

Profilo: Professori Ordinari



Laureato in Ingegneria Navale presso l'Università di Genova nel 2006, ha ricevuto il Dottorato di Ricerca in Ingegneria Industriale presso l'Università di Messina nel 2009, con una tesi sulla fluidodinamica computazionale e sperimentale su carene plananti. Attualmente è Professore Associato in Disegno Industriale. E' autore di numerosi articol scientifici riguardanti la fluidodinamica computazionale (CFD), scansione 3D, l'analisi delle immagini, la modellazione virtuale, la fotogrammetria e l'ottimizzazione topologica. E' attivo nello sviluppo di regole tecniche internazionali sia per l'International Organization for Standardization (ISO TC/8 SC12) che per la Unione International Motonautique (UIM). Dal 2016 insegna Disegno Industriale e Modellazione avanzata al computer presso l'Università di Messina nei corsi di Ingegneria Industriale e Ingegneria Meccanica. Nel passato ha tenuto i corsi di Architettura Navale e Geometria dei Galleggianti per Ingegneria Navale. Ha effettuato una collaborazione con l'University of Massachusetts Dartmouth (USA) per la fluidodinamica di un Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUV) nel 2007 e nel periodo 2013-2015 lo sviluppo di un progetto Europeo (PON02_00153_2939534) su un Autonomous Surface Vehicle (ASV) di tipo Air Cavity Ship (ACS).


    Filippo Cucinotta, master graduate in Naval Engineering at University of Genoa (Italy) in 2006, received his Ph.D. degree in Industrial Engineering at University of Messina (Italy) in 2009 with a thesis on computational and experimental fluid dynamic on planing hulls.
    He is Associate Professor at University of Messina since 2021 in Design Methods for Industrial Engineering, SSD ING-IND/15 (qualified with the National Scientific Qualification in the same scientific sector since 2019).
    He is author of several scientific papers, on international journals, about computational fluid dynamic (CFD), image analysis, virtual modeling, photogrammetry and topology optimization.
    He is inventor of the international patent application n. PCT/IT2019/000051 filed on the 18th of June 2018 whose applicant is the University of Messina and whose title is “Gliding hull with motor gas insufflation in water”.
    He is a member of the Board of Professors of the PhD Course in Engineering and Chemistry of Materials and Constructions at the University of Messina (since the 34th cycle).
    He is Design and testing supervisor for the UIM (Union Internationale Motonautique) for material certification for offshore competitions.  
    He is also Project leader in ISO (International Organization for Standardization) TC8 SC12 for the ISO 30008 (special requirements for the recycling of large yachts).
    Since 2016 he teaches Industrial Design and Advanced Computer Modeling at University of Messina in the Mechanical Engineering course. In the past, he taught Naval architecture, and Geometry of floating bodies.
    He has participated in the following projects:
    2017-2020: “Community Monitoring, Control and Information System: Towards A Common Maritime Zone”, Research & Mobility (partnership between University of Messina, University of Oslo (N) and University of Gent (B)).
    2012-2015: Project HIDRA, “Nuove metodologie per la riduzione dell’impatto ambientale e dei consumi energetici durante la fase di produzione e di esercizio di imbarcazioni da diporto”, PON02_00153_2939534, Cup F: B68J12000340007.
    2012-2014: Project FORMATELO, PON01_02380, CUP J48F11000120005.
    He studied in collaboration with University of Massachusetts Dartmouth (USA) the fluid dynamics of an Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUV) in 2007 and, in the 2013-2015 period, he developed within a European Project (PON02_00153_2939534) an Autonomous Surface Vehicle (ASV).
    He has had several research grants: in 2009 about monitoring of naval engines; in 2010 about CFD multiphase models; in 2011 about Finite Elements Method (FEM) applied for welded joints modelling; in 2012 about naval structures.
    He is Affiliated to the Italian Association of Industrial Engineering Design and Methods (ADM) since 2016.
    Since 2015 he is Councillor of the Executive Council of the “Centro Universitario di Studi sui Trasporti CUST EUROMED Elio Fanara".
    He has been a thesis supervisor of more than 50 theses, and he was project manager, for the University of Messina, of the construction of 4 sail boats for the competition 1001 vela cup.
    He has administrative experience since he was municipal councillor, president of the municipal aquarium and member of the port committee of Messina.

I dati visualizzati nella sezione sono recuperati dalla Procedura Gestione Carriere e Stipendi del Personale (CSA), dalla Procedura Gestione Studenti (ESSE3), da Iris e dal Sito Docenti MIUR.
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