Profilo: Professori Associati
Formazione- 2012-2015, Dottorato in Fisica con lode, Tesi: "Exotic Hadron Spectroscopy”, “Sapienza” Università di Roma.
- 2006-2012, Laurea specialistica in Fisica, 110/110 e lode, Tesi: "H -> gamma gamma: a recent discussion”, “Sapienza” Università di Roma.
Carriera accademica
- Luglio 2021-oggi, RTDb, Università degli Studi di Messina, Italia.
- Novembre 2020-Giugno 2021, Ricercatore di III livello a tempo determinato, con il programma FELLINI, Marie Skłodowska-Curie Cofund, grant n. 754496, INFN Sezione di Rome, Italia.
- Novembre 2018-Ottobre 2020, Postdoctoral researcher, European Centre for Theoretical Studies in Nuclear Physics and Related Areas (ECT*), Trento, Italy.
- Novembre 2015-Ottobre 2018, Postdoctoral researcher, Theory Center, Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility (JLab), Newport News, Virginia, USA.
- Settembre 2006-Giugno 2011, Co-fondatore e IT manager, Glubit SRL e Skuola Network SRL. Ho fondato questa società per mantenere il più grande portale italiano nel settore educational (
Qualifiche e premi
- 2020-2030, Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale – Professore di I fascia, 02/A2.
- 2018-2028, Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale – Professore di II fascia, 02/A2.
- 2018, JSA Promising Young Scientist.
Esperienze di insegnamento e supervisione
- 2022, Docente, “Complex Analysis: from mathematical concepts to applications to modern physics”, PhD block-course in Physics, Kielce University, Polonia.
- 2022, Tutor, “Physics of multiquark states” with L. Maiani, PhD school, GGI, Firenze, Italia.
- 2021-2022, Docente di “Fisica Quantistica” e “Teoria Quantistica dei Campi”, Laurea magistrale in Physics, Università degli Studi di Messina, Italia.
- 2017, Docente, “Unitarity, Analiticity, Crossing symmetry”, International Summer School on Reaction Theory, Indiana University, USA.
Dal 2013 ho seguito circa 10 tra studenti di laurea magistrale e dottorandi. Nel 2021 sono stato co-relatore di due tesi magistrali e di una tesi di dottorato.
Attività di servizio
- Referee per Phys.Rev.C and D, Phys.Rev.Lett., Rev.Mod.Phys., Europhys.Lett., Phys.Lett.B, JHEP, Chin.Phys.C, J.Phys.G, Eur.Phys.J.A, C and Plus, Nucl.Phys. A, Prog.Part.Nucl.Phys., Few Body Syst.. Review editor per Frontiers in Physics. Revisiono di media 10 articoli l'anno. Publons ID: 1343503.
- Ho presentato più di 70 talk a Conferenze Nazionali e Internazionali (di cui 50 su invito), e più di 20 seminari in varie università d'Europa e negli Stati Uniti. Sono stato convener od organizzatore di più di 10 Workshop e conferenze internazionali, incluso un programma di 3 settimane all'INT, Seattle (USA).
- Reviewer esperto per il programma “Rita Levi Montalcini”.
H-index 26
Num. Pubblicazioni 125
Citazioni totali 3322
Fonte: Scopus
INSPIRE profile:
Research statement
Most of my research work has been focused on the low-energy regime of Quantum Chromodynamics, in particular on the spectroscopy of exotic states, which do not fit the usual quark model. Following a bottom-up approach, I developed several tools to parameterize the reactions involving exotics, such as the XYZP in the heavy quarkonium sector, or the light hybrid mesons in the eta pi system, in order to obtain results that are as model independent as possible. With my collaborators I solved a longstanding puzzle about the two pi1 states seen in eta pi and eta’ pi, showing that both signals can be described with a single resonance, reconciling the disagreement between theoretical expectations and data. My role in the community is well recognized, as shown by the large number of talks I am invited to give at the most important conferences in the field. I am regularly contributing to status reports and proposals for new programs for hadron spectroscopy. Just to mention the activity of last year, I joined a working group to develop the spectroscopy program of the Electron Ion Collider and of the possible upgrades of Jefferson Lab. My interests do not only focus on spectroscopy but span several different aspects of QCD, as applications to Lattice QCD or heavy ion phenomenology. I am also exploring the applications of hadron spectroscopy techniques to precision measurements and in particular to multibody heavy meson decays, for reactions that are of interest to flavor physics. My research is located at the frontier of theory and experiment, and has allowed me to establish close collaborations with the experiments. I am a full member of the BaBar Collaboration, where I have been involved in the CP-violating modes of D mesons. I am currently a theory affiliate of the LHCb and CLAS collaborations, where I have provided crucial help with the amplitude models in reactions where tetraquarks and pentaquarks are observed. In particular, I contributed to the paper on the discovery of the Pc(4312) and I co-supervised a PhD thesis about the evidence of a Pc(4337) seen at LHCb.
Education- 2012-2015, PhD in Physics cum laude, Thesis: "Exotic Hadron Spectroscopy”, “Sapienza” Università di Roma.
- 2006-2012, Master in Physics, 110/110 cum laude, Thesis: "H -> gamma gamma: a recent discussion”, “Sapienza” Università di Roma.
- July 2021-Present, RTDb (Assistant Professor), Università degli Studi di Messina, Italy
- November 2020-June-2021, Ricercatore di III livello a tempo determinato (Fixed-Term Researcher), under the program FELLINI, Marie Skłodowska-Curie Cofund, grant n. 754496, INFN Rome, Italy.
- November 2018-October 2020, Postdoctoral researcher, European Centre for Theoretical Studies in Nuclear Physics and Related Areas (ECT*), Trento, Italy.
- November 2015-October 2018, Postdoctoral researcher, Theory Center, Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility (JLab), Newport News, Virginia, USA.
- September 2006-June 2011, Co-founder and IT manager, Glubit SRL and Skuola Network SRL. I founded this company to manage the largest Italian website in the education sector (
Qualifications and awards
- 2020-2030, Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale – Professore di I fascia, 02/A2 (Habilitation to be Full Professor of Theoretical Physics in Italy).
- 2018-2028, Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale – Professore di II fascia, 02/A2 (Habilitation to be Associate Professor of Theoretical Physics in Italy).
- 2018, JSA Promising Young Scientist.
Teaching and supervising experience
- 2022, Lecturer, “Complex Analysis: from mathematical concepts to applications to modern physics”, PhD block-course in Physics, Kielce University, Poland.
- 2022, Tutor, “Physics of multiquark states” with L. Maiani, PhD school, GGI, Florence, Italy.
- 2021-2022, Lecturer of “Advanced Quantum Mechanics” and “Quantum Field Theory”, Master in Nuclear Physics, Messina University, Italy.
- 2017, Lecturer, “Unitarity, Analiticity, Crossing symmetry”, International Summer School on Reaction Theory, Indiana University, USA.
Since 2013 I have been mentoring about 10 master and PhD students. In 2021 I co-supervised two master students and a PhD student.
- Referee for Phys.Rev.C and D, Phys.Rev.Lett., Rev.Mod.Phys., Europhys.Lett., Phys.Lett.B, JHEP, Chin.Phys.C, J.Phys.G, Eur.Phys.J.A, C and Plus, Nucl.Phys. A, Prog.Part.Nucl.Phys., Few Body Syst.. Review editor for Frontiers in Physics. I referee 10 papers/year on average. Publons ID: 1343503.
- I have presented 70+ talks at National and International Conferences and Workshops (of which 50 invited talks), and 20+ seminars in various universities in Europe and US. I have served as convener or organizer of 10+ International workshops and conferences, including a 3-weeks program at the INT, Seattle (USA).
- Reviewer for the program “Rita Levi Montalcini”.
H-index 26
No. Publications 125
Sum of Citations 3322
Source: Scopus
INSPIRE profile:
Research statement
Most of my research work has been focused on the low-energy regime of Quantum Chromodynamics, in particular on the spectroscopy of exotic states, which do not fit the usual quark model. Following a bottom-up approach, I developed several tools to parameterize the reactions involving exotics, such as the XYZP in the heavy quarkonium sector, or the light hybrid mesons in the eta pi system, in order to obtain results that are as model independent as possible. With my collaborators I solved a longstanding puzzle about the two pi1 states seen in eta pi and eta’ pi, showing that both signals can be described with a single resonance, reconciling the disagreement between theoretical expectations and data. My role in the community is well recognized, as shown by the large number of talks I am invited to give at the most important conferences in the field. I am regularly contributing to status reports and proposals for new programs for hadron spectroscopy. Just to mention the activity of last year, I joined a working group to develop the spectroscopy program of the Electron Ion Collider and of the possible upgrades of Jefferson Lab. My interests do not only focus on spectroscopy but span several different aspects of QCD, as applications to Lattice QCD or heavy ion phenomenology. I am also exploring the applications of hadron spectroscopy techniques to precision measurements and in particular to multibody heavy meson decays, for reactions that are of interest to flavor physics. My research is located at the frontier of theory and experiment, and has allowed me to establish close collaborations with the experiments. I am a full member of the BaBar Collaboration, where I have been involved in the CP-violating modes of D mesons. I am currently a theory affiliate of the LHCb and CLAS collaborations, where I have provided crucial help with the amplitude models in reactions where tetraquarks and pentaquarks are observed. In particular, I contributed to the paper on the discovery of the Pc(4312) and I co-supervised a PhD thesis about the evidence of a Pc(4337) seen at LHCb.
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