Bandi e Concorsi: 
Public Competition for admission to Research Doctorate Courses 33° Cycle

Published in register at no. 64 of 26.07.2017 the Public Call for titles and Exams, for the admission to twelve PhD courses in the University of Messina - XXXIII cycle: Biologia applicata e medicina sperimentale; Biotecnologie mediche e chirurgiche; Cyber Physical Systems; Economics, Management and Statistics, Fisica; Ingegneria e chimica dei materiali e delle costruzioni; Scienze biomediche cliniche e sperimentali; Scienze chimiche; Scienze cognitive; Scienze Giuridiche; Scienze storiche, archeologiche e filologiche; Scienze veterinarie.

The procedure for submitting the application for participation in the selection is available at the link

Scholarships may be increased as a result of the University participation in the procedures provided for by the Decree of MIUR n. 1377/2017 June 05, 2017 aimed to finance additional scholarships for doctoral degrees using European funds coming from PON RI (ESF)..

Data Pubblicazione: 
Mercoledì, Luglio 26, 2017
Scadenza Presentazione Domanda: 
Venerdì, Agosto 25, 2017 (Tutto il giorno)

Public Competition for admission to n° 12 Research Doctorate Courses 33rd Cycle - D.R. n°1593/2017, prot. 54941 of July 26, 2017

Venerdì, Agosto 25, 2017
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