



1996 - Laurea in Fisica, indirizzo Biofisica (110/110), Università La Sapienza, Roma
1998-2001 – Dottorato in Neuroscienze, Università Tor Vergata, Roma
2012-2016 - Specializzazione in Fisica Medica, Università Cattolica di Roma

2001-2006 – attività di ricerca presso Fondazione Santa Lucia di Roma, IRCCS
2006 – 2008 – borsa di studio Marie Curie (EC FP6), Università di Cambridge, UK
2008 – presente - attività di ricerca presso Fondazione Santa Lucia e Università Tor Vergata, Roma
2018-2020 Ricercatore (RTDb) settore FIS/07 (Fisica Applicata) presso UniCamillus Roma
2020 - presente Professore Associato di Fisiologia, Università di Messina.

Attività di Ricerca
La ricerca di Iole Indovina è incentrata sulla neurofisiologia, principalmente sullo studio dei meccanismi cerebrali di percezione ed elaborazione cognitiva attraverso l’imaging di risonanza magnetica funzionale (fMRI).
I principali argomenti della ricerca ricoprono la percezione visivo-vestibolare e la codifica del movimento nel campo gravitazionale, dal moto di oggetti (Indovina et al. Science 2005) al movimento personale (Indovina et al. Neuroimage 2013, Exp Brain Res 2013, 2015), alla codifica neurale della navigazione nello spazio tridimensionale (Indovina et al. Neuroimage 2016). Tra i risultati principali vi è la scoperta che l’uomo codifica nella corteccia vestibolare (in particolare nell’insula) un modello interno di gravità che gli permette di interagire in maniera efficace con l’ambiente esterno per esempio nell’intercettamento di oggetti e nell’interazione con gli ostacoli durante il movimento personale.
Ha anche studiato l’alterazione di tali meccanismi in pazienti vestibolari cronici e l’interazione tra condizioni vestibolari patologiche e l’ansia.
In particolare, durante la sua esperienza al Dipartimento di Psicologia Sperimentale dell’Università di Cambridge ha studiato gli effetti dell’ansia sull’attività cerebrale, focalizzandosi sulle differenze inter-individuali legate alla vulnerabilità individuale all’ansia (Indovina et al. 2011, Neuron). In seguito ha esteso questo argomento al legame tra ansia e sistema vestibolare e l’ha applicato sia allo studio della risposta del sistema vestibolare in relazione all’ansia individuale (Indovina et al. 2014, Journal of Psychosomatic Research, Passamonti et al 2019 J Vestib. Res.), sia allo studio di pazienti con disturbo da disequilibrio posturale-percettivo persistente (Indovina et al 2017, 2015, Front Neurol, Front Behav Neurosci, Riccelli et al. 2017Human Brain Mapping, Nigro et al. 2019 Brain Imaging and Behav, Indovina et al. Front Neurol 2019). Ha scoperto che la codifica del modello interno di gravità nella corteccia insulare è alterata in questo tipo di pazienti.
Ministero della salute, Ricerca Finalizzata RF-2019-12369194, Titolo: “Image- and genetically guided personalized neuromodulation therapy for persistent postural-perceptual dizziness “, 3 anni. Ruolo: Principal Investigator. Fondazione Santa Lucia, Roma.
"Contributi per la permanenza nel mondo accademico delle eccellenze" – Programma Operativo della Regione Lazio Fondo Sociale Europeo (POR-FSE 21993-19036AP000000031). Titolo: “Terapia neuromodulatoria per il disequilibrio posturale percettivo persistente” 3 anni. UniCamillus, Saint Camillus University of Health and Medical Sciences, Rome, Italy. Cofinanziamento della regione al 50% per rtdA.

USA Department of Defense, Congressionally Directed Medical Research Program W81XWH1810760 PT170028, Psychological Health/Traumatic Brain Injury Research Programs (PHTBIRP) Complex Traumatic Brain Injury Rehabilitation Research - Clinical Research Award Title: “Advancing Rehabilitation: Physiological, Psychological and Neuroimaging Measures of Factors that Predispose, Promote, and Perpetuate Post-Traumatic Dizziness”. Finanziamento per 4 anni, (siti: Mayo Clinic, Rochester MA, USA; Imperial College, London, UK; Foundation Santa Lucia and University of Tor Vergata, Rome, Italy, Saint Camillus International University of Health and Medical Sciences-Unicamillus) Ruolo: Principal Investigator dei siti Fondazione santa Lucia e Unicamillus
dal 01-09-2018 al 31-08-2022
Ministero della salute; PE-2013-02355372; Progetto Estero di Ricerca Finalizzata, Titolo del Progetto: "Brain Mechanisms of Chronic Subjective Dizziness"; Fondazione Santa Lucia, Roma, Italia. Finanziamento per 4 anni (2016-2020), inizio 01/12/2016. Ruolo: Principal Investigator.
NIH National Institute of Deafness and other Communication Disorders (NIDCD) 1R21DC015888 Project Title: “In vivo mapping of human brainstem vestibular and autonomic pathways”. Finanziamento per 24 mesi 01/07/2017-30/06/2019. Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, Boston, MA, USA. Role: Consultant / Co-Investigator.
Pubblicazioni selezionate
Indovina I, Bosco G, Riccelli R, Maffei V, Lacquaniti F, Passamonti L, Toschi N. (2020) Structural connectome and connectivity lateralization of the multimodal vestibular cortical network. Neuroimage. 2020;222:117247.
Mucci, V., Indovina, I., Browne, C.J., Blanchini, F., Giordano, G., Marinelli, L., Burlando, B., 2020. Mal de Debarquement Syndrome: A Matter of Loops? Front Neurol 11, 576860.
Maffei, V., Indovina, I., Mazzarella, E., Giusti, M.A., Macaluso, E., Lacquaniti, F., Viviani, P., (2020). Sensitivity of occipito-temporal cortex, premotor and Broca’s areas to visible speech gestures in a familiar language. PloS One 15, e0234695.
Singh, K., Indovina, I., Augustinack, J.C., Nestor, K., García-Gomar, M.G., Staab, J.P., Bianciardi, M., (2019). Probabilistic Template of the Lateral Parabrachial Nucleus, Medial Parabrachial Nucleus, Vestibular Nuclei Complex, and Medullary Viscero-Sensory-Motor Nuclei Complex in Living Humans From 7 Tesla MRI. Front. Neurosci. 13, 1425.
Toschi N, Riccelli R, Indovina I, Terracciano A, Passamonti L. (2018) Functional Connectome of the Five-Factor Model of Personality. Personality Neuroscience doi:10.1017/pen.2017.2
Riccelli, R., Passamonti, L., Toschi, N., Nigro, S., Chiarella, G., Petrolo, C., Lacquaniti, F., Staab, J.P., Indovina, I., (2017) Altered Insular and Occipital Responses to Simulated Vertical Self-Motion in Patients with Persistent Postural-Perceptual Dizziness. Front Neurol 8, 529.
Riccelli R, Indovina I, Staab JP, Nigro S, Augimeri A, Lacquaniti F, Passamonti L (2017) Neuroticism modulates brain visuo-vestibular and anxiety systems during a virtual rollercoaster task. Hum Brain Mapp 38(2):715-726.
Indovina I., Maffei, V., Mazzarella, E., Sulpizio, V., Galati, G., Lacquaniti, F., (2016). Path integration in 3D from visual motion cues: A human fMRI study. Neuroimage.
Indovina I, Riccelli R, Chiarella G, Petrolo C, Augimeri A, Giofrè L, Lacquaniti F, Staab JP, Passamonti L. (2015) Role of the Insula and Vestibular System in Patients with Chronic Subjective Dizziness: An fMRI Study Using Sound-Evoked Vestibular Stimulation. Front. Behav. Neurosci., 09 December 2015
Indovina I, Mazzarella E, Maffei V, Cesqui B, Passamonti L, Lacquaniti F. (2015) Sound-evoked vestibular stimulation affects the anticipation of gravity effects during visual self-motion. Exp Brain Res. 233(8):2365-71.
Maffei V, Indovina I, Macaluso E, Ivanenko YP, Orban G, Lacquaniti F (2015) Visual gravity cues in the interpretation of biological movements: Neural correlates in humans. NeuroImage.
Indovina, I., Riccelli, R., Staab, J.P., Lacquaniti, F., Passamonti, L. (2014). Personality traits modulate subcortical and cortical vestibular and anxiety responses to sound-evoked otolithic receptor stimulation. J. Psychosom. Res. 77, 391–400.
Lacquaniti, F., Bosco, G., Gravano, S., Indovina, I., La Scaleia, B., Maffei, V., Zago, M., 2014. Multisensory integration and internal models for sensing gravity effects in primates. BioMed Res. Int. 2014, 615854.
Lacquaniti F, Bosco G, Indovina I, La Scaleia B, Maffei V, Moscatelli A, Zago M (2013) Visual gravitational motion and the vestibular system in humans.Front Integr Neurosci. 2013;7:101.
Indovina I, Maffei V, Lacquaniti F. (2013) Anticipating the effects of visual gravity during simulated self-motion: estimates of time-to-passage along vertical and horizontal paths. Exp Brain Res. 229(4):579-86.
Indovina I, Maffei V, Pauwels K, Macaluso E, Orban GA, Lacquaniti F. (2013) Simulated self-motion in a visual gravity field: Sensitivity to vertical and horizontal heading in the human brain. Neuroimage. 71:114–24.
Indovina I, Robbins TW, Núñez-Elizalde AO, Dunn BD, Bishop SJ. (2011) Fear-conditioning mechanisms associated with trait vulnerability to anxiety in humans. Neuron 69(3):563-571.
Fairhall SL, Indovina I, Driver J, Macaluso E. (2009) The Brain Network Underlying Serial Visual Search: Comparing Overt and Covert Spatial Orienting, for Activations and for Effective Connectivity. Cereb. Cortex 19: 2946-2958.
Indovina I. and Macaluso E. (2007) Dissociation of Stimulus Relevance and Saliency Factors during Shifts of Visuo-Spatial Attention. Cereb Cortex. 17(7):1701-11.
Indovina I., Maffei V., Bosco G., Zago M., Macaluso E. and Lacquaniti F. (2005) Representation of visual gravitational motion in the human vestibular cortex. Science 308:416-19.
Partecipazione a comitati editoriali
Membro del comitato editoriale di: Frontiers in Neurology (Neurotology).


    1996 - Degree in Physics, University of Rome La Sapienza
    1998-2001 – PhD in Neurosciences, University of Rome Tor Vergata
    2012-2016 - Specialization in Medical Physics, University of Rome Cattolica
    2001-2006 – Researcher at Fondazione Santa Lucia, IRCCS, Rome
    2006 – 2008 – Marie Curie Fellow (EC FP6), University of Cambridge, UK
    2008 – present - Researcher at Fondazione Santa Lucia, IRCCS, Rome and University of Rome Tor Vergata
    2018-2020 Researcher (RTDb) at University of Rome Unicamillus
    2020 - present Associte Professor of Physiology, University of Messina.

    Personal statement:

    My research centers on the study of brain mechanism of perception and cognition through functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging.

    Main topics of my research cover visual-vestibular perception and encoding of motion in the gravitational field, from object motion (Indovina et al. Science 2005), to self-motion (Indovina et al. NeuroImage 2013, Exp Brain Res 2013, 2015), to neural coding of navigation in the three-dimensional space (Indovina et al. Neuroimage 2016).

    For these studies I developed fMRI protocols of visual stimulation (space-motion stimuli as rollercoaster simulation) and vestibular stimulation (caloric, sound-evoked) and applied classical univariate methods of analyses as well as advanced connectivity techniques (Psycho-Physiological interaction, Dynamic Causal Modeling), multivariate pattern analyses (MVPA) and structural connectivity techniques (constrained spherical deconvolution in Diffusion Weighted Images). I also studied alteration of these mechanisms in chronic vestibular patients (Indovina et al Frontiers 2015, Grant of Italian Ministry of Health; PE-2013-02355372) and the interaction between vestibular pathologic conditions and anxiety.

    Other fields of interest include the mechanisms of attention (Indovina and Macaluso Cerebral Cortex 2007) and anxiety (Indovina et al. Neuron 2011).


    Italian Ministry of Health Grant; RF-2019-12369194, Title: “Image- and genetically guided personalized neuromodulation therapy for persistent postural-perceptual dizziness “, 3 years. Role: Principal Investigator. Santa Lucia Foundation, Rome, Italy.

    "Contributi per la permanenza nel mondo accademico delle eccellenze" – Programma Operativo della Regione Lazio Fondo Sociale Europeo (POR-FSE 21993-19036AP000000031). Titolo: “Terapia neuromodulatoria per il disequilibrio posturale percettivo persistente” 3 anni. UniCamillus, Saint Camillus University of Health and Medical Sciences, Rome, Italy. Cofinanziamento della regione al 50% per rtdA.

    USA Department of Defense Psychological Health/Traumatic Brain Injury Research Programs (PHTBIRP) Complex Traumatic Brain Injury Rehabilitation Research - Clinical Research Award Title: “Advancing Rehabilitation: Physiological, Psychological and Neuroimaging Measures of Factors that Predispose, Promote, and Perpetuate Post-Traumatic Dizziness”. 4 years, (sites: Mayo Clinic, Rochester MA, USA; Imperial College, London, UK; Foundation Santa Lucia and University of Tor Vergata, Rome, Italy). Role: site Principal Investigator.

    Italian Ministry of Health Grant; PE-2013-02355372; Project Title: "Brain Mechanisms of Chronic Subjective Dizziness"; Santa Lucia Foundation, Rome, Italy. 4 years (2016-2020), starting 01/12/2016. Role: Principal Investigator.

    NIH National Institute of Deafness and other Communication Disorders (NIDCD) 1R21DC015888 Project Title: “In vivo mapping of human brainstem vestibular and autonomic pathways”. 24 months 01/07/2017-30/06/2019. Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, Boston, MA, USA. Role: Consultant / Co-Investigator.

    Selected Publications:

    Indovina I, Bosco G, Riccelli R, Maffei V, Lacquaniti F, Passamonti L, Toschi N. Structural connectome and connectivity lateralization of the multimodal vestibular cortical network. Neuroimage. 2020 Aug 14;222:117247. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2020.117247. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 32798675.

    Mucci, V., Indovina, I., Browne, C.J., Blanchini, F., Giordano, G., Marinelli, L., Burlando, B., 2020. Mal de Debarquement Syndrome: A Matter of Loops? Front Neurol 11, 576860.

    Maffei V, Indovina I, Mazzarella E, Giusti MA, Macaluso E, Lacquaniti F, Viviani P. Sensitivity of occipito-temporal cortex, premotor and Broca's areas to visible speech gestures in a familiar language. PLoS One. 2020 Jun 19;15(6):e0234695. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0234695. PMID: 32559213; PMCID: PMC7304574.

    Singh K, Indovina I, Augustinack JC, Nestor K, García-Gomar MG, Staab JP, Bianciardi M. Probabilistic Template of the Lateral Parabrachial Nucleus, Medial Parabrachial Nucleus, Vestibular Nuclei Complex, and Medullary Viscero-Sensory- Motor Nuclei Complex in Living Humans From 7 Tesla MRI. Front Neurosci. 2020 Jan 23;13:1425. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2019.01425. PMID: 32038134; PMCID: PMC6989551.

    Passamonti L, Riccelli R, Indovina I, Duggento A, Terracciano A, Toschi N. Time-resolved connectome of the five-factor model of personality. Sci Rep. 2019 Oct 21;9(1):15066. doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-51469-2. PMID: 31636295; PMCID: PMC6803687.

    Indovina I, Conti A, Lacquaniti F, Staab JP, Passamonti L, Toschi N. Lower Functional Connectivity in Vestibular-Limbic Networks in Individuals With Subclinical Agoraphobia. Front Neurol. 2019 Aug 13;10:874. doi: 10.3389/fneur.2019.00874. PMID: 31456740; PMCID: PMC6701404.  Conti, A., Duggento, A., Guerrisi, M., Passamonti, L., Indovina, I., Toschi, N., 2019. Variability and Reproducibility of Directed and Undirected Functional MRI Connectomes in the Human Brain. Entropy (Basel) 21.

    Passamonti L, Riccelli R, Lacquaniti F, Staab JP, Indovina I. Brain responses to virtual reality visual motion stimulation are affected by neurotic personality traits in patients with persistent postural-perceptual dizziness. J Vestib Res. 2018;28(5-6):369-378. doi: 10.3233/VES-190653. PMID: 30856138.

    Toschi N, Riccelli R, Indovina I, Terracciano A, Passamonti L. Functional connectome of the five-factor model of personality. Personal Neurosci. 2018;1:e2. doi: 10.1017/pen.2017.2. Epub 2018 May 25. PMID: 30294715; PMCID: PMC6171528.

    Nigro S, Indovina I, Riccelli R, Chiarella G, Petrolo C, Lacquaniti F, Staab JP, Passamonti L. Reduced cortical folding in multi-modal vestibular regions in persistent postural perceptual dizziness. Brain Imaging Behav. 2019 Jun;13(3):798-809. doi: 10.1007/s11682-018-9900-6. PMID: 29860587; PMCID: PMC6538588.

    Riccelli R, Passamonti L, Toschi N, Nigro S, Chiarella G, Petrolo C, Lacquaniti F, Staab JP, Indovina I. Altered Insular and Occipital Responses to Simulated Vertical Self-Motion in Patients with Persistent Postural-Perceptual Dizziness. Front Neurol. 2017 Oct 17;8:529. doi: 10.3389/fneur.2017.00529. PMID: 29089920; PMCID: PMC5650964.

    Riccelli R, Indovina I, Staab JP, Nigro S, Augimeri A, Lacquaniti F, Passamonti L. Neuroticism modulates brain visuo-vestibular and anxiety systems during a virtual rollercoaster task. Hum Brain Mapp. 2017 Feb;38(2):715-726. doi: 10.1002/hbm.23411. Epub 2016 Sep 28. PMID: 27677756; PMCID: PMC6866907.

    Indovina I, Maffei V, Mazzarella E, Sulpizio V, Galati G, Lacquaniti F. Path integration in 3D from visual motion cues: A human fMRI study. Neuroimage. 2016 Nov 15;142:512-521. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2016.07.008. Epub 2016 Jul 6. PMID: 27395391.

    Indovina I, Riccelli R, Chiarella G, Petrolo C, Augimeri A, Giofrè L, Lacquaniti F, Staab JP, Passamonti L. Role of the Insula and Vestibular System in Patients with Chronic Subjective Dizziness: An fMRI Study Using Sound-Evoked Vestibular Stimulation. Front Behav Neurosci. 2015 Dec 9;9:334. doi: 10.3389/fnbeh.2015.00334. PMID: 26696853; PMCID: PMC4673311.

    Indovina I, Mazzarella E, Maffei V, Cesqui B, Passamonti L, Lacquaniti F. Sound-evoked vestibular stimulation affects the anticipation of gravity effects during visual self-motion. Exp Brain Res. 2015 Aug;233(8):2365-71. doi: 10.1007/s00221-015-4306-9. Epub 2015 May 24. PMID: 26003125.

    Maffei V, Indovina I, Macaluso E, Ivanenko YP, A Orban G, Lacquaniti F. Visual gravity cues in the interpretation of biological movements: neural correlates in humans. Neuroimage. 2015 Jan 1;104:221-30. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2014.10.006. Epub 2014 Oct 12. PMID: 25315789.

    Indovina I, Riccelli R, Staab JP, Lacquaniti F, Passamonti L. Personality traits modulate subcortical and cortical vestibular and anxiety responses to sound-evoked otolithic receptor stimulation. J Psychosom Res. 2014 Nov;77(5):391-400. doi: 10.1016/j.jpsychores.2014.09.005. Epub 2014 Sep 16. PMID: 25262497.

    Indovina I, Maffei V, Lacquaniti F. Anticipating the effects of visual gravity during simulated self-motion: estimates of time-to-passage along vertical and horizontal paths. Exp Brain Res. 2013 Sep;229(4):579-86. doi: 10.1007/s00221-013-3620-3. Epub 2013 Jun 27. PMID: 23807477.

    Indovina I, Maffei V, Pauwels K, Macaluso E, Orban GA, Lacquaniti F. Simulated self-motion in a visual gravity field: sensitivity to vertical and horizontal heading in the human brain. Neuroimage. 2013 May 1;71:114-24. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2013.01.005. Epub 2013 Jan 13. PMID: 23321153.

    Indovina I, Robbins TW, Núñez-Elizalde AO, Dunn BD, Bishop SJ. Fear- conditioning mechanisms associated with trait vulnerability to anxiety in humans. Neuron. 2011 Feb 10;69(3):563-71. doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2010.12.034. PMID: 21315265; PMCID: PMC3047792.

    Maffei V, Macaluso E, Indovina I, Orban G, Lacquaniti F. Processing of targets in smooth or apparent motion along the vertical in the human brain: an fMRI study. J Neurophysiol. 2010 Jan;103(1):360-70. doi: 10.1152/jn.00892.2009. Epub 2009 Nov 4. PMID: 19889846.

    Fairhall SL, Indovina I, Driver J, Macaluso E. The brain network underlying serial visual search: comparing overt and covert spatial orienting, for activations and for effective connectivity. Cereb Cortex. 2009 Dec;19(12):2946-58. doi: 10.1093/cercor/bhp064. Epub 2009 Apr 24. PMID: 19395524.

    Indovina I, Macaluso E. Dissociation of stimulus relevance and saliency factors during shifts of visuospatial attention. Cereb Cortex. 2007 Jul;17(7):1701-11. doi: 10.1093/cercor/bhl081. Epub 2006 Sep 26. PMID: 17003078.

    Indovina I, Maffei V, Bosco G, Zago M, Macaluso E, Lacquaniti F. Representation of visual gravitational motion in the human vestibular cortex. Science. 2005 Apr 15;308(5720):416-9. doi: 10.1126/science.1107961. PMID: 15831760.

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