Matlab with the Campus-wide Licence is nowadays a crucial technological support for thousands of well-renowned universities around the world.
To use the University of Messina Campus Licence just log-in Unime website and click on the icon Matlab.
You will be directly connected to the Mathworks website where logging in using the Unime e-mail credentials to access all the resources.
Download the software and as many toolboxes are needed, or use Matlab online without downloading and work on shared folders with colleagues; follow self-paced introductory as well as advanced courses on many different applications.
Matlab can be used in teaching, for instance using the Live Editor to produce interactive lectures with theory and coding or Matlab Grader to give automated feedback on exercises to students (this feature has been integrated into Unime e-learning).
Matlab (and Simulink which is also integrated in the licence) can support both basic statistics and math courses as well as advanced courses.
Students can use Matlab in the process of learning by accessing to numerous tutorials and resources of the community of Matlab Exchange.
Matlab is a crucial tool in research. For some hints on specific applications and use in Medicine see the scheme below.
For further information, please contact prof. Marina Dolfin mdolfin@unime.it, UniME reference professor for the Software