Al Via "Le Settimane Della Valutazione" Per La Rilevazione Delle Opinioni Degli Studenti - II Semestre

The "Evaluation Weeks" resume from 26 April, during which the Student Opinion Survey (ROS) will be carried out in relation to the second semester. The survey is conducted to provide teachers, the QA groups of the CdS, the Teacher-Student Joint Committees, the management bodies of the Degree Program and, in general, the University Governing Bodies, useful information in order to improve the didactic offer and to be able to correct any criticalities detected with a view to strengthening the Quality Assurance of the CdS.

The Evaluation Weeks will be held from April 26, 2022 to June 1, 2022. During this period, students will be invited, during the course of the lessons, to fill in the questionnaires that they will find by accessing the ESSE3 Students web area or using the App (AppUniME) whose compilation guide is available at the following link.

For students

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