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Chiara Rizzotto
(IT) Chiara Rizzotto ha conseguito la laurea magistrale in Scienze Cognitive e Teorie della Comunicazione (LM-55), con lode, presso il Dipartimento di Scienze Cognitive, Psicologiche, Pedagogiche e degli Studi Culturali (COSPECS) dell'Università degli Studi di Messina, nel Luglio 2018, discutendo una tesi dal titolo “La voce nella testa. Un approccio psicobiologico al dialogo interiore”. Da Ottobre 2018 frequenta il corso triennale di Dottorato in Scienze Cognitive. Cultore della materia nel settore M-PSI/01, Psicologia generale e Psicologia Cognitiva, e membro del CRISCAT (Centro Internazionale di Ricerca per le Scienze Cognitive Teoriche e Applicate). I suoi interessi abbracciano la Psicologia Cognitiva e la Psicobiologia del Linguaggio; nello specifico, sta conducendo una serie di studi volti ad indagare il fenomeno dell’inner speech, della sua relazione con il linguaggio parlato e, attraverso tecniche di neuroimaging non invasive, i suoi correlati neurofisiologici.
(EN) Chiara Rizzotto obtained a master's degree in Cognitive Sciences and Communication Theories (LM-55), with honors, at the department of Cognitive Science, Psychology, Education and Cultural Studies (COSPECS) of the University of Messina in July 2018, with a dissertation on “The voice in the head. A psychobiological approach to inner speech”. Since October 2018 she has attended the three-year doctoral course in Cognitive Sciences. She is expert on the subject in General Psychology and Cognitive Psychology (M-PSI/01) and member of CRISCAT (International Research Center for Theoretical and Applied Cognitive Sciences). Her current interests are Cognitive Psychology and Psychobiology of the Language; more precisely, she is carrying out come studies concerning the inner speech, its relation with spoken language and, through the use of non-invasive neuroimaging techniques, its neurophysiological correlates.
(EN) Chiara Rizzotto obtained a master's degree in Cognitive Sciences and Communication Theories (LM-55), with honors, at the department of Cognitive Science, Psychology, Education and Cultural Studies (COSPECS) of the University of Messina in July 2018, with a dissertation on “The voice in the head. A psychobiological approach to inner speech”. Since October 2018 she has attended the three-year doctoral course in Cognitive Sciences. She is expert on the subject in General Psychology and Cognitive Psychology (M-PSI/01) and member of CRISCAT (International Research Center for Theoretical and Applied Cognitive Sciences). Her current interests are Cognitive Psychology and Psychobiology of the Language; more precisely, she is carrying out come studies concerning the inner speech, its relation with spoken language and, through the use of non-invasive neuroimaging techniques, its neurophysiological correlates.