The University of Messina adheres to the W.O.W. -Women.Orientation.Work, the career guidance project for women promoted by the Eemblema Foundation, designed to give young undergraduates and recent graduates innovative tools that can support them in defining their professional goals and their career path.
Within the W.O.W project, two days of awareness-raising on the issues of women's work are planned, which will take place online on 11 and 12 October 2022.
the proposed coaching module focuses on the most important issues of integration into the world of work, to offer graduates and undergraduates the information and guidance tools useful for defining a professional goal.
The orientation paths of W.O.W aim to develop a new awareness of the change taking place, of the opportunities and of the new skills required by the labor market.
The aim is to offer practical tools and moments of reflection that aim to dispel the most common prejudices related to the world of female work and to promote a vision of young women as necessary resources for business development.
The program for the University of Messina includes moments aimed at orientation, debate and confrontation with emblematic foundation teachers and important testimonials, sources of inspiration, chosen by the university.
Registrations are open at the link www.progettowow.it. Participants will be sent the program of the training course and, following regular attendance, a certificate of participation will be issued.
The deadline for registration is September 30th.

For any information, you can refer to the Career Service staff,
D.ssa M. Fotia tel .: 090/6768272,
D.ssa M. Longo tel. 09076768270
e-mail: jobplacement@unime.it

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