Current collaborations with health institutions

The University of Messina, with the aim of improving health and well-being outcomes, has created several partnerships with important globally and nationally renowned institutions. As an example, we can mention the agreement signed by the A.O.U University Hospital “G. Martino” with the Institute “G. Gaslini” of Genoa, to expand its offer in the field of pediatric digestive surgery and surgery on malformations and diseases of the esophagus, or the partnership agreement signed by the University and the IRCS Bonino Pulejo concerning the physical surveillance of radiation protection, the quality controls on diagnostic imaging equipment and physical environmental conditions in which the equipment operates. Both agreements will also contribute to improve the expertise of our medical doctors and therefore, from a social standpoint, both will help in counteracting the phenomenon of health migration.
Another important example is the agreement signed by the University of Messina with the global organization “Amnesty International Sezione Italiana Circoscrizione Sicilia” to organize either educational activities and interdisciplinary projects, and to provide guidance and advices on topics of common interest to both Amnesty International and the University of Messina.

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