

Profilo: Professori Associati




    1999   Degree in Civil Engineering, University of Catania, Italy
    2003   PhD in Hydraulic Engineering, University of Catania, Italy
    2003-2011   Postdoc, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Catania, Italy. Research programme: “Models for drought identification and stochastic characterization and definition of drought mitigation measures in water supply systems”
    2011-2017   Assistant Professor (L. 230/2005), Department of Engineering, University of Messina, Italy
    2018-2020   Senior Lecturer (L. 240/2010 art. 24 c.3 let. b), Department of Engineering, University of Messina, Italy
    Since January 9, 2021, Associate Professor in ‘Hydraulic and Maritime Constructions and Hydrology’, Department of Engineering, University of Messina, Italy.

    • Joint probability models and stochastic methods for space-time characterization of hydrological extremes at regional and continental scales;
    • Drought and flood risk management and mitigation strategies;
    • Development of flood and landslide early warning systems;
    • Non stationarity analysis of extreme hydrological events;
    • Hydrological and socio-hydrological modelling for flood forecasting in gauged and ungauged basins;
    • Climate change impacts on water resources and hydrological extremes;
    • Evaluation of climate models for climate change impact assessment at the catchment scale;
    Documents on SCOPUS: 27 (among which 22 articles)
    Citations: 836 (source: SCOPUS)
    h-index: 11 (source: SCOPUS)
    1.      International projects
    Member of the research unit of the University of Catania within the projects:
    -    INCO-MED: “Water Resources Management under Drought Conditions" (Reference person: Prof. G. Rossi), 2002-2003.
    -    SEDEMED I “Sécheresse et Désertification dans le bassin Méditerranée” – European Programme INTERREG III B MEDOCC – Asse 4. mis. 4 (Reference person: Prof. G. Rossi), 2003-2004.
    -    MEDROPLAN: "Mediterranean Drought Preparedness and Mitigation Planning" - European Programme MEDA Water (Reference person: Prof. A. Cancelliere), 2003-2007.
    -    SEDEMED II “Sécheresse et Désertification dans le bassin Méditerranée” - European Programme INTERREG III B MEDOCC – Asse 4. mis. 4 (Reference person: Prof. G. Rossi), 2004-2006.
    Member of the research unit of the University of Messina within the project:
    -    FLORIS “Innovative tools for improving FLood RISk reduction strategies” (UCPM 2018 Programme - Prevention in civil protection and marine pollution) (Reference person: Prof. G.T. Aronica), from January 2019 (ongoing).
    2.      National Projects
    Member of the research unit of the University of Catania within the projects:
    • MIUR Progetto Strategico 449/97 Settore Risorse Idriche, Programma Metodologie di gestione delle risorse idriche nelle aree centro-meridionali (Reference person: Prof. G. Rossi), 2005.
    • PRIN 2005 (Modello B - prot. 2005080490_004) "Previsione di indici di siccità e definizione di regole di esercizio di sistemi di approvvigionamento " (Reference person: Prof. A. Cancelliere), 2006-2008.
    • PRIN 2007 (Modello A - prot. 20075WFE7P) "Gestione della siccità e variabilità climatica " (Coordinator: Prof. A. Cancelliere), 2008-2010.
    • PRIN 2008 (Modello B - prot. 2008WXPRA2_002) "Effetti del cambiamento climatico sul bilancio idrico" (Reference person: Prof. G. Rossi/Prof. G. Pezzinga), 2010-2011.
    Member of the research unit of the University of Messina within the project:
     “Risk-based design of hydraulic infrastructures for flood risk reduction RIDES-IDRO” (Italian Ministry of Environment, Soil and Sea Protection)” (Reference person: Prof. G.T. Aronica), from January 2020 (ongoing).
    Comune di Messina - “Valutazione della pericolosità idraulica nel territorio Comunale di Messina, dei torrenti/fiumare: Galati, Mili, Larderia, Zafferia, San Filippo, Cumia-Bordonaro, Bisconte-Cataratti e Papardo” (reference person: Prof. G. T. Aronica), 2012-2013.
    Osservatorio delle Acque della Regione Siciliana - “Attività di studi e ricerche per la realizzazione del sistema informativo idromorfologico ai fini dell’aggiornamento e la gestione del Piano di Tutela e la realizzazione del Sistema informativo e di monitoraggio unico a supporto della gestione del Distretto Idrografico. Direttiva Europea 2000/60 CE - D. Lgs. 152/2006” (reference person: Prof. G. T. Aronica), 2013-2014.
    Sicilia e-Ricerca S.p.A - “Sviluppo di modelli previsionali di fenomeni idraulici e franosi con specifico riferimento all’allertamento per finalità di protezione civile per il costituendo Centro Funzionale Decentrato Multirischio della Regione Siciliana” (reference person: Prof. G. T. Aronica), dal 30-04-2014 al 17-01-2016.
    AMAM S.p.A. - “Attività di studio e ricerca per la redazione di studi idrologici a supporto dell’istanza di rinnovo della concessione delle derivazioni di acque dal sistema di pozzi e gallerie “Bufardo-Torrerossa” e della domanda per l’utilizzo delle acque sorgentizie che alimentano l’acquedotto della “Santissima” del Comune di Messina, da parte di AMAM S.p.A., (reference persons: Proff. G. T. Aronica, Brunella Bonaccorso), 2017 -2020.
    Comune di Messina – Dipartimento Politiche del Territorio e Dipartimento d’Ingegneria dell’Università degli studi di Messina “Studi sulla pericolosità e sul rischio idraulico di aree potenzialmente inondabili e verifiche idrauliche di opere di tombinamento nel territorio comunale di Messina” (reference person: Prof. G. T. Aronica), from April 2019 (ongoing).
    AMAM S.p.A. - Attività di ricerca e studio per l’analisi e l’ottimizzazione dei sistemi di captazione per l’approvvigionamento idrico della “Città Metropolitana di Messina”, (reference persons: Proff. G. T. Aronica, Brunella Bonaccorso), 2019-2020.
    Hydrology (BS in Civil and Architectural Engineering and MS in Civil Engineering)                    2011/2012 - to date
    Water conveyance, distribution and drainage systems (MS in Civil Engineering)                                                                                           2014/2015-2017/2018
    Water resources management (MS in Civil Engineering)     2018/2019 - to date
    Seminars within PhD programme:
    Probabilistic models and stochastic processes (PhD Programme in Civil, Environmental and Security Engineering, University of Messina and University of Reggio Calabria), 2016 and 2020
    Drought analysis, forecasting and risk assessment (PhD Programme in Understanding and Managing Extremes, IUSS Pavia), 2018.
    International teaching experience
    Short course on “Methods and tools for drought analysis and forecasting”, University of Thessaly, Volos (Greece) within the EU programme Erasmus + Mobility for Teaching, 2015.
    Short course on “Drought analysis, forecasting and risk assessment”, University of Sarajevo (Bosnia-Erzegovina), within the project NatRisk (Development of master curricula for NATural disasters RISK management in Western Balkan countries) ERASMUS+ KA2 CBHE, 2019.
    Supervisor of the following PhD students:
    Iolanda Borzì (May 2020). Socio-Hydrological Modeling in a complex aquifer system for improving water resources management under climate and human-induced environmental changes. PhD Programme in Civil, Environmental and Security Engineering, cycle XXXII, University of Reggio Calabria and University of Messina (Co-supervisors: Prof. Murugesu Sivapalan, University of Illinois, Prof. Alberto Viglione, Polytechnic of Turin).
    Beatrice Monteleone (April 2020). Design of a parametric insurance framework for drought. PhD Programme in Understanding and Managing Extremes (cycle XXXII) - Risk and Emergency Management Weather Related Risk, IUSS Pavia. (Co-supervisor: Prof. Mario L. Martina, IUSS Pavia).
    Member of the Committee for Guidance and Tutoring activities of MS course in Civil Engineering.
    Reference person for the International Mobility of students attending the BS course in Civil Engineering.
    Member of the Scientific Board of PhD Programme in Civil, Environmental and Security Engineering: University of Messina and University of Reggio Calabria, 2015 to date.
    Member of the European Water Resources Association (EWRA)
    Member of the European Geosciences Union (EGU)
    Member of the European Drought Centre
    Convener of EGU session “Drought and water scarcity: monitoring, modelling and forecasting to improve hydro-meteorological risk management”
    Member of the Organizing Committee of the following conferences:
    • IAHS STAHY International Workshop “Advances in statistical hydrology” 2010, Taormina (Italy), May 2010;
    • 6th EWRA International Symposium Water Engineering and Management in a Changing Environment, Catania (Italy), June 2011;
    • 15th Plinius Conference on Mediterranean Risks, Giardini Naxos (Italy), June 2016;
    • Giornate dell'Idrologia 2017, Società Idrologica Italiana, Favignana, June 2017.

    Referee for several main journals in the field of hydrological sciences and water resources management, such as: Journal of Hydrology (since 2009), Water Resources Research, HESS and others.
    Young Scientist Outstanding Poster Paper (YSOPP) Award - Hydrological Science - EGU General Assembly 2009, 19-24/04/2009, Vienna. "Quality Control of Daily Precipitation data through Neural Networks" by Sciuto, G., Bonaccorso, B., Cancelliere, A. e Rossi, G.
    Best Poster Giornate dell'Idrologia 2017, 21-24/06/2017, Favignana. “A new method for threshold selection in pot flood frequency analysis: application to Sicilian catchments” by Borzì, I., Bonaccorso, B. e Viglione, A.

    Main publications

    Scientific articles

    • Bonaccorso, B., Cancelliere, A., Rossi, G., (2003). An analytical formulation of return period of drought severity, Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment (Springer), 17: 157-174, ISSN: 1436-3240, DOI: 10.1007/s00477-003-0127-7.

    • Bonaccorso, B., Bordi, I., Cancelliere, A., Rossi, G., Sutera, A., (2003). Spatial Variability of Drought: An Analysis of the SPI in Sicily, Water Resources Management (Springer), 17(4): 273-296, ISSN: 0920-4741, DOI: 10.1023/A:1024716530289.

    • B. Bonaccorso, A. Cancelliere, G. Rossi (2003). Network design for drought monitoring by geostatistical techniques. European Water, vol. 3/4, p. 9-15, ISSN: 1105-7580

    • Bonaccorso, B., Cancelliere, A. Rossi G., (2005). Detecting trends of extreme rainfall series in Sicily, Advances in Geosciences (EGU), 2: 7-11, ISSN: 1680-7340.

    • Cancelliere, A., Di Mauro, G., Bonaccorso, B., Rossi, G., (2006). Drought forecasting using the Standardized Precipitation Index, Water Resources Management (Springer), 21(5): 801-819, ISSN: 0920-4741, DOI: 10.1007/s11269-006-9062-y.

    • Iglesias, A., Bonaccorso, B., Moneo, M., Qurioga, S., Garrido A., (2007). Institutional and legal framework for drought management in Drought Management Guidelines. Technical Annex, Iglesias A., Moneo M. and Lopez-Francos A. (Eds.). Options Méditerranéennes. Série B: Etudes et Recherches, Numèro 58, CIHEAM, Zaragoza (Spain), pp. 35-60, ISSN: 1016-1228.

    • Bonaccorso, B., Cancelliere, A., Nicolosi, V., Rossi, G., Cristaudo, G., (2007). Methods for risk assessment in water supply systems in Drought Management Guidelines. Technical Annex, Iglesias A., Moneo M. and Lopez-Francos A. (Eds.). Options Méditerranéennes. Série B: Etudes et Recherches, Numèro 58, CIHEAM, Zaragoza (Spain), pp. 115-128, ISSN: 1016-1228.

    • Tsakiris, G., Cancelliere, A., Tigkas, D., Vangelis, H., Pangalou, D., Bonaccorso, B., Moneo, M., Nicolosi, V., (2007). Tools and models in Drought Management Guidelines. Technical Annex, Iglesias A., Moneo M. and Lopez-Francos A. (Eds.). Options Méditerranéennes. Série B: Etudes et Recherches, Numèro 58, CIHEAM, Zaragoza (Spain), pp. 135-166, ISSN: 1016-1228.

    • Bonaccorso, B., Cancelliere, A., Nicolosi, V., Rossi, G., Alba, I., Cristaudo, G., (2007). Application of the Drought Management Guidelines in Italy: The Simeto River Basin in Drought Management Guidelines. Technical Annex, Iglesias A., Moneo M. and Lopez-Francos A. (Eds.). Options Méditerranéennes. Série B: Etudes et Recherches, Numèro 58, CIHEAM, Zaragoza (Spain), pp. 305-342, ISSN: 1016-1228.

    • Di Mauro, G., Bonaccorso, B., Cancelliere, A., Rossi, G., (2008). Use of NAO index to improve drought forecasting in the Mediterranean area: application to Sicily region in Drought Management: Scientific and technological innovations, Lopez-Francos, A. (Ed.), Options Méditerranéennes. Série A: Séminaires Méditerranéesns, Numèro 80, CIHEAM, Zaragoza (Spain), pp. 311-317, ISSN: 1016-121X.

    • Serinaldi, F., Bonaccorso, B., Cancelliere, A., Grimaldi, S. (2009). Probabilistic characterization of drought properties through copulas, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth (Elsevier), 34: 596-605, ISSN: 1474-7065, DOI:10.1016/j.pce.2008.09.004.

    • Sciuto, G., Bonaccorso, B., Cancelliere, A., Rossi, G. (2009). Quality control of daily rainfall data with neural networks, Journal of Hydrology (Elsevier), 364 (1-2): 13-22, ISSN: 0022-1694, DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2008.10.008.

    • Sciuto G., Bonaccorso, B., Cancelliere A., Rossi G. (2013). Probabilistic quality control of daily temperature data. International Journal of Climatology, 33 (5), pp. 1211-1227, ISSN: 0899-8418, DOI: 10.1002/joc.3506.

    • Bonaccorso, B., Peres D.J., Cancelliere A., Rossi G. (2013). Large Scale Probabilistic Drought Characterization Over Europe. Water Resources Management, 27 (6), pp. 1675-1692, ISSN: 0920-4741, DOI: 10.1007/s11269-012-0177-z.

    • Aronica G.T., Bonaccorso, B. (2013). Climate Change Effects on Hydropower Potential in the Alcantara River Basin in Sicily (Italy). Earth Interactions, 17 (19), pp. 1-22, ISSN: 1087-3562, DOI: 10.1175/2012EI000508.1.

    • Bonaccorso, B., Peres, D.J., Castano, A., Cancelliere, A. (2014). SPI-Based Probabilistic Analysis of Drought Areal Extent in Sicily. Water Resources Management, Volume 29(2), pp. 459-470, ISSN: 09204741, DOI: 10.1007/s11269-014-0673-4.

    • Bonaccorso., B., Cancelliere, A., Rossi, G. (2015). Probabilistic forecasting of drought class transitions in Sicily (Italy) using Standardized Precipitation Index and North Atlantic Oscillation Index. Journal of Hydrology, Volume 526, pp. 136-150, ISSN: 00221694, DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2015.01.070.

    • Bonaccorso, B., Aronica, G.T. (2016). Estimating Temporal Changes in Extreme Rainfall in Sicily Region (Italy), Water Resources Management, ISSN: 09204741, doi: 10.1007/s11269-016-1442-3.

    • Bonaccorso, B., Brigandì, G., Aronica, G.T. (2017). Combining regional rainfall frequency analysis and rainfall-runoff modelling to derive frequency distributions of peak flows in ungauged basins: a proposal for Sicily region (Italy), Advances in Geosciences, 44, 15-22, ISSN: 1680-7340, doi:10.5194/adgeo-44-15-2017.

    • Brigandì, G., Aronica, G.T., Bonaccorso, B., Gueli, R., Basile, G. (2017). Flood and landslide warning based on rainfall thresholds and soil moisture indexes: the HEWS (Hydrohazards Early Warning System) for Sicily, Advances in Geosciences, Volume 44, pp. 79-88, doi: 10.5194/adgeo-44-79-2017, 2017.
    • ​Aieb, A., Madani, K., Scarpa, M., Bonaccorso, B., Lefsih, K. (2019). A new approach for processing climate missing databases applied to daily rainfall data in Soummam watershed, Algeria, Heliyon 5 (2019) e01247, doi:10.1016/j.heliyon.2019.e01247.
    • Borzì, I.; Bonaccorso, B.; Fiori, A. (2019). A Modified IHACRES Rainfall-Runoff Model for Predicting the Hydrologic Response of a River Basin Connected with a Deep Groundwater Aquifer. Water, 11(10), 2031;
    • Bonaccorso, B. (2020) Discussion of “How to improve attribution of changes in drought and flood impacts”. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 65 (3), pp. 489-490, doi: 10.1080/02626667.2019.1701193.
    • Monteleone, B., Bonaccorso, B., and Martina, M. (2020). A joint probabilistic index for objective drought identification: the case study of Haiti, Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci. Discuss., 20, 471–487,
    • Aieb, A., Lefsih, K., Scarpa, M., Bonaccorso, B., Cicero, N., Mimeche, O., Madani, K. (2020). Statistical modeling of monthly rainfall variability in Soummam watershed of Algeria, between 1967 and 2018.Natural Resource Modeling, 33 (4), art. no. e12288.
    • Bonaccorso, B., Brigandì, G., Aronica, G.T. (2020). Regional sub-hourly extreme rainfall estimates in Sicily under a scale invariance framework. Water Resources Management, 34 (14), pp. 4363-4380.
    • Borzì, I., Bonaccorso, B., Aronica, G.T. (2020). The role of dem resolution and evapotranspiration assessment in modeling groundwater resources estimation: A case study in Sicily.  Water (Switzerland), 12 (11), art. no. 2980, pp. 1-15.
    • Peres, D.J., Senatore, A., Nanni, P., Cancelliere, A., Mendicino, G., Bonaccorso, B. Evaluation of EURO-CORDEX (Coordinated Regional Climate Downscaling Experiment for the Euro-Mediterranean area) historical simulations by high-quality observational datasets in southern Italy: Insights on drought assessment. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 20 (11), pp. 3057-3082.

    Book and book chapters

    • Rossi, G., Vega, T., Bonaccorso, B. (2007). Methods and Tools for Drought Analysis and Management (pp. 420). ISBN: 978-1-4020-5923-0. Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands.

    • Bonaccorso, B., Cancelliere, A., Di Mauro, G., Rossi, G. (2007). Drought identification and probabilistic characterization in Water Resources Assessment and Management under Water Scarcity Scenarios, La Loggia, G., Aronica, G.,T. and Ciraolo, G. (Eds..), ISBN: 978-88-900282-8-1. CSDU, Milano, pp. 1-28.

    • Cancelliere, A., Di Mauro, G., Bonaccorso, B., Rossi, G. (2007). Stochastic forecasting of drought indices in Methods and Tools for Drought Analysis and Management, Rossi, G., Vega, T. and Bonaccorso, B. (Eds.), ISBN: 978-1-4020-5923-0. Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 62, pp. 83-100.

    • Rossi, R., Castiglione, L., Bonaccorso, B. (2007). Guidelines for planning and implementing drought mitigation measures in Methods and Tools for Drought Analysis and Management, Rossi, G., Vega, T. and Bonaccorso, B. (Eds.), ISBN: 978-1-4020-5923-0. Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 62, pp. 325-347.

    • Rossi, G., Bonaccorso, B., Nicolosi, V., Cancelliere, A. (2009). Characterizing drought risk in a Sicilian river basin in Coping with Drought Risk in Agriculture and Water Supply Systems, Iglesias, A., Garrote, L., Cancelliere, A., Cubillo, F., Wilhite, D.A. (Eds.), ISBN: 978-1-4020-9044-8. Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 26, pp. 187-219.

    • B. Bonaccorso, A. Cancelliere, and G. Rossi (2012). Methods for Drought Analysis and Forecasting. In: Methods and Applications of Statistics in the Atmospheric and Earth Sciences. p. 150-184, Hoboken, John Wiley and Sons, ISBN: 9780470503447.

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