Enrolment is underway for the candidates assigned and reassigned to the 6 Year Master’s Degree in Medicine and Surgery for the academic year 2018/2019 for non-EU students residing abroad.
The ranking is available at the following link: https://www.unime.it/it/node/105803
If you are on the waiting list, you will be notified by email when a place becomes available, according to ranking.
Candidates assigned or reassigned must enrol through the on-line procedure.
The procedure starts on 25 October 2018 and ends at 12.30 p.m. CET on 30 October 2018.
The procedure must be carried out by connecting to the University of Messina website at: https: //unime.esse3.cineca.it
You must complete enrolment before 30 October, 2018, 12.30 p.m. CET.
After this time the procedure for registration will be deactivated.
You will need to have the credentials obtained during registration (in case you have lost them you can proceed with password recovery); Username is your Italian Identification Number automatically produced by the system when you registered. Once you log in, click on Registrar's Office, then click on "Enrolment" or “Immatricolazioni” and choose the course.
Candidates will be able to enrol online only after these requirements have been met. They must complete the enrollment within the deadline and by following the instructions indicated.
It should also be noted that the application for online matriculation must be completed online in all its parts including the scan of each attachment required by the procedure (enrollment application dated and signed, a photocopy of recognition document, and a copy of the first payment of €156) before 12.30 p.m. CET on 30 October 2018.
After this deadline, those who have not completed the insertion of the required documentation will be considered to be withdrawn and other candidates will be listed.
After the enrolment, please send an email to foreignstudents@unime.it to receive an information package about your arrival in Messina.
The candidate reassigned to the University of Messina must request authorization (nulla osta) from the University of first choice for permission to enrol at the University of Messina. This must be sent to: areamedical1@unime.it
For any problems with the enrolment procedure please contact areamedical1@unime.it
Information about the Course can be found on the Master’s Degree course webpage: https://www.unime.it/it/cds/medicine-and-surgery
Upon your arrival in Messina, please hand in the following documents to the International Cooperation Unit (ICU), located in Via Consolato del Mare 41, 2nd floor (foreignstudents@unime.it):
1. Declaration of value issued by the Italian Diplomatic/Consular Authority where you started the pre-enrolment and visa application procedure;
2. Transcripts of records of your previous studies. The transcripts must be written in English or translated into Italian by the Italian Diplomatic/Consular Authority;
3. Family income certified by the Italian Diplomatic/Consular Authority (for the payment of service facilities);
4. Italian tax code , provided by the Italian Diplomatic/Consular Authority;
5. Visa for study issued by the Italian Diplomatic/Consular Authority;
6. Copy of Passport;
7. A photo in jpeg format;
8. Scanned version of the documents listed at points: 1,2,4,5,6.
We also remind you that, as stated in the Call for Admission to the single cycle Master's Degree course in Medicine and Surgery of the University of Messina:
“The winning student, will declare his / her commitment to undergo, within 60 days of enrollment, the tuberculin test to be carried out with the Mantoux technique, according to the guidelines for the control of the tuberculosis disease (Agreement March 15, 2013 of the State-Regions Conference) and by Presidential Decree November 7, 2001, n. 465, which regulates tuberculosis vaccinations; this test must be performed at a National Health Service Office where you live (ASP). Furthermore, pursuant to Law no. 165 of 27 of May 1991, a vaccination against viral hepatitis B is suggested. It is offered to people who work, study and volunteer in the health sector at the Provincial Health Authority of their municipality of residence.
Within 31 January 2019 students must send the relevant certifications to: protocollo@unime.it. Failure to comply with this deadline implies the administrative termination of enrolment in the chosen degree program.”