Struttura:Dipartimento di Scienze Veterinarie
Profilo: Professori Ordinari
- Laurea in Medicina Veterinaria presso l'Università degli Studi di Messina con il massimo dei voti e la lode accademica (26/02/1998)
- Abilitazione all'esercizio della professione di Medico Veterinario presso l'Università degli Studi di Messina (Novembre 1998)
- Dottorato di Ricerca (Ph.D.) in “Salubrità dell’ambiente Marino, Ittiopatologia e Qualità Igienico Sanitaria del Pescato” conseguito presso l'Università degli Studi di Messina (14/02/2002).
- Guest researcher presso “The Kenneth S. Warren Institute”, New York (USA) per il progetto “Erythropoietin derivatives” (Aprile 2002)
- Titolare di Contratto di Ricerca dal titolo: Studio Immunoistochimico sull’espressione patologica delle molecole regolatrici del ciclo cellulare”. Dipartimento di Patologia, Malattie Infettive e Parassitarie e Ispezione degli Alimenti di Origine Animale. Facoltà di Medicina Veterinaria, Università degli Studi di Messina (Maggio 2002).
- Full Researcher presso “The Kenneth S. Warren Institute”, New York (USA) e “YALE University” New Haven, Connecticut (USA) per il progetto di ricerca dal titolo “Novel Therapeutics for Treatment of Nervous System Injury (Giugno Dicembre 2002).
- Full Researcher presso “The Kenneth S. Warren Institute”, New York (USA) e “YALE University” New Haven, Connecticut (USA) per il progetto di ricerca dal titolo “Novel Therapeutics for Treatment of Nervous System Injury (Ottobre -Dicembre 2003).
- Vincitrice della procedura di valutazione comparativa nel ruolo dei ricercatori universitari per il settore scientifico disciplinare VET/03 – Patologia e Anatomia Patologica Veterinaria (Approvazione atti D.R. 16/6/2003 – Presa di servizio 28/01/2004)
- Professore di seconda fascia SSD VET/03 (dal 31.11.2016)
- Idoneità a Professore di prima fascia per il settore concorsuale 07/H2 (tornata 2016)
- Docente di Patologia Generale Veterinaria per il Corso di Laurea in Medicina Veterinaria (LM-42), Scienze delle Produzioni Animali (L38) e le specializzazioni, di area clinica e di ispezione degli alimenti, attivate presso il Dipartimento di Scienze Veterinarie dell’Università degli Studi di Messina.
- Docente di Anatomia Patologica Vet. per il Corso di Laurea in Biotecnologie (L2) presso il Dipartimento BIOMORF dell’Università degli Studi di Messina.
- Componente del Collegio dei Docenti del Dottorato di Ricerca in “Salubrità dell’ambiente marino, ittiopatologia e qualità igienico-sanitaria del pescato” (da gennaio 2004, poi convertito in “Scienze dei prodotti della pesca e delle Specie Avicole” in cui ha svolto attività di tutor per il XXVI ciclo).)
- Componente del Collegio dei Docenti del Dottorato di Ricerca in “Scienze Veterinarie” del Dipartimento di Scienze Veterinarie (XXIX, XXX, XXI ciclo) in cui ha svolto attività di Tutor per il progetto del XXIX ciclo intitolato “I Mastociti nei tumori solidi e il loro possibile ruolo come target terapeutici”; Attività di co-tutor (XXIV e XXVI ciclo) nell’ambito del Dottorato di Ricerca in “Sanità Pubblica e Igiene Veterinaria e delle Produzioni Animali” ; attività di tutor (XXVI ciclo) nell’ambito del Dottorato di Ricerca in “Scienze dei prodotti della pesca e delle specie avicole“; didattica nell’ambito del Curriculum “Sanità pubblica veterinaria e Sicurezza alimentare” (XXIX , XXX, XXXI ciclo); attività seminariale al I anno: "I pesci come modello sperimentale di riparazione tissutale" (XXIX, XXX, XXXI ciclo)
- Componente del Gruppo di Lavoro (GdL) "Patologi per la Standardizzazione Diagnostica e Codificazione dei Tumori Mammari" istituito nell’ambito dell’AIPVET (Associazione Italiana dei Patologi Veterinari) per la revisione della classificazione e la stesura delle linee Guida per la diagnosi dei processi iperplastici/displasici e neoplastici della mammella del cane e del gatto” (da 2020 a oggi).
- Componente del Gruppo di Lavoro (GdL) per la standardizzazione diagnostica e codificazione dei Sarcomi dei Tessuti Molli (STS) istituito nell’ambito dell’AIPVET (Associazione Italiana dei Patologi Veterinari) per la revisione della classificazione e la stesura delle linee Guida (dal 2021 a oggi)
- Partecipazione scientifica al Progetto Biomedicine and Molecular Biosciences COST action BM1007 “Mast Cells and Basophils - Targets for Innovative Therapies” come membro del Working Group 1 (WG1-Physiological and pathophysiological importance of mast cells and basophils in health and disease. Head: Prof. Francesca Levi-Schaffer) e del Working Group 3 (WG3-Identification of biological and pharmaceutical mast cell and basophil related targets. Head: Dr. Ulrich Blank).
- Partecipante del progetto di ricerca internazionale (Messina/Londra) Research & Mobility 2017 dal titolo COMPA.RE.: COMPArative models of cancer progression and REgression (2018).
- Componente del comitato tecnico-scientifico del progetto di ricerca SICILGERMOBANK: Recupero e conservazione del germoplasma animale siciliano a rischio di erosione genetica, finanziato all’Università degli Studi di Messina, con fondi PSR Sicilia 2014-2020, misura 10, operazione 10.2.b (2021).
- Associate Editor. Editorial Board di Frontiers in Veterinary Science (Front Vet Sci) - Veterinary Experimental and Diagnostic Pathology (IF: 3.412, dal 25-11-2016 a oggi)
- Componente come Topic Editor dell’Editorial Board della rivista scientifica Animals (IF: 2.752, dal 2021)
- Guest Editor della special issue "Veterinary and Comparative Reproductive Pathology, Animals (IF: 2.752; 2021)
- Guest Editorial. Alessandra Sfacteria. Insights into erythropoietin in veterinary oncology: the other side of the coin. The Veterinary Journal, 2015 (doi:10.1016/j.tvjl.2015.09.002)
- Invited Review. Alessandra Sfacteria, Michael Brines, Ulrich Blank. The Mast Cell plays a central role in immunity of teleost fish”. Molecular Immunology, 2015 Jan;63(1):3-8. doi: 0.1016/j.molimm.2014.02.007. Epub 2014 Mar 7. (IF 3.003)
- Reviewer negli ultimi 5 anni per le riviste Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica, Animals, Veterinary Science, Cells, Cancer, BioMed Research International, Veterinary research and communications.Autrice di 75 articoli di cui 58 recensiti su Scopus (2800 citazioni totali, h index 18) e 60 su WOS (2500 citazioni, h index 17). ORCID ID 0000-0003-3671-3750. Web of Science ResearcherID: AAK-1839-2020. Scopus Author Identifier 6602817520.
- Burrai G.P., Baldassarre V.*, Brunetti B.*, Iussich S. *, Maniscalco L. *, Mariotti F.*, Sfacteria A.*, Cocumelli C.*, Grieco V., Millanta F., Paciello O., Papparella S., Rasotto R., Romanucci M., Zappulli V. Canine and feline in situ mammary carcinoma. A comparative review. VETERINARY PATHOLOGY, 2022 (accepted for publication; *equal contribution). (Q2/Q3; IF 2.221).
- Rifici, C., Sfacteria, A., Di Giorgio S., Giambrone, G., Marino G., Mazzullo, G. Mast Cell Tumour and Mammary Gland Carcinoma Collision Tumour. Case report and literature review. JOURNAL OF THE HELLENIC VETERINARY MEDICAL SOCIETY, 2022 (accepted for publication; Q4; IF 0.477).).
- Rifici, C.; Quartuccio, M.; Sfacteria, A.; Lanteri, G.; Abbate, J. M.; Cristarella, S.; Mazzullo, G. A case of neoplastic synchronism in a dog. RESEARCH IN VETERINARY SCIENCE, 2021, 140. (Q1; IF.2.534).
- Napoli, E.; Remesar, S.; Mendoza-Roldan, J.; De Benedetto, G.; Di Giorgio, S.; Sfacteria, A.; Marino, G.; Arfuso, F.; Catone, G.; Brianti, E. Bovine besnoitiosis in a cattle herd in Sicily: an isolated outbreak or the acknowledgment of an endemicity? PARASITOLOGY RESEARCH 2021 120 (10). (Q2; IF 2.289).
- Pugliese M., Sfacteria A., Oliva G., Falcone A., Gizzarelli M., Passantino A. Clinical Significance of ROMs, OXY, SHp and HMGB-1 in Canine Leishmaniosis. ANIMALS, 2021, 11 (3). (Q1; IF 2.752)
- Biondi V., Passantino A., Pugliese M., Monti S., Sfacteria A.*; Di Pietro S. Conjunctival Inverted Papilloma Progressing to Carcinoma. First Report in Horse. VETERINARY SCIENCES 2021 8 (6). (Q1; IF 2.304). *corresponding author
- Marino G., Pugliese M., Pecchia F., Garufi G., Lupo V., Di Giorgio S., Sfacteria A. Conservative treatments for feline fibroadenomatous changes of the mammary gland. OPEN VETERINARY JOURNAL 2021 11 (4). (Q3)
- Marino G., Vullo C., Di Giorgio S., Zanghì A., Catone G., Sfacteria A. Hyperplastic and atrophic changes in the genital tract of a female cat following repeated treatment with deslorelin acetate – a case report. ACTA VETERINARIA BRNO 2021 90 (2). (Q4; IF 0.667)
- Sfacteria, A.; Napoli, E.; Rifici, C.; Commisso, D.; Giambrone, G.; Mazzullo, G.; Marino, G. Immune cells and immunoglobulin expression in the mammary gland tumors of dog. ANIMALS 2021, 11 (5). (Q1; IF 2.752)
- Marino, G.; Sfacteria, A.; Catone, G.; Zanghì, A.; Pecchia, F.; Difrancesco, Angela; Russo, Marco. Pseudo-Placentational Endometrial Hyperplasia in the Bitch: Case Series. ANIMALS 2021, 11 (3). (Q1; IF 2.752)
- Marino, G; Sfacteria, A; Cascone, G; La Spisa, M; Catone, G; Zanghi, A. Long-standing benign granulosa-theca cell tumour in a cow. CATTLE PRACTICE, 2020, 28. (Q4, IF 0.071).
- Marino, G;. Ciarello, F.; La Spisa, M.; Macri, F.; Sfacteria, A.; Zanghi, A. Doppler sonography of the corpus luteum during the oestrus cycle in dairy cows. MEDYCYNA WETERYNARYJNA-VETERINARY MEDICINE-SCIENCE AND PRACTICE 2020, 76 (6) 337-340. (Q4; IF 0.383)
- Torregrossa, F.; Aguennouz, M.; La Torre, D.; Sfacteria, A.; Grasso, G. Role of Erythropoietin in Cerebral Glioma: An Innovative Target in Neuro-Oncology. WORLD NEUROSURGERY 2019, 131.(Q3/Q4; IF 2.104).
- Marino, G.; Quartuccio, M.; Sfacteria, A.; Cristarella, S.; Zanghì, A. Complete vaginal stenosis and hematocolpus in two bitches with a history of GnRH treatment to postpone puberty. JOURNAL OF THE HELLENIC VETERINARY MEDICAL SOCIETY 2019, 70 (4). (Q4; IF 0.477).
- Troia R., Agnoli C., Fracassi F., Bettini G., Sfacteria A., Pisoni L., Dondi F. Renal adenocarcinoma-associated erythrocytosis in a cat: Clinicopathological features and immunohistochemical results OPEN VETERINARY JOURNAL, 2017, 7 (4), pp. 294 – 299. (Q3).
- Cernaro V, Sfacteria A, Rifici C, Macrì F, Maricchiolo G, Lacquaniti A, Ricciardi CA, Buemi A, Costantino G, Santoro D, Buemi M. Renoprotective effect of erythropoietin in zebrafish after administration of gentamicin: an immunohistochemical study for β-catenin and c-kit expression. J NEPHROL. 2017, 30 (3) , pp.385-391. (Q2; IF 3.902)
- Rifici C., Sfacteria A., Lanteri G., Reale S., La Spisa M., Mazzullo G. Granulomatous dermatitis due to Corynebacterium mucifaciens in a heifer. LARGE ANIMAL REVIEW, 2016, 22 (2) pp. 85-88 (Q4; 0,417).
- Sfacteria A. (2015). Insights into erythropoietin in veterinary oncology: The other side of the coin. VETERINARY JOURNAL, 206 (3), 247-248 (Q1; IF 2.688)
- Sfacteria A, Perillo L, Macrì F, Lanteri G, Rifici C, Mazzullo G. (2015). Peripheral nerve sheath tumor invading the nasal cavities of a 6-year-old female Pointer dog. VETERINARY QUARTERLY, Sep;35(3):170-3. (Q1; IF 3.320)
- Sfacteria A., Brines M., Blank U. (2015). The mast cell plays a central role in the immune system of teleost fish. MOLECULAR IMMUNOLOGY, 63 (1), pp.3-8. (Q2; IF 4.407)
- Macrì F., Passantino A., Di Pietro S., Ruscica D., Sfacteria A., De Stefano C., Bottari T. (2015). Effects of formalin preservation on eye lens of bogue, Boops boops (Linnaeus, 1758): comparison of direct (post-fixation) vs ultrasound (true) measurements. JOURNAL OF APPLIED ICHTHYOLOGY 31(2), 393-394.(Q4; IF 0.842).
- Gjurčević E, Kužir S, Sfacteria A, Drašner K, Marino F. (2014). Spontaneous multicentric myxoma of the dermal sheath in farmed European eels Anguilla anguilla. DISEASES OF AQUATIC ORGANISMS Sep 30;111(2):173-6. (Q2; IF 1,753)
- Galofaro V., Rapisarda G., Sfacteria A., Lanteri G., Marino F. (2012) Beta-catenin expression in pilomatrix carcinoma with multiple visceral metastases in a dog. ACTA VETERINARIA HUNGARICA, p. 449-457. Vol. 60. (Q3; IF 0.955)
- Zaccone D, Gopesh A, Anastasi G, Favaloro A, Sfacteria A, Marino F. (2012) Localization of neurotransmitters, peptides and nNOS in the pseudobranchial neurosecretory cell system and associated carotid labyrinth of the catfish, Clarias batrachus. ACTA HISTOCHEMICA, p. 62- 67. Vol. 114. (Q4; IF 2.479)
- Sfacteria A., Lanteri G., Caccamo G., Mazzullo G. (2011) Miodistrofia nutrizionale in una bovina: aspetti patologici e considerazioni eziopatogentiche. LARGE ANIMALS REVIEW, p. 139- 144. Vol. 17. (Q4; 0,417).
- Sfacteria A., Lanteri G., Grasso G., Macrì B., Mazzullo G. (2011) Mast cells in canine mammary gland tumour: number, distribution and EPOR positivity. VETERINARY AND COMPARATIVE ONCOLOGY, p. 310- 315. Vol. 9 (4). (Q1; IF 2.613).
- Zaccone D., Grimes A.C., Sfacteria A., Jaroszewska M., Caristina G., Manganaro M., Farrell A.P., Zaccone G., Dabrowski K., Marino F. (2011) Complex innervation patterns of the conus arteriosus in the heart of the longnose gar, Lepisosteus osseus. ACTA HISTOCHEMICA, p. 578- 584. (Q4; IF 2.479)
- Lanteri G., Sfacteria A., Macri' D., Reale S., Marino F. (2011) Penicilliosis in an african grey parrot (Psittacus erithacus). JOURNAL OF ZOO AND WILDLIFE MEDICINE, 42 (2), pp.309-312. (Q3; IF 0,766).
- Zaccone D., Lo Cascio P., Lauriano R., Pergolizzi S., Sfacteria A., Marino F. (2011) Occurrence of neuropeptides and tyrosine hydroxylase in the olfactory epithelium of the lesser-spotted catshark (Scyliorhinus canicula Linnaeus, 1758). ACTA HISTOCHEMICA, p. 717- 722. Vol. 113. (Q4; IF 2.479)
- Donia M., Mangano K., Quattrocchi C., Fagone P., Signorelli S., Magro G., Sfacteria A., Bendtzen K, Nicoletti F. (2010) Specific and Strain-Independent Effects of Dexamethasone in the Prevention and treatment of Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis in Rodents. SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY , p. 396- 407. Vol. 72. (Q3; IF 3.487)
- Ghezzi P., Bernaudin M., Bianchi R., Blomgren K., Brines M., Campana W., Cavaletti G., Cerami A., Chopp M., Coleman T., Digicaylioglu M., Ehrenreich H., Erbayraktar S., Erbayraktar Z., Gassmann M., Genc S., Gokmen N., Grasso G., Juul S., Lipton S. A., Hand C. C., Latini R., Lauria G., Leist M., Newton S. S., Petit E., Probert L., Sfacteria A., Siren A., Talan M., Thiemermann C., Westenbrink D., Yaqoob M., Zhu C. (2010) Erythropoietin: not just about erythropoiesis. LANCET p. 2142- 2142. Vol. 375. (Q1; IF 79,323).
- Grasso G., Sfacteria A. (2010) Erythropoietin and subarachnoid hemorrhage. JOURNAL OF NEUROSURGERY , p. 699- 700. Vol. 112. (Q1; IF 5.115).
- Sfacteria A., Macri' F., Perillo L., Rapisarda G., Lanteri G., Mazzullo G. (2010) Cytologic and histologic features of spinal cord ependymoma in a young dog: a case report. VETERINARNI MEDICINA , p. 35- 38. Vol. 55. (Q4; IF 0.565).
- Buemi M., Lacquaniti A., Bolignano D., Maricchiolo G., Favaloro A., Buemi A., Grasso G., Donato V., Giorgianni G., Genovese L., Coppolino G., Sfacteria A. (2009) The erythropoietin and regenerative medicine: a lesson from fish. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL INVESTIGATION p. 993- 999. Vol. 39. (Q1/Q2; IF 4.686)
- Sfacteria A, Lanteri G, Agricola S, Ferraro S, Macri' B, Mazzullo G (2009) Miodistrofia enzootica degli agnelli: indagini clinico-patologiche in un allevamento siciliano. LARGE ANIMALS REVIEW p. 211- 214. Vol. 15. (Q4; IF 0,417)
- Grasso G., Graziano F., Sfacteria A., Carletti F., Meli F., Maugeri R., Passalacqua M., Certo F., Fazio M., Buemi M., Iacopino D.G. (2009) Neuroprotective effect of erythropoietin and darbepoetin alfa after experimental intracerebral hemorrhage. NEUROSURGERY, p.763- 769. Vol. 65. (Q1/Q2; IF 4.654).
- Lanteri G., Marino F., Laganà G., Bellocco E., Barreca D., Liotta L., Sfacteria A., Macrì B. (2009) Acquired melanosis caused by acorn ingestion in the Nero Siciliano pig. VETERINARY PATHOLOGY, 46 (2), pp.329-333. (Q2/Q3; IF 2.221).
- Grasso G; Sfacteria A. (2008) The many faces of erythropoietin: from erythropoiesis to a rational neuroprotective strategy. EXPERT OPINION ON INVESTIGATIONAL DRUGS, p. 1407- 1409. Vol. 17. (Q1; IF 6.206).
- Grasso G; Sfacteria A; Meli F; Fodale V; Buemi M.; Iacopino Dg (2007) Neuroprotection by erythropoietin administration after experimental traumatic brain injury. BRAIN RESEARCH, p. 99- 105. Vol. 1182. (Q3; IF 3.252)
- Grasso G; Sfacteria A; Erbayraktar S; Passalacqua M; Meli F; Gokmen N; Yilmaz O; La Torre D.; Buemi M; Iacopino DG; Coleman T; Cerami A; Brines M; Tomasello F. (2006). Amelioration of spinal cord compressive injury by pharmacological preconditioning with erythropoietin and a nonerythropoietic erythropoietin derivative. JOURNAL OF NEUROSURGERY SPINE, 4 (4), pp.310-318. (Q1/Q2; IF 3.602).
- Grasso G; Sfacteria A; Passalacqua M; Morabito A; Buemi M.; Macri B; Brines Ml; Tomasello F (2005) Erythropoietin and erythropoietin receptor expression after experimental spinal cord injury encourages therapy by exogenous erythropoietin. NEUROSURGERY, p. 821- 826. Vol. 56. (Q1/Q2; IF 4.654)
- Bianchi R; Gilardini A; Rodriguez-Menendez V; Oggioni N; Canta A; Colombo T; De Michele G; Martone S; Sfacteria A.; Piedimonte G; Grasso G; Beccaglia P; Ghezzi P; D'incalci M; Lauria G; Cavaletti G (2007) Cisplatin-induced peripheral neuropathy: Neuroprotection by erythropoietin without affecting tumour growth. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CANCER, p. 710- 717. Vol. 43. (Q1; IF 9.162).
- Grasso G; Sfacteria A.; Meli F; Passalacqua M; Fodale V; Buemi M; Giambartino F; Lacopino Dg; Tomasello F (2007) The role of erythropoietin in neuroprotection: Therapeutic perspectives. DRUG NEWS & PERSPECTIVES, p. 315-320. Vol. 20.
- Mengozzi M; Latini R; Salio M; Sfacteria A.; Piedimonte G; Gerwien Jg; Leist M; Siren Al; Ghezzi P; Chimenti S (2006). Increased erythropoietin production after myocardial infarction in mice. HEART, p. 838- 839. Vol. 92. (Q1; IF 5.994).
- Sfacteria A; Mazzullo G.; Bertani C; Calabro' P; De Vico G; Macri' B (2005) Erythropoietin receptor expression in canine mammary tumor: An immunohistochemical study. VETERINARY PATHOLOGY, p. 837- 840. Vol. 42. (Q2/Q3; IF 2.221).
- Mazzullo G.; Sfacteria A; Iannelli N; De Majo M; Pennisi Mg (2005) Carcinoma of the submandibular salivary glands with multiple metastases in a cat. VETERINARY CLINICAL PATHOLOGY, p. 61- 64. Vol. 34. (Q3; IF 1.180).
- Grasso G; Sfacteria A; Brines M; Tomasello F. (2004) A new computed-assisted technique for experimental sciatic nerve function analysis. MEDICAL SCIENCE MONITOR, p. 1- 3. Vol. 10. (Q3; IF 2.649)
- Leist M; Ghezzi P; Grasso G.; Bianchi R; Villa P; Fratelli M; Savino C; Bianchi M;Nielsen J; Gerwien J; Kallunki P; Larsen Ak; Helboe L; Christensen S; Pedersen Lo;Nielsen M; Torup L; Sager T; Sfacteria A; Erbayraktar S; Erbayraktar Z; Gokmen N; Yilmaz O; Cerami-Hand C; Xie Qw; Coleman T; Cerami A; Brines M (2004) Derivatives of erythropoietin that are tissue protective but not erythropoietic. SCIENCE, p. 239- 242. Vol. 305. (Q1; IF 47.738).
- Grasso G.; Sfacteria A; Cerami A; Brines M (2004) Erythropoietin as a tissue protective cytokine in brain injury: What do we know and where do we go? NEUROSCIENTIST, p. 93- 98. Vol. 10 . (Q1; IF 7.519)
- Brines M; Grasso G.; Fiordaliso F; Sfacteria A; Ghezzi P; Fratelli M; Latini R; Xie Qw; Smart J; Su-Rick Cj; Pobre E; Diaz D; Gomez D; Hand C; Coleman T; Cerami A (2004). Erythropoietin mediates tissue protection through an erythropoietin and common beta-subunit heteroreceptor. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, p. 14907- 14912. Vol. 101 (Q1; IF 11.205).
- Paiardini M; Cervasi B; Galati D; Dominici S; Albrecht H; Sfacteria A.; Magnani M; Silvestri G; Piedimonte G. (2004) Early correction of cell cycle perturbations predicts the immunological response to therapy in HIV-infected patients. AIDS, p. 393- 402. Vol. 18(3). (Q2/Q3; IF 4.177)
- Erbayraktar S*; Grasso G.*; Sfacteria A*; Xie Qw; Coleman T; Kreilgaard M; Torup L; Sager T; Erbayraktar Z; Gokmen N; Yilmaz O; Ghezzi P; Villa P; Fratelli M; Casagrande S; Leist M; Helboe L; Gerwein J; Christensen S; Geist Ma; Pedersen Lo; Ceramihand C; Wuerth Jp; Cerami A; Brines M. (2003). Asialoerythropoietin is a nonerythropoietic cytokine with broad neuroprotective activity in vivo. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, p. 6741- 6746. Vol. 100(11). * equal contribution (Q1; IF 11.205).
- Sfacteria A; Bertani C; Costantino G; Del Bue M; Paiardini M; Cervasi B; Piedimonte A; De Vico G. (2003). Cyclin D1 expression in pre-cancerous and cancerous lesions of the canine mammary gland. JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE PATHOLOGY, p. 245- 251. Vol. 128 (Q3/Q4; IF 1.311).
- Grasso G; Buemi M; Alafaci C; Sfacteria A; Passalacqua M; Sturiale A; Calapai G; De Vico G; Piedimonte G; F. Salpietro; Tomasello F (2002). Beneficial effects of systemic administration of recombinant human erythropoietin in rabbits subjected to subarachnoid hemorrhage. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, p. 5627- 5631. Vol. 99. (Q1; IF 11.205).
- Grasso G; Passalacqua M; Sfacteria A; Conti A; Morabito A; Mazzullo G; De Vico G; Buemi M; Macri' B.; Tomasello F (2002) Does administration of recombinant human erythropoietin attenuate the increase of S-100 protein observed in cerebrospinal fluid after experimental subarachnoid hemorrhage?. JOURNAL OF NEUROSURGERY, p. 565- 570. Vol. 96 (Q1; IF 5.115).
- De Vico G; Sfacteria A; Maiolino P; Mazzullo G. (2002) Comparison of nuclear morphometric parameters in cytologic smears and histologic sections of spontaneous canine tumors. VETERINARY CLINICAL PATHOLOGY, p. 16- 18. Vol. 31. (Q3; IF 1.180).
- Buemi M; Grasso G; Corica F; Calapai G; F. Salpietro; Casuscelli T; Sfacteria A; Aloisi C; Alafaci C; Sturiale A; Frisina N; Tomasello F (2000) In vivo evidence that erythropoietin has a neuroprotective effect during subarachnoid hemorrhage. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGY, p. 31- 34. Vol. 392. (Q2; IF 4.432)
- Alafaci C; Salpietro F; Grasso G; Sfacteria A; Passalacqua M; Morabito A; Tripodo E.; Calapai G; Buemi M; Tomasello F (2000) Effect of recombinant human erythropoietin on cerebral ischemia following experimental subarachnoid hemorrhage. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGY, p. 219- 225.Vol. 406. (Q2; IF 4.432)
- DVM, Summa Cum Laude, University of Messina, School of Veterinary Medicine (February 1998).
- Licensed to practice as a veterinarian (1998)
- Ph.D. at the Veterinary Pathology Department of Messina (February 2002)
- Guest researcher at "The Kenneth S. Warren Institute", New York (USA) for the project "Erythropoietin derivatives" (April 2002)
- Research contract: "Immunohistochemical study of pathologic expression of cell cycle regulatory proteins" at the Dpt. of Veterinary Public Health, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Messina (May 2002).
- Full Researcher at "The Kenneth S. Warren Institute", New York (USA) e "YALE University" New Haven, Connecticut (USA) for the research project "Novel Therapeutics for Treatment of Nervous System Injury (June-December 2002).
- Full Researcher at "The Kenneth S. Warren Institute", New York (USA) e "YALE University" New Haven, Connecticut (USA) for the research project "Novel Therapeutics for Treatment of Nervous System Injury (October-December 2003).
- Assistant Professor of Veterinary Pathology (from 28/01/2004)
- Attendant at the “Veterinary Neuropathology Advanced Course”, Summer School of the European College of Veterinary Neurology (ECVN). Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, 31/07- 01/08/2010, Ozzano Emilia (Bologna)
- Associate Professor of Veterinary Pathology (from October 2016)
- Researcher for the research project granted by the Italian Ministry of University PRIN 2003 “Drug target and delivery of antineoplastic drugs: canine mammary gland cancer as an animal model”).
- Awarded at the 1st Meeting of Italian Veterinary Pathologists (AIPVet, Gargnano (BS) 30 Aprile-1 Maggio 2004) for the scientific presentation about the immunohistochemical expression of the erythropoietin in canine mammary gland tumors
- Member of the Working Group 1 (WG1-Physiological and pathophysiological importance of mast cells and basophils in health and disease) and of the Working Group 2 (WG2-Identification of biological and pharmaceutical mast cell and basophil related targets) of the COST Action BM1007 “Mast Cells and Basophils - Targets for Innovative Therapies”
- Principal investigator for the project “zebrafish as a comparative model of kidney injury”, in partnership with the School of Medicine, for experimental research on animal models of tissue reparation and regeneration (approval for ethical standards n°57/2011-B of the Italian Health Ministry).
- guest editor for The Veterinary Journal (2015, vol. 206, p. 247-248, ISSN: 1090-0233, doi: 10.1016/j.tvjl.2015.09.002)
- Invited author for Molecular Immunology (2015, 63(1), pp. 3–8)
- Ph.D. tutor and co-tutor at the Ph.D. course “Veterinary Sciences” for degree theses on “microenvironment, mast cells, and pet tumor progression” and “erythropoietin role in epimorphic regeneration”
- Member of the Working Group (GdL) "Pathologists for the Standardization Diagnostics and Coding of Breast Tumors" established within the AIPVET (Italian Association of Veterinary Pathologists) for the revision of the classification and the drafting of the guidelines for the diagnosis of hyperplastic / dysplastic and neoplastic processes of the breast of dogs and cats "(from 2020 to date).
- Member of the Working Group (GdL) for the diagnostic standardization and codification of Soft Tissue Sarcomas (STS) established within the AIPVET (Italian Association of Veterinary Pathologists) for the revision of the classification and the drafting of the Guidelines (from 2021 to today)
- Participant of the international research project (Messina/London) Research & Mobility 2017 entitled COMPA. RE.: COMPArative models of cancer progression and REgression (2018).
- Member of the technical-scientific committee of the SICILGERMOBANK research project: Recovery and conservation of Sicilian animal germplasm at risk of genetic erosion, funded at the University of Messina, with PSR Sicily 2014-2020 funds, measure 10, operation 10.2.b (2021).
- Associate Editor. Editorial Board of Frontiers in Veterinary Science (Front Vet Sci) - Veterinary Experimental and Diagnostic Pathology (IF: 3,412, from 25-11-2016 to present)
- Member as Topic Editor of the Editorial Board of the scientific journal Animals (IF: 2,752, from 2021)
- Guest Editor of the special issue "Veterinary and Comparative Reproductive Pathology, Animals (IF: 2.752; 2021)
- Guest Editorial. Alessandra Sfacteria. Insights into erythropoietin in veterinary oncology: the other side of the coin. The Veterinary Journal, 2015 (doi:10.1016/j.tvjl.2015.09.002)
- Invited Review. Alessandra Sfacteria, Michael Brines, Ulrich Blank. The Mast Cell plays a central role in immunity of teleost fish”. Molecular Immunology, 2015 Jan;63(1):3-8. doi: 0.1016/j.molimm.2014.02.007. Epub 2014 Mar 7. (IF 3.003)
- Reviewer in the last 5 years for the journals Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica, Animals, Veterinary Science, Cells, Cancer, BioMed Research International, Veterinary research and communications.
- Author of 75 articles of which 58 reviewed on Scopus (2800 total citations, h index 18) and 60 on WOS (2500 citations, h index 17). ORCID ID 0000-0003-3671-3750. Web of Science ResearcherID: AAK-1839-2020. Scopus Author Identifier 6602817520.
- Burrai G.P., Baldassarre V.*, Brunetti B.*, Iussich S. *, Maniscalco L. *, Mariotti F.*, Sfacteria A.*, Cocumelli C.*, Grieco V., Millanta F., Paciello O., Papparella S., Rasotto R., Romanucci M., Zappulli V. Canine and feline in situ mammary carcinoma. A comparative review. VETERINARY PATHOLOGY, 2022 (accepted for publication; *equal contribution). (Q2/Q3; IF 2.221).
- Rifici, C., Sfacteria, A., Di Giorgio S., Giambrone, G., Marino G., Mazzullo, G. Mast Cell Tumour and Mammary Gland Carcinoma Collision Tumour. Case report and literature review. JOURNAL OF THE HELLENIC VETERINARY MEDICAL SOCIETY, 2022 (accepted for publication; Q4; IF 0.477).).
- Rifici, C.; Quartuccio, M.; Sfacteria, A.; Lanteri, G.; Abbate, J. M.; Cristarella, S.; Mazzullo, G. A case of neoplastic synchronism in a dog. RESEARCH IN VETERINARY SCIENCE, 2021, 140. (Q1; IF.2.534).
- Napoli, E.; Remesar, S.; Mendoza-Roldan, J.; De Benedetto, G.; Di Giorgio, S.; Sfacteria, A.; Marino, G.; Arfuso, F.; Catone, G.; Brianti, E. Bovine besnoitiosis in a cattle herd in Sicily: an isolated outbreak or the acknowledgment of an endemicity? PARASITOLOGY RESEARCH 2021 120 (10). (Q2; IF 2.289).
- Pugliese M., Sfacteria A., Oliva G., Falcone A., Gizzarelli M., Passantino A. Clinical Significance of ROMs, OXY, SHp and HMGB-1 in Canine Leishmaniosis. ANIMALS, 2021, 11 (3). (Q1; IF 2.752)
- Biondi V., Passantino A., Pugliese M., Monti S., Sfacteria A.*; Di Pietro S. Conjunctival Inverted Papilloma Progressing to Carcinoma. First Report in Horse. VETERINARY SCIENCES 2021 8 (6). (Q1; IF 2.304). *corresponding author
- Marino G., Pugliese M., Pecchia F., Garufi G., Lupo V., Di Giorgio S., Sfacteria A. Conservative treatments for feline fibroadenomatous changes of the mammary gland. OPEN VETERINARY JOURNAL 2021 11 (4). (Q3)
- Marino G., Vullo C., Di Giorgio S., Zanghì A., Catone G., Sfacteria A. Hyperplastic and atrophic changes in the genital tract of a female cat following repeated treatment with deslorelin acetate – a case report. ACTA VETERINARIA BRNO 2021 90 (2). (Q4; IF 0.667)
- Sfacteria, A.; Napoli, E.; Rifici, C.; Commisso, D.; Giambrone, G.; Mazzullo, G.; Marino, G. Immune cells and immunoglobulin expression in the mammary gland tumors of dog. ANIMALS 2021, 11 (5). (Q1; IF 2.752)
- Marino, G.; Sfacteria, A.; Catone, G.; Zanghì, A.; Pecchia, F.; Difrancesco, Angela; Russo, Marco. Pseudo-Placentational Endometrial Hyperplasia in the Bitch: Case Series. ANIMALS 2021, 11 (3). (Q1; IF 2.752)
- Marino, G; Sfacteria, A; Cascone, G; La Spisa, M; Catone, G; Zanghi, A. Long-standing benign granulosa-theca cell tumour in a cow. CATTLE PRACTICE, 2020, 28. (Q4, IF 0.071).
- Marino, G;. Ciarello, F.; La Spisa, M.; Macri, F.; Sfacteria, A.; Zanghi, A. Doppler sonography of the corpus luteum during the oestrus cycle in dairy cows. MEDYCYNA WETERYNARYJNA-VETERINARY MEDICINE-SCIENCE AND PRACTICE 2020, 76 (6) 337-340. (Q4; IF 0.383)
- Torregrossa, F.; Aguennouz, M.; La Torre, D.; Sfacteria, A.; Grasso, G. Role of Erythropoietin in Cerebral Glioma: An Innovative Target in Neuro-Oncology. WORLD NEUROSURGERY 2019, 131.(Q3/Q4; IF 2.104).
- Marino, G.; Quartuccio, M.; Sfacteria, A.; Cristarella, S.; Zanghì, A. Complete vaginal stenosis and hematocolpus in two bitches with a history of GnRH treatment to postpone puberty. JOURNAL OF THE HELLENIC VETERINARY MEDICAL SOCIETY 2019, 70 (4). (Q4; IF 0.477).
- Troia R., Agnoli C., Fracassi F., Bettini G., Sfacteria A., Pisoni L., Dondi F. Renal adenocarcinoma-associated erythrocytosis in a cat: Clinicopathological features and immunohistochemical results OPEN VETERINARY JOURNAL, 2017, 7 (4), pp. 294 – 299. (Q3).
- Cernaro V, Sfacteria A, Rifici C, Macrì F, Maricchiolo G, Lacquaniti A, Ricciardi CA, Buemi A, Costantino G, Santoro D, Buemi M. Renoprotective effect of erythropoietin in zebrafish after administration of gentamicin: an immunohistochemical study for β-catenin and c-kit expression. J NEPHROL. 2017, 30 (3) , pp.385-391. (Q2; IF 3.902)
- Rifici C., Sfacteria A., Lanteri G., Reale S., La Spisa M., Mazzullo G. Granulomatous dermatitis due to Corynebacterium mucifaciens in a heifer. LARGE ANIMAL REVIEW, 2016, 22 (2) pp. 85-88 (Q4; 0,417).
- Sfacteria A. (2015). Insights into erythropoietin in veterinary oncology: The other side of the coin. VETERINARY JOURNAL, 206 (3), 247-248 (Q1; IF 2.688)
- Sfacteria A, Perillo L, Macrì F, Lanteri G, Rifici C, Mazzullo G. (2015). Peripheral nerve sheath tumor invading the nasal cavities of a 6-year-old female Pointer dog. VETERINARY QUARTERLY, Sep;35(3):170-3. (Q1; IF 3.320)
- Sfacteria A., Brines M., Blank U. (2015). The mast cell plays a central role in the immune system of teleost fish. MOLECULAR IMMUNOLOGY, 63 (1), pp.3-8. (Q2; IF 4.407)
- Macrì F., Passantino A., Di Pietro S., Ruscica D., Sfacteria A., De Stefano C., Bottari T. (2015). Effects of formalin preservation on eye lens of bogue, Boops boops (Linnaeus, 1758): comparison of direct (post-fixation) vs ultrasound (true) measurements. JOURNAL OF APPLIED ICHTHYOLOGY 31(2), 393-394.(Q4; IF 0.842).
- Gjurčević E, Kužir S, Sfacteria A, Drašner K, Marino F. (2014). Spontaneous multicentric myxoma of the dermal sheath in farmed European eels Anguilla anguilla. DISEASES OF AQUATIC ORGANISMS Sep 30;111(2):173-6. (Q2; IF 1,753)
- Galofaro V., Rapisarda G., Sfacteria A., Lanteri G., Marino F. (2012) Beta-catenin expression in pilomatrix carcinoma with multiple visceral metastases in a dog. ACTA VETERINARIA HUNGARICA, p. 449-457. Vol. 60. (Q3; IF 0.955)
- Zaccone D, Gopesh A, Anastasi G, Favaloro A, Sfacteria A, Marino F. (2012) Localization of neurotransmitters, peptides and nNOS in the pseudobranchial neurosecretory cell system and associated carotid labyrinth of the catfish, Clarias batrachus. ACTA HISTOCHEMICA, p. 62- 67. Vol. 114. (Q4; IF 2.479)
- Sfacteria A., Lanteri G., Caccamo G., Mazzullo G. (2011) Miodistrofia nutrizionale in una bovina: aspetti patologici e considerazioni eziopatogentiche. LARGE ANIMALS REVIEW, p. 139- 144. Vol. 17. (Q4; 0,417).
- Sfacteria A., Lanteri G., Grasso G., Macrì B., Mazzullo G. (2011) Mast cells in canine mammary gland tumour: number, distribution and EPOR positivity. VETERINARY AND COMPARATIVE ONCOLOGY, p. 310- 315. Vol. 9 (4). (Q1; IF 2.613).
- Zaccone D., Grimes A.C., Sfacteria A., Jaroszewska M., Caristina G., Manganaro M., Farrell A.P., Zaccone G., Dabrowski K., Marino F. (2011) Complex innervation patterns of the conus arteriosus in the heart of the longnose gar, Lepisosteus osseus. ACTA HISTOCHEMICA, p. 578- 584. (Q4; IF 2.479)
- Lanteri G., Sfacteria A., Macri' D., Reale S., Marino F. (2011) Penicilliosis in an african grey parrot (Psittacus erithacus). JOURNAL OF ZOO AND WILDLIFE MEDICINE, 42 (2), pp.309-312. (Q3; IF 0,766).
- Zaccone D., Lo Cascio P., Lauriano R., Pergolizzi S., Sfacteria A., Marino F. (2011) Occurrence of neuropeptides and tyrosine hydroxylase in the olfactory epithelium of the lesser-spotted catshark (Scyliorhinus canicula Linnaeus, 1758). ACTA HISTOCHEMICA, p. 717- 722. Vol. 113. (Q4; IF 2.479)
- Donia M., Mangano K., Quattrocchi C., Fagone P., Signorelli S., Magro G., Sfacteria A., Bendtzen K, Nicoletti F. (2010) Specific and Strain-Independent Effects of Dexamethasone in the Prevention and treatment of Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis in Rodents. SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY , p. 396- 407. Vol. 72. (Q3; IF 3.487)
- Ghezzi P., Bernaudin M., Bianchi R., Blomgren K., Brines M., Campana W., Cavaletti G., Cerami A., Chopp M., Coleman T., Digicaylioglu M., Ehrenreich H., Erbayraktar S., Erbayraktar Z., Gassmann M., Genc S., Gokmen N., Grasso G., Juul S., Lipton S. A., Hand C. C., Latini R., Lauria G., Leist M., Newton S. S., Petit E., Probert L., Sfacteria A., Siren A., Talan M., Thiemermann C., Westenbrink D., Yaqoob M., Zhu C. (2010) Erythropoietin: not just about erythropoiesis. LANCET p. 2142- 2142. Vol. 375. (Q1; IF 79,323).
- Grasso G., Sfacteria A. (2010) Erythropoietin and subarachnoid hemorrhage. JOURNAL OF NEUROSURGERY , p. 699- 700. Vol. 112. (Q1; IF 5.115).
- Sfacteria A., Macri' F., Perillo L., Rapisarda G., Lanteri G., Mazzullo G. (2010) Cytologic and histologic features of spinal cord ependymoma in a young dog: a case report. VETERINARNI MEDICINA , p. 35- 38. Vol. 55. (Q4; IF 0.565).
- Buemi M., Lacquaniti A., Bolignano D., Maricchiolo G., Favaloro A., Buemi A., Grasso G., Donato V., Giorgianni G., Genovese L., Coppolino G., Sfacteria A. (2009) The erythropoietin and regenerative medicine: a lesson from fish. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL INVESTIGATION p. 993- 999. Vol. 39. (Q1/Q2; IF 4.686)
- Sfacteria A, Lanteri G, Agricola S, Ferraro S, Macri' B, Mazzullo G (2009) Miodistrofia enzootica degli agnelli: indagini clinico-patologiche in un allevamento siciliano. LARGE ANIMALS REVIEW p. 211- 214. Vol. 15. (Q4; IF 0,417)
- Grasso G., Graziano F., Sfacteria A., Carletti F., Meli F., Maugeri R., Passalacqua M., Certo F., Fazio M., Buemi M., Iacopino D.G. (2009) Neuroprotective effect of erythropoietin and darbepoetin alfa after experimental intracerebral hemorrhage. NEUROSURGERY, p.763- 769. Vol. 65. (Q1/Q2; IF 4.654).
- Lanteri G., Marino F., Laganà G., Bellocco E., Barreca D., Liotta L., Sfacteria A., Macrì B. (2009) Acquired melanosis caused by acorn ingestion in the Nero Siciliano pig. VETERINARY PATHOLOGY, 46 (2), pp.329-333. (Q2/Q3; IF 2.221).
- Grasso G; Sfacteria A. (2008) The many faces of erythropoietin: from erythropoiesis to a rational neuroprotective strategy. EXPERT OPINION ON INVESTIGATIONAL DRUGS, p. 1407- 1409. Vol. 17. (Q1; IF 6.206).
- Grasso G; Sfacteria A; Meli F; Fodale V; Buemi M.; Iacopino Dg (2007) Neuroprotection by erythropoietin administration after experimental traumatic brain injury. BRAIN RESEARCH, p. 99- 105. Vol. 1182. (Q3; IF 3.252)
- Grasso G; Sfacteria A; Erbayraktar S; Passalacqua M; Meli F; Gokmen N; Yilmaz O; La Torre D.; Buemi M; Iacopino DG; Coleman T; Cerami A; Brines M; Tomasello F. (2006). Amelioration of spinal cord compressive injury by pharmacological preconditioning with erythropoietin and a nonerythropoietic erythropoietin derivative. JOURNAL OF NEUROSURGERY SPINE, 4 (4), pp.310-318. (Q1/Q2; IF 3.602).
- Grasso G; Sfacteria A; Passalacqua M; Morabito A; Buemi M.; Macri B; Brines Ml; Tomasello F (2005) Erythropoietin and erythropoietin receptor expression after experimental spinal cord injury encourages therapy by exogenous erythropoietin. NEUROSURGERY, p. 821- 826. Vol. 56. (Q1/Q2; IF 4.654)
- Bianchi R; Gilardini A; Rodriguez-Menendez V; Oggioni N; Canta A; Colombo T; De Michele G; Martone S; Sfacteria A.; Piedimonte G; Grasso G; Beccaglia P; Ghezzi P; D'incalci M; Lauria G; Cavaletti G (2007) Cisplatin-induced peripheral neuropathy: Neuroprotection by erythropoietin without affecting tumour growth. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CANCER, p. 710- 717. Vol. 43. (Q1; IF 9.162).
- Grasso G; Sfacteria A.; Meli F; Passalacqua M; Fodale V; Buemi M; Giambartino F; Lacopino Dg; Tomasello F (2007) The role of erythropoietin in neuroprotection: Therapeutic perspectives. DRUG NEWS & PERSPECTIVES, p. 315-320. Vol. 20.
- Mengozzi M; Latini R; Salio M; Sfacteria A.; Piedimonte G; Gerwien Jg; Leist M; Siren Al; Ghezzi P; Chimenti S (2006). Increased erythropoietin production after myocardial infarction in mice. HEART, p. 838- 839. Vol. 92. (Q1; IF 5.994).
- Sfacteria A; Mazzullo G.; Bertani C; Calabro' P; De Vico G; Macri' B (2005) Erythropoietin receptor expression in canine mammary tumor: An immunohistochemical study. VETERINARY PATHOLOGY, p. 837- 840. Vol. 42. (Q2/Q3; IF 2.221).
- Mazzullo G.; Sfacteria A; Iannelli N; De Majo M; Pennisi Mg (2005) Carcinoma of the submandibular salivary glands with multiple metastases in a cat. VETERINARY CLINICAL PATHOLOGY, p. 61- 64. Vol. 34. (Q3; IF 1.180).
- Grasso G; Sfacteria A; Brines M; Tomasello F. (2004) A new computed-assisted technique for experimental sciatic nerve function analysis. MEDICAL SCIENCE MONITOR, p. 1- 3. Vol. 10. (Q3; IF 2.649)
- Leist M; Ghezzi P; Grasso G.; Bianchi R; Villa P; Fratelli M; Savino C; Bianchi M;Nielsen J; Gerwien J; Kallunki P; Larsen Ak; Helboe L; Christensen S; Pedersen Lo;Nielsen M; Torup L; Sager T; Sfacteria A; Erbayraktar S; Erbayraktar Z; Gokmen N; Yilmaz O; Cerami-Hand C; Xie Qw; Coleman T; Cerami A; Brines M (2004) Derivatives of erythropoietin that are tissue protective but not erythropoietic. SCIENCE, p. 239- 242. Vol. 305. (Q1; IF 47.738).
- Grasso G.; Sfacteria A; Cerami A; Brines M (2004) Erythropoietin as a tissue protective cytokine in brain injury: What do we know and where do we go? NEUROSCIENTIST, p. 93- 98. Vol. 10 . (Q1; IF 7.519)
- Brines M; Grasso G.; Fiordaliso F; Sfacteria A; Ghezzi P; Fratelli M; Latini R; Xie Qw; Smart J; Su-Rick Cj; Pobre E; Diaz D; Gomez D; Hand C; Coleman T; Cerami A (2004). Erythropoietin mediates tissue protection through an erythropoietin and common beta-subunit heteroreceptor. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, p. 14907- 14912. Vol. 101 (Q1; IF 11.205).
- Paiardini M; Cervasi B; Galati D; Dominici S; Albrecht H; Sfacteria A.; Magnani M; Silvestri G; Piedimonte G. (2004) Early correction of cell cycle perturbations predicts the immunological response to therapy in HIV-infected patients. AIDS, p. 393- 402. Vol. 18(3). (Q2/Q3; IF 4.177)
- Erbayraktar S*; Grasso G.*; Sfacteria A*; Xie Qw; Coleman T; Kreilgaard M; Torup L; Sager T; Erbayraktar Z; Gokmen N; Yilmaz O; Ghezzi P; Villa P; Fratelli M; Casagrande S; Leist M; Helboe L; Gerwein J; Christensen S; Geist Ma; Pedersen Lo; Ceramihand C; Wuerth Jp; Cerami A; Brines M. (2003). Asialoerythropoietin is a nonerythropoietic cytokine with broad neuroprotective activity in vivo. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, p. 6741- 6746. Vol. 100(11). * equal contribution (Q1; IF 11.205).
- Sfacteria A; Bertani C; Costantino G; Del Bue M; Paiardini M; Cervasi B; Piedimonte A; De Vico G. (2003). Cyclin D1 expression in pre-cancerous and cancerous lesions of the canine mammary gland. JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE PATHOLOGY, p. 245- 251. Vol. 128 (Q3/Q4; IF 1.311).
- Grasso G; Buemi M; Alafaci C; Sfacteria A; Passalacqua M; Sturiale A; Calapai G; De Vico G; Piedimonte G; F. Salpietro; Tomasello F (2002). Beneficial effects of systemic administration of recombinant human erythropoietin in rabbits subjected to subarachnoid hemorrhage. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, p. 5627- 5631. Vol. 99. (Q1; IF 11.205).
- Grasso G; Passalacqua M; Sfacteria A; Conti A; Morabito A; Mazzullo G; De Vico G; Buemi M; Macri' B.; Tomasello F (2002) Does administration of recombinant human erythropoietin attenuate the increase of S-100 protein observed in cerebrospinal fluid after experimental subarachnoid hemorrhage?. JOURNAL OF NEUROSURGERY, p. 565- 570. Vol. 96 (Q1; IF 5.115).
- De Vico G; Sfacteria A; Maiolino P; Mazzullo G. (2002) Comparison of nuclear morphometric parameters in cytologic smears and histologic sections of spontaneous canine tumors. VETERINARY CLINICAL PATHOLOGY, p. 16- 18. Vol. 31. (Q3; IF 1.180).
- Buemi M; Grasso G; Corica F; Calapai G; F. Salpietro; Casuscelli T; Sfacteria A; Aloisi C; Alafaci C; Sturiale A; Frisina N; Tomasello F (2000) In vivo evidence that erythropoietin has a neuroprotective effect during subarachnoid hemorrhage. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGY, p. 31- 34. Vol. 392. (Q2; IF 4.432)
- Alafaci C; Salpietro F; Grasso G; Sfacteria A; Passalacqua M; Morabito A; Tripodo E.; Calapai G; Buemi M; Tomasello F (2000) Effect of recombinant human erythropoietin on cerebral ischemia following experimental subarachnoid hemorrhage. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGY, p. 219- 225.Vol. 406. (Q2; IF 4.432)
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