Bianca Maria
Struttura:Dipartimento di Scienze Veterinarie
Profilo: Ricercatori Universitari
Ha ricevuto l’incarico d’insegnamento dalla Facoltà di Medicina Veterinaria dell’Università di Messina, per le seguenti discipline:per il Corso di Laurea in Medicina Veterinaria: vecchio ordinamento.
- Epidemiologia Veterinaria (20 ore), per l’anno accademico 1993/94.
- Diagnostica Sperimentale delle Malattie Infettive (20 ore) per gli A.A. 1994/95/96/97/98.
- Batteriologia Veterinaria (20 ore) per l’a.a.1996/97.
- Corso Integrato 7.1 Microbiologia, Virologia, Immunologia Veterinaria (60 ore) per gli A.A. 1996/97, 1997/98, 1998/99, 99/2000, 2000/01.
- Corso Integrato 3.1 Antropozoonosi nel Modulo Professionalizzante “Salute e benessere degli animali da compagnia”, (50 ore) dall’A.A. 1999/2000 fino al 2004/2005.
- Tirocinio teorico pratico di Profilassi delle Malattie infettive dal 1990 al 2003.
Professore aggregato con effetto immediato secondo il comma 11 dell’art. 1 della Legge 4 novembre 2005, n. 230.
Nel Corso di Laurea in Medicina Veterinaria per la Classe Specialistica 47 /S:
- VET/05“Microbiologia ed immunologia Veterinaria” 5CFU (80 ore) dall’a.a. 2002/03 all’a.a. 2009-2010.
- VET/05“Antropozoonosi degli animali non convenzionali” 1CFU (16 ore) nel pacchetto formativo “Medicina e Chirurgia degli animali da compagnia non convenzionali e selvatici “ nell’A.A. 2004/05.
- VET/05 “Diagnostica di Laboratorio degli animali non convenzionali” 1 CFU (16 ore) nel pacchetto formativo” Chirurgia dei grossi animali e degli animali selvatici” nell’A.A. 2004/05.
Nel Corso di Laurea in “Biotecnologie applicate alla maricoltura, all’acquacoltura nelle aree interne ed alla trasformazione dei prodotti ittici” per la Classe 1:
- BIO/19“Microbiologia generale” 8 CFU (80 ore) per gli A.A. dal 2002/03 al 2008/09.
- VET/05 “Malattie Infettive Batteriche dei pesci ” 4 CFU (40 ore) per gli A.A. dal 2003/04 al 2009/10.
Nel Corso di Laurea in “Produzioni, Igiene e Sanità Animale” (D.M. 19/04/2005) per la Classe di Laurea Magistrale 79S:
- VET/05 “Diagnostica sperimentale delle malattie infettive” 2 CFU (20 ore) per gli A.A. dal 2005/06 al 2008/09.
- VET/05 “Profilassi immunitaria delle Malattie infettive” 2 CFU 20 ore per gli A.A. dal 2006/07 al 2009/10
Nel Corso di Laurea in “Tecnologie, Igiene e Sanità degli allevamenti estensivi ed ecocompatibili” Classe di Laurea 40
- VET/05 “Microbiologia generale ed Igiene degli allevamenti” 3 CFU 30 ore per l’Anno Accademico 2009-2010
Ha insegnato nei seguenti Corsi alla cui organizzazione la Facoltà ha partecipato con altri Enti e Istituzioni:
- “Diagnostica di Laboratorio delle Malattie Infettive e non” al Corso di aggiornamento per “Tecnici Veterinari” istituito dalla Regione Siciliana,1992/93.
- “Malattie Infettive degli ovini e caprini” al corso per “Tecnico allevamento ovi-caprino” istituito dal Fondo Sociale Europeo – Anno 1994.
- “Malattie infettive dei pesci” nel Corso di Alta Formazione e Ricerca -Corso di perfezionamento in “Maricoltura delle specie innovative” POR Sicilia 2000-2006, a.a.2004/05.
- “Zoonosi” nel Progetto IFTS “ Tecnico Superiore per la ristorazione e la valorizzazione dei prodotti tipici territoriali e delle produzioni tipiche” per l’A.A.2004/05 presso l’IstitutoTecnico Commerciale Statale Jaci .
- “Microbiologia ed Igiene” e “Malattie Infettive” nel Corso di Formazione Superiore Post Diploma di 2° Livello “Paramedico Veterinario “ POR Calabria 2000/2006, Gerace (CZ) a.a.2008.
“Malattie infettive degli animali domestici” nel Corso IFTS di “Tecnico Superiore delle produzioni animali” Codice progetto: PF.IFTS-2008-ME-02, presso IS “G. Minutoli” di Messina. Aprile- Maggio 2010.
Ha svolto i seguenti incarichi di insegnamento nelle Scuole di Specializzazione:
“Sanità Animale, Igiene dell’Allevamento e delle Produzioni Animali” sede nella Fac. Medicina Veterinaria dell’Università di Messina per l’a.a.1993/94.
“Microbiologia Applicata alla Diagnostica delle Malattie Infettive dell’uomo e degli animali”
“Clinica Bovina” con sede a Caltanissetta per gli A.A. 99/2000 e 2004/05/06/07.
“Sanità animale, allevamento e produzioni zootecniche” con sede a Bivona (AG) per gli A:A: 2001/02/03/04/05/06.
“Malattie infettive”
“Microbiologia applicata” con sede nell’Università di Messina, dall’A.A.1999/2000 al 2006-2007.
“Microbiologia applicata alle malattie infettive dell’uomo, degli animali”
“Ispezione degli alimenti di origine animale” con sede a Caltanissetta a.a.2004/05.
“Zoonosi alimentari”
“Tecnologie e patologie delle specie avicole, del coniglio e della selvaggina” con sede a Modica (RG) per l’A.A.2004/05.
“Malattie Infettive”
“Fisiopatologia della Riproduzione degli animali domestici”, con sede a Vibo Valentia(VV) negli A.A. 2004/05/06/07.
“Microbiologia ed Immunologia”
“Patologia e Clinica degli animali d’affezione” con sede a Messina, 1CFU A.A.2009-10, 2015-16; 2016-17; 2017-18; 2018-19; 2019-20; 2020-21;
Microbiologia clinica
“Ispezione degli alimenti” con sede a Messina,
“Malattie della Lista Unica OIE” 1CFU A.A.2009-10; 2015-16; 2017-18;
“Epidemiologia delle Zoonosi” 3CFU (21 ore) A.A. 2015-16; 2017-18;
Ha ricevuto l’incarico d’insegnamento dal Dipartimento di Scienze Veterinarie dell’Università di Messina, per le seguenti discipline:
Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Medicina Veterinaria (LM-42) [2011],
VET/05 Microbiologia ed Immunologia Veterinaria 5 CFU (70 ore) dall’a.a. 2011-12 all’a.a. 2018-2019.
VET/05 Microbiologia ed Immunologia Veterinaria [2063] 5 CFU (64 ore) dall’a.a. 2019-20 al 2020-21.
MED/07 Microbiologia clinica 3CFU (42 ore) a.a. 2013-14.
Corso di L. Magistrale in Sicurezza e Qualità delle Produzioni Animali (LM-86), Insegnamento Profilassi delle Malattie infettive e Parassitarie degli animali da reddito [A000093], Modulo: VET/05 Profilassi delle Malattie infettive degli animali da reddito 6 CFU (48 ore) negli AA. 2019/2020, 2020/2021;
Docente responsabile Tirocinio VET/05 [5311] supervisiona le attività di tirocinio degli studenti del IV anno per la CdL.LM-42 Medicina Veterinaria [2011]; 4CFU (100 ore) AA. 2016/2017, 2017/2018, 2018-19; 2019-20; 2020-2021.
Ha svolto attività di insegnamento e tutorato nei seguenti Dottorati di ricerca in:
Zoonosi e Sanità Pubblica Veterinaria ( VIII ciclo)
Diagnostica Biotecnologica nelle malattie trasmissibili degli animali dal XV ciclo
Patologia infettiva degli ovi-caprini dal XVII ciclo
Sanità, Igiene veterinaria e delle produzioni animali – dal XXIV ciclo a XXVIII ciclo.
Scienze Veterinarie dal XXVII ciclo al XXIX ciclo. ( Metodologie diagnostiche in patologia animale e Zoonosi esotiche) (27 ore) nel Curriculum “Sanità Pubblica e Sicurezza Alimentare” I e II anno (2014-15, 2015-16).
Ha svolto attività di tutorato nel Post- dottorato:
Biotecnologie applicate alla diagnostica microbiologica ( A.A. 2006-08).
Supervisione e assistenza agli studenti durante la preparazione di tesine per il
Self Directed Learning dei Corsi del VET/05;
Attività didattica integrativa durante il ricevimento di studenti, tirocinanti, borsisti, specializzandi;
Attività di assistenza ai laureandi durante la preparazione di tesi di Laurea e supervisione in qualità di Relatore o Correlatore di Tesi di Laurea in Medicina Veterinaria;
Attività tutoriale agli studenti affidatile dalla Commissione Tutorato;
Ha partecipato come relatore ai Convegni:
Problematiche sanitarie di maggiore interesse negli equidi- Messina 26-28 Maggio 2005, organizzato dalla Scuola di Spec. in “Sanità animale, Allevamento e Produzioni Zootecniche”.
“Randagismo rurale ed urbano: animale vaganti, fauna selvatica in ambienti rurali ed urbani; valutazione sanitaria, aspetti legislativi e protocolli operativi” N° crediti ECM 16,6 ( Riferimento provider Reg. n° 400/4421): dove ha relazionato su "Le zoonosi urbane degli animali sinantropi e da compagnia" I Edizione 09-10/Novembre/2017; II Edizione 29-30/Novembre/2017 sede Dip.di Prev.Vet. ASP Messina;
III Workshop della Microbiologia Veterinaria, Napoli, 25/5/2017, dove ha relazionato su “Multidrug Resistance and Production of Extended-Spectrum-ß-Lactamases and Plasmid-Mediated AmpC ß-Lactamases in Enterobacteriaceae isolates from diseased cats in Sicily”.
Relatore e Correlatore di tesi di Laurea , di Dottorato e di Specializzazione.
Componente della Commissione ESAMI di Stato per l’Abilitazione all’Esercizio Professionale di Medico Veterinario
(I e II sessione 2010; I e II sessione 2014; I e II sessione 2016).
Responsabile dei Laboratori di Immunofluorescenza e di Batteriologia II;
Partecipazione scientifica ai seguenti Progetti di ricerca finanziati con i Fondi della Regione Siciliana Ass. dei Beni Culturali ed Ambientali dal titolo:
Sindromi respiratorie bovine 1992
Morbo di Lyme 1993
Patologie infettive degli struzzi 1995 (ex 60%)
Animali sinantropi 1997 (ex 60%)
Responsabile dei seguenti Progetti di Ricerca:
Progetto di ricerca Interdisciplinare svolto con la Facoltà di Farmacia 1999: Antagonismo microbico tra E. durans, E. coli, V. cholerae non-01, in vitro, nell’acqua di mare e nei molluschi eduli;
(Progetti di Ricerca di Ateneo 2001/02/03/04/05)
Ricerca di Bartonella henselae ,agente etiologico della Malattia da graffio del gatto.
Ricerca di Ehrlichia spp. nei cani e nelle zecche.
Isolamento di agenti zoonotici in animali sinantropi urbani.
Ricerca di Chlamydiaceae in allevamenti ovi-caprini del territorio siciliano
Responsabile del Progetto di ricerca post dottorato
“Biotecnologie applicate alla diagnostica microbiologica” presso la Sezione di Malattie infettive del Dip.di Sanità Pubblica Veterinaria della Fac. di Medicina Veterinaria dell’Università degli Studi di Messina.
Partecipazione scientifica ai seguenti Progetti di ricerca
PRIN 2000-2002: Tipizzazione antigenica di stipiti di Parvovirus del cane (CPV)isolati in Sicilia.
PRIN 2002-2004: Riattivazione di Caprine Herpesvirus-1(CpHV-1) in capre con infezione latente.
PRIN 2005/2008: Basi molecolari della penetrazione e della risposta dell’ospite all’infezione con Herpesvirus umani.
Diagnosi di TBC mediante determinazione del g interferon
PRA 2004-05: Enteriti virali del cane
Caratterizzazione antigenica di stipiti di Calicivirus felino (FCV) in gatti
PRA 2008-2009: "Indagine sulla diffusione di Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus(MRSA) in rettili tenuti come pet animals ".
“Valutazione dello stato sanitario di mammiferi selvatici del Parco Nazionale d’Aspromonte con particolare attenzione ai mesocarnivori - Studio della circolazione di batteri potenzialmente patogeni e del fenomeno dell’antibioticoresistenza” in partnership con l’Ente Parco Nazionale dell’Aspromonte.
“Monitoraggio sanitario della lepre nel parco Nazionale d’Aspromonte. Studio della circolazione di batterici enterici potenzialmente patogeni ed del fenomeno dell’antibiotico resistenza” in partnership con l’Ente Parco Nazionale dell’Aspromonte.
“Indagine conoscitiva sulla presenza di patogeni zoonotici emergenti nei chirotteri”, CUP H75H20000080001 in collaborazione scientifica con l’IZS Sicilia. 26/1 /2021.
Beneficiaria del finanziamento FFABR Unime RIC e PA 2020.
Ha svolto attività di ricerca in collaborazione con colleghi di altri SSD dell’Università degli Studi di Messina o appartenenti alle seguenti strutture scientifiche:
CNR Talassografico Sezione di Messina;
Dipartimento Med. Sperimentale e Scienze Biochimiche, Un. di Roma “Tor Vergata”.
Dip.di Sanità, Patologia, Farmaco-Tossicologia e Benessere degli animali della Facoltà di Med. Vet. dell’Università di Bari;
Dipartimento Scienze Veterinarie, Università di Torino,
Dipartimento di Medicina Veterinaria, Università di Milano,
Scuola di Bioscienze e Medicina Veterinaria, Università di Camerino,
Dipartimento di Medicina Veterinaria e Produzioni Animali, Università di Napoli “Federico II”
Ente Parco Nazionale dell’Aspromonte;
Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale della Sicilia “A. Mirri” Sez. di Palermo
Referente locale del Progetto europeo PREPARE-VET dell’European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases.
In fede
Dott.ssa Bianca Maria Orlandella
- VET / 05 Veterinary Microbiology and Immunology 5 CFU (70 hours) from the academic year 2011-12 to the academic year 2018-2019.
- VET / 05 Veterinary Microbiology and Immunology [2063] 5 CFU (64 hours) from the academic year 2019-20 to 2020-21.
- MED / 07 Clinical microbiology 3CFU (42 hours) a.y. 2013-14.
- Head of the Immunofluorescence and Bacteriology II Laboratories;
- Scientific participation in the following research projects financed with the funds of the Sicilian Region Ass. Of Cultural and Environmental Heritage entitled:
- Responsible for the following Research Projects: Interdisciplinary research project carried out with the Faculty of Pharmacy 1999: Microbial antagonism between E. durans, E. coli, V. cholerae non-01, in vitro, in sea water and edible molluscs;
- Head of University Research Projects 2001/02/03/04/05
- Head of the post-doctoral research project
- Scientific participation in the following research projects
- "Evaluation of the health status of wild mammals in the Aspromonte National Park with particular attention to mesocarnivores - Study of the circulation of potentially pathogenic bacteria and the phenomenon of antibiotic resistance" in partnership with the Aspromonte National Park Authority.
- "Health monitoring of the hare in the Aspromonte National Park. Study of the circulation of potentially pathogenic enteric bacteria and the phenomenon of antibiotic resistance "in partnership with the Aspromonte National Park Authority.
- "Survey on the presence of emerging zoonotic pathogens in bats", CUP H75H20000080001 in scientific collaboration with the IZS Sicily. 26/1/2021.
- She carried out research in collaboration with colleagues from other SSDs of the University of Messina or belonging to the following scientific structures:
- VET / 05 Veterinary Microbiology and Immunology 5 CFU (70 hours) from the academic year 2011-12 to the academic year 2018-2019.
- VET / 05 Veterinary Microbiology and Immunology [2063] 5 CFU (64 hours) from the academic year 2019-20 to 2020-21.
- MED / 07 Clinical microbiology 3CFU (42 hours) a.y. 2013-14.
- Head of the Immunofluorescence and Bacteriology II Laboratories;
- Scientific participation in the following research projects financed with the funds of the Sicilian Region Ass. Of Cultural and Environmental Heritage entitled:
- Responsible for the following Research Projects: Interdisciplinary research project carried out with the Faculty of Pharmacy 1999: Microbial antagonism between E. durans, E. coli, V. cholerae non-01, in vitro, in sea water and edible molluscs;
- Head of University Research Projects 2001/02/03/04/05
- Head of the post-doctoral research project
- Scientific participation in the following research projects
- "Evaluation of the health status of wild mammals in the Aspromonte National Park with particular attention to mesocarnivores - Study of the circulation of potentially pathogenic bacteria and the phenomenon of antibiotic resistance" in partnership with the Aspromonte National Park Authority.
- "Health monitoring of the hare in the Aspromonte National Park. Study of the circulation of potentially pathogenic enteric bacteria and the phenomenon of antibiotic resistance "in partnership with the Aspromonte National Park Authority.
- "Survey on the presence of emerging zoonotic pathogens in bats", CUP H75H20000080001 in scientific collaboration with the IZS Sicily. 26/1/2021.
- She carried out research in collaboration with colleagues from other SSDs of the University of Messina or belonging to the following scientific structures:
CURRICULUMby Prof. Bianca Maria Orlandella
She received the teaching assignment from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the University of Messina, for the following disciplines in the:
Degree Course in Veterinary Medicine: old system.
Veterinary epidemiology (20 hours), for the 1993/94 academic year.
Experimental Diagnosis of Infectious Diseases (20 hours) for A.A. 1994/95/96/97/98.
Veterinary bacteriology (20 hours) for the academic year 1996/97.
Integrated Course 7.1 Microbiology, Virology, Veterinary Immunology (60 hours) for A.A. 1996/97, 1997/98, 1998/99, 99/2000, 2000/01.
Integrated Course 3.1 Anthropozoonosis in the Professionalizing Module "Health and welfare of pets", (50 hours) from the A.Y. 1999/2000 until 2004/2005.
Practical theoretical internship in Prophylaxis of Infectious Diseases from 1990 to 2003.
Degree Course in Veterinary Medicine for the Specialist Class 47 / S:
VET / 05 "Veterinary Microbiology and Immunology" 5CFU (80 hours) from the academic year 2002/03 to the academic year 2009-2010.
VET / 05 "Anthropozoonosis of unconventional animals" 1 CFU (16 hours) in the training package "Medicine and Surgery of unconventional and wild pets" in the A.Y. 2004/05.
VET / 05 "Laboratory diagnostics of unconventional animals" 1 CFU (16 hours) in the training package "Surgery of large animals and wild animals" in the A.Y. 2004/05.
Degree Course in "Biotechnologies applied to mariculture, aquaculture in inland areas and the processing of fish products" for Class 1:
BIO / 19 "General Microbiology" 8 CFU (80 hours) for A.A. from 2002/03
to 2008/09.
VET / 05 “Bacterial Infectious Diseases of Fish” 4 CFU (40 hours) for A.A. from 2003/04 to 2009/10.
Degree Course in "Production, Hygiene and Animal Health" (D.M. 19/04/2005) for the 79S Master's Degree Class:
VET / 05 “Experimental diagnostics of infectious diseases” 2 CFU (20 hours) for A.A. from 2005/06 to 2008/09.
VET / 05 "Immune prophylaxis of infectious diseases" 2 CFU 20 hours for A.A. from 2006/07 to 2009/10
Degree Course in "Technologies, Hygiene and Health of extensive and environmentally friendly farms" Degree Class 40
VET / 05 "General Microbiology and Farm Hygiene" 3 CFU 30 hours for the 2009-2010 Academic Year
She has taught in the following courses whose organization the Faculty has participated in with other bodies and institutions:
"Laboratory Diagnostics of Infectious and Non-Infectious Diseases" at the refresher course for "Veterinary Technicians" instituted by the Sicilian Region, 1992/93.
“Infectious Diseases of Sheep and Goats” at the course for “Sheep-goat farming technician” instituted by the European Social Fund - Year 1994.
"Infectious diseases of fish" in the Advanced Training and Research Course - Postgraduate course in "Mariculture of innovative species" POR Sicily 2000-2006, a.y.2004 / 05.
"Zoonosis" in the IFTS Project "Higher Technician for Catering and the Enhancement of Typical Territorial Products and Typical Products" for the 2004/05 academic year at the Jaci State Commercial Technical Institute.
"Microbiology and Hygiene" and "Infectious Diseases" in the 2nd Level Post Diploma Advanced Training Course "Veterinary Paramedic" POR Calabria 2000/2006, Gerace (CZ) a.y.2008.
"Infectious diseases of domestic animals" in the IFTS Course of "Superior Technician of Animal Production" Project code: PF.IFTS-2008-ME-02, at IS “G. Minutoli ”of Messina. April - May 2010.
She has held the following teaching positions in the Specialization Schools:
"Animal Health, Hygiene of Breeding and Animal Production" located in the Veterinary Medicine Faculty of the University of Messina for the academic year 1993/94.
"Zoonosis" e
"Microbiology Applied to the Diagnostics of Infectious Diseases of Man and Animals"
"Bovine Clinic" based in Caltanissetta for the A.A. 99/2000 and 05/06/2004.
"Animal health, breeding and zootechnical production" based in Bivona (AG) for the A: A: 2001/02/03/04/05/06.
"Infectious diseases"
"Applied Microbiology" based at the University of Messina, from the academic year 1999/2000 to 2006-2007.
"Microbiology applied to infectious diseases of humans and animals"
"Inspection of food of animal origin" based in Caltanissetta a.y.2004 / 05.
"Food zoonoses"
"Technologies and pathologies of poultry, rabbit and game species" based in Modica (RG) for the 2004/05 academic year.
"Infectious Diseases"
"Pathophysiology of Reproduction of domestic animals", based in Vibo Valentia (VV) in the A.A. 2004/05/06/07.
"Microbiology and Immunology"
"Pathology and Clinic of Pets" based in Messina, 1CFU A.Y. 2009-10, 2015-16; 2016-17; 2017-18; 2018-19; 2019-20; 2020-21;
Clinical microbiology
"Food inspection" based in Messina,
“Diseases of the Single OIE List” 1CFU A.A.2009-10; 2015-16; 2017-18;
"Epidemiology of Zoonoses" 3 CFU (21 hours) A.A. 2015-16; 2017-18;
She received the teaching assignment from the Department of Veterinary Sciences of the University of Messina, for the following disciplines:
Master's Degree Course in Veterinary Medicine (LM-42) [2011],
Master's Degree Course in Safety and Quality of Animal Production (LM-86),
Teaching Prophylaxis of Infectious and Parasitic Diseases of Farm Animals [A000093],
Module: VET / 05 Prophylaxis of infectious diseases of livestock 6 CFU (48 hours) in the AA. 2019/2020, 2020/2021;
Teacher in charge of the VET / 05 Internship [5311] supervises the internship activities of IV year students for the CdL.LM-42 Veterinary Medicine [2011]; 4CFU (100 hours) AA. 2016/2017, 2017/2018, 2018-19; 2019-20; 2020-2021.
He has taught and tutored in the following PhDs in:
Zoonoses and Veterinary Public Health (VIII cycle)
Biotechnological diagnostics in communicable diseases of animals from the 15th cycle
Infectious pathology of sheep and goats from the 17th cycle
Health, Veterinary hygiene and animal production - from the XXIV cycle to cycle.
Veterinary Sciences from the XXIX cycle to XXIX cycle. (Diagnostic methodologies and exotic zoonoses) (27 hours) 2015-16;
She has carried out postdoctoral tutoring activities:
Biotechnologies applied to microbiological diagnostics (A.A. 2006-08).
Supervision and assistance to students during the preparation of term papers for the
Self Directed Learning of VET / 05 Courses;
Supplementary didactic activity during the reception of students, trainees, fellows, postgraduates;
Assistance to undergraduates during the preparation of degree theses and supervision as supervisor or co-supervisor of degree thesis in Veterinary Medicine;
Tutorial activity for students entrusted to it by the Tutoring Commission;
She participated as a speaker at the Conferences:
Health problems of major interest in equidae - Messina 26-28 May 2005, organized by the School of Spec. In “Animal Health, Breeding and Zootechnical Production”.
“Rural and urban straying: roaming animals, wildlife in rural and urban environments; health assessment, legislative aspects and operational protocols "N ° ECM credits 16.6 (Provider reference Reg. n ° 400/4421): where he reported on" Urban zoonoses of synanthropic and companion animals "I Edition 09-10 / November / 2017; II Edition 29-30 / November / 2017 Dept. of Prev.Vet. ASP Messina;
III Workshop of Veterinary Microbiology, Naples, 25/5/2017, where he reported on "Multidrug Resistance and Production of Extended-Spectrum-ß-Lactamases and Plasmid-Mediated AmpC ß-Lactamases in Enterobacteriaceae isolates from diseased cats in Sicily".
Supervisor and co-supervisor of graduate, doctoral and specialization theses.
Member of the State EXAMINATION Commission for the Qualification to Practice as a Veterinarian (I and II session 2010; I and II session 2014; I and II session 2016).
Co-author of the book “Veterinary Microbiology and Immunology” (Poli al.) - Pages: 608, Third ed. 2017, Ed. EDRA S.p.A. M
Lyme disease 1993
Infectious diseases of ostriches 1995 (ex 60%)
Synanthropic animals 1997 (ex 60%)
Search for Ehrlichia spp. in dogs and ticks.
Isolation of zoonotic agents in urban synanthropic animals.
Search for Chlamydiaceae in sheep and goat farms in the Sicilian territory
PRIN 2002-2004: Reactivation of Caprine Herpesvirus-1 (CpHV-1) in latent infected goats.
PRIN 2005/2008: Molecular basis of host penetration and response to infection with human Herpesvirus.
• Diagnosis of TB by determining the g interferon
• PRA 2004-2005 Dog viral enteritis
• Antigenic characterization of feline Calicivirus (FCV) stems in cats
PRA 2008-2009: "Investigation on the spread of Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) in reptiles kept as pet animals".
Beneficiary of the FFABR Unime RIC and PA 2020 loan.
Department of Experimental Med. and Biochemical Sciences, Un. of Rome "Tor Vergata".
Dept. of Health, Pathology, Pharmaco-Toxicology and Animal Welfare of the Faculty of Med. Vet. of the University of Bari;
Department of Veterinary Sciences, University of Turin,
Department of Veterinary Medicine, University of Milan,
School of Biosciences and Veterinary Medicine, University of Camerino,
Department of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Production, University of Naples "Federico II"
Aspromonte National Park Authority;
Experimental Zooprophylactic Institute of Sicily “A. Mirri "Section of Palermo
Local contact person for the PREPARE-VET European Project of the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases.
Messina, 16/05/2021
In faith
Dr. Bianca Maria Orlandella
by Prof. Bianca Maria Orlandella
She received the teaching assignment from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the University of Messina, for the following disciplines in the:
Degree Course in Veterinary Medicine: old system.
Veterinary epidemiology (20 hours), for the 1993/94 academic year.
Experimental Diagnosis of Infectious Diseases (20 hours) for A.A. 1994/95/96/97/98.
Veterinary bacteriology (20 hours) for the academic year 1996/97.
Integrated Course 7.1 Microbiology, Virology, Veterinary Immunology (60 hours) for A.A. 1996/97, 1997/98, 1998/99, 99/2000, 2000/01.
Integrated Course 3.1 Anthropozoonosis in the Professionalizing Module "Health and welfare of pets", (50 hours) from the A.Y. 1999/2000 until 2004/2005.
Practical theoretical internship in Prophylaxis of Infectious Diseases from 1990 to 2003.
Degree Course in Veterinary Medicine for the Specialist Class 47 / S:
VET / 05 "Veterinary Microbiology and Immunology" 5CFU (80 hours) from the academic year 2002/03 to the academic year 2009-2010.
VET / 05 "Anthropozoonosis of unconventional animals" 1 CFU (16 hours) in the training package "Medicine and Surgery of unconventional and wild pets" in the A.Y. 2004/05.
VET / 05 "Laboratory diagnostics of unconventional animals" 1 CFU (16 hours) in the training package "Surgery of large animals and wild animals" in the A.Y. 2004/05.
Degree Course in "Biotechnologies applied to mariculture, aquaculture in inland areas and the processing of fish products" for Class 1:
BIO / 19 "General Microbiology" 8 CFU (80 hours) for A.A. from 2002/03
to 2008/09.
VET / 05 “Bacterial Infectious Diseases of Fish” 4 CFU (40 hours) for A.A. from 2003/04 to 2009/10.
Degree Course in "Production, Hygiene and Animal Health" (D.M. 19/04/2005) for the 79S Master's Degree Class:
VET / 05 “Experimental diagnostics of infectious diseases” 2 CFU (20 hours) for A.A. from 2005/06 to 2008/09.
VET / 05 "Immune prophylaxis of infectious diseases" 2 CFU 20 hours for A.A. from 2006/07 to 2009/10
Degree Course in "Technologies, Hygiene and Health of extensive and environmentally friendly farms" Degree Class 40
VET / 05 "General Microbiology and Farm Hygiene" 3 CFU 30 hours for the 2009-2010 Academic Year
She has taught in the following courses whose organization the Faculty has participated in with other bodies and institutions:
"Laboratory Diagnostics of Infectious and Non-Infectious Diseases" at the refresher course for "Veterinary Technicians" instituted by the Sicilian Region, 1992/93.
“Infectious Diseases of Sheep and Goats” at the course for “Sheep-goat farming technician” instituted by the European Social Fund - Year 1994.
"Infectious diseases of fish" in the Advanced Training and Research Course - Postgraduate course in "Mariculture of innovative species" POR Sicily 2000-2006, a.y.2004 / 05.
"Zoonosis" in the IFTS Project "Higher Technician for Catering and the Enhancement of Typical Territorial Products and Typical Products" for the 2004/05 academic year at the Jaci State Commercial Technical Institute.
"Microbiology and Hygiene" and "Infectious Diseases" in the 2nd Level Post Diploma Advanced Training Course "Veterinary Paramedic" POR Calabria 2000/2006, Gerace (CZ) a.y.2008.
"Infectious diseases of domestic animals" in the IFTS Course of "Superior Technician of Animal Production" Project code: PF.IFTS-2008-ME-02, at IS “G. Minutoli ”of Messina. April - May 2010.
She has held the following teaching positions in the Specialization Schools:
"Animal Health, Hygiene of Breeding and Animal Production" located in the Veterinary Medicine Faculty of the University of Messina for the academic year 1993/94.
"Zoonosis" e
"Microbiology Applied to the Diagnostics of Infectious Diseases of Man and Animals"
"Bovine Clinic" based in Caltanissetta for the A.A. 99/2000 and 05/06/2004.
"Animal health, breeding and zootechnical production" based in Bivona (AG) for the A: A: 2001/02/03/04/05/06.
"Infectious diseases"
"Applied Microbiology" based at the University of Messina, from the academic year 1999/2000 to 2006-2007.
"Microbiology applied to infectious diseases of humans and animals"
"Inspection of food of animal origin" based in Caltanissetta a.y.2004 / 05.
"Food zoonoses"
"Technologies and pathologies of poultry, rabbit and game species" based in Modica (RG) for the 2004/05 academic year.
"Infectious Diseases"
"Pathophysiology of Reproduction of domestic animals", based in Vibo Valentia (VV) in the A.A. 2004/05/06/07.
"Microbiology and Immunology"
"Pathology and Clinic of Pets" based in Messina, 1CFU A.Y. 2009-10, 2015-16; 2016-17; 2017-18; 2018-19; 2019-20; 2020-21;
Clinical microbiology
"Food inspection" based in Messina,
“Diseases of the Single OIE List” 1CFU A.A.2009-10; 2015-16; 2017-18;
"Epidemiology of Zoonoses" 3 CFU (21 hours) A.A. 2015-16; 2017-18;
She received the teaching assignment from the Department of Veterinary Sciences of the University of Messina, for the following disciplines:
Master's Degree Course in Veterinary Medicine (LM-42) [2011],
Master's Degree Course in Safety and Quality of Animal Production (LM-86),
Teaching Prophylaxis of Infectious and Parasitic Diseases of Farm Animals [A000093],
Module: VET / 05 Prophylaxis of infectious diseases of livestock 6 CFU (48 hours) in the AA. 2019/2020, 2020/2021;
Teacher in charge of the VET / 05 Internship [5311] supervises the internship activities of IV year students for the CdL.LM-42 Veterinary Medicine [2011]; 4CFU (100 hours) AA. 2016/2017, 2017/2018, 2018-19; 2019-20; 2020-2021.
He has taught and tutored in the following PhDs in:
Zoonoses and Veterinary Public Health (VIII cycle)
Biotechnological diagnostics in communicable diseases of animals from the 15th cycle
Infectious pathology of sheep and goats from the 17th cycle
Health, Veterinary hygiene and animal production - from the XXIV cycle to cycle.
Veterinary Sciences from the XXIX cycle to XXIX cycle. (Diagnostic methodologies and exotic zoonoses) (27 hours) 2015-16;
She has carried out postdoctoral tutoring activities:
Biotechnologies applied to microbiological diagnostics (A.A. 2006-08).
Supervision and assistance to students during the preparation of term papers for the
Self Directed Learning of VET / 05 Courses;
Supplementary didactic activity during the reception of students, trainees, fellows, postgraduates;
Assistance to undergraduates during the preparation of degree theses and supervision as supervisor or co-supervisor of degree thesis in Veterinary Medicine;
Tutorial activity for students entrusted to it by the Tutoring Commission;
She participated as a speaker at the Conferences:
Health problems of major interest in equidae - Messina 26-28 May 2005, organized by the School of Spec. In “Animal Health, Breeding and Zootechnical Production”.
“Rural and urban straying: roaming animals, wildlife in rural and urban environments; health assessment, legislative aspects and operational protocols "N ° ECM credits 16.6 (Provider reference Reg. n ° 400/4421): where he reported on" Urban zoonoses of synanthropic and companion animals "I Edition 09-10 / November / 2017; II Edition 29-30 / November / 2017 Dept. of Prev.Vet. ASP Messina;
III Workshop of Veterinary Microbiology, Naples, 25/5/2017, where he reported on "Multidrug Resistance and Production of Extended-Spectrum-ß-Lactamases and Plasmid-Mediated AmpC ß-Lactamases in Enterobacteriaceae isolates from diseased cats in Sicily".
Supervisor and co-supervisor of graduate, doctoral and specialization theses.
Member of the State EXAMINATION Commission for the Qualification to Practice as a Veterinarian (I and II session 2010; I and II session 2014; I and II session 2016).
Co-author of the book “Veterinary Microbiology and Immunology” (Poli al.) - Pages: 608, Third ed. 2017, Ed. EDRA S.p.A. M
Bovine respiratory syndromes 1992
Lyme disease 1993
Infectious diseases of ostriches 1995 (ex 60%)
Synanthropic animals 1997 (ex 60%)
Research by Bartonella henselae, etiological agent of cat scratch disease.
Search for Ehrlichia spp. in dogs and ticks.
Isolation of zoonotic agents in urban synanthropic animals.
Search for Chlamydiaceae in sheep and goat farms in the Sicilian territory
"Biotechnologies applied to microbiological diagnostics" at the Infectious Diseases Section of the Veterinary Public Health Department of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the Un.of Messina.
PRIN 2000-2002: Antigenic typing of canine Parvovirus (CPV) stems isolated in Sicily.
PRIN 2002-2004: Reactivation of Caprine Herpesvirus-1 (CpHV-1) in latent infected goats.
PRIN 2005/2008: Molecular basis of host penetration and response to infection with human Herpesvirus.
• Diagnosis of TB by determining the g interferon
• PRA 2004-2005 Dog viral enteritis
• Antigenic characterization of feline Calicivirus (FCV) stems in cats
PRA 2008-2009: "Investigation on the spread of Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) in reptiles kept as pet animals".
Beneficiary of the FFABR Unime RIC and PA 2020 loan.
CNR Thalassographic Section of Messina;
Department of Experimental Med. and Biochemical Sciences, Un. of Rome "Tor Vergata".
Dept. of Health, Pathology, Pharmaco-Toxicology and Animal Welfare of the Faculty of Med. Vet. of the University of Bari;
Department of Veterinary Sciences, University of Turin,
Department of Veterinary Medicine, University of Milan,
School of Biosciences and Veterinary Medicine, University of Camerino,
Department of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Production, University of Naples "Federico II"
Aspromonte National Park Authority;
Experimental Zooprophylactic Institute of Sicily “A. Mirri "Section of Palermo
Local contact person for the PREPARE-VET European Project of the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases.
Messina, 16/05/2021
In faith
Dr. Bianca Maria Orlandella
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