Profilo: Professori Ordinari




Prof. Francesco Crea
Curriculum Vitae
Attività Scientifica e Didattica

        Il Prof. Francesco Crea è nato a Palmi (RC) il 05 Maggio 1972. Il 29 Luglio 1997 ha conseguito la Laurea in Chimica con il voto finale di 110 / 110, presso l’Università degli Studi di Messina discutendo una tesi di laurea dal titolo: “Solubilità e stabilità termica di complessi di poliammine lineari con acido mellitico”.
        Nel Novembre 1997 ha conseguito l’abilitazione all'esercizio della professione di chimico.
E’ risultato vincitore del concorso per l'ammissione al corso triennale di Dottorato di Ricerca in Scienze Chimiche XIII Ciclo, ed ha conseguito il titolo di Dottore di Ricerca in Scienze Chimiche il 18/02/2002 discutendo una tesi sperimentale dal titolo: ”Interazioni tra anioni polisolfonici e poliammine: studio termodinamico, separazione e dosaggio per HPLC” svolta presso il dipartimento di Chimica Inorganica, Chimica Analitica e Chimica Fisica dell’Università degli Studi di Messina.
E’ risultato vincitore del concorso per la copertura di un posto di ricercatore universitario presso la facoltà di Scienze MM. FF. NN. dell’Università degli Studi di Messina per il settore scientifico disciplinare Chim/01 “Chimica Analitica” in data 17/07/2002, e dal 16 Settembre 2002 al 15 dicembre 2010 ha prestato servizio presso il dipartimento di Chimica Inorganica, Chimica Analitica e Chimica Fisica presso il quale afferisce per la ricerca ed afferisce ai corsi di laurea in Chimica, corso di laurea triennale e magistrale, per quanto riguarda la didattica.
E’ risultato vincitore della valutazione comparativa per posto di professore universitario di ruolo di seconda fascia presso la facoltà di Scienze MM. FF. NN. dell’Università degli Studi di Messina per il settore scientifico disciplinare Chim/01 “Chimica Analitica”, e dal 15 dicembre 2010 presta servizio presso la stessa facoltà.
L’attività di ricerca svolta in collaborazione sia con ricercatori di università italiane che straniere, è accentrata sugli studi di speciazione sia di metalli che di differenti classi di leganti organici ed inorganici in soluzioni multicomponenti simulanti fluidi biologici ed acque naturali.
L’attività didattica certificata svolta dal 2002 ha riguardato sia l’insegnamento di differenti materie affidatogli dalla facoltà di Scienze MM.FF.NN dell’Università di Messina, che la partecipazioni a varie commisioni di esame ed attività di tutorato per studenti in tesi e dottorandi; inoltre viste le esigenze del settore di Chimica Analitica, ha svolto compiti integrativi all’interno di vari corsi di insegnamento tenuti da altri docenti del settore.
È stato inoltre relatore di molte tesi di laurea triennali e magistrali in chimica e di Gestione dei rischi naturali ed antropici. E’ stato supervisore di quattro tesi di dottorato di ricerca in Scienze Chimiche
Il dott. Francesco Crea afferisce per quanto riguarda la didattica, ai corsi di laurea in Chimica, corso di laurea triennale e magistrale della facoltà di Scienze MM.FF.NN. dell’Università degli Studi di Messina ed ha svolto come attività didattica i seguenti corsi:
A.A. 2002/2003: Chimica Analitica II per il corso di laurea in Chimica (vecchio ordinamento quinquennale);
A.A. 2003/2004; Chimica Analitica II per il corso di laurea in Chimica (vecchio ordinamento quinquennale);
A.A. 2004/2005:
1) Analisi Chimica dei Campioni Reali per il corso di laurea in chimica (corso di laurea triennale);
2) Chimica Analitica Strumentale per il corso di laurea in chimica (vecchio ordinamento quinquennale);
3) Controllo di Qualità e Validazione dei Metodi in Chimica Analitica per il corso di laurea in Chimica (corso di Laurea Magistrale, curriculum di metodologie avanzate e controllo di qualità).
A.A. 2005-2006:
1) Analisi Chimica dei Campioni Reali  per il corso di laurea in chimica (corso di laurea triennale);
2) Complementi di Chimica Analitica (modulo A) (corso di Laurea Magistrale, curriculum di metodologie avanzate e controllo di qualità).
A.A. 2006-2007:
1) Analisi Chimica dei Campioni Reali  per il corso di laurea in chimica (corso di laurea triennale);
2) Complementi di Chimica Analitica (modulo A) (corso di Laurea Magistrale, curriculum di metodologie avanzate e controllo di qualità).
A.A. 2007-2008:
1) Analisi Chimica dei Campioni Reali  per il corso di laurea in chimica (corso di laurea triennale);
2) Complementi di Chimica Analitica (modulo A) (corso di Laurea Magistrale, curriculum di metodologie avanzate e controllo di qualità).
A.A. 2008-2010:
1) Analisi Chimica dei Campioni Reali  per il corso di laurea in chimica (corso di laurea triennale);
 A.A. 2010-2021:
1) Laboratorio di Chimica analitica Strumentale per il corso di laurea in chimica (corso di laurea triennale);
A.A. 2015-2021:
1) Caratterizzazione e bonifica dei siti contaminati per il corso di laurea in:
1. GERIT (Gestione dei Rischi Naturali ed Antropici) (corso di laurea Magistrale);
2. CHIMICA – Indirizzo Ambientale-Industriale ed Analitico-Biologico (corso di lairea Magistrale).

Durante l’A.A. 2002-2003, viste le esigenze del settore di Chimica Analitica, ha svolto attività di tutorato per studenti in tesi e dottorandi e compiti integrativi all’interno del corso di Laboratorio di Chimica Analitica; Laboratorio di Chimica Analitica Strumentale; Laboratorio di Chimica Analitica IV.
Durante l’A.A. 2003-2004, ha svolto attività di tutorato per studenti in tesi e dottorandi e compiti integrativi all’interno dei corsi di Laboratorio di Analisi Chimica dei Campioni Reali; Laboratorio di Chimica Analitica Strumentale; Laboratorio di Chimica Analitica IV.
Durante gli A.A. 2004-2008 ha svolto attività di tutorato per studenti in tesi e dottorandi e compiti integrativi all’interno dei corsi di Laboratorio di Chimica Analitica Strumentale; Laboratorio di Chimica Analitica; Chimica dell’Ambiente.
Durante tutti gli A.A. sopra elencati, ha partecipato attivamente a commissioni d’esame e sedute di Laurea.
Altre attività didattiche:
Ha prestato servizio in qualità di esperto di Chimica e Fisica presso l’Istituto Statale di Istruzione Professionale “G. Renda” di Polistena per i corsi post-qualifica III^ AREA “Corsi Surrogati” ad indirizzo “Operatore esperto nell’applicazione dell’HACCP settore ristorazione” dal  09/11/1999 al 22/5/2000.
Ha inoltro svolto lezioni per vari corsi di Formazione Tecnica Superiore Integrata (IFTS):
  1. “Monitoraggio Ambientale e Tutela del territorio” (progetto: n.1999.IT.16.1.PO.011/3.07/9.2.14/0105) svolti presso il Dipartimento di Chimica Inorganica, Chimica Analitica e Chimica Fisica” ed organizzato in convenzione con l’Istituto Tecnico Industriale Statale “Nicolò Copernico” di Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto (ME); durante l’A.A. 2003/2004
  2. “Addetto alla conduzione delle discariche controllate” Progetto n. 386 L.R. 27/91 svolti presso L’ECAP di Messina; durante l’A.A. 2004-2005;
  3. “Tecnico superiore delle tecniche di restauro” (progetto: 1999.IT.16.1. PO.011/3.07/9.2.14/0284) svolti presso l’Istituto Tecnico “E. Basile” di Messina; durante l’A.A. 2004-2005;
  4. “Esperti nel monitoraggio dell’aria” (progetto: 1999.IT.16.1. PO.011/3.02/7.2.14/725) svolti presso il collegio dei geometri di Messina, durante l’A.A. 2006-2007;
  5. “Tecnico superiore per il monitoraggio e la gestione del territorio e dell’ambiente” (progetto: MIS 5.1.2006.28) svolti presso l’Istituto Tecnico “L. Da Vinci” di Milazzo (ME); durante l’A.A. 2006-2007;
  6. “Tecnico superiore per il monitoraggio e la gestione del territorio e dell’ambiente” (progetto: 1999.IT.16.1PO.011/3.07/9.2.14/0390) svolti presso l’Istituto Tecnico “E. Majorana” di Milazzo (ME); durante l’A.A. 2007-2008.
  7. Summer School «Tiziano Granata»  in  Geologia Forense & Reati Ambientali III edizione (2018) dove ha svolto docenza per un totale di 8 ore e ricoperto il ruolo di Vice-Direttore.
  8. Nomina di Ausiliario di Polizia Giudiziaria per procedimento penale 4844/2017 R.G.N.R. della Procura della Repubblica di Messina relativo ad un discarica RSU.
  9. Nomina CT (consulente tecnico per il pubblico Minestero) per il procedimento penale 6206/18 R.G.N.R. relativo ad una discarica RSU.
  10. Componente del CTS (comitato Tecnico Scientifico) e Docente del Master universitario di II livello in Investigazioni Scientifiche in ambito forense dell’Università degli Studi di Messina. A.A. 2016
  11. Relatore sulla tematica: "Lo sguardo del chimico sulle microplastiche" presso Ordine dei Medici di Messina nell’ambito della settimana UNESCO per l’educazione alla sostenibilità. Messina 29 Novembre 2018.
  12. Keynote su invito al XXVII Congresso Nazionale della Divisione di Chimica Analitica della Società Chimica Italiana (SCI) Bologna 16-20 Settembre 2018 dal titolo: Use of GantrezTM copolymers as potential chelating agent for the selective sequestration of metal ions. Studies of the interactions in aqueous solution at different ionic strengths and temperatures. KN5.
  13. Summer School «Tiziano Granata»  in  Geologia Forense & Reati Ambientali IV edizione (2019) dove ha svolto docenza per un totale di 6 ore e ricoperto il ruolo di Vice-Direttore.
  14. Tutor Accademico per n. 2 tirocinanti nell’ambito dell’avviso n. 26/2018 per l’attivazione di percorsi per rafforzare l’occupabilita’ di giovani laureati nella pubblica amministrazione regionale – programma operativo della regione siciliana p.o. fse 2014/2020 regione siciliana. cip 4/1/8.5/9.2.02/0002  cup j48i19000010009.
            La sua attività di ricerca riguarda lo studio di:
  1. speciazione di elettroliti ad alta carica: proprietà acido-base e capacità complessanti nei confronti di varie classi di leganti organici ed inorganici;
  2. modelling della separazione delle ammine lineari e sostituite mediante HPLC;
  3. speciazione di UO22+ in differenti mezzi ionici, interazione con acidi carbossilici a basso peso molecolare, e formazione di specie idrolitiche etero-metalliche;
4.  determinazione delle solubilità e dei coefficienti di attività di classi di leganti organici in vari mezzi ionici;
5.  determinazione dei parametri di interazione ionica specifica di varie classi di leganti in soluzioni contenenti differenti elettroliti di supporto a varie forze ioniche e temperature.
È coautore di 108 (centotto) contributi scientifici pubblicati su riviste internazionali, e di oltre 87 (ottantasette) comunicazioni a congressi nazionali ed internazionali.
Ha presentato i risultati delle sue ricerche in congressi nazionali ed internazionali.
L’attività di ricerca è stata svolta in collaborazione con ricercatori di altre Università italiane ed estere (Messina, Palermo, Torino, Roma, Reggio Calabria, Miami, Melbourne (U.S.A.), La Coruna (Spagna)), Kumasi (Ghana), Vila Real  e Lisbona (Portugal), vari istituti del CNR.
Comitati editoriali
  1.  E’ stato editor in Chief per Journal of Chemistry per il volume speciale: “Chemical Speciation of Elements in Natural Systems: Sources, Poisoning, and Remediation";
  2. Da Giugno 2016 fa parte del Editorial Advisory Board della rivista journal Current Clinical Pharmacology;
  3. Da Giugno 2016 fa parte del Editorial Advisory Board della rivista Frontiers in Chemistry;
  4. Dal 2017 fa parte del Editorial Advisory Board della rivista Analytics;
  5. Dal 2017 fa parte del Editorial Advisory Board della rivista Current Analytic Chemistry;
  6. Da aprile 2018 fa parte del Editorial Advisory Board della rivista Molecules;
  7. Guest Editor per uno special Issue sulla rivsta Molecules dal titolo: Chemical Speciation of Organic and Inorganic components of Environmental and Biological Interest in Natural Fluids: Behaviour, Interaction and Sequestration;
  8. Autore del capitolo di libro: F. Crea, C. Foti, D. Milea, and S. Sammartano, in "Cadmium: From Toxicity to Essentiality", Vol. 11 of 'Metal Ions in Life Sciences', A. Sigel, H. Sigel, R. K. O. Sigel, Eds.; Springer Science + Business Media B.V., Dordrecht, 2013, 63-83;
9. Autore del capitolo di libro: Alkali Metal Ion Complexes with Phosphates, Nucleotides, Amino Acids, and Related Ligands of Biological Relevance. Their Properties in Solution. F. Crea, C. De Stefano, C. Foti, G. Lando, D. Milea and S. Sammartano.
 A. Sigel, H. Sigel, and R. K. O. Sigel, The Alkali Metal Ions: Their Role for Life  Metal Ions in Life Sciences 16 (2016) 133-166 DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-21756_5
  Funded research programs
FIRB2001 RBAU01HLFX_004 – Speciazione, caratterizzazione e proprietà fotochimiche della sostanza organica ed inorganica presente nell’acqua di mare
- Research agreement for speciation studies with the multinational company Procter&Gamble, from 2008-
- PRIN 2010 prot: 20104AEL92_001: Multiple equilibria in natural and biological fluids: from speciation to selective sequestration
-2015 Prot. 2015MP34H3: Multiple equilibria in natural and biological fluids: from speciation to selective sequestering
- ARCADIA - smARt materials for landfill leaChAte remeDIAtion" for the Research and Mobility program, 2017
- Fund for basic research activities (FFABR) University of Messina, 2020

Crea, F., De Robertis, A., De Stefano, C., Sammartano, S., Gianguzza, A., Piazzese, D.
Binding of acrylic and sulphonic polyanions by open-chain polyammonium cations
(2001) Talanta, 53 (6), pp. 1241-1248.
DOI: 10.1016/S0039-9140(00)00617-2
Crea, F., De Robertis, A., De Stefano, C.
Modelling the separation of amines by high performance liquid chromatography I. Linear diamines NH2(CH2)nNH2 (n = 2-10)
(2001) Analytica Chimica Acta, 436 (2), pp. 333-342.
DOI: 10.1016/S0003-2670(01)00959-X
Crea, F., De Stefano, C., Gianguzza, A., Piazzese, D., Sammartano, S.
Speciation of poly-amino carboxylic compounds in seawater
(2003) Chemical Speciation and Bioavailability, 15 (3), pp. 75-86.
DOI: 10.3184/095422903782775190
OPEN ACCESS: All Open Access, Bronze, Green
Crea, F., De Robertis, A., De Stefano, C.
Evaluation of behaviour of linear monoamines CH3-(CH2)n-1-NH2 ( n=1 -6) in ion chromatography
(2003) Analytica Chimica Acta, 477 (1), pp. 41-48.
DOI: 10.1016/S0003-2670(02)01408-3
Crea, F., De Robertis, A., Sammartano, S.
Dioxouranium-carboxylate complexes. §Formation and stability of acetate species at different ionic strengths in NaCLaq
(2003) Annali di Chimica, 93 (12), pp. 1027-1035.
Crea, F., D'Ascenzo, G., De Robertis, A., Materazzi, S., Sammartano, S.
The formation of sparingly soluble species of Ca2+ with carboxylic ligands: Speciation and thermoanalysis
(2003) Talanta, 61 (5), pp. 611-620.
DOI: 10.1016/S0039-9140(03)00331-X
Crea, F., De Robertis, A., Giuffrè, O.
The Retention of Some Open-Chain Diamines on a Strong Cation-Exchange Resin in Ion Chromatography as a Function of Their Structure
(2004) Journal of Chromatographic Science, 42 (3), pp. 161-166.
DOI: 10.1093/chromsci/42.3.161
OPEN ACCESS: All Open Access, Bronze
Crea, F., Crea, P., De Robertis, A., Sammartano, S.
Speciation of phytate ion in aqueous solution. Characterisation of Ca-phytate sparingly soluble species
(2004) Chemical Speciation and Bioavailability, 16 (1-2), pp. 53-59.
DOI: 10.3184/095422904782775090
Crea, F., De Stefano, C., Giuffre, O., Sammartano, S.
Ionic strength dependence of protonation constants of N-alkyl substituted open chain diamines in NaClaq
(2004) Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 49 (1), pp. 109-115.
DOI: 10.1021/je0301949
Crea, F., De Stefano, C., Gianguzza, A., Piazzese, D., Sammartano, S.
Chemical speciation of organic matter in natural waters. Interaction of nucleotide 5’ mono-, di- and triphosphates with major components of seawater
(2004) Chemical Speciation and Bioavailability, 16 (1-2), pp. 1-8.
DOI: 10.3184/095422904782775072
OPEN ACCESS: All Open Access, Bronze, Green
Crea, F., De Robertis, A., De Stefano, C., Foti, C., Sammartano, S.
Binding of phosphate, pyrophosphate, and hexacyanoferrate(II) by fully N-methyl substituted polyammonium cations in aqueous solution
(2004) Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 49 (1), pp. 133-137.
DOI: 10.1021/je034133m
Crea, F., De Robertis, A., Sammartano, S.
Medium and alkyl chain effects on the protonation of dicarboxylates in NaClaq and Et4NIaq at 25°C
(2004) Journal of Solution Chemistry, 33 (5), pp. 499-528.
DOI: 10.1023/B:JOSL.0000037773.15363.1f
Crea, F., Crea, P., De Stefano, C., Giuffrè, O., Pettignano, A., Sammartano, S.
Thermodynamic parameters for the protonation of poly(allylamine) in concentrated LiCl(aq) and NaCl(aq)
(2004) Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 49 (3), pp. 658-663.
DOI: 10.1021/je0342264
Crea, F., De Stefano, C., Pettignano, A., Sammartano, S.
Hydrolysis of dioxouranium(VI): A calorimetric study in NaClaq and NaClO4 aq, at 25°C
(2004) Thermochimica Acta, 414 (2), pp. 185-189.
DOI: 10.1016/j.tca.2003.12.018
Crea, F., De Stefano, C., Millero, F.J., Sharma, V.K.
Dissociation constants for citric acid in NaCl and KCl solutions and their mixtures at 25°C
(2004) Journal of Solution Chemistry, 33 (11), pp. 1349-1366.
DOI: 10.1007/s10953-004-1046-z
Crea, F., De Robertis, A., Sammartano, S.
Chromatographic behavior of open-chain polyamines NH2-(CH 2)2-[NH-(CH2)2]n-NH 2 and their quantitative determination in sea water by high-performance ion-exchange chromatography
(2005) Journal of Chromatographic Science, 43 (7), pp. 342-347.
DOI: 10.1093/chromsci/43.7.342
OPEN ACCESS: All Open Access, Bronze, Green
Crea, F., Milea, D., Sammartano, S.
Enhancement of hydrolysis through the formation of mixed hetero-metal species
(2005) Talanta, 65 (1), pp. 229-238.
DOI: 10.1016/j.talanta.2004.06.014
Battaglia, G., Crea, F., Crea, P., Sammartano, S.
The protonation of polyacrylate in seawater. Analysis of concentration effects
(2005) Annali di Chimica, 95 (9-10), pp. 643-656.
DOI: 10.1002/adic.200590075
Bretti, C., Crea, F., Foti, C., Sammartano, S.
Solubility and activity coefficients of acidic and basic nonelectrolytes in aqueous salt solutions. 1. Solubility and activity coefficients of o-phthalic acid and L-cystine in NaCl(aq), (CH3)4NCl(aq), and (C 2H5)4NI(aq) at different ionic strengths and at t = 25 °C
(2005) Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 50 (5), pp. 1761-1767.
DOI: 10.1021/je0502039
Crea, F., Milea, D., Sammartano, S.
Enhancement of hydrolysis through the formation of mixed hetero-metal species: Dioxouranium(VI) - cadmium(II) mixtures
(2005) Annali di Chimica, 95 (11-12), pp. 767-778.
DOI: 10.1002/adic.200590090
Bretti, C., Crea, F., Rey-Castro, C., Sammartano, S.
Interaction of acrylic-maleic copolymers with H+, Na +, Mg2+ and Ca2+: Thermodynamic parameters and their dependence on medium
(2005) Reactive and Functional Polymers, 65 (3), pp. 329-342.
DOI: 10.1016/j.reactfunctpolym.2005.07.005
Crea, F., De Stefano, C., Gianguzza, A., Piazzese, D., Sammartano, S.
Protonation of carbonate in aqueous tetraalkylammonium salts at 25 °c
(2006) Talanta, 68 (4), pp. 1102-1112.
DOI: 10.1016/j.talanta.2005.07.025
Crea, F., Giacalone, A., Gianguzza, A., Piazzese, D., Sammartano, S.
Modelling of natural and synthetic polyelectrolyte interactions in natural waters by using SIT, Pitzer and Ion Pairing approaches
(2006) Marine Chemistry, 99 (1-4), pp. 93-105.
DOI: 10.1016/j.marchem.2005.03.012
Berto, S., Crea, F., Daniele, P.G., De Stefano, C., Prenesti, E., Sammartano, S.
Dioxouranium(VI) - carboxylate complexes. Interaction with dicarboxylic acids in aqueous solution: Speciation and structure
(2006) Annali di Chimica, 96 (7-8), pp. 399-420.
DOI: 10.1002/adic.200690042
Bretti, C., Crea, F., Foti, C., Sammartano, S.
Solubility and activity coefficients of acidic and basic nonelectrolytes in aqueous salt solutions. 2. Solubility and activity coefficients of suberic, azelaic, and sebacic acids in NaCl(aq), (CH3)4NCl(aq), and (C2H5)4NI(aq) at Different Ionic Strengths and at t = 25 °C
(2006) Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 51 (5), pp. 1660-1667.
DOI: 10.1021/je060132t
Crea, F., De Robertis, A., De Stefano, C., Sammartano, S.
Dioxouranium(VI)-carboxylate complexes. Interaction of UO2 2+ with 1,2,3,4,5,6-benzenehexacarboxylate (mellitate) in 0 ≤ I(NaCl a q ) ≤ 1.0 mol•L -1
(2007) Journal of Solution Chemistry, 36 (4), pp. 479-496.
DOI: 10.1007/s10953-007-9124-7
Crea, F., Foti, C., De Stefano, C., Sammartano, S.
SIT parameters for 1:2 electrolytes and correlation with Pitzer coefficients
(2007) Annali di Chimica, 97 (1-2), pp. 85-95.
DOI: 10.1002/adic.200690088
OPEN ACCESS: All Open Access, Bronze
Crea, F., Crea, P., De Robertis, A., Sammartano, S.
Thermodynamic study for the protonation of branched poly(ethylenimine) in NaCl(aq) and its dependence on ionic strength
(2007) Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 52 (1), pp. 279-285.
DOI: 10.1021/je060388z
Crea, F., Crea, P., Milea, D., Porcino, N., Sammartano, S.
Speciation of phytate ion in aqueous solution. Trimethyltin(IV) interactions in self medium
(2007) Annali di Chimica, 97 (8), pp. 635-645.
DOI: 10.1002/adic.200790048
Crea, F., De Robertis, A., De Stefano, C., Sammartano, S.
Dioxouranium(VI)-carboxylate complexes. A calorimetric and potentiometric investigation of interaction with oxalate at infinite dilution and in NaCl aqueous solution at I = 1.0 mol L-1 and T = 25 °C
(2007) Talanta, 71 (2), pp. 948-963.
DOI: 10.1016/j.talanta.2006.05.070
Crea, F., De Stefano, C., Milea, D., Sammartano, S.
Dioxouranium(vi)-carboxylate complexes. Speciation of UO2 2+-1,2,3-propanetricarboxylate system in NaClaq at different ionic strengths and at T = 25 °C
(2007) Annali di Chimica, 97 (3-4), pp. 163-175.
DOI: 10.1002/adic.200790002
Bretti, C., Cigala, R.M., Crea, F., Sammartano, S.
Mixing effects on the protonation of some polycarboxylates in NaClaq + KClaq at different ionic strengths
(2007) Talanta, 72 (3), pp. 1059-1065.
DOI: 10.1016/j.talanta.2006.12.044
Crea, F., De Robertis, A., De Stefano, C., Sammartano, S.
Erratum: Dioxouranium(VI)-carboxylate complexes. Interaction of UO 22+ with 1,2,3,4,5,6-benzenehexacarboxylate (mellitate) in 0≤I(NaClaq)≤1.0 mol·L-1 (Journal of Solution Chemistry DOI: 10.1007/s10953-007-9124-7)
(2007) Journal of Solution Chemistry, 36 (6), p. 833.
DOI: 10.1007/s10953-007-9140-7
OPEN ACCESS: All Open Access, Bronze
Gattuso, G., Pappalardo, A., Parisi, M.F., Pisagatti, I., Crea, F., Liantonio, R., Metrangolo, P., Navarrini, W., Resnati, G., Pilati, T., Pappalardo, S.
Dipyridinocalixcrown/diiodoperfluorocarbon binary host systems for CsI: structural studies and fluorous phase extraction of caesium
(2007) Tetrahedron, 63 (23), pp. 4951-4958.
DOI: 10.1016/j.tet.2007.03.136
Crea, F., De Stefano, C., Foti, C., Sammartano, S.
SIT parameters for the dependence of (poly)carboxylate activity coefficients on ionic strength in (C2H4) 4NIaq (0 < i < 1.2 mol·kg-1) and (CH3)4NClaq (0 < i < 3.9 mol·kg-1) in the temperature range 278 K < T < 328 K and correlation with pitzer parameters
(2007) Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 52 (6), pp. 2195-2203.
DOI: 10.1021/je700223r
Bretti, C., Cigala, R.M., Crea, F., Foti, C., Sammartano, S.
Solubility and activity coefficients of acidic and basic non-electrolytes in aqueous salt solutions. 3. Solubility and activity coefficients of adipic and pimelic acids in NaCl(aq), (CH3)4NCl(aq) and (C2H5)4NI(aq) at different ionic strengths and at t = 25 °C
(2008) Fluid Phase Equilibria, 263 (1), pp. 43-54.
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Battaglia, G., Cigala, R.M., Crea, F., Sammartano, S.
Solubility and acid-base properties of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid in aqueous NaCl solution at 0 ≤ I ≤ 6 mol·kg-1 and T = 298.15K
(2008) Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 53 (2), pp. 363-367.
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Bretti, C., Crea, F., Giuffrè, O., Sammartano, S.
The effect of different aqueous ionic media on the acid-base properties of some open chain polyamines
(2008) Journal of Solution Chemistry, 37 (2), pp. 183-201.
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Crea, F., Crea, P., De Stefano, C., Milea, D., Sammartano, S.
Speciation of phytate ion in aqueous solution. Protonation in CsClaq at different ionic strengths and mixing effects in LiClaq + CsClaq
(2008) Journal of Molecular Liquids, 138 (1-3), pp. 76-83.
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Crea, F., De Stefano, C., Milea, D., Sammartano, S.
Formation and stability of phytate complexes in solution
(2008) Coordination Chemistry Reviews, 252 (10-11), pp. 1108-1120.
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Crea, F., Foti, C., Sammartano, S.
Sequestering ability of polycarboxylic ligands towards dioxouranium(VI)
(2008) Talanta, 75 (3), pp. 775-785.
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Crea, F., De Stefano, C., Porcino, N., Sammartano, S.
Sequestering ability of phytate towards protonated BPEI and other polyammonium cations in aqueous solution
(2008) Biophysical Chemistry, 136 (2-3), pp. 108-114.
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OPEN ACCESS: All Open Access, Green
Rosaria Panuccio, M., Crea, F., Sorgonà, A., Cacco, G.
Adsorption of nutrients and cadmium by different minerals: Experimental studies and modelling
(2008) Journal of Environmental Management, 88 (4), pp. 890-898.
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Cigala, R.M., Crea, F., Sammartano, S.
Mixing effects on the protonation of polyacrylate in LiCl/KCl aqueous solutions at different ionic strengths, I = 1 to 3.5 mol L- 1, at T = 298.15 K
(2008) Journal of Molecular Liquids, 143 (2-3), pp. 129-133.
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Bretti, C., Crea, F., De Stefano, C., Sammartano, S.
Solubility and activity coefficients of 2,2′-bipyridyl, 1,10-phenanthroline and 2,2′,6′,2″-terpyridine in NaCl(aq) at different ionic strengths and T = 298.15 K
(2008) Fluid Phase Equilibria, 272 (1-2), pp. 47-52.
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Crea, F., De Stefano, C., Milea, D., Sammartano, S.
Speciation of phytate ion in aqueous solution. Thermodynamic parameters for zinc(II) sequestration at different ionic strengths and temperatures
(2009) Journal of Solution Chemistry, 38 (1), pp. 115-134.
DOI: 10.1007/s10953-008-9357-0
Battaglia, G., Crea, F., Crea, P., De Stefano, C., Sammartano, S.
Medium effect on the acid-base properties of branched polyethylenimine in different aqueous electrolyte solutions
(2009) Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 54 (2), pp. 502-510.
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Crea, F., De Stefano, C., Gianguzza, A., Pettignano, A., Piazzese, D., Sammartano, S.
Acid-base properties of synthetic and natural poly electrolytes: Experimental results and models for the dependence on different aqueous media
(2009) Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 54 (2), pp. 589-605.
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Cigala, R.M., Crea, F., Stefano, C.D., Sammartano, S.
Mixing effects on the protonation of polycarboxylates. Protonation of benzenehexacarboxylate in LiCl-KCl,NaCl-KCl,NaCl-LiCl,and LiCl-CsCl aqueous solutions at I = 1 mol·L-1 and T = 298.15 K
(2009) Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 54 (7), pp. 2137-2139.
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Cataldo, S., Crea, F., Gianguzza, A., Pettignano, A., Piazzese, D.
Solubility and acid-base properties and activity coefficients of chitosan in different ionic media and at different ionic strengths, at T = 25 °C
(2009) Journal of Molecular Liquids, 148 (2-3), pp. 120-126.
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Berto, S., Crea, F., Daniele, P.G., De Stefano, C., Prenesti, E., Sammartano, S.
Sequestering ability of Dicarboxylic ligands towards dioxouranium(VI) in NaCl and KNO3 aqueous solutions at T=298.15 K
(2009) Journal of Solution Chemistry, 38 (10), pp. 1343-1356.
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Crea, F., De Stefano, C., Manfredi, G., Sammartano, S.
Sequestration of some biogenic amines and poly(allyl)amine by high molecular weight polycarboxylic ligands in aqueous solution
(2010) Journal of Molecular Liquids, 151 (2-3), pp. 138-144.
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Crea, F., De Stefano, C., Milea, D., Sammartano, S.
Thermodynamic data for lanthanoid(III) sequestration by phytate at different temperatures
(2010) Monatshefte fur Chemie, 141 (5), pp. 511-520.
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Crea, F., Gianguzza, A., Pettignano, A., Sammartano, S.
Interactions of dioxouranium(VI) with polyamines in aqueous solution
(2010) Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 55 (9), pp. 3044-3050.
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Amaglo, N.K., Bennett, R.N., Lo Curto, R.B., Rosa, E.A.S., Lo Turco, V., Giuffrida, A., Curto, A.L., Crea, F., Timpo, G.M.
Profiling selected phytochemicals and nutrients in different tissues of the multipurpose tree Moringa oleifera L., grown in Ghana
(2010) Food Chemistry, 122 (4), pp. 1047-1054.
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Cigala, R.M., Crea, F., Lando, G., Milea, D., Sammartano, S.
Solubility and acid-base properties of concentrated phytate in self-medium and in NaClaq at T = 298.15 K
(2010) Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 42 (11), pp. 1393-1399.
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Cigala, R.M., Crea, F., Stefano, C.D., Lando, G., Milea, D., Sammartano, S.
Electrochemical study on the stability of phytate complexes with Cu 2+, Pb2+, Zn2+, and Ni2+: A Comparison of Different Techniques †
(2010) Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 55 (11), pp. 4757-4767.
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Berto, S., Crea, F., Daniele, P.G., De Stefano, C., Prenesti, E., Sammartano, S.
Potentiometric and spectrophotometric characterization of the UO 2 2+-citrate complexes in aqueous solution, at different concentrations, ionic strengths and supporting electrolytes
(2012) Radiochimica Acta, 100 (1), pp. 13-28.
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Cigala, R.M., Crea, F., De Stefano, C., Lando, G., Manfredi, G., Sammartano, S.
Quantitative study on the interaction of Sn 2+ and Zn 2+ with some phosphate ligands, in aqueous solution at different ionic strengths
(2012) Journal of Molecular Liquids, 165, pp. 143-153.
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Berto, S., Crea, F., Daniele, P.G., Gianguzza, A., Pettignano, A., Sammartano, S.
Advances in the investigation of dioxouranium(VI) complexes of interest for natural fluids
(2012) Coordination Chemistry Reviews, 256 (1-2), pp. 63-81.
DOI: 10.1016/j.ccr.2011.08.015
OPEN ACCESS: All Open Access, Green
Bretti, C., Crea, F., De Stefano, C., Sammartano, S., Vianelli, G.
Some thermodynamic properties of dl-Tyrosine and dl-Tryptophan. Effect of the ionic medium, ionic strength and temperature on the solubility and acid-base properties
(2012) Fluid Phase Equilibria, 314, pp. 185-197.
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Bretti, C., Crea, F., De Stefano, C., Sammartano, S., Vianelli, G.
Protonation constants, activity coefficients, and chloride ion pair formation of some aromatic amino-compounds in NaCl aq (0 mol·kg -1 ≤ i ≤ 3 mol·kg -1) at T = 298.15 K
(2012) Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 57 (6), pp. 1851-1859.
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Cigala, R.M., Crea, F., De Stefano, C., Lando, G., Milea, D., Sammartano, S.
The inorganic speciation of tin(II) in aqueous solution
(2012) Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 87, pp. 1-20.
DOI: 10.1016/j.gca.2012.03.029
Crea, F., De Stefano, C., Manfredi, G., Sammartano, S.
Quantitative study of the interaction between ATP and aromatic amines in aqueous solution
(2012) Journal of Solution Chemistry, 41 (7), pp. 1240-1253.
DOI: 10.1007/s10953-012-9865-9
Cigala, R.M., Crea, F., De Stefano, C., Lando, G., Milea, D., Sammartano, S.
Modeling the acid-base properties of glutathione in different ionic media, with particular reference to natural waters and biological fluids
(2012) Amino Acids, 43 (2), pp. 629-648.
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Cigala, R.M., Crea, F., De Stefano, C., Lando, G., Milea, D., Sammartano, S.
Thermodynamics of binary and ternary interactions in the tin(II)/phytate system in aqueous solutions, in the presence of Cl - or F -
(2012) Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 51, pp. 88-96.
DOI: 10.1016/j.jct.2012.02.026
Crea, F., Cucinotta, D., De Stefano, C., Milea, D., Sammartano, S., Vianelli, G.
Modeling solubility, acid-base properties and activity coefficients of amoxicillin, ampicillin and (+)6-aminopenicillanic acid, in NaCl(aq) at different ionic strengths and temperatures
(2012) European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 47 (4), pp. 661-677.
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Crea, F., Foti, C., Milea, D., Sammartano, S.
Speciation of cadmium in the environment
(2013) Metal Ions in Life Sciences, 11, pp. 63-83.
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Crea, F., De Stefano, C., Manfredi, G., Sammartano, S.
Thermodynamic study of the non covalent interactions of phytate with xanthine derivatives and histamine in aqueous solution
(2013) Journal of Molecular Liquids, 178, pp. 37-43.
DOI: 10.1016/j.molliq.2012.10.043
Cigala, R.M., Crea, F., De Stefano, C., Milea, D., Sammartano, S., Scopelliti, M.
Speciation of tin(II) in aqueous solution: Thermodynamic and spectroscopic study of simple and mixed hydroxocarboxylate complexes
(2013) Monatshefte fur Chemie, 144 (6), pp. 761-772.
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Bretti, C., Crea, F., De Stefano, C., Foti, C., Materazzi, S., Vianelli, G.
Thermodynamic properties of dopamine in aqueous solution. acid-base properties, distribution, and activity coefficients in NaCl aqueous solutions at different ionic strengths and temperatures
(2013) Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 58 (10), pp. 2835-2847.
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Materazzi, S., Foti, C., Crea, F.
Nickel and copper biomimetic complexes with N-heterocyclic dicarboxylic ligands
(2013) Thermochimica Acta, 573, pp. 101-105.
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Mazzaglia, A., Bondì, M.L., Scala, A., Zito, F., Barbieri, G., Crea, F., Vianelli, G., Mineo, P., Fiore, T., Pellerito, C., Pellerito, L., Costa, M.A.
Supramolecular assemblies based on complexes of nonionic amphiphilic cyclodextrins and a meso-tetra(4-sulfonatophenyl)porphine tributyltin(IV) derivative: Potential nanotherapeutics against melanoma
(2013) Biomacromolecules, 14 (11), pp. 3820-3829.
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OPEN ACCESS: All Open Access, Green
Crea, F., De Stefano, C., Foti, C., Milea, D., Sammartano, S.
Chelating agents for the sequestration of mercury(II) and monomethyl mercury(II)
(2014) Current Medicinal Chemistry, 21 (33), pp. 3819-3836.
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Crea, F., Falcone, G., Foti, C., Giuffrè, O., Materazzi, S.
Thermodynamic data for Pb2+ and Zn2+ sequestration by biologically important S-donor ligands, at different temperatures and ionic strengths
(2014) New Journal of Chemistry, 38 (8), pp. 3973-3983.
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Bretti, C., Cigala, R.M., Crea, F., Lando, G., Sammartano, S.
Thermodynamics of proton binding and weak (Cl-, Na+ and K+) species formation, and activity coefficients of 1,2-dimethyl-3-hydroxypyridin-4-one (deferiprone)
(2014) Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 77, pp. 98-106.
DOI: 10.1016/j.jct.2014.05.006
Materazzi, S., Foti, C., Crea, F., Risoluti, R., Finamore, J.
Biomimetic complexes of divalent cobalt and zinc with N-heterocyclic dicarboxylic ligands
(2014) Thermochimica Acta, 580, pp. 7-12.
DOI: 10.1016/j.tca.2014.01.025
Cigala, R.M., Cordaro, M., Crea, F., De Stefano, C., Fracassetti, V., Marchesi, M., Milea, D., Sammartano, S.
Acid-base properties and alkali and alkaline earth metal complex formation in aqueous solution of diethylenetriamine- N, N, N ', N '', N ''-pentakis(methylenephosphonic acid) obtained by an efficient synthetic procedure
(2014) Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 53 (23), pp. 9544-9553.
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Crea, F., De Stefano, C., Milea, D., Pettignano, A., Sammartano, S.
SALMO and S3M: A saliva model and a single saliva salt model for equilibrium studies
(2015) Bioinorganic Chemistry and Applications, 2015, art. no. 267985, .
DOI: 10.1155/2015/267985
OPEN ACCESS: All Open Access, Gold, Green
Cigala, R.M., Crea, F., De Stefano, C., Foti, C., Milea, D., Sammartano, S.
Zinc(II) complexes with hydroxocarboxylates and mixed metal species with tin(II) in different salts aqueous solutions at different ionic strengths: Formation, stability, and weak interactions with supporting electrolytes
(2015) Monatshefte fur Chemie, 146 (4), pp. 527-540.
DOI: 10.1007/s00706-014-1394-3
Bretti, C., Cigala, R.M., Crea, F., De Stefano, C., Vianelli, G.
Solubility and modeling acid-base properties of adrenaline in NaCl aqueous solutions at different ionic strengths and temperatures
(2015) European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 78, pp. 37-46.
DOI: 10.1016/j.ejps.2015.06.025
Bretti, C., Cigala, R.M., Crea, F., De Stefano, C., Lando, G., Sammartano, S.
Thermodynamics of Zn2 + 2-mercaptopyridine-N-oxide and 2-hydroxypyridine-N-oxide interactions: Stability, solubility, activity coefficients and medium effects
(2015) Journal of Molecular Liquids, 211, pp. 876-884.
DOI: 10.1016/j.molliq.2015.08.007
Cigala, R.M., Crea, F., De Stefano, C., Sammartano, S.
Modelling the Hydrolysis of Mixed Mono-, Di- and Trimethyltin(IV) Complexes in Aqueous Solutions
(2015) Journal of Solution Chemistry, 44 (8), pp. 1611-1625.
DOI: 10.1007/s10953-015-0367-4
Crea, F., De Stefano, C., Foti, C., Lando, G., Milea, D., Sammartano, S.
Alkali Metal Ion Complexes with Phosphates, Nucleotides, Amino Acids, and Related Ligands of Biological Relevance. Their Properties in Solution
(2016) Metal Ions in Life Sciences, 16, pp. 133-166.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-21756-7_5
Bretti, C., Cigala, R.M., Crea, F., De Stefano, C., Foti, C., Pettignano, A., Sammartano, S.
Polycarboxylic acids in sea water: acid–base properties, solubilities, activity coefficients, and complex formation constants at different salinities
(2016) Monatshefte fur Chemie, 147 (9), pp. 1481-1505.
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Cardiano, P., Cigala, R.M., Crea, F., Giacobello, F., Giuffrè, O., Irto, A., Lando, G., Sammartano, S.
Sequestration of Aluminium(III) by different natural and synthetic organic and inorganic ligands in aqueous solution
(2017) Chemosphere, 186, pp. 535-545.
DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2017.08.015
Crea, F., De Stefano, C., Irto, A., Milea, D., Pettignano, A., Sammartano, S.
Modeling the acid-base properties of molybdate(VI) in different ionic media, ionic strengths and temperatures, by EDH, SIT and Pitzer equations
(2017) Journal of Molecular Liquids, 229, pp. 15-26.
DOI: 10.1016/j.molliq.2016.12.041
Cigala, R.M., Crea, F., De Stefano, C., Sammartano, S., Vianelli, G.
Thermodynamic Parameters for the Interaction of Amoxicillin and Ampicillin with Magnesium in NaCl Aqueous Solution, at Different Ionic Strengths and Temperatures
(2017) Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 62 (3), pp. 1018-1027.
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Cardiano, P., Cigala, R.M., Crea, F., De Stefano, C., Giuffrè, O., Sammartano, S., Vianelli, G.
Potentiometric, UV and 1H NMR study on the interaction of penicillin derivatives with Zn(II) in aqueous solution
(2017) Biophysical Chemistry, 223, pp. 1-10.
DOI: 10.1016/j.bpc.2017.01.002
Cardiano, P., Crea, F., Foti, C., Giuffrè, O., Sammartano, S.
Potentiometric, UV and 1H NMR study on the interaction of Cu2+ with ampicillin and amoxicillin in aqueous solution
(2017) Biophysical Chemistry, 224, pp. 59-66.
DOI: 10.1016/j.bpc.2017.04.001
Bretti, C., Cigala, R.M., Crea, F., De Stefano, C., Gattuso, G., Irto, A., Lando, G., Milea, D., Sammartano, S.
Thermodynamic Properties of O-Donor Polyelectrolytes: Determination of the Acid-Base and Complexing Parameters in Different Ionic Media at Different Temperatures
(2017) Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 62 (9), pp. 2676-2688.
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Rizzo, C., Genovese, G., Morabito, M., Faggio, C., Pagano, M., Spanò, A., Zammuto, V., Minicante, S.A., Manghisi, A., Cigala, R.M., Crea, F., Marino, F., Gugliandolo, C.
Potential antibacterial activity of marine macroalgae against pathogens relevant for aquaculture and human health
(2017) Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology, 11 (4), pp. 1695-1706.
DOI: 10.22207/JPAM.11.4.07
OPEN ACCESS: All Open Access, Gold, Green
Crea, F., De Stefano, C., Milea, D., Sammartano, S.
Phytate-molybdate(vi) interactions in NaCl(aq) at different ionic strengths: Unusual behaviour of the protonated species
(2018) New Journal of Chemistry, 42 (10), pp. 7671-7679.
DOI: 10.1039/c7nj04651k
Irto, A., Cardiano, P., Chand, K., Cigala, R.M., Crea, F., De Stefano, C., Gano, L., Sammartano, S., Santos, M.A.
Bifunctional 3-hydroxy-4-pyridinones as effective aluminium chelators: synthesis, solution equilibrium studies and in vivo evaluation
(2018) Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry, 186, pp. 116-129.
DOI: 10.1016/j.jinorgbio.2018.05.017
Cigala, R.M., Crea, F., De Stefano, C., Irto, A., Sammartano, S.
Use of Gantrez Copolymers as Potential Chelating Agent for the Selective Sequestration of Metal Ions. Studies of the Interactions in Aqueous Solution at Different Ionic Strengths and Temperatures
(2018) Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 63 (11), pp. 4193-4204.
DOI: 10.1021/acs.jced.8b00655
Cataldo, S., Chiodo, V., Crea, F., Maisano, S., Milea, D., Pettignano, A.
Biochar from byproduct to high value added material – A new adsorbent for toxic metal ions removal from aqueous solutions
(2018) Journal of Molecular Liquids, 271, pp. 481-489.
DOI: 10.1016/j.molliq.2018.09.009
Irto, A., Cardiano, P., Chand, K., Cigala, R.M., Crea, F., De Stefano, C., Gano, L., Gattuso, G., Sammartano, S., Santos, M.A.
New bis-(3-hydroxy-4-pyridinone)-NTA-derivative: Synthesis, binding ability towards Ca2+, Cu2+, Zn2+, Al3+, Fe3+ and biological assays
(2018) Journal of Molecular Liquids, 272, pp. 609-624.
DOI: 10.1016/j.molliq.2018.09.107
Cardiano, P., Cigala, R.M., Crea, F., De Stefano, C., Milea, D., Sammartano, S.
Characterization of the thermodynamic properties of some benzenepolycarboxylic acids: Acid-base properties, weak complexes, total and neutral species solubility, solubility products in NaClaq, (CH3)4NClaq and Synthetic Sea Water (SSW)
(2019) Fluid Phase Equilibria, 480, pp. 41-52.
DOI: 10.1016/j.fluid.2018.09.027
Irto, A., Cardiano, P., Chand, K., Cigala, R.M., Crea, F., De Stefano, C., Gano, L., Gattuso, G., Sammartano, S., Santos, M.A.
A new bis-(3-hydroxy-4-pyridinone)-DTPA-derivative: Synthesis, complexation of di-/tri-valent metal cations and in vivo M 3+ sequestering ability
(2019) Journal of Molecular Liquids, 281, pp. 280-294.
DOI: 10.1016/j.molliq.2019.02.042
Irto, A., Cardiano, P., Cataldo, S., Chand, K., Cigala, R.M., Crea, F., De Stefano, C., Gattuso, G., Muratore, N., Pettignano, A., Sammartano, S., Santos, M.A.
Speciation studies of bifunctional 3-hydroxy-4-pyridinone ligands in the presence of Zn2+ at different ionic strengths and temperatures
(2019) Molecules, 24 (22), art. no. molecules24224084, .
DOI: 10.3390/molecules24224084
OPEN ACCESS: All Open Access, Gold, Green
Crea, F., de Stefano, C., Irto, A., Lando, G., Materazzi, S., Milea, D., Pettignano, A., Sammartano, S.
Understanding the solution behavior of epinephrine in the presence of toxic cations: A thermodynamic investigation in different experimental conditions
(2020) Molecules, 25 (3), art. no. 511, .
DOI: 10.3390/molecules25030511
OPEN ACCESS: All Open Access, Gold, Green
Crea, F., Pettignano, A.
Special issue “chemical speciation of organic and inorganic components of environmental and biological interest in natural fluids: Behaviour, interaction and sequestration”
(2020) Molecules, 25 (4), art. no. 826, .
DOI: 10.3390/molecules25040826
OPEN ACCESS: All Open Access, Gold, Green
Cigala, R.M., Crea, F., De Stefano, C., Irto, A., Milea, D., Sammartano, S.
Thermodynamic Behavior of Polyalcohols and Speciation Studies in the Presence of Divalent Metal Cations
(2020) Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 65 (5), pp. 2805-2812.
DOI: 10.1021/acs.jced.0c00120
OPEN ACCESS: All Open Access, Hybrid Gold
Arena, K., Brancato, G., Cacciola, F., Crea, F., Cataldo, S., De Stefano, C., Gama, S., Lando, G., Milea, D., Mondello, L., Pettignano, A., Plass, W., Sammartano, S.
8-hydroxyquinoline-2-carboxylic acid as possible molybdophore: A multi-technique approach to define its chemical speciation, coordination and sequestering ability in aqueous solution
(2020) Biomolecules, 10 (6), art. no. 930, pp. 1-21.
DOI: 10.3390/biom10060930
OPEN ACCESS: All Open Access, Gold, Green
Cernaro, V., Loddo, S., Macaione, V., Ferlazzo, V.T., Cigala, R.M., Crea, F., De Stefano, C., Genovese, A.R.R., Gembillo, G., Bolignano, D., Santoro, D., Vita, R., Buemi, M., Benvenga, S.
RAS inhibition modulates kynurenine levels in a CKD population with and without type 2 diabetes mellitus
(2020) International Urology and Nephrology, 52 (6), pp. 1125-1133.
DOI: 10.1007/s11255-020-02469-z
Cigala, R.M., Crea, F., De Stefano, C., Irto, A., Sammartano, S.
Nature as Resource. Thermodynamic characterization of natural and synthetic polymers and their sequestering ability towards some bivalent metal cations
(2020) Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 150, art. no. 106205, .
DOI: 10.1016/j.jct.2020.106205
Irto, A., Cardiano, P., Chand, K., Cigala, R.M., Crea, F., De Stefano, C., Gattuso, G., Sammartano, S., Santos, M.A.
Complexation of environmentally and biologically relevant metals with bifunctional 3-hydroxy-4-pyridinones
(2020) Journal of Molecular Liquids, 319, art. no. 114349, .
DOI: 10.1016/j.molliq.2020.114349
Cataldo, S., Crea, F., Massaro, M., Milea, D., Pettignano, A., Riela, S.
Functionalized Halloysite Nanotubes For Enhanced Removal Of Hg2+ Ions From Aqueous Solutions
(2021) Clays and Clay Minerals, .
DOI: 10.1007/s42860-021-00112-1
OPEN ACCESS: All Open Access, Hybrid Gold
Spoto S.E., Somma R. And Crea F.
Using A Forensic - Based Learning Approach To Teach Geochemistry.
(2021) Aapp | Atti Della Accademia Peloritana Dei Pericolanti. Classe Di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche E Naturali
Issn 1825-1242 Vol. 98, No. S1, A1. Doi: 10.1478/Aapp.98s1a1


    Prof. Francesco Crea
    Curriculum Vitae
    Scientific and teaching activity

    Prof. Francesco Crea was born in Palmi (RC) on 05 May 1972. On 29 July 1997 he graduated in Chemistry with a final grade of 110/110, at the University of Messina discussing a thesis from title: “Solubility and thermal stability of linear polyamine complexes with mellitic acid”.
    In November 1997 he obtained the qualification to practice as a chemist.
    He was the winner of the competition for admission to the three-year PhD course in Chemical Sciences XIII Cycle, and he obtained the title of PhD in Chemical Sciences on 18/02/2002 discussing an experimental thesis entitled: "Interactions between polysulfonic anions and polyamines: thermodynamic study, separation and dosage by HPLC ”carried out at the Department of Inorganic Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry and Physical Chemistry of the University of Messina.
    He was the winner of the competition for filling a post as a university researcher at the Faculty of Sciences of MM. FF. NN. of the University of Messina for the scientific disciplinary sector Chim / 01 "Analytical Chemistry" on 17/07/2002, and from 16 September 2002 to 15 December 2010 he worked in the department of Inorganic Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry and Chemistry Physics where he belongs for research and belongs to degree courses in Chemistry, three-year and master's degree courses, as regards teaching.
    He was the winner of the comparative assessment for the position of tenured university professor of the second tier at the Faculty of Sciences of the MM. FF. NN. of the University of Messina for the scientific disciplinary sector Chim / 01 "Analytical Chemistry", and since 15 December 2010 he has been working at the same faculty.
    The research activity carried out in collaboration with both Italian and foreign university researchers focuses on speciation studies of both metals and different classes of organic and inorganic ligands in multi-component solutions simulating biological fluids and natural waters.
    The certified teaching activity carried out since 2002 has involved both the teaching of different subjects entrusted to him by the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Messina, and participation in various examination commissions and tutoring activities for students in thesis and PhD students; furthermore, given the needs of the Analytical Chemistry sector, he carried out additional tasks within various teaching courses held by other professors in the sector.
    He has also been supervisor of many bachelor's and master's degree theses in chemistry and management of natural and anthropogenic risks. He was supervisor of four PhD theses in Chemical Sciences
    Dr. As far as teaching is concerned, Francesco Crea belongs to the degree courses in Chemistry, the three-year and master's degree course of the Faculty of Sciences MM.FF.NN. of the University of Messina and carried out the following courses as didactic activity:
    A.A. 2002/2003: Analytical Chemistry II for the degree course in Chemistry (old five-year system);
    A.A. 2003/2004; Analytical Chemistry II for the degree course in Chemistry (old five-year system);
    A.A. 2004/2005:
    1) Chemical Analysis of Real Samples for the degree course in chemistry (three-year degree course);
    2) Instrumental Analytical Chemistry for the degree course in chemistry (old five-year system);
    3) Quality Control and Validation of Methods in Analytical Chemistry for the degree course in Chemistry (Master's degree course, curriculum of advanced methodologies and quality control).
    A.A. 2005-2006:
    1) Chemical Analysis of Real Samples for the degree course in chemistry (three-year degree course);
    2) Complements of Analytical Chemistry (module A) (Master's Degree course, curriculum of advanced methodologies and quality control).
    A.A. 2006-2007:
    1) Chemical Analysis of Real Samples for the degree course in chemistry (three-year degree course);
    2) Complements of Analytical Chemistry (module A) (Master's Degree course, curriculum of advanced methodologies and quality control).
    A.A. 2007-2008:
    1) Chemical Analysis of Real Samples for the degree course in chemistry (three-year degree course);
    2) Complements of Analytical Chemistry (module A) (Master's Degree course, curriculum of advanced methodologies and quality control).
    A.A. 2008-2010:
    1) Chemical Analysis of Real Samples for the degree course in chemistry (three-year degree course);
    A.A. 2010-2021:
    1) Laboratory of Instrumental Analytical Chemistry for the degree course in chemistry (three-year degree course);
    A.A. 2015-2021:
     Characterization and remediation of contaminated sites for the degree course in:
    1. GERIT (Management of Natural and Anthropic Risks) (Master's degree course);
    2. CHEMISTRY - Environmental-Industrial and Analytical-Biological (Master's degree course);

    During the A.A. 2002-2003, given the needs of the Analytical Chemistry sector, he carried out tutoring activities for students in thesis and doctoral students and integrated tasks within the course of Analytical Chemistry Laboratory; Instrumental Analytical Chemistry Laboratory; Analytical Chemistry Laboratory IV.
    During the A.A. 2003-2004, you have carried out tutoring activities for students in thesis and doctoral students and supplementary tasks within the courses of the Laboratory of Chemical Analysis of Real Samples; Instrumental Analytical Chemistry Laboratory; Analytical Chemistry Laboratory IV.
    During the A.A. 2004-2008 you have carried out tutoring activities for students in thesis and doctoral students and additional tasks within the courses of Instrumental Analytical Chemistry Laboratory; Analytical Chemistry Laboratory; Environmental Chemistry.
    During all the A.A. listed above, you actively participated in examination committees and graduation sessions.
    He served as an expert in Chemistry and Physics at the State Institute of Professional Education "G. Renda "of Polistena for post-qualification courses III ^ AREA" Surrogate Courses "address" Expert operator in the application of HACCP in the catering sector "from 09/11/1999 to 22/5/2000.
    He has also carried out lessons for various Integrated Higher Technical Training (IFTS) courses:
    1. "Environmental Monitoring and Protection of the Territory" (project: n.1999.IT.16.1.PO.011 / 3.07 / 9.2.14 / 0105) carried out at the Department of Inorganic Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry and Physical Chemistry "and organized in agreement with the “Nicolò Copernico” State Industrial Technical Institute of Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto (ME); during the A.Y. 2003/2004
    2. "Person in charge of managing controlled landfills" Project no. 386 L.R. 27/91 carried out at the ECAP of Messina; during the A.Y. 2004-2005;
    3. "Higher Technician of Restoration Techniques" (project: 1999.IT.16.1. PO.011 / 3.07 / 9.2.14 / 0284) carried out at the Technical Institute "E. Basile ”of Messina; during the A.Y. 2004-2005;
    4. "Experts in air monitoring" (project: 1999.IT.16.1. PO.011 / 3.02 / 7.2.14 / 725) carried out at the college of surveyors of Messina, during the A.Y. 2006-2007;
    5. "Higher technician for the monitoring and management of the territory and the environment" (project: MIS 5.1.2006.28) carried out at the Technical Institute "L. Da Vinci ”of Milazzo (ME); during the A.Y. 2006-2007;
    6. "Higher technician for the monitoring and management of the territory and the environment" (project: 1999.IT.16.1PO.011 / 3.07 / 9.2.14 / 0390) carried out at the "E. Majorana ”of Milazzo (ME); during the A.Y. 2007-2008.
    7. «Tiziano Granata» Summer School in Forensic Geology & Environmental Crimes III edition (2018) where he taught for a total of 8 hours and held the role of Deputy Director.
    8. Appointment of Judicial Police Auxiliary for criminal proceedings 4844/2017 R.G.N.R. of the Public Prosecutor's Office of Messina relating to a USW landfill.
    9. Appointment of CT (technical consultant for the public Ministry) for criminal proceedings 6206/18 R.G.N.R. relating to a landfill MSW.
    10. Member of the CTS (Scientific Technical Committee) and Professor of the II level University Master in Scientific Investigations in the forensic field of the University of Messina. A.A. 2016
    11. Speaker on the topic: "The chemist's gaze on microplastics" at the Order of Doctors of Messina as part of the UNESCO week for sustainability education. Messina 29 November 2018.
    12. Keynote by invitation to the XXVII National Congress of the Analytical Chemistry Division of the Italian Chemical Society (SCI) Bologna 16-20 September 2018 entitled: Use of GantrezTM copolymers as potential chelating agent for the selective sequestration of metal ions. Studies of the interactions in aqueous solution at different ionic strengths and temperatures. KN5.
    13. «Tiziano Granata» Summer School in Forensic Geology & Environmental Crimes IV edition (2019) where he taught for a total of 6 hours and held the role of Deputy Director.
    14. Academic Tutor for n. 2 trainees in the context of Avviso no. 26/2018 for the activation of paths to strengthen the employability of young graduates in the regional public administration - operational program of the Sicilian region p.o. fse 2014/2020 Sicilian region. cip 4/1 / 8.5 / 9.2.02 / 0002 cup j48i19000010009.
    His research activity concerns the study of:
    1. speciation of highly charged electrolytes: acid-base properties and complexing capacities with respect to various classes of organic and inorganic ligands;
    2. modeling of the separation of linear and substituted amines by HPLC;
    3. speciation of UO22 + in different ionic media, interaction with low molecular weight carboxylic acids, and formation of hetero-metallic hydrolytic species;
    4. determination of the solubilities and activity coefficients of classes of organic ligands in various ionic media;
    5. determination of the specific ionic interaction parameters of various classes of ligands in solutions containing different electrolytes of s supporting various ionic strengths and temperatures.
    He is co-author of 108 (one hundred and eight) scientific contributions published in international journals, and of over 87 (eighty-seven) communications at national and international conferences.
    He has presented the results of his research at national and international conferences.
    The research activity was carried out in collaboration with researchers from other Italian and foreign universities (Messina, Palermo, Turin, Rome, Reggio Calabria, Miami, Melbourne (USA), La Coruna (Spain)), Kumasi (Ghana), Vila Real and Lisbon (Portugal), various CNR institutes.
    1. He was editor in chief for Journal of Chemistry for the special volume: "Chemical Speciation of Elements in Natural Systems: Sources, Poisoning, and Remediation";
    2. Since June 2016 he has been a member of the Editorial Advisory Board of the journal Current Clinical Pharmacology;
    3. Since June 2016 he has been a member of the Editorial Advisory Board of the Frontiers in Chemistry magazine;
    4. Since 2017 he has been a member of the Editorial Advisory Board of the Analytics magazine;
    5. Since 2017 he has been a member of the Editorial Advisory Board of the Current Analytic Chemistry journal;
    6. Since April 2018 he has been a member of the Editorial Advisory Board of the Molecules magazine;
    7. Guest Editor for a special issue on the Molecules magazine entitled: Chemical Speciation of Organic and Inorganic components of Environmental and Biological Interest in Natural Fluids: Behavior, Interaction and Sequestration;
    8. Author of the book chapter: F. Crea, C. Foti, D. Milea, and S. Sammartano, in "Cadmium: From Toxicity to Essentiality", Vol. 11 of 'Metal Ions in Life Sciences', A. Sigel , H. Sigel, RKO Sigel, Eds .; Springer Science + Business Media B.V., Dordrecht, 2013, 63-83;
    9. Author of the book chapter: Alkali Metal Ion Complexes with Phosphates, Nucleotides, Amino Acids, and Related Ligands of Biological Relevance. Their Properties in Solution. F. Crea, C. De Stefano, C. Foti, G. Lando, D. Milea and S. Sammartano.
     A. Sigel, H. Sigel, and R. K. O. Sigel, The Alkali Metal Ions: Their Role for Life Metal Ions in Life Sciences 16 (2016) 133-166 DOI: 10.1007 / 978-3-319-21756_5.
    Funded research programs
    FIRB2001 RBAU01HLFX_004 – Speciazione, caratterizzazione e proprietà fotochimiche della sostanza organica ed inorganica presente nell’acqua di mare
    - Research agreement for speciation studies with the multinational company Procter&Gamble, from 2008-
    - PRIN 2010 prot: 20104AEL92_001: Multiple equilibria in natural and biological fluids: from speciation to selective sequestration
    -2015 Prot. 2015MP34H3: Multiple equilibria in natural and biological fluids: from speciation to selective sequestering
    - ARCADIA - smARt materials for landfill leaChAte remeDIAtion" for the Research and Mobility program, 2017
    - Fund for basic research activities (FFABR) University of Messina, 2020

    Scientific publication
    Crea, F., De Robertis, A., De Stefano, C., Sammartano, S., Gianguzza, A., Piazzese, D.
    Binding of acrylic and sulphonic polyanions by open-chain polyammonium cations
    (2001) Talanta, 53 (6), pp. 1241-1248.
    DOI: 10.1016/S0039-9140(00)00617-2
    Crea, F., De Robertis, A., De Stefano, C.
    Modelling the separation of amines by high performance liquid chromatography I. Linear diamines NH2(CH2)nNH2 (n = 2-10)
    (2001) Analytica Chimica Acta, 436 (2), pp. 333-342.
    DOI: 10.1016/S0003-2670(01)00959-X
    Crea, F., De Stefano, C., Gianguzza, A., Piazzese, D., Sammartano, S.
    Speciation of poly-amino carboxylic compounds in seawater
    (2003) Chemical Speciation and Bioavailability, 15 (3), pp. 75-86.
    DOI: 10.3184/095422903782775190
    OPEN ACCESS: All Open Access, Bronze, Green
    Crea, F., De Robertis, A., De Stefano, C.
    Evaluation of behaviour of linear monoamines CH3-(CH2)n-1-NH2 ( n=1 -6) in ion chromatography
    (2003) Analytica Chimica Acta, 477 (1), pp. 41-48.
    DOI: 10.1016/S0003-2670(02)01408-3
    Crea, F., De Robertis, A., Sammartano, S.
    Dioxouranium-carboxylate complexes. §Formation and stability of acetate species at different ionic strengths in NaCLaq
    (2003) Annali di Chimica, 93 (12), pp. 1027-1035.
    Crea, F., D'Ascenzo, G., De Robertis, A., Materazzi, S., Sammartano, S.
    The formation of sparingly soluble species of Ca2+ with carboxylic ligands: Speciation and thermoanalysis
    (2003) Talanta, 61 (5), pp. 611-620.
    DOI: 10.1016/S0039-9140(03)00331-X
    Crea, F., De Robertis, A., Giuffrè, O.
    The Retention of Some Open-Chain Diamines on a Strong Cation-Exchange Resin in Ion Chromatography as a Function of Their Structure
    (2004) Journal of Chromatographic Science, 42 (3), pp. 161-166.
    DOI: 10.1093/chromsci/42.3.161
    OPEN ACCESS: All Open Access, Bronze
    Crea, F., Crea, P., De Robertis, A., Sammartano, S.
    Speciation of phytate ion in aqueous solution. Characterisation of Ca-phytate sparingly soluble species
    (2004) Chemical Speciation and Bioavailability, 16 (1-2), pp. 53-59.
    DOI: 10.3184/095422904782775090
    Crea, F., De Stefano, C., Giuffre, O., Sammartano, S.
    Ionic strength dependence of protonation constants of N-alkyl substituted open chain diamines in NaClaq
    (2004) Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 49 (1), pp. 109-115.
    DOI: 10.1021/je0301949
    Crea, F., De Stefano, C., Gianguzza, A., Piazzese, D., Sammartano, S.
    Chemical speciation of organic matter in natural waters. Interaction of nucleotide 5’ mono-, di- and triphosphates with major components of seawater
    (2004) Chemical Speciation and Bioavailability, 16 (1-2), pp. 1-8.
    DOI: 10.3184/095422904782775072
    OPEN ACCESS: All Open Access, Bronze, Green
    Crea, F., De Robertis, A., De Stefano, C., Foti, C., Sammartano, S.
    Binding of phosphate, pyrophosphate, and hexacyanoferrate(II) by fully N-methyl substituted polyammonium cations in aqueous solution
    (2004) Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 49 (1), pp. 133-137.
    DOI: 10.1021/je034133m
    Crea, F., De Robertis, A., Sammartano, S.
    Medium and alkyl chain effects on the protonation of dicarboxylates in NaClaq and Et4NIaq at 25°C
    (2004) Journal of Solution Chemistry, 33 (5), pp. 499-528.
    DOI: 10.1023/B:JOSL.0000037773.15363.1f
    Crea, F., Crea, P., De Stefano, C., Giuffrè, O., Pettignano, A., Sammartano, S.
    Thermodynamic parameters for the protonation of poly(allylamine) in concentrated LiCl(aq) and NaCl(aq)
    (2004) Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 49 (3), pp. 658-663.
    DOI: 10.1021/je0342264
    Crea, F., De Stefano, C., Pettignano, A., Sammartano, S.
    Hydrolysis of dioxouranium(VI): A calorimetric study in NaClaq and NaClO4 aq, at 25°C
    (2004) Thermochimica Acta, 414 (2), pp. 185-189.
    DOI: 10.1016/j.tca.2003.12.018
    Crea, F., De Stefano, C., Millero, F.J., Sharma, V.K.
    Dissociation constants for citric acid in NaCl and KCl solutions and their mixtures at 25°C
    (2004) Journal of Solution Chemistry, 33 (11), pp. 1349-1366.
    DOI: 10.1007/s10953-004-1046-z
    Crea, F., De Robertis, A., Sammartano, S.
    Chromatographic behavior of open-chain polyamines NH2-(CH 2)2-[NH-(CH2)2]n-NH 2 and their quantitative determination in sea water by high-performance ion-exchange chromatography
    (2005) Journal of Chromatographic Science, 43 (7), pp. 342-347.
    DOI: 10.1093/chromsci/43.7.342
    OPEN ACCESS: All Open Access, Bronze, Green
    Crea, F., Milea, D., Sammartano, S.
    Enhancement of hydrolysis through the formation of mixed hetero-metal species
    (2005) Talanta, 65 (1), pp. 229-238.
    DOI: 10.1016/j.talanta.2004.06.014
    Battaglia, G., Crea, F., Crea, P., Sammartano, S.
    The protonation of polyacrylate in seawater. Analysis of concentration effects
    (2005) Annali di Chimica, 95 (9-10), pp. 643-656.
    DOI: 10.1002/adic.200590075
    Bretti, C., Crea, F., Foti, C., Sammartano, S.
    Solubility and activity coefficients of acidic and basic nonelectrolytes in aqueous salt solutions. 1. Solubility and activity coefficients of o-phthalic acid and L-cystine in NaCl(aq), (CH3)4NCl(aq), and (C 2H5)4NI(aq) at different ionic strengths and at t = 25 °C
    (2005) Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 50 (5), pp. 1761-1767.
    DOI: 10.1021/je0502039
    Crea, F., Milea, D., Sammartano, S.
    Enhancement of hydrolysis through the formation of mixed hetero-metal species: Dioxouranium(VI) - cadmium(II) mixtures
    (2005) Annali di Chimica, 95 (11-12), pp. 767-778.
    DOI: 10.1002/adic.200590090
    Bretti, C., Crea, F., Rey-Castro, C., Sammartano, S.
    Interaction of acrylic-maleic copolymers with H+, Na +, Mg2+ and Ca2+: Thermodynamic parameters and their dependence on medium
    (2005) Reactive and Functional Polymers, 65 (3), pp. 329-342.
    DOI: 10.1016/j.reactfunctpolym.2005.07.005
    Crea, F., De Stefano, C., Gianguzza, A., Piazzese, D., Sammartano, S.
    Protonation of carbonate in aqueous tetraalkylammonium salts at 25 °c
    (2006) Talanta, 68 (4), pp. 1102-1112.
    DOI: 10.1016/j.talanta.2005.07.025
    Crea, F., Giacalone, A., Gianguzza, A., Piazzese, D., Sammartano, S.
    Modelling of natural and synthetic polyelectrolyte interactions in natural waters by using SIT, Pitzer and Ion Pairing approaches
    (2006) Marine Chemistry, 99 (1-4), pp. 93-105.
    DOI: 10.1016/j.marchem.2005.03.012
    Berto, S., Crea, F., Daniele, P.G., De Stefano, C., Prenesti, E., Sammartano, S.
    Dioxouranium(VI) - carboxylate complexes. Interaction with dicarboxylic acids in aqueous solution: Speciation and structure
    (2006) Annali di Chimica, 96 (7-8), pp. 399-420.
    DOI: 10.1002/adic.200690042
    Bretti, C., Crea, F., Foti, C., Sammartano, S.
    Solubility and activity coefficients of acidic and basic nonelectrolytes in aqueous salt solutions. 2. Solubility and activity coefficients of suberic, azelaic, and sebacic acids in NaCl(aq), (CH3)4NCl(aq), and (C2H5)4NI(aq) at Different Ionic Strengths and at t = 25 °C
    (2006) Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 51 (5), pp. 1660-1667.
    DOI: 10.1021/je060132t
    Crea, F., De Robertis, A., De Stefano, C., Sammartano, S.
    Dioxouranium(VI)-carboxylate complexes. Interaction of UO2 2+ with 1,2,3,4,5,6-benzenehexacarboxylate (mellitate) in 0 ≤ I(NaCl a q ) ≤ 1.0 mol•L -1
    (2007) Journal of Solution Chemistry, 36 (4), pp. 479-496.
    DOI: 10.1007/s10953-007-9124-7
    Crea, F., Foti, C., De Stefano, C., Sammartano, S.
    SIT parameters for 1:2 electrolytes and correlation with Pitzer coefficients
    (2007) Annali di Chimica, 97 (1-2), pp. 85-95.
    DOI: 10.1002/adic.200690088
    OPEN ACCESS: All Open Access, Bronze
    Crea, F., Crea, P., De Robertis, A., Sammartano, S.
    Thermodynamic study for the protonation of branched poly(ethylenimine) in NaCl(aq) and its dependence on ionic strength
    (2007) Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 52 (1), pp. 279-285.
    DOI: 10.1021/je060388z
    Crea, F., Crea, P., Milea, D., Porcino, N., Sammartano, S.
    Speciation of phytate ion in aqueous solution. Trimethyltin(IV) interactions in self medium
    (2007) Annali di Chimica, 97 (8), pp. 635-645.
    DOI: 10.1002/adic.200790048
    Crea, F., De Robertis, A., De Stefano, C., Sammartano, S.
    Dioxouranium(VI)-carboxylate complexes. A calorimetric and potentiometric investigation of interaction with oxalate at infinite dilution and in NaCl aqueous solution at I = 1.0 mol L-1 and T = 25 °C
    (2007) Talanta, 71 (2), pp. 948-963.
    DOI: 10.1016/j.talanta.2006.05.070
    Crea, F., De Stefano, C., Milea, D., Sammartano, S.
    Dioxouranium(vi)-carboxylate complexes. Speciation of UO2 2+-1,2,3-propanetricarboxylate system in NaClaq at different ionic strengths and at T = 25 °C
    (2007) Annali di Chimica, 97 (3-4), pp. 163-175.
    DOI: 10.1002/adic.200790002
    Bretti, C., Cigala, R.M., Crea, F., Sammartano, S.
    Mixing effects on the protonation of some polycarboxylates in NaClaq + KClaq at different ionic strengths
    (2007) Talanta, 72 (3), pp. 1059-1065.
    DOI: 10.1016/j.talanta.2006.12.044
    Crea, F., De Robertis, A., De Stefano, C., Sammartano, S.
    Erratum: Dioxouranium(VI)-carboxylate complexes. Interaction of UO 22+ with 1,2,3,4,5,6-benzenehexacarboxylate (mellitate) in 0≤I(NaClaq)≤1.0 mol·L-1 (Journal of Solution Chemistry DOI: 10.1007/s10953-007-9124-7)
    (2007) Journal of Solution Chemistry, 36 (6), p. 833.
    DOI: 10.1007/s10953-007-9140-7
    OPEN ACCESS: All Open Access, Bronze
    Gattuso, G., Pappalardo, A., Parisi, M.F., Pisagatti, I., Crea, F., Liantonio, R., Metrangolo, P., Navarrini, W., Resnati, G., Pilati, T., Pappalardo, S.
    Dipyridinocalixcrown/diiodoperfluorocarbon binary host systems for CsI: structural studies and fluorous phase extraction of caesium
    (2007) Tetrahedron, 63 (23), pp. 4951-4958.
    DOI: 10.1016/j.tet.2007.03.136
    Crea, F., De Stefano, C., Foti, C., Sammartano, S.
    SIT parameters for the dependence of (poly)carboxylate activity coefficients on ionic strength in (C2H4) 4NIaq (0 < i < 1.2 mol·kg-1) and (CH3)4NClaq (0 < i < 3.9 mol·kg-1) in the temperature range 278 K < T < 328 K and correlation with pitzer parameters
    (2007) Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 52 (6), pp. 2195-2203.
    DOI: 10.1021/je700223r
    Bretti, C., Cigala, R.M., Crea, F., Foti, C., Sammartano, S.
    Solubility and activity coefficients of acidic and basic non-electrolytes in aqueous salt solutions. 3. Solubility and activity coefficients of adipic and pimelic acids in NaCl(aq), (CH3)4NCl(aq) and (C2H5)4NI(aq) at different ionic strengths and at t = 25 °C
    (2008) Fluid Phase Equilibria, 263 (1), pp. 43-54.
    DOI: 10.1016/j.fluid.2007.09.018
    Battaglia, G., Cigala, R.M., Crea, F., Sammartano, S.
    Solubility and acid-base properties of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid in aqueous NaCl solution at 0 ≤ I ≤ 6 mol·kg-1 and T = 298.15K
    (2008) Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 53 (2), pp. 363-367.
    DOI: 10.1021/je700391c
    Bretti, C., Crea, F., Giuffrè, O., Sammartano, S.
    The effect of different aqueous ionic media on the acid-base properties of some open chain polyamines
    (2008) Journal of Solution Chemistry, 37 (2), pp. 183-201.
    DOI: 10.1007/s10953-007-9229-z
    Crea, F., Crea, P., De Stefano, C., Milea, D., Sammartano, S.
    Speciation of phytate ion in aqueous solution. Protonation in CsClaq at different ionic strengths and mixing effects in LiClaq + CsClaq
    (2008) Journal of Molecular Liquids, 138 (1-3), pp. 76-83.
    DOI: 10.1016/j.molliq.2007.08.024
    Crea, F., De Stefano, C., Milea, D., Sammartano, S.
    Formation and stability of phytate complexes in solution
    (2008) Coordination Chemistry Reviews, 252 (10-11), pp. 1108-1120.
    DOI: 10.1016/j.ccr.2007.09.008
    Crea, F., Foti, C., Sammartano, S.
    Sequestering ability of polycarboxylic ligands towards dioxouranium(VI)
    (2008) Talanta, 75 (3), pp. 775-785.
    DOI: 10.1016/j.talanta.2007.12.009
    Crea, F., De Stefano, C., Porcino, N., Sammartano, S.
    Sequestering ability of phytate towards protonated BPEI and other polyammonium cations in aqueous solution
    (2008) Biophysical Chemistry, 136 (2-3), pp. 108-114.
    DOI: 10.1016/j.bpc.2008.05.001
    OPEN ACCESS: All Open Access, Green
    Rosaria Panuccio, M., Crea, F., Sorgonà, A., Cacco, G.
    Adsorption of nutrients and cadmium by different minerals: Experimental studies and modelling
    (2008) Journal of Environmental Management, 88 (4), pp. 890-898.
    DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2007.04.015
    Cigala, R.M., Crea, F., Sammartano, S.
    Mixing effects on the protonation of polyacrylate in LiCl/KCl aqueous solutions at different ionic strengths, I = 1 to 3.5 mol L- 1, at T = 298.15 K
    (2008) Journal of Molecular Liquids, 143 (2-3), pp. 129-133.
    DOI: 10.1016/j.molliq.2008.07.001
    Bretti, C., Crea, F., De Stefano, C., Sammartano, S.
    Solubility and activity coefficients of 2,2′-bipyridyl, 1,10-phenanthroline and 2,2′,6′,2″-terpyridine in NaCl(aq) at different ionic strengths and T = 298.15 K
    (2008) Fluid Phase Equilibria, 272 (1-2), pp. 47-52.
    DOI: 10.1016/j.fluid.2008.07.010
    Crea, F., De Stefano, C., Milea, D., Sammartano, S.
    Speciation of phytate ion in aqueous solution. Thermodynamic parameters for zinc(II) sequestration at different ionic strengths and temperatures
    (2009) Journal of Solution Chemistry, 38 (1), pp. 115-134.
    DOI: 10.1007/s10953-008-9357-0
    Battaglia, G., Crea, F., Crea, P., De Stefano, C., Sammartano, S.
    Medium effect on the acid-base properties of branched polyethylenimine in different aqueous electrolyte solutions
    (2009) Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 54 (2), pp. 502-510.
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    Crea, F., De Stefano, C., Gianguzza, A., Pettignano, A., Piazzese, D., Sammartano, S.
    Acid-base properties of synthetic and natural poly electrolytes: Experimental results and models for the dependence on different aqueous media
    (2009) Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 54 (2), pp. 589-605.
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    Cigala, R.M., Crea, F., Stefano, C.D., Sammartano, S.
    Mixing effects on the protonation of polycarboxylates. Protonation of benzenehexacarboxylate in LiCl-KCl,NaCl-KCl,NaCl-LiCl,and LiCl-CsCl aqueous solutions at I = 1 mol·L-1 and T = 298.15 K
    (2009) Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 54 (7), pp. 2137-2139.
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    Cataldo, S., Crea, F., Gianguzza, A., Pettignano, A., Piazzese, D.
    Solubility and acid-base properties and activity coefficients of chitosan in different ionic media and at different ionic strengths, at T = 25 °C
    (2009) Journal of Molecular Liquids, 148 (2-3), pp. 120-126.
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    Berto, S., Crea, F., Daniele, P.G., De Stefano, C., Prenesti, E., Sammartano, S.
    Sequestering ability of Dicarboxylic ligands towards dioxouranium(VI) in NaCl and KNO3 aqueous solutions at T=298.15 K
    (2009) Journal of Solution Chemistry, 38 (10), pp. 1343-1356.
    DOI: 10.1007/s10953-009-9452-x
    Crea, F., De Stefano, C., Manfredi, G., Sammartano, S.
    Sequestration of some biogenic amines and poly(allyl)amine by high molecular weight polycarboxylic ligands in aqueous solution
    (2010) Journal of Molecular Liquids, 151 (2-3), pp. 138-144.
    DOI: 10.1016/j.molliq.2009.12.007
    Crea, F., De Stefano, C., Milea, D., Sammartano, S.
    Thermodynamic data for lanthanoid(III) sequestration by phytate at different temperatures
    (2010) Monatshefte fur Chemie, 141 (5), pp. 511-520.
    DOI: 10.1007/s00706-010-0303-7
    Crea, F., Gianguzza, A., Pettignano, A., Sammartano, S.
    Interactions of dioxouranium(VI) with polyamines in aqueous solution
    (2010) Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 55 (9), pp. 3044-3050.
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    Amaglo, N.K., Bennett, R.N., Lo Curto, R.B., Rosa, E.A.S., Lo Turco, V., Giuffrida, A., Curto, A.L., Crea, F., Timpo, G.M.
    Profiling selected phytochemicals and nutrients in different tissues of the multipurpose tree Moringa oleifera L., grown in Ghana
    (2010) Food Chemistry, 122 (4), pp. 1047-1054.
    DOI: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2010.03.073
    Cigala, R.M., Crea, F., Lando, G., Milea, D., Sammartano, S.
    Solubility and acid-base properties of concentrated phytate in self-medium and in NaClaq at T = 298.15 K
    (2010) Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 42 (11), pp. 1393-1399.
    DOI: 10.1016/j.jct.2010.06.005
    Cigala, R.M., Crea, F., Stefano, C.D., Lando, G., Milea, D., Sammartano, S.
    Electrochemical study on the stability of phytate complexes with Cu 2+, Pb2+, Zn2+, and Ni2+: A Comparison of Different Techniques †
    (2010) Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 55 (11), pp. 4757-4767.
    DOI: 10.1021/je100384f
    Berto, S., Crea, F., Daniele, P.G., De Stefano, C., Prenesti, E., Sammartano, S.
    Potentiometric and spectrophotometric characterization of the UO 2 2+-citrate complexes in aqueous solution, at different concentrations, ionic strengths and supporting electrolytes
    (2012) Radiochimica Acta, 100 (1), pp. 13-28.
    DOI: 10.1524/ract.2012.1897
    Cigala, R.M., Crea, F., De Stefano, C., Lando, G., Manfredi, G., Sammartano, S.
    Quantitative study on the interaction of Sn 2+ and Zn 2+ with some phosphate ligands, in aqueous solution at different ionic strengths
    (2012) Journal of Molecular Liquids, 165, pp. 143-153.
    DOI: 10.1016/j.molliq.2011.11.002
    Berto, S., Crea, F., Daniele, P.G., Gianguzza, A., Pettignano, A., Sammartano, S.
    Advances in the investigation of dioxouranium(VI) complexes of interest for natural fluids
    (2012) Coordination Chemistry Reviews, 256 (1-2), pp. 63-81.
    DOI: 10.1016/j.ccr.2011.08.015
    OPEN ACCESS: All Open Access, Green
    Bretti, C., Crea, F., De Stefano, C., Sammartano, S., Vianelli, G.
    Some thermodynamic properties of dl-Tyrosine and dl-Tryptophan. Effect of the ionic medium, ionic strength and temperature on the solubility and acid-base properties
    (2012) Fluid Phase Equilibria, 314, pp. 185-197.
    DOI: 10.1016/j.fluid.2011.10.007
    Bretti, C., Crea, F., De Stefano, C., Sammartano, S., Vianelli, G.
    Protonation constants, activity coefficients, and chloride ion pair formation of some aromatic amino-compounds in NaCl aq (0 mol·kg -1 ≤ i ≤ 3 mol·kg -1) at T = 298.15 K
    (2012) Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 57 (6), pp. 1851-1859.
    DOI: 10.1021/je300359s
    Cigala, R.M., Crea, F., De Stefano, C., Lando, G., Milea, D., Sammartano, S.
    The inorganic speciation of tin(II) in aqueous solution
    (2012) Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 87, pp. 1-20.
    DOI: 10.1016/j.gca.2012.03.029
    Crea, F., De Stefano, C., Manfredi, G., Sammartano, S.
    Quantitative study of the interaction between ATP and aromatic amines in aqueous solution
    (2012) Journal of Solution Chemistry, 41 (7), pp. 1240-1253.
    DOI: 10.1007/s10953-012-9865-9
    Cigala, R.M., Crea, F., De Stefano, C., Lando, G., Milea, D., Sammartano, S.
    Modeling the acid-base properties of glutathione in different ionic media, with particular reference to natural waters and biological fluids
    (2012) Amino Acids, 43 (2), pp. 629-648.
    DOI: 10.1007/s00726-011-1110-0
    Cigala, R.M., Crea, F., De Stefano, C., Lando, G., Milea, D., Sammartano, S.
    Thermodynamics of binary and ternary interactions in the tin(II)/phytate system in aqueous solutions, in the presence of Cl - or F -
    (2012) Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 51, pp. 88-96.
    DOI: 10.1016/j.jct.2012.02.026
    Crea, F., Cucinotta, D., De Stefano, C., Milea, D., Sammartano, S., Vianelli, G.
    Modeling solubility, acid-base properties and activity coefficients of amoxicillin, ampicillin and (+)6-aminopenicillanic acid, in NaCl(aq) at different ionic strengths and temperatures
    (2012) European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 47 (4), pp. 661-677.
    DOI: 10.1016/j.ejps.2012.08.005
    Crea, F., Foti, C., Milea, D., Sammartano, S.
    Speciation of cadmium in the environment
    (2013) Metal Ions in Life Sciences, 11, pp. 63-83.
    DOI: 10.1007/978-94-007-5179-8_3
    Crea, F., De Stefano, C., Manfredi, G., Sammartano, S.
    Thermodynamic study of the non covalent interactions of phytate with xanthine derivatives and histamine in aqueous solution
    (2013) Journal of Molecular Liquids, 178, pp. 37-43.
    DOI: 10.1016/j.molliq.2012.10.043
    Cigala, R.M., Crea, F., De Stefano, C., Milea, D., Sammartano, S., Scopelliti, M.
    Speciation of tin(II) in aqueous solution: Thermodynamic and spectroscopic study of simple and mixed hydroxocarboxylate complexes
    (2013) Monatshefte fur Chemie, 144 (6), pp. 761-772.
    DOI: 10.1007/s00706-013-0961-3
    Bretti, C., Crea, F., De Stefano, C., Foti, C., Materazzi, S., Vianelli, G.
    Thermodynamic properties of dopamine in aqueous solution. acid-base properties, distribution, and activity coefficients in NaCl aqueous solutions at different ionic strengths and temperatures
    (2013) Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 58 (10), pp. 2835-2847.
    DOI: 10.1021/je400568u
    Materazzi, S., Foti, C., Crea, F.
    Nickel and copper biomimetic complexes with N-heterocyclic dicarboxylic ligands
    (2013) Thermochimica Acta, 573, pp. 101-105.
    DOI: 10.1016/j.tca.2013.08.023
    Mazzaglia, A., Bondì, M.L., Scala, A., Zito, F., Barbieri, G., Crea, F., Vianelli, G., Mineo, P., Fiore, T., Pellerito, C., Pellerito, L., Costa, M.A.
    Supramolecular assemblies based on complexes of nonionic amphiphilic cyclodextrins and a meso-tetra(4-sulfonatophenyl)porphine tributyltin(IV) derivative: Potential nanotherapeutics against melanoma
    (2013) Biomacromolecules, 14 (11), pp. 3820-3829.
    DOI: 10.1021/bm400849n
    OPEN ACCESS: All Open Access, Green
    Crea, F., De Stefano, C., Foti, C., Milea, D., Sammartano, S.
    Chelating agents for the sequestration of mercury(II) and monomethyl mercury(II)
    (2014) Current Medicinal Chemistry, 21 (33), pp. 3819-3836.
    DOI: 10.2174/0929867321666140601160740
    Crea, F., Falcone, G., Foti, C., Giuffrè, O., Materazzi, S.
    Thermodynamic data for Pb2+ and Zn2+ sequestration by biologically important S-donor ligands, at different temperatures and ionic strengths
    (2014) New Journal of Chemistry, 38 (8), pp. 3973-3983.
    DOI: 10.1039/c4nj00830h
    Bretti, C., Cigala, R.M., Crea, F., Lando, G., Sammartano, S.
    Thermodynamics of proton binding and weak (Cl-, Na+ and K+) species formation, and activity coefficients of 1,2-dimethyl-3-hydroxypyridin-4-one (deferiprone)
    (2014) Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 77, pp. 98-106.
    DOI: 10.1016/j.jct.2014.05.006
    Materazzi, S., Foti, C., Crea, F., Risoluti, R., Finamore, J.
    Biomimetic complexes of divalent cobalt and zinc with N-heterocyclic dicarboxylic ligands
    (2014) Thermochimica Acta, 580, pp. 7-12.
    DOI: 10.1016/j.tca.2014.01.025
    Cigala, R.M., Cordaro, M., Crea, F., De Stefano, C., Fracassetti, V., Marchesi, M., Milea, D., Sammartano, S.
    Acid-base properties and alkali and alkaline earth metal complex formation in aqueous solution of diethylenetriamine- N, N, N ', N '', N ''-pentakis(methylenephosphonic acid) obtained by an efficient synthetic procedure
    (2014) Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 53 (23), pp. 9544-9553.
    DOI: 10.1021/ie500526r
    Crea, F., De Stefano, C., Milea, D., Pettignano, A., Sammartano, S.
    SALMO and S3M: A saliva model and a single saliva salt model for equilibrium studies
    (2015) Bioinorganic Chemistry and Applications, 2015, art. no. 267985, .
    DOI: 10.1155/2015/267985
    OPEN ACCESS: All Open Access, Gold, Green
    Cigala, R.M., Crea, F., De Stefano, C., Foti, C., Milea, D., Sammartano, S.
    Zinc(II) complexes with hydroxocarboxylates and mixed metal species with tin(II) in different salts aqueous solutions at different ionic strengths: Formation, stability, and weak interactions with supporting electrolytes
    (2015) Monatshefte fur Chemie, 146 (4), pp. 527-540.
    DOI: 10.1007/s00706-014-1394-3
    Bretti, C., Cigala, R.M., Crea, F., De Stefano, C., Vianelli, G.
    Solubility and modeling acid-base properties of adrenaline in NaCl aqueous solutions at different ionic strengths and temperatures
    (2015) European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 78, pp. 37-46.
    DOI: 10.1016/j.ejps.2015.06.025
    Bretti, C., Cigala, R.M., Crea, F., De Stefano, C., Lando, G., Sammartano, S.
    Thermodynamics of Zn2 + 2-mercaptopyridine-N-oxide and 2-hydroxypyridine-N-oxide interactions: Stability, solubility, activity coefficients and medium effects
    (2015) Journal of Molecular Liquids, 211, pp. 876-884.
    DOI: 10.1016/j.molliq.2015.08.007
    Cigala, R.M., Crea, F., De Stefano, C., Sammartano, S.
    Modelling the Hydrolysis of Mixed Mono-, Di- and Trimethyltin(IV) Complexes in Aqueous Solutions
    (2015) Journal of Solution Chemistry, 44 (8), pp. 1611-1625.
    DOI: 10.1007/s10953-015-0367-4
    Crea, F., De Stefano, C., Foti, C., Lando, G., Milea, D., Sammartano, S.
    Alkali Metal Ion Complexes with Phosphates, Nucleotides, Amino Acids, and Related Ligands of Biological Relevance. Their Properties in Solution
    (2016) Metal Ions in Life Sciences, 16, pp. 133-166.
    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-21756-7_5
    Bretti, C., Cigala, R.M., Crea, F., De Stefano, C., Foti, C., Pettignano, A., Sammartano, S.
    Polycarboxylic acids in sea water: acid–base properties, solubilities, activity coefficients, and complex formation constants at different salinities
    (2016) Monatshefte fur Chemie, 147 (9), pp. 1481-1505.
    OI: 10.1007/s00706-016-1758-y
    Cardiano, P., Cigala, R.M., Crea, F., Giacobello, F., Giuffrè, O., Irto, A., Lando, G., Sammartano, S.
    Sequestration of Aluminium(III) by different natural and synthetic organic and inorganic ligands in aqueous solution
    (2017) Chemosphere, 186, pp. 535-545.
    DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2017.08.015
    Crea, F., De Stefano, C., Irto, A., Milea, D., Pettignano, A., Sammartano, S.
    Modeling the acid-base properties of molybdate(VI) in different ionic media, ionic strengths and temperatures, by EDH, SIT and Pitzer equations
    (2017) Journal of Molecular Liquids, 229, pp. 15-26.
    DOI: 10.1016/j.molliq.2016.12.041
    Cigala, R.M., Crea, F., De Stefano, C., Sammartano, S., Vianelli, G.
    Thermodynamic Parameters for the Interaction of Amoxicillin and Ampicillin with Magnesium in NaCl Aqueous Solution, at Different Ionic Strengths and Temperatures
    (2017) Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 62 (3), pp. 1018-1027.
    DOI: 10.1021/acs.jced.6b00849
    Cardiano, P., Cigala, R.M., Crea, F., De Stefano, C., Giuffrè, O., Sammartano, S., Vianelli, G.
    Potentiometric, UV and 1H NMR study on the interaction of penicillin derivatives with Zn(II) in aqueous solution
    (2017) Biophysical Chemistry, 223, pp. 1-10.
    DOI: 10.1016/j.bpc.2017.01.002
    Cardiano, P., Crea, F., Foti, C., Giuffrè, O., Sammartano, S.
    Potentiometric, UV and 1H NMR study on the interaction of Cu2+ with ampicillin and amoxicillin in aqueous solution
    (2017) Biophysical Chemistry, 224, pp. 59-66.
    DOI: 10.1016/j.bpc.2017.04.001
    Bretti, C., Cigala, R.M., Crea, F., De Stefano, C., Gattuso, G., Irto, A., Lando, G., Milea, D., Sammartano, S.
    Thermodynamic Properties of O-Donor Polyelectrolytes: Determination of the Acid-Base and Complexing Parameters in Different Ionic Media at Different Temperatures
    (2017) Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 62 (9), pp. 2676-2688.
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    Rizzo, C., Genovese, G., Morabito, M., Faggio, C., Pagano, M., Spanò, A., Zammuto, V., Minicante, S.A., Manghisi, A., Cigala, R.M., Crea, F., Marino, F., Gugliandolo, C.
    Potential antibacterial activity of marine macroalgae against pathogens relevant for aquaculture and human health
    (2017) Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology, 11 (4), pp. 1695-1706.
    DOI: 10.22207/JPAM.11.4.07
    OPEN ACCESS: All Open Access, Gold, Green
    Crea, F., De Stefano, C., Milea, D., Sammartano, S.
    Phytate-molybdate(vi) interactions in NaCl(aq) at different ionic strengths: Unusual behaviour of the protonated species
    (2018) New Journal of Chemistry, 42 (10), pp. 7671-7679.
    DOI: 10.1039/c7nj04651k
    Irto, A., Cardiano, P., Chand, K., Cigala, R.M., Crea, F., De Stefano, C., Gano, L., Sammartano, S., Santos, M.A.
    Bifunctional 3-hydroxy-4-pyridinones as effective aluminium chelators: synthesis, solution equilibrium studies and in vivo evaluation
    (2018) Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry, 186, pp. 116-129.
    DOI: 10.1016/j.jinorgbio.2018.05.017
    Cigala, R.M., Crea, F., De Stefano, C., Irto, A., Sammartano, S.
    Use of Gantrez Copolymers as Potential Chelating Agent for the Selective Sequestration of Metal Ions. Studies of the Interactions in Aqueous Solution at Different Ionic Strengths and Temperatures
    (2018) Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 63 (11), pp. 4193-4204.
    DOI: 10.1021/acs.jced.8b00655
    Cataldo, S., Chiodo, V., Crea, F., Maisano, S., Milea, D., Pettignano, A.
    Biochar from byproduct to high value added material – A new adsorbent for toxic metal ions removal from aqueous solutions
    (2018) Journal of Molecular Liquids, 271, pp. 481-489.
    DOI: 10.1016/j.molliq.2018.09.009
    Irto, A., Cardiano, P., Chand, K., Cigala, R.M., Crea, F., De Stefano, C., Gano, L., Gattuso, G., Sammartano, S., Santos, M.A.
    New bis-(3-hydroxy-4-pyridinone)-NTA-derivative: Synthesis, binding ability towards Ca2+, Cu2+, Zn2+, Al3+, Fe3+ and biological assays
    (2018) Journal of Molecular Liquids, 272, pp. 609-624.
    DOI: 10.1016/j.molliq.2018.09.107
    Cardiano, P., Cigala, R.M., Crea, F., De Stefano, C., Milea, D., Sammartano, S.
    Characterization of the thermodynamic properties of some benzenepolycarboxylic acids: Acid-base properties, weak complexes, total and neutral species solubility, solubility products in NaClaq, (CH3)4NClaq and Synthetic Sea Water (SSW)
    (2019) Fluid Phase Equilibria, 480, pp. 41-52.
    DOI: 10.1016/j.fluid.2018.09.027
    Irto, A., Cardiano, P., Chand, K., Cigala, R.M., Crea, F., De Stefano, C., Gano, L., Gattuso, G., Sammartano, S., Santos, M.A.
    A new bis-(3-hydroxy-4-pyridinone)-DTPA-derivative: Synthesis, complexation of di-/tri-valent metal cations and in vivo M 3+ sequestering ability
    (2019) Journal of Molecular Liquids, 281, pp. 280-294.
    DOI: 10.1016/j.molliq.2019.02.042
    Irto, A., Cardiano, P., Cataldo, S., Chand, K., Cigala, R.M., Crea, F., De Stefano, C., Gattuso, G., Muratore, N., Pettignano, A., Sammartano, S., Santos, M.A.
    Speciation studies of bifunctional 3-hydroxy-4-pyridinone ligands in the presence of Zn2+ at different ionic strengths and temperatures
    (2019) Molecules, 24 (22), art. no. molecules24224084, .
    DOI: 10.3390/molecules24224084
    OPEN ACCESS: All Open Access, Gold, Green
    Crea, F., de Stefano, C., Irto, A., Lando, G., Materazzi, S., Milea, D., Pettignano, A., Sammartano, S.
    Understanding the solution behavior of epinephrine in the presence of toxic cations: A thermodynamic investigation in different experimental conditions
    (2020) Molecules, 25 (3), art. no. 511, .
    DOI: 10.3390/molecules25030511
    OPEN ACCESS: All Open Access, Gold, Green
    Crea, F., Pettignano, A.
    Special issue “chemical speciation of organic and inorganic components of environmental and biological interest in natural fluids: Behaviour, interaction and sequestration”
    (2020) Molecules, 25 (4), art. no. 826, .
    DOI: 10.3390/molecules25040826
    OPEN ACCESS: All Open Access, Gold, Green
    Cigala, R.M., Crea, F., De Stefano, C., Irto, A., Milea, D., Sammartano, S.
    Thermodynamic Behavior of Polyalcohols and Speciation Studies in the Presence of Divalent Metal Cations
    (2020) Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 65 (5), pp. 2805-2812.
    DOI: 10.1021/acs.jced.0c00120
    OPEN ACCESS: All Open Access, Hybrid Gold
    Arena, K., Brancato, G., Cacciola, F., Crea, F., Cataldo, S., De Stefano, C., Gama, S., Lando, G., Milea, D., Mondello, L., Pettignano, A., Plass, W., Sammartano, S.
    8-hydroxyquinoline-2-carboxylic acid as possible molybdophore: A multi-technique approach to define its chemical speciation, coordination and sequestering ability in aqueous solution
    (2020) Biomolecules, 10 (6), art. no. 930, pp. 1-21.
    DOI: 10.3390/biom10060930
    OPEN ACCESS: All Open Access, Gold, Green
    Cernaro, V., Loddo, S., Macaione, V., Ferlazzo, V.T., Cigala, R.M., Crea, F., De Stefano, C., Genovese, A.R.R., Gembillo, G., Bolignano, D., Santoro, D., Vita, R., Buemi, M., Benvenga, S.
    RAS inhibition modulates kynurenine levels in a CKD population with and without type 2 diabetes mellitus
    (2020) International Urology and Nephrology, 52 (6), pp. 1125-1133.
    DOI: 10.1007/s11255-020-02469-z
    Cigala, R.M., Crea, F., De Stefano, C., Irto, A., Sammartano, S.
    Nature as Resource. Thermodynamic characterization of natural and synthetic polymers and their sequestering ability towards some bivalent metal cations
    (2020) Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 150, art. no. 106205, .
    DOI: 10.1016/j.jct.2020.106205
    Irto, A., Cardiano, P., Chand, K., Cigala, R.M., Crea, F., De Stefano, C., Gattuso, G., Sammartano, S., Santos, M.A.
    Complexation of environmentally and biologically relevant metals with bifunctional 3-hydroxy-4-pyridinones
    (2020) Journal of Molecular Liquids, 319, art. no. 114349, .
    DOI: 10.1016/j.molliq.2020.114349
    Cataldo, S., Crea, F., Massaro, M., Milea, D., Pettignano, A., Riela, S.
    Functionalized Halloysite Nanotubes For Enhanced Removal Of Hg2+ Ions From Aqueous Solutions
    (2021) Clays and Clay Minerals, .
    DOI: 10.1007/s42860-021-00112-1
    OPEN ACCESS: All Open Access, Hybrid Gold
    Spoto S.E., Somma R. And Crea F.
    Using A Forensic - Based Learning Approach To Teach Geochemistry.
    (2021) Aapp | Atti Della Accademia Peloritana Dei Pericolanti. Classe Di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche E Naturali
    Issn 1825-1242 Vol. 98, No. S1, A1. Doi: 10.1478/Aapp.98s1a1

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