Teaching methods


Master's degree courses last for two years, for a total of 120 CFU.
A CFU corresponds to 25 hours of work for the student, including hours of lessons, exercise, laboratory, seminar and other training activities, including the hours of individual study required to complete the training. On average, one year of each Study Course is 60 CFU.

With reference to each type of training activity, the following match is established:

Attività Formativa Ore/CFU Descrizione Ore di impegno dello studente per ore di attività
Lesson 8 The student attends the lesson and independently elaborates (individual study) the contents received 3,12
Exercise 16 We develop applications that allow to clarify the content of the lessons, without adding more content than the lessons. Typically, the exercises are associated with the lessons and cannot exist independently. 1,56
Laboratory 24 Assisted activities that involve the student's interaction with IT equipment, experimental equipment, application packages, etc. 1,04
Design laboratory 24 Activities in which the student, on the basis of specifications provided by the teacher, develops a design solution and develops it, for the most part, independently, possibly organized in work groups. 1,04

The training credits for each course are obtained by carrying out the activities provided for in the course program and in general by passing the exams.

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