 2016
Vincitrice di una borsa per la mobilità Erasmus Plus per attività di formazione presso il Marine Institute of Marine Biology, Bergen, (Norway) June 2019
Vincitrice di una borsa per la mobilità Erasmus Plus per attività di formazione presso la Faculty of Natural Science, University of Tirana (Albania) April 2019;
Vincitrice di una borsa per la mobilità Erasmus Plus per attività di formazione presso il Department of Biology & CESAM, University of Aveiro (Portogallo) Aprile 2018
Vincitrice di una borsa per la mobilità Erasmus Plus per attività di formazione presso il Department of Biology, University di Patrasso (Grecia) Giugno 2018
Vincitrice di una borsa per la mobilità Erasmus Plus per attività di formazione presso il Departamento de Biología Fundamental y Ciencias de la Salud, Universitat De Les Illes Balears (Spagna) Giugno 2017
Vincitrice di una borsa per la mobilità Erasmus Plus per attività di formazione presso la Faculty of Medicine -University of Lublin (Polonia) Maggio 2016
Vincitrice di una borsa per la mobilità Erasmus Plus per attività di formazione presso il Department of Pharmacology with Pharmacodynamics della Faculty of Medicine-University of Lisbon (Portogallo) Giugno 2016
Vincitrice di una borsa per la mobilità Erasmus Plus per attività di formazione presso il Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry-University of Brno (Repubblica Ceca) giugno 2015
Vincitrice di una borsa per la mobilità dei docenti nell'ambito del Lifelong Learning Programme sottoprogramma ERASMUS presso il Department de Biologia Celular e Histologia Facultad De Biologia-University of Murcia (Spagna) Giugno 2014
Vincitrice di una borsa per la mobilità dei docenti nell'ambito del Lifelong Learning Programme sottoprogramma ERASMUS presso l’Institute for Experimental Pathology University of Reykjavik (Islanda) Giugno 2013
Vincitrice di una borsa per la mobilità dei docenti nell'ambito del Lifelong Learning Programme sottoprogramma ERASMUS (Staff Training) presso Laboratoire Aragó-Avenue du Fontaulé-F66650 Banyuls/Mer Cedex (Francia) Maggio-Giugno 2012
Vincitrice di una borsa per la mobilità dei docenti nell'ambito del Lifelong Learning Programme sottoprogramma ERASMUS presso il Department of Ecophysiolgy, Biochemistry and Toxicology-Università di Anversa (Belgio) Maggio 2011.
Advisory Board
Associate editor Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety
International Editorial Board Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - Part A, B and C
Associated Editor Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology
Editorial Director Journal of Coastal Life Medicine (JCLM)
Guest Editor Special Issue "Interaction between Endocrine and Immune Systems in Fish"in Fishes (ISSN 2410-3888)
Guest Editor Special Issue "Biomarkers of Stress Response in Aquatic Life" in Journal of Marine Science and Engineering (ISSN 2077-1312)
Editorial Board Member
Aquaculture Nutrition
SM Journal of Environmental Toxicology
Research Journal of Pharmacognosy (RJP)
Insights in Aquaculture and Biotechnology
Journal of Applied Biology & Biotechnology
American Journal of Phytomedicine and Clinical Therapeutics
Current Medicinal Chemistry
AIMS Allergy and Immunology
Journal of Aquaculture and Marine Sciences
Pulmonology Research and Respiratory Care- Scientiaricerca
Iranian Journal of Aquatic Animal Health
International Journal of Agricultural Research and Crop Sciences
Journal of Food Microbiology
International Journal of Fisheries Science and Research
Physiological Research
SEJ Life Sciences
International Journal of Nutritional Research
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering
Journal of Biological Research Communications
United Journal of Environmental Sciences
Applied Sciences
Attività di revisore per le seguenti riviste scientifiche:
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
Life Sciences
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology
The International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology
Journal of Membrane Biology
American Journal of Physiology - Cell Physiology
Basic & Clinical Pharmacology Toxicology
Current Molecular Medicine
Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology
European Journal of Clinical Investigation
Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
Environmental Science and Pollution Research
Environmental Pollution
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety
International Journal of Pharmaceutics
Journal Biology Research
Fish and Shellfish Immunology
Aquaculture Research
Industrial Crops and Products
Aquaculture Nutrition
Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
Veterinarni Medicina
Microscopy Research and Technique
Marine Drugs
British Journal of Nutrition
Acta zooloogica bulgarica
International Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms
European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry
Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology
Food & Nutrition Research
Physiological Research
Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety
Science of the Total Environment
Probiotics and Antimicrobial Proteins
Environmental Research
Interdisciplinary Toxicology
International Journal of Aquatic Biology
Journal of the World Aquaculture Society
Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology
International Journal of Pharmaceutics
Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology
Scientific Reports
Iranian Journal of Ichthyology
The FEBS Journal
Current Medicinal Chemistry
Journal of Biological Research
Journal of Toxicology
Revista Ambiente & Água
Archives of Biological Sciences
Journal of Invertebrate Pathology
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Chemistry & Biodiversity
Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Research
Revista Brasileira de Farmacognosia
Regional Studies in Marine Science
Journal of Hazardous Materials
Materials Science & Engineering C
Desalination and Water Treatment
Aquatic Biology
Journal of Thermal Biology
Chemico-Biological Interactions
Journal of Applied Phycology
Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology
Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics
Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part B:
Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering
Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts
Free Radical Biology and Medicine
Veterinary Medicine and Science
Frontiers Marine Science
Acta Ichthyologica et Piscatoria
Environmental Science & Technology
Toxin Reviews
Biochemistry Research International
Science Progress
International Journal of Phytoremediation
Critical Reviews in Toxicology
Journal of Ocean University of China
Current Pollution Reports
Incarichi direttivi ed attività organizzative presso l'Ateneo di appartenenza
- Componente del collegio dei docenti del corso di Dottorato di ricerca in BIOLOGIA APPLICATA E MEDICINA SPERIMENTALE (dal ciclo XXXVI) presso l’ Universita' degli Studi di MESSINA.
- Componente del collegio dei docenti del corso di Dottorato di ricerca in Scienze sperimentali applicate agli organismi animali per i cicli XXVII e XXVIII
- Componente del collegio dei docenti del corso di Dottorato di ricerca in Metodologie dei sistemi di rappresentazione della Semiotica animale ed ambientale per i cicli XXIII e XXIV
- Componente della Commissione per l'assegnazione di assegni di ricerca AREA n°5 dal 2008 al 2011
- Componente della Commissione didattica del corso di laurea triennale in Scienze Biologiche dall'a.a 2008/09
- Componente del collegio dei docenti del corso di Dottorato di ricerca in Metodologie di rappresentazione della semeiotica animale e ambientale dove ha svolto anche attività didattica dall' a.a 2007/08 al 2008/09
- Componente della Commissione orientamento e tutorato del corso di laurea triennale in Scienze Biologiche dall'a.a 2003/04
- Docente referente per l’Internazionalizzazione del Dipartimento )
- Componente della Commissione per la mobilità Erasmus dell’Università di Messina
Agreement Promoter
Erasmus+ ICM 2018 UniMe/Albania tra l’Università di Messina e l’Università di Tirana (2019);
Erasmus Placement tra l’Università di Messina e il Marine Institue of Marine Biology, Bergen, Norvegia (2019);
Erasmus Placement tra l’Università di Messina e il Department of Biology, Università di Patrasso, Grecia (2018);
Erasmus Placement tra l’Università di Messina e il Department di Biology, Università di Aveiro, Portogallo (2018);
Erasmus Placement tra l’Università di Messina e il Research Group on Community Nutrition and Oxidative Stress, University of Balearic Islands, Palma de Mallorca, Spagna (2017);
Erasmus Placement tra l’Università di Messina e la Faculty of Fisheries and Protection of Waters, South Bohemian Research Center of Aquaculture and Biodiversity of Hydrocenoses, University of South Bohemia in Ceske Budejovice, Republica Ceca (2016);
Erasmus Placement tra l’Università di Messina e il Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Università di Lublino, Polonia (2016);
Erasmus Placement tra l’Università di Messina e l’Instituto für Pharmazie, Università di Halle, Germania (2015);
Erasmus Placement tra l’Università di Messina e il Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Università di Brno, Repubblica Ceca (2015);
Erasmus Placement tra l’Università di Messina e l’Università di Murcia, Spagna (2014);
Erasmus Placement tra l’Università di Messina e l’Università di Lisbona, Portogallo (2014);
Erasmus Placement tra l’Università di Messina e l’Instituto de Acuicultura de Torre del Sal (IATS), Spagna (2014);
Erasmus Placement tra l’Università di Messina e l’Università di Reykjavik, Islanda (2013);
Erasmus Placement tra l’Università di Messina e l’Università di Brno, Repubblica Ceca (2013);
Erasmus Placement tra l’Università di Messina e l’Università di Porto, Portogallo (2013);
Erasmus Placement tra l’Università di Messina e l’Università di Reykjavik, Islanda (2013);
Erasmus Placement tra l’Università di Messina e il centro di ricerca Laboratoire Aragó- Banyuls/Mer, Francia (2012);
Erasmus Placement tra l’Università di Messina e l’Università di Antwerp, Belgio (2011);
Erasmus Placement tra l’Università di Messina e l’Università di Tubingen, Germania (2010).
Erasmus Student tra l’Università di Messina e l’Università di Palma di Maiorca, Spagna (2018).
Erasmus Student tra l’Università di Messina e l’Università di Bilbao, Spagna (2018).
Erasmus Student tra l’Università di Messina e l’Università di Torun, Polonia (2018);
Erasmus Student tra l’Università di Messina e l’Università di Patrasso, Grecia (2018);
Erasmus Student tra l’Università di Messina e l’Università di Presov, Polonia (2018);
Erasmus Student tra l’Università di Messina e l’Università di Aveiro, Portogallo (2017);
Erasmus Student tra l’Università di Messina e l’Università di Bilbao, Spagna (2017);
Erasmus Student tra l’Università di Messina e l’Università di Iasi, Romania (2017);
Erasmus Student tra l’Università di Messina e l’Università di Lublino, Polonia (2016);
Erasmus Student tra l’Università di Messina e l’Università di Murcia, Spagna (2014);
Erasmus Student tra l’Università di Messina e l’Università di Reykjavik, Islanda (2014).
Attività didattica
- Incarico istituzionale di Physiology per il corso di Medicine and Surgery dall’ a.a. 2019/2020;
- Incarico istituzionale di Fisiologia modulo I del corso di Fisiologia e Farmacologia per il curriculum biologico del CdL in Scienze Biologiche (laurea triennale) dall’a.a. 2018/2019 ad oggi;
- Incarico extraistituzionale di Biologia cellulare e istologia (20 ore) per la Croce Rossa Italiana giugno 2017;
- Incarico istituzionale di Fisiopatologia cellulare per l’indirizzo Biosanitario del CdLM in Biologia (laurea Magistrale) dall'a.a. 2008/09 ad oggi;
- Incarico istituzionale di Fisiologia cellulare per l’indirizzo Biotecnologico del CdL in Scienze Biologiche (laurea triennale) per gli a.a 2006/07 e 2008/09;
- Incarico istituzionale di Fisiologia cellulare modulo I del corso integrato di Complementi di Fisiologia e patologia cellulari curriculum Biosanitario del CdL in Scienze Biologiche (laurea magistrale) per gli a.a 2006/07 e 2008/09;
- Incarico istituzionale di Laboratorio di Fisiologia generale nell'ambito del corso istituzionale di Fisiologia generale del CdL in Scienze Biologiche (laurea triennale) per gli a.a. 2006/07 e 2008/09;
- Incarico istituzionale di Fisiologia cellulare modulo I del corso di Fisiologia cellulare e degli apparati per l’indirizzo Biosanitario del CdL in Scienze Biologiche (laurea triennale) nell’ a.a 2005/06;
- Incarico istituzionale di Fisiologia cellulare per l’indirizzo Biotecnologico del CdL in Scienze Biologiche (laurea triennale) nell’ a.a 2005/06;
- Incarico istituzionale di Fisiologia cellulare modulo I del corso integrato di Complementi di Fisiologia e Patologia cellulari curriculum Biosanitario del CdL in Scienze Biologiche (laurea magistrale) nell’ a.a. 2005/06;
- Incarico istituzionale di Laboratorio di Fisiologia generale nell'ambito del corso istituzionale di Fisiologia generale del CdL in Scienze Biologiche (laurea triennale) nell'a.a. 2005/06;
- Incarico istituzionale di Fisiologia cellulare modulo I del corso di Fisiologia cellulare e degli apparati per l’indirizzo Biosanitario del CdL in Scienze Biologiche (laurea triennale) negli a.a 2003/04 e 2004/2005;
- Incarico istituzionale di Laboratorio di Fisiologia nell'ambito del corso istituzionale di Fisiologia generale del CdL in Scienze Biologiche (laurea triennale) negli a.a. 2003/04 e 2004/2005;
- Incarico istituzionale di Fisiologia degli apparati per l’indirizzo Nutrizionistico del CdL in Scienze Biologiche (laurea triennale) nell’a.a. 2002/03;
- Incarico istituzionale di Neurobiologia del CdL in Scienze Biologiche (laurea triennale) nell’a.a 2002/03;
- Incarico istituzionale di Laboratorio di Fisiologia nell'ambito del corso di Fisiologia generale del CdL in Scienze Biologiche (laurea triennale) nell’a.a. 2002/03.
E' relatore di cento tesi triennali e magistrali italiane e co-tutor di due internazionali:
MSc. Eduard Haka-Erythrocyte osmotic fragility in amphibians Prof. As. Dr. Valbona Aliko, Università di Tirana.
MSc. Klajdi Seferi-Fish erythrocytes as a model system for study the physiology of cell volume regulation Prof. As. Dr. Valbona Aliko, Università di Tirana.
E’ supervisor di tesi di dottorato italiane ed internazionali
E’ nella list of foreign subject experts from industrially developed countries for the evaluation of Ph.D thesis in the field of Zoology for the Department of Zoology, Islamia College Peshawar, Pakistan
SCOPUS (25/01/2021): 7155 total citations
H index: 52
Paper 232 0000-0002-0066-2421
Elenco delle pubblicazioni
Capitolo in libro
VAZZANA M., FANGUEIRO J.F., FAGGIO C., SANTINI A., SOUTO E.B. (2017). Archaeosomes for skin injuries, in: Carrier-Mediated Dermal Delivery: Applications in the Prevention and Treatment of Skin Disorders (A. Ascenso, H. Ribeiro, S. Simões Editors) Pan Stanford Publishing, Chapter 9: 323-355.
ALIMBA C.G., FAGGIO C., SIVANESAN S., OGUNKANMI A. L., KANNAN KRISHNAMURTHI K. (2021) Micro(nano)-plastics in the environment and risk of carcinogenesis: insight intopossible1mechanisms. Journal of Hazardous Materials
AMEL JEBARA A., LO TURCO V., FAGGIO C., LICATA P., NAVA V., POTORTI A.G., CRUPI R., MANSOUR H.B., DI BELLA G. (2021) Monitoring of environmental mercury occurrence in Tunisian coastal areas. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 8, 5202.
VAJARGAH F. M., MOHSENPOUR R., YALSUYI A.M., GALANGASH M. M., FAGGIO C.* (2021). Evaluation of histopathological effect of Roach (Rutilus rutiluscaspicus) in exposure to sub-lethal concentrations of Abamectin. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 232 (5), 10.1007/s11270-021-05128-w
SINHA R., JINDAL R., FAGGIO C.*(2021) Protective effect of Emblica officinalis in Cyprinus carpio against hepatotoxicity induced by Malachite Green: Ultrastructural and Molecular Analysis. Applied Science in press
PETROVIC T.G., KIJANOVIĆ A., KOLAROV TOMAŠEVIĆ N., GAVRIĆ J.P., DESPOTOVIĆ S.G., GAVRILOVIĆ B.R., RADOVANOVIĆ T.B., VUKOV T., FAGGIO C*., MARKO PROKIC M. (2021). Effects of desiccation on metamorphic climax in Bombina variegata: changes in levels and patterns of oxidative stress parameters. Animals in press
YALSUYI A.M., HAJIMORADLOO A., GHORBANI R., JAFARI V. PROKIĆ M., FAGGIO C*. (2021). Behavior evaluation of Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) following temperature and ammonia alterations. Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology in press
RASHIDIAN G., LAZADO C., MAHBOUB H.H., MOHAMMADI-ALOUCHEH R., PROKIĆ M.,. NADA H.S., FAGGIO C.* (2021). Chemically and green synthesized ZnO nanoparticles alter key immunological molecules in common carp (Cyprinus carpio) skin mucus. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 22(6), 3270
SINHA R., JINDAL R., FAGGIO C*. (2021). Nephroprotective effect of Emblica officinalis fruit extract against Malachite Green toxicity in piscine model: Ultrastructure and oxidative stress study. Microscopy Research and Technique
PROKIĆ M.D., GAVRILOVIĆ B.R., RADOVANOVIĆ T.B., GAVRIĆ J.P., PETROVIĆ T.G., DESPOTOVIĆ S.G., FAGGIO C* (2021) Studying microplastics: lessons from animal model organisms and experimental approaches. Journal of Hazardous Materials 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2021.125476
ALIKO V., SUBASHI R., PAGANO M., FAGGIO C*. (2021). Double-edged Sword: Fluoxetine and Ibuprofen as Development Jeopardizers and Apoptosis’s Inducers in Common Toad, Bufo bufo, Tadpoles. Science of the Total Environmental 776, 145945
FARIA M., PRATS E., RAMÍREZ JRR, BELLOT M., PAGANO M., VALLS A., GOMEZ-CANELA C., PORTA JM, MESTRES J., GARCIA-REYERO N., FAGGIO C., GÓMEZ OLIVÁN LM, RALDUA D. (2021). Androgenic activation, impairment of the monoaminergic system and altered behavior in zebrafish larvae exposed to environmental concentrations of fenitrothion. Science of the Total Environmental 775, 145671
RASHIDIAN G., BOLDAJI J.T., RAINIS S., PROKIĆ M.D., FAGGIO C*. (2021) Oregano (Origanum vulgare) extract enhances zebrafish (Danio rerio) growth performance, serum and mucus innate immune responses and resistance against aeromonas hydrophila challenge. Animals 11(2), 299;
HARIKRISHNAN R, DEVI G, BALASUNDARAM C, VAN DOAN H, JATURASITHA S, RINGØ E, FAGGIO C.(2021). Effect of chrysophanic acid on immune response and immune genes transcriptomic profile in Catla catla against Aeromonas hydrophila. Science Report 11(1):612. doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-79629-9.
KURIANA A., LAKSHMIA S., FAWOLEB F.J., FAGGIO C., ELUMALAIA P. (2021). Combined effects of Leucas aspera, Oxy-cyclodextrin and Bentonite on the growth, serum biochemistry, and the expression of immune-related gene in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 21(3), 147-158
HAMED H., ISMAL S., FAGGIO C.* (2021). Effect of allicin on antioxidant defense system, after carbofuran exposure in Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus, Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part C 240, 108919
HODKOVICOVA N., ENEVOVA V., CAHOVA J., BLAHOVA J., SIROKA Z., PLHALOVA L., DOUBKOVA V., MARSALEK P., FRANC A., FIORINO E., FAGGIO C., TICHY F., FALDYNA M., SVOBODOVA Z. (2020). Could the musk compound tonalide affect physiological functions and act as an endocrine disruptor in rainbow trout? Physiol Res: 69(Suppl 4):S595-S606.
PAGANO M., STARA A., ALIKO V., FAGGIO C*. (2020). Impact of Neonicotinoids to Aquatic Invertebrates—In Vitro Studies on Mytilus galloprovincialis: A Review. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 8, 801,
SULA E., ALIKO V., BARCELÓ D., FAGGIO C. (2020). Combined effects of moderate hypoxia, pesticide and PCBs upon Crucian Carp fish, Carassius carrasius, from a freshwater lake-in situ ecophysiological approach. Aquatic Toxicology 228:105644
ABO-AL-ELA H.G., FAGGIO C. (2021). MicroRNA-mediated stress response in bivalve species. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 208:111442.
BURGOS ACEVES M.A., ABO-AL-ELA H.G., FAGGIO C*. (2021). Physiological and metabolic approach of plastic additives effects: Immune cells responses. Journal of Hazardous Materials 404(Pt A):124114.
VAZIRZADEH A, MARHAMATI A, RABIEE R, FAGGIO C. (2020). Immunomodulation, antioxidant enhancement and immune genes up-regulation in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) fed on seaweeds included diets. Fish and Shellfish Immunology 106: 852–858
SULA E., ALIKO V. MARKU E., NURO A., FAGGIO C. (2020) Evaluation of kidney histopathological alterations in Crucian Carp, Carassius carassius, from a pesticide and PCB-contaminated freshwater ecosystem, using light microscopy and organ index mathematical model. International Journal of Aquatic Biology 8(3): 154-165
STARA A., PAGANO M., CAPILLO G., FABRELLO J., SANDOVA M., ALBANO M., ZUSKOVA E., VELISEK J., MATOZZO V., FAGGIO C*. (2020). Acute effects of neonicotinoid insecticides on Mytilus galloprovincialis: a case study with the active compound thiacloprid and the commercial formulation Calypso 480 S. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 203, 110980
ELUMALAIA P., KURIAN A., LAKSHMI S., FAGGIO C., ESTEBAN M.A., RINGO E.(2020). Herbal immunomodulators in aquaculture. Reviews in Fisheries Science & Aquaculture 33-57
MOHSENPOUR R., SABET SH, HEDAYATI A., REZAEI A., YALSUYI AM., FAGGIO C*. (2020). In vitro effects of silver nanoparticles on gills morphology of female Guppy (Poecilia reticulate) after a short-term exposure Microscopy Research and Technique
SCHIRINZI G. F., PEDÀ C., BATTAGLIA P., LAFACE F., GALLI M., BAINI M., CONSOLI P., SCOTTI G., ESPOSITO V., FAGGIO C., FARRÉ M., BARCELÒ D., FOSSI M. C., ANDALORO F., ROMEO T. (2020). A new digestion approach for the extraction of microplastics from gastrointestinal tracts (GITs) of the common dolphinfish (Coryphaena hippurus) from the western Mediterranean Sea. Journal of Hazardous Materials in press
LIEW H.J., PELLE A., CHIARELLA D., FAGGIO C., TANG CH., BLUST R., DE BOECK G. (2020). Common carp, Cyprinus carpio, prefer branchial ionoregulation at high feeding rates and kidney ionoregulation when food supply is limited: additional effects of cortisol and exercise. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry 46(1):451-469.
GHARAEI A., KARIMI M., MIRDAR HARIJANI J., MIRI M., FAGGIO C. (2020). Population growth of Brachionus calyciflorus affected by deltamethrin and imidacloprid insecticides. Iranian Journal of Fisheries Sciences 19 (2): 588-601
PETROVIĆ T.G., VUČIĆ T.Z., NIKOLIĆ S.Z., GAVRIĆ J.P., DESPOTOVIĆ S.G., GAVRILOVIĆ B.R., RADOVANOVIĆ T.B., FAGGIO C.*, PROKIC M. (2020). The effect of shelter on oxidative stress and aggressive behavior in crested newts larvae (Triturus sp.). Animals 10(4), 603;
PLHALOVA L., SEHONOVA P., BLAHOVA J., DOUBKOVA V., TICHY F., FAGGIO C*., BERANKOVA P., SVOBODOVA Z. (2020). Evaluation of tramadol hydrochloride toxicity to juvenile zebrafish—morphological, antioxidant and histological responses. Applied Science 2349;
QYLI M., ALIKO V., FAGGIO C. (2020). Physiological and Biochemical Responses of Mediterranean Green Crab, Carcinus aestuarii, to Different Environmental Stressors: Evaluation of Haemocyte Toxicity and Its Possible Effects on Immune Response. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part C 231:108739
TURANI B., ALIKO V., FAGGIO C. (2020). Allurin and egg jelly coat impact on in-vitro fertilization success of endangered albanian water frog, Pelophylax Shqipericus. Natural Product Research 34 (6): 830–837
BLAHOVA J., COCILOVO C., LUCIE PLHALOVA L., SVOBODOVA Z., FAGGIO C.* (2020). Embryotoxicity of atrazine and its degradation products to early life stages of zebrafish (Danio rerio). Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology 77: 103370
HOSSEIN HOSEINIFAR S., SHAKOURI M., YOUSEFI S., VAN DOAN H., SHAFIEI S., YOUSEFI M., MAZANDARANI M., TORFI MOZANZADE M., TULINO M.G., FAGGIO C. (2020). Humoral and skin mucosal immune parameters, intestinal immune related genes and antioxidant defense of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) fed dietary olive (Olea europea L.) waste. Fish and Shellfish Immunology 100: 171-178
FREITAS R., SILVESTRO S., PAGANO M.; COPPOLA F., MEUCCI V., BATTAGLIA F., INTORRE L., SOARES A. M.V.M, PRETTI C., FAGGIO C*. (2020). Impacts of salicylic acid in Mytilus galloprovincialis exposed to warming conditions. Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology 80: 103448
HAJAM M.E., PLAVAN G.I., KANDRI N.I., DUMITRU G., NICOARA M.N., ZEROUALE A., FAGGIO C*. (2020). Evaluation of softwood and hardwood sawmill wastes impact on the common carp "Cyprinus carpio" and its aquatic environment: An oxidative stress study. Environ Toxicol Pharmacol. doi: 10.1016/j.etap.2020.103327
GARCÍA BELTRÁN J.M, GONZÁLEZ SILVERA D., ESPINOSA RUIZA C., CAMPO V., CHUPANI.L., FAGGIO C., ESTEBAN M.A (2020). Effects of dietary Origanum vulgare on gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata L.) immune and antioxidant status Fish and Shellfish Immunology 99 (2020) 452–461
SPINELLI A., CAPILLO G., FAGGIO C*., VITALE D., SPANÒ N. (2020). Returning of Hippocampus hippocampus (Linnaeus, 1758) (Syngnathidae) in the Faro Lake – Oriented Natural Reserve of Capo Peloro, Italy. Natural Product Research 34 (4): 595-598
GHOLAMPOUR T.E., RAIENI R.F., LARIJANI M., POULADI M., PAGANO M., FAGGIO C*. (2020). The dietary effect of Vitex agnus-castus hydroalcoholic extract on growth performance, blood biochemical parameters, carcass quality, sex ratio and gonad histology in Zebrafish (Danio rerio). Applied Sciences 10(4), 1402;
PETROVICI A., STRUNGARU S.A., NICOARA M., ROBEA M.A., SOLCAN C., FAGGIO C*. (2020) Toxicity of Deltamethrin to Zebrafish Gonads Revealed by Cellular Biomarkers Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 8(2), 73;
RASHIDIAN G., RAINIS S., PROKIC M., FAGGIO C.* (2020) Effects of different levels of carotenoids and light sources on swordtail fish (Xiphophorus helleri) growth, survival rate and reproductive parameters. Natural Product Research 34 (4): 2413-2423
FREITAS R., SILVESTRO S., COPPOLA F., COSTA S., MEUCCI V., BATTAGLIA F., INTORRE L., SOARES A. M.V.M, PRETTI C., FAGGIO C. (2020). Toxic impacts induced by Sodium lauryl sulfate in Mytilus galloprovincialis Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology -Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology 242, 110656
SIMIONOV I.A., CRISTEA V., PETREA S.M., MOGODAN A., NICOARA M., BALTAG E.S., STRUNGARU S.A., FAGGIO C*. (2020) Bioconcentration of essential and nonessential elements in Black Sea turbot (Psetta maxima maeotica Linnaeus, 1758) in relation to fish gender
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 7(12), 466;
SRIVASTAV AK., SRIVASTAVA S., SRIVASTAV, S.K., FAGGIO C., SEKIGUCHI, T., SUZUKI, N. (2019). Response of ultimobranchial and parathyroid glands of the indian skipper frog, Euphlyctiscyanophlyctis to cadmium toxicity. Iranian Journal of Toxicology 13(3): 39-44
RASHIDIAN G., KAJBAF K., PROKIĆ M., FAGGIO C* (2019) Extract of common mallow (Malvae sylvestris) enhances growth, immunity, and resistance of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) fingerlings against Yersinia ruckeri infection. Fish and Shellfish Immunology 96: 254-261
SULA E., ALIKO V., PAGANO M., FAGGIO C. (2020). Digital Light Microscopy as a tool in toxicological evaluation of fish erythrocyte morphological abnormalitie in press DOI: 10.1002/jemt.23422
VACLAVIK J., SEHONOVA P., HODKOVICOVA N., VECERKOVA L., BLAHOVA J., FRANC A., MARSALEK P., MARES J., TICHY F., SVOBODOVA Z., FAGGIO C*. (2020). The effect of foodborne sertraline on rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Science of the Total Environmental 708, 135082
STARA A., PAGANO M., CAPILLO G., FABRELLO J., SANDOVA M., VAZZANA I., ZUSKOVA E., VELISEK J., MATOZZO V., FAGGIO C.* (2020). Assessing the effects of neonicotinoid insecticide on the bivalve mollusc Mytilus galloprovincialis. Science of the Total Environmental 700, 134914
SATTARI M., IMANPOUR NAMIN J., BIBAK M., FOROUHAR VAJARGAH M., BAKHSHALIZADEH S., FAGGIO C. (2019). Determination of trace element accumulation in gonads of Rutilus kutum (kamensky, 1901) from the south Caspian Sea. Trace element contaminations in gonads. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India Section B: Biological Sciences 90: 777–78
TURANI B., ALIKO V., FAGGIO C. (2019). Amphibian embryos as an alternative model to study the pharmaceutical toxicity of cyclophosphamide and ibuprofen. Journal of Biological Research 92: 72-76.
PAGANO M., VAZZANA I., GENTILE A., CARACAPPA G., FAGGIO C*. (2019). Hematological and biochemical parameters in Sea turtles (Caretta caretta) after stranding. Regional Studies in Marine Science 32, 100832
VAJARGAH M.F., YALSUYI AM., SATTARI M., PROKIC M. FAGGIO C.* (2019). Effects of Copper Oxide Nanoparticles (CuO-NPs) on Parturition Time, Survival Rate and Reproductive Success of Guppy Fish, Poecilia reticulate. Journal of Cluster Science in press 10.1007/s10876-019-01664-y
MAHADEVAN G., POULADI M., STARA A., FAGGIO C. (2019) Nutritional evaluation of elongate mudskipper Pseudapocryptes elongatus (Cuvier, 1816) from Diamond Harbor, West Bengal, India. Natural Product Research
ALIKO V., MEHMETI E., QIRJO M., FAGGIO C. (2019). Drink and sleep like a fish- goldfish as a behavior model to study pharmaceutical effects in freshwater ecosystem. Journal of Biological Research 92 (1):1-4
FREITAS R., SILVESTRO S., COPPOLA F., MEUCCI V., BATTAGLIA F., INTORRE L., SOARES A.M.V.M., PRETTI C., FAGGIO C. (2019). Biochemical and physiological responses induced in Mytilus galloprovincialis after a chronic exposure to Salicylic Acid. Aquatic toxicology. 214: 105258
VAN DOAN H., HOSEINIFAR S.H., SRIGARM K., JATURASITHA S., YUANGSOI B., DAWOOD M.A.O., ESTEBAN M.A., RINGO E., FAGGIO C. (2019). Effects of Assam tea extract on growth, skin mucus, serum immunity and disease resistance of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) against Streptococcus agalactiae. Fish and Shellfish Immunology 93: 428-435
GUZZETTI E., SALABERY E., FERRIOL P., DÍAZ J.A:, TEJADA S., FAGGIO C., SUREDA A. (2019). Oxidative stress induction by the invasive sponge Paraleucilla magna growing on Peyssonnelia squamaria algae. Marine Environmental Research 150: 104763
SAVOCA S., CAPILLO G., MANCUSO M., FAGGIO C.,* PANARELLO G., CRUPI R., BONSIGNORE M, D’URSO L., COMPAGNINI G., NERI F., FAZIO E., ROMEO T., BOTTARI T., SPANÒ N. (2019). Detection of artificial cellulose microfibers in boops boops from the northern coasts of Sicily (central Mediterranean) Science of the Total Environmental 691 (2019) 455–465
VAN DOAN H., HOSEINIFAR S.H., RINGO E., ESTEBAN M.A., DADAR M., DAWOOD M.A.O., FAGGIO C. (2019). Host-associated probiotics: a key factor in sustainable aquaculture. Reviews in Fisheries Science & Aquaculture 28: 12-44
FINK M., BHUYAN A.A.M., NÜRNBERG B., FAGGIO C., LANG F. (2019). Triggering of eryptosis, the suicidal erythrocyte death, by phenoxodiol. Naunyn Schmiedebergs Arch Pharmacol. 392(10):1311-1318.
SATTARI M., JAVID I.N., BIBAK M., VAJARGAH M.F., FAGGIO C., HADDAD M.S. (2019). Trace and macro elements bioaccumulation in the muscle and liver tissues of Alburnus chalcoides from the south Caspian Sea and potential human health risk assessment. Journal of Energy, Environmental & Chemical Engineering 4(1): 13-20
VIJAYAKUMAR S., VASEEHARAN B., SUDHAKARAN R. JEYAKANDAN J., RAMASAMY P., SONAWANE A., PADHI A., VELUSAMY P., ANBU P., FAGGIO C. (2019). Bioinspired Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles Using Lycopersicon esculentum for Antimicrobial and Anticancer Applications. Journal of Cluster Science 30 (6): 1465-1479
AHMADIFAR E., SHEIKHZADEH N., ROSHANAEI K., DARGAHI N., FAGGIO C. (2019). Can dietary ginger (Zingiber officinale) alter biochemical and immunological parameters and gene expression related to growth, immunity and antioxidant system in zebrafish (Danio rerio)? Aquaculture 507: 341-348
REZA HASHEMI S.A., STARA A., FAGGIO C.*(2019). Biological characteristics, growth parameters and mortality rate of Carassius auratus in the Shadegan Wetland (Iran).
International Journal of Environmental Research 13: 457–464
VAJARGAH M.F., IMANPOOR M.R., SHABANI A., HEDAYATI A., FAGGIO C.* (2019) Effect of long term exposure of silver nanoparticles on growth indices, hematological and biochemical parameters and gonad histology of male Gold fish (Carassius auratus gibelio) Microscopy Research and Technique doi 10.1002/JEMT.23271
ALIMBA C., FAGGIO C.* (2019). Microplastics in the marine environment: current trends in environmental pollution and mechanisms of toxicological profile. Science of the Total Environmental 68:61-74.
STARA A., KUBEC J., ZUSKOVA E., BURIC M., FAGGIO C., KOUBA A., VELISEK J. (2019). Effects of S-metolachlor and its degradation product metolachlor OA on marbled crayfish (Procambarus virginalis). Chemospere 224:616-625
STARA A., BELLINVIA R., VELISEK J., STROUHOVA A., KOUBA A., FAGGIO C.* (2019). Acute exposure of neonicotinoid pesticide on common yabby (Cherax destructor). Science of the Total Environmental 665: 718–723
SEHONOVA P., TOKANOVA N., HODKOVICOVA N., KOCOUR KROUPOVA H., TUMOVA J., BLAHOVA J., MARSALEK P., PLHALOVA L., DOUBKOVA V., DOBSIKOVA R., CHLOUPEK P., DOLEZELOVA P., FALDYNA M., SVOBODOVA Z., FAGGIO C.* (2019). Oxidative stress induced by fluoroquinolone enrofloxacin in zebrafish (Danio rerio) can be ameliorated after a prolonged exposure. Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology 67: 87–93
LAURIANO E.R., PERGOLIZZI S., ARAGONA M., MONTALBANO G., GUERRERA M.C., CRUPI R., FAGGIO C*., CAPILLO G. (2019). Intestinal immunity of Dogfish Scyliorhinus canicula spiral valve, a histochemical, immunohistochemical and confocal study. Fish and Shellfish Immunology 87:490-498.
BURGOS ACEVES M.A., LIONETTI L., FAGGIO C*. (2019). Multidisciplinary hematology as prognostic device in environmental and xenobiotic stress-induced response in fish. Science of the Total Environmental 670: 1170-1183
CARBONE D., FAGGIO C* (2019) Helix aspersa as sentinel of development damage for biomonitoring purpose: a validation study. Molecular Reproduction and Development DOI: 10.1002/mrd.23117
BUDZYNSKA B., FAGGIO C., KRUK-SLOMKA M., SAMEC D., NABAVI S.F., SUREDA A., DEVI K.P., NABAVI S.M. (2019). Rutin as neuroprotective agent: from bench to bedside. Current Medicine Chemistry 26 (27), 10.2174/0929867324666171003114154
ABDEL-TAWWAB M., MONIER M.N., FAGGIO C. (2019). Fish response to hypoxia stress: growth performance, physiological and immunological biomarkers. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry 45(3):997-1013
FABBROCINI A., COCCIA E., D’ADAMO R., FAGGIO C., MARINA PAOLUCCI M. (2019). Mifepristone affects fertility and development in the sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus. Molecular Reproduction and Development DOI: 10.1002/mrd.23112
BOGUSZEWSKA CZUBARA A., KURZEPA J., BIAŁA G., K., GROT K., TARKOWSKI P., KOWALCZYK J., SILVESTRO S., FAGGIO C., BUDZYŃSKA B. (2019). Mephedrone impact on matrix metalloproteinases activity–do they influence the memory processes? Current Molecular Pharmacology 12(2):115-121.
SAVOCA S., CAPILLO G., MANCUSO M., BOTTARI T., CRUPI R., BRANCA C., ROMANO V., FAGGIO C*., D’ANGELO G. , SPANÒ N. (2019). Microplastics occurrence in the tyrrhenian waters and in the gastrointestinal tract of two congener species of Seabreams Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology 67:35-41
ELUMALAIA P., PRAKASHA P., MUSTHAFA M.S, VAN DOAN H., HOSEINIFAR S.H., FAGGIO C. (2019) Effect of alkoxy glycerol on growth performance, immune response and disease resistance in Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). Research in Veterinary Science 123: 298-304
LAURIANO E.R., PERGOLIZZI S., ARAGONA M., SPANÒ N., GUERRERA M.C., CAPILLO G., FAGGIO C. (2019). Merkel cells immunohistochemical study in striped dolphin (Stenella coeruleoalba) skin. Tissue and cell 56: 1-6
PROKIĆ M.D., RADOVANOVIĆ T.B., GAVRIĆ J.P., FAGGIO C.* (2019). Ecotoxicological effects of microplatics: Biomarkers of response, current state and future perspective. Trends in Analytical Chemistry 111:37-46
STRUNGARU S.A., JIJIE R., NICOARA M., PLAVAN G., FAGGIO C*. (2019). Micro (nano) plastics in freshwater ecosystems: abundance, toxicological impact and quantification methodology Trends in Analytical Chemistry110: 116-128
HODKOVICOVA N.., CHMELOVA L., SEHONOVA P., BLAHOVA J., DOUBKOVA V., PLHALOVA L., FIORINO E., VOJTEK L., VICENOVA V., SIROKA Z., ENEVOVA V., BERLINSKA J., FALDYNA M., SVOBODOVA Z., FAGGIO C. (2019). The effects of a therapeutic formalin bath on selected immunological and oxidative stress parameters in common carp (Cyprinus carpio). Science of the Total Environment 653: 1120-1127
CAPILLO G., SAVOCA S., COSTA R., SANFILIPPO M., RIZZO C., LO GIUDICE A., ALBERGAMO A., RANDO R., BARTOLOMEO G., SPANÒ N., FAGGIO C*(2018). New insights in the culture method and the antibacterial potential of Gracilaria gracilis. Marine Drugs 16, 492; doi:10.3390/md16120492
GUZZETTI E., SUREDA A., TEJADA S., FAGGIO C*. (2018). Microplastic in marine organism: environmental and toxicological effects. Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology 64: 164-171
RASHIDIAN G., BAHRAMI GORJI S., NADERI FARSANI M., MARKO D. PROKIC M.D., FAGGIO C*. (2018). The oak (Quercus brantii) acorn as a growth promotor for rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss): growth performance, body composition, liver enzymes activity and blood biochemical parameters. Natural Product Research 34 (17): 2413–2423
HOSEINIFAR S.H., YOUSEFI S., CAPILLO G., PAKNEJAD H., KHALILI M., TABARRAEI A., VAN DOAN H., SPANÒ N., FAGGIO C*. (2018). Mucosal immune parameters, immune and antioxidant defence related genes expression and growth performance of zebrafish (Danio rerio) fed on Gracilaria gracilis powder. Fish and Shellfish Immunology 83: 232-237
PROKIC M.D., PETROVIĆ T.G., GAVRIC J.P., DESPOTOVIĆ S.G., GAVRILOVIĆ B.R., RADOVANOVIC T.B., FAGGIO C., SAIČIĆ ZS. (2018). Comparative assessment of the antioxidative defense system in subadult and adult anurans: A lesson from the Bufotes viridis toad. Zoology 130: 30-37
BURGOS ACEVES M.A., COHEN A., PAOLELLA G., LEPRETTI M., SMITH Y., FAGGIO C*., LIONETTI L. (2018). Modulation of mitochondrial functions by xenobiotic-induced microRNA: from environmental sentinel organisms to mammals. Science of the Total Environment 645: 79-88
MAZZAGLIA A., ZAGAMI R., ROMEO A., CERAOLO F., VAZZANA M., CASTRICIANO M.A., FAGGIO C*., SCOLARO M. (2018). Supramolecular adducts of anionic porphyrins and a biocompatible polyamine: effect of photodamage-on human red blood cells. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 18(10):7269-7274
FIORINO E., SEHONOVA P, PLHALOVA L., BLAHOVA J., SVOBODOVA Z., FAGGIO C*. (2018). Effect of glyphosate on early life stages: comparison between Cyprinus carpio and Danio rerio. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 25(9): 8542–854
ISWARYA A., VASEEHARAN B., MAHALINGAM A., GOBI N., DIVA M., FAGGIO C. (2018). β-1, 3 glucan binding protein based selenium nanowire enhances the immune status of Cyprinus carpio and protection against Aeromonas hydrophila infection. Fish and Shellfish Immunology 83: 61-75
RINGØ E., FAGGIO C., CHITMANAT C., DOAN H., MAI N.T., JATURASITHA S., HOSEINIFAR S.H. (2018). Effects of corncob derived xylooligosaccharide on innate immune response, disease resistance, and growth performance in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) fingerlings. Aquaculture 495(1) 786–793
GOBI N., VASEEHARAN B., REKHA R., VIJAYAKUMAR S., FAGGIO C. (2018). Bioaccumulation, cytotoxicity and oxidative stress of the acute exposure selenium in Oreochromis mossambicus. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 162:147-159
FAGGIO C*., TSARPALI V., DAILIANIS S (2018). Mussel digestive gland as a model for assessing xenobiotics: an overview. Science of the Total Environmental 613: 220-229
VAJARGAH M.F., YALSUYI AM., HEDAYATI A., FAGGIO C*. (2018). Histopathological lesions and toxicity in common carp (Cyprinus carpio L. 1758) induced by copper nanoparticles. Microscopy Research and Technique 81 (7): 724-729
SEHONOVA P., SVOBODOVA Z., DOLEZELOVA P., VOSMEROVA P., FAGGIO C*. (2018). Effects of waterborne antidepressants on non-target animals living in the aquatic environment: a review. Science of the Total Environmental 631–632: 789–794
CAPILLO G., SILVESTRO S., SANFILIPPO M., FIORINO E., GIANGROSSO G., FERRANTELLI V., VAZZANA I., FAGGIO C*. (2018). Assessment of electrolytes and metals profile of the Faro Lake (Capo Peloro Lagoon, Sicily, Italy) and its impact on Mytilus galloprovincialis. Chemistry & Biodiversity doi 10.1002/cbdv.201800044
ALIKO V., QIRJO M., SULA E., MORINA V., FAGGIO C. (2018). Antioxidant defense system, immune response and erythron profile modulation in gold fish, Carassius auratus, after acute manganese treatment. Fish and Shellfish Immunology 76:101–109
LAURIANO E.R., FAGGIO C*., CAPILLO G., SPANÒ N., KUCIEL M., ARAGONA M., PERGOLIZZI S. (2018). Immunohistochemical characterization of epidermal dendritic-like cells in giant mudskipper, Periophthalmodon schlosseri. Fish and Shellfish Immunology 74:380-385
NATH S., MATOZZO V., BHANDARI D., FAGGIO C*. (2018). Growth and liver histology of Channa punctatus exposed to a common biofertilizer. Natural Product Research 33 (11): 1591-1598
BURGOS-ACEVES M.A., COHEN A., SMITH Y., FAGGIO C*. (2018). MicroRNAs and their role on fish oxidative stress during xenobiotic environmental exposures. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 148: 995-1000
BURGOS-ACEVES M.A., COHEN A., SMITH Y., FAGGIO C*. (2018). A potential microRNA regulation of immune-related genes in invertebrate haemocytes. Science of the Total Environment 621:302-307
PLHALOVA L, BLAHOVA J., DIVISOVA L., ENEVOVA V., CASUSCELLI DI TOCCO F., FAGGIO C., TICHY F, VECEREK V., SVOBODOVA Z. (2018). The effects of subchronic exposure to NeemAzal T/S on zebrafish (Danio rerio). Chemistry and Ecology 34 (3) 199–210
RIZZO C., GENOVESE G., MORABITO M., FAGGIO C., PAGANO M., SPANÒ A., ZAMMUTO V., ARMELI MINICANTE S., MANGHISI A., CIGALA R.M., CREA F., MARINO F., GUGLIANDOLO C. (2017). Potential antibacterial activity of marine macroalgae against pathogens relevant for aquaculture and human health. Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology 11 (4):1695-1706
SEHONOVA P., PLHALOVA L., BLAHOVA J., DOUBKOVA V., PROKES M., TICHY F., FIORINO E., FAGGIO C., SVOBODOVA Z. (2017). Toxicity of naproxen sodium and its mixture with tramadol hydrochloride on fish early life stages. Chemosphere 188:414-423
ARAGONA M., LAURIANO E.R., PERGOLIZZI S., FAGGIO C*. (2017). Opuntia ficus-indica (L.) Miller as a source of bioactivity compounds for health and nutrition. Natural Product Research 32 (17): 2037-2049
SEHONOVA P., PLHALOVA L., BLAHOVA J., DOUBKOVA V., MARSALEK P., PROKES M., TICHY F., SKLADANA M., FIORINO E., MIKULA P., VECEREK V., FAGGIO C., SVOBODOVA Z. (2017). Effects of selected tricyclic antidepressants on early-life stages of common carp (Cyprinus carpio). Chemosphere 185:1072-1080
BURGOS-ACEVES M.A., FAGGIO C*. (2017). An approach to the study of the immunity functions of bivalve haemocytes: Physiology and molecular aspects. Fish and Shellfish Immunology 67:513-517
PAGANO M., PORCINO C., BRIGLIA M., FIORINO E., VAZZANA M., SILVESTRO S., FAGGIO C*. (2017). The influence of exposure of cadmium chloride and zinc chloride on haemolymph and digestive gland cells from Mytilus galloprovincialis. International Journal of Environmental Research 11(2): 207-216
LAURIANO E.R., PERGOLIZZI S., GANGEMI J., KUCIEL M., CAPILLO G., ARAGONA M., FAGGIO C*. (2017). Immunohistochemical colocalization of G protein alpha subunits and 5-HT in the rectal gland of the cartilaginous fish Scyliorhinus canicula. Microscopy Research and Technique 80(9):1018-1027
MORABITO S., SILVESTRO S., FAGGIO C*. (2017). How the marine biotoxins affect human health. Natural Product Research 32(6):621-631
SAVORELLI F., MANFRA L., CROPPO M., TORNAMBÈ A., PALAZZI D., CANEPA S., TRENTINI P.L., CICERO A.M., FAGGIO C*. (2017). Fitness evaluation of Ruditapes philippinarum exposed to nickel. Biological Trace Element Research 177(2): 384-393
FAGGIO C*., SUREDA A., MORABITO S., SANCHES-SILVA A., MOCAN A., NABAVI S.F., NABAVI S.M. (2017). Flavonoids and platelet aggregation: A brief review. Eur J Pharmacol. 807: 91-101
MISCHITELLI M., JEMAÀA M., FEZAI M., ALMASRY M., FAGGIO C., LANG F. (2017). Stimulation of Erythrocyte Cell Membrane Scrambling by Adarotene. Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry.41:519–529
BRIGLIA M., ANTONIA ROSSI M., FAGGIO C*. (2017). Eryptosis: Ally or Enemy. Current Medicine Chemistry 24 (9): 937-942
ALMASRY M., JEMAÀ M., MISCHITELLI M., FAGGIO C., LANG F. (2017). Camalexin-Induced Cell Membrane Scrambling and Cell Shrinkage in Human Erythrocytes. Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry 41(2):731-741
MISCHITELLI M., JEMAÀ M., ALMASRY M., FAGGIO C., LANG F. (2016). Stimulation of Suicidal Erythrocyte Death by Rottlerin. Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry 40 (3-4): 558-566
MISCHITELLI M., JEMAÀ M., ALMASRY M., FAGGIO C., LANG F. (2016). Stimulation of Erythrocyte Cell Membrane Scrambling by Quinine. Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry 40(3-4): 657-667
JEMAÀ M., MISCHITELLI M., FEZAI M., ALMASRY M., FAGGIO C., LANG F. (2016). Stimulation of Suicidal Erythrocyte Death by the CDC25 Inhibitor NSC-95397. Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry 40(3-4):597-607
ALMASRY M., JEMAÀ M., MISCHITELLI M., FAGGIO C, LANG F. (2016). Stimulation of Suicidal Erythrocyte Death by Phosphatase Inhibitor Calyculin A. Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry 18; 40 (1-2):163-171
MISCHITELLI M., JEMAÀ M., ALMASRY M., FAGGIO C., LANG F. (2016). Triggering of Erythrocyte Cell Membrane Scrambling by Emodin. 1 Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry 8;40(1-2):91-103
LAURIANO E.R., PERGOLIZZI S., CAPILLO G., KUCIEL M., ALESCI A., FAGGIO C*. (2016). Immunohistochemical characterization of Toll-like receptor 2 in gut epithelial cells and macrophages of goldfish Carassius auratus fed with a high-cholesterol diet. Fish and Shellfish Immunology 59: 250-255
FAGGIO C*., PAGANO M., ALAMPI R., VAZZANA I., FELICE M.R. (2016). Cytotoxicity, haemolymphatic parameters, and oxidative stress following exposure to sub-lethal concentrations of quaternium-15 in Mytilus galloprovincialis. Aquatic Toxicology 180:258-265
MARINO F., DI CARO G., GUGLIANDOLO C., SPANÒ A., FAGGIO C., GENOVESE G., MORABITO M., RUSSO A., BARRECA D., FAZIO F., SANTULLI A. (2016). Preliminary study on the in vitro and in vivo effects of Asparagopsis taxiformis bioactive phycoderivates on teleosts. Frontiers in Physiology 7:459
BURGOS-ACEVES MA, COHEN A, SMITH Y, FAGGIO C*. (2016). Estrogen regulation of gene expression in the teleost fish immune system. Fish and Shellfish Immunology 58: 42-49
MISCHITELLI M., JEMAÀ M., ALMASRY M., FAGGIO C., LANG F. (2016). Ca2+ entry, oxidative stress, ceramide and suicidal erythrocyte death following diosgen in treatment. Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry 39(4):1626-1637
MISCHITELLI M., JEMAÀ M., ALMASRY M., FAGGIO C., LANG F. (2016). Triggering of suicidal erythrocyte death by fascaplysin. Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry 39 (4):1638-1647
MOYSON S., LIEW H.J., FAZIO A., VAN DOOREN N., DELCROIX A. FAGGIO C., BLUST R., DE BOECK G. (2016). Kidney activity increases in copper exposed goldfish (Carassius auratus). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology C Toxicology & Pharmacology 190:32-37
MATOZZO V., PAGANO M., SPINELLI A., CAICCI F., FAGGIO C*. (2016). Pinna nobilis: a big bivalve with big haemocytes? Fish and Shellfish Immunology 55: 529–534
SILVA-HERDADE A.S., ANDOLINA G., FAGGIO C., CALADO A., SALDANHA C. (2016). Erythrocyte deformability-A partner of the inflammatory response. Microvascular Research 107: 34–38
CARBONE D., FAGGIO C*. (2016). Importance of prebiotics in aquaculture as immunostimulants. Effects on immune system of Sparus aurata and Dicentrarchus labrax. Fish and Shellfish Immunology 54: 172-178
GUARDIOLA F.A., PORCINO C., CEREZUELA R., CUESTA A., FAGGIO C., ESTEBAN M.A. (2016). Impact of date palm fruits extracts and probiotic enriched diet on antioxidant status, innate immune response and immune-related gene expression of European seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax). Fish and Shellfish Immunology 52:298-308
PAGANO M., CAPILLO G., SANFILIPPO M., PALATO S., TRISCHITTA F., MANGANARO A., FAGGIO C*. (2016). Evaluation of Functionality and Biological Responses of Mytilus galloprovincialis after Exposure to Quaternium-15 (Methenamine 3-Chloroallylochloride). Molecules. 21(2), 144;
SIGNORETTO E., HONISCH S., BRIGLIA M., FAGGIO C., CASTAGNA M., LANG F. (2016). Nocodazole induced suicidal death of human erythrocytes. Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry 38 (1):379-92
BRIGLIA M., CALABRÓ S., SIGNORETTO E., ALZOUBI K., LAUFER S., FAGGIO C., LANG F.(2015). Fucoxanthin induced suicidal death of human erythrocytes. Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry 37(6):2464-75
BRIGLIA M., FAZIO A., FAGGIO C., LANG F. (2015). Triggering of Suicidal Erythrocyte Death by Zosuquidar. Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry 37(6):2355-65
BRIGLIA M., FAZIO A., SIGNORETTO E., FAGGIO C., LANG F. (2015). Edelfosine induced suicidal death of human erythrocytes. Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry. 29; 37 (6):2221-2230
FAGGIO C., FAZIO F., MARAFIOTI S., ARFUSO F., PICCIONE G. (2015). Oral administration of Gum Arabic: effects on haematological parameters and oxidative stress markers in Mugil cephalus. Iranian Journal of Fisheries Sciences 14(1): 60-72
ALIKO V., HAJDARAJ G., CACI A., FAGGIO C. (2015). Copper induced lysosomal membrane destabilisation in haemolymph cells of Mediterranean Green Crab (Carcinus aestuarii, Nardo, 1847) from the Narta Lagoon (Albania). Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology. 58 (5): 750-756
PAGANO M., FAGGIO C*. (2015). The use of erythrocyte fragility to assess xenobiotic cytotoxicity. Cell Biochemistry Function 33(6):351-5.
FAGGIO C., PAGANO M., DOTTORE A., GENOVESE G., MORABITO M. (2015). Evaluation of anticoagulant activity of two algal polysaccharides. Natural Product Research 30 (17): 1934-1937
CALABRÒ S., ALZOUBI K., FAGGIO C., LAUFER S., LANG F. (2015). Triggering of suicidal erythrocyte death following boswellic acid exposure. Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry 37(1):131-42
FAZIO A., BRIGLIA M., FAGGIO C., ALZOUBI K., LANG F. (2015). Stimulation of suicidal erythrocyte death by garcinol. Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry 37(2):805-15
FAZIO A., BRIGLIA M., FAGGIO C., ALZOUBI K., LANG F. (2015). Oxaliplatin induced suicidal death of human erythrocytes. Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry 37(6): 2393-404
BRIGLIA M., FAZIO A., FAGGIO C., LAUFER S., ALZOUBI K., LANG F. (2015). Triggering of suicidal erythrocyte death by ruxolitinib. Cell Physiol Biochem. 37(2):768-78.
LIEW H.J., FAZIO A., FAGGIO C., BLUST R., DE BOECK G. (2015). Cortisol affects metabolic and ionoregulatory responses to a different extent depending on feeding ration in common carp, Cyprinus carpio. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A Molecular Integrative Physiology 189:45-47
FAGGIO C., MORABITO M., ARMELI MINICANTE S., LO PIANO G., PAGANO M., GENOVESE G.(2015). Potential use of polysaccharides from the brown alga Undaria pinnatifida as anticoagulants. Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology 58 (5): 798-804
ALZOUBI K., EGLER J., BRIGLIA M., FAZIO A., FAGGIO C., LANG F. (2015). Induction of suicidal erythrocyte death by cantharidin. Toxins 7 (8), 2822-2834
FAGGIO C., ALZOUBI K., CALABRÒ S., LANG F. (2015). Stimulation of suicidal erythrocyte death by PRIMA-1. Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry 35(2): 529-540
BONACCORSI P., BARATTUCCI A., PAPALIA T., CRISEO G., FAGGIO C., ROMEO O. (2015). Pyrimidine derived disulfides as potential antimicrobial agents: synthesis and evaluation in vitro. Journal Sulfur Chemistry 36 (3): 317-325
CHROMCOVA L., BLAHOVA J., ZIVNA D., PLHALOVA L., CASUSCELLI DI TOCCO F., DIVISOVAL., PROKES M., FAGGIO C., TICHY F., SVOBODOVA Z. (2015). NeemAzal T/S – toxicity to early-life stages of common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.). Veterinarni Medicina, 60, 2015 (1): 23–30.
VAZZANA M., ANDREANI T., FANGUEIRO J., FAGGIO C., SILVA C., SANTIN A., GARCIA M.L., SILVA A.M., SOUTO E.B. (2015). Tramadol hydrochloride: Pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, adverse side effects, co-administration of drugs and new drug delivery systems. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 70: 234–238.
FAZIO F., PICCIONE G., ARFUSO F., FAGGIO C. (2015). Peripheral blood And head kidney haematopoietic tissue response to experimental blood loss in Mullet (Mugil cephalus). Marine Biology Research 11(2): 197-202
ALZOUBI K., CALABRÒ S., FAGGIO C., LANG F. (2015). Stimulation of suicidal erythrocyte death by sulforaphane. Basic Clin Pharmacol Toxicol. 116 (3): 229-35
MESSINA C.M., FAGGIO C., LAUDICELLA A.V., SANFILIPPO M., TRISCHITTA F., SANTULLI A. (2014). Effect of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) on stress response in the Mediterranean mussel (Mytilus galloprovincialis): Regulatory volume decrease (RVD) and modulation of biochemical markers related to oxidative stress. Aquatic Toxicology 157: 94–100
FAZIO F., PICCIONE G., TRIBULATO K., FERRANTELLI V., GIANGROSSO G., ARFUSO F., FAGGIO C. (2014). Bioaccumulation of heavy metals in blood and tissue of striped mullet in two Italian lakes. Journal of Aquatic Animal Health 26: 278–284
ALZOUBI K., CALABRÒ S., EGLER J., FAGGIO C., LANG F. (2014). Triggering of programmed erythrocyte death by alantolactone. Toxins 6: 3596-3612
ALZOUBI K., CALABRÒ S., BISSINGER R., ABED M., FAGGIO C., LANG F. (2014). Stimulation of suicidal erythrocyte death by artesunate. Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry 34: 2232-2244
FAGGIO C., PICCIONE G., MARAFIOTI S., ARFUSO F., TRISCHITTA F., FORTINO G., FAZIO F. (2014). Monthly variations of haematological parameters of Sparus aurata and Dicentrarchus labrax reared in Mediterranean land off-shore tanks. Cahiers de Biologie Marine (2014) 55: 437-443
FAGGIO C., PICCIONE G., MARAFIOTI S., ARFUSO F., FORTINO G., FAZIO F. (2014). Metabolic response to monthly variations of Sparus aurata reared in Mediterranean off-shore tanks. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 14: 567 - 574
FAGGIO C., ARFUSO F., PICCIONE G., ZUMBO A., FAZIO F. (2014). Effect of three different anticoagulants and storage time on haematological parameters of Mugil cephalus. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 14: 615-621
FAZIO F., FAGGIO C., PICCIONE G., BONFIGLIO R., MARINO F. (2014). Effect of rearing density on the blood and tissues of mullet (Mugil cephalus L.). Marine Freshwater Behaviour Physiolgy 47(6): 389-399
FAZIO F., CECCHINI S., FAGGIO C., CAPUTO A.R., PICCIONE G.(2014). Stability of oxidative stress biomarkers in flathead mullet, Mugil cephalus, serum during short-term storage. Ecological Indicators 46: 188–192
BISSINGER R., MODICANO P., ALZOUBI K., HONISCH S., FAGGIO C., ABED M., LANG F. (2014). Effect of saponin on erythrocytes. Int J Hematol. 100: 51-59
JACOBI J., LANG E., BISSINGER R., FRAUENFELD L., MODICANO P., FAGGIO C., ABED M., LANG F. (2014). Stimulation of erythrocyte cell membrane scrambling by mitotane. Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry: 33 (5): 1516-26
VAZZANA M., MACEDO A., BOONME P., FAGGIO C., SOUTO E.B (2014). Revisiting lipidic nanoparticles as drug carriers for nsaids: ibuprofen as an instance. In Drug Nano-carriers 3:13- 409-428
SCHMID E., XUAN N.T., ZAHIR N., RUSSO A., YANG W., KUHL D., FAGGIO C., SHUMILINA E., LANG F. (2014). Serum- and glucocorticoid-inducible kinase 1 sensitive NF-Κb signaling in dendritic cells. Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry 34(3): 943-54
MINEO P., FAGGIO C*., MICALI N., SCAMPORRINO E., VILLARI V. (2014). A star polymer based on a polyethylenglicol with a porphyrinic core as a photosensitizer agent for application in photodynamic therapy: tests in vitro on human erythrocytes. RSC Advances: 4, 19389-19395
VAZZANA M., MACEDO A.S., SANTINI A., FAGGIO C., SOUTO E.B. (2014). Novel neuroprotective formulations based on St. John’s Wort extract. Journal Food Research: 3 (4): 3, 3-17
SCHMID E., YAN J., NURBAEVA M.K., RUSSO A., YANG W., FAGGIO C., SHUMILINA E, LANG F. (2014). Decreased store operated Ca(2+) entry in dendritic cells isolated from mice expressing PKB/SGK-resistant GSK3. PLoS One. Feb 11; 9(2):e88637
BORST O., MÜNZER P., SCHMID E., SCHMIDT E. M., RUSSO A., WALKER B., YANG W., LEIBROCK C., SZTEYN K., SCHMIDT S., ELVERS M., FAGGIO C., SHUMILINA E., KURO-O M., GAWAZ M., LANG F. (2014). 1,25(OH)2 vitamin D3-dependent inhibition of platelet Ca2+ signaling and thrombus formation in klotho-deficient mice. FASEB J. 28(5): 2108-19
YANG W., NURBAEVA M.K., SCHMID E., RUSSO A., ALMILAJI A., SZTEYN K., YAN J., FAGGIO C., SHUMILINA E., LANG F. (2014). Akt2- and ETS1-dependent IP3 receptor 2 expression in dendritic cell migration. Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry. 33 (1): 222-36
DËRMAKU-SOPJANI M., ABAZI S., FAGGIO C., KOLGECI J., SOPJANI M. (2014). AMPK-sensitive cellular transport. Journal Biochemistry. 155 (3):147-58
FAGGIO C., FEDELE G., ARFUSO F., PANZERA M., FAZIO F. (2014) Haematological and biochemical response of Mugil cephalus after acclimation to captivity. Cahiers de Biologie Marine 55: 31-36
BARTOSKOVA M., DOBSIKOVA R., STANCOVA V., ZIVNA D., BLAHOVA J., MARSALEK P., ZELNÍCKOVA L., BARTOS M., DI TOCCO F.C., FAGGIO C. (2013). Evaluation of ibuprofen toxicity for zebrafish (Danio rerio) targeting on selected biomarkers of oxidative stress. NeuroEndocrinology Letters 34:102-108
BISSINGER R., MODICANO P., FRAUENFELD L., LANG E., JACOBI J., FAGGIO C., LANG F. (2013). Estramustine-Induced Suicidal Erythrocyte Death. Cell Physiology and Biochemistry 28: 32(5): 1426-143
ARNOLD M., LANG E., MODICANO P., BISSINGER R., FAGGIO C., ABED M., LANG F. (2013). Effect of nitazoxanide on erythrocytes. Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology 114 (5): 421-6
LANG E., MODICANO P., ARNOLD M., BISSINGER R., FAGGIO C., ABED M., LANG F. (2013). Effect of thioridazine on erythrocytes. Toxins (Basel). 23: 5(10):1918-31
LIEW H.J., CHIARELLA D., PELLE A., FAGGIO C., BLUST R., DE BOECK G. (2013). Cortisol emphasizes the metabolic strategies employed by common carp, Cyprinus carpio at different feeding and swimming regimes. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology-Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology 166(3):449-464
PICCIONE G., ARFUSO F., MONTEVERDE V., VAZZANA I. ZUMBO A., FAGGIO C. (2013). Monitoring of some metabolic parameters in Comisana lambs during the neonatal period. Large Animal Review: 19: 133-137
FAZIO F., MARAFIOTI S., FILICIOTTO F., BUSCAINO G., PANZERA M., FAGGIO C. (2013). Blood Hemogram Profiles of Farmed Onshore and Offshore Gilthead Sea Bream (Sparus aurata) from Sicily, Italy. Turkish Journal Fisheries Aquatic Science 13: 415-422
FAZIO F., MARAFIOTI S., ARFUSO F., PICCIONE G., FAGGIO C. (2013). Comparative study of the biochemical and haematological parameters of four wild Tyrrhenian fish species Veterinarni Medicina 58(11): 576-581
TORRE A., TRISCHITTA F., CORSARO C., MALLAMACE D., FAGGIO C. (2013). Digestive cells from Mytilus galloprovincialis show a partial regulatory volume decrease following acute hypotonic stress through mechanisms involving inorganic ions. Cell Biochemistry and Function 31: 489–495
FAGGIO C., CASELLA S., ARFUSO F., MARAFIOTI S., PICCIONE G., FAZIO F.(2013). Effect of storage time on haematological parameters in mullet, Mugil cephalus. Cell Biochemistry and Function 31 (5): 412-416
FAZIO F., MARAFIOTI S., ARFUSO F., PICCIONE G. FAGGIO C. (2013). Influence of different salinity on haematological and biochemical parameters of the widely cultured mullet, Mugil cephalus. Marine Freshwater Behaviour Physiology 46 (4): 211-218
SCHMIDT E.M., SCHMID E., MÜNZER P., HERMANN A., EYRICH A.K., RUSSO A., WALKER B., GU S., MÜLLER VOM HAGEN J., FAGGIO C., SCHALLER M., FÖLLER M., SCHÖLS L., GAWAZ M., BORST O., STORCH A., STOURNARAS C., LANG F.(2013). Chorein sensitivity of cytoskeletal organization and degranulation of platelets. FASEB J. 27 (7): 2799-2806
SHUMILINA E., NURBAEVA M.K., YANG W., SCHMID E., SZTEYN K., RUSSO A., HEISE N., LEIBROCK C., XUAN N.T., FAGGIO C., KURO-O M., LANG F. (2013). Altered regulation of cytosolic Ca2+ concentration in dendritic cells from klotho hypomorphic mice. American Journal of Physiology. Cell Physiology 2013 305(1):C70-7
RUSSO A., SCHMID E., NURBAEVA M.K., YANG W., YAN J., BHANDARU M., FAGGIO C., SHUMILINA E., LANG F. (2013). PKB/SGK-dependent GSK3-phosphorylation in the regulation of LPS-induced Ca2+ increase in mouse dendritic cells. Biochemistry Biophysic Research Communications 437 (3): 336-41
BORST O., WALKER B., MÜNZER P., RUSSO A., SCHMID E., FAGGIO C., BIGALKE B., LAUFER S., GAWAZ M., LANG F. (2013). Skepinone-L, a novel potent and highly selective inhibitor of p38 MAP Kinase, effectively impairs platelet activation and thrombus formation. Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry 18; 31(6):914-924
PICCIONE G., ARFUSO F., GIANNETTO C., FAGGIO C., PANZERA M. (2013). Effect of housing conditions and owner’s schedule on daily total locomotor activity in dogs (Canis familiaris). Biological Rhythm Research, vol. 44 (3): 421-426
GENOVESE G., ROMEO O., MORABITO M., ALESSI D., CRISEO G., FAGGIO C. (2013). Activity of ethanolic extracts of Asparagopsis taxiformis against the major molecular types of Cryptococcus neoformans/C. gattii complex African Journal Microbiology Research 7(21): 2662-2667
BONACCORSI P., AVERSA M.C., BARATTUCCI A., PAPALIA T., TORRE A., TRISCHITTA F., FAGGIO C. (2013). Sulfenic acid-derived glycoconjugated disulfides and sulfoxides: a biological evaluation on human red blood cells. Journal Sulfur Chemistry 34 (6): 684-691
PICCIONE G., GIANNETTO C., FAGGIO C., ALBERGHINA D., PANZERA M. (2013). Three-time feeding does not influence insulin daily rhythm in horse. Biological Rhythm Research 44, (3): 421-426
TORRE A., TRISCHITTA F., FAGGIO C. (2013). Effect of CdCl2 on Regulatory Volume Decrease (RVD) in Mytilus galloprovincialis digestive cells. Toxicology in Vitro 27: 1260–1266
FAZIO F., FAGGIO C., MARAFIOTI S., TORRE A., SANFILIPPO M., PICCIONE G. (2013). Effect of water quality on hematological and biochemical parameters of Gobius niger caught in Faro lake (Sicily). Iranian Journal of Fisheries Sciences 12(1): 219-231
FAZIO F., MARAFIOTI S., TORRE A., SANFILIPPO M., PANZERA M., FAGGIO C. (2013). Haematological and serum protein profiles of Mugil cephalus: effect of two different habitat. Ichthyology Research 60 (1): 36-42
FILICIOTTO F., FAZIO F., MARAFIOTI S., BUSCAINO G., MACCARRONE V., FAGGIO C (2012). Assessment of haematological parameters range values using an automatic method in European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax L.). Natura Rerum 1: 29-36
FAGGIO C., MARAFIOTI S., ARFUSO F., PANZERA M., PICCIONE G., FAZIO F. (2012). Effect of two different habitat on haematological parameters and serum protein profile in Mugil cephalus. Natura Rerum 1: 19-28
TRISCHITTA F., TORRE A., FAGGIO C. (2012). Genistein: effect on the ion transport of the intestine of seawater adapted, Anguilla anguilla. Natura Rerum 1: 9-18
ZELENAK C., PASHAM V., JILANI K., TRIPODI P.M., ROSACLERIO L., PATHARE G., LUPESCU A., FAGGIO C., QADRI S.M., LANG F. (2012). Tanshinone IIA Stimulates Erythrocyte Phosphatidylserine Exposure. Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry 30(1): 282-294
TORRE A., TRISCHITTA F., FAGGIO C. (2012). Purinergic receptors and regulatory volume decrease in seabream (Sparus aurata) hepatocytes: a videometric study. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry 38:1593-1600
DI PAOLA R., IMPELLIZZERI D., TORRE A., MAZZON E., CAPPELLANI A., FAGGIO C., ESPOSITO E., TRISCHITTA F., CUZZOCREA S. (2012). Effects of palmitoylethanolamide on intestinal injury and inflammation caused by ischemia-reperfusion in mice. Journal of Leukocyte Biology 92: 911-920
WILMES J., HADDAD-TÓVOLLI R., ALESUTAN I., MUNOZ C.,SOPJANI M., PELZL L., BOGATIKOV E., FEDELE G., FAGGIO C., SEEBOHM G:, FÖLLER M., LANG F. (2012). Regulation of KCNQ1/KCNE1 by beta-catenin. Molecular Membrane Biology 29(3-4):87-94
FAZIO F., SATHEESHKUMAR P., SENTHIL KUMAR D., FAGGIO C., PICCIONE G. (2012). A comparative study of hematological and blood chemistry of Indian and Italian Grey Mullet (Mugil cephalus L. 1758). HOAJ Biology 1 (5): 1-5
TRISCHITTA F., FAGGIO C., TORRE A. (2012). Living with high concentrations of urea: They can! OJAS. 2 (1): 32-40
GENOVESE G., FAGGIO C., GUGLIANDOLO C., TORRE A., SPANÒ A., MORABITO M., MAUGERI T. L. (2012). In vitro evaluation of antibacterial activity of Asparagopsis taxiformis from the Straits of Messina against pathogens relevant in aquaculture. Marine Environmental Research 73:1-6
PICCIONE G., GIANNETTO C., MARAFIOTI S., FAGGIO C, ALBERGHINA D., FAZIO F. (2012). Training-induced modifications of circadian rhythmicity of peroxidative parameters in horses. Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition 96: 978–984
FAZIO F., FAGGIO C*., MARAFIOTI S., TORRE A., SANFILIPPO M., PICCIONE G. (2012). Comparative study of haematological profile on Gobius niger in two different habitat sites: Faro Lake and Tyrrhenian Sea. Cahiers de Biologie Marine 53: 213-219
FAZIO F., FAGGIO C., MARAFIOTI S., TORRE A., SANFILIPPO M., PICCIONE G. (2011). Physiological response to caught and handling in Gobius niger. Natura Rerum 1:21-30
TRISCHITTA F., TORRE A., FEDELE G., FAGGIO C. (2011). Role of endothelin on the intestinal transport of seawater adapted Eel, Anguilla Anguilla. Natura Rerum 1:31-42
PICCIONE G., GIANNETTO C., CASELLA S., MARAFIOTI S., VANESSA MESSINA V., ASSENZA A., FAGGIO C., FAZIO F. (2011). Nycthemeral rhythms of total locomotor activity and oxidative markers in horse. Journal of Applied Biomedicine 9: 43-48
FAGGIO C., TORRE A, LANDO G, SABATINO G, TRISCHITTA F. (2011). Carbonate precipitates and bicarbonate secretion in the intestine of sea bass, Dicentrarchus labrax. Journal of Comparative Physiology B; 181(4):517-25
FAGGIO C., TORRE A, PELLE E, RAFFA F, VILLARI V, TRISCHITTA F. (2011). Cell volume regulation following hypotonic shock in hepatocytes isolated from Sparus aurata. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology 158(1):143-9
EBERHARD M., FERLINZ K., ALIZZI K., CACCIATO P.M., FAGGIO C., FOLLER M., LANG F. (2010). FTY720-induced suicidal erythrocyte death. Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry. 26(4-5):761-6
TRISCHITTA F., FAGGIO C. (2008). Gossypol affects ion transport in the isolated intestine of the seawater adapted eel, Anguilla anguilla. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology 151: 139- 143
TRISCHITTA F., FAGGIO C. (2007). Nitric oxide modulates ionic transport in the isolated intestine of the eel, Anguilla anguilla. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology 148: 368- 373
TRISCHITTA F., FAGGIO C. (2006). Effect of the flavonol quercetin on ion transport in the isolated intestine of the eel, Anguilla anguilla. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - Part C: Toxicology & Pharmacology 143: 17- 22
TRISCHITTA F., DENARO M.G., FAGGIO C.(2005). Cell volume regulation following hypotonic stress in the intestine of the eel, Anguilla anguilla, is Ca2+-dependent. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - Part B: Biochemistry & Molecular Biology 140: 359- 367
TRISCHITTA F., DENARO M.G., FAGGIO C. (2004). Ion transport in the intestine of Gobius niger in both isotonic and hypotonic conditions. Journal of Experimental Zoology A 301: 49- 62
TRISCHITTA F., DENARO M.G., FAGGIO C., LIONETTO MG (2001). Ca2+ regulation of paracellular permeability in the middle intestine of the eel, Anguilla anguilla. Journal of Comparative Physiology B. 171: 85- 90
FAGGIO C., DENARO M.G., LIONETTO M.G., TRISCHITTA F. (2000). Protective effects of prostaglandins in the isolated gastric mucosa of the eel, Anguilla anguilla. Journal of Comparative Physiology B. 170: 357- 363
TRISCHITTA F., DENARO M.G., FAGGIO C. (1999). Effects of acetylcholine, serotonin and noradrenalin on ion transport in the middle and posterior part of Anguilla anguilla intestine. Journal of Comparative Physiology. B, 169: 370- 376
TRISCHITTA F., DENARO M.G., FAGGIO C., MANDOLFINO M., SCHETTINO T. (1998). H+ and Cl-secretion in the stomach of the teleost fish, Anguilla anguilla: stimulation by histamine and carbachol. Journal of Comparative Physiology B 168: 1- 8,
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TRISCHITTA F., DENARO M.G., FAGGIO C., SCHETTINO T. (1992). An attempt to determine the mechanisms of Cl- exit across the basolateral membrane of eel intestine -use of different Cl- transport pathway inhibitors. Journal of Experimental Zoology 264: 11- 18
TRISCHITTA F., DENARO M.G., FAGGIO C., SCHETTINO T. (1992). Comparison of Cl- -absorption in the intestine of the seawater-adapted and fresh-water-adapted eel, Anguilla-anguilla. Evidence for the presence of an Na-K-Cl cotransport system on the luminal membrane of the enterocyte. Journal of Experimental Zoology 263: 245- 253
SCHETTINO T., TRISCHITTA F., DENARO M.G., FAGGIO C., FUCILE I. (1992). Requirement of HCO3- for Cl- absorption in seawater-adapted eel intestine. Pflugers Archiv 421: 146- 154
*Corresponding author
BRIGLIA M., PICCIONE G., LAURÀ R., GERMANÀ A., FAGGIO C. (2021). Zebrafish, dysbiosis and toxicology effects. 93° CONGRESSO SIBS (Società Italiana di Biologia Sperimentale) Palermo 22-25 Aprile 2021 Journal of Biological Research; 94: s1
PAGANO M., STARÁ A., Aliko V., FAGGIO C. (2021). Preliminary studies on the effectof thiacloprid on Mytilus galloprovincialis. 93° CONGRESSO SIBS (Società Italiana di Biologia Sperimentale) Palermo 22-25 Aprile 2021 Journal of Biological Research; 94: s1
STARÁ A., PAGANO M., CAPILLO G., FABRELLO J., VELÍŠEK J., MATOZZO V., FAGGIO C. (2019). Effects of a neonicotinoid insecticide on Mytilus galloprovincialis”. 19th International Toxicological Conference”Toxicity and Biodegradability of Matters Important in Aquatic Environments”, Vodňany, Czech Republic 21 to 23 August 2019
DAILIANIS S., CHARALAMBOUS N., FOINIRIS S., KOMODROMOU A., FAGGIO C., COCILOVO C., DORMOUSOGLOU M., LYBERATOS G., NTAIKOU I. (2019). Evaluating constructed wetland’s operational efficiency, using a battery of bioassays and critical toxic endpoints. 19th International Symposium on Toxicity Assessment, Thessaloniki, Greece, 25 to 30 of August 2019
PAGANO M., VAZZANA I., GENTILE A., CALABRESE E., OREFICE T., CARACAPPA G., FAGGIO C. (2019). Biochemical and haematological parameters as tool to assess the health status of turtles after stranding. Primo Simposio di Biologia Sperimentale: mare e ambiente (Società Italiana Biologia Sperimentale). Trapani 24-25 Maggio 2019 p.9
PAGANO M., STARA A., FABRELLO J., MATOZZO V., FAGGIO C. (2019) Effects of acute exposure of Mytilus galloprovincialis to two neonicotinoid substances: Thiacloprid and Calypso. Primo Simposio di Biologia Sperimentale: mare e ambiente (Società Italiana Biologia Sperimentale). Trapani 24-25 Maggio 2019 p.9-10
ALIKO V., MEHMETI E., QIRJO M., FAGGIO C. (2018). Drink and sleep like a fish- goldfish as a behavior model to study pharmaceutical effects in freshwater ecosystem. 91° CONGRESSO SIBS (Società Italiana di Biologia Sperimentale) Ancona 09-10 Novembre 2018 p.3
CAPILLO G., FAGGIO C., SAVOCA S., PANARELLO G., SANFILIPPO M., SPANO’ N. (2018). Gracilaria gracilis: a powerful product from sustainable aquaculture. 91° CONGRESSO SIBS (Società Italiana di Biologia Sperimentale) Ancona 09-10 Novembre 2018 p.3
PAGANO M., STARA A., FAGGIO C. (2018). Importance of mussel digestive cells in ecotoxicological investigations on xenobiotics. 91° CONGRESSO SIBS (Società Italiana di Biologia Sperimentale) Ancona 09-10 Novembre 2018 p.7
COCILOVO C., BLAHOVA J., PLHALOVA L., SVOBODOVA Z., FAGGIO C. (20180). Effects of mixture of atrazine, desisopropylatrazine and desethylatrazine on development of early life stages of zebrafish (Danio rerio). 91° CONGRESSO SIBS (Società Italiana di Biologia Sperimentale) Ancona 09-10 Novembre 2018 p.9
FIORINO E., FABER P. L., FREITAS T., SALDANHA C., FAGGIO C., SILVA-HERDANDE A.S. (2018). Beta- estradiol and ethinyl-estradiol effects on female hemorheology. 91° CONGRESSO SIBS (Società Italiana di Biologia Sperimentale) Ancona 09-10 Novembre 2018 p.10
STARA A., STROUHOVA’ A., KOUBA A., VELISEK J., FAGGIO C. (2018). The effects of acute exposure of neonicotinoid insecticide on different species of crayfish. 91° CONGRESSO SIBS (Società Italiana di Biologia Sperimentale) Ancona 09-10 Novembre 2018 p.13
GUZZETTI E., FERRIOL P., DIAZ J.A., SALABERRY E., TEJADA S., FAGGIO C., SUREDA A. (2018). Oxidative stress induction by the invasive sponge Paraleucilla magna growing on Peyssonnella squamerai algae. 91° CONGRESSO SIBS (Società Italiana di Biologia Sperimentale) Ancona 09-10 Novembre 2018 p.11
GARCÍA BELTRÁN J.M., ESPINOSA RUIZ C., CAMPO V., CHUPANI L., FAGGIO C., ESTEBAN ABAD M.A. (2018). Origanum vulgare administered in fish diets enhance humoral and cellular immunity of gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata L.). 18th International Symposium on Fish Nutrition and Feeding 3-7 June 2018-Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Spain)
ALIKO V., QYLI1 M., QIRJO M., FAGGIO C. (2017). Carcinus aestuarii as an interesting bioindicator in monitoring estuarine ecosystem pollution. A multibiomarker approach. 90th CONGRESSO SIBS (SOCIETÀ ITALIANA DI BIOLOGIA SPERIMENTALE) 27-28 October 2017- Trapani (Italy) Journal of Biological Research. 90(1): 2
SKALICKA-WOZNIAK K., BOGUSZEWSKA-CZUBARA A., BIAŁA G., SILVESTRO S., FAGGIO C., B. BUDZYŃSKA B. (2017). Xanthotoxin improves scopolamine induced memory impairment in passive avoidance test in mice – role of acetylcholinesterase. 90th CONGRESSO SIBS (SOCIETÀ ITALIANA DI BIOLOGIA SPERIMENTALE) 27-28 October 2017- Trapani (Italy) Journal of Biological Research. 90(1): 13-14
SILVESTRO S., BOGUSZEWSKA-CZUBARA A., KURZEPA J., BIAŁA G., GROT K., FAGGIO C., BUDZYŃSKA B. (2017). Mephedrone exposure in male swiss mice:damages and possible solutions to address drug addiction. 90th CONGRESSO SIBS (SOCIETÀ ITALIANA DI BIOLOGIA SPERIMENTALE) 27-28 October 2017- Trapani (Italy) Journal of Biological Research. 90(1): 14
SILVESTRO S., CAPILLO G., SANFILIPPO M., FIORINO E., GIANGROSSO G., FERRANTELLI V., DARA S., VAZZANA I., FAGGIO C. (2017). Appraisal of the abiotic and biotic framework of Faro lake (Messina, Sicily). 90th CONGRESSO SIBS (SOCIETÀ ITALIANA DI BIOLOGIA SPERIMENTALE) 27-28 October 2017- Trapani (Italy) Journal of Biological Research. 90(1): 14
BELLINVIA R., STEINBACH C., FAGGIO C., H. KOCOUR KROUPOVÁ H. (2017). Sexual dimorphism in endler’s guppies (Poecilia wingei)–morphometric analysis. 90th CONGRESSO SIBS (SOCIETÀ ITALIANA DI BIOLOGIA SPERIMENTALE) 27-28 October 2017- Trapani (Italy) Journal of Biological Research. 90(1): 16-17
BELLINVIA R., STARA A., STROUHOVA A., FAGGIO C. (2017). The effects of acute exposition of Calypso 480 SC on common yabby (Cherax destructor) crayfish. 90th CONGRESSO SIBS (SOCIETÀ ITALIANA DI BIOLOGIA SPERIMENTALE) 27-28 October 2017- Trapani (Italy) Journal of Biological Research. 90(1): 16
GUZZETTI E., FELICE MR., DERBEL H., GDOURA R., URZÌ C., FAGGIO C., DE LEO F. (2017). Antioxidant activity and cytotoxicity in Hortaea werneckii grown under salt stress. 90th CONGRESSO SIBS (SOCIETÀ ITALIANA DI BIOLOGIA SPERIMENTALE) 27-28 October 2017- Trapani (Italy) Journal of Biological Research. 90(1): 17
CAMPO V., MIAO L., CHAVEZ-POZO E., FAGGIO C., ESTEBAN M.Á., CUESTA A. (2017). Granzymes role in the cell-mediated cytotoxic immune response of fish against nodavirus. 90th CONGRESSO SIBS (SOCIETÀ ITALIANA DI BIOLOGIA SPERIMENTALE) 27-28 October 2017- Trapani (Italy) Journal of Biological Research. 90(1): 13
FIORINO E., J. BLAHOVÁ J., ENEVOVÁ V., PLHALOVÁ L., FRANC A., SVOBODOVÁ Z., FAGGIO C. (2017). Oxidative stress response of rainbow trout after subchronic tonalide exposure. 90th CONGRESSO SIBS (SOCIETÀ ITALIANA DI BIOLOGIA SPERIMENTALE) 27-28 October 2017- Trapani (Italy) Journal of Biological Research. 90(1): 13
QYLI (MEMAJ) M., FAGGIO C., ALIKO V. (2017) Copper influence on glycaemic hormonal regulation by the eyestalks in the Mediterranean Crab, Carcinus aestuarii. International Conference on Food and Biosystems Engineering, 01-04 June 2017, Rhodes island, FaBE2017 132: 12
FIORINO E., SEHONOVA P., PLAHALOVA L., BLAHOVA J. SVOBODOVA Z., FAGGIO C (2016). The effects of glyphosate on early life stages of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) and zebrafish (Danio rerio). 89th CONGRESSO SIBS (SOCIETÀ ITALIANA DI BIOLOGIA SPERIMENTALE) 1-2 Dicembre 2016- Bologna (Italy) Journal of Biological Research. 89(1): 11
SILVESTRO S., PAGANO M., PORCINO C., BRIGLIA M., FIORINO E., VAZZANA M., FAGGIO C. (2016). In vitro acute toxicity of cadmium and zinc in haemolymph and digestive cells of Mytilus galloprovincialis. 89° Convegno SIBS (SOCIETÀ ITALIANA DI BIOLOGIA SPERIMENTALE 1-2 Dicembre 2016-Bologna (Italia). Journal of Biological Research. 89 (1):15 - 16
SIGNORETTO E., HONISH S., BRIGLIA M., FAGGIO C., CASTAGNA M., LANG F.(2016). Nocodazole induced Suicidal Death of Human Erytrhocytes. 95th Annual Meeting of the German Physiological Society 3–5 March 2016, Lübeck, Germany; ACTA PHYSIOLOGICA 216 pp.146
SILVA-HERDADE A.S., ANDOLINA G., FAGGIO C., SALDANHA C. (2016). Erythrocyte deformability-A partner of the inflammatory response. 18th European Conference on Clinical Hemorheology And Microcirculation. Lisbon 5-8-June 2016
MODICANO P., MÄDER K., FAGGIO C. (2015). Preparation of blank and F8BT-loaded lipid nanocapsules based on a phase inversion method and their preliminary characterization. 88° CONGRESSO SIBS (Società Italiana di Biologia Sperimentale) Genova 11-12 Dicembre 2015. pp. 111-112
MODICANO P., FAGGIO C. (2015). Lipid nanocapsules as promising carriers for Drug Delivery System with a Trojan horse strategy. 88° CONGRESSO SIBS (Società Italiana di Biologia Sperimentale) Genova 11-12 Dicembre 2015. pp. 82
PINTOMALLI L., FAGGIO C., MAMMÌ C., BARBARO A.P., BARCELLA L., ROGOLINO S.B., LAGANÀ C., PRIOLO M. (2015). Molecular characterization by ITS sequencing in a group of patients affected with mycotic infection. 88° CONGRESSO SIBS (Società Italiana di Biologia Sperimentale) Genova 11-12 Dicembre 2015. pp. 121
PAGANO M., CAPILLO G., SANFILIPPO M., PALATO S., TRISCHITTA F., MANGANARO A., FAGGIO C. (2015). The impact of quaternium-15 on Mytilus galloprovincialis: “in vitro" study. 88° CONGRESSO SIBS (Società Italiana di Biologia Sperimentale) Genova 11-12 Dicembre 2015. pp. 118-120
PAGANO·M., PORCINO C., SPINELLI A., ·MATOZZO V., FAGGIO C. (2015). A first description of haemocytes of Pinna nobilis. 88° CONGRESSO SIBS (Società Italiana di Biologia Sperimentale) Genova 11-12 Dicembre 2015. pp. 115-117
GUARDIOLA F.A., FAGGIO C., CUESTA A., MESEGUER J., ESTEBAN MA. (2015). Impact of copper exposure on gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata L.): hepatosomatic index, serum antioxidant status and innate cellular immune parameters. 88° CONGRESSO SIBS (Società Italiana di Biologia Sperimentale) Genova 11-12 Dicembre 2015. pp. 101-102
SOUTO E.B., DOKTOROVOVA S., SILVA AM., VAZZANA M., SANTINI A., FAGGIO C. (2015). The role of epigenetic regulator SIRT6 in skin tumorigenesis. 88° CONGRESSO SIBS (Società Italiana di Biologia Sperimentale) Genova 11-12 Dicembre 2015. pp. 144-146
FIORINO E., BLAHOVA J., ENEVOVA V., PLHALOVA L., DOUBKOVA V., MARSALEK P., FRANC A., SVOBODOVA ·Z., FAGGIO C. (2015). Effects of subchronic tonalide exposure on selected indices in rainbow trout. 88° CONGRESSO SIBS (Società Italiana di Biologia Sperimentale) Genova 11-12 Dicembre 2015.pp. 105-106
SPINELLI A., PAGANO M., CAPILLO G., TIZIANA OREFICE T., VAZZANA I., GIACOBBE S., FAGGIO C. (2015). The noble fan mussel Pinna nobilis behavior along a marine-brackish gradient. 88° CONGRESSO SIBS (Società Italiana di Biologia Sperimentale) Genova 11-12 Dicembre 2015. pp. 137-139
SPANÒ A, RIZZO C., PAGANO M., CIGALA R.M., ARMELI MINICANTE S., MORABITO M., FAGGIO C., GENOVESE G., GUGLIANDOLO C. (2015). Antibacterial activity of water soluble polysaccharides extracted from marine algae against pathogens relevant in aquaculture. 88° CONGRESSO SIBS (Società Italiana di Biologia Sperimentale) Genova 11-12 Dicembre 2015. pp. 135-136
PORCINO C., GUARDIOLA F.A., CEREZUELA R., CUESTA A., FAGGIO C., ESTEBAN M.A.(2015). Effect of dietary supplementation of probiotics and palm fruits extracts on the expression levels of immune-related genes of sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax). 88° CONGRESSO SIBS (Società Italiana di Biologia Sperimentale) Genova 11-12 Dicembre 2015. pp. 122-123
VAZZANA M., DOSTALOVA S., KRIZKOVA S., VACULOVICOVA M., VACULOVIC T., ADAM V., FAGGIO C. (2015). Bioconjugated CdTe Quantum Dots for Metallothionein Fluorescent-Immunodetection. 88° CONGRESSO SIBS (Società Italiana di Biologia Sperimentale) Genova 11-12 Dicembre 2015. pp. 145-147
MODICANO P., BISSINGER, R., ALZOUBI K., HONISCH S., ABED M., LANG F., FAGGIO C. (2014). Saponin, a trigger of eryptosis, the suicidal erythrocyte death. 87° CONGRESSO SIBS (Società Italiana di Biologia Sperimentale) Torino 5-6 Dicembre 2014. Journal of Biological Research 87(1): 12
MISCHITELLI M., NAVARRO S., CORTÉS R., SANCHEZ E., FAGGIO C., CERDÁ-REVERTER J.M. (2014). Possible role of the Melanocortin System in the regulation of fear response and anxiety. 87° CONGRESSO SIBS (Società Italiana di Biologia Sperimentale) Torino 5-6 Dicembre 2014. Journal of Biological Research 87(1): 12
MODICANO P., ARNOLD M., LANG E., BISSINGER R., ABED M., LANG F., FAGGIO C. (2014). Stimulation of suicidal erythrocyte death by nitazoxanide. 87° CONGRESSO SIBS (Società Italiana di Biologia Sperimentale) Torino 5-6 Dicembre 2014. Journal of Biological Research 87(1): 12
VAZZANA M., SANTINI A., VEIGA F.J., SILVA A.M., FAGGIO C., BARBOSA SOUTO E. (2014). Formulating polyphenols in hydrophilic polymeric solid dosage forms and pharmacokinetic characterization by mathematical modeling. 87° CONGRESSO SIBS (Società Italiana di Biologia Sperimentale) Torino 5-6 Dicembre 2014. Journal of Biological Research 87(1): 12-13
PORCINO C., GUARDIOLA ABELLÀN F., CEREZUELA CABRERA R., CUESTA PEÑAFIEL A., ESTEBAN ABAD M.A., FAGGIO C. (2014). Effect of dietary supplementation of probiotics and palm fruits extracts on innate immune response of sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax). 87° CONGRESSO SIBS (Società Italiana di Biologia Sperimentale) Torino 5-6 Dicembre 2014. Journal of Biological Research 87(1): 4
PAGANO M., GENOVESE G., DOTTORE A., MORABITO M., FAGGIO C. (2014). Biological activities of polysaccharides from marine algae. 87° CONGRESSO SIBS (Società Italiana di Biologia Sperimentale) Torino 5-6 Dicembre 2014. Journal of Biological Research 87(1): 9
SILVA-HERDADE A.S., ANDOLINA G., FAGGIO C., SALDANHA C. (2014). PAF (Platelet-Activating Factor) induced inflammation: in vivo study. 87° CONGRESSO SIBS (Società Italiana di Biologia Sperimentale) Torino 5-6 Dicembre 2014. Journal of Biological Research 87(1): 11
CALABRÒ S., ALZOUBI K., LANG F., FAGGIO C. (2014). Enhanced eryptosis following sulforaphane exposure. 87° CONGRESSO SIBS (Società Italiana di Biologia Sperimentale) Torino 5-6 Dicembre 2014. Journal of Biological Research 87(1): 11
FAZIO A., BRAGASON T., MAGNADOTTIR B., FAGGIO C., GUDMUNDSDOTTIR S. (2013). Risposta della fase acuta nel merluzzo bianco dopo infezione batterica. XIX Congresso della Società Italiana di Patologia Ittica Siracusa 14-16 Novembre 2013
CASUSCELLI DI TOCCO F., BLAHOVA J., SKORIC M., FAGGIO C., SVOBODOVA Z. (2013). Cambiamenti istopatologici nella carpa comune (Cyprinus carpio) in seguito all'esposizione acuta di atrazina. XIX Congresso della Società Italiana di Patologia Ittica Siracusa 14-16 Novembre 2013
MANGANARO A., SANFILIPPO M., FAGGIO C., GENOVESE G., GUGLIANDOLO C., MAUGERI T.L., MORABITO M., TRISCHITTA F., SANTULLI A.(2013). INNOVAQUA “Technological innovation for the improvement of productivity and competitiveness of sicilian aquaculture”: aspects of experimental biology. 86° CONGRESSO SIBS (Società Italiana di Biologia Sperimentale) Palermo 24-25 Ottobre 2013
CERAOLO F., VAZZANA M., CASTRICIANO M.A., MAZZAGLIA A., ZAGAMI R., ROMEO A., FAGGIO C. Spectroscopic characterization and in vitro assay on human blood of novel porphyrin derivatives. 86° CONGRESSO SIBS (Società Italiana di Biologia Sperimentale) Palermo 24-25 Ottobre 2013
FAGGIO C., FAZIO F., ARFUSO F., FORTINO G., PICCIONE G. (2013). Assessment of three different anticoagulants and storage time influence on haematological parameters in Mugil cephalus (Linneaus, 1758). 86° CONGRESSO SIBS (Società Italiana di Biologia Sperimentale) Palermo 24-25 Ottobre 2013 pp 62-63
BONACCORSI P., BARATTUCCI A., COSTANZO M.G., TRISCHITTA F., PAPALIA T., FAGGIO C. (2013). Synthesis of enantiopure sugar-decorated six-armed triptycene derivatives and a biological evaluation on human red blood cells. 86° CONGRESSO SIBS (Società Italiana di Biologia Sperimentale) Palermo 24-25 Ottobre 2013: pp. 107-108
FAZIO A., LIEW HJ. DE BOECK G., FAGGIO C. (2013). Feeding and cortisol alter branchial Na+/K+ atpase activity and growth performance differently in common carp Cyprinus carpio. 86° CONGRESSO SIBS (Società Italiana di Biologia Sperimentale) Palermo 24-25 Ottobre 2013: pp 123-124
MANGANARO A., SANFILIPPO M., FAGGIO C., GENOVESE G., GUGLIANDOLO C., MAUGERI T.L., MORABITO M., TRISCHITTA F., SANTULLI A. (2013). Innovaqua “technological innovation for the improvement of productivity and competitiveness of Sicilian aquaculture”: aspects of experimental biology. 86° CONGRESSO SIBS (Società Italiana di Biologia Sperimentale) Palermo 24-25 Ottobre 2013
FAZIO F., FAGGIO C., MARAFIOTI S., FILICIOTTO F., PICCIONE G. (2013). Effect of storage time on haematological parameters in two different teleosts, mullet ad Sea bream. 86° CONGRESSO SIBS (Società Italiana di Biologia Sperimentale) Palermo 24-25 Ottobre 2013
MODICANO P., LANG E., ARNOLD M., BISSINGER R., FAGGIO C., ABED M., LANG F. (2013). Effect of thioridazine on erythrocytes. 86° CONGRESSO SIBS (Società Italiana di Biologia Sperimentale) Palermo 24-25 Ottobre 2013.
BAZZANO M., FAGGIO C., PANZERA M., ASSENZA A., PICCIONE G.(2013). Daily rhythm of total activity/rest pattern in small and large domestic animals. 86° CONGRESSO SIBS (Società Italiana di Biologia Sperimentale) Palermo 24-25 Ottobre 2013.
PAGANO M., GENOVESE G., MORABITO M., CASELLA C., FAGGIO C. (2013). Biological evaluation of the action of Undaria pinnatifida extract on equine red bloods cells. 86° CONGRESSO SIBS (Società Italiana di Biologia Sperimentale) Palermo 24-25 Ottobre 2013: pp185-186
VAZZANA M., MACEDO A.S., SOUTO E.B., FAGGIO C. (2013). Preparation of solid lipid nanoparticles for ibuprofen delivery 86° CONGRESSO SIBS (Società Italiana di Biologia Sperimentale) Palermo 24-25 Ottobre 2013.
ZAGAMI R., CASTRICIANO M.A., MAZZAGLIA A., ROMEO A., CERAOLO F., VAZZANA M., FAGGIO C., MONSÙ SCOLARO L. (2013). Novel porphyrin derivatives: spectroscopic characterization and hemolytic effect on human red blood cells (RBCs). Biometr 13-XIII Workshop on PharmacoBioMetallics 25 e 26 ottobre 2013
LIEW HJ., FAZIO A., MOYSON S., VAN DOOREN N., DELCROIX A., FAGGIO C., DE BOECK G. (2013). Kidney compensates ion losses in copper exposed exercised shubunkin (Carassius auratus). Meeting SEB 3-6 Luglio 2013 Valencia, Spagna: pp 95.
TORRE A., GOMES T., COMPANY R., FAGGIO C., TRISCHITTA .F, BEBIANNO M.J. (2013). Adverse effects of sublethal concentration of cadmium on both protein expression profiles and on regulatory volume decrease. Pollutant responses in marine organisms, PRIMO Faro (Algarve), Portogallo 5-8/05/2013
WALKER B., MÜNZER P., BORST O., RUSSO A., SCHMID E., BIGALKE B., FAGGIO C., LAUFER S., GAWAZ M., LANG F. (2013). Skepinone-L, a novel potent and highly selective inhibitor of p38 MAP kinase, effectively impairs platelet activation and thrombus formation. 92nd Annual Meeting Deutsche Physiologische Gesellschaft March 2–5, 2013 Heidelberg, Germany
YANG W., NURBAEVA M.K., SCHMID E., RUSSO A., SZTEYN K., FAGGIO C., SHUMILINA E., LANG F. (2013). Akt2-dependent transcriptional factor ETS1 regulates expression of IP3 receptor 2 in dendritic cells. 92nd Annual Meeting Deutsche Physiologische Gesellschaft March 2–5, 2013 Heidelberg, Germany
YAN J., SCHMID E., NURBAEVA M.K., YANG W., RUSSO A., FAGGIO C., E. SHUMILINA E., LANG F. (2013). Glycogen synthase kinase 3 regulates Ca2+ signalling in dendritic cells. 92nd Annual Meeting Deutsche Physiologische Gesellschaft March 2–5, 2013 Heidelberg, Germany
RUSSO A., SCHMIDT E., SCHMID E., MÜNZER P., HERMANN A., EYRICH A., WALKER B., GU S., VOM HAGEN J., FAGGIO C., SCHALLER M., ALESUTAN I., FÖLLER M., SCHÖLS L., BORST O., GAWAZ M., STORCH A., STOURNARAS C., LANG F. (2013). Actin depolymerization and impaired degranulation of platelets from patients with Choreoacanthocytosis. 92nd Annual Meeting Deutsche Physiologische Gesellschaft March 2–5, 2013 Heidelberg, Germany
ČOŽ-RAKOVAC R., FAZIO F., ŠMUC T., TOPIĆ POPOVIĆ N., STRUNJAK-PEROVIĆ I., SAUERBORN KLOBUČAR R., PICCIONE G., FAGGIO C. (2013). Blood biochemical approach in differentiation of Adriatic and Tyrrhenian mullet (Genus Mugil Linnaeus, 1758) populations. 48th Croatian & 8th International Symposium on Agriculture February 17-22, 2013- Valamar Lacroma Dubrovnik, Croatia
TORRE A., FAGGIO, C., TRISCHITTA F. (2012). Cell volume regulation in hepatopancreas of Mytilus galloprovincialis exposed to subletal concentration of CdCl2 73° Congresso UZI 24-27 Settembre 2012
LIEW H. J., PELLE A., CHIARELLA D., FAGGIO C., DE BOECK G. (2012). Cortisol elevation in common carp Cyprinus carpio improves ammonia excretion capacity during swimming at different feeding regimes, but diverts energy use towards protein and anaerobic metabolism. Meeting SEB 29 Giugno-2 Luglio 2012 Strasburgo, Francia
TRIPODI P.M., ROSACLERIO L., JILANI K., LANG E., QADRI S.M., ZELENAK C., SCHLEICHER E., FAGGIO C., LANG F. (2012). Erythrocyte phospholipid scrambling and cell swelling induced by CORM-2. Meeting ABCD Group “Cell Stress: Survival and Apoptosis” (CSSA), Palermo 18-19 Maggio 2012; p. 30 (1)
FEDELE G., TRISCHITTA F., FAGGIO C., TORRE A. (2012). Can isolated cells of Mytilus galloprovincialis exhibit RVD when exposed to hypotonic stress? Meeting ABCD Group “Cell Stress: Survival and Apoptosis” (CSSA), Palermo 18-19 Maggio 2012; p. 38 (1)
MARAFIOTI S., FAGGIO C., ARFUSO F., PICCIONE G., FAZIO F. (2012). Effects of oral administration of Gum Arabic on white blood cell count and on some oxidative stress parameters in Mugil cephalus. Meeting ABCD Group “Cell Stress: Survival and Apoptosis” (CSSA), Palermo 18-19 Maggio 2012; p. 32 (1)
PADUANO V., PRIOLO M., FAGGIO C., LAGANÀ C. (2012). Neurofibromatosi di tipo 1: Studio di correlazione genotipo-fenotipo e funzionale condotto su una coorte di pazienti italiani. Meeting Nazionale di Genetica, Immunologia e Pediatria Traslazionale 24-26 Novembre 2011-Messina. RIGIP Rivista Italiana di Genetica e Immunologia Pediatrica - Italian Journal of Genetic and Pediatric Immunology p. 23 (1)
TORRE A., FEDELE G., TRISCHITTA F., FAGGIO C. (2011). Purinergic receptors and regulatory volume decrease in seabream (Sparus Aurata) hepatocytes. Acta Physiologica p. 219: (41). Vol. 203
ROSACLERIO L., TRIPODI P.M., ZELENAK C., QADRI S.M., JILANI K., FAGGIO C., LANG F. (2011). Tanshinone IIA stimulates erythrocyte phosphatidylserine exposure. Cell Volume Regulation Meeting 2011 4-7 luglio- Tubingen (Germania) p. 30 (21)
FAGGIO C., TORRE A, DI FRESCO G, TRISCHITTA F. (2010). The intestine of marine teleosts: a model to study bicarbonate secretion. Gene Nutr. 5(1): S 54
OLLIVIER H., PELLE E., RAFFA F., FAGGIO C., PICHAVANT-RAFINI K. (2010). Regulatory volume decrease (RVD) process in isolated hepatocytes of the European sea bass, Dicentrarchus labrax. Gene Nutr. 5(1): S 85.
FAGGIO C., TORRE A., ALBERGHINA D., PICCIONE G., TRISCHITTA F. (2010). Cadmium impairs RVD in the digestive cells of Mytilus galloprovincialis Comp. Biochem. Physiol, Part A S 35
PICCIONE G., CASELLA S., MARAFIOTI S., TORRE A., FAGGIO C., TRISCHITTA F. (2010). Circadian rhythms of oxidative stress markers in Ovis aries, Bos taurus and Equus caballus. Comp. Biochem. Physiol, Part A S 35
TRISCHITTA F; FAGGIO C. (2008). Genistein affects Na/K/2Cl cotransport in the isolated intestine of the eel, Anguilla Anguilla, adapted to seawater. Acta Physiologica, p. 118, Vol. 194
TRISCHITTA F.; FAGGIO C. (2007). NO affects both the transcellular and the paracellular pathways in the isolated intestine of the eel, Anguilla anguilla. Acta Physiologica, p. 119, Vol. 191
TRISCHITTA F.; FAGGIO C. (2006). Endothelin affects transepithelial transport in the intestine of seawater adapted eel. Acta Physiologica, p. 126, Vol. 188
TRISCHITTA F., DENARO M.G., FAGGIO C. (2006). Gossypol affects ion transport in fish intestine. Acta Physiologica, p. 106, Vol. 188
FAGGIO C.; TRISCHITTA F. (2006). Paracrine control of ion transport in the intestine of seawater adapted eel: role of endothelin, NO and prostaglandins. Acta Physiologica, p. 39 39, Vol. 188
TRISCHITTA F.; FAGGIO C. (2005). NO modulates ion transport in the isolated intestine og the eel, Anguilla anguilla. Journal of Physiology and Biochemistry, p. 591- 591, Vol. 61
TRISCHITTA F.; DENARO M.G.; FAGGIO C. (2004). Effect of the flavonol quercetin on ion transport in the isolated intestine of the eel, Anguilla anguilla. Pflugers Archiv, p. 89, Vol. 448:R58 (F20)
TRISCHITTA F.; FAGGIO C.; DENARO M.G. (2004). Effect of the flavonol quercetin on ion transport in the isolated intestine of the eel, Anguilla anguilla. Pflugers Archiv, p. R58, Vol. 448
TRISCHITTA F., DENARO M.G., FAGGIO C. (2004). Quercetin mimics carbachol effect on ion transport in the isolated intestine of the eel, Anguilla anguilla. J. Physiol. Biochem., 176, Vol. 60
TRISCHITTA F., DENARO M.G., FAGGIO C. (2001). Ca++ dependent regulatory decrease in the isolated enterocytes of the eel, Anguilla anguilla. J. Physiol. Biochem. p. 196, Vol. 57
TRISCHITTA F., DENARO M.G., FAGGIO C. (2001). Effects of hypotonic stress on both the isolated intestine and the enterocytes of Gobius niger. Pflugers Archiv, p. 190, Vol. 442:R16
TRISCHITTA F., DENARO M.G., FAGGIO C. (1999). Ca++ regulation of paracellular permeability in the middle intestine of the eel, Anguilla anguilla. Pflugers Archiv, p 43, Vol. 437:4(43)
TRISCHITTA F., DENARO M.G., FAGGIO C. (1998). Protective effects of prostaglandins in the isolated gastric mucosa of eel, Anguilla anguilla. Pflugers Archiv, p.37, Vol. 435:R37
TRISCHITTA F., DENARO M.G., FAGGIO C., SCHETTINO T. (1991). Cl- absorption in sea-water eel (Anguilla-anguilla), intestine - effect of ion substitutions and inhibitors. Pflugers Archiv, p. R31, Vol. 419

PERSONAL DETAILSDate and Place of Birth: 19th December 1964, Reggio Calabria, Italy
July 1983: Diploma of Secondary School - Liceo Scientifico ”A. Volta”, Reggio Calabria Italy;
October 1987: “Laurea cum laude” in Biology, Institute of Physiology and Pharmacology;University of Messina, Italy
May 1989: - Qualifying Exam as Biology, University of Messina, Italy
Present address:
Dept of Department of Chemical, Biological, Pharmaceutical and Environmental Sciences- University of Messina – Viale F. Stagno d’Alcontres, 31 98166 S. Agata –Messina, Italy
Email: Voice: 003909067675213
December 1988 to June1990: - Postgraduate Course in Aquaculture and Biology of Fishing, University of Messina, Italy
January 1991 to May 2000: Technician Officer in the Institute of Physiology- University of Messina, Italy
May 2000 to 01 December 2019: Researcher/Assistent professor in the Department of Department of Chemical, Biological, Pharmaceutical and Environmental Sciences- University of Messina
02 December 2019: Associate Professor in the Department of Department of Chemical, Biological, Pharmaceutical and Environmental Sciences- University of Messina
February 2013 to the present: Contact person for International Relationship.
2017- Habilitation for Full Professor in Physiology (BIO/09/D1) according to the Italian National Scientific Habilitation Procedure (ASN 2016)
Member of the Ph.D. program “Applied Biology and Experimental Medicine”, University of Messina.
Research fields
Studies on the mechanisms of osmoregulation and acid secretion in fish gastrointestinal tract by electrophysiology.
Studies on cell volume regulation in fish intestine and Mytilus galloprovincialis digestive cells by videometric method.
Studies on the effects of environmental contaminants and food additives on salt transport in teleost intestine.
Studies on the relationship between changes in circadian rhythms and oxidative stress in sheep, cattle and horses.
Studies on the mechanisms responsible of the eryptosis (apoptosis of human red blood cells).
Studies on the haematological and serological parameters in seawater teleosts that dwell in different habitat: lake, sea and fish farm.
Studies on the mechanism of ionic transport in experimental models of ischemia-reperfusion injury in rats by electrophysiology.
Studies on the characterization of gene targeted mice lacking functional KCNQ1 (KCNQ1).
Studies physiology of the cells belonging to immune system, such as mast and dendritic cells.
Studies of cytotoxicity of algal extracts on hemocytes of Mytilus galloprovincialis, erythrocytes of mammal and fish, on Mytilus galloprovincialis hepatopancreas and fish hepatocytes
Studies the cytotoxicity on human erythrocytes and haemolysis test of chemistry compounds.
Studies on the immunostimulators effects on performance di Solea senegalensis.
Studies of oxidative stress markers and health status in Mytilus galloprovincialis and teleost fish after exposition to the xenobiotics (heavy metals, pesticides, detergents).
Course of Physiology (in English language), Master’s Degree Medicine and SurgeryCourse of Physiology, Bachelor’s Degree in Biological Science
Course of Physiopatology, Master’s Degree in Biology
Course of Cellular Physiology, Accademic Degree in Applied Animal Experimental Science
Tutor of Bachelor and Master’s degrees for Italian and international students
Supervisor of PhD Italian and international students
S.I.B.S (Italian Society of Experimental Biology- Vice President, President of Messina Section).
S.I.F. (Italian Society of Physiology)
CoNISMa (Consorzio Nazionale Interuniversitario per le Scienze del Mare)
Associate editor Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety
International Editorial Board Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - Part A, B and C
Associated Editor Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology
Editorial Director Journal of Coastal Life Medicine (JCLM)
Guest Editor Special Issue 2018 "Interaction between Endocrine and Immune
Systems in Fish"in Fishes
Aquaculture Nutrition
Journal of Biological Research Communications
SM Journal of Environmental Toxicology
Research Journal of Pharmacognosy (RJP)
Insights in Aquaculture and Biotechnology
Journal of Applied Biology & Biotechnology
American Journal of Phytomedicine and Clinical Therapeutics
Current Medicinal Chemistry
AIMS Allergy and Immunology
Journal of Aquaculture and Marine Sciences
Pulmonology Research and Respiratory Care- Scientiaricerca
Iranian Journal of Aquatic Animal Health
International Journal of Agricultural Research and Crop Sciences
Journal of Food Microbiology
International Journal of Fisheries Science and Research
Physiological Research
SEJ Life Sciences
International Journal of Nutritional Research
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering
Journal of Biological Research Communications
United Journal of Environmental Sciences
Applied Sciences
reviewer activity for
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
Life Sciences
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology
The International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology
Journal of Membrane Biology
American Journal of Physiology - Cell Physiology
Basic & Clinical Pharmacology Toxicology
Current Molecular Medicine
Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology
European Journal of Clinical Investigation
Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
Environmental Science and Pollution Research
Environmental Pollution
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety
Journal Biology Research
Fish and Shellfish Immunology
Aquaculture Research
Industrial Crops and Products
Aquaculture Nutrition
Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
Veterinarni Medicina
Microscopy Research and Technique
Marine Drugs
British Journal of Nutrition
Acta zooloogica bulgarica
International Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms
European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry
Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology
Food & Nutrition Research
Physiological Research
Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety
Science of the Total Environment
Probiotics and Antimicrobial Proteins
Environmental Research
Interdisciplinary Toxicology
International Journal of Aquatic Biology
Journal of the World Aquaculture Society
Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology
International Journal of Pharmaceutics
Scientific Reports
Iranian Journal of Ichthyology
The FEBS Journal
Current Medicinal Chemistry
Journal of Biological Research
Journal of Toxicology
Revista Ambiente & Água
Archives of Biological Sciences
Journal of Invertebrate Pathology
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Chemistry & Biodiversity
Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Research
Revista Brasileira de Farmacognosia
Regional Studies in Marine Science
Journal of Hazardous Materials
Materials Science & Engineering C
Desalination and Water Treatment
Aquatic Biology
Journal of Thermal Biology
Chemico-Biological Interactions
Journal of Applied Phycology
Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology
Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics
Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part B:
Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering
Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts
Free Radical Biology and Medicine
Veterinary Medicine and Science
Frontiers Marine Science
Acta Ichthyologica et Piscatoria
Environmental Science & Technology
Toxin Reviews
Biochemistry Research International
Progetto PON 02-00451-3362185-Progetto di ricerca INNOVAQUA: innovazione tecnologica a supporto dell'incremento della produttività e della competitività dell'acquacoltura siciliana (Technological innovation to support increased productivity and competitiveness of Sicilian aquaculture- 2012-2015) as unit responsible;
PRA 2008/2009: Aspetti comparativi della regolazione del volume cellulare (Cell volume regulation in fish) as partecipant;
PRA 2006/2007: Effetti di vari regimi alimentari sull'omeostasi ionica ed osmotica in un teleosteo eurialino (Effects of different diets on ionic and osmotic homeostasis in fish) as partecipant;
PRA 2005/2004: Effetto dell'endotelina sui trasporti ionici intestinali: meccanismo d'azione (Effect of endothelin on the intestinal ion transport on fish) as partecipant;
PRA 2003: Modulazione dei trasporti ionici transepiteliali: ruolo dell'ossido nitrico (Nitric oxide modulation on transepithelial ionic transport in fish) as partecipant;
PRA 2002: Effetti della quercetina sui trasporti trans epiteliali (Effect of quercetin on the intestinal ion transport on fish) as partecipant;
PRA 2001-2000: Regolazione del volume cellulare in condizioni anisoosmotiche: trasduzione del segnale (Cell volume regulation in fish) as partecipant.
Erasmus Placement between the University of Messina and the University of Tubingen, Germany (2010)
Erasmus Placement between the University of Messina and the University of Antwerp, Belgium (2011)
Erasmus Placement between the University of Messina and the Laboratoire Aragó- Banyuls/Mer, France (2012)
Erasmus Placement between the University of Messina and the University of Reykjavik , Iceland (2013)
Erasmus Placement between the University of Messina and the Department of Veterinary University of Brno, Czech Republic (2013);
Erasmus Placement between the University of Messina and the University of Porto, Portugal (2013);
Erasmus Placement between the University of Messina and the University of Murcia, Spain (2014);
Erasmus Placement between the University of Messina and the University of Lisbon, Portugal (2014);
Erasmus Placement between the University of Messina and the Insituo de Acuicultura de Torre del Sal (IATS), Spain (2014);
Erasmus Placement between the University of Messina and the Institut für Pharmazie, University of Halle, Germany (2015);
Erasmus Placement between the University of Messina and the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Brno Czech Republic (2015);
Erasmus Placement between the University of Messina and the Department de Medicina da Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal (2016);
Erasmus Placement between the University of Messina and the Department la Dept. of Pharmacology with Pharmacodynamics Medical University of Lublin, Poland (2016);
Erasmus Placement between the University of Messina and the Research Group on Community Nutrition and Oxidative Stress, University of Balearic Islands, Palma de Mallorca, Spain (2017);
Erasmus Placement between the University of Messina and the Department of Biology & CESAM,
University of Aveiro, Portugal (2018);
Erasmus Placement between the University of Messina and the Faculty of Biology of ˝Alexandru Ioan Cuza˝, University of Iasi, Romania (2018);
Erasmus Placement between the University of Messina and the Universidad del País Vasco/ Euskal Herriko, Bilbao, Spain (2018);
Erasmus Placement between the University of Messina and the Faculty of Natural Science, University of Tirana, Albania (2019)
Grant for Lifelong Learning Program (ERASMUS) to the Institute of Physiology-University of Tubingen (Germany) May 2010;
Grant for Lifelong Learning Program (ERASMUS) to the Department of Ecophysiolgy, Biochemistry and Toxicology-University of Antwerp (Belgium) May 2011;
Grant for Lifelong Learning Program (ERASMUS) to the Laboratoire Aragó- Avenue du Fontaulé-F66650 Banyuls/Mer Cedex (France) May-June 2012;
Grant for Lifelong Learning Program (ERASMUS) to the Institute for Experimental Pathology University of Reykjavik (Iceland) June 2013;
Grant for Lifelong Learning Program (ERASMUS) to the Departamento de Biologia Celular e Histologia Facultad De Biologia- University of Murcia (Spain) June 2014;
Grant for Lifelong Learning Program (ERASMUS) to the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry-University of Brno (Czech Republic) June 2015;
Grant for Lifelong Learning Program (ERASMUS) to the Department la Dept. of Pharmacology with Pharmacodynamics Medical University of Lublin (Poland) May 2016;
Grant for Lifelong Learning Program (ERASMUS) to the Department de Medicina da Universidade de Lisboa (Portugal) June 2016;
Grant for Lifelong Learning Program (ERASMUS) to the Departamento de Biología Fundamental y Ciencias de la Salud, Universitat De Les Illes Balears (Spain) June 2017;
Grant for Lifelong Learning Program (ERASMUS) to the Department of Biology & CESAM, University of Aveiro (Portugal) April 2018;
Grant for Lifelong Learning Program (ERASMUS) to the Department of Biology, University of Patras (Greece) June 2018;
Grant for Lifelong Learning Program (ERASMUS) to the Faculty of Natural Science, University of Tirana (Albania) April 2019;
Grant for Lifelong Learning Program (ERASMUS) to Marine Institute of Marine Biology, Bergen, (Norway) June 2019
SCOPUS (December 2020):
222 papers
6518 total citations
H index: 49 0000-0002-0066-2421
Chapter in Book
VAZZANA M., FANGUEIRO J.F., FAGGIO C., SANTINI A., SOUTO E.B. (2017). Archaeosomes for skin injuries, in: Carrier-Mediated Dermal Delivery: Applications in the Prevention and Treatment of Skin Disorders (A. Ascenso, H. Ribeiro, S. Simões Editors) Pan Stanford Publishing, Chapter 9: 323-355.
HAMED H., ISMAL S., FAGGIO C.* (2020). Effect of allicin on antioxidant defense system, after carbofuran exposure in Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus, Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part C in press
PAGANO M., STARA A., ALIKO V., FAGGIO C*. (2020). Impact of Neonicotinoids to Aquatic Invertebrates—In Vitro Studies on Mytilus galloprovincialis: A Review. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 8, 801:1-14
SULA E., ALIKO V., BARCELÓ D., FAGGIO C. (2020). Combined effects of moderate hypoxia, pesticide and PCBs upon Crucian Carp fish, Carassius carrasius, from a freshwater lake-in situ ecophysiological approach. Aquatic Toxicology in press
ABO-AL-ELA H.G., FAGGIO C. (2020). MicroRNA-mediated stress response in bivalve species. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety in press
BURGOS ACEVES M.A., ABO-AL-ELA H.G., FAGGIO C*. (2020). Physiological and metabolic approach of plastic additives effects: Immune cells responses. Journal of Hazardous Materials in press
VAZIRZADEH A, MARHAMATI A, RABIEE R, FAGGIO C. (2020). Immunomodulation, antioxidant enhancement and immune genes up-regulation in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) fed on seaweeds included diets. Fish and Shellfish Immunology 106: 852–858
SULA E., ALIKO V. MARKU E., NURO A., FAGGIO C. (2020) Evaluation of kidney histopathological alterations in Crucian Carp, Carassius carassius, from a pesticide and PCB-contaminated freshwater ecosystem, using light microscopy and organ index mathematical model. International Journal of Aquatic Biology 8(3): 154-165
STARA A., PAGANO M., CAPILLO G., FABRELLO J., SANDOVA M., ALBANOM., ZUSKOVA E., VELISEK J., MATOZZO V., FAGGIO C*. (2020). Acute effects of neonicotinoid insecticides on Mytilus galloprovincialis: a case study with the active compound thiacloprid and the commercial formulation Calypso 480 S. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety in press
ELUMALAIA P., KURIAN A., LAKSHMI S., FAGGIO C., ESTEBAN M.A., RINGO E.(2020). Herbal immunomodulators in aquaculture. Reviews in Fisheries Science & Aquaculture in press
MOHSENPOUR R., SABET SH, HEDAYATI A., REZAEI A., YALSUYI AM., FAGGIO C*. (2020). In vitro effects of silver nanoparticles on gills morphology of female Guppy (Poecilia reticulate) after a short-term exposure Microscopy Research and Technique in press
SCHIRINZI G. F., PEDÀ C., BATTAGLIA P., LAFACE F., GALLI M., BAINI M., CONSOLI P., SCOTTI G., ESPOSITO V., FAGGIO C., FARRÉ M., BARCELÒ D., FOSSI M. C., ANDALORO F., ROMEO T. (2020). A new digestion approach for the extraction of microplastics from gastrointestinal tracts (GITs) of the common dolphinfish (Coryphaena hippurus) from the western Mediterranean Sea. Journal of Hazardous Materials in press
LIEW H.J., PELLE A., CHIARELLA D., FAGGIO C., TANG CH., BLUST R., DE BOECK G. (2020). Common carp, Cyprinus carpio, prefer branchial ionoregulation at high feeding rates and kidney ionoregulation when food supply is limited: additional effects of cortisol and exercise. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry 46(1):451-469.
GHARAEI, A., KARIMI, M., MIRDAR HARIJANI, J., MIRI, M., FAGGIO, C. (2020). Population growth of Brachionus calyciflorus affected by deltamethrin and imidacloprid insecticides. Iranian Journal of Fisheries Sciences 19 (2): 588-601
PETROVIĆ T.G., VUČIĆ T.Z., NIKOLIĆ S.Z., GAVRIĆ J.P., DESPOTOVIĆ S.G., GAVRILOVIĆ B.R., RADOVANOVIĆ T.B., FAGGIO C.*, PROKIC M. (2020). The effect of shelter on oxidative stress and aggressive behavior in crested newts larvae (Triturus sp.). Animals in press
PLHALOVA L., SEHONOVA P., BLAHOVA J., DOUBKOVA V., TICHY F., FAGGIO C*., BERANKOVA P., SVOBODOVA Z. (2020). Evaluation of tramadol hydrochloride toxicity to juvenile zebrafish—morphological, antioxidant and histological responses. Applied Science in press
QYLI M., ALIKO V., FAGGIO C. (2020). Physiological and Biochemical Responses of Mediterranean Green Crab, Carcinus aestuarii, to Different Environmental Stressors: Evaluation of Haemocyte Toxicity and Its Possible Effects on Immune Response. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part C in press
TURANI B., ALIKO V., FAGGIO C. (2020). Allurin and egg jelly coat impact on in-vitro fertilization success of endangered albanian water frog, Pelophylax Shqipericus. Natural Product Research 34 (6): 830–837
BLAHOVA J., COCILOVO C., LUCIE PLHALOVA L., SVOBODOVA Z., FAGGIO C.* (2020). Embryotoxicity of atrazine and its degradation products to early life stages of zebrafish (Danio rerio). Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology in press
HOSSEIN HOSEINIFAR S., SHAKOURI M., YOUSEFI S., VAN DOAN H., SHAFIEI S., YOUSEFI M., MAZANDARANI M., TORFI MOZANZADE M., TULINO M.G., FAGGIO C. (2020). Humoral and skin mucosal immune parameters, intestinal immune related genes and antioxidant defense of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) fed dietary olive (Olea europea L.) waste. Fish and Shellfish Immunology 100: 171-178
FREITAS R., SILVESTRO S., PAGANO M.; COPPOLA F., MEUCCI V., BATTAGLIA F., INTORRE L., SOARES A. M.V.M, PRETTI C., FAGGIO C*. (2020). Impacts of salicylic acid in Mytilus galloprovincialis exposed to warming conditions. Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology in press
HAJAM M.E., PLAVAN G.I., KANDRI N.I., DUMITRU G., NICOARA M.N., ZEROUALE A., FAGGIO C*. (2020). Evaluation of softwood and hardwood sawmill wastes impact on the common carp "Cyprinus carpio" and its aquatic environment: An oxidative stress study. Environ Toxicol Pharmacol. doi: 10.1016/j.etap.2020.103327
GARCÍA BELTRÁN J.M, GONZÁLEZ SILVERA D., ESPINOSA RUIZA C., CAMPO V., CHUPANI.L., FAGGIO C., ESTEBAN M.A (2020). Effects of dietary Origanum vulgare on gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata L.) immune and antioxidant status Fish and Shellfish Immunology 99 (2020) 452–461
GHOLAMPOUR T.E., RAIENI R.F., LARIJANI M., POULADI M., PAGANO M., FAGGIO C*. (2020). The dietary effect of Vitex agnus-castus hydroalcoholic extract on growth performance, blood biochemical parameters, carcass quality, sex ratio and gonad histology in Zebrafish (Danio rerio). Applied Sciences in press
PETROVICI A., STRUNGARU S.A., NICOARA M., ROBEA M.A., SOLCAN C., FAGGIO C*. (2020) Toxicity of Deltamethrin to Zebrafish Gonads Revealed by Cellular Biomarkers Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 8, 73; doi:10.3390/jmse8020073 in press
FREITAS R., SILVESTRO S., COPPOLA F., MEUCCI V., BATTAGLIA F., INTORRE L., SOARES A. M.V.M, PRETTI C., FAGGIO C. (2020). Combined effects of salinity changes and Salicylic Acid exposure in Mytilus galloprovincialis. Science of the Total Environment in press
RASHIDIAN G., RAINIS S., PROKIC M., FAGGIO C.* (2020) Effects of different levels of carotenoids and light sources on swordtail fish (Xiphophorus helleri) growth, survival rate and reproductive parameters. Natural Product Research 10.1080/14786419.2020.1723091 in press
FREITAS R., SILVESTRO S., COPPOLA F., COSTA S., MEUCCI V., BATTAGLIA F., INTORRE L., SOARES A. M.V.M, PRETTI C., FAGGIO C. (2020). Toxic impacts induced by Sodium lauryl sulfate in Mytilus galloprovincialis Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology -Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology in press
SIMIONOV I.A., CRISTEA V., PETREA S.M., MOGODAN A., NICOARA M., BALTAG E.S., STRUNGARU S.A., FAGGIO C*. (2020) Bioconcentration of essential and nonessential elements in Black Sea turbot (Psetta maxima maeotica Linnaeus, 1758) in relation to fish gender
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering in press
SRIVASTAV AK., SRIVASTAVA S., SRIVASTAV, S.K., FAGGIO C., SEKIGUCHI, T., SUZUKI, N. (2019). Response of ultimobranchial and parathyroid glands of the indian skipper frog, Euphlyctiscyanophlyctis to cadmium toxicity. Iranian Journal of Toxicology 13(3): 39-44
RASHIDIAN G., KAJBAF K., PROKIĆ M., FAGGIO C* (2019) Extract of common mallow (Malvae sylvestris) enhances growth, immunity, and resistance of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) fingerlings against Yersinia ruckeri infection. Fish and Shellfish Immunology 96: 254-261
SULA E., ALIKO V., PAGANO M., FAGGIO C. (2020). Digital Light Microscopy as a tool in toxicological evaluation of fish erythrocyte morphological abnormalitie in press DOI: 10.1002/jemt.23422
VACLAVIK J., SEHONOVA P., HODKOVICOVA N., VECERKOVA L., BLAHOVA J., FRANC A., MARSALEK P., MARES J., TICHY F., SVOBODOVA Z., FAGGIO C*. (2020). The effect of foodborne sertraline on rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Science of the Total Environmental in press
STARA A., PAGANO M., CAPILLO G., FABRELLO J., SANDOVA M., VAZZANA I., ZUSKOVA E., VELISEK J., MATOZZO V., FAGGIO C.* (2020). Assessing the effects of neonicotinoid insecticide on the bivalve mollusc Mytilus galloprovincialis. Science of the Total Environmental in press
SATTARI M., IMANPOUR NAMIN J., BIBAK M., FOROUHAR VAJARGAH M., BAKHSHALIZADEH S., FAGGIO C. (2019). Determination of trace element accumulation in gonads of Rutilus kutum (kamensky, 1901) from the south Caspian Sea. Trace element contaminations in gonads. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India Section B: Biological Sciences
TURANI B., ALIKO V., FAGGIO C. (2019). Amphibian embryos as an alternative model to study the pharmaceutical toxicity of cyclophosphamide and ibuprofen. Journal of Biological Research 92: 72-76.
PAGANO M., VAZZANA I., GENTILE A., CARACAPPA G., FAGGIO C*. (2019). Hematological and biochemical parameters in Sea turtles (Caretta caretta) after stranding. Regional Studies in Marine Science in press
VAJARGAH M.F., YALSUYI AM., SATTARI M., PROKIC M. FAGGIO C.* (2019). Effects of Copper Oxide Nanoparticles (CuO-NPs) on Parturition Time, Survival Rate and Reproductive Success of Guppy Fish, Poecilia reticulate. Journal of Cluster Science in press 10.1007/s10876-019-01664-y
MAHADEVAN G., POULADI M., STARA A., FAGGIO C. (2019) Nutritional evaluation of elongate mudskipper Pseudapocryptes elongatus (Cuvier, 1816) from Diamond Harbor, West Bengal, India. Natural Product Research in press
ALIKO V., MEHMETI E., QIRJO M., FAGGIO C. (2019). Drink and sleep like a fish- goldfish as a behavior model to study pharmaceutical effects in freshwater ecosystem. Journal of Biological Research 92 (1):1-4
SATTARI M., BIBAK M., FOROUHAR VAJARGAH M., FAGGIO C. (2019). Trace and major elements in muscle and liver tissues of Alosa braschnikowy from the South Caspian Sea and potential human health risk assessment. Journal of Materials and Environmental Science in press
FREITAS R., SILVESTRO S., COPPOLA F., MEUCCI V., BATTAGLIA F., INTORRE L., SOARES A.M.V.M., PRETTI C., FAGGIO C. (2019). Biochemical and physiological responses induced in Mytilus galloprovincialis after a chronic exposure to Salicylic Acid. Aquatic toxicology. In press
VAN DOAN H., HOSEINIFAR S.H., SRIGARM K., JATURASITHA S., YUANGSOI B., DAWOOD M.A.O., ESTEBAN M.A., RINGO E., FAGGIO C. (2019). Effects of Assam tea extract on growth, skin mucus, serum immunity and disease resistance of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) against Streptococcus agalactiae. Fish and Shellfish Immunology 93: 428-435
GUZZETTI E., SALABERY E., FERRIOL P., DÍAZ J.A:, TEJADA S., FAGGIO C., SUREDA A. (2019). Oxidative stress induction by the invasive sponge Paraleucilla magna growing on Peyssonnelia squamaria algae. Marine Environmental Research in press
SAVOCA S., CAPILLO G., MANCUSO M., FAGGIO C.,* PANARELLO G., CRUPI R., BONSIGNORE M, D’URSO L., COMPAGNINI G., NERI F., FAZIO E., ROMEO T., BOTTARI T., SPANÒ N. (2019). Detection of artificial cellulose microfibers in boops boops from the northern coasts of Sicily (central Mediterranean) Science of the Total Environmental 691 (2019) 455–465
VAN DOAN H., HOSEINIFAR S.H., RINGO E., ESTEBAN M.A., DADAR M., DAWOOD M.A.O., FAGGIO C. (2019). Host-associated probiotics: a key factor in sustainable aquaculture. Reviews in Fisheries Science & Aquaculture 28: 12-44
FINK M., BHUYAN A.A.M., NÜRNBERG B., FAGGIO C., LANG F. (2019). Triggering of eryptosis, the suicidal erythrocyte death, by phenoxodiol. Naunyn Schmiedebergs Arch Pharmacol. 392(10):1311-1318.
SATTARI M., JAVID I.N., BIBAK M., VAJARGAH M.F., FAGGIO C., HADDAD M.S. (2019). Trace and macro elements bioaccumulation in the muscle and liver tissues of Alburnus chalcoides from the south Caspian Sea and potential human health risk assessment. Journal of Energy, Environmental & Chemical Engineering 4(1): 13-20
VIJAYAKUMAR S., VASEEHARAN B., SUDHAKARAN R. JEYAKANDAN J., RAMASAMY P., SONAWANE A., PADHI A., VELUSAMY P., ANBU P., FAGGIO C. (2019). Bioinspired Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles Using Lycopersicon esculentum for Antimicrobial and Anticancer Applications. Journal of Cluster Science 30 (6): 1465-1479
AHMADIFAR E., SHEIKHZADEH N., ROSHANAEI K., DARGAHI N., FAGGIO C. (2019). Can dietary ginger (Zingiber officinale) alter biochemical and immunological parameters and gene expression related to growth, immunity and antioxidant system in zebrafish (Danio rerio)? Aquaculture 507: 341-348
REZA HASHEMI S.A., STARA A., FAGGIO C.*(2019). Biological characteristics, growth parameters and mortality rate of Carassius auratus in the Shadegan Wetland (Iran).
International Journal of Environmental Research in press
VAJARGAH M.F., IMANPOOR M.R., SHABANI A., HEDAYATI A., FAGGIO C.* (2019) Effect of long term exposure of silver nanoparticles on growth indices, hematological and biochemical parameters and gonad histology of male Gold fish (Carassius auratus gibelio) Microscopy Research and Technique doi 10.1002/JEMT.23271
ALIMBA C., FAGGIO C.* (2019). Microplastics in the marine environment: current trends in environmental pollution and mechanisms of toxicological profile. Science of the Total Environmental 68:61-74.
STARA A., KUBEC J., ZUSKOVA E., BURIC M., FAGGIO C., KOUBA A., VELISEK J. (2019). Effects of S-metolachlor and its degradation product metolachlor OA on marbled crayfish (Procambarus virginalis). Chemospere 224:616-625
SATTARI M., JAVID I.N., VAJARGAH M.F., BIBAK M., BAKHSHALIZADEH S., HEDAYATI A., FAGGIO C. (2019). Trace element concentrations in liver and kidney tissues of the Caspian kutum (Rutilus kutum Kamensky 1901) from South Caspian Sea. International Journal of Aquatic Biology in press
STARA A., BELLINVIA R., VELISEK J., STROUHOVA A., KOUBA A., FAGGIO C.* (2019). Acute exposure of neonicotinoid pesticide on common yabby (Cherax destructor). Science of the Total Environmental 665: 718–723
SEHONOVA P., TOKANOVA N., HODKOVICOVA N., KOCOUR KROUPOVA H., TUMOVA J., BLAHOVA J., MARSALEK P., PLHALOVA L., DOUBKOVA V., DOBSIKOVA R., CHLOUPEK P., DOLEZELOVA P., FALDYNA M., SVOBODOVA Z., FAGGIO C.* (2019). Oxidative stress induced by fluoroquinolone enrofloxacin in zebrafish (Danio rerio) can be ameliorated after a prolonged exposure. Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology 67: 87–93
LAURIANO E.R., PERGOLIZZI S., ARAGONA M., MONTALBANO G., GUERRERA M.C., CRUPI R., FAGGIO C*., CAPILLO G. (2019). Intestinal immunity of Dogfish Scyliorhinus canicula spiral valve, a histochemical, immunohistochemical and confocal study. Fish and Shellfish Immunology 87:490-498.
BURGOS ACEVES M.A., LIONETTI L., FAGGIO C*. (2019). Multidisciplinary hematology as prognostic device in environmental and xenobiotic stress-induced response in fish. Science of the Total Environmental 670: 1170-1183
PROKIĆ M.D., RADOVANOVIĆ T.B., GAVRIĆ J.P., FAGGIO C*. (2019). Ecotoxicological effects of microplatics: Biomarkers of response, current state and future perspective. Trends in Analytical Chemistry 111: 37-46
CARBONE D., FAGGIO C* (2019) Helix aspersa as sentinel of development damage for biomonitoring purpose: a validation study. Molecular Reproduction and Development DOI: 10.1002/mrd.23117 in press
ABDEL-TAWWAB M., MONIER M.N., FAGGIO C. (2019). Fish response to hypoxia stress: growth performance, physiological and immunological biomarkers. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry 45(3):997-1013
FABBROCINI A., COCCIA E., D’ADAMO R., FAGGIO C., MARINA PAOLUCCI M. (2019). Mifepristone affects fertility and development in the sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus. Molecular Reproduction and Development DOI: 10.1002/mrd.23112 in press
BOGUSZEWSKA CZUBARA A., KURZEPA J., BIAŁA G., K., GROT K., TARKOWSKI P., KOWALCZYK J., SILVESTRO S., FAGGIO C., BUDZYŃSKA B. (2019). Mephedrone impact on matrix metalloproteinases activity–do they influence the memory processes? Current Molecular Pharmacology 12(2):115-121.
SAVOCA S., CAPILLO G., MANCUSO M., BOTTARI T., CRUPI R., BRANCA C., ROMANO V., FAGGIO C*., D’ANGELO G. , SPANÒ N. (2019). Microplastics occurrence in the tyrrhenian waters and in the gastrointestinal tract of two congener species of Seabreams Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology 67:35-41
ELUMALAIA P., PRAKASHA P., MUSTHAFA M.S, VAN DOAN H., HOSEINIFAR S.H., FAGGIO C. (2019) Effect of alkoxy glycerol on growth performance, immune response and disease resistance in Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). Research in Veterinary Science 123: 298-304
LAURIANO E.R., PERGOLIZZI S., ARAGONA M., SPANÒ N., GUERRERA M.C., CAPILLO G., FAGGIO C. (2019). Merkel cells immunohistochemical study in striped dolphin (Stenella coeruleoalba) skin. Tissue and cell 56: 1-6
PROKIĆ M.D., RADOVANOVIĆ T.B., GAVRIĆ J.P., FAGGIO C.* (2019). Ecotoxicological effects of microplatics: Biomarkers of response, current state and future perspective. Trends in Analytical Chemistry 111:37-46
STRUNGARU S.A., JIJIE R., NICOARA M., PLAVAN G., FAGGIO C*. (2019). Micro (nano) plastics in freshwater ecosystems: abundance, toxicological impact and quantification methodology Trends in Analytical Chemistry110: 116-128
HODKOVICOVA N.., CHMELOVA L., SEHONOVA P., BLAHOVA J., DOUBKOVA V., PLHALOVA L., FIORINO E., VOJTEK L., VICENOVA V., SIROKA Z., ENEVOVA V., BERLINSKA J., FALDYNA M., SVOBODOVA Z., FAGGIO C. (2019). The effects of a therapeutic formalin bath on selected immunological and oxidative stress parameters in common carp (Cyprinus carpio). Science of the Total Environment 653: 1120-1127
CAPILLO G., SAVOCA S., COSTA R., SANFILIPPO M., RIZZO C., LO GIUDICE A., ALBERGAMO A., RANDO R., BARTOLOMEO G., SPANÒ N., FAGGIO C*(2018). New insights in the culture method and the antibacterial potential of Gracilaria gracilis. Marine Drugs 16, 492; doi:10.3390/md16120492
GUZZETTI E., SUREDA A., TEJADA S., FAGGIO C*. (2018). Microplastic in marine organism: environmental and toxicological effects. Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology 64: 164-171
RASHIDIAN G., BAHRAMI GORJI S., NADERI FARSANI M., MARKO D. PROKIC M.D., FAGGIO C*. (2018). The oak (Quercus brantii) acorn as a growth promotor for rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss): growth performance, body composition, liver enzymes activity and blood biochemical parameters. Natural Product Research 34 (17): 2413–2423
HOSEINIFAR S.H., YOUSEFI S., CAPILLO G., PAKNEJAD H., KHALILI M., TABARRAEI A., VAN DOAN H., SPANÒ N., FAGGIO C*. (2018). Mucosal immune parameters, immune and antioxidant defence related genes expression and growth performance of zebrafish (Danio rerio) fed on Gracilaria gracilis powder. Fish and Shellfish Immunology 83: 232-237
PROKIC M.D., PETROVIĆ T.G., GAVRIC J.P., DESPOTOVIĆ S.G., GAVRILOVIĆ B.R., RADOVANOVIC T.B., FAGGIO C., SAIČIĆ ZS. (2018). Comparative assessment of the antioxidative defense system in subadult and adult anurans: A lesson from the Bufotes viridis toad. Zoology 130: 30-37
BURGOS ACEVES M.A., COHEN A., PAOLELLA G., LEPRETTI M., SMITH Y., FAGGIO C*., LIONETTI L. (2018). Modulation of mitochondrial functions by xenobiotic-induced microRNA: from environmental sentinel organisms to mammals. Science of the Total Environment 645: 79-88
MAZZAGLIA A., ZAGAMI R., ROMEO A., CERAOLO F., VAZZANA M., CASTRICIANO M.A., FAGGIO C*., SCOLARO M. (2018). Supramolecular adducts of anionic porphyrins and a biocompatible polyamine: effect of photodamage-on human red blood cells. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 18(10):7269-7274
SPINELLI A., CAPILLO G., FAGGIO C*., VITALE D., SPANÒ N. (2018). Returning of Hippocampus hippocampus (Linnaeus, 1758) (Syngnathidae) in the Faro Lake – Oriented Natural Reserve of Capo Peloro, Italy. Natural Product Research doi.org10.1080/14786419.2018.1490909 in press
FIORINO E., SEHONOVA P, PLHALOVA L., BLAHOVA J., SVOBODOVA Z., FAGGIO C*. (2018). Effect of glyphosate on early life stages: comparison between Cyprinus carpio and Danio rerio. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 25(9): 8542–854
ISWARYA A., VASEEHARAN B., MAHALINGAM A., GOBI N., DIVA M., FAGGIO C. (2018). β-1, 3 glucan binding protein based selenium nanowire enhances the immune status of Cyprinus carpio and protection against Aeromonas hydrophila infection. Fish and Shellfish Immunology 83: 61-75
RINGØ E., FAGGIO C., CHITMANAT C., DOAN H., MAI N.T., JATURASITHA S., HOSEINIFAR S.H. (2018). Effects of corncob derived xylooligosaccharide on innate immune response, disease resistance, and growth performance in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) fingerlings. Aquaculture 495(1) 786–793
GOBI N., VASEEHARAN B., REKHA R., VIJAYAKUMAR S., FAGGIO C. (2018). Bioaccumulation, cytotoxicity and oxidative stress of the acute exposure selenium in Oreochromis mossambicus. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 162:147-159
FAGGIO C*., TSARPALI V., DAILIANIS S (2018). Mussel digestive gland as a model for assessing xenobiotics: an overview. Science of the Total Environmental 613: 220-229
VAJARGAH M.F., YALSUYI AM., HEDAYATI A., FAGGIO C*. (2018). Histopathological lesions and toxicity in common carp (Cyprinus carpio L. 1758) induced by copper nanoparticles. Microscopy Research and Technique 81 (7): 724-729
SEHONOVA P., SVOBODOVA Z., DOLEZELOVA P., VOSMEROVA P., FAGGIO C*. (2018). Effects of waterborne antidepressants on non-target animals living in the aquatic environment: a review. Science of the Total Environmental 631–632: 789–794
CAPILLO G., SILVESTRO S., SANFILIPPO M., FIORINO E., GIANGROSSO G., FERRANTELLI V., VAZZANA I., FAGGIO C*. (2018). Assessment of electrolytes and metals profile of the Faro Lake (Capo Peloro Lagoon, Sicily, Italy) and its impact on Mytilus galloprovincialis. Chemistry & Biodiversity doi 10.1002/cbdv.201800044
ALIKO V., QIRJO M., SULA E., MORINA V., FAGGIO C. (2018). Antioxidant defense system, immune response and erythron profile modulation in gold fish, Carassius auratus, after acute manganese treatment. Fish and Shellfish Immunology 76:101–109
LAURIANO E.R., FAGGIO C*., CAPILLO G., SPANÒ N., KUCIEL M., ARAGONA M., PERGOLIZZI S. (2018). Immunohistochemical characterization of epidermal dendritic-like cells in giant mudskipper, Periophthalmodon schlosseri. Fish and Shellfish Immunology 74:380-385
NATH S., MATOZZO V., BHANDARI D., FAGGIO C*. (2018). Growth and liver histology of Channa punctatus exposed to a common biofertilizer. Natural Product Research 33 (11): 1591-1598
GHARAEI A., KARIMI M., MIRDAR HARIJANI J., MIRI M., FAGGIO C. (2018). Population dynamics of Brachionus calyciflorus affected by deltamethrin and imidacloprid insecticides. Iranian Journal of Fisheries Sciences 2(45):1-14
BURGOS-ACEVES M.A., COHEN A., SMITH Y., FAGGIO C*. (2018). MicroRNAs and their role on fish oxidative stress during xenobiotic environmental exposures. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 148: 995-1000
BURGOS-ACEVES M.A., COHEN A., SMITH Y., FAGGIO C*. (2018). A potential microRNA regulation of immune-related genes in invertebrate haemocytes. Science of the Total Environment 621:302-307
PLHALOVA L, BLAHOVA J., DIVISOVA L., ENEVOVA V., CASUSCELLI DI TOCCO F., FAGGIO C., TICHY F, VECEREK V., SVOBODOVA Z. (2018). The effects of subchronic exposure to NeemAzal T/S on zebrafish (Danio rerio). Chemistry and Ecology 34 (3) 199–210
RIZZO C., GENOVESE G., MORABITO M., FAGGIO C., PAGANO M., SPANÒ A., ZAMMUTO V., ARMELI MINICANTE S., MANGHISI A., CIGALA R.M., CREA F., MARINO F., GUGLIANDOLO C. (2017). Potential antibacterial activity of marine macroalgae against pathogens relevant for aquaculture and human health. Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology 11 (4):1695-1706
BUDZYNSKA B., FAGGIO C., KRUK-SLOMKA M., SAMEC D., NABAVI S.F., SUREDA A., DEVI K.P., NABAVI S.M. (2017). Rutin as neuroprotective agent: from bench to bedside. Current Medicine Chemistry in press
SEHONOVA P., PLHALOVA L., BLAHOVA J., DOUBKOVA V., PROKES M., TICHY F., FIORINO E., FAGGIO C., SVOBODOVA Z. (2017). Toxicity of naproxen sodium and its mixture with tramadol hydrochloride on fish early life stages. Chemosphere 188:414-423
ARAGONA M., LAURIANO E.R., PERGOLIZZI S., FAGGIO C*. (2017). Opuntia ficus-indica (L.) Miller as a source of bioactivity compounds for health and nutrition. Natural Product Research 32 (17): 2037-2049
SEHONOVA P., PLHALOVA L., BLAHOVA J., DOUBKOVA V., MARSALEK P., PROKES M., TICHY F., SKLADANA M., FIORINO E., MIKULA P., VECEREK V., FAGGIO C., SVOBODOVA Z. (2017). Effects of selected tricyclic antidepressants on early-life stages of common carp (Cyprinus carpio). Chemosphere 185:1072-1080
BURGOS-ACEVES M.A., FAGGIO C*. (2017). An approach to the study of the immunity functions of bivalve haemocytes: Physiology and molecular aspects. Fish and Shellfish Immunology 67:513-517
PAGANO M., PORCINO C., BRIGLIA M., FIORINO E., VAZZANA M., SILVESTRO S., FAGGIO C. (2017). The influence of exposure of cadmium chloride and zinc chloride on haemolymph and digestive gland cells from Mytilus galloprovincialis. International Journal of Environmental Research 11(2): 207-216
LAURIANO E.R., PERGOLIZZI S., GANGEMI J., KUCIEL M., CAPILLO G., ARAGONA M., FAGGIO C*. (2017). Immunohistochemical colocalization of G protein alpha subunits and 5-HT in the rectal gland of the cartilaginous fish Scyliorhinus canicula. Microscopy Research and Technique 80(9):1018-1027
MORABITO S., SILVESTRO S., FAGGIO C*. (2017). How the marine biotoxins affect human health. Natural Product Research 32(6):621-631
SAVORELLI F., MANFRA L., CROPPO M., TORNAMBÈ A., PALAZZI D., CANEPA S., TRENTINI P.L., CICERO A.M., FAGGIO C*. (2017). Fitness evaluation of Ruditapes philippinarum exposed to nickel. Biological Trace Element Research 177(2): 384-393
FAGGIO C*., SUREDA A., MORABITO S., SANCHES-SILVA A., MOCAN A., NABAVI S.F., NABAVI S.M. (2017). Flavonoids and platelet aggregation: A brief review. Eur J Pharmacol. 807: 91-101
MISCHITELLI M., JEMAÀA M., FEZAI M., ALMASRY M., FAGGIO C., LANG F. (2017). Stimulation of Erythrocyte Cell Membrane Scrambling by Adarotene. Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry.41:519–529
BRIGLIA M., ANTONIA ROSSI M., FAGGIO C*. (2017). Eryptosis: Ally or Enemy. Current Medicine Chemistry 24 (9): 937-942
ALMASRY M., JEMAÀ M., MISCHITELLI M., FAGGIO C., LANG F. (2017). Camalexin-Induced Cell Membrane Scrambling and Cell Shrinkage in Human Erythrocytes. Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry 41(2):731-741
MISCHITELLI M., JEMAÀ M., ALMASRY M., FAGGIO C., LANG F. (2016). Stimulation of Suicidal Erythrocyte Death by Rottlerin. Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry 40 (3-4): 558-566
MISCHITELLI M., JEMAÀ M., ALMASRY M., FAGGIO C., LANG F. (2016). Stimulation of Erythrocyte Cell Membrane Scrambling by Quinine. Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry 40(3-4): 657-667
JEMAÀ M., MISCHITELLI M., FEZAI M., ALMASRY M., FAGGIO C., LANG F. (2016). Stimulation of Suicidal Erythrocyte Death by the CDC25 Inhibitor NSC-95397. Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry 40(3-4):597-607
ALMASRY M., JEMAÀ M., MISCHITELLI M., FAGGIO C, LANG F. (2016). Stimulation of Suicidal Erythrocyte Death by Phosphatase Inhibitor Calyculin A. Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry 18; 40 (1-2):163-171
MISCHITELLI M., JEMAÀ M., ALMASRY M., FAGGIO C., LANG F. (2016). Triggering of Erythrocyte Cell Membrane Scrambling by Emodin. 1 Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry 8;40(1-2):91-103
LAURIANO E.R., PERGOLIZZI S., CAPILLO G., KUCIEL M., ALESCI A., FAGGIO C*. (2016). Immunohistochemical characterization of Toll-like receptor 2 in gut epithelial cells and macrophages of goldfish Carassius auratus fed with a high-cholesterol diet. Fish and Shellfish Immunology 59: 250-255
FAGGIO C*., PAGANO M., ALAMPI R., VAZZANA I., FELICE M.R. (2016). Cytotoxicity, haemolymphatic parameters, and oxidative stress following exposure to sub-lethal concentrations of quaternium-15 in Mytilus galloprovincialis. Aquatic Toxicology 180:258-265
MARINO F., DI CARO G., GUGLIANDOLO C., SPANÒ A., FAGGIO C., GENOVESE G., MORABITO M., RUSSO A., BARRECA D., FAZIO F., SANTULLI A. (2016). Preliminary study on the in vitro and in vivo effects of Asparagopsis taxiformis bioactive phycoderivates on teleosts. Frontiers in Physiology 7:459
BURGOS-ACEVES MA, COHEN A, SMITH Y, FAGGIO C*. (2016). Estrogen regulation of gene expression in the teleost fish immune system. Fish and Shellfish Immunology 58: 42-49
MISCHITELLI M., JEMAÀ M., ALMASRY M., FAGGIO C., LANG F. (2016). Ca2+ entry, oxidative stress, ceramide and suicidal erythrocyte death following diosgen in treatment. Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry 39(4):1626-1637
MISCHITELLI M., JEMAÀ M., ALMASRY M., FAGGIO C., LANG F. (2016). Triggering of suicidal erythrocyte death by fascaplysin. Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry 39 (4):1638-1647
MOYSON S., LIEW H.J., FAZIO A., VAN DOOREN N., DELCROIX A. FAGGIO C., BLUST R., DE BOECK G. (2016). Kidney activity increases in copper exposed goldfish (Carassius auratus). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology C Toxicology & Pharmacology 190:32-37
MATOZZO V., PAGANO M., SPINELLI A., CAICCI F., FAGGIO C*. (2016). Pinna nobilis: a big bivalve with big haemocytes? Fish and Shellfish Immunology 55: 529–534
SILVA-HERDADE A.S., ANDOLINA G., FAGGIO C., CALADO A., SALDANHA C. (2016). Erythrocyte deformability-A partner of the inflammatory response. Microvascular Research 107: 34–38
CARBONE D., FAGGIO C*. (2016). Importance of prebiotics in aquaculture as immunostimulants. Effects on immune system of Sparus aurata and Dicentrarchus labrax. Fish and Shellfish Immunology 54: 172-178
GUARDIOLA F.A., PORCINO C., CEREZUELA R., CUESTA A., FAGGIO C., ESTEBAN M.A. (2016). Impact of date palm fruits extracts and probiotic enriched diet on antioxidant status, innate immune response and immune-related gene expression of European seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax). Fish and Shellfish Immunology 52:298-308
PAGANO M., CAPILLO G., SANFILIPPO M., PALATO S., TRISCHITTA F., MANGANARO A., FAGGIO C*. (2016). Evaluation of Functionality and Biological Responses of Mytilus galloprovincialis after Exposure to Quaternium-15 (Methenamine 3-Chloroallylochloride). Molecules. 21(2), 144;
SIGNORETTO E., HONISCH S., BRIGLIA M., FAGGIO C., CASTAGNA M., LANG F. (2016). Nocodazole induced suicidal death of human erythrocytes. Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry 38 (1):379-92
BRIGLIA M., CALABRÓ S., SIGNORETTO E., ALZOUBI K., LAUFER S., FAGGIO C., LANG F.(2015). Fucoxanthin induced suicidal death of human erythrocytes. Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry 37(6):2464-75
BRIGLIA M., FAZIO A., FAGGIO C., LANG F. (2015). Triggering of Suicidal Erythrocyte Death by Zosuquidar. Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry 37(6):2355-65
BRIGLIA M., FAZIO A., SIGNORETTO E., FAGGIO C., LANG F. (2015). Edelfosine induced suicidal death of human erythrocytes. Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry. 29; 37 (6):2221-2230
FAGGIO C., FAZIO F., MARAFIOTI S., ARFUSO F., PICCIONE G. (2015). Oral administration of Gum Arabic: effects on haematological parameters and oxidative stress markers in Mugil cephalus. Iranian Journal of Fisheries Sciences 14(1): 60-72
ALIKO V., HAJDARAJ G., CACI A., FAGGIO C. (2015). Copper induced lysosomal membrane destabilisation in haemolymph cells of Mediterranean Green Crab (Carcinus aestuarii, Nardo, 1847) from the Narta Lagoon (Albania). Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology. 58 (5): 750-756
PAGANO M., FAGGIO C*. (2015). The use of erythrocyte fragility to assess xenobiotic cytotoxicity. Cell Biochemistry Function 33(6):351-5.
FAGGIO C., PAGANO M., DOTTORE A., GENOVESE G., MORABITO M. (2015). Evaluation of anticoagulant activity of two algal polysaccharides. Natural Product Research 30 (17): 1934-1937
CALABRÒ S., ALZOUBI K., FAGGIO C., LAUFER S., LANG F. (2015). Triggering of suicidal erythrocyte death following boswellic acid exposure. Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry 37(1):131-42
FAZIO A., BRIGLIA M., FAGGIO C., ALZOUBI K., LANG F. (2015). Stimulation of suicidal erythrocyte death by garcinol. Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry 37(2):805-15
FAZIO A., BRIGLIA M., FAGGIO C., ALZOUBI K., LANG F. (2015). Oxaliplatin induced suicidal death of human erythrocytes. Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry 37(6): 2393-404
BRIGLIA M., FAZIO A., FAGGIO C., LAUFER S., ALZOUBI K., LANG F. (2015). Triggering of suicidal erythrocyte death by ruxolitinib. Cell Physiol Biochem. 37(2):768-78.
LIEW H.J., FAZIO A., FAGGIO C., BLUST R., DE BOECK G. (2015). Cortisol affects metabolic and ionoregulatory responses to a different extent depending on feeding ration in common carp, Cyprinus carpio. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A Molecular Integrative Physiology 189:45-47
FAGGIO C., MORABITO M., ARMELI MINICANTE S., LO PIANO G., PAGANO M., GENOVESE G.(2015). Potential use of polysaccharides from the brown alga Undaria pinnatifida as anticoagulants. Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology 58 (5): 798-804
ALZOUBI K., EGLER J., BRIGLIA M., FAZIO A., FAGGIO C., LANG F. (2015). Induction of suicidal erythrocyte death by cantharidin. Toxins 7 (8), 2822-2834
FAGGIO C., ALZOUBI K., CALABRÒ S., LANG F. (2015). Stimulation of suicidal erythrocyte death by PRIMA-1. Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry 35(2): 529-540
BONACCORSI P., BARATTUCCI A., PAPALIA T., CRISEO G., FAGGIO C., ROMEO O. (2015). Pyrimidine derived disulfides as potential antimicrobial agents: synthesis and evaluation in vitro. Journal Sulfur Chemistry 36 (3): 317-325
CHROMCOVA L., BLAHOVA J., ZIVNA D., PLHALOVA L., CASUSCELLI DI TOCCO F., DIVISOVAL., PROKES M., FAGGIO C., TICHY F., SVOBODOVA Z. (2015). NeemAzal T/S – toxicity to early-life stages of common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.). Veterinarni Medicina, 60, 2015 (1): 23–30.
VAZZANA M., ANDREANI T., FANGUEIRO J., FAGGIO C., SILVA C., SANTIN A., GARCIA M.L., SILVA A.M., SOUTO E.B. (2015). Tramadol hydrochloride: Pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, adverse side effects, co-administration of drugs and new drug delivery systems. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 70: 234–238.
FAZIO F., PICCIONE G., ARFUSO F., FAGGIO C. (2015). Peripheral blood And head kidney haematopoietic tissue response to experimental blood loss in Mullet (Mugil cephalus). Marine Biology Research 11(2): 197-202
ALZOUBI K., CALABRÒ S., FAGGIO C., LANG F. (2015). Stimulation of suicidal erythrocyte death by sulforaphane. Basic Clin Pharmacol Toxicol. 116 (3): 229-35
MESSINA C.M., FAGGIO C., LAUDICELLA A.V., SANFILIPPO M., TRISCHITTA F., SANTULLI A. (2014). Effect of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) on stress response in the Mediterranean mussel (Mytilus galloprovincialis): Regulatory volume decrease (RVD) and modulation of biochemical markers related to oxidative stress. Aquatic Toxicology 157: 94–100
FAZIO F., PICCIONE G., TRIBULATO K., FERRANTELLI V., GIANGROSSO G., ARFUSO F., FAGGIO C. (2014). Bioaccumulation of heavy metals in blood and tissue of striped mullet in two Italian lakes. Journal of Aquatic Animal Health 26: 278–284
ALZOUBI K., CALABRÒ S., EGLER J., FAGGIO C., LANG F. (2014). Triggering of programmed erythrocyte death by alantolactone. Toxins 6: 3596-3612
ALZOUBI K., CALABRÒ S., BISSINGER R., ABED M., FAGGIO C., LANG F. (2014). Stimulation of suicidal erythrocyte death by artesunate. Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry 34: 2232-2244
FAGGIO C., PICCIONE G., MARAFIOTI S., ARFUSO F., TRISCHITTA F., FORTINO G., FAZIO F. (2014). Monthly variations of haematological parameters of Sparus aurata and Dicentrarchus labrax reared in Mediterranean land off-shore tanks. Cahiers de Biologie Marine (2014) 55: 437-443
FAGGIO C., PICCIONE G., MARAFIOTI S., ARFUSO F., FORTINO G., FAZIO F. (2014). Metabolic response to monthly variations of Sparus aurata reared in Mediterranean off-shore tanks. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 14: 567 - 574
FAGGIO C., ARFUSO F., PICCIONE G., ZUMBO A., FAZIO F. (2014). Effect of three different anticoagulants and storage time on haematological parameters of Mugil cephalus. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 14: 615-621
FAZIO F., FAGGIO C., PICCIONE G., BONFIGLIO R., MARINO F. (2014). Effect of rearing density on the blood and tissues of mullet (Mugil cephalus L.). Marine Freshwater Behaviour Physiolgy 47(6): 389-399
FAZIO F., CECCHINI S., FAGGIO C., CAPUTO A.R., PICCIONE G.(2014). Stability of oxidative stress biomarkers in flathead mullet, Mugil cephalus, serum during short-term storage. Ecological Indicators 46: 188–192
BISSINGER R., MODICANO P., ALZOUBI K., HONISCH S., FAGGIO C., ABED M., LANG F. (2014). Effect of saponin on erythrocytes. Int J Hematol. 100: 51-59
JACOBI J., LANG E., BISSINGER R., FRAUENFELD L., MODICANO P., FAGGIO C., ABED M., LANG F. (2014). Stimulation of erythrocyte cell membrane scrambling by mitotane. Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry: 33 (5): 1516-26
VAZZANA M., MACEDO A., BOONME P., FAGGIO C., SOUTO E.B (2014). Revisiting lipidic nanoparticles as drug carriers for nsaids: ibuprofen as an instance. In Drug Nano-carriers 3:13- 409-428
SCHMID E., XUAN N.T., ZAHIR N., RUSSO A., YANG W., KUHL D., FAGGIO C., SHUMILINA E., LANG F. (2014). Serum- and glucocorticoid-inducible kinase 1 sensitive NF-Κb signaling in dendritic cells. Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry 34(3): 943-54
MINEO P., FAGGIO C*., MICALI N., SCAMPORRINO E., VILLARI V. (2014). A star polymer based on a polyethylenglicol with a porphyrinic core as a photosensitizer agent for application in photodynamic therapy: tests in vitro on human erythrocytes. RSC Advances: 4, 19389-19395
VAZZANA M., MACEDO A.S., SANTINI A., FAGGIO C., SOUTO E.B. (2014). Novel neuroprotective formulations based on St. John’s Wort extract. Journal Food Research: 3 (4): 3, 3-17
SCHMID E., YAN J., NURBAEVA M.K., RUSSO A., YANG W., FAGGIO C., SHUMILINA E, LANG F. (2014). Decreased store operated Ca(2+) entry in dendritic cells isolated from mice expressing PKB/SGK-resistant GSK3. PLoS One. Feb 11; 9(2):e88637
BORST O., MÜNZER P., SCHMID E., SCHMIDT E. M., RUSSO A., WALKER B., YANG W., LEIBROCK C., SZTEYN K., SCHMIDT S., ELVERS M., FAGGIO C., SHUMILINA E., KURO-O M., GAWAZ M., LANG F. (2014). 1,25(OH)2 vitamin D3-dependent inhibition of platelet Ca2+ signaling and thrombus formation in klotho-deficient mice. FASEB J. 28(5): 2108-19
YANG W., NURBAEVA M.K., SCHMID E., RUSSO A., ALMILAJI A., SZTEYN K., YAN J., FAGGIO C., SHUMILINA E., LANG F. (2014). Akt2- and ETS1-dependent IP3 receptor 2 expression in dendritic cell migration. Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry. 33 (1): 222-36
DËRMAKU-SOPJANI M., ABAZI S., FAGGIO C., KOLGECI J., SOPJANI M. (2014). AMPK-sensitive cellular transport. Journal Biochemistry. 155 (3):147-58
FAGGIO C., FEDELE G., ARFUSO F., PANZERA M., FAZIO F. (2014) Haematological and biochemical response of Mugil cephalus after acclimation to captivity. Cahiers de Biologie Marine 55: 31-36
BARTOSKOVA M., DOBSIKOVA R., STANCOVA V., ZIVNA D., BLAHOVA J., MARSALEK P., ZELNÍCKOVA L., BARTOS M., DI TOCCO F.C., FAGGIO C. (2013). Evaluation of ibuprofen toxicity for zebrafish (Danio rerio) targeting on selected biomarkers of oxidative stress. NeuroEndocrinology Letters 34:102-108
BISSINGER R., MODICANO P., FRAUENFELD L., LANG E., JACOBI J., FAGGIO C., LANG F. (2013). Estramustine-Induced Suicidal Erythrocyte Death. Cell Physiology and Biochemistry 28: 32(5): 1426-143
ARNOLD M., LANG E., MODICANO P., BISSINGER R., FAGGIO C., ABED M., LANG F. (2013). Effect of nitazoxanide on erythrocytes. Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology 114 (5): 421-6
LANG E., MODICANO P., ARNOLD M., BISSINGER R., FAGGIO C., ABED M., LANG F. (2013). Effect of thioridazine on erythrocytes. Toxins (Basel). 23: 5(10):1918-31
LIEW H.J., CHIARELLA D., PELLE A., FAGGIO C., BLUST R., DE BOECK G. (2013). Cortisol emphasizes the metabolic strategies employed by common carp, Cyprinus carpio at different feeding and swimming regimes. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology-Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology 166(3):449-464
PICCIONE G., ARFUSO F., MONTEVERDE V., VAZZANA I. ZUMBO A., FAGGIO C. (2013). Monitoring of some metabolic parameters in Comisana lambs during the neonatal period. Large Animal Review: 19: 133-137
FAZIO F., MARAFIOTI S., FILICIOTTO F., BUSCAINO G., PANZERA M., FAGGIO C. (2013). Blood Hemogram Profiles of Farmed Onshore and Offshore Gilthead Sea Bream (Sparus aurata) from Sicily, Italy. Turkish Journal Fisheries Aquatic Science 13: 415-422
FAZIO F., MARAFIOTI S., ARFUSO F., PICCIONE G., FAGGIO C. (2013). Comparative study of the biochemical and haematological parameters of four wild Tyrrhenian fish species Veterinarni Medicina 58(11): 576-581
TORRE A., TRISCHITTA F., CORSARO C., MALLAMACE D., FAGGIO C. (2013). Digestive cells from Mytilus galloprovincialis show a partial regulatory volume decrease following acute hypotonic stress through mechanisms involving inorganic ions. Cell Biochemistry and Function 31: 489–495
FAGGIO C., CASELLA S., ARFUSO F., MARAFIOTI S., PICCIONE G., FAZIO F.(2013). Effect of storage time on haematological parameters in mullet, Mugil cephalus. Cell Biochemistry and Function 31 (5): 412-416
FAZIO F., MARAFIOTI S., ARFUSO F., PICCIONE G. FAGGIO C. (2013). Influence of different salinity on haematological and biochemical parameters of the widely cultured mullet, Mugil cephalus. Marine Freshwater Behaviour Physiology 46 (4): 211-218
SCHMIDT E.M., SCHMID E., MÜNZER P., HERMANN A., EYRICH A.K., RUSSO A., WALKER B., GU S., MÜLLER VOM HAGEN J., FAGGIO C., SCHALLER M., FÖLLER M., SCHÖLS L., GAWAZ M., BORST O., STORCH A., STOURNARAS C., LANG F.(2013). Chorein sensitivity of cytoskeletal organization and degranulation of platelets. FASEB J. 27 (7): 2799-2806
SHUMILINA E., NURBAEVA M.K., YANG W., SCHMID E., SZTEYN K., RUSSO A., HEISE N., LEIBROCK C., XUAN N.T., FAGGIO C., KURO-O M., LANG F. (2013). Altered regulation of cytosolic Ca2+ concentration in dendritic cells from klotho hypomorphic mice. American Journal of Physiology. Cell Physiology 2013 305(1):C70-7
RUSSO A., SCHMID E., NURBAEVA M.K., YANG W., YAN J., BHANDARU M., FAGGIO C., SHUMILINA E., LANG F. (2013). PKB/SGK-dependent GSK3-phosphorylation in the regulation of LPS-induced Ca2+ increase in mouse dendritic cells. Biochemistry Biophysic Research Communications 437 (3): 336-41
BORST O., WALKER B., MÜNZER P., RUSSO A., SCHMID E., FAGGIO C., BIGALKE B., LAUFER S., GAWAZ M., LANG F. (2013). Skepinone-L, a novel potent and highly selective inhibitor of p38 MAP Kinase, effectively impairs platelet activation and thrombus formation. Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry 18; 31(6):914-924
PICCIONE G., ARFUSO F., GIANNETTO C., FAGGIO C., PANZERA M. (2013). Effect of housing conditions and owner’s schedule on daily total locomotor activity in dogs (Canis familiaris). Biological Rhythm Research, vol. 44 (3): 421-426
GENOVESE G., ROMEO O., MORABITO M., ALESSI D., CRISEO G., FAGGIO C. (2013). Activity of ethanolic extracts of Asparagopsis taxiformis against the major molecular types of Cryptococcus neoformans/C. gattii complex African Journal Microbiology Research 7(21): 2662-2667
BONACCORSI P., AVERSA M.C., BARATTUCCI A., PAPALIA T., TORRE A., TRISCHITTA F., FAGGIO C. (2013). Sulfenic acid-derived glycoconjugated disulfides and sulfoxides: a biological evaluation on human red blood cells. Journal Sulfur Chemistry 34 (6): 684-691
PICCIONE G., GIANNETTO C., FAGGIO C., ALBERGHINA D., PANZERA M. (2013). Three-time feeding does not influence insulin daily rhythm in horse. Biological Rhythm Research 44, (3): 421-426
TORRE A., TRISCHITTA F., FAGGIO C. (2013). Effect of CdCl2 on Regulatory Volume Decrease (RVD) in Mytilus galloprovincialis digestive cells. Toxicology in Vitro 27: 1260–1266
FAZIO F., FAGGIO C., MARAFIOTI S., TORRE A., SANFILIPPO M., PICCIONE G. (2013). Effect of water quality on hematological and biochemical parameters of Gobius niger caught in Faro lake (Sicily). Iranian Journal of Fisheries Sciences 12(1): 219-231
FAZIO F., MARAFIOTI S., TORRE A., SANFILIPPO M., PANZERA M., FAGGIO C. (2013). Haematological and serum protein profiles of Mugil cephalus: effect of two different habitat. Ichthyology Research 60 (1): 36-42
FILICIOTTO F., FAZIO F., MARAFIOTI S., BUSCAINO G., MACCARRONE V., FAGGIO C (2012). Assessment of haematological parameters range values using an automatic method in European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax L.). Natura Rerum 1: 29-36
FAGGIO C., MARAFIOTI S., ARFUSO F., PANZERA M., PICCIONE G., FAZIO F. (2012). Effect of two different habitat on haematological parameters and serum protein profile in Mugil cephalus. Natura Rerum 1: 19-28
TRISCHITTA F., TORRE A., FAGGIO C. (2012). Genistein: effect on the ion transport of the intestine of seawater adapted, Anguilla anguilla. Natura Rerum 1: 9-18
ZELENAK C., PASHAM V., JILANI K., TRIPODI P.M., ROSACLERIO L., PATHARE G., LUPESCU A., FAGGIO C., QADRI S.M., LANG F. (2012). Tanshinone IIA Stimulates Erythrocyte Phosphatidylserine Exposure. Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry 30(1): 282-294
TORRE A., TRISCHITTA F., FAGGIO C. (2012). Purinergic receptors and regulatory volume decrease in seabream (Sparus aurata) hepatocytes: a videometric study. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry 38:1593-1600
DI PAOLA R., IMPELLIZZERI D., TORRE A., MAZZON E., CAPPELLANI A., FAGGIO C., ESPOSITO E., TRISCHITTA F., CUZZOCREA S. (2012). Effects of palmitoylethanolamide on intestinal injury and inflammation caused by ischemia-reperfusion in mice. Journal of Leukocyte Biology 92: 911-920
WILMES J., HADDAD-TÓVOLLI R., ALESUTAN I., MUNOZ C.,SOPJANI M., PELZL L., BOGATIKOV E., FEDELE G., FAGGIO C., SEEBOHM G:, FÖLLER M., LANG F. (2012). Regulation of KCNQ1/KCNE1 by beta-catenin. Molecular Membrane Biology 29(3-4):87-94
FAZIO F., SATHEESHKUMAR P., SENTHIL KUMAR D., FAGGIO C., PICCIONE G. (2012). A comparative study of hematological and blood chemistry of Indian and Italian Grey Mullet (Mugil cephalus L. 1758). HOAJ Biology 1 (5): 1-5
TRISCHITTA F., FAGGIO C., TORRE A. (2012). Living with high concentrations of urea: They can! OJAS. 2 (1): 32-40
GENOVESE G., FAGGIO C., GUGLIANDOLO C., TORRE A., SPANÒ A., MORABITO M., MAUGERI T. L. (2012). In vitro evaluation of antibacterial activity of Asparagopsis taxiformis from the Straits of Messina against pathogens relevant in aquaculture. Marine Environmental Research 73:1-6
PICCIONE G., GIANNETTO C., MARAFIOTI S., FAGGIO C, ALBERGHINA D., FAZIO F. (2012). Training-induced modifications of circadian rhythmicity of peroxidative parameters in horses. Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition 96: 978–984
FAZIO F., FAGGIO C*., MARAFIOTI S., TORRE A., SANFILIPPO M., PICCIONE G. (2012). Comparative study of haematological profile on Gobius niger in two different habitat sites: Faro Lake and Tyrrhenian Sea. Cahiers de Biologie Marine 53: 213-219
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TRISCHITTA F., TORRE A., FEDELE G., FAGGIO C. (2011). Role of endothelin on the intestinal transport of seawater adapted Eel, Anguilla Anguilla. Natura Rerum 1:31-42
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FAGGIO C., TORRE A, PELLE E, RAFFA F, VILLARI V, TRISCHITTA F. (2011). Cell volume regulation following hypotonic shock in hepatocytes isolated from Sparus aurata. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology 158(1):143-9
EBERHARD M., FERLINZ K., ALIZZI K., CACCIATO P.M., FAGGIO C., FOLLER M., LANG F. (2010). FTY720-induced suicidal erythrocyte death. Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry. 26(4-5):761-6
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*Corresponding author
STARÁ A., PAGANO M., CAPILLO G., FABRELLO J., VELÍŠEK J., MATOZZO V., FAGGIO C. (2019). Effects of a neonicotinoid insecticide on Mytilus galloprovincialis”. 19th International Toxicological Conference”Toxicity and Biodegradability of Matters Important in Aquatic Environments”, Vodňany, Czech Republic 21 to 23 August 2019
DAILIANIS S., CHARALAMBOUS N., FOINIRIS S., KOMODROMOU A., FAGGIO C., COCILOVO C., DORMOUSOGLOU M., LYBERATOS G., NTAIKOU I. (2019). Evaluating constructed wetland’s operational efficiency, using a battery of bioassays and critical toxic endpoints. 19th International Symposium on Toxicity Assessment, Thessaloniki, Greece, 25 to 30 of August 2019
PAGANO M., VAZZANA I., GENTILE A., CALABRESE E., OREFICE T., CARACAPPA G., FAGGIO C. (2019). Biochemical and haematological parameters as tool to assess the health status of turtles after stranding. Primo Simposio di Biologia Sperimentale: mare e ambiente (Società Italiana Biologia Sperimentale). Trapani 24-25 Maggio 2019 p.9
PAGANO M., STARA A., FABRELLO J., MATOZZO V., FAGGIO C. (2019) Effects of acute exposure of Mytilus galloprovincialis to two neonicotinoid substances: Thiacloprid and Calypso. Primo Simposio di Biologia Sperimentale: mare e ambiente (Società Italiana Biologia Sperimentale). Trapani 24-25 Maggio 2019 p.9-10
ALIKO V., MEHMETI E., QIRJO M., FAGGIO C. (2018). Drink and sleep like a fish- goldfish as a behavior model to study pharmaceutical effects in freshwater ecosystem. 91° CONGRESSO SIBS (Società Italiana di Biologia Sperimentale) Ancona 09-10 Novembre 2018 p.3
CAPILLO G., FAGGIO C., SAVOCA S., PANARELLO G., SANFILIPPO M., SPANO’ N. (2018). Gracilaria gracilis: a powerful product from sustainable aquaculture. 91° CONGRESSO SIBS (Società Italiana di Biologia Sperimentale) Ancona 09-10 Novembre 2018 p.3
PAGANO M., STARA A., FAGGIO C. (2018). Importance of mussel digestive cells in ecotoxicological investigations on xenobiotics. 91° CONGRESSO SIBS (Società Italiana di Biologia Sperimentale) Ancona 09-10 Novembre 2018 p.7
COCILOVO C., BLAHOVA J., PLHALOVA L., SVOBODOVA Z., FAGGIO C. (20180). Effects of mixture of atrazine, desisopropylatrazine and desethylatrazine on development of early life stages of zebrafish (Danio rerio). 91° CONGRESSO SIBS (Società Italiana di Biologia Sperimentale) Ancona 09-10 Novembre 2018 p.9
FIORINO E., FABER P. L., FREITAS T., SALDANHA C., FAGGIO C., SILVA-HERDANDE A.S. (2018). Beta- estradiol and ethinyl-estradiol effects on female hemorheology. 91° CONGRESSO SIBS (Società Italiana di Biologia Sperimentale) Ancona 09-10 Novembre 2018 p.10
STARA A., STROUHOVA’ A., KOUBA A., VELISEK J., FAGGIO C. (2018). The effects of acute exposure of neonicotinoid insecticide on different species of crayfish. 91° CONGRESSO SIBS (Società Italiana di Biologia Sperimentale) Ancona 09-10 Novembre 2018 p.13
GUZZETTI E., FERRIOL P., DIAZ J.A., SALABERRY E., TEJADA S., FAGGIO C., SUREDA A. (2018). Oxidative stress induction by the invasive sponge Paraleucilla magna growing on Peyssonnella squamerai algae. 91° CONGRESSO SIBS (Società Italiana di Biologia Sperimentale) Ancona 09-10 Novembre 2018 p.11
GARCÍA BELTRÁN J.M., ESPINOSA RUIZ C., CAMPO V., CHUPANI L., FAGGIO C., ESTEBAN ABAD M.A. (2018). Origanum vulgare administered in fish diets enhance humoral and cellular immunity of gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata L.). 18th International Symposium on Fish Nutrition and Feeding 3-7 June 2018-Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Spain)
ALIKO V., QYLI1 M., QIRJO M., FAGGIO C. (2017). Carcinus aestuarii as an interesting bioindicator in monitoring estuarine ecosystem pollution. A multibiomarker approach. 90th CONGRESSO SIBS (SOCIETÀ ITALIANA DI BIOLOGIA SPERIMENTALE) 27-28 October 2017- Trapani (Italy) Journal of Biological Research. 90(1): 2
SKALICKA-WOZNIAK K., BOGUSZEWSKA-CZUBARA A., BIAŁA G., SILVESTRO S., FAGGIO C., B. BUDZYŃSKA B. (2017). Xanthotoxin improves scopolamine induced memory impairment in passive avoidance test in mice – role of acetylcholinesterase. 90th CONGRESSO SIBS (SOCIETÀ ITALIANA DI BIOLOGIA SPERIMENTALE) 27-28 October 2017- Trapani (Italy) Journal of Biological Research. 90(1): 13-14
SILVESTRO S., BOGUSZEWSKA-CZUBARA A., KURZEPA J., BIAŁA G., GROT K., FAGGIO C., BUDZYŃSKA B. (2017). Mephedrone exposure in male swiss mice:damages and possible solutions to address drug addiction. 90th CONGRESSO SIBS (SOCIETÀ ITALIANA DI BIOLOGIA SPERIMENTALE) 27-28 October 2017- Trapani (Italy) Journal of Biological Research. 90(1): 14
SILVESTRO S., CAPILLO G., SANFILIPPO M., FIORINO E., GIANGROSSO G., FERRANTELLI V., DARA S., VAZZANA I., FAGGIO C. (2017). Appraisal of the abiotic and biotic framework of Faro lake (Messina, Sicily). 90th CONGRESSO SIBS (SOCIETÀ ITALIANA DI BIOLOGIA SPERIMENTALE) 27-28 October 2017- Trapani (Italy) Journal of Biological Research. 90(1): 14
BELLINVIA R., STEINBACH C., FAGGIO C., H. KOCOUR KROUPOVÁ H. (2017). Sexual dimorphism in endler’s guppies (Poecilia wingei)–morphometric analysis. 90th CONGRESSO SIBS (SOCIETÀ ITALIANA DI BIOLOGIA SPERIMENTALE) 27-28 October 2017- Trapani (Italy) Journal of Biological Research. 90(1): 16-17
BELLINVIA R., STARA A., STROUHOVA A., FAGGIO C. (2017). The effects of acute exposition of Calypso 480 SC on common yabby (Cherax destructor) crayfish. 90th CONGRESSO SIBS (SOCIETÀ ITALIANA DI BIOLOGIA SPERIMENTALE) 27-28 October 2017- Trapani (Italy) Journal of Biological Research. 90(1): 16
GUZZETTI E., FELICE MR., DERBEL H., GDOURA R., URZÌ C., FAGGIO C., DE LEO F. (2017). Antioxidant activity and cytotoxicity in Hortaea werneckii grown under salt stress. 90th CONGRESSO SIBS (SOCIETÀ ITALIANA DI BIOLOGIA SPERIMENTALE) 27-28 October 2017- Trapani (Italy) Journal of Biological Research. 90(1): 17
CAMPO V., MIAO L., CHAVEZ-POZO E., FAGGIO C., ESTEBAN M.Á., CUESTA A. (2017). Granzymes role in the cell-mediated cytotoxic immune response of fish against nodavirus. 90th CONGRESSO SIBS (SOCIETÀ ITALIANA DI BIOLOGIA SPERIMENTALE) 27-28 October 2017- Trapani (Italy) Journal of Biological Research. 90(1): 13
FIORINO E., J. BLAHOVÁ J., ENEVOVÁ V., PLHALOVÁ L., FRANC A., SVOBODOVÁ Z., FAGGIO C. (2017). Oxidative stress response of rainbow trout after subchronic tonalide exposure. 90th CONGRESSO SIBS (SOCIETÀ ITALIANA DI BIOLOGIA SPERIMENTALE) 27-28 October 2017- Trapani (Italy) Journal of Biological Research. 90(1): 13
QYLI (MEMAJ) M., FAGGIO C., ALIKO V. (2017) Copper influence on glycaemic hormonal regulation by the eyestalks in the Mediterranean Crab, Carcinus aestuarii. International Conference on Food and Biosystems Engineering, 01-04 June 2017, Rhodes island, FaBE2017 132: 12
FIORINO E., SEHONOVA P., PLAHALOVA L., BLAHOVA J. SVOBODOVA Z., FAGGIO C (2016). The effects of glyphosate on early life stages of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) and zebrafish (Danio rerio). 89th CONGRESSO SIBS (SOCIETÀ ITALIANA DI BIOLOGIA SPERIMENTALE) 1-2 Dicembre 2016- Bologna (Italy) Journal of Biological Research. 89(1): 11
SILVESTRO S., PAGANO M., PORCINO C., BRIGLIA M., FIORINO E., VAZZANA M., FAGGIO C. (2016). In vitro acute toxicity of cadmium and zinc in haemolymph and digestive cells of Mytilus galloprovincialis. 89° Convegno SIBS (SOCIETÀ ITALIANA DI BIOLOGIA SPERIMENTALE 1-2 Dicembre 2016-Bologna (Italia). Journal of Biological Research. 89 (1):15 - 16
SIGNORETTO E., HONISH S., BRIGLIA M., FAGGIO C., CASTAGNA M., LANG F.(2016). Nocodazole induced Suicidal Death of Human Erytrhocytes. 95th Annual Meeting of the German Physiological Society 3–5 March 2016, Lübeck, Germany; ACTA PHYSIOLOGICA 216 pp.146
SILVA-HERDADE A.S., ANDOLINA G., FAGGIO C., SALDANHA C. (2016). Erythrocyte deformability-A partner of the inflammatory response. 18th European Conference on Clinical Hemorheology And Microcirculation. Lisbon 5-8-June 2016
MODICANO P., MÄDER K., FAGGIO C. (2015). Preparation of blank and F8BT-loaded lipid nanocapsules based on a phase inversion method and their preliminary characterization. 88° CONGRESSO SIBS (Società Italiana di Biologia Sperimentale) Genova 11-12 Dicembre 2015. pp. 111-112
MODICANO P., FAGGIO C. (2015). Lipid nanocapsules as promising carriers for Drug Delivery System with a Trojan horse strategy. 88° CONGRESSO SIBS (Società Italiana di Biologia Sperimentale) Genova 11-12 Dicembre 2015. pp. 82
PINTOMALLI L., FAGGIO C., MAMMÌ C., BARBARO A.P., BARCELLA L., ROGOLINO S.B., LAGANÀ C., PRIOLO M. (2015). Molecular characterization by ITS sequencing in a group of patients affected with mycotic infection. 88° CONGRESSO SIBS (Società Italiana di Biologia Sperimentale) Genova 11-12 Dicembre 2015. pp. 121
PAGANO M., CAPILLO G., SANFILIPPO M., PALATO S., TRISCHITTA F., MANGANARO A., FAGGIO C. (2015). The impact of quaternium-15 on Mytilus galloprovincialis: “in vitro" study. 88° CONGRESSO SIBS (Società Italiana di Biologia Sperimentale) Genova 11-12 Dicembre 2015. pp. 118-120
PAGANO·M., PORCINO C., SPINELLI A., ·MATOZZO V., FAGGIO C. (2015). A first description of haemocytes of Pinna nobilis. 88° CONGRESSO SIBS (Società Italiana di Biologia Sperimentale) Genova 11-12 Dicembre 2015. pp. 115-117
GUARDIOLA F.A., FAGGIO C., CUESTA A., MESEGUER J., ESTEBAN MA. (2015). Impact of copper exposure on gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata L.): hepatosomatic index, serum antioxidant status and innate cellular immune parameters. 88° CONGRESSO SIBS (Società Italiana di Biologia Sperimentale) Genova 11-12 Dicembre 2015. pp. 101-102
SOUTO E.B., DOKTOROVOVA S., SILVA AM., VAZZANA M., SANTINI A., FAGGIO C. (2015). The role of epigenetic regulator SIRT6 in skin tumorigenesis. 88° CONGRESSO SIBS (Società Italiana di Biologia Sperimentale) Genova 11-12 Dicembre 2015. pp. 144-146
FIORINO E., BLAHOVA J., ENEVOVA V., PLHALOVA L., DOUBKOVA V., MARSALEK P., FRANC A., SVOBODOVA ·Z., FAGGIO C. (2015). Effects of subchronic tonalide exposure on selected indices in rainbow trout. 88° CONGRESSO SIBS (Società Italiana di Biologia Sperimentale) Genova 11-12 Dicembre 2015.pp. 105-106
SPINELLI A., PAGANO M., CAPILLO G., TIZIANA OREFICE T., VAZZANA I.,·GIACOBBE S., FAGGIO C. (2015). The noble fan mussel Pinna nobilis behavior along a marine-brackish gradient. 88° CONGRESSO SIBS (Società Italiana di Biologia Sperimentale) Genova 11-12 Dicembre 2015. pp. 137-139
SPANÒ A, RIZZO C., PAGANO M., CIGALA R.M., ARMELI MINICANTE S., MORABITO M., FAGGIO C., GENOVESE G., GUGLIANDOLO C. (2015). Antibacterial activity of water soluble polysaccharides extracted from marine algae against pathogens relevant in aquaculture. 88° CONGRESSO SIBS (Società Italiana di Biologia Sperimentale) Genova 11-12 Dicembre 2015. pp. 135-136
PORCINO C., GUARDIOLA F.A., CEREZUELA R., CUESTA A., FAGGIO C., ESTEBAN M.A.(2015). Effect of dietary supplementation of probiotics and palm fruits extracts on the expression levels of immune-related genes of sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax). 88° CONGRESSO SIBS (Società Italiana di Biologia Sperimentale) Genova 11-12 Dicembre 2015. pp. 122-123
VAZZANA M., DOSTALOVA S., KRIZKOVA S., VACULOVICOVA M., VACULOVIC T., ADAM V., FAGGIO C. (2015). Bioconjugated CdTe Quantum Dots for Metallothionein Fluorescent-Immunodetection. 88° CONGRESSO SIBS (Società Italiana di Biologia Sperimentale) Genova 11-12 Dicembre 2015. pp. 145-147
MODICANO P., BISSINGER, R., ALZOUBI K., HONISCH S., ABED M., LANG F., FAGGIO C. (2014). Saponin, a trigger of eryptosis, the suicidal erythrocyte death. 87° CONGRESSO SIBS (Società Italiana di Biologia Sperimentale) Torino 5-6 Dicembre 2014. Journal of Biological Research 87(1): 12
MISCHITELLI M., NAVARRO S., CORTÉS R., SANCHEZ E., FAGGIO C., CERDÁ-REVERTER J.M. (2014). Possible role of the Melanocortin System in the regulation of fear response and anxiety. 87° CONGRESSO SIBS (Società Italiana di Biologia Sperimentale) Torino 5-6 Dicembre 2014. Journal of Biological Research 87(1): 12
MODICANO P., ARNOLD M., LANG E., BISSINGER R., ABED M., LANG F., FAGGIO C. (2014). Stimulation of suicidal erythrocyte death by nitazoxanide. 87° CONGRESSO SIBS (Società Italiana di Biologia Sperimentale) Torino 5-6 Dicembre 2014. Journal of Biological Research 87(1): 12
VAZZANA M., SANTINI A., VEIGA F.J., SILVA A.M., FAGGIO C., BARBOSA SOUTO E. (2014). Formulating polyphenols in hydrophilic polymeric solid dosage forms and pharmacokinetic characterization by mathematical modeling. 87° CONGRESSO SIBS (Società Italiana di Biologia Sperimentale) Torino 5-6 Dicembre 2014. Journal of Biological Research 87(1): 12-13
PORCINO C., GUARDIOLA ABELLÀN F., CEREZUELA CABRERA R., CUESTA PEÑAFIEL A., ESTEBAN ABAD M.A., FAGGIO C. (2014). Effect of dietary supplementation of probiotics and palm fruits extracts on innate immune response of sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax). 87° CONGRESSO SIBS (Società Italiana di Biologia Sperimentale) Torino 5-6 Dicembre 2014. Journal of Biological Research 87(1): 4
PAGANO M., GENOVESE G., DOTTORE A., MORABITO M., FAGGIO C. (2014). Biological activities of polysaccharides from marine algae. 87° CONGRESSO SIBS (Società Italiana di Biologia Sperimentale) Torino 5-6 Dicembre 2014. Journal of Biological Research 87(1): 9
SILVA-HERDADE A.S., ANDOLINA G., FAGGIO C., SALDANHA C. (2014). PAF (Platelet-Activating Factor) induced inflammation: in vivo study. 87° CONGRESSO SIBS (Società Italiana di Biologia Sperimentale) Torino 5-6 Dicembre 2014. Journal of Biological Research 87(1): 11
CALABRÒ S., ALZOUBI K., LANG F., FAGGIO C. (2014). Enhanced eryptosis following sulforaphane exposure. 87° CONGRESSO SIBS (Società Italiana di Biologia Sperimentale) Torino 5-6 Dicembre 2014. Journal of Biological Research 87(1): 11
FAZIO A., BRAGASON T., MAGNADOTTIR B., FAGGIO C., GUDMUNDSDOTTIR S. (2013). Risposta della fase acuta nel merluzzo bianco dopo infezione batterica. XIX Congresso della Società Italiana di Patologia Ittica Siracusa 14-16 Novembre 2013
CASUSCELLI DI TOCCO F., BLAHOVA J., SKORIC M., FAGGIO C., SVOBODOVA Z. (2013). Cambiamenti istopatologici nella carpa comune (Cyprinus carpio) in seguito all'esposizione acuta di atrazina. XIX Congresso della Società Italiana di Patologia Ittica Siracusa 14-16 Novembre 2013
MANGANARO A., SANFILIPPO M., FAGGIO C., GENOVESE G., GUGLIANDOLO C., MAUGERI T.L., MORABITO M., TRISCHITTA F., SANTULLI A.(2013). INNOVAQUA “Technological innovation for the improvement of productivity and competitiveness of sicilian aquaculture”: aspects of experimental biology. 86° CONGRESSO SIBS (Società Italiana di Biologia Sperimentale) Palermo 24-25 Ottobre 2013
CERAOLO F., VAZZANA M., CASTRICIANO M.A., MAZZAGLIA A., ZAGAMI R., ROMEO A., FAGGIO C. Spectroscopic characterization and in vitro assay on human blood of novel porphyrin derivatives. 86° CONGRESSO SIBS (Società Italiana di Biologia Sperimentale) Palermo 24-25 Ottobre 2013
FAGGIO C., FAZIO F., ARFUSO F., FORTINO G., PICCIONE G. (2013). Assessment of three different anticoagulants and storage time influence on haematological parameters in Mugil cephalus (Linneaus, 1758). 86° CONGRESSO SIBS (Società Italiana di Biologia Sperimentale) Palermo 24-25 Ottobre 2013 pp 62-63
BONACCORSI P., BARATTUCCI A., COSTANZO M.G., TRISCHITTA F., PAPALIA T., FAGGIO C. (2013). Synthesis of enantiopure sugar-decorated six-armed triptycene derivatives and a biological evaluation on human red blood cells. 86° CONGRESSO SIBS (Società Italiana di Biologia Sperimentale) Palermo 24-25 Ottobre 2013: pp. 107-108
FAZIO A., LIEW HJ. DE BOECK G., FAGGIO C. (2013). Feeding and cortisol alter branchial Na+/K+ atpase activity and growth performance differently in common carp Cyprinus carpio. 86° CONGRESSO SIBS (Società Italiana di Biologia Sperimentale) Palermo 24-25 Ottobre 2013: pp 123-124
MANGANARO A., SANFILIPPO M., FAGGIO C., GENOVESE G., GUGLIANDOLO C., MAUGERI T.L., MORABITO M., TRISCHITTA F., SANTULLI A. (2013). Innovaqua “technological innovation for the improvement of productivity and competitiveness of Sicilian aquaculture”: aspects of experimental biology. 86° CONGRESSO SIBS (Società Italiana di Biologia Sperimentale) Palermo 24-25 Ottobre 2013
FAZIO F., FAGGIO C., MARAFIOTI S., FILICIOTTO F., PICCIONE G. (2013). Effect of storage time on haematological parameters in two different teleosts, mullet ad Sea bream. 86° CONGRESSO SIBS (Società Italiana di Biologia Sperimentale) Palermo 24-25 Ottobre 2013
MODICANO P., LANG E., ARNOLD M., BISSINGER R., FAGGIO C., ABED M., LANG F. (2013). Effect of thioridazine on erythrocytes. 86° CONGRESSO SIBS (Società Italiana di Biologia Sperimentale) Palermo 24-25 Ottobre 2013.
BAZZANO M., FAGGIO C., PANZERA M., ASSENZA A., PICCIONE G.(2013). Daily rhythm of total activity/rest pattern in small and large domestic animals. 86° CONGRESSO SIBS (Società Italiana di Biologia Sperimentale) Palermo 24-25 Ottobre 2013.
PAGANO M., GENOVESE G., MORABITO M., CASELLA C., FAGGIO C. (2013). Biological evaluation of the action of Undaria pinnatifida extract on equine red bloods cells. 86° CONGRESSO SIBS (Società Italiana di Biologia Sperimentale) Palermo 24-25 Ottobre 2013: pp185-186
VAZZANA M., MACEDO A.S., SOUTO E.B., FAGGIO C. (2013). Preparation of solid lipid nanoparticles for ibuprofen delivery 86° CONGRESSO SIBS (Società Italiana di Biologia Sperimentale) Palermo 24-25 Ottobre 2013.
ZAGAMI R., CASTRICIANO M.A., MAZZAGLIA A., ROMEO A., CERAOLO F., VAZZANA M., FAGGIO C., MONSÙ SCOLARO L. (2013). Novel porphyrin derivatives: spectroscopic characterization and hemolytic effect on human red blood cells (RBCs). Biometr 13-XIII Workshop on PharmacoBioMetallics 25 e 26 ottobre 2013
LIEW HJ., FAZIO A., MOYSON S., VAN DOOREN N., DELCROIX A., FAGGIO C., DE BOECK G. (2013). Kidney compensates ion losses in copper exposed exercised shubunkin (Carassius auratus). Meeting SEB 3-6 Luglio 2013 Valencia, Spagna: pp 95.
TORRE A., GOMES T., COMPANY R., FAGGIO C., TRISCHITTA .F, BEBIANNO M.J. (2013). Adverse effects of sublethal concentration of cadmium on both protein expression profiles and on regulatory volume decrease. Pollutant responses in marine organisms, PRIMO Faro (Algarve), Portogallo 5-8/05/2013
WALKER B., MÜNZER P., BORST O., RUSSO A., SCHMID E., BIGALKE B., FAGGIO C., LAUFER S., GAWAZ M., LANG F. (2013). Skepinone-L, a novel potent and highly selective inhibitor of p38 MAP kinase, effectively impairs platelet activation and thrombus formation. 92nd Annual Meeting Deutsche Physiologische Gesellschaft March 2–5, 2013 Heidelberg, Germany
YANG W., NURBAEVA M.K., SCHMID E., RUSSO A., SZTEYN K., FAGGIO C., SHUMILINA E., LANG F. (2013). Akt2-dependent transcriptional factor ETS1 regulates expression of IP3 receptor 2 in dendritic cells. 92nd Annual Meeting Deutsche Physiologische Gesellschaft March 2–5, 2013 Heidelberg, Germany
YAN J., SCHMID E., NURBAEVA M.K., YANG W., RUSSO A., FAGGIO C., E. SHUMILINA E., LANG F. (2013). Glycogen synthase kinase 3 regulates Ca2+ signalling in dendritic cells. 92nd Annual Meeting Deutsche Physiologische Gesellschaft March 2–5, 2013 Heidelberg, Germany
RUSSO A., SCHMIDT E., SCHMID E., MÜNZER P., HERMANN A., EYRICH A., WALKER B., GU S., VOM HAGEN J., FAGGIO C., SCHALLER M., ALESUTAN I., FÖLLER M., SCHÖLS L., BORST O., GAWAZ M., STORCH A., STOURNARAS C., LANG F. (2013). Actin depolymerization and impaired degranulation of platelets from patients with Choreoacanthocytosis. 92nd Annual Meeting Deutsche Physiologische Gesellschaft March 2–5, 2013 Heidelberg, Germany
ČOŽ-RAKOVAC R., FAZIO F., ŠMUC T., TOPIĆ POPOVIĆ N., STRUNJAK-PEROVIĆ I., SAUERBORN KLOBUČAR R., PICCIONE G., FAGGIO C. (2013). Blood biochemical approach in differentiation of Adriatic and Tyrrhenian mullet (Genus Mugil Linnaeus, 1758) populations. 48th Croatian & 8th International Symposium on Agriculture February 17-22, 2013- Valamar Lacroma Dubrovnik, Croatia
TORRE A., FAGGIO, C., TRISCHITTA F. (2012). Cell volume regulation in hepatopancreas of Mytilus galloprovincialis exposed to subletal concentration of CdCl2 73° Congresso UZI 24-27 Settembre 2012
LIEW H. J., PELLE A., CHIARELLA D., FAGGIO C., DE BOECK G. (2012). Cortisol elevation in common carp Cyprinus carpio improves ammonia excretion capacity during swimming at different feeding regimes, but diverts energy use towards protein and anaerobic metabolism. Meeting SEB 29 Giugno-2 Luglio 2012 Strasburgo, Francia
TRIPODI P.M., ROSACLERIO L., JILANI K., LANG E., QADRI S.M., ZELENAK C., SCHLEICHER E., FAGGIO C., LANG F. (2012). Erythrocyte phospholipid scrambling and cell swelling induced by CORM-2. Meeting ABCD Group “Cell Stress: Survival and Apoptosis” (CSSA), Palermo 18-19 Maggio 2012; p. 30 (1)
FEDELE G., TRISCHITTA F., FAGGIO C., TORRE A. (2012). Can isolated cells of Mytilus galloprovincialis exhibit RVD when exposed to hypotonic stress? Meeting ABCD Group “Cell Stress: Survival and Apoptosis” (CSSA), Palermo 18-19 Maggio 2012; p. 38 (1)
MARAFIOTI S., FAGGIO C., ARFUSO F., PICCIONE G., FAZIO F. (2012). Effects of oral administration of Gum Arabic on white blood cell count and on some oxidative stress parameters in Mugil cephalus. Meeting ABCD Group “Cell Stress: Survival and Apoptosis” (CSSA), Palermo 18-19 Maggio 2012; p. 32 (1)
PADUANO V., PRIOLO M., FAGGIO C., LAGANÀ C. (2012). Neurofibromatosi di tipo 1: Studio di correlazione genotipo-fenotipo e funzionale condotto su una coorte di pazienti italiani. Meeting Nazionale di Genetica, Immunologia e Pediatria Traslazionale 24-26 Novembre 2011-Messina. RIGIP Rivista Italiana di Genetica e Immunologia Pediatrica - Italian Journal of Genetic and Pediatric Immunology p. 23 (1)
TORRE A., FEDELE G., TRISCHITTA F., FAGGIO C. (2011). Purinergic receptors and regulatory volume decrease in seabream (Sparus Aurata) hepatocytes. Acta Physiologica p. 219: (41). Vol. 203
ROSACLERIO L., TRIPODI P.M., ZELENAK C., QADRI S.M., JILANI K., FAGGIO C., LANG F. (2011). Tanshinone IIA stimulates erythrocyte phosphatidylserine exposure. Cell Volume Regulation Meeting 2011 4-7 luglio- Tubingen (Germania) p. 30 (21)
FAGGIO C., TORRE A, DI FRESCO G, TRISCHITTA F. (2010). The intestine of marine teleosts: a model to study bicarbonate secretion. Gene Nutr. 5(1): S 54
OLLIVIER H., PELLE E., RAFFA F., FAGGIO C., PICHAVANT-RAFINI K. (2010). Regulatory volume decrease (RVD) process in isolated hepatocytes of the European sea bass, Dicentrarchus labrax. Gene Nutr. 5(1): S 85.
FAGGIO C., TORRE A., ALBERGHINA D., PICCIONE G., TRISCHITTA F. (2010). Cadmium impairs RVD in the digestive cells of Mytilus galloprovincialis Comp. Biochem. Physiol, Part A S 35
PICCIONE G., CASELLA S., MARAFIOTI S., TORRE A., FAGGIO C., TRISCHITTA F. (2010). Circadian rhythms of oxidative stress markers in Ovis aries, Bos taurus and Equus caballus. Comp. Biochem. Physiol, Part A S 35
TRISCHITTA F; FAGGIO C. (2008). Genistein affects Na/K/2Cl cotransport in the isolated intestine of the eel, Anguilla Anguilla, adapted to seawater. Acta Physiologica, p. 118, Vol. 194
TRISCHITTA F.; FAGGIO C. (2007). NO affects both the transcellular and the paracellular pathways in the isolated intestine of the eel, Anguilla anguilla. Acta Physiologica, p. 119, Vol. 191
TRISCHITTA F.; FAGGIO C. (2006). Endothelin affects transepithelial transport in the intestine of seawater adapted eel. Acta Physiologica, p. 126, Vol. 188
TRISCHITTA F., DENARO M.G., FAGGIO C. (2006). Gossypol affects ion transport in fish intestine. Acta Physiologica, p. 106, Vol. 188
FAGGIO C.; TRISCHITTA F. (2006). Paracrine control of ion transport in the intestine of seawater adapted eel: role of endothelin, NO and prostaglandins. Acta Physiologica, p. 39 39, Vol. 188
TRISCHITTA F.; FAGGIO C. (2005). NO modulates ion transport in the isolated intestine og the eel, Anguilla anguilla. Journal of Physiology and Biochemistry, p. 591- 591, Vol. 61
TRISCHITTA F.; DENARO M.G.; FAGGIO C. (2004). Effect of the flavonol quercetin on ion transport in the isolated intestine of the eel, Anguilla anguilla. Pflugers Archiv, p. 89, Vol. 448:R58 (F20)
TRISCHITTA F.; FAGGIO C.; DENARO M.G. (2004). Effect of the flavonol quercetin on ion transport in the isolated intestine of the eel, Anguilla anguilla. Pflugers Archiv, p. R58, Vol. 448
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Messina, 28 December 2020
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