
Profilo: Professori Ordinari
Data (da - a) | Da Novembre 2019 ad oggi | |||||
Posizione o occupazione ricoperti | RTD-B SSD INF/01, Dipartimento di Matematica, Informatica, Fisica e Scienze della Terra (MIFT), Università degli Studi di Messina. | |||||
Principali attività e responsabilità | Incarichi istituzionali – From Aprile 28th, 2020 to today. Orientation Delegate of the Degree in Computer Science. – From 13 Ottobre 2020 to today. Member of the Commission for Research and the Third Departmental Mission (AQ-RDTM) of the MIFT Department. Didattica – Database, CdL in Informatica [L-31] – Data Analysis Study Programme, A.A. 2021-2022. – Big Data, CdL in Engineering and Computer Science, A.A. 2021-2022. – Basi di Dati NoSQL, CdL in Informatica [L-31], Dipartimento di Scienze Matematiche, Informatiche, Scienze Fisiche e Scienze della Terra (MIFT). A.A. 2020-2021. – Basi di Dati 2, CdL in Informatica [L-31], Dipartimento di Scienze Matematiche, Informatiche, Scienze Fisiche e Scienze della Terra (MIFT). A.A. 2019/2020. – Algoritmi e Strutture Dati, CdL in Informatica [L-31], Dipartimento di Scienze Matematiche, Informatiche, Scienze Fisiche e Scienze della Terra (MIFT). A.A. 2020-2021. – Informatica, CdL in INFERMIERISTICA PEDIATRICA, Dipartimento di PATOLOGIA UMANA DELL’ADULTO E DELL’ETA’ EVOLUTIVA G.BARRESI. A.A. 2019/2020; 2020-2021; 2021-2022. – INFORMATICA, CdL in Terapia della Neuro e Psicomotricità dell’Età Evolutiva, Dipartimento di PATOLOGIA UMANA DELL’ADULTO E DELL’ETA’ EVOLUTIVA G.BARRESI. A.A. 2019/2020; 2020-2021; 2021-2022. – Informatica, CdL in OSTETRICIA, Dipartimento di PATOLOGIA UMANA DELL’ADULTO E DELL’ETA’ EVOLUTIVA G.BARRESI. A.A. 2019/2020; 2020-2021. – Informatica, CdL in TECNICHE AUDIOPROTESICHE, Dipartimento di PATOLOGIA UMANA DELL’ADULTO E DELL’ETA’ EVOLUTIVA G.BARRESI. A.A. 2019/2020; 2020-20211; 2021-2022. – Informatica, CdL in TECNICHE DI LABORATORIO BIOMEDICO, Dipartimento di SCIENZE BIOMEDICHE, ODONTOIATRICHE E DELLE IMMAGINI MORFOLOGICHE E FUNZIONALI. A.A. 2019/2020; 2020-2021; 2021-2022. |
– Sistemi di Elaborazione, CdL in Tecniche di Radiologia Medica, per Immagini Radioterapia, Dipartimento di SCIENZE BIOMEDICHE, ODONTOIATRICHE E DELLE IMMAGINI MORFOLOGICHE E FUNZIONALI. A.A. 2019/2020; 2020-2021. – INFORMATICA (Modulo I), CdL Magistrale in Scienze Riabilitative delle Professioni SanitarieDipartimento di PATOLOGIA UMANA DELL’ADULTO E DELL’ETA’ EVOLUTIVA G.BARRESI. A.A. 2019/2020; 2020-2021; 2021-2022. – INFORMATICA (Modulo II), CdL Magistrale in Scienze Riabilitative delle Professioni SanitarieDipartimento di PATOLOGIA UMANA DELL’ADULTO E DELL’ETA’ EVOLUTIVA G.BARRESI. A.A. 2019/2020; 2020-2021; 2021-2022. – Informatica, CdL Magistrale in SCIENZE DELLE PROFESSIONI SANITARIE TECNICHE DIAGNOSTICHE, Dipartimento di SCIENZE BIOMEDICHE, ODONTOIATRICHE E DELLE IMMAGINI MORFOLOGICHE E FUNZIONALI. A.A. 2019/2020; 2020-2021; 2021-2022. |
Nome e indirizzo del datore di lavoro | Università degli Studi di Messina | |||||
Tipo di attività o settore | Research, Didattica, Informatica | |||||
Data (da - a) | Dicembre 2015 – November 2019 | |||||
Posizione o occupazione ricoperti | Technical / Scientific and Data Processing Personnel - Category D for an indefinite period | |||||
Principali attività e responsabilità | -From Aprile 2019 a November 2019. Responsible Unità of Staff Anagrafe e Valutazione della Ricerca. -From Ottobre 2018 a Marzo2019. Deputy Responsible of U. Op. Anagrafe e Valutazione della Ricerca. -From Dicembre 2015 - Settembre 2018. Operator of l’U. Op. Anagrafe e Monitoraggio della Ricerca. |
Nome e indirizzo del datore di lavoro | Università degli Studi di Messina | |||||
Tipo di attività o settore | Research | |||||
Data (da - a) | Gennaio 2017 – Dicembre 2020 | |||||
Posizione o occupazione ricoperti | Co-Founder and Member of the Scientific Board of the Spinoff of the University of Messina Alma Digit S.R.L. | |||||
Principali attività e responsabilità | Development of ICT solutions oriented to cloud computing and the Internet of Things (IoT) | |||||
Nome e indirizzo del datore di lavoro |
Alma Digit S.R.L. Contrada Di Dio 98158 Messina (ME) - ITALY |
Tipo di attività o settore | ICT | |||||
Data (da - a) | A.A. 2018 - 2019 | |||||
Posizione o occupazione ricoperti | Docente a Contratto | |||||
Principali attività e responsabilità |
Nome e indirizzo del datore di lavoro | Università degli Studi di Messina | |||||
Tipo di attività o settore | Didattica, Informatica | |||||
Data (da - a) | A.A. 2017 - 2018 | |||||
Posizione o occupazione ricoperti | Docente a Contratto | |||||
Principali attività e responsabilità |
Nome e indirizzo del datore di lavoro | Università degli Studi di Messina | |||||
Tipo di attività o settore | Didattica, Informatica | |||||
Data (da - a) | A.A. 2016 - 2017 | |||||
Posizione o occupazione ricoperti | Docente a Contratto | |||||
Principali attività e responsabilità |
Nome e indirizzo del datore di lavoro | Università degli Studi di Messina | |||||
Tipo di attività o settore | Didattica, Informatica | |||||
Data (da - a) | A.A. 2015-2016 | |||||
Posizione o occupazione ricoperti | Docente a Contratto | |||||
Principali attività e responsabilità |
Nome e indirizzo del datore di lavoro | Università degli Studi di Messina | |||||
Tipo di attività o settore | Didattica, Informatica | |||||
Data (da - a) | Dicembre 2014 – November 2015 | |||||
Posizione o occupazione ricoperti | Assegnista di Ricerca | |||||
Principali attività e responsabilità |
Nome e indirizzo del datore di lavoro | Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Informatica, Edile, Ambientale E Matematica Applicata (DICIEAMA), Università degli Studi di Messina |
Tipo di attività o settore | Research | |||||
Data (da - a) | Giugno 2014 – Luglio 2015 | |||||
Posizione o occupazione ricoperti | Analista e Programmatore Web | |||||
Principali attività e responsabilità | Responsible for the design and development of the web platform "Le Scalinate dell 'Arte",, as part of the project "Le Scalinate dell'Arte" - Functional urban requalification of the stairways in the historic center of Messina for their use as containers of contemporary art referred to in Operational Objective 3.1.3, Line of Intervention 2. "Enhancement of architectural, urban and landscape contexts, connected to contemporary artistic activities" - Sicilian Region, POFSER Sicily 2007/2013, Axis III. | |||||
Nome e indirizzo del datore di lavoro | Team Project Association, C.da Sorba Coop. Atenea n. 16, 98168, Messina | |||||
Tipo di attività o settore | ICT | |||||
Data (da - a) | 4 Giugno 2014 – 13 Aprile 2015 | |||||
Posizione o occupazione ricoperti | Cultore della Materia | |||||
Principali attività e responsabilità | Member of the board of examinations SSD ING-INF / 05 - Information Processing Systems | |||||
Nome e indirizzo del datore di lavoro | Università degli Studi eCampus | |||||
Tipo di attività o settore | Didattica, Informatica | |||||
Data (da - a) | Giugno 2014 – Dicembre 2014 | |||||
Posizione o occupazione ricoperti | Analista e Programmatore Web | |||||
Principali attività e responsabilità | Owner of an occasional self-employment contract for the expansion of the DIANA Web portal for the diachronic and diatopic analysis of ancient coins (58,1pp: //, PRIN Project "Coins and Mediterranean Identity". | |||||
Nome e indirizzo del datore di lavoro | Dipartimento di Civiltà Antiche e Moderne, Università degli Studi di Messina. | |||||
Tipo di attività o settore | Research ICT | |||||
Data (da - a) | Ottobre 2012 - Ottobre 2014 | |||||
Posizione o occupazione ricoperti | Assegnista di Ricerca | |||||
Principali attività e responsabilità |
Nome e indirizzo del datore di lavoro | Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Informatica, Edile, Ambientale E Matematica Applicata (DICIEAMA), Università degli Studi di Messina |
Tipo di attività o settore | Research ICT | |||||
Data (da - a) | Ottobre 2012 | |||||
Posizione o occupazione ricoperti | Analyst Programmer | |||||
Principali attività e responsabilità | Ottobre 2012. Winner of an annual scholarship, as part of the research program on "intensive monitoring of hypoglycemic drugs for type II diabetes. Evaluation of adverse events " | |||||
Nome e indirizzo del datore di lavoro | A.O.U. “G. Martino”, Dipartimento Clinico e Sperimentale di Medicina e Farmacologia, Università degli Studi di Messina | |||||
Tipo di attività o settore | ICT | |||||
Data (da - a) | A.A. 2013-2014 | |||||
Posizione o occupazione ricoperti | Docente a Contratto | |||||
Principali attività e responsabilità |
Nome e indirizzo del datore di lavoro | Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Informatica, Edile, Ambientale E Matematica Applicata (DICIEAMA), Università degli Studi di Messina | |||||
Tipo di attività o settore | Didattica, Informatica | |||||
Data (da - a) | A.A 2013-2014 | |||||
Posizione o occupazione ricoperti | Docente a Contratto | |||||
Principali attività e responsabilità |
Nome e indirizzo del datore di lavoro | Dipartimento di Scienze Biologiche ed Ambientali (DISBA), Università degli Studi di Messina | |||||
Tipo di attività o settore | Didattica, Informatica | |||||
Data (da - a) | A.A 2012-2013 | |||||
Posizione o occupazione ricoperti | Docente a Contratto | |||||
Principali attività e responsabilità |
Nome e indirizzo del datore di lavoro | Dipartimento di Scienze Biologiche ed Ambientali (DISBA), Università degli Studi di Messina | |||||
Tipo di attività o settore | Didattica, Informatica | |||||
Data (da - a) | A.A. 2012-2013 | |||||
Posizione o occupazione ricoperti | Docente a Contratto | |||||
Principali attività e responsabilità |
Nome e indirizzo del datore di lavoro | Facoltà di Ingegneria, Università degli Studi di Messina | |||||
Tipo di attività o settore | Didattica, Informatica | |||||
Data (da - a) | Maggio 2012 a November 2012 | |||||
Posizione o occupazione ricoperti | Analista e Programmatore Web | |||||
Principali attività e responsabilità | Holder of an occasional self-employment contract, for the design and development of a DIANA GIS web portal,, for the diachronic and diatopic analysis of ancient coins, PRIN 2009 Project "Monete e Mediterranean identity " |
Nome e indirizzo del datore di lavoro | Dipartimento di Scienze dell' Antichità, Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia, Università degli Studi di Messina. | |||||
Tipo di attività o settore | Research, ICT | |||||
Data (da - a) | A.A. 2012-2013 | |||||
Posizione o occupazione ricoperti | Docente a Contratto. | |||||
Principali attività e responsabilità | Docente a Contratto di "Sistemi Informatici ed ICT", Corso di Specilizzazione "Formazione sui Trasporti Eccezionali e Logistica di Progetto" (A.A. 2011-2012) | |||||
Nome e indirizzo del datore di lavoro | Dipartimento di Chimica Industriale e Ingegneria dei Materiali, Facoltà di Ingegneria, Università degli Studi di Messina | |||||
Tipo di attività o settore | Didattica, Informatica | |||||
Data (da - a) | A.A. 2011-2012 | |||||
Posizione o occupazione ricoperti | Docente a Contratto | |||||
Principali attività e responsabilità | Docente a Contratto di "Sicurezza nei Sistemi", Master II° livello in "Open Source e Sicurezza Informatica" | |||||
Nome e indirizzo del datore di lavoro | Facoltà di Ingegneria, Università degli Studi di Messina | |||||
Tipo di attività o settore | Didattica, Informatica | |||||
Data (da - a) | 2010 - 2012 | |||||
Posizione o occupazione ricoperti | “CULTOR OF MATTER” SSD ING-INF05. |
Principali attività e responsabilità | Member of the Examination Committee for "Processing Systems" |
Nome e indirizzo del datore di lavoro | Facoltà di Ingegneria, Università degli Studi di Messina | |||||
Tipo di attività o settore | Didattica, Informatica | |||||
Data (da - a) | A.A. 2010 - 2011 | |||||
Posizione o occupazione ricoperti | Docente a Contratto | |||||
Principali attività e responsabilità | Tutor ed Esercitatore di "Processing Systems", "Operating Systems and Computer Laboratory", "Fundamentals of Computer Science", "Calculators I" - Degree in Electronic and Computer Engineering Faculty of Engineering. | |||||
Nome e indirizzo del datore di lavoro | Università degli Studi di Messina | |||||
Tipo di attività o settore | Didattica, Informatica | |||||
Data (da - a) | A.A. 2009 - 2010 | |||||
Posizione o occupazione ricoperti | Personale Docente a Contratto | |||||
Principali attività e responsabilità | Tutor and Trainer for teaching the "Computer Laboratory" course (Degree in Physics - Faculty of Sciences MM.FF.NN), "Computer Networks I", "Computer Networks II", "Network Security" (Degree in Computer Science - Faculty of Sciences MM.FF.NN). |
Nome e indirizzo del datore di lavoro | Università degli Studi di Messina | |||||
Tipo di attività o settore | Didattica, Informatica | |||||
Data (da - a) | A.A. 2008 - 2009 | |||||
Posizione o occupazione ricoperti | Personale Docente a Contratto, A.A. 2008/2009 | |||||
Principali attività e responsabilità | Tutor and Trainer for teaching the "Fundamentals of Computer Science II" course, (Degree in Electronic Engineering - Faculty of Engineering), "Computer Laboratory" (Degree in Engineering Computer Science and Telecommunications - Faculty of Engineering), "Computer Laboratory" (CdL classes 18 and L20 - Faculty of Education). |
Nome e indirizzo del datore di lavoro | Università degli Studi di Messina | |||||
Tipo di attività o settore | Didattica, Informatica | |||||
Data (da - a) | Gennaio 2009 - Febbraio 2012 | |||||
Posizione o occupazione ricoperti | PhD student with scholarship in "Advanced Technologies for Information Engineering" | |||||
Principali attività e responsabilità | Ricerca scientifica nel campo dell'ingegneria dell'informazione e del cloud computing con particolare attenzione alle problematiche legate alla progettazione di algoritmi e sistemi di federazione tra cloud, migrazione di macchine virtuali in ambienti cloud federati, localizzazione e organizzazione logica delle risorse, sicurezza e gestione delle identità. Ricerca nell'ambito del progetto europeo FP7 RESERVOIR (Partner: IBM Haifa Research Lab, ORACLE, CETIC, SAP Research, THALES, Telefónica, University of Madrid, University College of London, University of Messina). Ricerca nell'ambito del progetto europeo FP7 VISION Cloud (Partner: IBM Haifa Research Lab, SAP Research, Telefónica Investigación y Desarrollo, Siemens AG (Berlino e Monaco), Engineering, Institute of Communication and Computer Systems (ICCS), Deutsche Welle, RAI, Umeå Università, The Storage Networking Industry Association (SNIA) Europe, Telenor, France Telecom Group, Swedish Institute of Computer Science (SICS), Università di Messina.) Per maggiori dettagli vedere "PUBBLICAZIONI SCIENTIFICHE" alla fine del CV |
Nome e indirizzo del datore di lavoro | Università degli Studi di Messina. | |||||
Tipo di attività o settore | ICT Ricerca | |||||
Data (da - a) | 12 Febbraio 2009 – 16 Settembre 2014 | |||||
Posizione o occupazione ricoperti | Docente a Contratto | |||||
Principali attività e responsabilità | Corsi di formazione didattica Strumenti per la produttività individuale livello I (2009); Strumenti per la produttività individuale Livello II (2009), Programmazione Web (2010), Strumenti per la produttività individuale Livello I, ed. I (2011), Strumenti del Corso per la Produttività Individuale Livello II", ed. II (2011); Strumenti per la Produttività Individuale Livello III", ed. io (2011); Excel Avanzato ed II (2011); Advanced Access e I (2011); Reti LAN avanzate e II (2011); Programmazione Web e io (2011); Programmazione web ed II (2011); Tools for Individual Productivity", ed. I (2012); Advanced Excel ed II (2012); Tools for Individual Productivity, ed. II (2012); Tools for Individual Productivity, ed. III (2012); Lan Networks Advanced", ed. II (2012); Il sistema di gestione di Joomla Contet, ed. io (2012); Strumenti di produttività individuale, ed I (2013); Excel avanzato ed I (2014). | |||||
Nome e indirizzo del datore di lavoro | Presidenza della Regione Siciliana. Dipartimento Regionale del Personale, dei Servizi Generali, di Quiescenza Previdenza ed Assistenza del Personale Area Interdipartimentale Formazione e Qualificazione Professionale del Personale Regionale - Viale Regione Siciliana, 2226 – 90135 PALERMO | |||||
Tipo di attività o settore | Didattica, Informatica | |||||
Data (da - a) | Anno Scolastico2008/2009 | |||||
Posizione o occupazione ricoperti | Docente a Contratto | |||||
Principali attività e responsabilità | Docente a Contratto di Computer Science - PON project "FROM PEN TO COMPUTER" Docente a Contratto di Computer Science - PON project “PADRONEGGIO L’INFORMATICA” |
Nome e indirizzo del datore di lavoro | ISTITUTO COMPRENSIVO “ S. D’ARRIGO” VENETICO Via Nazionale 239, Venetico Marina – 98040 Venetico (ME) |
Tipo di attività o settore | Didattica, Informatica | |||||
Data (da - a) | Anno Scolastico 2008/2009 | |||||
Posizione o occupazione ricoperti | Docente a Contratto | |||||
Principali attività e responsabilità | Docente a Contratto di “Impianti Fotovoltaici Greed-Connected”. | |||||
Nome e indirizzo del datore di lavoro | Istituto di Istruzione Superiore "Pace del Mela" - Sede associata IPSIA "G. Ferraris" - via Garibaldi - 98042 Pace del Mela (Messina) | |||||
Tipo di attività o settore | Istruzione e formazione - Sistemi |
Data (da - a) | November 2008 | |||||
Posizione o occupazione ricoperti | Analista Programmatore | |||||
Principali attività e responsabilità | SOA application development at the Rome office of HP Italia. | |||||
Nome e indirizzo del datore di lavoro | SQLink , via M. di Casalotto n. 101 Catania | |||||
Tipo di attività o settore | ICT |
Data (da - a) | Marzo 2008 - Giugno 2008 | |||||
Posizione o occupazione ricoperti | Analista e Programmatore Web | |||||
Principali attività e responsabilità | Internship - Development of web applications for the calculation of human biorhythms with J2EE and JSF technologies |
Nome e indirizzo del datore di lavoro | P&P Informatics s.a.s - Via Consolare Pompea, 1897 98165 Messina (ME) Italia | |||||
Tipo di attività o settore | ICT |
Data (da - a) | Giugno 2006 - Settembre 2006 | |||||
Posizione o occupazione ricoperti | Network Administrator | |||||
Principali attività e responsabilità | Internship - Design and implementation of the University IPv6 network, coexisting with the IPv4 infrastructure, of the University of Messina between POP GARR, headquarters and scientific center of Papardo. | |||||
Nome e indirizzo del datore di lavoro | CECUM “A. Villari” – Sezione GARR, Università degli Studi di Messina, P.zza Pugliatti n°1 98100 Messina | |||||
Tipo di attività o settore | ICT |
PROFESSIONAL ABILITATIONS | -Nel gennaio 2019 ha conseguito l'abilitazione alla professione di Ingegnere - settore informatico. -Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale (ASN) per il ruolo di Professore Universitario di 2° Livello - Settore Concorsuale 01/B1 - INFORMATICA. Validità dal 07/08/2018 al 07/08/2027. - Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale (ASN) al ruolo di Professore Universitario di 1° Fascia - Settore Concorsi 01/B1 - INFORMATICA. Validità dal 23/11/2020 al 23/11/2029. -Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale (ASN) per il ruolo di Professore Universitario di 2° Livello - Settore Concorsuale 09/H1 - SISTEMI DI ELABORAZIONE DELL'INFORMAZIONE. Validità dal 30/03/2018 al 30/03/2027. -Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale (ASN) al ruolo di Professore Universitario di 1° Fascia - Settore Concorsi 09/H1 - SISTEMI DI ELABORAZIONE DELL'INFORMAZIONE. Valido dal 26/07/2018 al 26/07/2027. |
Data (da - a) | Novembre 2014 - Febbraio 2016 | |||||
Titolo della qualifica rilasciata | B2 English Certification | |||||
Principali argomenti / capacita professionali possedute | Listening, writing, and speaking skills. | |||||
Nome e tipo d’organizzazione erogatrice dell’istruzione e formazione | Centro Linguistico d' Ateneo Messinese (CLAM), Università degli Studi di Messina | |||||
Livello nella classificazione nazionale o internazionale | English B2 | |||||
Data (da - a) | Gennaio 2009 - Febbraio 2012 | |||||
Titolo della qualifica rilasciata | PhD (XXIV Cycle) Tecnologie Avanzate per l’Ingegneria dell’Informazione |
Principali argomenti / capacita professionali possedute | Sistemi di Cloud Computing distribuito con particolare attenzione alle problematiche legate alla modellazione, migrazione e gestione delle risorse in ambienti federati. Titolo della tesi: Security, Resource Provisioning e Information Retrieval nel Cloud Computing federato |
Nome e tipo d’organizzazione erogatrice dell’istruzione e formazione | Università degli studi di Messina – Facoltà di Ingegneria – Dipartimento di Matematica | |||||
Livello nella classificazione nazionale o internazionale | PhD |
Data (da - a) | Giugno 2011 – Luglio 2011 | |||||
Titolo della qualifica rilasciata | Expert in “Service Oriented Computing” | |||||
Principali argomenti / capacita professionali possedute | Conceptual Foundations of SOC, Computing in the clouds, People in Services, Emerging Topics in SOC. |
Nome e tipo d’organizzazione erogatrice dell’istruzione e formazione | S-Cube Summer School on "Service Oriented Computing", Hersonissos, Crete, Greece. Organized by "Transformation Services Laboratory (TSL) - University of Crete", "the Erasmus Mundus International Master on Service Engineering (IMSE)" and by "S-Cube, The European Network of Excellence in Software Services and Systems". |
Livello nella classificazione nazionale o internazionale | International Doctoral School | |||||
Score | 30/30 | |||||
Data (da - a) | 7 Settembre 2009 – 19 Settembre 2009 | |||||
Titolo della qualifica rilasciata | Expert in “Advanced Database” | |||||
Principali argomenti / capacita professionali possedute | “Data exchange and integration”, “Data privacy and security”, “Knowledge discovery in databases”, “Relational databases logic and complexity”, “Foundations of XML”, “Stream databases”, “Uncertain and probabilistic database”. |
Nome e tipo d’organizzazione erogatrice dell’istruzione e formazione | Gruppo Italiano di Ingegneria Informatica (GII), l’Università degli Studi della Calabria |
Livello nella classificazione nazionale o internazionale | International Doctoral School | |||||
Score | 30/30 | |||||
Data (da - a) | Ottobre 2006 -Luglio 2008 | |||||
Titolo della qualifica rilasciata | Laurea Magistrale in Informatica | |||||
Principali argomenti / capacita professionali possedute | Progettazione di algoritmi ottimizzati, progettazione e sviluppo di siti, applicazioni e servizi web, progettazione e sviluppo di software in parallelo, programmazione in ambienti Java e .Net in ambito web, desktop e mobile, sistemi operativi di rete (linux, windows server 2003), tecniche di sicurezza delle reti, architettura delle reti di comunicazione, vaste conoscenze di analisi, algebra e logica matematica con capacità di risolvere e simulare problemi complessi tramite l’ausilio di vari strumenti tra cui Marlab. Titolo tesi: “Estensione di un’ applicazione legacy per il booking alberghiero mediante J2EE e Web Service”. |
Nome e tipo d’organizzazione erogatrice dell’istruzione e formazione | Università degli studi di Messina - Facoltà di Scienze MM.FF.NN. | |||||
Livello nella classificazione nazionale o internazionale | Laurea Magistrale |
Score | 110/110 e Lode |
Data (da - a) | Febbraio 2008 - Giugno 2008 | |||||
Titolo della qualifica rilasciata | Training Stage Certificate lasting 120 hours | |||||
Principali argomenti / capacita professionali possedute | UML design, Java2 Enterprise Edition application development, Java Server Pages, Java Server Faces. | |||||
Nome e tipo d’organizzazione erogatrice dell’istruzione e formazione | P&P Informatics s.a.s - Via Consolare Pompea, 1897 98165 Messina (ME) Italia |
Data (da - a) | Aprile 2007 - Giugno 2007 | |||||
Titolo della qualifica rilasciata | Certificazione Cisco Network Security II | |||||
Principali argomenti / capacita professionali possedute | Computer Network Security | |||||
Nome e tipo d’organizzazione erogatrice dell’istruzione e formazione | Università degli Studi di Messina |
Data (da - a) | Da Gennaio 2007 a Maggio 2007 | |||||
Titolo della qualifica rilasciata | Certificazione Cisco Network Security I | |||||
Principali argomenti / capacita professionali possedute | Computer Network Security | |||||
Nome e tipo d’organizzazione erogatrice dell’istruzione e formazione | Università degli Studi di Messina |
Data (da - a) | Ottobre 2003 - Ottobre 2006 | |||||
Titolo della qualifica rilasciata | Laurea Triennale in Informatica indirizzo “Sistemi Distribuiti e Reti di Calcolatori” | |||||
Principali argomenti / capacita professionali possedute | Architettura degli elaboratori, progettazione di algoritmi e strutture dati, progettazione di algoritmi per la sicurezza informatica, vari linguaggi di programmazione, progettazione e realizzazione di basi di dati relazionali, sistemi operativi, progettazione di reti di calcolatori dal livello fisico a quello applicativo, diritto dell’informatica. Vasta conoscenza delle discipline matematiche con capacità di risoluzione di problemi complessi. Varie conoscenze di fisica classica e moderna, di fisica dei dispositivi elettronici e di elettronica dei sistemi digitali. Titolo tesi: “Progettazione di una rete IPv6 coesistente con un’infrastruttura IPv4 ”. | |||||
Nome e tipo d’organizzazione erogatrice dell’istruzione e formazione | Università degli studi di Messina - Facoltà di Scienze MM.FF.NN. | |||||
Livello nella classificazione nazionale o internazionale | Laurea Triennale | |||||
Score | 110/110 |
Data (da - a) | Giugno 2006 - Settembre 2006 | |||||
Posizione o occupazione ricoperti | Attestato Stage Formativo della durata di 60 ore | |||||
Principali attività e responsabilità | IPv6 networks, addressing, self-configuration mechanisms, tunneling, routing, access control policies | |||||
Nome e indirizzo del datore di lavoro | CECUM “A. Villari” – Sezione GARR P.zza Pugliatti n°1 98100 Messina | |||||
Tipo di attività o settore | ICT |
Data (da - a) | Dicembre 2005 - Febbraio 2006 | |||||
Titolo della qualifica rilasciata | Certificazione Cisco CCNA 4 | |||||
Principali argomenti / capacita professionali possedute | WAN Technologies | |||||
Nome e tipo d’organizzazione erogatrice dell’istruzione e formazione | Università degli Studi di Messina |
Data (da - a) | Da Settembre 2005 a Dicembre 2005 | |||||
Titolo della qualifica rilasciata | Certificazione Cisco CCNA 3 | |||||
Principali argomenti / capacita professionali possedute | Switching Basics and Intermediate Routing | |||||
Nome e tipo d’organizzazione erogatrice dell’istruzione e formazione | Università degli Studi di Messina |
Data (da - a) | Da Settembre 2004 - Dicembre 2004 | |||||
Titolo della qualifica rilasciata | Certificazione Cisco CCNA | |||||
Principali argomenti / capacita professionali possedute | Routers and Routing Basics | |||||
Nome e tipo d’organizzazione erogatrice dell’istruzione e formazione | Università degli Studi di Messina |
Data (da - a) | Febbraio 2004 - Maggio 2004 | |||||
Titolo della qualifica rilasciata | Certificazione Cisco CCNA 1 | |||||
Principali argomenti / capacita professionali possedute | Networking Basics | |||||
Nome e tipo d’organizzazione erogatrice dell’istruzione e formazione | Università degli Studi di Messina |
Data (da - a) | Settembre 1998 - Luglio 2003 | |||||
Titolo della qualifica rilasciata | Perito Industriale Capotecnico Specializzazione Informatica | |||||
Principali argomenti / capacita professionali possedute | Programming (C, C ++, Java), database and SQL, electronics, communication systems. | |||||
Nome e tipo d’organizzazione erogatrice dell’istruzione e formazione | I.T.I Verona Trento - Messina |
Livello nella classificazione nazionale o internazionale | Diploma di scuola superiore |
Score | 88/100 |
Data (da - a) | Settembre 2002 - Maggio 2003 | |||||
Titolo della qualifica rilasciata | Certificazione ECDL | |||||
Principali argomenti / capacita professionali possedute | Computer Architecture, File Management, Word, Excel, Access, Powerpoint, Internet and Electronic Mail | |||||
Nome e tipo d’organizzazione erogatrice dell’istruzione e formazione | ITI Verona Trento, Messina |
Madrelingua | Italian | |||||
Altra lingua | English | |||||
Auto valutazione | Understanding | Speaking | Written | |||
European level (*) | Listening | Reading | Oral Interaction | Oral Production | Good |
Lingua | Good | Good | Good | Good | ||
(*) Common European framework of reference for languages | ||||||
Capacità e competenze relazionali | Mi hanno sempre insegnato a tenere in considerazione valori quali la lealtà, l’onestà, la correttezza e l’umiltà, fondamentali nei rapporti sociali, interpersonali e lavorativi. Spiccata capacità di comunicazione e di cooperazione in ambito lavorativo e non. | |||||
Capacità e competenze organizzative |
ESPERIENZA IN COMITATI DI CONFERENZE, LIBRI E RIVISTE SCIENTIFICHE INTERNAZIONALI | Activities in International Scientific Committees of Journals: Associate Editor - Elsevier Journal of Computer Network Applications (ISSN: 1084-8045, SCOPUS SJR 0.903 (2018), WoS IF 5.273 (2018). From Aprile 2019 to Dicembre 2021; Guest Editor - IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics (ISSN: 2168-2208, SCOPUS SJR 1.306 (2019), WoS IF 5.223 (2019)), Special Issue on "Enabling Technologies for Next Generation Telehealthcare". Da Aprile 2020 ad oggi; Associate Editor - Sensors (ISSN: 1424-3210, SCOPUS SJR 0.592 (2018), WoS IF 3.031 (2018)). Da 2020 a oggi; Associate Editor - Electronics (ISSN: 2079-9292, SCOPUS SJR 0.461 (2018), WoS IF 1.764 (2017)). 2019 a oggi; Associate Editor - Journal of Sensor and Actuator Networks (ISSN: 2224- 2708, SCOPUS SJR upcoming (2018), WoS IF upcoming (2018)). Da 2019 a oggi; Guest Editor - IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics (ISSN 1551-3203, SCOPUS, ISI 2016 IF 6.764). Special Issue on “Cloud Computing, Edge Computing, Internet of Things and Big Data Analytics Applications for Healthcare Industry 4.0”; Lead Guest Editor - Journal of Computer Network Applications (ISSN: 1084-8045, (SCOPUS, ISI IF 3.500), Special Issue on `”Emerging Networked Computer Applications for Telemedicine (2017); Guest Editor - Mobile Information Systems (ISSN: 1574017X , SCOPUS, ISI IF 0.849), Special Issue on Machine Learning and Data Mining for Health Data Processing and Analysis (2017); Guest Editor - International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks (ISSN 1550-1477, SCOPUS, ISI IF 1.239), Special Issue on “Leveraging the Internet of Things: Integration of Sensors and Cloud Computing Systems”; Guest Editor - Big Data and Cognitive Computing (ISSN 2504-2289); Editorial Board Member - EAI Endorsed Transactions on Cloud Systems. ISSN: 2410-6895; Editorial Board Member – EIA Endorsed Transactions on Smart Cities; Editorial Board Member - International Journal of Internet of Things and Big Data (IJITBD); Conferences: TPC Member - 2nd EAI International Conference on ICT Infrastructures and Services for Smart Cities (2017); Technical Program Chair of the IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC) (2016, 2017); Co-Chair of the First IEEE Workshop on ICT Solutions for eHealth (ICTS4eHealth) (2016, 2017); Track Chair and TPC member- The 5th International Conference on Future Internet of Things and Cloud (FiCloud 2017); TPC member - International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security (IoTBDS 2017); TPC Member - International Workshop on Energy-Awareness and Big Data Management in Information Systems (EnBIS2016); Workshops Chair - European Conference on Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing (ESOCC) (2015); Steering Commettee Member - Cloud Computing and Networking for Internet of Things (CN4IoT 2015, 2017); TPC Member - 2nd International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data e Security (TBDS 2017); TPC Member - International Conference on Evolving Internet (INTERNET) (2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016); TPC Member - International Workshop on Cloud for IoT (CLIoT) (2013, 2014, 2015, 2016); TCP Member IEEE International Workshop on Sensors and Smart Cities (SSC 2016) (2015. 2016);TCP Member - 1st International Workshop on Federated Cloud Networking (FedCloudNet) (2015); TPC Member - IEEE CrossCloud (2014); TPC Member - IEEE CrossCloud Brokers ’14 (2014); TCP Member - The 8th International Conference on P2P, Parallel, Grid, Cloud and Internet Computing (3PGCIC) (2013). Scientific Reviewer activity Journals: IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management (2022), IEEE Transactions on Multi-Scale Computing Systems (2017); Future Generation Computing Systems (2017); Journal of Cleaner Production (2017); SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences (2017); Information & Management (2017); International Journal of Systems, Control and Communications (IJSCC 2017); IEEE Access Journal (2016); ACM Transactions on Storage (2016), Journal of Grid Computing (2016), Journal of Sensors (2016, 2017); Journal of Network and Computer Applications (JNCA 2017); IEEE Transaction on Dependable Secure Computing (2012, 2013, 2014, 2015); IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (2014); Computer Network (2014); International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks (2014, 2015); The Scientific World Journal, (2014, 2015); Journal of Internet Services and Applications (2011); Journal of Convergence Information Technology (2011); Conferences: 2nd EAI International Conference on ICT Infrastructures and Services for Smart Cities (2017); IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC) (2016, 2017); IEEE Workshop on ICT Solutions for eHealth (ICTS4eHealth 2016, 2017); International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security (IoTBDS 2017); International Conference of Distributed Computing and Networking (ICDCM 2017) International Conference on Future Internet of Things and Cloud (FiCloud 2017); International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security (IoTBDS 2017); International Workshop on Energy-Awareness and Big Data Management in Information Systems (EnBIS2016); European Conference on Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing (ESOCC 2015); International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data e Security (TBDS 2017); Cloud Computing and Networking for Internet of Things (CN4IoT 2015, 2016); International Conference on Evolving Internet (INTERNET) (2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017); International Workshop on Federated Cloud Networking (2015); IEEE/ACM, 2014 7th International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing (2014); International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER) (2013, 2014); Journal on Greed Computing (2013); IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) (2013); IEEE Workshop on Dependable Parallel, Distributed and Network-Centric Systems (DPDNS), 2013; Book Achieving Federated and Self-Manageable Cloud Infrastructures: Theory and Practice (2011); International Conference on Cloud and Service Computing (2011); IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communication (2011); International Conference on Intelligent Computing (2009). |
SUPERVISIONE STUDENTI | Relatore delle seguenti tesi di laurea in informatica:
Relatore di Tesi di Master di Secondo Livello in Informatica: Valutazione e sviluppo di algoritmi di smoke detection su sequenze video, Master II Livello in Tecnico Esperto in Sistemi Distribuiti e Sviluppo di Servizi Avanzati per il Trattamento dei Dati, Luca Saglimbeni (2015); Sviluppo di un Sistema Cloud per la Gestione di Big Data Atmosferici, Master II Livello in Tecnico Esperto in Sistemi Distribuiti e Sviluppo di Servizi Avanzati per il Trattamento dei Dati, Spiridine Simone (2015); Analysis of performances and testing of algorithms for Background Subtraction, Master II Livello in Tecnico Esperto in Sistemi Distribuiti e Sviluppo di Servizi Avanzati per il Trattamento dei Dati, Daniela Santuccio, 2015; Progettazoine e Gestione di un Database, Master II Livello in Tecnico Esperto in Sistemi Distribuiti e Sviluppo di Servizi Avanzati per il Trattamento dei Dati. Giuseppe Cambria, 2015; Monitoraggio di risorse cloud nel middleware di livello IaaS Clever, Master II LIVELLO in Open Source e Sicurezza Informatica. Peditto Nicola (2013); Gestione autonomica interna di un middleware distribuito per il cloud computing di livello PaaS. CdL in Magistrale in Ingegneria Informatica, Nicola Peditto (2013); Applicazione allo sviluppo dei sistemi di tecnologie Open Source, Master II LIVELLO in Open Source e Sicurezza Informatica. Nadia D’Amore (2012); Metodologie di analisi applicate alla progettazione della sicurezza dei sistemi, Master II LIVELLO in Open Source e Sicurezza Informatica. Genovese Francesco (2012); L’analisi e la messa in sicurezza di un sistema basato su VMware vSphere, Master II LIVELLO in Open Source e Sicurezza Informatica. Mondello Rino (2012). Co-relatore delle seguenti tesi di laurea in informatica:
PRINCIPALI PUBBLICAZIONI SCIENTIFICHE | [J42 ]Ruggeri, A., Celesti, A., Fazio, M., Villari, M. An Innovative Blockchain-Based Orchestrator for Osmotic Computing (2022) Journal of Grid Computing, 20 (1), art. no. 2, . [J41] Sicari, C., Galletta, A., Celesti, A., Fazio, M., Villari, M. An Osmotic Computing Enabled Domain Naming System (OCE-DNS) for distributed service relocation between cloud and edge (2021) Computers and Electrical Engineering, 96, art. no. 107578, . [J40] Lay-Ekuakille, A., Chiffi, C., Celesti, A., Rahman, M.Z.U., Singh, S.P. Infrared Monitoring of Oxygenation Process Generated by Robotic Verticalization in Bedridden People (2021) IEEE Sensors Journal, 21 (13), art. no. 9386150, pp. 14426-14433. [J39] Fazio, M., Buzachis, A., Galletta, A., Celesti, A., Wan, J., Longo, A., Villari, M. A Map-Reduce Approach for the Dijkstra Algorithm in SDN Over Osmotic Computing Systems (2021) International Journal of Parallel Programming, 49 (3), pp. 347-375. [J38] Buzachis, A., Celesti, A., Galletta, A., Wan, J., Fazio, M. Evaluating an Application Aware Distributed Dijkstra Shortest Path Algorithm in Hybrid Cloud/Edge Environments (2021) IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing. [j37]Maria Fazio, Alina Buzachis, Antonino Galletta, Antonio Celesti, Jiafu Wan, Antonella Longo, Massimo Villari: A Map-Reduce Approach for the Dijkstra Algorithm in SDN Over Osmotic Computing Systems. Int. J. Parallel Program. 49(3): 347-375 (2021) [c106]Antonino Galletta, Christian Sicari, Antonio Celesti, Massimo Villari: OCE-DNS: an innovative Osmotic Computing Enabled Domain Name System. CCGRID 2021: 642-648 [c105]Francesco Martella, Giovanni Parrino, Giuseppe Ciulla, Roberto Di Bernardo, Antonio Celesti, Maria Fazio, Massimo Villari: Virtual Device Model extending NGSI-LD for FaaS at the Edge. CCGRID 2021: 660-667 [c104]Valeria Lukaj, Francesco Martella, Maria Fazio, Antonio Celesti, Massimo Villari: Trusted Ecosystem for IoT Service Provisioning Based on Brokering. CCGRID 2021: 746-753 2020 [j36]Lorenzo Carnevale, Antonio Celesti, Giacomo Fiumara, Antonino Galletta, Massimo Villari: Investigating classification supervised learning approaches for the identification of critical patients' posts in a healthcare social network. Appl. Soft Comput. 90: 106155 (2020) [j35]Lorenzo Carnevale, Antonio Celesti, Maria Fazio, Massimo Villari: A Big Data Analytics Approach for the Development of Advanced Cardiology Applications. Inf. 11(2): 60 (2020) [j34]Alina Buzachis, Antonio Celesti, Antonino Galletta, Maria Fazio, Giancarlo Fortino, Massimo Villari: A multi-agent autonomous intersection management (MA-AIM) system for smart cities leveraging edge-of-things and Blockchain. Inf. Sci. 522: 148-163 (2020) [j33]Alfonso Panarello, Antonio Celesti, Maria Fazio, Antonio Puliafito, Massimo Villari: A big video data transcoding service for social media over federated clouds. Multim. Tools Appl. 79(13-14): 9037-9061 (2020) [j32]Jiafu Wan, Jiapeng Li, Qingsong Hua, Antonio Celesti, Zhongren Wang: Intelligent equipment design assisted by Cognitive Internet of Things and industrial big data. Neural Comput. Appl. 32(9): 4463-4472 (2020) [j31]Antonio Celesti, Armando Ruggeri, Maria Fazio, Antonino Galletta, Massimo Villari, Agata Romano: Blockchain-Based Healthcare Workflow for Tele-Medical Laboratory in Federated Hospital IoT Clouds. Sensors 20(9): 2590 (2020) [c103]Maria Fazio, Antonio Celesti, Massimo Villari: Improving Proximity Detection of Mesh Beacons at the Edge for Indoor and Outdoor Navigation. CAMAD 2020: 1-6 [c102]Antonino Galletta, Maria Fazio, Antonio Celesti, Massimo Villari: Verifiable Secret Share for file storage with cheater identification. CCGRID 2020: 788-793 [c101]Armando Ruggeri, Maria Fazio, Antonio Celesti, Massimo Villari: Blockchain-Based Healthcare Workflows in Federated Hospital Clouds. ESOCC 2020: 113-121 [c100]Antonio Celesti, Fabrizio Celesti, Maria Fazio, Massimo Villari: Improving Tele-Rehabilitation Therapy Through Machine Learning with a NoSQL Graph DBMS Approach. GLOBECOM (Workshops) 2020: 1-6 [c99]Rosa Di Salvo, Maria Fazio, Antonio Celesti, Domenico Santoro, Massimo Villari: Mathematical Model and AI Oriented Analysis for Self-Regulated Learning in Remote Health Treatments. GLOBECOM (Workshops) 2020: 1-6 [c98]Antonio Celesti, Fabrizio Celesti, Antonino Galletta, Maria Fazio, Massimo Villari: Improving Machine Learning Algorithm Processing Time in Tele-Rehabilization Through a NoSQL Graph Database Approach: A Preliminary Study. ISCC 2020: 1-6 [c97]Maria Fazio, Alina Buzachis, Antonino Galletta, Antonio Celesti, Massimo Villari: A proximity-based indoor navigation system tackling the COVID-19 social distancing measures. ISCC 2020: 1-6 [c96]Antonino Galletta, Maria Fazio, Antonio Celesti, Massimo Villari: On the Applicability of Secret Share Algorithms for Osmotic Computing. ISCC 2020: 1-6 [c95]Armando Ruggeri, Maria Fazio, Antonino Galletta, Antonio Celesti, Massimo Villari: A Decision Support System for Therapy Prescription in a Hospital Centre. ISCC 2020: 1-4 [c94]Armando Ruggeri, Antonio Celesti, Maria Fazio, Antonino Galletta, Massimo Villari: BCB-X3DH: a Blockchain Based Improved Version of the Extended Triple Diffie-Hellman Protocol. TPS-ISA 2020: 73-78 [j30]Antonio Celesti, Antonino Galletta, Maria Fazio, Massimo Villari: Towards Hybrid Multi-Cloud Storage Systems: Understanding How to Perform Data Transfer. Big Data Res. 16: 1-17 (2019) [j29]Antonio Celesti, Maria Fazio, Antonino Galletta, Lorenzo Carnevale, Jiafu Wan, Massimo Villari: An approach for the secure management of hybrid cloud-edge environments. Future Gener. Comput. Syst. 90: 1-19 (2019) [j28]Antonio Celesti, Davide Mulfari, Antonino Galletta, Maria Fazio, Lorenzo Carnevale, Massimo Villari: A study on container virtualization for guarantee quality of service in Cloud-of-Things. Future Gener. Comput. Syst. 99: 356-364 (2019) [j27]Antonio Celesti, Maria Fazio, Massimo Villari: A Study on Join Operations in MongoDB Preserving Collections Data Models for Future Internet Applications. Future Internet 11(4): 83 (2019) [j26]Lorenzo Carnevale, Antonio Celesti, Antonino Galletta, Schahram Dustdar, Massimo Villari: Osmotic computing as a distributed multi-agent system: The Body Area Network scenario. Internet Things 5: 130-139 (2019) [j25]Lorenzo Carnevale, Rocco Salvatore Calabrò, Antonio Celesti, Antonino Leo, Maria Fazio, Placido Bramanti, Massimo Villari: Toward Improving Robotic-Assisted Gait Training: Can Big Data Analysis Help Us? IEEE Internet Things J. 6(2): 1419-1426 (2019) [j24]Antonio Celesti, Antoine B. Bagula, Ivanoe De Falco, Pedro Brandão, Giovanna Sannino: Emerging Networked Computer Applications for Telemedicine. J. Netw. Comput. Appl. 130: 104-106 (2019) [j23]Antonio Celesti, Maria Fazio: A framework for real time end to end monitoring and big data oriented management of smart environments. J. Parallel Distributed Comput. 132: 262-273 (2019) [j22]Antonio Celesti, Maria Fazio, Fermín Galán Márquez, Alex Glikson, Hope Mauwa, Antoine B. Bagula, Fabrizio Celesti, Massimo Villari: How to Develop IoT Cloud e-Health Systems Based on FIWARE: A Lesson Learnt. J. Sens. Actuator Networks 8(1): 7 (2019) [j21]Giovanna Sannino, Nizar Bouguila, Giuseppe De Pietro, Antonio Celesti: Artificial Intelligence for Mobile Health Data Analysis and Processing. Mob. Inf. Syst. 2019: 2673463:1-2673463:2 (2019) [j20]Antonio Celesti, Oliver Amft, Massimo Villari: Guest Editorial Special Section on Cloud Computing, Edge Computing, Internet of Things, and Big Data Analytics Applications for Healthcare Industry 4.0. IEEE Trans. Ind. Informatics 15(1): 454-456 (2019) [j19]Xiaomin Li, Jiafu Wan, Hong-Ning Dai, Muhammad Imran, Min Xia, Antonio Celesti: A Hybrid Computing Solution and Resource Scheduling Strategy for Edge Computing in Smart Manufacturing. IEEE Trans. Ind. Informatics 15(7): 4225-4234 (2019) [c93]Alina Buzachis, Maria Fazio, Antonino Galletta, Antonio Celesti, Massimo Villari: Intelligent IoT for Non-Intrusive Appliance Load Monitoring Infrastructures in Smart Cities. AI&IoT@AI*IA 2019: 97-106 [c92]Alina Buzachis, Maria Fazio, Antonino Galletta, Antonio Celesti, Massimo Villari: Infrastructureless IoT-as-a-Service for Public Safety and Disaster Response. FiCloud 2019: 133-140 [c91]Aniket Anand, Antonino Galletta, Antonio Celesti, Maria Fazio, Massimo Villari: A secure inter-domain communication for IoT devices. IC2E 2019: 235-240 [c90]Alina Buzachis, Antonino Galletta, Antonio Celesti, Maria Fazio, Massimo Villari: Development of a Smart Metering Microservice Based on Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) for Edge/Internet of Things Environments. ICFEC 2019: 1-6 [c89]Alina Buzachis, Maria Fazio, Antonio Celesti, Massimo Villari: Osmotic Flow Deployment Leveraging FaaS Capabilities. IDCS 2019: 391-401 [c88]Alina Buzachis, Antonio Celesti, Maria Fazio, Massimo Villari: On the Design of a Blockchain-as-a-Service-Based Health Information Exchange (BaaS-HIE) System for Patient Monitoring. ISCC 2019: 1-6 [c87]Alina Buzachis, Antonino Galletta, Antonio Celesti, Lorenzo Carnevale, Massimo Villari: Towards Osmotic Computing: a Blue-Green Strategy for the Fast Re-Deployment of Microservices. ISCC 2019: 1-6 [c86]Antonio Celesti, Antonino Galletta, Fabrizio Celesti, Maria Fazio, Massimo Villari: Using Machine Learning to Study Flu Vaccines Opinions of Twitter Users. ISCC 2019: 1103-1106 [c85]Fabrizio Celesti, Antonio Celesti, Antonino Galletta, Maria Fazio, Massimo Villari: optimizing the Research of DNA Sequences in a NoSQL Document Database: A Preliminary Study. ISCC 2019: 1153-1158 [j18]Antonino Galletta, Lorenzo Carnevale, Antonio Celesti, Maria Fazio, Massimo Villari: A Cloud-Based System for Improving Retention Marketing Loyalty Programs in Industry 4.0: A Study on Big Data Storage Implications. IEEE Access 6: 5485-5492 (2018) [j17]Lorenzo Carnevale, Antonio Celesti, Maria Di Pietro, Antonino Galletta: How to Conceive Future Mobility Services in Smart Cities According to the FIWARE frontierCities Experience. IEEE Cloud Comput. 5(5): 25-36 (2018) [j16]Baotong Chen, Jiafu Wan, Antonio Celesti, Di Li, Haider Abbas, Qin Zhang: Edge Computing in IoT-Based Manufacturing. IEEE Commun. Mag. 56(9): 103-109 (2018) [j15]Antonio Celesti, Maria Fazio, Agata Romano, Alessia Bramanti, Placido Bramanti, Massimo Villari: An OAIS-Based Hospital Information System on the Cloud: Analysis of a NoSQL Column-Oriented Approach. IEEE J. Biomed. Health Informatics 22(3): 912-918 (2018) [c84]Lorenzo Carnevale, Antonio Celesti, Antonino Galletta, Schahram Dustdar, Massimo Villari: From the Cloud to Edge and IoT: a Smart Orchestration Architecture for Enabling Osmotic Computing. AINA Workshops 2018: 419-424 [c83]Giacomo Fiumara, Antonio Celesti, Antonino Galletta, Lorenzo Carnevale, Massimo Villari: Applying Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare Social Networks to Identity Critical Issues in Patients' Posts. HEALTHINF 2018: 680-687 [c82]Antonino Galletta, Alfredo Cuzzocrea, Antonio Celesti, Maria Fazio, Massimo Villari: A Scalable Cloud-Edge Computing Framework for Supporting Device-Adaptive Big Media Provisioning. CCGrid 2018: 669-674 [c81]Lorenzo Carnevale, Antonino Galletta, Maria Fazio, Antonio Celesti, Massimo Villari: Designing a FIWARE Cloud Solution for Making Your Travel Smoother: The FLIWARE Experience. CIC 2018: 392-398 [c80]Alina Buzachis, Antonino Galletta, Antonio Celesti, Massimo Villari: An Innovative MapReduce-Based Approach of Dijkstra's Algorithm for SDN Routing in Hybrid Cloud, Edge and IoT Scenarios. ESOCC 2018: 185-198 [c79]Kun Ma, Antoine B. Bagula, Hope Mauwa, Antonio Celesti: Modelling Cloud Federation: A Fair Profit Distribution Strategy Using the Shapley Value. FiCloud 2018: 393-398 [c78]Antonio Celesti, Alina Buzachis, Antonino Galletta, Maria Fazio, Massimo Villari: A NoSQL Graph Approach to Manage IoTaaS in Cloud/Edge Environments. FiCloud 2018: 407-412 [c77]Alina Buzachis, Antonino Galletta, Lorenzo Carnevale, Antonio Celesti, Maria Fazio, Massimo Villari: Towards Osmotic Computing: Analyzing Overlay Network Solutions to Optimize the Deployment of Container-Based Microservices in Fog, Edge and IoT Environments. ICFEC 2018: 1-10 [c76]Massimo Villari, Antonino Galletta, Antonio Celesti, Lorenzo Carnevale, Maria Fazio: Osmotic Computing: Software Defined Membranes meet Private/Federated Blockchains. ISCC 2018: 1292-1297 [c75]Antonio Celesti, Alina Buzachis, Antonino Galletta, Giacomo Fiumara, Maria Fazio, Massimo Villari: Analysis of a NoSQL Graph DBMS for a Hospital Social Network. ISCC 2018: 1298-1303 [c74]Antonino Galletta, Lorenzo Carnevale, Alina Buzachis, Antonio Celesti, Massimo Villari: A Microservices-Based Platform for Efficiently Managing Oceanographic Data. Innovate-Data 2018: 25-29 [c73]Alina Buzachis, Antonio Celesti, Antonino Galletta, Maria Fazio, Massimo Villari: A Secure and Dependable Multi-Agent Autonomous Intersection Management (MA-AIM) System Leveraging Blockchain Facilities. UCC Companion 2018: 226-231 [j14]Antonio Celesti, Grazia Salamone, Anna Sapienza, Marianna Spinelli, Mariangela Puglisi, Maria Caltabiano: An Innovative Cloud-Based System for the Diachronic Analysis in Numismatics. ACM Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage 10(4): 23:1-23:18 (2017) [j13]Antonio Celesti, Maria Fazio, Massimo Villari: Enabling Secure XMPP Communications in Federated IoT Clouds Through XEP 0027 and SAML/SASL SSO. Sensors 17(2): 301 (2017) [j12]Antonio Celesti, Davide Mulfari, Maria Fazio, Antonio Puliafito, Massimo Villari: Evaluating alternative DaaS solutions in private and public OpenStack Clouds. Softw. Pract. Exp. 47(9): 1185-1200 (2017) [c72]Massimo Villari, Antonio Celesti, Maria Fazio: Towards Osmotic Computing: Looking at Basic Principles and Technologies. CISIS 2017: 906-915 [c71]Antonino Galletta, Oliver Ardo, Antonio Celesti, Peter Kissa, Massimo Villari: A Recommendation-Based Approach for Cloud Service Brokerage: A Case Study in Public Administration. CIC 2017: 227-234 [c70]Antonino Galletta, Antonio Celesti, Francesco Tusa, Maria Fazio, Placido Bramanti, Massimo Villari: Big MRI Data Dissemination and Retrieval in a Multi-Cloud Hospital Storage System. DH 2017: 162-166 [c69]Antonino Galletta, Oliver Ardo, Antonio Celesti, Peter Kissa, Massimo Villari: C4E: Cloud Brokering Platform for Federated Services Aimed at European Public Administrations. ESOCC Workshops 2017: 187-191 [c68]Lorenzo Carnevale, Antonio Celesti, Maria Fazio, Placido Bramanti, Massimo Villari: Heart Disorder Detection with Menard Algorithm on Apache Spark. ESOCC 2017: 229-237 [c67]Antonino Galletta, Lorenzo Carnevale, Antonio Celesti, Maria Fazio, Massimo Villari: BOSS: A Multitenancy Ad-Hoc Service Orchestrator for Federated Openstack Clouds. FiCloud 2017: 351-357 [c66]Antonio Celesti, Lorenzo Carnevale, Antonino Galletta, Maria Fazio, Massimo Villari: A Watchdog Service Making Container-Based Micro-services Reliable in IoT Clouds. FiCloud 2017: 372-378 [c65]Massimo Villari, Giuseppe Tricomi, Antonio Celesti, Maria Fazio: Orchestration for the Deployment of Distributed Applications with Geographical Constraints in Cloud Federation. IISSC/CN4IoT 2017: 177-187 [c64]Lorenzo Carnevale, Antonino Galletta, Antonio Celesti, Maria Fazio, Maurizio Paone, Placido Bramanti, Massimo Villari: Big Data HIS of the IRCCS-ME Future: The Osmotic Computing Infrastructure. IISSC/CN4IoT 2017: 199-207 [c63]Brunno Vanelli, Alex R. Pinto, Madalena Pereira da Silva, M. A. R. Dantas, Maria Fazio, Antonio Celesti, Massimo Villari: IoT Data Storage in the Cloud: A Case Study in Human Biometeorology. IISSC/CN4IoT 2017: 253-262 [c62]Antonino Galletta, Lilla Bonanno, Antonio Celesti, Silvia Marino, Placido Bramanti, Massimo Villari: An approach to share MRI data over the Cloud preserving patients' privacy. ISCC 2017: 94-99 [c61]Fabrizio Celesti, Antonio Celesti, Lorenzo Carnevale, Antonino Galletta, Salvatore Campo, Agata Romano, Placido Bramanti, Massimo Villari: Big data analytics in genomics: The point on Deep Learning solutions. ISCC 2017: 306-309 [c60]Massimo Villari, Antonio Celesti, Giuseppe Tricomi, Antonino Galletta, Maria Fazio: Deployment orchestration of microservices with geographical constraints for Edge computing. ISCC 2017: 633-638 [c59] Lorenzo Carnevale, Antonio Celesti, Maria Fazio, Placido Bramanti, Massimo Villari: How to enable clinical workflows to integrate big healthcare data. ISCC 2017: 857-862 [j11]Maria Fazio, Antonio Celesti, Rajiv Ranjan, Chang Liu, Lydia Y. Chen, Massimo Villari: Open Issues in Scheduling Microservices in the Cloud. IEEE Cloud Comput. 3(5): 81-88 (2016) [j10]Antonio Celesti, Maria Fazio, Massimo Villari, Antonio Puliafito: Adding long-term availability, obfuscation, and encryption to multi-cloud storage systems. J. Netw. Comput. Appl. 59: 208-218 (2016) [c58]Antonio Celesti, Maria Fazio, Maurizio Giacobbe, Antonio Puliafito, Massimo Villari: Characterizing Cloud Federation in IoT. AINA Workshops 2016: 93-98 [c57]Maurizio Giacobbe, Antonio Celesti, Maria Fazio, Massimo Villari, Antonio Puliafito: Re-powering Service Provisioning in Federated Cloud Ecosystems: An Algorithm Combining Energy Sustainability and Cost-Saving Strategies. ESOCC Workshops 2016: 19-33 [c56]Massimo Villari, Antonio Celesti, Maurizio Giacobbe, Maria Fazio: Enriched E-R model to design hybrid database for big data solutions. ISCC 2016: 163-166 [c55]Davide Mulfari, Antonio Celesti, Maria Fazio, Massimo Villari, Antonio Puliafito: Using Google Cloud Vision in assistive technology scenarios. ISCC 2016: 214-219 [c54]Antonio Celesti, Maria Fazio, Fabrizio Celesti, Giovanna Sannino, Salvatore Campo, Massimo Villari: New trends in Biotechnology: The point on NGS Cloud computing solutions. ISCC 2016: 267-270 [c53]Antonio Celesti, Davide Mulfari, Maria Fazio, Massimo Villari, Antonio Puliafito: Improving desktop as a Service in OpenStack. ISCC 2016: 281-288 [c52]Antonio Celesti, Maria Fazio, Agata Romano, Massimo Villari: A hospital cloud-based archival information system for the efficient management of HL7 big data. MIPRO 2016: 406-411 [c51]Maria Fazio, Alessia Bramanti, Antonio Celesti, Placido Bramanti, Massimo Villari: A Hybrid Storage Service for the Management of Big e-Health Data: A Tele-Rehabilitation Case of Study. Q2SWinet@MSWiM 2016: 1-8 [c50]Antonio Celesti, Davide Mulfari, Maria Fazio, Massimo Villari, Antonio Puliafito: Exploring Container Virtualization in IoT Clouds. SMARTCOMP 2016: 1-6 [e1]Antonio Celesti, Philipp Leitner: Advances in Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing - Workshops of ESOCC 2015, Taormina, Italy, Settembre 15-17, 2015, Revised Selected Papers. Communications in Computer and Information Science 567, Springer 2016, ISBN 978-3-319-33312-0 [contents] [j9]Maurizio Giacobbe, Antonio Celesti, Maria Fazio, Massimo Villari, Antonio Puliafito: Towards energy management in Cloud federation: A survey in the perspective of future sustainable and cost-saving strategies. Comput. Networks 91: 438-452 (2015) [j8]Davide Mulfari, Antonio Celesti, Maria Fazio, Massimo Villari, Antonio Puliafito: Achieving Assistive Technology Systems Based on IoT Devices in Cloud Computing. EAI Endorsed Trans. Cloud Syst. 1(1): e4 (2015) [j7]Antonio Puliafito, Antonio Celesti, Massimo Villari, Maria Fazio: Towards the Integration between IoT and Cloud Computing: An Approach for the Secure Self-Configuration of Embedded Devices. Int. J. Distributed Sens. Networks 11: 286860:1-286860:9 (2015) [j6]Davide Mulfari, Antonio Celesti, Massimo Villari: A computer system architecture providing a user-friendly man machine interface for accessing assistive technology in cloud computing. J. Syst. Softw. 100: 129-138 (2015) [c49]Davide Mulfari, Antonio Celesti, Maria Fazio, Massimo Villari, Antonio Puliafito: Embedded systems for supporting computer accessibility. AAATE Conf. 2015: 378-385 [c48]Maria Fazio, Antonio Celesti, Antonio Puliafito, Massimo Villari: Big Data Storage in the Cloud for Smart Environment Monitoring. ANT/SEIT 2015: 500-506 [c47]Luciano Barreto, Antonio Celesti, Massimo Villari, Maria Fazio, Antonio Puliafito: An Authentication Model for IoT Clouds. ASONAM 2015: 1032-1035 [c46]Luciano Barreto, Antonio Celesti, Massimo Villari, Maria Fazio, Antonio Puliafito: Identity management in IoT Clouds: A FIWARE case of study. CNS 2015: 680-684 [c45]Davide Mulfari, Maria Fazio, Antonio Celesti, Massimo Villari, Antonio Puliafito: Design of an IoT Cloud System for Container Virtualization on Smart Objects. ESOCC Workshops 2015: 33-47 [c44]Alfonso Panarello, Antonio Celesti, Maria Fazio, Antonio Puliafito, Massimo Villari: A Federated System for MapReduce-Based Video Transcoding to Face the Future Massive Video-Selfie Sharing Trend. ESOCC Workshops 2015: 48-62 [c43]Simone Di Cola, Cuong M. Tran, Kung-Kiu Lau, Antonio Celesti, Maria Fazio: A Heterogeneous Approach for Developing Applications with FIWARE GEs. ESOCC 2015: 65-79 [c42]Philippe Massonet, Anna Levin, Antonio Celesti, Massimo Villari: Security Requirements in a Federated Cloud Networking Architecture. ESOCC Workshops 2015: 79-88 [c41]Maurizio Giacobbe, Maria Fazio, Antonio Celesti, Tindara Abbate, Massimo Villari: A Scientometric Analysis of Cloud Computing and QoE Literature to Design a Cloud Platform of Experience for Digital Business. ESOCC Workshops 2015: 276-288 [c40]Rafael Moreno-Vozmediano, Eduardo Huedo, Ignacio Martín Llorente, Rubén S. Montero, Philippe Massonet, Massimo Villari, Giovanni Merlino, Antonio Celesti, Anna Levin, Liran Schour, Constantino Vázquez, Jaime Melis, Stefan Spahr, Darren Whigham: BEACON: A Cloud Network Federation Framework. ESOCC Workshops 2015: 325-337 [c39]Antonio Celesti, Anna Levin, Philippe Massonet, Liran Schour, Massimo Villari: Federated Networking Services in Multiple OpenStack Clouds. ESOCC Workshops 2015: 338-352 [c38]Maria Fazio, Antonio Celesti, Massimo Villari, Antonio Puliafito: How to Enhance Cloud Architectures to Enable Cross-Federation: Towards Interoperable Storage Providers. IC2E 2015: 480-486 [c37]Maurizio Giacobbe, Antonio Celesti, Maria Fazio, Massimo Villari, Antonio Puliafito: An approach to reduce carbon dioxide emissions through virtual machine migrations in a sustainable cloud federation. SustainIT 2015: 1-4 [c36]Luciano Barreto, Antonio Celesti, Massimo Villari, Maria Fazio, Antonio Puliafito: Security and IoT Cloud Federation: Design of Authentication Schemes. IoT 360 (1) 2015: 337-346 [c35]Maurizio Giacobbe, Antonio Celesti, Maria Fazio, Massimo Villari, Antonio Puliafito: Evaluating a cloud federation ecosystem to reduce carbon footprint by moving computational resources. ISCC 2015: 99-104 [c34]Alfonso Panarello, Antonio Celesti, Maria Fazio, Antonio Puliafito, Massimo Villari: Costs of a federated and hybrid cloud environment aimed at MapReduce video transcoding. ISCC 2015: 258-263 [c33]Maria Fazio, Antonio Celesti, Fermín Galán Márquez, Alex Glikson, Massimo Villari: Exploiting the FIWARE cloud platform to develop a remote patient monitoring system. ISCC 2015: 264-270 [c32]Maurizio Giacobbe, Antonio Celesti, Maria Fazio, Massimo Villari, Antonio Puliafito: An approach to reduce energy costs through virtual machine migrations in cloud federation. ISCC 2015: 782-787 [c31]Maria Fazio, Antonio Celesti, Massimo Villari, Antonio Puliafito: The Need of a Hybrid Storage Approach for IoT in PaaS Cloud Federation. AINA Workshops 2014: 779-784 [c30]Davide Mulfari, Antonio Celesti, Maria Fazio, Massimo Villari, Antonio Puliafito: Using embedded systems to spread assistive technology on multiple devices in smart environments. BIBM 2014: 5-11 [c29]Alfonso Panarello, Antonio Celesti, Maria Fazio, Massimo Villari, Antonio Puliafito: A Requirements Analysis for IaaS Cloud Federation. CLOSER 2014: 584-589 [c28]Davide Mulfari, Antonio Celesti, Maria Fazio, Massimo Villari: An Approach to Evaluate Applications Running on Web-Based Remote Virtual Machines in Cloud Computing. ESOCC Workshops 2014: 106-117 [c27]Alfonso Panarello, Maria Fazio, Antonio Celesti, Antonio Puliafito, Massimo Villari: Cloud Federation to Elastically Increase MapReduce Processing Resources. Euro-Par Workshops (2) 2014: 97-108 [c26]Massimo Villari, Antonio Celesti, Maria Fazio, Antonio Puliafito: A Secure Self-Identification Mechanism for Enabling IoT Devices to Join Cloud Computing. IoT360 (2) 2014: 306-311 [c25]Davide Mulfari, Antonio Celesti, Maria Fazio, Massimo Villari: Human-Computer Interface Based on IoT Embedded Systems for Users with Disabilities. IoT360 (1) 2014: 376-383 [c24]Antonio Celesti, Maria Fazio, Antonio Puliafito, Massimo Villari: Automating the Hadoop configuration for easy setup in resilient cloud systems. ISCC 2014: 1-4 [c23]Maria Fazio, Antonio Celesti, Massimo Villari, Antonio Puliafito: Resource Management in Cloud Federation Using XMPP. NCA 2014: 67-70 [c22]Davide Mulfari, Antonio Celesti, Massimo Villari, Antonio Puliafito: Using Virtualization and noVNC to Support Assistive Technology in Cloud Computing. NCCA 2014: 125-132 [c21]Massimo Villari, Antonio Celesti, Maria Fazio, Antonio Puliafito: AllJoyn Lambda: An architecture for the management of smart environments in IoT. SMARTCOMP Workshops 2014: 9-14 [p1]Maria Fazio, Antonio Celesti, Antonio Puliafito, Massimo Villari:An Integrated System for Advanced Multi-risk Management Based on Cloud for IoT. Advances onto the Internet of Things 2014: 253-269 [j5]Antonio Celesti, Maria Fazio, Antonio Puliafito, Massimo Villari: Sensed Data Sharing in Cloud Federation for Advances in Health Information Exchange. Int. J. Meas. Technol. Instrum. Eng. 3(4): 36-50 (2013) [j4]Maria Fazio, Antonio Celesti, Antonio Puliafito, Massimo Villari: A Message Oriented Middleware for Cloud Computing To Improve Efficiency in Risk Management Systems. Scalable Comput. Pract. Exp. 14(4) (2013) [j3]Massimo Villari, Antonio Celesti, Maria Fazio, Antonio Puliafito: Evaluating a File Fragmentation System for Multi-Provider Cloud Storage. Scalable Comput. Pract. Exp. 14(4) (2013) [c20]Antonio Celesti, Antonio Puliafito, Francesco Tusa, Massimo Villari: Energy Sustainability in Cooperating Clouds. CLOSER 2013: 83-89 [c19]Maria Caltabiano, Grazia Salamone, Mariangela Puglisi, Benedetto Carroccio, Barbara Sisalli, Antonio Celesti, Andrea Nucita: DIANA: An approach to coin iconography according to time and space through digital maps. Digital Heritage (2) 2013: 413-416 [c18]Maria Fazio, Antonio Celesti, Massimo Villari: Design of a Message-Oriented Middleware for Cooperating Clouds. ESOCC Workshops 2013: 25-36 [c17]Massimo Villari, Antonio Celesti, Francesco Tusa, Antonio Puliafito: Data Reliability in Multi-provider Cloud Storage Service with RRNS. ESOCC Workshops 2013: 83-93 [c16]Antonio Celesti, Nicola Peditto, Fabio Verboso, Massimo Villari, Antonio Puliafito: DRACO PaaS: A Distributed Resilient Adaptable Cloud Oriented Platform. IPDPS Workshops 2013: 1490-1497 [c15]Antonio Celesti, Maria Fazio, Massimo Villari: SE CLEVER: A secure message oriented Middleware for Cloud federation. ISCC 2013: 35-40 [c14]Davide Mulfari, Antonio Celesti, Massimo Villari, Antonio Puliafito: Using Virtualization and Guacamole/VNC to Provide Adaptive User Interfaces to Disabled People in Cloud Computing. UIC/ATC 2013: 72-79 [c13]Davide Mulfari, Antonio Celesti, Antonio Puliafito, Massimo Villari: How cloud computing can support on-demand assistive services. W4A 2013: 27:1-27:4 [j2]Antonio Celesti, Maria Fazio, Massimo Villari, Antonio Puliafito: Virtual machine provisioning through satellite communications in federated Cloud environments. Future Gener. Comput. Syst. 28(1): 85-93 (2012) [c12]Massimo Villari, Francesco Tusa, Antonio Celesti, Antonio Puliafito: How to Federate VISION Clouds through SAML/Shibboleth Authentication. ESOCC 2012: 259-274 [c11]Antonio Celesti, Francesco Tusa, Massimo Villari, Antonio Puliafito: Integration of CLEVER clouds with third party software systems through a REST web service interface. ISCC 2012: 827-832 [c10]Antonio Celesti, Francesco Tusa, Massimo Villari, Antonio Puliafito: How the Dataweb Can Support Cloud Federation: Service Representation and Secure Data Exchange. NCCA 2012: 73-79 [j1]Antonio Celesti, Massimo Villari, Antonio Puliafito: An XRI naming system for dynamic and federated clouds: a performance analysis. J. Internet Serv. Appl. 2(3): 191-205 (2011) [c9]Francesco Tusa, Antonio Celesti, Maurizio Paone, Massimo Villari, Antonio Puliafito: How CLEVER-based clouds conceive horizontal and vertical federations. ISCC 2011: 167-172 [c8]Antonio Celesti, Angelo Salici, Massimo Villari, Antonio Puliafito: A Remote Attestation Approach for a Secure Virtual Machine Migration in Federated Cloud Environments. NCCA 2011: 99-106 [c7]Antonio Celesti, Francesco Tusa, Massimo Villari, Antonio Puliafito: An Approach to Enable Cloud Service Providers to Arrange IaaS, PaaS, and Saas Using External Virtualization Infrastructures. SERVICES 2011: 607-611 [c6]Francesco Tusa, Antonio Celesti, Rao Mikkilineni: AAA in a Cloud-Based Virtual DIME Network Architecture (DNA). WETICE 2011: 110-115 [c5]Antonio Celesti, Francesco Tusa, Massimo Villari, Antonio Puliafito: How to Enhance Cloud Architectures to Enable Cross-Federation. IEEE CLOUD 2010: 337-345 [c4]Antonio Celesti, Massimo Villari, Antonio Puliafito: A naming system applied to a RESERVOIR cloud. IAS 2010: 247-252 [c3]Antonio Celesti, Massimo Villari, Antonio Puliafito: Design of a cloud naming framework. Conf. Computing Frontiers 2010: 105-106 [c2]Antonio Celesti, Massimo Villari, Antonio Puliafito: Ecosystem of Cloud Naming Systems: An Approach for the Management and Integration of Independent Cloud Name Spaces. NCA 2010: 68-75 [c1]Antonio Celesti, Francesco Tusa, Massimo Villari, Antonio Puliafito: Security and Cloud Computing: InterCloud Identity Management Infrastructure. WETICE 2010: 263-265 |
- Contract Professor of “Basi di Dati II”, CdL in “Informatica [L-31]”, Dipartimento di Scienze Matematiche, Informatiche, Scienze Fisiche e Scienze della Terra.
- Contract Professor of “Basi di Dati II”, CdL in “Informatica [L-31]”, Dipartimento di Scienze Matematiche, Informatiche, Scienze Fisiche e Scienze della Terra.
- Contract Professor of “Basi di Dati II”, CdL in “Informatica [L-31]”, Dipartimento di Scienze Matematiche, Informatiche, Scienze Fisiche e Scienze della Terra.
- Contract Professor of “Basi di Dati II”, CdL in “Informatica [L-31]”, Dipartimento di Scienze Matematiche, Informatiche, Scienze Fisiche e Scienze della Terra.
- Contract Professor of “Bioingegneria Elettronica e Informatica”, CdL in “Ortottica ed Assistenza Oftalmologica [L/SNT2]”, Dipartimento di Scienze Biomediche, Odontoiatriche, e delle Immagini Morfologiche e Funzionali.
- Research activities within the European FP7 FrontierCities project (grant agreement no. 632853). FIWARE accelerator of the FI-PPP program, in the activity of technical support to SMEs. Partners: New Frontier Services (BE), EBN (BE), EnerGap (SI), University of Surray (UK), Engeneering SPA (IT), University of Messina (IT)).
- Technical Coach of the FIWARE FrontierCities European Industrial Accelerator within the FI-PPP program. Technical support for the technology transfer of projects: SHERLOCK - Company: Sherlok S.R.L .; On-demand and self-adaptive touristic scheduling mobility paths (ADAMO) - Company: Athens Technology Center S.A .; MUV - Company Phoops S.R.L .; Dynamic Parking Information (PARKANIZER) - Company: BT Skyrise; Smart App for Management of Yachting Marinas (SaMMY) - Company: OptionsNet; Social Commuting eXperience Platform (MVMANT) - Company: EDISONWEB S.R.L .; A novel software platform for smart hitchhiking (SMATHITCH) - Epoca S.R.L.
- Research activities within the European project Horizon 2020 BEACON (Partners: CETIC (BE), Complutense University of Madrid (ES), IBM Haifa Research Lab (IL), Flexiant (UK), Lufthansa Systems (DE), Open Nebula Systems (ES), University of Messina (IT)) on cloud federation networking activities.
- Research activities within the POR FESR project "Integrated System for Monitoring the Production of Electricity" (SIMONE)
- Research activity within the PON01_00683 SIGMA project in the management of integrated sensor systems in the Cloud Computing environment for environmental risk management.
- Contract Professor of “Cloud Computing” , Second Level Master in “Tecnico esperto di sistemi distribuiti e sviluppo di servizi avanzati per il trattamento dei dati”;
- Contract Professor of “Programmazione Parallela e Distribuita” , Master Livello II in “Tecnico esperto di sistemi distribuiti e sviluppo di servizi avanzati per il trattamento dei dati”;
- Contract Professor of “Fondamenti di Informatica” CdL in Biologia ed Ecologia Marina
- Contract Professor of “Abilità Informatiche” CdL in Scienze Biologiche
- Contract Professor of “Fondamenti di Informatica” CdL in Biologia ed Ecologia Marina
- Contract Professor of “Abilità Informatiche” CdL in Scienze Biologiche
- Contract Professor of "Sicurezza nei Sistemi", Master II° livello in "Open Source e Sicurezza Informatica"
- Contract Professor of “Open Source and Grid”, Master Livello II in “Open Source e Sicurezza Informatica”
- Workshop CHAIR – The 22nd IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Internet Computing, May 16-19, 2022, Taormina, Italy.
- Technical Program CHAIR - IEEE ICT Solutions for eHealth (ICTS4e- Health 2022), June 30 – July 3, Rhodes Island, Greece.
- Technical Program CHAIR/Speaker - IEEE ICT Solutions for eHealth (ICTS4e- Health 2021), 5-8 September 2021, Athens, Greece.
- TPC Member 6th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Internet of Things (CCIOT 2021), September, 22-24, 2021, Okinawa, Japan
- Technical Program CHAIR IEEE International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Healthcare (AI4eHealth 2020) in conjuction with IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM 2020), 8–10 December 2020 -Taipei, Taiwan.
- Technical Program CHAIR/Speaker - IEEE ICT Solutions for eHealth (ICTS4e- Health 2020), 7 June 2020 - Rennes, France.
- Track CHAIR- Track on Federation and Virtualization - The 8th IEEE International Conference on Future Internet of Things and Cloud (FiCloud 2020), 24-26 August 2020 in Rome, Italy.
- Invited Speaker - Talk dal titolo “Towards a federated cloud-based coin archive able to drive big data analytics and visualization in numismatics: the DIANA approach” - The 8th Joint Meeting of ECFN and 2019, Messina - May 2-4, 2019. # Technical Program CHAIR - IEEE ICT Solutions for eHealth (ICTS4e- Health 2019), 30 June 2019 - Barcelona, Spain.
- TPC Member - IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications, June 29 - July 2, 2019 - Barcelona, Spain.
- Technical Program CHAIR -First IEEE International Workshop on Emerging Cloud, IoT and Social Network Solutions for e-Health and Smart Cities (IEEE ECISeH 2018), Oct 18 - 20, 2018. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.
- TPC Member - 19th IEEE International Conference on Scalable Computing and Communications (ScalCom 2019), 19-23 Aug, 2019 – Leicester, UK.
- TPC Member - 4rd International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data e Security (IoTBDS 2019), 2-4 May, 2019 - Heraklion, Crete, Greece.
- Track CHAIR- Track on Federation and Virtualization - The 7th IEEE International Conference on Future Internet of Things and Cloud (FiCloud 2019), 26-28 August 2019 in Istanbul, Turkey.
- Invited Speaker - Workshop Agents Perspectives 2018 (AP 2018), Mediterranea University of Reggio Calabria, September 14, 2018 - Reggio Calabria, Italy.
- H2020 frontierCities2 Bootcamp 5, Berlin, Germany, July 4-5, 2018.
- H2020 frontierCities2 Bootcamp 3, Bruxelles, Belgium, January 26-27, 2018
- Speaker - International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Health - AI4Health 2018 19 - 21 January, 2018 - Funchal, Madeira, Portugal
- Keynote Speaker - Presentation of frontierCities2 - Another Level of Impact - Call, Messina, Italy, March 1st, 2017
- Keynote Speaker - ICT Innovation Day (Open Day) - co-located with IEEE-ISCC 2016, Messina, Italy, June 27, 2016
- Workshop Organizer/Speaker - First IEEE Workshop on ICT Solutions for eHealth (ICTS4eHealth 2015), Messina, Italy, June 27, 2016.
- Technical Program Committee Chair/Speaker - Twenty-First IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC 2016), Messina, Italy, June 27-30, 2016.
- Steering Committee Member/Speaker - EAI International Conference on Cloud, Networking for IoT systems, Rome, Italy, October 26-27, 2015.
- Workshops Co-Chair - European Conference on Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing (ESOCC 2015), Taormina, Messina, Italy, September 15-17, 2015.
- Steering Committee Member/Speacker - First International Workshop on Federated Cloud Networking (FedCloudNet), Taormina, Messina, Italy, September 15, 2015.
- Speaker - ASOAM 2015 - The 2015 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining ASONAM 2015, Paris, France, August 25-28, 2015.
- Speaker - IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineering (IC2E), Tempe, AZ, USA, March 9-12, 2015.
- Speaker – FrontierCities Bootcamp, July 5-7, 2015 - Brussels, Belgium.
- Speaker - 2nd World Symposium on Web Applications and Networking (WSWAN) , Port El Kantoui, Sousse, Tunisy, March 21-23, 2013.
- Speaker - Founders Cafè – Founding Call for Startups and Wannabe Entrepreneurs, Tel Aviv, Israel, Jenuary 8th, 2015.
- Speaker - FIWARE Accelerators: Smart Cities and Funding Opportunities for Start-UPs and SMEs, Bologna, Italy, December 4th, 2015.
- Speaker - FIWARE Accelerators: Smart Cities and Funding Opportunities for Start-UPs and SMEs, Messina, Italy, December 2nd 2015.
- Speaker - FIWARE Accelerators: Smart Cities and Funding Opportunities for Start-UPs and SMEs, Barcelona, Spain, January 19th, 2015.
- Speaker - FIWARE Accelerators: Smart Cities and Funding Opportunities for Start-UPs and SMEs, Lisbon, Portugal, February 5th, 2015.
- Speaker - EURO-PAR ’14 - Parallel Processing 20th International Conference – Porto, Portugal, August 25th, 2014.
- Speaker - NCCA’14 - The Second IEEE International Conference on Network Cloud Computing, Rome, Italy, February 5th-7th, 2014.
- Speaker - WCCIT’13 - World Congress on Computer and Information Technologies, Port El Kantoui, Sousse, Tunisy, June 22nd-24th, 2013.
- Speaker - NCCA’12 - The Second IEEE International Conference on Network Cloud Computing, Imperial College, London, United Kingdom, Decembre 3rd-4th, 2012.
- Speaker - IEEE International Conference on Network Cloud Computing (NCA'11), ISAE, Toulouse, France, November 21st-23rd, 2011.
- Speaker - Third International Conference on Evolving Internet" (INTERNET 2011), Luxembourg, June 19th-24th, 2011
- International Workshop "Future of Cloud Computing", Taormina, Messina, Italy, 2011
- Speaker - IEEE International Conference on Network Computing and Applications" (NCA'10), Boston, Massachusetts, USA, August 25th-27th, 2010.
- Speaker - ACM International Conference on "Computing Frontiers", Bertinoro (FC), Italy, May 17th-19th, 2010.
- Speaker - International "GII Doctoral Symposium", Cetraro (CS), Italy, September 19th, 2009.
- Young Researcher Project (under 40 years) funded by the Ministry of Health - Do Severe acquired brain injury patients benefit from Telerehabilitation? A Cost-effectiveness analysis study. Scientific responsibility of local unit - University of Messina. Coordination of research and development of the Cloud platform and techniques of artificial intelligence to support remote rehabilitation. From 06-12-2017 to today
- European Project H2020 frontierCities2 - FiTech - CASMOB – Cultura Aided Smart Mobility (grant agreement 732947-007). Principal Investigator - Alma Digit S.R.L. Coordination of research and development activities of the smart mobility platform with Cloud computing technology and Internet of Things (IoT). From 01-09-2017 to today.
- European Project FP7 FrontierCities - European Cities driving the Future Internet (grant agreement n.632853). Work Unit Manager relating to: 1) Work Package 2 - Deliverable Number D2.2.7 – Report on the Technology Implementation Experience; 2) "FIWARE technical coaching". From 01-07-2014 to 30-11-2015
- European Project H2020 BEACON - Enabling Federated Cloud Networking (grant agreement n.644048), University of Messina. Key Personnel of the Project. Head of Work Units concerning the Work Package 2 - Federated Cloud Networking Framework Architecture. From 01-02-2015 to 30-11-2015.
- POR FESR “Integrated system for monitoring the production of Electricity "(SIMONE), University of Messina. Responsible Work unit relating to Implementation Objective 2 (OR2) Study and design of a Cloud-based platform for the collection and the processing of data from dense sensor networks. From 01-09-2012 to 30-10-2014.
- FP7 VISION Cloud European Project (grant agreement n. 257019), University of Messina. Research collaborator of the Local Unit relating to the research activity concerning security in Cloud storage systems. From 01-10-2010 to 31-12-2013.
- FP7 Reservoir European Project - Resources and Services Virtualization without Barriers (grant agreement n.215605). Research collaborator of Local Unit related to the development of Cloud name spaces and mechanisms of information retrieval. From 02-01-2009 to 31-03-2011.
- Project PON01_00683 Integrated System for Multirisk Management Environmental (SIGMA), University of Messina. Collaborator research of the Local Unit relating to the development of the Cloud architecture support. From 01/09/2012 to 31/10/2014.
- Predisposition for team work for the design and implementation of IT projects.
- Ability to organize didactic courses in the IT field.
- Studio di Meccanismi Basati su Crittografia Omomorfica per la Gestione Sicura di Big Data nel Cloud, CdL in Informatica, Alessio Catalfamo (2018);
- Sviluppo di servizi per la mobilità intelligente di cittadini e turisti in ambito Smart Cities, CdL in Informatica, Francesco D’Andrea (2018);
- Valutazione di Algoritmi di Machine Learning in Ambito Social Network Sanitario, Giuseppe Venuto (2019);
- Sviluppo di Algoritmi Basati su Machine Learning Mediante NoSQL Graph Database in Ambito Telehealth, CdL in Informatica, Pietro Bertuccelli (2020);
- Sviluppo Di Un Social Network Sanitario Basato Su Database Nosql E Machine Learnig - Alessandro Consolo (2021);
- Algoritmi di Natural Language Processing Applicati all’Analisi di Pubblicazioni Scientifiche per l’Individuazione Intelligente di Gruppi Interdisciplinari di Ricerca – Gabriele Greco (2021);
- Studio di Tecniche di Cifratura Omomorfica per la Memorizzazione e il Processamento Sicuro di Dati Cloud – Cateno Gabriele D’Alì (2021);
- Adozione delle tecnologie Cloud computing, Internet of Things, Big Data e Intelligenza Artificiale nell’Industria 4.0 in Ambito Sanitario – Andrea Carollo (2021);
- Meccanismi di Transparent Data Encryption per Database Distribuiti in Ambito Edge Computing – Giuseppe Primerano (in progress);
- Tecniche di Big Data Analytics Applicate allo Studio del Genoma Umano, CdL in Informatica, Orazio Sapuppo (in progress);
- Argomento Provvisorio: Deep Learning per NLP per Persone con Disturbi nel Parlato - Davide Fazio (In progress);
- Argomento Provvisorio: Deep Learning con Graph DBMS - Emanuele Longo (in progress);
- Argomento Provvisorio:Bruno Giovanni - NLP in Ambito Bibliometrico (in progress);
- Argomento Provvisorio: Davide Allegra – Intelligenza Artificiale per l’Analisi dell’Odio nei Social Network (in progress).
- Realizzazione di un Archival Storage OAIS Basato su Cassandra per la Memorizzazione di Referti Clinici HL7 , CdL in Informatica, Andrea Riolo (2016);
- Jclouds API per OpenNebula, CdL in Ingegneria Informatica e delle Telecomunicazioni. Paolo Di Blasi (2016);
- Analisi Tassonomica delle Tecniche di Realizzazione di Interfacce Grafiche in Ambito SaaS, CdL in Ingegneria Elettronica e Informatica, Felice Sanò (2015).
- Cloud Computing e Storage Sicuro, CdL in Ingegneria Elettronica e Informatica, Marco Bontempo (2015);
- Meccanismi di supporto per la federazione tra domini Openstack indipendenti, CdL in Ingegneria Elettronica e Informatica, Graziano May (2015);
- Valutazione e sviluppo di algoritmi di smoke detection su sequenze video, Master II° Livello in Tecnico Esperto ii Sistemi Distribuiti e Sviluppo di Servizi Avanzati per il Trattamento dei Dati, Luca Saglimbeni (2015);
- Sviluppo di un Sistema Cloud per la Gestione di Big Data Atmosferici, Master II° Livello in Tecnico Esperto ii Sistemi Distribuiti e Sviluppo di Servizi Avanzati per il Trattamento dei Dati, Spiridine Simone (2015);
- Analysis of performances and testing of algorithms for Background Subtraction, Master II° Livello in Tecnico Esperto ii Sistemi Distribuiti e Sviluppo di Servizi Avanzati per il Trattamento dei Dati, Daniela Santuccio, 2015;
- Progettazoine e Gestione di un Database, Master II° Livello in Tecnico Esperto ii Sistemi Distribuiti e Sviluppo di Servizi Avanzati per il Trattamento dei Dati. Giuseppe Cambria, 2015;
- Stato dell’arte della federazione nel cloud computing, CdL in Ingegneria Elettronica e Informatica, Santi Bertè (2014);
- Meccanismi innovativi di affidabilità e sicurezza orientati al cloud storage, CdL in Ingegneria Elettronica e Informatica, Antonio Galletta (2013);
- Integrazione di filesystem distribuiti in un ambiente di cloud computing. CdL in Ingegneria Elettronica e Informatica, Giovanni Volpintesta (2013);
- Monitoraggio di risorse cloud nel middleware di livello IaaS Clever, Master II° LIVELLO in Open Source e Sicurezza Informatica. Peditto Nicola (2013);
- Gestione autonomica interna di un middleware distribuito per il cloud computing di livello PaaS. CdL in Magistrale in Ingegneria Informatica, Nicola Peditto (2013);
- Applicazione allo sviluppo dei sistemi di tecnologie Open Source, Master II° LIVELLO in Open Source e Sicurezza Informatica. Nadia D'Amore (2012);
- Metodologie di analisi applicate alla progettazione della sicurezza dei sistemi, Master II° LIVELLO in Open Source e Sicurezza Informatica. Genovese Francesco (2012);
- L'analisi e la messa in sicurezza di un sistema basato su VMware vSphere, Master II° LIVELLO in Open Source e Sicurezza Informatica. Mondello Rino (2012);
- Gestione dei servizi utente di una piattaforma distribuita per il cloud computing CdL in Magistrale in Ingegneria Informatica, Fabio Verboso (2012);
- Applicazione Di Meccanismi Di Sicurezza Con Crittografia Omomorfa Nel Cloud Computing, C.d.L. in Ingegneria Informatica e delle Telecomunicazioni (Laurea triennale D.M.509), Sergio Nuccio (2012).
- Estensione delle Funzionalità del Middleware CLEVER per il Supporto all'Installazione di Ambienti VISION Cloud. CdL in Ingegneria Elettronica e Informatica, Salvatore Sabato;
- Analisi ed estensione dei meccanismi di comunicazione, memorizzazione e virtualizzazione in CLEVER Cloud. CdL in Ingegneria Elettronica e Informatica, Roberto Bitto;
- Organizzazione Logica delle Risorse e Scambio Sicuro di Dati in Ambiente di Cloud Computing Federato Attraverso XDI. CdL in Ingegneria Elettronica e Informatica, Emanuele Giordano (2012);
- Implementazione di Meccanismi Web Service per Ambienti di Cloud Computing. CdL in Ingegneria Elettronica e Informatica, Marco Mirabile;
- Trusted Computing: Applicazione del Protocollo di Remote Attestation nel Cloud. CdL in Ingegneria Elettronica e Informatica, Salvatore Runci;
- Gestione Avanzata di Tecnologie di Virtualizzazione in Ambito Cloud Computing. CdL in Ingegneria Elettronica e Informatica, Alessio Di Pietro;
- Best paper award ”- The 10th IEEE International Conference on Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing (UIC-2013), Vietri sul Mare, Italy - December 21st, 2013.
- Best paper award at the Third International Conference on Evolving Internet (INTERNET 2011), Luxembourg - July 25th, 2012.
- Best paper award at the Second International Conference on Advances in Future Internet (AFIN), Venice, Italy - July 25th, 2011.
- Winner of the 2008 ERSU degree award
- Winner of ERSU scholarship for A.Y. 2003/04, 2004/05, 2005/06, 2006/07, 2007/08.
Date (from - to) | From November 2019 to Today | |||||
Occupation or position held | RTD-B SSD INF/01, Dipartimento di Matematica, Informatica, Fisica e Scienze della Terra (MIFT), Università degli Studi di Messina. | |||||
Main activities and responsibilities | Institutional Responsabilities – From April 28th, 2020 to today. Orientation Delegate of the Degree in Computer Science. – From 13 October 2020 to today. Member of the Commission for Research and the Third Departmental Mission (AQ-RDTM) of the MIFT Department. Teaching – Database, CdL in Informatica [L-31] – Data Analysis Study Programme, A.Y. 2021-2022. – Big Data, CdL in Engineering and Computer Science, A.Y. 2021-2022. – Basi di Dati NoSQL, CdL in Informatica [L-31], Dipartimento di Scienze Matematiche, Informatiche, Scienze Fisiche e Scienze della Terra (MIFT). A.Y. 2020-2021. – Basi di Dati 2, CdL in Informatica [L-31], Dipartimento di Scienze Matematiche, Informatiche, Scienze Fisiche e Scienze della Terra (MIFT). A.Y. 2019/2020. – Algoritmi e Strutture Dati, CdL in Informatica [L-31], Dipartimento di Scienze Matematiche, Informatiche, Scienze Fisiche e Scienze della Terra (MIFT). A.Y. 2020-2021. – Informatica, CdL in INFERMIERISTICA PEDIATRICA, Dipartimento di PATOLOGIA UMANA DELL’ADULTO E DELL’ETA’ EVOLUTIVA G.BARRESI. A.Y. 2019/2020; 2020-2021; 2021-2022. – INFORMATICA, CdL in Terapia della Neuro e Psicomotricità dell’Età Evolutiva, Dipartimento di PATOLOGIA UMANA DELL’ADULTO E DELL’ETA’ EVOLUTIVA G.BARRESI. A.Y. 2019/2020; 2020-2021; 2021-2022. – Informatica, CdL in OSTETRICIA, Dipartimento di PATOLOGIA UMANA DELL’ADULTO E DELL’ETA’ EVOLUTIVA G.BARRESI. A.Y. 2019/2020; 2020-2021. – Informatica, CdL in TECNICHE AUDIOPROTESICHE, Dipartimento di PATOLOGIA UMANA DELL’ADULTO E DELL’ETA’ EVOLUTIVA G.BARRESI. A.Y. 2019/2020; 2020-20211; 2021-2022. – Informatica, CdL in TECNICHE DI LABORATORIO BIOMEDICO, Dipartimento di SCIENZE BIOMEDICHE, ODONTOIATRICHE E DELLE IMMAGINI MORFOLOGICHE E FUNZIONALI. A.Y. 2019/2020; 2020-2021; 2021-2022. |
– Sistemi di Elaborazione, CdL in Tecniche di Radiologia Medica, per Immagini Radioterapia, Dipartimento di SCIENZE BIOMEDICHE, ODONTOIATRICHE E DELLE IMMAGINI MORFOLOGICHE E FUNZIONALI. A.Y. 2019/2020; 2020-2021. – INFORMATICA (Modulo I), CdL Magistrale in Scienze Riabilitative delle Professioni SanitarieDipartimento di PATOLOGIA UMANA DELL’ADULTO E DELL’ETA’ EVOLUTIVA G.BARRESI. A.Y. 2019/2020; 2020-2021; 2021-2022. – INFORMATICA (Modulo II), CdL Magistrale in Scienze Riabilitative delle Professioni SanitarieDipartimento di PATOLOGIA UMANA DELL’ADULTO E DELL’ETA’ EVOLUTIVA G.BARRESI. A.Y. 2019/2020; 2020-2021; 2021-2022. – Informatica, CdL Magistrale in SCIENZE DELLE PROFESSIONI SANITARIE TECNICHE DIAGNOSTICHE, Dipartimento di SCIENZE BIOMEDICHE, ODONTOIATRICHE E DELLE IMMAGINI MORFOLOGICHE E FUNZIONALI. A.Y. 2019/2020; 2020-2021; 2021-2022. |
Name and address of the employer | Università degli Studi di Messina | |||||
Type of activity or sector | Research, didactic, computer science | |||||
Date (from - to) | December 2015 – November 2019 | |||||
Occupation or position held | Technical / Scientific and Data Processing Personnel - Category D for an indefinite period | |||||
Main activities and responsibilities | -From April 2019 a November 2019. Responsible Unità of Staff Anagrafe e Valutazione della Ricerca. -From October 2018 a March2019. Deputy Responsible of U. Op. Anagrafe e Valutazione della Ricerca. -From December 2015 - September 2018. Operator of l’U. Op. Anagrafe e Monitoraggio della Ricerca. |
Name and address of the employer | Università degli Studi di Messina | |||||
Type of activity or sector | Research | |||||
Date (from - to) | January 2017 – December 2020 | |||||
Occupation or position held | Co-Founder and Member of the Scientific Board of the Spinoff of the University of Messina Alma Digit S.R.L. | |||||
Main activities and responsibilities | Development of ICT solutions oriented to cloud computing and the Internet of Things (IoT) | |||||
Name and address of the employer |
Alma Digit S.R.L. Contrada Di Dio 98158 Messina (ME) - ITALY |
Type of activity or sector | ICT | |||||
Date (from - to) | A.Y. 2018 - 2019 | |||||
Occupation or position held | Contract Professor | |||||
Main activities and responsibilities |
Name and address of the employer | Università degli Studi di Messina | |||||
Type of activity or sector | Didactic, Computer Science | |||||
Date (from - to) | A.Y. 2017 - 2018 | |||||
Occupation or position held | Contract Professor | |||||
Main activities and responsibilities |
Name and address of the employer | Università degli Studi di Messina | |||||
Type of activity or sector | Didactic, Computer Science | |||||
Date (from - to) | A.Y. 2016 - 2017 | |||||
Occupation or position held | Contract Professor | |||||
Main activities and responsibilities |
Name and address of the employer | Università degli Studi di Messina | |||||
Type of activity or sector | Didactic, Computer Science | |||||
Date (from - to) | A.Y. 2015-2016 | |||||
Occupation or position held | Contract Professor | |||||
Main activities and responsibilities |
Name and address of the employer | Università degli Studi di Messina | |||||
Type of activity or sector | Didactic, Computer Science | |||||
Date (from - to) | December 2014 – November 2015 | |||||
Occupation or position held | Assistant Researcher | |||||
Main activities and responsibilities |
Name and address of the employer | Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Informatica, Edile, Ambientale E Matematica Applicata (DICIEAMA), Università degli Studi di Messina |
Type of activity or sector | Research | |||||
Date (from - to) | June 2014 – July 2015 | |||||
Occupation or position held | Web Programmer Analyst | |||||
Main activities and responsibilities | Responsible for the design and development of the web platform "Le Scalinate dell 'Arte",, as part of the project "Le Scalinate dell'Arte" - Functional urban requalification of the stairways in the historic center of Messina for their use as containers of contemporary art referred to in Operational Objective 3.1.3, Line of Intervention 2. "Enhancement of architectural, urban and landscape contexts, connected to contemporary artistic activities" - Sicilian Region, POFSER Sicily 2007/2013, Axis III. | |||||
Name and address of the employer | Team Project Association, C.da Sorba Coop. Atenea n. 16, 98168, Messina | |||||
Type of activity or sector | ICT | |||||
Date (from - to) | 4 June 2014 – 13 April 2015 | |||||
Occupation or position held | Expert in Matter | |||||
Main activities and responsibilities | Member of the board of examinations SSD ING-INF / 05 - Information Processing Systems | |||||
Name and address of the employer | Università degli Studi eCampus | |||||
Type of activity or sector | Didactic, Computer Science | |||||
Date (from - to) | June 2014 – December 2014 | |||||
Occupation or position held | Web Programmer Analyst | |||||
Main activities and responsibilities | Owner of an occasional self-employment contract for the expansion of the DIANA Web portal for the diachronic and diatopic analysis of ancient coins (58,1pp: //, PRIN Project "Coins and Mediterranean Identity". | |||||
Name and address of the employer | Dipartimento di Civiltà Antiche e Moderne, Università degli Studi di Messina. | |||||
Type of activity or sector | Research ICT | |||||
Date (from - to) | October 2012 - October 2014 | |||||
Occupation or position held | Assistant Researcher | |||||
Main activities and responsibilities |
Name and address of the employer | Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Informatica, Edile, Ambientale E Matematica Applicata (DICIEAMA), Università degli Studi di Messina |
Type of activity or sector | Research ICT | |||||
Date (from - to) | October 2012 - | |||||
Occupation or position held | Analyst Programmer | |||||
Main activities and responsibilities | October 2012. Winner of an annual scholarship, as part of the research program on "intensive monitoring of hypoglycemic drugs for type II diabetes. Evaluation of adverse events " | |||||
Name and address of the employer | A.O.U. “G. Martino”, Dipartimento Clinico e Sperimentale di Medicina e Farmacologia, Università degli Studi di Messina | |||||
Type of activity or sector | ICT | |||||
Date (from - to) | A.Y. 2013-2014 | |||||
Occupation or position held | Contract Professor | |||||
Main activities and responsibilities |
Name and address of the employer | Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Informatica, Edile, Ambientale E Matematica Applicata (DICIEAMA), Università degli Studi di Messina | |||||
Type of activity or sector | Didactic, Computer Science | |||||
Date (from - to) | A.A 2013-2014 | |||||
Occupation or position held | Contract Professor | |||||
Main activities and responsibilities |
Name and address of the employer | Dipartimento di Scienze Biologiche ed Ambientali (DISBA), Università degli Studi di Messina | |||||
Type of activity or sector | Didactic, Computer Science | |||||
Date (from - to) | A.A 2012-2013 | |||||
Occupation or position held | Contract Professor | |||||
Main activities and responsibilities |
Name and address of the employer | Dipartimento di Scienze Biologiche ed Ambientali (DISBA), Università degli Studi di Messina | |||||
Type of activity or sector | Didactic, Computer Science | |||||
Date (from - to) | A.Y. 2012-2013 | |||||
Occupation or position held | Contract Professor | |||||
Main activities and responsibilities |
Name and address of the employer | Facoltà di Ingegneria, Università degli Studi di Messina | |||||
Type of activity or sector | Didactic, Computer Science | |||||
Date (from - to) | May 2012 a November 2012 | |||||
Occupation or position held | Web Programmer Analyst | |||||
Main activities and responsibilities | Holder of an occasional self-employment contract, for the design and development of a DIANA GIS web portal,, for the diachronic and diatopic analysis of ancient coins, PRIN 2009 Project "Monete e Mediterranean identity " |
Name and address of the employer | Dipartimento di Scienze dell' Antichità, Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia, Università degli Studi di Messina. | |||||
Type of activity or sector | Research, ICT | |||||
Date (from - to) | A.Y. 2012/2013 | |||||
Occupation or position held | Contract Professor. | |||||
Main activities and responsibilities | Contract Professor of "Sistemi Informatici ed ICT", Corso di Specilizzazione "Formazione sui Trasporti Eccezionali e Logistica di Progetto" (A.Y. 2011-2012) | |||||
Name and address of the employer | Dipartimento di Chimica Industriale e Ingegneria dei Materiali, Facoltà di Ingegneria, Università degli Studi di Messina | |||||
Type of activity or sector | Didactic, Computer Science | |||||
Date (from - to) | A.Y. 2011/2012 | |||||
Occupation or position held | Contract Professor | |||||
Main activities and responsibilities | Contract Professor of "Sicurezza nei Sistemi", Master II° livello in "Open Source e Sicurezza Informatica" | |||||
Name and address of the employer | Facoltà di Ingegneria, Università degli Studi di Messina | |||||
Type of activity or sector | Didactic, Computer Science | |||||
Date (from - to) | 2010 - 2012 | |||||
Occupation or position held | “CULTOR OF MATTER” SSD ING-INF05. |
Main activities and responsibilities | Member of the Examination Committee for "Processing Systems" |
Name and address of the employer | Facoltà di Ingegneria, Università degli Studi di Messina | |||||
Type of activity or sector | Didactic, Computer Science | |||||
Date (from - to) | A.Y. 2010 - 2011 | |||||
Occupation or position held | Contract Professor | |||||
Main activities and responsibilities | Tutor and Trainer for teaching the course of "Processing Systems", "Operating Systems and Computer Laboratory", "Fundamentals of Computer Science", "Calculators I" - Degree in Electronic and Computer Engineering Faculty of Engineering. | |||||
Name and address of the employer | Università degli Studi di Messina | |||||
Type of activity or sector | Didactic, Computer Science | |||||
Date (from - to) | A.Y. 2009 - 2010 | |||||
Occupation or position held | Personale Contract Professor | |||||
Main activities and responsibilities | Tutor and Trainer for teaching the "Computer Laboratory" course (Degree in Physics - Faculty of Sciences MM.FF.NN), "Computer Networks I", "Computer Networks II", "Network Security" (Degree in Computer Science - Faculty of Sciences MM.FF.NN). |
Name and address of the employer | Università degli Studi di Messina | |||||
Type of activity or sector | Didactic, Computer Science | |||||
Date (from - to) | A.Y. 2008 - 2009 | |||||
Occupation or position held | Personale Contract Professor, A.Y. 2008/2009 | |||||
Main activities and responsibilities | Tutor and Trainer for teaching the "Fundamentals of Computer Science II" course, (Degree in Electronic Engineering - Faculty of Engineering), "Computer Laboratory" (Degree in Engineering Computer Science and Telecommunications - Faculty of Engineering), "Computer Laboratory" (CdL classes 18 and L20 - Faculty of Education). |
Name and address of the employer | Università degli Studi di Messina | |||||
Type of activity or sector | Didactic, Computer Science | |||||
Date (from - to) | January 2009 - February 2012 | |||||
Occupation or position held | PhD student with scholarship in "Advanced Technologies for Information Engineering" | |||||
Main activities and responsibilities | Scientific research in the field of information engineering and cloud computing with particular attention to issues related to the design of algorithms and federation systems between clouds, migration of virtual machines in federated cloud environments, localization and logical organization of resources, security and identity management. Research within the European FP7 RESERVOIR project (Partners: IBM Haifa Research Lab, ORACLE, CETIC, SAP Research, THALES, Telefónica, University of Madrid, University College of London, University of Messina). Research within the European FP7 VISION Cloud project (Partners: IBM Haifa Research Lab, SAP Research, Telefónica Investigación y Desarrollo, Siemens AG (Berlin and Munich), Engineering, Institute of Communication and Computer Systems (ICCS), Deutsche Welle, RAI , Umeå University, The Storage Networking Industry Association (SNIA) Europe, Telenor, France Telecom Group, Swedish Institute of Computer Science (SICS), University of Messina.) For more details see "SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS" at the end of the CV. |
Name and address of the employer | Università degli Studi di Messina. | |||||
Type of activity or sector | ICT Ricerca | |||||
Date (from - to) | 12 February 2009 – 16 September 2014 | |||||
Occupation or position held | Contract Professor | |||||
Main activities and responsibilities | Didactics training courses Tools for individual productivity level I (2009); Individual Productivity Tools Level II (2009), Web Programming (2010), Tools for Individual Productivity Level I, ed. I (2011), Course Tools for Individual Productivity Level II ", ed. II (2011); Tools for Individual Productivity Level III", ed. I (2011); Excel Advanced ed II (2011); Advanced Access and I (2011); Advanced Lan Networks and II (2011); Web Programming and I (2011); Web programming ed II (2011); Tools for Individual Productivity ", ed. I (2012); Advanced Excel ed II (2012); Tools for Individual Productivity, ed. II (2012); Tools for Individual Productivity, ed. III (2012); Lan Networks Advanced ", ed. II (2012); The Joomla Contet Management System, ed. I (2012); Individual productivity tools, ed I (2013); Advanced Excel ed I (2014). | |||||
Name and address of the employer | Presidenza della Regione Siciliana. Dipartimento Regionale del Personale, dei Servizi Generali, di Quiescenza Previdenza ed Assistenza del Personale Area Interdipartimentale Formazione e Qualificazione Professionale del Personale Regionale - Viale Regione Siciliana, 2226 – 90135 PALERMO | |||||
Type of activity or sector | Didactic, Computer Science | |||||
Date (from - to) | School Year 2008/2009 | |||||
Occupation or position held | Contract Professor | |||||
Main activities and responsibilities | Contract Professor of Computer Science - PON project "FROM PEN TO COMPUTER" Contract Professor of Computer Science - PON project “PADRONEGGIO L’INFORMATICA” |
Name and address of the employer | ISTITUTO COMPRENSIVO “ S. D’ARRIGO” VENETICO Via Nazionale 239, Venetico Marina – 98040 Venetico (ME) |
Type of activity or sector | Didactic, Computer Science | |||||
Date (from - to) | School Year 2008/2009 | |||||
Occupation or position held | Contract Professor | |||||
Main activities and responsibilities | Contract Professor of “Impianti Fotovoltaici Greed-Connected”. | |||||
Name and address of the employer | Istituto di Istruzione Superiore "Pace del Mela" - Sede associata IPSIA "G. Ferraris" - via Garibaldi - 98042 Pace del Mela (Messina) | |||||
Type of activity or sector | Istruzione e formazione - Sistemi |
Date (from - to) | November 2008 | |||||
Occupation or position held | Programmer Analyst (Permanent employment hiring commitment) | |||||
Main activities and responsibilities | SOA application development at the Rome office of HP Italia. | |||||
Name and address of the employer | SQLink , via M. di Casalotto n. 101 Catania | |||||
Type of activity or sector | ICT |
Date (from - to) | March 2008 - June 2008 | |||||
Occupation or position held | Web Programmer Analyst | |||||
Main activities and responsibilities | Internship - Development of web applications for the calculation of human biorhythms with J2EE and JSF technologies |
Name and address of the employer | P&P Informatics s.a.s - Via Consolare Pompea, 1897 98165 Messina (ME) Italia | |||||
Type of activity or sector | ICT |
Date (from - to) | From June 2006 to September 2006 | |||||
Occupation or position held | Network Administrator | |||||
Main activities and responsibilities | Internship - Design and implementation of the University IPv6 network, coexisting with the IPv4 infrastructure, of the University of Messina between POP GARR, headquarters and scientific center of Papardo. | |||||
Name and address of the employer | CECUM “A. Villari” – Sezione GARR, Università degli Studi di Messina, P.zza Pugliatti n°1 98100 Messina | |||||
Type of activity or sector | ICT |
PROFESSIONAL ABILITATIONS | -In January 2019 he obtained the qualification to the profession of Engineer - IT sector. -National Scientific Qualification (ASN) for the role of 2nd Level University Professor - Competition Sector 01 / B1 - COMPUTER SCIENCE. Validity from 07/08/2018 to 07/08/2027. - National Scientific Qualification (ASN) for the role of University Professor of 1st Band - Competition Sector 01 / B1 - COMPUTER SCIENCE. Validity from 11/23/2020 to 11/23/2029. -National Scientific Qualification (ASN) for the role of 2nd Level University Professor - Competition Sector 09 / H1 - INFORMATION PROCESSING SYSTEMS. Validity from 30/03/2018 to 30/03/2027. -National Scientific Qualification (ASN) for the role of University Professor of 1st Band - Competition Sector 09 / H1 - INFORMATION PROCESSING SYSTEMS. Valid from 07/26/2018 to 07/26/2027. |
Date (from - to) | November 2014 - February 2016 | |||||
Title of qualification awarded | B2 English Certification | |||||
Main topics / professional skills possessed | Listening, writing, and speaking skills. | |||||
Name and type of organization providing education and training | Centro Linguistico d' Ateneo Messinese (CLAM), Università degli Studi di Messina | |||||
level in national or international classification | English B2 | |||||
Date (from - to) | January 2009 - February 2012 | |||||
Title of qualification awarded | PhD (XXIV Cycle) in Advanced Technologies for Information Engineering |
Main topics / professional skills possessed | I study distributed Cloud Computing systems with particular attention to issues related to modeling, migration and management of resources in federated environments. Thesis title: Security, Resource Provisioning, and Information Retrieval in Federated Cloud Computing |
Name and type of organization providing education and training | Università degli studi di Messina – Facoltà di Ingegneria – Dipartimento di Matematica | |||||
level in national or international classification | PhD |
Date (from - to) | June 2011 – July 2011 | |||||
Title of qualification awarded | Expert in “Service Oriented Computing” | |||||
Main topics / professional skills possessed | Conceptual Foundations of SOC, Computing in the clouds, People in Services, Emerging Topics in SOC. |
Name and type of organization providing education and training | S-Cube Summer School on "Service Oriented Computing", Hersonissos, Crete, Greece. Organized by "Transformation Services Laboratory (TSL) - University of Crete", "the Erasmus Mundus International Master on Service Engineering (IMSE)" and by "S-Cube, The European Network of Excellence in Software Services and Systems". |
level in national or international classification | International Doctoral School | |||||
Score | 30/30 | |||||
Date (from - to) | 7 September 2009 – 19 September 2009 | |||||
Title of qualification awarded | Expert in “Advanced Database” | |||||
Main topics / professional skills possessed | “Data exchange and integration”, “Data privacy and security”, “Knowledge discovery in databases”, “Relational databases logic and complexity”, “Foundations of XML”, “Stream databases”, “Uncertain and probabilistic database”. |
Name and type of organization providing education and training | Gruppo Italiano di Ingegneria Informatica (GII), l’Università degli Studi della Calabria |
level in national or international classification | International Doctoral School | |||||
Score | 30/30 | |||||
Date (from - to) | October 2006 -July 2008 | |||||
Title of qualification awarded | Master's Degree in Computer Science | |||||
Main topics / professional skills possessed | Design of optimized algorithms, design and development of websites, applications and web services, parallel software design and development, programming in Java and .Net environments in the web, desktop and mobile fields, network operating systems (linux, windows server 2003), network security techniques, communication network architecture, extensive knowledge of analysis, algebra and mathematical logic with the ability to solve and simulate complex problems using various tools including Marlab. Thesis title: "Extension of a legacy application for hotel booking using J2EE and Web Service". |
Name and type of organization providing education and training | Università degli studi di Messina - Facoltà di Scienze MM.FF.NN. | |||||
level in national or international classification | Master's Degree |
Score | 110/110 with honors |
Date (from - to) | February 2008 - June 2008 | |||||
Title of qualification awarded | Training Stage Certificate lasting 120 hours | |||||
Main topics / professional skills possessed | UML design, Java2 Enterprise Edition application development, Java Server Pages, Java Server Faces. | |||||
Name and type of organization providing education and training | P&P Informatics s.a.s - Via Consolare Pompea, 1897 98165 Messina (ME) Italia |
Date (from - to) | April 2007 - June 2007 | |||||
Title of qualification awarded | Cisco Network Security II Certification | |||||
Main topics / professional skills possessed | Computer Network Security | |||||
Name and type of organization providing education and training | Università degli Studi di Messina |
Date (from - to) | Da January 2007 a May 2007 | |||||
Title of qualification awarded | Cisco Network Security I certification | |||||
Main topics / professional skills possessed | Computer Network Security | |||||
Name and type of organization providing education and training | Università degli Studi di Messina |
Date (from - to) | October 2003 - October 2006 | |||||
Title of qualification awarded | Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science, "Distributed Systems and Computer Networks" | |||||
Main topics / professional skills possessed | Computer architecture, design of algorithms and data structures, design of algorithms for computer security, various programming languages, design and implementation of relational databases, operating systems, design of computer networks from the physical to the application level, law of 'Informatics. Extensive knowledge of mathematical disciplines with the ability to solve complex problems. Various knowledge of classical and modern physics, physics of electronic devices and electronics of digital systems. Thesis title: "Design of an IPv6 network coexisting with an IPv4 infrastructure". | |||||
Name and type of organization providing education and training | Università degli studi di Messina - Facoltà di Scienze MM.FF.NN. | |||||
level in national or international classification | Bachelor’s Degree | |||||
Score | 110/110 |
Date (from - to) | June 2006 - September 2006 | |||||
Occupation or position held | Training Stage Certificate lasting 60 hours | |||||
Main activities and responsibilities | IPv6 networks, addressing, self-configuration mechanisms, tunneling, routing, access control policies | |||||
Name and address of the employer | CECUM “A. Villari” – Sezione GARR P.zza Pugliatti n°1 98100 Messina | |||||
Type of activity or sector | ICT |
Date (from - to) | December 2005 - February 2006 | |||||
Title of qualification awarded | Cisco CCNA Certification | |||||
Main topics / professional skills possessed | WAN Technologies | |||||
Name and type of organization providing education and training | Università degli Studi di Messina |
Date (from - to) | Da September 2005 a December 2005 | |||||
Title of qualification awarded | Cisco CCNA 3 Certification | |||||
Main topics / professional skills possessed | Switching Basics and Intermediate Routing | |||||
Name and type of organization providing education and training | Università degli Studi di Messina |
Date (from - to) | Da September 2004 - December 2004 | |||||
Title of qualification awarded | Cisco CCNA 2 - Certification | |||||
Main topics / professional skills possessed | Routers and Routing Basics | |||||
Name and type of organization providing education and training | Università degli Studi di Messina |
Date (from - to) | February 2004 - May 2004 | |||||
Title of qualification awarded | Cisco CCNA 1 Certification | |||||
Main topics / professional skills possessed | Networking Basics | |||||
Name and type of organization providing education and training | Università degli Studi di Messina |
Date (from - to) | September 1998 - July 2003 | |||||
Title of qualification awarded | Industrial Expert Chief Technician Specialization in IT | |||||
Main topics / professional skills possessed | Programming (C, C ++, Java), database and SQL, electronics, communication systems. | |||||
Name and type of organization providing education and training | I.T.I Verona Trento - Messina |
level in national or international classification | High school diploma |
Score | 88/100 |
Date (from - to) | September 2002 - May 2003 | |||||
Title of qualification awarded | ECDL Certification | |||||
Main topics / professional skills possessed | Computer Architecture, File Management, Word, Excel, Access, Powerpoint, Internet and Electronic Mail | |||||
Name and type of organization providing education and training | ITI Verona Trento, Messina |
Mother tongue | Italian | |||||
Other language | English | |||||
Self evaluation | Speaking | Written | ||||
European level (*) | Reading | Oral Interaction | Oral Production | Good |
Language | Good | Good | Good | |||
(*) Common European framework of reference for languages | ||||||
Relational skills and competences | They have always taught me to take into consideration values such as loyalty, honesty, fairness and humility, which are fundamental in social, interpersonal and working relationships. Strong communication and cooperation skills in the workplace and not. |
Organizational skills |
Experiences in Committees, Conferences, Books and International Magazines | Activities in International Scientific Committees of Journals: Associate Editor - Elsevier Journal of Computer Network Applications (ISSN: 1084-8045, SCOPUS SJR 0.903 (2018), WoS IF 5.273 (2018). From April 2019 to December 2021; Guest Editor - IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics (ISSN: 2168-2208, SCOPUS SJR 1.306 (2019), WoS IF 5.223 (2019)), Special Issue on "Enabling Technologies for Next Generation Telehealthcare". Da April 2020 ad oggi; Associate Editor - Sensors (ISSN: 1424-3210, SCOPUS SJR 0.592 (2018), WoS IF 3.031 (2018)). Da 2020 a oggi; Associate Editor - Electronics (ISSN: 2079-9292, SCOPUS SJR 0.461 (2018), WoS IF 1.764 (2017)). 2019 a oggi; Associate Editor - Journal of Sensor and Actuator Networks (ISSN: 2224- 2708, SCOPUS SJR upcoming (2018), WoS IF upcoming (2018)). Da 2019 a oggi; Guest Editor - IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics (ISSN 1551-3203, SCOPUS, ISI 2016 IF 6.764). Special Issue on “Cloud Computing, Edge Computing, Internet of Things and Big Data Analytics Applications for Healthcare Industry 4.0”; Lead Guest Editor - Journal of Computer Network Applications (ISSN: 1084-8045, (SCOPUS, ISI IF 3.500), Special Issue on `”Emerging Networked Computer Applications for Telemedicine (2017); Guest Editor - Mobile Information Systems (ISSN: 1574017X , SCOPUS, ISI IF 0.849), Special Issue on Machine Learning and Data Mining for Health Data Processing and Analysis (2017); Guest Editor - International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks (ISSN 1550-1477, SCOPUS, ISI IF 1.239), Special Issue on “Leveraging the Internet of Things: Integration of Sensors and Cloud Computing Systems”; Guest Editor - Big Data and Cognitive Computing (ISSN 2504-2289); Editorial Board Member - EAI Endorsed Transactions on Cloud Systems. ISSN: 2410-6895; Editorial Board Member – EIA Endorsed Transactions on Smart Cities; Editorial Board Member - International Journal of Internet of Things and Big Data (IJITBD); Conferences: TPC Member - 2nd EAI International Conference on ICT Infrastructures and Services for Smart Cities (2017); Technical Program Chair of the IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC) (2016, 2017); Co-Chair of the First IEEE Workshop on ICT Solutions for eHealth (ICTS4eHealth) (2016, 2017); Track Chair and TPC member- The 5th International Conference on Future Internet of Things and Cloud (FiCloud 2017); TPC member - International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security (IoTBDS 2017); TPC Member - International Workshop on Energy-Awareness and Big Data Management in Information Systems (EnBIS2016); Workshops Chair - European Conference on Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing (ESOCC) (2015); Steering Commettee Member - Cloud Computing and Networking for Internet of Things (CN4IoT 2015, 2017); TPC Member - 2nd International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data e Security (TBDS 2017); TPC Member - International Conference on Evolving Internet (INTERNET) (2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016); TPC Member - International Workshop on Cloud for IoT (CLIoT) (2013, 2014, 2015, 2016); TCP Member IEEE International Workshop on Sensors and Smart Cities (SSC 2016) (2015. 2016);TCP Member - 1st International Workshop on Federated Cloud Networking (FedCloudNet) (2015); TPC Member - IEEE CrossCloud (2014); TPC Member - IEEE CrossCloud Brokers ’14 (2014); TCP Member - The 8th International Conference on P2P, Parallel, Grid, Cloud and Internet Computing (3PGCIC) (2013). Scientific Reviewer activity Journals: IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management (2022), IEEE Transactions on Multi-Scale Computing Systems (2017); Future Generation Computing Systems (2017); Journal of Cleaner Production (2017); SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences (2017); Information & Management (2017); International Journal of Systems, Control and Communications (IJSCC 2017); IEEE Access Journal (2016); ACM Transactions on Storage (2016), Journal of Grid Computing (2016), Journal of Sensors (2016, 2017); Journal of Network and Computer Applications (JNCA 2017); IEEE Transaction on Dependable Secure Computing (2012, 2013, 2014, 2015); IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (2014); Computer Network (2014); International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks (2014, 2015); The Scientific World Journal, (2014, 2015); Journal of Internet Services and Applications (2011); Journal of Convergence Information Technology (2011); Conferences: 2nd EAI International Conference on ICT Infrastructures and Services for Smart Cities (2017); IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC) (2016, 2017); IEEE Workshop on ICT Solutions for eHealth (ICTS4eHealth 2016, 2017); International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security (IoTBDS 2017); International Conference of Distributed Computing and Networking (ICDCM 2017) International Conference on Future Internet of Things and Cloud (FiCloud 2017); International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security (IoTBDS 2017); International Workshop on Energy-Awareness and Big Data Management in Information Systems (EnBIS2016); European Conference on Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing (ESOCC 2015); International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data e Security (TBDS 2017); Cloud Computing and Networking for Internet of Things (CN4IoT 2015, 2016); International Conference on Evolving Internet (INTERNET) (2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017); International Workshop on Federated Cloud Networking (2015); IEEE/ACM, 2014 7th International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing (2014); International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER) (2013, 2014); Journal on Greed Computing (2013); IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) (2013); IEEE Workshop on Dependable Parallel, Distributed and Network-Centric Systems (DPDNS), 2013; Book Achieving Federated and Self-Manageable Cloud Infrastructures: Theory and Practice (2011); International Conference on Cloud and Service Computing (2011); IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communication (2011); International Conference on Intelligent Computing (2009). |
Student Supervision | Supervisor of the following Degree Theses in Computer Science:
Supervisor of the following 2nd Level Master's Theses in Computer Science: Valutazione e sviluppo di algoritmi di smoke detection su sequenze video, Master II Livello in Tecnico Esperto in Sistemi Distribuiti e Sviluppo di Servizi Avanzati per il Trattamento dei Dati, Luca Saglimbeni (2015); Sviluppo di un Sistema Cloud per la Gestione di Big Data Atmosferici, Master II Livello in Tecnico Esperto in Sistemi Distribuiti e Sviluppo di Servizi Avanzati per il Trattamento dei Dati, Spiridine Simone (2015); Analysis of performances and testing of algorithms for Background Subtraction, Master II Livello in Tecnico Esperto in Sistemi Distribuiti e Sviluppo di Servizi Avanzati per il Trattamento dei Dati, Daniela Santuccio, 2015; Progettazoine e Gestione di un Database, Master II Livello in Tecnico Esperto in Sistemi Distribuiti e Sviluppo di Servizi Avanzati per il Trattamento dei Dati. Giuseppe Cambria, 2015; Monitoraggio di risorse cloud nel middleware di livello IaaS Clever, Master II LIVELLO in Open Source e Sicurezza Informatica. Peditto Nicola (2013); Gestione autonomica interna di un middleware distribuito per il cloud computing di livello PaaS. CdL in Magistrale in Ingegneria Informatica, Nicola Peditto (2013); Applicazione allo sviluppo dei sistemi di tecnologie Open Source, Master II LIVELLO in Open Source e Sicurezza Informatica. Nadia D’Amore (2012); Metodologie di analisi applicate alla progettazione della sicurezza dei sistemi, Master II LIVELLO in Open Source e Sicurezza Informatica. Genovese Francesco (2012); L’analisi e la messa in sicurezza di un sistema basato su VMware vSphere, Master II LIVELLO in Open Source e Sicurezza Informatica. Mondello Rino (2012). Co-supervisor of the following degree theses in Computer Science: |
MAIN SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS | [J42 ]Ruggeri, A., Celesti, A., Fazio, M., Villari, M. An Innovative Blockchain-Based Orchestrator for Osmotic Computing (2022) Journal of Grid Computing, 20 (1), art. no. 2, . [J41] Sicari, C., Galletta, A., Celesti, A., Fazio, M., Villari, M. An Osmotic Computing Enabled Domain Naming System (OCE-DNS) for distributed service relocation between cloud and edge (2021) Computers and Electrical Engineering, 96, art. no. 107578, . [J40] Lay-Ekuakille, A., Chiffi, C., Celesti, A., Rahman, M.Z.U., Singh, S.P. Infrared Monitoring of Oxygenation Process Generated by Robotic Verticalization in Bedridden People (2021) IEEE Sensors Journal, 21 (13), art. no. 9386150, pp. 14426-14433. [J39] Fazio, M., Buzachis, A., Galletta, A., Celesti, A., Wan, J., Longo, A., Villari, M. A Map-Reduce Approach for the Dijkstra Algorithm in SDN Over Osmotic Computing Systems (2021) International Journal of Parallel Programming, 49 (3), pp. 347-375. [J38] Buzachis, A., Celesti, A., Galletta, A., Wan, J., Fazio, M. Evaluating an Application Aware Distributed Dijkstra Shortest Path Algorithm in Hybrid Cloud/Edge Environments (2021) IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing. [j37]Maria Fazio, Alina Buzachis, Antonino Galletta, Antonio Celesti, Jiafu Wan, Antonella Longo, Massimo Villari: A Map-Reduce Approach for the Dijkstra Algorithm in SDN Over Osmotic Computing Systems. Int. J. Parallel Program. 49(3): 347-375 (2021) [c106]Antonino Galletta, Christian Sicari, Antonio Celesti, Massimo Villari: OCE-DNS: an innovative Osmotic Computing Enabled Domain Name System. CCGRID 2021: 642-648 [c105]Francesco Martella, Giovanni Parrino, Giuseppe Ciulla, Roberto Di Bernardo, Antonio Celesti, Maria Fazio, Massimo Villari: Virtual Device Model extending NGSI-LD for FaaS at the Edge. CCGRID 2021: 660-667 [c104]Valeria Lukaj, Francesco Martella, Maria Fazio, Antonio Celesti, Massimo Villari: Trusted Ecosystem for IoT Service Provisioning Based on Brokering. CCGRID 2021: 746-753 2020 [j36]Lorenzo Carnevale, Antonio Celesti, Giacomo Fiumara, Antonino Galletta, Massimo Villari: Investigating classification supervised learning approaches for the identification of critical patients' posts in a healthcare social network. Appl. Soft Comput. 90: 106155 (2020) [j35]Lorenzo Carnevale, Antonio Celesti, Maria Fazio, Massimo Villari: A Big Data Analytics Approach for the Development of Advanced Cardiology Applications. Inf. 11(2): 60 (2020) [j34]Alina Buzachis, Antonio Celesti, Antonino Galletta, Maria Fazio, Giancarlo Fortino, Massimo Villari: A multi-agent autonomous intersection management (MA-AIM) system for smart cities leveraging edge-of-things and Blockchain. Inf. Sci. 522: 148-163 (2020) [j33]Alfonso Panarello, Antonio Celesti, Maria Fazio, Antonio Puliafito, Massimo Villari: A big video data transcoding service for social media over federated clouds. Multim. Tools Appl. 79(13-14): 9037-9061 (2020) [j32]Jiafu Wan, Jiapeng Li, Qingsong Hua, Antonio Celesti, Zhongren Wang: Intelligent equipment design assisted by Cognitive Internet of Things and industrial big data. Neural Comput. Appl. 32(9): 4463-4472 (2020) [j31]Antonio Celesti, Armando Ruggeri, Maria Fazio, Antonino Galletta, Massimo Villari, Agata Romano: Blockchain-Based Healthcare Workflow for Tele-Medical Laboratory in Federated Hospital IoT Clouds. Sensors 20(9): 2590 (2020) [c103]Maria Fazio, Antonio Celesti, Massimo Villari: Improving Proximity Detection of Mesh Beacons at the Edge for Indoor and Outdoor Navigation. CAMAD 2020: 1-6 [c102]Antonino Galletta, Maria Fazio, Antonio Celesti, Massimo Villari: Verifiable Secret Share for file storage with cheater identification. CCGRID 2020: 788-793 [c101]Armando Ruggeri, Maria Fazio, Antonio Celesti, Massimo Villari: Blockchain-Based Healthcare Workflows in Federated Hospital Clouds. ESOCC 2020: 113-121 [c100]Antonio Celesti, Fabrizio Celesti, Maria Fazio, Massimo Villari: Improving Tele-Rehabilitation Therapy Through Machine Learning with a NoSQL Graph DBMS Approach. GLOBECOM (Workshops) 2020: 1-6 [c99]Rosa Di Salvo, Maria Fazio, Antonio Celesti, Domenico Santoro, Massimo Villari: Mathematical Model and AI Oriented Analysis for Self-Regulated Learning in Remote Health Treatments. GLOBECOM (Workshops) 2020: 1-6 [c98]Antonio Celesti, Fabrizio Celesti, Antonino Galletta, Maria Fazio, Massimo Villari: Improving Machine Learning Algorithm Processing Time in Tele-Rehabilization Through a NoSQL Graph Database Approach: A Preliminary Study. ISCC 2020: 1-6 [c97]Maria Fazio, Alina Buzachis, Antonino Galletta, Antonio Celesti, Massimo Villari: A proximity-based indoor navigation system tackling the COVID-19 social distancing measures. ISCC 2020: 1-6 [c96]Antonino Galletta, Maria Fazio, Antonio Celesti, Massimo Villari: On the Applicability of Secret Share Algorithms for Osmotic Computing. ISCC 2020: 1-6 [c95]Armando Ruggeri, Maria Fazio, Antonino Galletta, Antonio Celesti, Massimo Villari: A Decision Support System for Therapy Prescription in a Hospital Centre. ISCC 2020: 1-4 [c94]Armando Ruggeri, Antonio Celesti, Maria Fazio, Antonino Galletta, Massimo Villari: BCB-X3DH: a Blockchain Based Improved Version of the Extended Triple Diffie-Hellman Protocol. TPS-ISA 2020: 73-78 [j30]Antonio Celesti, Antonino Galletta, Maria Fazio, Massimo Villari: Towards Hybrid Multi-Cloud Storage Systems: Understanding How to Perform Data Transfer. Big Data Res. 16: 1-17 (2019) [j29]Antonio Celesti, Maria Fazio, Antonino Galletta, Lorenzo Carnevale, Jiafu Wan, Massimo Villari: An approach for the secure management of hybrid cloud-edge environments. Future Gener. Comput. Syst. 90: 1-19 (2019) [j28]Antonio Celesti, Davide Mulfari, Antonino Galletta, Maria Fazio, Lorenzo Carnevale, Massimo Villari: A study on container virtualization for guarantee quality of service in Cloud-of-Things. Future Gener. Comput. Syst. 99: 356-364 (2019) [j27]Antonio Celesti, Maria Fazio, Massimo Villari: A Study on Join Operations in MongoDB Preserving Collections Data Models for Future Internet Applications. Future Internet 11(4): 83 (2019) [j26]Lorenzo Carnevale, Antonio Celesti, Antonino Galletta, Schahram Dustdar, Massimo Villari: Osmotic computing as a distributed multi-agent system: The Body Area Network scenario. Internet Things 5: 130-139 (2019) [j25]Lorenzo Carnevale, Rocco Salvatore Calabrò, Antonio Celesti, Antonino Leo, Maria Fazio, Placido Bramanti, Massimo Villari: Toward Improving Robotic-Assisted Gait Training: Can Big Data Analysis Help Us? IEEE Internet Things J. 6(2): 1419-1426 (2019) [j24]Antonio Celesti, Antoine B. Bagula, Ivanoe De Falco, Pedro Brandão, Giovanna Sannino: Emerging Networked Computer Applications for Telemedicine. J. Netw. Comput. Appl. 130: 104-106 (2019) [j23]Antonio Celesti, Maria Fazio: A framework for real-time end to end monitoring and big data-oriented management of smart environments. J. Parallel Distributed Comput. 132: 262-273 (2019) [j22]Antonio Celesti, Maria Fazio, Fermín Galán Márquez, Alex Glikson, Hope Mauwa, Antoine B. Bagula, Fabrizio Celesti, Massimo Villari: How to Develop IoT Cloud e-Health Systems Based on FIWARE: A Lesson Learnt. J. Sens. Actuator Networks 8(1): 7 (2019) [j21]Giovanna Sannino, Nizar Bouguila, Giuseppe De Pietro, Antonio Celesti: Artificial Intelligence for Mobile Health Data Analysis and Processing. Mob. Inf. Syst. 2019: 2673463:1-2673463:2 (2019) [j20]Antonio Celesti, Oliver Amft, Massimo Villari: Guest Editorial Special Section on Cloud Computing, Edge Computing, Internet of Things, and Big Data Analytics Applications for Healthcare Industry 4.0. IEEE Trans. Ind. Informatics 15(1): 454-456 (2019) [j19]Xiaomin Li, Jiafu Wan, Hong-Ning Dai, Muhammad Imran, Min Xia, Antonio Celesti: A Hybrid Computing Solution and Resource Scheduling Strategy for Edge Computing in Smart Manufacturing. IEEE Trans. Ind. Informatics 15(7): 4225-4234 (2019) [c93]Alina Buzachis, Maria Fazio, Antonino Galletta, Antonio Celesti, Massimo Villari: Intelligent IoT for Non-Intrusive Appliance Load Monitoring Infrastructures in Smart Cities. AI&IoT@AI*IA 2019: 97-106 [c92]Alina Buzachis, Maria Fazio, Antonino Galletta, Antonio Celesti, Massimo Villari: Infrastructureless IoT-as-a-Service for Public Safety and Disaster Response. FiCloud 2019: 133-140 [c91]Aniket Anand, Antonino Galletta, Antonio Celesti, Maria Fazio, Massimo Villari: A secure inter-domain communication for IoT devices. IC2E 2019: 235-240 [c90]Alina Buzachis, Antonino Galletta, Antonio Celesti, Maria Fazio, Massimo Villari: Development of a Smart Metering Microservice Based on Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) for Edge/Internet of Things Environments. ICFEC 2019: 1-6 [c89]Alina Buzachis, Maria Fazio, Antonio Celesti, Massimo Villari: Osmotic Flow Deployment Leveraging FaaS Capabilities. IDCS 2019: 391-401 [c88]Alina Buzachis, Antonio Celesti, Maria Fazio, Massimo Villari: On the Design of a Blockchain-as-a-Service-Based Health Information Exchange (BaaS-HIE) System for Patient Monitoring. ISCC 2019: 1-6 [c87]Alina Buzachis, Antonino Galletta, Antonio Celesti, Lorenzo Carnevale, Massimo Villari: Towards Osmotic Computing: a Blue-Green Strategy for the Fast Re-Deployment of Microservices. ISCC 2019: 1-6 [c86]Antonio Celesti, Antonino Galletta, Fabrizio Celesti, Maria Fazio, Massimo Villari: Using Machine Learning to Study Flu Vaccines Opinions of Twitter Users. ISCC 2019: 1103-1106 [c85]Fabrizio Celesti, Antonio Celesti, Antonino Galletta, Maria Fazio, Massimo Villari: optimizing the Research of DNA Sequences in a NoSQL Document Database: A Preliminary Study. ISCC 2019: 1153-1158 [j18]Antonino Galletta, Lorenzo Carnevale, Antonio Celesti, Maria Fazio, Massimo Villari: A Cloud-Based System for Improving Retention Marketing Loyalty Programs in Industry 4.0: A Study on Big Data Storage Implications. IEEE Access 6: 5485-5492 (2018) [j17]Lorenzo Carnevale, Antonio Celesti, Maria Di Pietro, Antonino Galletta: How to Conceive Future Mobility Services in Smart Cities According to the FIWARE frontierCities Experience. IEEE Cloud Comput. 5(5): 25-36 (2018) [j16]Baotong Chen, Jiafu Wan, Antonio Celesti, Di Li, Haider Abbas, Qin Zhang: Edge Computing in IoT-Based Manufacturing. IEEE Commun. Mag. 56(9): 103-109 (2018) [j15]Antonio Celesti, Maria Fazio, Agata Romano, Alessia Bramanti, Placido Bramanti, Massimo Villari: An OAIS-Based Hospital Information System on the Cloud: Analysis of a NoSQL Column-Oriented Approach. IEEE J. Biomed. Health Informatics 22(3): 912-918 (2018) [c84]Lorenzo Carnevale, Antonio Celesti, Antonino Galletta, Schahram Dustdar, Massimo Villari: From the Cloud to Edge and IoT: a Smart Orchestration Architecture for Enabling Osmotic Computing. AINA Workshops 2018: 419-424 [c83]Giacomo Fiumara, Antonio Celesti, Antonino Galletta, Lorenzo Carnevale, Massimo Villari: Applying Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare Social Networks to Identity Critical Issues in Patients' Posts. HEALTHINF 2018: 680-687 [c82]Antonino Galletta, Alfredo Cuzzocrea, Antonio Celesti, Maria Fazio, Massimo Villari: A Scalable Cloud-Edge Computing Framework for Supporting Device-Adaptive Big Media Provisioning. CCGrid 2018: 669-674 [c81]Lorenzo Carnevale, Antonino Galletta, Maria Fazio, Antonio Celesti, Massimo Villari: Designing a FIWARE Cloud Solution for Making Your Travel Smoother: The FLIWARE Experience. CIC 2018: 392-398 [c80]Alina Buzachis, Antonino Galletta, Antonio Celesti, Massimo Villari: An Innovative MapReduce-Based Approach of Dijkstra's Algorithm for SDN Routing in Hybrid Cloud, Edge and IoT Scenarios. ESOCC 2018: 185-198 [c79]Kun Ma, Antoine B. Bagula, Hope Mauwa, Antonio Celesti: Modelling Cloud Federation: A Fair Profit Distribution Strategy Using the Shapley Value. FiCloud 2018: 393-398 [c78]Antonio Celesti, Alina Buzachis, Antonino Galletta, Maria Fazio, Massimo Villari: A NoSQL Graph Approach to Manage IoTaaS in Cloud/Edge Environments. FiCloud 2018: 407-412 [c77]Alina Buzachis, Antonino Galletta, Lorenzo Carnevale, Antonio Celesti, Maria Fazio, Massimo Villari: Towards Osmotic Computing: Analyzing Overlay Network Solutions to Optimize the Deployment of Container-Based Microservices in Fog, Edge and IoT Environments. ICFEC 2018: 1-10 [c76]Massimo Villari, Antonino Galletta, Antonio Celesti, Lorenzo Carnevale, Maria Fazio: Osmotic Computing: Software Defined Membranes meet Private/Federated Blockchains. ISCC 2018: 1292-1297 [c75]Antonio Celesti, Alina Buzachis, Antonino Galletta, Giacomo Fiumara, Maria Fazio, Massimo Villari: Analysis of a NoSQL Graph DBMS for a Hospital Social Network. ISCC 2018: 1298-1303 [c74]Antonino Galletta, Lorenzo Carnevale, Alina Buzachis, Antonio Celesti, Massimo Villari: A Microservices-Based Platform for Efficiently Managing Oceanographic Data. Innovate-Data 2018: 25-29 [c73]Alina Buzachis, Antonio Celesti, Antonino Galletta, Maria Fazio, Massimo Villari: A Secure and Dependable Multi-Agent Autonomous Intersection Management (MA-AIM) System Leveraging Blockchain Facilities. UCC Companion 2018: 226-231 [j14]Antonio Celesti, Grazia Salamone, Anna Sapienza, Marianna Spinelli, Mariangela Puglisi, Maria Caltabiano: An Innovative Cloud-Based System for the Diachronic Analysis in Numismatics. ACM Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage 10(4): 23:1-23:18 (2017) [j13]Antonio Celesti, Maria Fazio, Massimo Villari: Enabling Secure XMPP Communications in Federated IoT Clouds Through XEP 0027 and SAML/SASL SSO. Sensors 17(2): 301 (2017) [j12]Antonio Celesti, Davide Mulfari, Maria Fazio, Antonio Puliafito, Massimo Villari: Evaluating alternative DaaS solutions in private and public OpenStack Clouds. Softw. Pract. Exp. 47(9): 1185-1200 (2017) [c72]Massimo Villari, Antonio Celesti, Maria Fazio: Towards Osmotic Computing: Looking at Basic Principles and Technologies. CISIS 2017: 906-915 [c71]Antonino Galletta, Oliver Ardo, Antonio Celesti, Peter Kissa, Massimo Villari: A Recommendation-Based Approach for Cloud Service Brokerage: A Case Study in Public Administration. CIC 2017: 227-234 [c70]Antonino Galletta, Antonio Celesti, Francesco Tusa, Maria Fazio, Placido Bramanti, Massimo Villari: Big MRI Data Dissemination and Retrieval in a Multi-Cloud Hospital Storage System. DH 2017: 162-166 [c69]Antonino Galletta, Oliver Ardo, Antonio Celesti, Peter Kissa, Massimo Villari: C4E: Cloud Brokering Platform for Federated Services Aimed at European Public Administrations. ESOCC Workshops 2017: 187-191 [c68]Lorenzo Carnevale, Antonio Celesti, Maria Fazio, Placido Bramanti, Massimo Villari: Heart Disorder Detection with Menard Algorithm on Apache Spark. ESOCC 2017: 229-237 [c67]Antonino Galletta, Lorenzo Carnevale, Antonio Celesti, Maria Fazio, Massimo Villari: BOSS: A Multitenancy Ad-Hoc Service Orchestrator for Federated Openstack Clouds. FiCloud 2017: 351-357 [c66]Antonio Celesti, Lorenzo Carnevale, Antonino Galletta, Maria Fazio, Massimo Villari: A Watchdog Service Making Container-Based Micro-services Reliable in IoT Clouds. FiCloud 2017: 372-378 [c65]Massimo Villari, Giuseppe Tricomi, Antonio Celesti, Maria Fazio: Orchestration for the Deployment of Distributed Applications with Geographical Constraints in Cloud Federation. IISSC/CN4IoT 2017: 177-187 [c64]Lorenzo Carnevale, Antonino Galletta, Antonio Celesti, Maria Fazio, Maurizio Paone, Placido Bramanti, Massimo Villari: Big Data HIS of the IRCCS-ME Future: The Osmotic Computing Infrastructure. IISSC/CN4IoT 2017: 199-207 [c63]Brunno Vanelli, Alex R. Pinto, Madalena Pereira da Silva, M. A. R. Dantas, Maria Fazio, Antonio Celesti, Massimo Villari: IoT Data Storage in the Cloud: A Case Study in Human Biometeorology. IISSC/CN4IoT 2017: 253-262 [c62]Antonino Galletta, Lilla Bonanno, Antonio Celesti, Silvia Marino, Placido Bramanti, Massimo Villari: An approach to share MRI data over the Cloud preserving patients' privacy. ISCC 2017: 94-99 [c61]Fabrizio Celesti, Antonio Celesti, Lorenzo Carnevale, Antonino Galletta, Salvatore Campo, Agata Romano, Placido Bramanti, Massimo Villari: Big data analytics in genomics: The point on Deep Learning solutions. ISCC 2017: 306-309 [c60]Massimo Villari, Antonio Celesti, Giuseppe Tricomi, Antonino Galletta, Maria Fazio: Deployment orchestration of microservices with geographical constraints for Edge computing. ISCC 2017: 633-638 [c59] Lorenzo Carnevale, Antonio Celesti, Maria Fazio, Placido Bramanti, Massimo Villari: How to enable clinical workflows to integrate big healthcare data. ISCC 2017: 857-862 [j11]Maria Fazio, Antonio Celesti, Rajiv Ranjan, Chang Liu, Lydia Y. Chen, Massimo Villari: Open Issues in Scheduling Microservices in the Cloud. IEEE Cloud Comput. 3(5): 81-88 (2016) [j10]Antonio Celesti, Maria Fazio, Massimo Villari, Antonio Puliafito: Adding long-term availability, obfuscation, and encryption to multi-cloud storage systems. J. Netw. Comput. Appl. 59: 208-218 (2016) [c58]Antonio Celesti, Maria Fazio, Maurizio Giacobbe, Antonio Puliafito, Massimo Villari: Characterizing Cloud Federation in IoT. AINA Workshops 2016: 93-98 [c57]Maurizio Giacobbe, Antonio Celesti, Maria Fazio, Massimo Villari, Antonio Puliafito: Re-powering Service Provisioning in Federated Cloud Ecosystems: An Algorithm Combining Energy Sustainability and Cost-Saving Strategies. ESOCC Workshops 2016: 19-33 [c56]Massimo Villari, Antonio Celesti, Maurizio Giacobbe, Maria Fazio: Enriched E-R model to design hybrid database for big data solutions. ISCC 2016: 163-166 [c55]Davide Mulfari, Antonio Celesti, Maria Fazio, Massimo Villari, Antonio Puliafito: Using Google Cloud Vision in assistive technology scenarios. ISCC 2016: 214-219 [c54]Antonio Celesti, Maria Fazio, Fabrizio Celesti, Giovanna Sannino, Salvatore Campo, Massimo Villari: New trends in Biotechnology: The point on NGS Cloud computing solutions. ISCC 2016: 267-270 [c53]Antonio Celesti, Davide Mulfari, Maria Fazio, Massimo Villari, Antonio Puliafito: Improving desktop as a Service in OpenStack. ISCC 2016: 281-288 [c52]Antonio Celesti, Maria Fazio, Agata Romano, Massimo Villari: A hospital cloud-based archival information system for the efficient management of HL7 big data. MIPRO 2016: 406-411 [c51]Maria Fazio, Alessia Bramanti, Antonio Celesti, Placido Bramanti, Massimo Villari: A Hybrid Storage Service for the Management of Big e-Health Data: A Tele-Rehabilitation Case of Study. Q2SWinet@MSWiM 2016: 1-8 [c50]Antonio Celesti, Davide Mulfari, Maria Fazio, Massimo Villari, Antonio Puliafito: Exploring Container Virtualization in IoT Clouds. SMARTCOMP 2016: 1-6 [e1]Antonio Celesti, Philipp Leitner: Advances in Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing - Workshops of ESOCC 2015, Taormina, Italy, September 15-17, 2015, Revised Selected Papers. Communications in Computer and Information Science 567, Springer 2016, ISBN 978-3-319-33312-0 [contents] [j9]Maurizio Giacobbe, Antonio Celesti, Maria Fazio, Massimo Villari, Antonio Puliafito: Towards energy management in Cloud federation: A survey in the perspective of future sustainable and cost-saving strategies. Comput. Networks 91: 438-452 (2015) [j8]Davide Mulfari, Antonio Celesti, Maria Fazio, Massimo Villari, Antonio Puliafito: Achieving Assistive Technology Systems Based on IoT Devices in Cloud Computing. EAI Endorsed Trans. Cloud Syst. 1(1): e4 (2015) [j7]Antonio Puliafito, Antonio Celesti, Massimo Villari, Maria Fazio: Towards the Integration between IoT and Cloud Computing: An Approach for the Secure Self-Configuration of Embedded Devices. Int. J. Distributed Sens. Networks 11: 286860:1-286860:9 (2015) [j6]Davide Mulfari, Antonio Celesti, Massimo Villari: A computer system architecture providing a user-friendly man machine interface for accessing assistive technology in cloud computing. J. Syst. Softw. 100: 129-138 (2015) [c49]Davide Mulfari, Antonio Celesti, Maria Fazio, Massimo Villari, Antonio Puliafito: Embedded systems for supporting computer accessibility. AAATE Conf. 2015: 378-385 [c48]Maria Fazio, Antonio Celesti, Antonio Puliafito, Massimo Villari: Big Data Storage in the Cloud for Smart Environment Monitoring. ANT/SEIT 2015: 500-506 [c47]Luciano Barreto, Antonio Celesti, Massimo Villari, Maria Fazio, Antonio Puliafito: An Authentication Model for IoT Clouds. ASONAM 2015: 1032-1035 [c46]Luciano Barreto, Antonio Celesti, Massimo Villari, Maria Fazio, Antonio Puliafito: Identity management in IoT Clouds: A FIWARE case of study. CNS 2015: 680-684 [c45]Davide Mulfari, Maria Fazio, Antonio Celesti, Massimo Villari, Antonio Puliafito: Design of an IoT Cloud System for Container Virtualization on Smart Objects. ESOCC Workshops 2015: 33-47 [c44]Alfonso Panarello, Antonio Celesti, Maria Fazio, Antonio Puliafito, Massimo Villari: A Federated System for MapReduce-Based Video Transcoding to Face the Future Massive Video-Selfie Sharing Trend. ESOCC Workshops 2015: 48-62 [c43]Simone Di Cola, Cuong M. Tran, Kung-Kiu Lau, Antonio Celesti, Maria Fazio: A Heterogeneous Approach for Developing Applications with FIWARE GEs. ESOCC 2015: 65-79 [c42]Philippe Massonet, Anna Levin, Antonio Celesti, Massimo Villari: Security Requirements in a Federated Cloud Networking Architecture. ESOCC Workshops 2015: 79-88 [c41]Maurizio Giacobbe, Maria Fazio, Antonio Celesti, Tindara Abbate, Massimo Villari: A Scientometric Analysis of Cloud Computing and QoE Literature to Design a Cloud Platform of Experience for Digital Business. ESOCC Workshops 2015: 276-288 [c40]Rafael Moreno-Vozmediano, Eduardo Huedo, Ignacio Martín Llorente, Rubén S. Montero, Philippe Massonet, Massimo Villari, Giovanni Merlino, Antonio Celesti, Anna Levin, Liran Schour, Constantino Vázquez, Jaime Melis, Stefan Spahr, Darren Whigham: BEACON: A Cloud Network Federation Framework. ESOCC Workshops 2015: 325-337 [c39]Antonio Celesti, Anna Levin, Philippe Massonet, Liran Schour, Massimo Villari: Federated Networking Services in Multiple OpenStack Clouds. ESOCC Workshops 2015: 338-352 [c38]Maria Fazio, Antonio Celesti, Massimo Villari, Antonio Puliafito: How to Enhance Cloud Architectures to Enable Cross-Federation: Towards Interoperable Storage Providers. IC2E 2015: 480-486 [c37]Maurizio Giacobbe, Antonio Celesti, Maria Fazio, Massimo Villari, Antonio Puliafito: An approach to reduce carbon dioxide emissions through virtual machine migrations in a sustainable cloud federation. SustainIT 2015: 1-4 [c36]Luciano Barreto, Antonio Celesti, Massimo Villari, Maria Fazio, Antonio Puliafito: Security and IoT Cloud Federation: Design of Authentication Schemes. IoT 360 (1) 2015: 337-346 [c35]Maurizio Giacobbe, Antonio Celesti, Maria Fazio, Massimo Villari, Antonio Puliafito: Evaluating a cloud federation ecosystem to reduce carbon footprint by moving computational resources. ISCC 2015: 99-104 [c34]Alfonso Panarello, Antonio Celesti, Maria Fazio, Antonio Puliafito, Massimo Villari: Costs of a federated and hybrid cloud environment aimed at MapReduce video transcoding. ISCC 2015: 258-263 [c33]Maria Fazio, Antonio Celesti, Fermín Galán Márquez, Alex Glikson, Massimo Villari: Exploiting the FIWARE cloud platform to develop a remote patient monitoring system. ISCC 2015: 264-270 [c32]Maurizio Giacobbe, Antonio Celesti, Maria Fazio, Massimo Villari, Antonio Puliafito: An approach to reduce energy costs through virtual machine migrations in cloud federation. ISCC 2015: 782-787 [c31]Maria Fazio, Antonio Celesti, Massimo Villari, Antonio Puliafito: The Need of a Hybrid Storage Approach for IoT in PaaS Cloud Federation. AINA Workshops 2014: 779-784 [c30]Davide Mulfari, Antonio Celesti, Maria Fazio, Massimo Villari, Antonio Puliafito: Using embedded systems to spread assistive technology on multiple devices in smart environments. BIBM 2014: 5-11 [c29]Alfonso Panarello, Antonio Celesti, Maria Fazio, Massimo Villari, Antonio Puliafito: A Requirements Analysis for IaaS Cloud Federation. CLOSER 2014: 584-589 [c28]Davide Mulfari, Antonio Celesti, Maria Fazio, Massimo Villari: An Approach to Evaluate Applications Running on Web-Based Remote Virtual Machines in Cloud Computing. ESOCC Workshops 2014: 106-117 [c27]Alfonso Panarello, Maria Fazio, Antonio Celesti, Antonio Puliafito, Massimo Villari: Cloud Federation to Elastically Increase MapReduce Processing Resources. Euro-Par Workshops (2) 2014: 97-108 [c26]Massimo Villari, Antonio Celesti, Maria Fazio, Antonio Puliafito: A Secure Self-Identification Mechanism for Enabling IoT Devices to Join Cloud Computing. IoT360 (2) 2014: 306-311 [c25]Davide Mulfari, Antonio Celesti, Maria Fazio, Massimo Villari: Human-Computer Interface Based on IoT Embedded Systems for Users with Disabilities. IoT360 (1) 2014: 376-383 [c24]Antonio Celesti, Maria Fazio, Antonio Puliafito, Massimo Villari: Automating the Hadoop configuration for easy setup in resilient cloud systems. ISCC 2014: 1-4 [c23]Maria Fazio, Antonio Celesti, Massimo Villari, Antonio Puliafito: Resource Management in Cloud Federation Using XMPP. NCA 2014: 67-70 [c22]Davide Mulfari, Antonio Celesti, Massimo Villari, Antonio Puliafito: Using Virtualization and noVNC to Support Assistive Technology in Cloud Computing. NCCA 2014: 125-132 [c21]Massimo Villari, Antonio Celesti, Maria Fazio, Antonio Puliafito: AllJoyn Lambda: An architecture for the management of smart environments in IoT. SMARTCOMP Workshops 2014: 9-14 [p1]Maria Fazio, Antonio Celesti, Antonio Puliafito, Massimo Villari:An Integrated System for Advanced Multi-risk Management Based on Cloud for IoT. Advances onto the Internet of Things 2014: 253-269 [j5]Antonio Celesti, Maria Fazio, Antonio Puliafito, Massimo Villari: Sensed Data Sharing in Cloud Federation for Advances in Health Information Exchange. Int. J. Meas. Technol. Instrum. Eng. 3(4): 36-50 (2013) [j4]Maria Fazio, Antonio Celesti, Antonio Puliafito, Massimo Villari: A Message Oriented Middleware for Cloud Computing To Improve Efficiency in Risk Management Systems. Scalable Comput. Pract. Exp. 14(4) (2013) [j3]Massimo Villari, Antonio Celesti, Maria Fazio, Antonio Puliafito: Evaluating a File Fragmentation System for Multi-Provider Cloud Storage. Scalable Comput. Pract. Exp. 14(4) (2013) [c20]Antonio Celesti, Antonio Puliafito, Francesco Tusa, Massimo Villari: Energy Sustainability in Cooperating Clouds. CLOSER 2013: 83-89 [c19]Maria Caltabiano, Grazia Salamone, Mariangela Puglisi, Benedetto Carroccio, Barbara Sisalli, Antonio Celesti, Andrea Nucita: DIANA: An approach to coin iconography according to time and space through digital maps. Digital Heritage (2) 2013: 413-416 [c18]Maria Fazio, Antonio Celesti, Massimo Villari: Design of a Message-Oriented Middleware for Cooperating Clouds. ESOCC Workshops 2013: 25-36 [c17]Massimo Villari, Antonio Celesti, Francesco Tusa, Antonio Puliafito: Data Reliability in Multi-provider Cloud Storage Service with RRNS. ESOCC Workshops 2013: 83-93 [c16]Antonio Celesti, Nicola Peditto, Fabio Verboso, Massimo Villari, Antonio Puliafito: DRACO PaaS: A Distributed Resilient Adaptable Cloud Oriented Platform. IPDPS Workshops 2013: 1490-1497 [c15]Antonio Celesti, Maria Fazio, Massimo Villari: SE CLEVER: A secure message oriented Middleware for Cloud federation. ISCC 2013: 35-40 [c14]Davide Mulfari, Antonio Celesti, Massimo Villari, Antonio Puliafito: Using Virtualization and Guacamole/VNC to Provide Adaptive User Interfaces to Disabled People in Cloud Computing. UIC/ATC 2013: 72-79 [c13]Davide Mulfari, Antonio Celesti, Antonio Puliafito, Massimo Villari: How cloud computing can support on-demand assistive services. W4A 2013: 27:1-27:4 [j2]Antonio Celesti, Maria Fazio, Massimo Villari, Antonio Puliafito: Virtual machine provisioning through satellite communications in federated Cloud environments. Future Gener. Comput. Syst. 28(1): 85-93 (2012) [c12]Massimo Villari, Francesco Tusa, Antonio Celesti, Antonio Puliafito: How to Federate VISION Clouds through SAML/Shibboleth Authentication. ESOCC 2012: 259-274 [c11]Antonio Celesti, Francesco Tusa, Massimo Villari, Antonio Puliafito: Integration of CLEVER clouds with third party software systems through a REST web service interface. ISCC 2012: 827-832 [c10]Antonio Celesti, Francesco Tusa, Massimo Villari, Antonio Puliafito: How the Dataweb Can Support Cloud Federation: Service Representation and Secure Data Exchange. NCCA 2012: 73-79 [j1]Antonio Celesti, Massimo Villari, Antonio Puliafito: An XRI naming system for dynamic and federated clouds: a performance analysis. J. Internet Serv. Appl. 2(3): 191-205 (2011) [c9]Francesco Tusa, Antonio Celesti, Maurizio Paone, Massimo Villari, Antonio Puliafito: How CLEVER-based clouds conceive horizontal and vertical federations. ISCC 2011: 167-172 [c8]Antonio Celesti, Angelo Salici, Massimo Villari, Antonio Puliafito: A Remote Attestation Approach for a Secure Virtual Machine Migration in Federated Cloud Environments. NCCA 2011: 99-106 [c7]Antonio Celesti, Francesco Tusa, Massimo Villari, Antonio Puliafito: An Approach to Enable Cloud Service Providers to Arrange IaaS, PaaS, and Saas Using External Virtualization Infrastructures. SERVICES 2011: 607-611 [c6]Francesco Tusa, Antonio Celesti, Rao Mikkilineni: AAA in a Cloud-Based Virtual DIME Network Architecture (DNA). WETICE 2011: 110-115 [c5]Antonio Celesti, Francesco Tusa, Massimo Villari, Antonio Puliafito: How to Enhance Cloud Architectures to Enable Cross-Federation. IEEE CLOUD 2010: 337-345 [c4]Antonio Celesti, Massimo Villari, Antonio Puliafito: A naming system applied to a RESERVOIR cloud. IAS 2010: 247-252 [c3]Antonio Celesti, Massimo Villari, Antonio Puliafito: Design of a cloud naming framework. Conf. Computing Frontiers 2010: 105-106 [c2]Antonio Celesti, Massimo Villari, Antonio Puliafito: Ecosystem of Cloud Naming Systems: An Approach for the Management and Integration of Independent Cloud Name Spaces. NCA 2010: 68-75 [c1]Antonio Celesti, Francesco Tusa, Massimo Villari, Antonio Puliafito: Security and Cloud Computing: InterCloud Identity Management Infrastructure. WETICE 2010: 263-265 |
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