
Nowadays, in a world that rapidly evolves, people and computer systems continuously generate a high volume of heterogeneous data, commonly referred to as “Big Data”, that need to be properly treated.

The Data Analysis Study Programme offered by the Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science is the first one entirely carried out in the English language by an Italian University.

intends to form experts in the emerging and highly researched professional profile of  Data Analyst whose solid technical background is complemented by a multidisciplinary preparation on various fields in which Big Data emerge. Highly required by industry 4.0, consulting companies and public institutions, Data Analysts i) design and implement computer systems able to store, manage and analyse big data; and ii) provide managers and stakeholders with a clear report of their results so that they can make critical decisions. Furthermore, bachelor’s degree entitles graduates to participate in engineering licensing exams to work as engineers.

Skills acquired in this programme include:

  • design and development of complex and innovative Cloud/Edge/Fog computing and Internet of Things (IoT) systems able to store and manage Big Data;

  • experimental design and development of complex Big Data analytics algorithms based on the most recent Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques including Machine Learning and Deep Learning;

  • capacity of adaption to any inter-disciplinary working environment requiring data analysis expertise.

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