Students who are not native Italian speakers are required to achieve a B1 level in the Italian language in order to attend the 3rd year of the Single Cycle degree Course in Medicine and Surgery.
Italian language courses are organized by the Department of Ancient and Modern Civilizations and are about to start, and we strongly advise students to sign up as soon as possible.
Please go to this link for the information: https://international.unime.it/services-and-facilities/learning-italian-2/
You will see the application form, instructions, UNIME bank details, and prices. The cost will be €100 per course.
Please make sure you send the precise amount to UNIME, so that the bank charges are not taken out of the total sum.
When sending the application form and the receipt of payment to amministrazione.dicam@unime.it and CC uopwelcomeoffice@unime.it – fruggiano@unime.it please specify in which year of the degree program you are enrolled.
Students who already have a B1 level in Italian (documented by an official Italian language certificate) don't have to attend any additional course.