On the 4th of May an Italian language course will start. The course will be held on-line. You can go to the following link and register with the credentials you always use to log on to your ESSE3. This link explains how to access the online lessons: https://sway.office.com/sTiodrCQ5PPUmc7v?ref=Link.
Interested students have to confirm their participation no later than the 31st of March to uopwelcomeoffice@unime.it. After the confirmation, the Welcome Office will provide the student with the timetable of the lectures and method of payment.
Students interested in attending the Italian language course should also specify:
- If it is their first Italian language course that they will attend at UNIME
- if not, specify how many courses they have attended so far.
The cost of the entire course is 100 euros and it can be recognised as a learning activity in students' curriculum.
Students are allowed to attend the course upon payment of the entire fee. Registered students who do not finalise the payment by the 8th of April, will not be considered as registered.
We remind you that students who are not native Italian speakers must acquire a minimum level of the Italian language at the B1 level in order to attend the 3rd year of the Single Cycle degree Course in Medicine and Surgery. Italian language courses are organized by the Department of Ancient and Modern Civilizations and will attest the achievement of the B1 (CEFR) level.
To achieve the certification it is necessary to attend 2 Italian courses and pass the related exam. Students who have already acquired the certification must send it to the Student Secretary of the University: areamedica1@unime.it, copying the Welcome Office: uopwelcomeoffice@unime.it