
Profilo: Professori Associati
Antonia Cava è professoressa associata di Sociologia dei processi culturali e comunicativi presso il Dipartimento di Scienze Cognitive, Psicologiche, Pedagogiche e Studi Culturali dell’Università degli Studi di Messina. Insegna Industria Culturale e Media Studies, Sociologia della Comunicazione e Sociologia della comunicazione familiare e dell’infanzia. Membro di diversi gruppi di ricerca nazionali ed internazionali si occupa di Television Studies. È stata Direttrice del Master Esperto in intervento sociale minori e mafie dell’Università di Messina ed attualmente dirige la collana del Centro Interuniversitario per le ricerche sulla sociologia del diritto, dell’informazione e delle istituzioni giuridiche (Aracne Editrice).È componente del Comitato Scientifico della Rivista Comunicazionepuntodoc, della collana Media e Web Communication (Lupetti Editore) e membro del comitato editoriale delle riviste Educatio siglo XXI (Università di Murcia) e Metis - Ricerche di Sociologia, Psicologia e Antropologia della Comunicazione. È membro del Comitato Scientifico della Scuola di Cinema LUPTA (Laboratorio Universitario Professionalizzante di Tecniche Audiovisive). Svolge attività di ricerca su pubblici televisivi, consumi culturali e immaginario mediale, ponendo al centro la relazione tra rappresentazioni e fruizioni mediali. Dal 2016 al 2018 è stata responsabile del progetto di ricerca "La performance alimentare come consumo culturale: uno studio sulla ricerca del benessere 2.0" realizzato con la collaborazione dell’ANDID - Associazione Nazionale Dietisti. Ha svolto, nel tempo, attività di docenza per corsi di alta formazione, master universitari e dottorati su temi di comunicazione e media. Dal 2013 è componente del collegio docenti del Dottorato in Scienze Cognitive del Dipartimento dell’Università degli Studi di Messina e dal 2021 è Delegata alla Comunicazione del Dipartimento di Scienze Cognitive, Psicologiche, Pedagogiche e Studi Culturali.. Svolge regolare attività convegnistica in Italia e all’estero. Nel biennio 2017-2019, è stata Visiting Professor presso Faculty of Philosophy - Aristotle University of Thessaloníki (Grecia) e presso Facultad de Educación de la Universidad de Murcia ; Visiting Researcher presso l’Instituto Internacional de Sociologia Juridica de Onati (Spagna), la Facoltà di Lettere dell’Università di Murcia presso Département de sociologie de l’UFR 5 - Faculté des Sciences du Sujet et de la Société Université Paul Valéry Montpellier 3 (Francia). Antonia Cava è autrice di circa 60 pubblicazioni per case editrici italiane e internazionali e per riviste peer-reviewed italiane e straniere. Tra le sue pubblicazioni: On life: adolescenti tra narrazioni e identità in «Media Education», 12 (1), 2020, pp.33-41 (doi: 10.36253/me-10190). L’infanzia violata. Devianza reticolare e digitalizzazione della pedopornografia, in «Sociologia del Diritto», n.3, 2020, pp. 119-139 Dal Rapporto Kinsey a Pornhub. I consumi pornografici delle donne, in «Ocula. Occhio semiotico sui media», vol. 22, n.25, 2021, pp. 83-104 Il gioco del killer. Culture mafiose e minori, Franco Angeli, Milano 2020 “Consumption of Culture by Young Migrants”, in G. La Rocca, R. Di Maria e G. Frezza Media, Migrants and Human Rights. In the Evolution of the European Scenario of Refugeees’ and Asylum Seekers Instances, Peter Lang, Berlin 2020, pp. 363-379. “Donne che uccidono. La rappresentazione televisiva del crimine femminile”, in A. Cava Il gioco del killer. Culture mafiose e minori, Franco Angeli, Milano 2020, pp. 35-44 Da Disneyland a Sex and the City. Un’analisi dei pregiudizi sui pubblici dei media, FrancoAngeli, Milano 2010. Noir Tv. La cronaca nera diventa format televisivo, Franco Angeli, Milano 2013. “Il bullismo raccontato: esperienze reali e spettacolarizzazione mediale a confronto” in L. Bruciafreddo, M. G. Campolo, A. Cava, M. Salvo (a cura di), Il bullismo tra vita reale e spettacolarizzazione mediale. Un’indagine empirica nel mondo della scuola, Edizioni Città del Sole, Reggio Calabria 2011, pp. 25-35 .
PREVIOUS POSITIONShe graduated in 2004 in Political Sciences at the University of Messina, with a dissertation entitled “The italians’ TV diet in the framework of the cultural industry: a study of programme schedules”. She got her Phd in Analysis and Theory of Changes in Social, Political and Communicative Institutions in 2008, at the same university, with a dissertation about the change in the dynamics of watching TV among a female audience. Since 2008 she has been teaching, as adjunt professor, subjects referring to the macro area of Sociology of Cultural and Communicative Processes (disciplinary-scientific sector 08). From 2004 to 2011 she has participated in several research projects characterized by national and international cooperations such as “Tv for kids and teens: uses and languages" (University of Catania); “bullying in Reggio Calabria” (Municipality of Reggio Calabria); “European Union Country Characteristics and Law on Same-Sex Partnerships and Marriage” (Widener University – USA). From 2011 to 2019 she has been permanent researcher in the disciplinary-scientific sector 08 “Sociology of Cultural and Communicative Processes” at the University of Messina.
1) Visiting Researcher at the Instituto Internacional de Sociología Jurídica de Onati (Spain). Activity of research in the framework of the project Crime and law in media culture (2017).
2) Visiting Professor at the Faculty of Philosophy - Aristotle University of Thessaloníki (Greece). Lessons for the Phd course of the Department of Italian Language and Literature (2017).
3) Visiting Researcher at the Literature Faculty of the University of Murcia (Spain). Activity of research in the framework of the project The visual culture of gender and violence (2018).
4) Visiting Researcher at the Département de sociologie of UFR 5 - Faculté des Sciences du Sujet et de la Société Université Paul Valéry Montpellier 3 (France) (2019).
5) Visiting Professor at the Facultad de Educación of the University of Murcia. Lessons in the framework of the University Master in Investigación e Innovación en Educación Infantil y Educación Primaria (2019).
6)Visiting Professor at the Literature Faculty of the University of Murcia. Lessons about Visual Culture and gender violence (2022).
She currently teaches Cultural Industry and Media Studies for the Degree course in Tourism and Entertainment; Sociology of Communication for the Degree course in Sciences of Tourism, Culture and Business; Sociology of families and infantry for the Degree in Sciences of Education and Theories and Techniques of radio-tv communication for the Degree course in Disciplines of Arts, Music and Entertainment of the University of Messina. She has been teaching for high training courses, university masters and Phd courses about topics related to communication and media. She is PhD Supervisor of the following dissertation thesis: “Use and Effects of Sex Robots” (PhD in Cognitive Sciences – 35th cycle); “Hate Speech in the femcel community” (PhD in Cognitive Sciences – 35th cycle); “Innovative Techniques of sentiment analysis for social sciences” (PhD in Cognitive Sciences – 37th cycle); “La respuesta educativa a los alumnos en condiciones de discapacidad” (Doctorado en Educación- University of Murcia 2016-2019).
In 2005 she coworked at the socio-economic analysis of the city of Messina, financed by CONFINDUSTRIA (General Confederation of Italian Industry). From 2007 to 2008, together with CGIL trade Unions she has analysed data about young people from Messina and their internal migrations. In 2008 she carried out an investigation about the mechanisms of loyalty marketing of real or potential audiences financed by the Management of Vittorio Emanuele Theatre in Messina. From 2008 to 2009 with the contribution of the Industrial Liaison Office she has participated in the socio-economic analysis of lifestyles in the cities of Messina and Reggio Calabria, later published in the "Fifth Report about the economy of the province of Messina”. Between 2009 and 2010, thanks to the cooperation with the TV production company Endemol Italia, she has studied TV trial language using as case study the TV programme “Verdetto Finale”, broadcasted on RaiUno. In 2017 she participated in developing the project “Batman – Children at Table”- The study has been carried out with the support of IOR, “Istituto Oncologico Romagnolo” (Oncological Institute from Romagna), the support of ANDID – National Association of Dietists – and has been approved by the Ethical Committee IRST IRCCS (Scientific Institute from Romagna to Study and Treat Cancer) and “Area Vasta Romagna”. From 2016 to 2018 she has been in charge of the research project "Food performance as cultural consumption: a study of 2.0 search for wellbeing", carried out with the cooperation of ANDID - National Association of Dietists.
Since 2019 she has been Associate Professor of Sociology of Cultural and Communicative Processes (14/C2) at the University of Messina. She has been carrying out activity of research on tv audiences, cultural consumptions, media imaginary and processes of social inclusion/discrimination based on gender. Since 2013 she has been a member of the teaching board of the Phd course in Cognitive Sciences of the University of Messina and since 2021 she has been in charge of the Communication of the Department of Cognitive, Psychological, Pedagogical Sciences and Cultural Studies. In 2019 she was Manager of the Master in social action for minors and mafia of the University of Messina. In 2013 she was reviewer for the assessment of the project FIRB “Future in Research” for the Ministry of Education, University and Research. Since 2018 she has been the reference person for international mobility of the Bachelor Degree in Disciplines of Arts, Music and Entertainment of the University of Messina. Since 2019 she has been a member of the management group for quality assessment and reference person for orienteering activities and job placement for the Degree course in Tourism and Entertainment.
Scientific organisations/Coordination of academic activities
She has been a regular attendee at conferences and meetings in Italy and abroad. She has participated in activities of the following research groups characterized by cooperations at national or international level:
1) Member of the local unit of the University of Messina in the research project "Love Comitium. Cinema and the sexual issue in Italy (1948-1978)" 2015 PRIN “Project of relevant national interest”
2) Member of the Research and Development Project “Experience before setting off (GOFORIT)” – Specialization Area Cultural Heritage. National Operational Programme “Research and Innovation” 2014-2020 – PON.
3) Member of the research project "Free-range chicken. Cinema and the new culture of consumption in Italy (1950-1973)" – 2017 PRIN “Project of relevant national interest”.
4) Member of the Research Group Comunicación, innovación educativa y atención a la diversidad (EDUCODI) of the Facultad de Educación of the University of Murcia (dal 2022).
She has been organizer or co-organizer of national and international congresses, among which there are:
1) Conference “E-motions on the net. Public communication between mainstream and digital media” supported by the Section Cultural Processes and Institutions of the Italian Association of Sociology (Noto, 2013).
2) Conference “Global and Mediterranean Cultures. Migrations – Integrations – Identity of Us” supported by PIC-AIS (Noto 2015).
3) International Conference "The borders of terror. Horizons - Imaginaries – Human Trails" supported by ACMS (Asociación Castellano-Manchega de Sociología) by PIC AIS and by the Working Group of Sociology of Communication and Language of FES (Federación Española de Sociología) and of the Italian Association of Public and Institutional Communication (Noto 2017)
4) Workshop “Cinema and sexuality in post war Italy: perspectives of research” in the framework of 2017 PRIN “Project of relevant national interest” 2015 "Love Comitium. Cinema and the sexual issue in Italy (1948-1978)" (Noto 2018)
5) International Conference organized by the Section Cultural Processes and Institutions of the Italian Association of Sociology (PIC-AIS) in cooperation with the CORIS Department (Social Communication and Research) – Sapienza University of Rome “Migrations and European Sociology between Identity and security” (Rome 13-3-2019).
Editorial activity
She is author in total of 6 monographs (4 as sole author and 2 as co-author), 2 edited volumes, 1 monographical issue of a journal, 39 contributions in volumes, 21 articles in a journal, of which 5 published in scientific periodicals of A range (Sociology of Law, Media Education, MediascapesJournal).
1) Manager of the Series of the Interuniversity Centre for Research on Sociology of Law, Information and Law Institutions (CIRSDIG) - Aracne Editrice (from 2-01-2020 to now).
2) Member of the Editorial Committee of the journal Metis - Research on Sociology, Psychology and Antropology of Communication managed by Mariselda Tessarolo and Angelo Boccato (University of Padova) (from 01-10-2017 to now).
3) Member of the Scientific Committee of the Series Media e Web Communication, managed by Stefania Parisi and Christian Ruggiero (Sapienza University of Roma) - Fausto Lupetti Editore (from 9 -06-2018 to now).
4) Member of the Editorial Committee of the journal Educatio siglo XXI, managed by Javier Ballesta Pagàn (Universidad de Murcia) (from 3-3-2019 to now).
5) Member of the Scientific Committee of the journal Comunicazionepuntodoc, managed by Mario Morcellini (from August 2020 to now)
6) Member of the Scientific Committee of the Series of Applied Sociological Theory, managed by Andrea Pitasi – L’Harmattan Italia (from June 2021 to now)
7) Member of the Scientific Committee of the journal Bibliomanie. Literatures, Storiographies, Semiotics (from 19 September 2021 to now).
Membership of scientific societies
1) Member of the Italian Association of Sociology – Section Cultural Processes and Institutions (from 2005 to now)
2) Member of the International Sociological Association (from 2012 to 2016).
3) Member of the Federaciòn Espanola de Sociologìa (from 2016 to 2020).
4) Member of the Research Committee on Sociology of Law (RCSL) – Research Committee of ISA (from 2017 to 2020)
5) Member of the Italian Society of Studies on Sciences and Technology (from 2018 to 2019).
6) Member of the Association for the Festival of Sociology (from 2020 to now).
7) Member of the European Sociological Association (from 2021 to now).
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